Women with Animals

Near Death by Horse


© 2022 by Yerl

As a catwalk model I thought as a wide eyed teen entering the profession the world would of been my oyster, not so.

The more successful I became the more ingenuous sycophants I seemed to attract, the trick is identifying them and their agenda. I became more and more suspicious of peoples supposed friendship but I was desperate for a fulfilling sexual relationship.

My trouble was, I found ‘normal’ sex so totally unfilling, licking a girls anus or wierd vaginal insertions was what rang my bell. Along with drinking a girl’s pee from the source or the occasional chance to suck a dog’s cock was never far from my mind.

With those ideas of fun I kept my distance and people thought I was aloof but that wasn’t so, I was just desperate to find a sexual outlet to that matched my perverted persona.

One of my more risky and quite recent adventures was finding sex shops with video booths and gloryholes. Sucking an anonymous cock and swallowing ejaculations, I found just so devine, eight in one evening was my record, yum!

It was a knife-edge I walked between a well known face on the catwalk to the anonymous sex pervert. Travelling to places where my face wasn’t known gave me a few more opportunites, from being a part-time street whore giving away free bare back fucks to being dog fucked by a stray down a dirty alley on all fours, that was awesome!

Those sojourns into the underworld were rare, mostly I satisfied myself by putting larger larger objects into my vagina and anus including a specially purchased bed post for exactly that purpose. I’d climb onto the bed and lower myself onto the bulbous finials then let my body weight force it into my vagina or anus, oo, I love how easily I can fist myself now.

The only downside of these stretching activities than more vulva and labia were just massive now, not that’s a negative in itself but it is wearing lingerie on a catwalk were my labials are determined to escape their captivity and display themselves. The last time that happened I squatted and the end of my walk and the whole lot dropped out to raptuous applause from my dedicated groupies, another reason I was unpopular with my peers.

Initially the proprietors were a little peeved with my followers until they realised each show I was in was absolutely packed and they were selling out of everything I modelled.

Came the special lingerie shows of invitation only and very hush, hush, which basically meant all the models were near naked and I with my crotchless panties and three inches of cuntmeat hanging out and my breasts bound to go purple brought the house down, I enjoyed those nights as rare as they were.

Along with all that came the monetary rewards and a new sports car and a fateful drive into the country to test it out, wow the roar of the V8 in my shiny new Mustang made my clitoris sing, having an orgasm at 100mph is probably not the safest thing to do but boy it was just exhilerating.

I pulled over into a secluded layby to frenetically masturbate fisting myself till I orgasmed again, as I slowly began to calm down and get my breath I became aware I was being watched. I turned around expecting to see some leering face but no!

Just over the fence next to me in the hidden layby was a magnificent grey stallion with his nostrils flaring and I realised he was breathing and relishing my vaginal fragrance. I climbed out of my car legs spread wide letting the breeze waft my cunt juice perfume over to the stallion whom immediately whinnied in apreciation.

“Oh, you cheeky thing, mm, you like that do you?” I chuckled and he rolled back his top lip in response and flared his nostrils again.

I walked slowly over to him and he straind against the fence to greet me I offered my hand for him to sniff and he literally shivered in ecstasy. I stroked his neck and then I caught a glimpse of movement below him so I slowly ducked down to look.

I wiped my vulva with my full hand and offered my hand for him to lick, “Oh my, gawd!” I squeaked as I saw the full length of his erection twitch, “Oh, darling that is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, oh, please let me hold your magnificent cock?”

I looked up and down the layby and there was a gate behind some trees, I tip toed down there and he followed me and I slipped through the gate. The huge stallion walked up to me and knuckered making me grab my crotch and offer my hand again to him. I began stroking him getting closer and closer to his rear, he seemed to sense where I was heading and offered his quarters to me. For the first time I held onto a horses erection with both hands and it thrilled me to the core to feel the power of that two foot penis. It was just magnificent and he was already streaming pre-cum from his urethra. I just had to taste it from my fingers and liked it a lot, carefully I leaned forward to press my mouth against his glans and he whinnied again.

I licked and sucked him for a while thinking was I going to try something really stupid, of course I was. I positioned my self under his huge frame and he instinctively began to thrust against my buttocks. I reached behind me to quide his massive phallus into my aching vagina.

With one thrust he entered me up to his preputial ring I found out it was called that later. I braced myself against front legs as his thrusting increased in depth and intensity until I screamed in agony as his rock hard erection ripped my vaginal wall.

I was conscious for one last thrust as I felt the enormous gush of cool semen fill my vagina and flood into my entrails through the vaginal wall rupture.

As I hit the dirt I cried out, “You stupid girl!”

When I awoke I was laying in the grass and it was dark, I was only dressed in the skimpiest of light short dresses with no bra or panties. With great effort I got to my feet and lifted my dress hem to to see my blood and semen covered thighs but not the amount of blood I was expecting.

“Oh, you’ve got away with that one girl!” I laughed out loud, “geezus, you idiot, faack, that was fantastic!”

I made my way back to the car fumbling my way through the gate, sitting back in my car I examined my bleeding introitus with my compact mirror, “Argh…, that’s less than a period. I fumbled through my handbag to find a tampon and inserted it into my vagina.

It was a more sedate drive home sitting on a towel but I could feel I was indeed internally damaged as it began to really hurt but I groaned in delight. A shower then a douché but I was still bleeding and the pain was getting worse. I needed to go to Emergency but with what story?

I looked out of the window thinking what to say as I could feel the blood flowing past the tampon and I saw the moonlight glint off the swimming pool and groaned out loud with relief, a dive stick injury!

It meant a change into my one piece a quick dip in the pool to smell of chlorine and hunt for