Women with Animals

A Beastality Ad, Drew me in Deeply


I’m in my mid thirties, not a bad body, some would say I’m even good looking, average size breasts – well paying job, that gives me the opportunity to enjoy a few extras.

The only thing lacking was my sex life … I’d hooked up with a few guys over the years, most if not all ended poorly. Some men I picked up were fantastic with the way they made love, stamina was incredible, the size they used gave me all I could have ever wanted, the problem happened when they finished. They knew it had been a mind blowing experience, so immediate dominance took over, expecting me to become submissive, so grateful I had been used by someone so wonderful – the second group were over so quickly, in many cases I didn’t even know he was in me.

Trying a short time with women was extremely satisfying, but finding someone who was comfortable to be with when we weren’t making love, hadn’t happened so far.

Since this was something I worked on – wishing someday I’d find a perfect partner – I suppose that is why I was receiving so much spam about sites to join, places to visit where I would be guaranteed to find that perfect ‘Person’.

One day a text showed up, “Guaranteed your love life will take a new turn” It didn’t have the look of a con or spam, so I opened the message, which showed me pics of a beautiful farm with women who seemed to be totally satisfied, just having enjoyed what looked like the most erotic and enjoyable orgasm any woman could have ever experienced.

Each of them were setting, legs wide open, cum dripping out of a well used pussy, their eyes floating in their heads … a few times I have been close to feeling like this, but only a few times, but this site guaranteed a feeling like this every time – all you had to do was sign up for a few days, weeks, even months at this vacation site – they promised you’d enjoy it so much, before you left you’d be signing up for an additional visit.

Needless to say this had my curiosity peaked, that was until I entered the personal information that I realized the companions that gave all of these women the best sex ever, were dogs. This was a beastality site, advertising a get-away camp for females who enjoyed this type of lifestyle or were interested in seeing what it was like.

Normally I’d have just shut the site down, but the women all looked so satisfied. Some were cute, some not so much, some fat, some thin … they were all different but each and everyone had that same far away look on their face, like they’d just enjoyed something no one had words for.

Closing the site, there was no way I was going to vacation at a fuck farm, but the satisfaction was all the same – which kept me thinking about what this must feel like.

Every Saturday I’d go walking in the morning around a park just across the street from my place. It was an older park, lots of trails, plenty of trees, making many of the trails almost secluded to one or two people each day.

One day I walked around there, a big beautiful black and gray hound came running up … greeting me this time, just like he did every time I’d see him – burying his nose directly between my legs, pressing upward- so strong he literally lifted me up on my toes – he’d sniff a few times than when I’d push him away .. sometimes he’d stay around to be played with, sometimes he’d be gone. To tell the truth, besides enjoying the walk, how quiet the place was, seeing the huge dog always made me smile.

A few days after I’d seen the porn site, as soon as I entered the park, the big clown came running up as usual. Driving his snout between my legs, lifting upward – making me moan while my eyes rolled up in my head.

Somehow he sensed something different following me deep in the park, laying down just a few feet in front of me, never breaking eye contact with me.

While I sat there looking at him, I kept wondering how it would feel if I let him use me like I’d seen in those videos.

I was in a dream-like state, suddenly focusing on him, laying on his back, legs spread wide apart, his huge rocket was out of its sheath, making me gasp seeing the size as well as how large that knot was.

Staring between his legs, I could have sworn the shaft was moving gently up and down, almost as if it were trying to hypnotize me, drawing me deeper and deeper under his control.

I kept thinking of the women I had seen how much they seemed to enjoy what was happening, thinking of what it would be like to submit to this one, feel that shaft inside me, pumping as fast as they all seem to do. The more I dreamed of what it would be like, a wave of excitement continued to build between my legs.

Finally, standing to head home, the huge animal followed behind closely, all the way to my place, settling down on my front porch falling asleep quickly or what looked like he was asleep.

No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to get these thoughts out of my mind, but Sunday through Friday I’d head to my car. He was always there, but didn’t seem to notice I was leaving or when I was coming back. I knew he would go some place during the day, but he wasn’t interested until Saturday morning.

I had been thinking of him continually, so much so that when I got ready for my trek, slipping on a mini skirt, leaving off the panties – not sure why, but I felt so naughty when I headed out, as soon as I stepped outside, his nose was buried between my legs, lifting his head up, since I had no panties on, his big tongue wrapped between my legs, pulling the rough surface over my lips, making me gasp, grabbing his head to help me remain standing – his tongue licked me two more times, before I had to set down on one of my chairs – spreading the legs wide – his head buried deep between my legs, that marvelous tongue somehow became long and narrow, slipping easily inside me.

That was all it took, my body shook, convulsed – then exploded with a massive climax, more intense then I’d ever enjoyed before … he seemed satisfied to stay in place licking the juices rushing from inside me. I lay there, legs sprawled out in front of me, totally exhausted, knowing there would be no walking today.

Finally getting the strength to go back inside, but still moving on shaky legs, never enjoying an orgasm like he had just given me … A small snack, soda relaxed me enough to take a small nap, waking – facing what had just happened, a dog, a dog had licked me between my legs, giving me the most fantastic orgasm I’d ever had

Taking a much needed hot shower, slipping on a long sleeved men’s shirt, staying nude below that, went out to the porch wanting to enjoy the early sunset. To my surprise the huge beast was still there – as soon as I sat down – his head was between my legs, immediately enjoying his tongue licking the over sensitive pussy area.

So many mixed emotions were surging through me, I was allowing a dog to give me limited sexual pleasure, never in my life had I enjoyed such an intense orgasm – but what his tongue was doing between my legs, more than quieted any objections I may have been feeling.

Grabbing his head, wrapping my legs around his thick neck, knowing soon I’d be crashing just like earlier – but he was doing something different this time. The tongue kept licking, slipping deep inside me … he seemed to sense when I was coming close to an explosion – somehow he would change speeds or lick just a little different – bringing me to the edge then slowing down, to the edge and again slowing down … after what had to be a good half hour.

By this time, I was clawing at his head, my hips writing around the long snout, legs gripping then flying wide open … eyes had lost focus, what was happening no longer made any sense – just the need for some relief…. I’d been on the edge for so long … by now I’d have done anything just to enjoy the building need for relief – suddenly without any indication he pulled away, leaving me begging him to not go … my pussy pulsating – while watching him run back to the park.

Plunging both of my hands between my legs, inserting two fingers inside me, pumping frantically in and out … finally shaking while the release rushes over me. Legs spread wide apart, eyes glazed over, realizing this was not what I needed, but it did take care of the immediate need.

Finally making it inside, so exhausted … barely able to fix a meal, followed by a relaxing bath then falling asleep – still not satisfied with what he did to me.

Sleeping late, still feeling strange by not being satisfied, enjoying something to eat and drink, slipping on another large man’s dress shirt, staying nude beneath, stepping out on the front porch, cup of coffee in hand, as soon as I sat down, he was back, moving quickly between my legs, I barely sat the drink down – it felt so good having his tongue arousing me –
but this time he kept me on the edge for a much longer time then earlier … to the point I was begging him to let me cum – even though I knew he couldn’t understand me

Shock set in when he suddenly stopped licking and left – screaming at him to come back, I needed him to help me – but he was gone back into the park – on shaky legs, making it back to the kitchen – grabbing a medium sized zucchini squash, plunging it in me, pushing it in and out frantically … it didn’t take long for me to explode, but it wasn’t what I needed. Even though I’d exploded – the juices had flowed … somehow deep inside I needed more – much more.

The day passed with me completely confused … desperately needing more.

Night was restless, continually opening and closing my legs, rubbing my hands over my excited puffy lips – by sunrise – it was clear what was needed. Staying nude, opening the front door, not at all surprised he was there waiting – inviting him in, moving to the back yard, my patio is one hundred percent private – leaning down on an ottoman, separating my legs wide – this time his licking felt different, more exciting, spiking my arousal instantly

Resting my head on the surface, knowing this could all be if I just stood up, but the way he had prepared me, made it impossible for me to stop what was about to happen.

Jumping upon my back, the huge member sliding in easily, surprising me by the length and girth, my eyes losing focus, plunging me into an erotic haze. The pumping started as soon as he was all the way in … the speed, how much force was being applied, caused me to raise my head, gasping – now I understood why the women in the video had looked so satisfied … his tongue had shot me to the edge quickly, much faster than I had wanted but now the way he was pushing in quickly pulling out back in again … had sent me to a new place, a sexual place no one ever talks about – a place that can only be found when an animal takes you there.

Gripping the edge of the surface, trying to hang on, my poor nipples becoming sore from the rubbing he was putting them through.

Eyes glazed over, new mini explosions were taking place, each time he pumped in – it should not have surprised me that he’d be different than any I’d seen on my computer – the knot didn’t start to press immediately, instead he kept fucking – when I felt the pressure of him trying to push it in, my body was so exhausted, there wasn’t much resistance – it seemed to slide in, triggering the biggest, most intense orgasm I have ever felt. Wave after wave of pure pleasure rumbled through me, the creamy substance I usually discharge when I cum, this time was more of a flow, being forced out between my opening and his pumping pole.

His massive body stopped on top of me, a warm, warmer than I was expecting, started to fill me. This combined with everything else he’d done to me, made my head drop down, eyes lost all focus, body began to shake – my whole body convulsing while I discharged large amounts of my creamy substance … now mixing with his.

My body continued to shake, how long we were locked – was unknown, how long or how much of his seed was pumped in me – also unknown. Eventually he pulled out, lay on his side a few feet away – the rigid pleasure pole still hard and erect, but covered with our juices.

Crawling to him, internally knowing what was expected … taking hold of the pink rocket, stroking it a few times then licking the underside before swallowing as much as I could. This new taste instantly addicting me to the wildness … knowing I would be giving him many many blowjobs between times he was fucking me.

Setting back with my legs tucked under me, rubbing his tummy, “So this was your plan all along to make me your fuck bitch, guess you might as well move in, I know I can’t live without you using me”

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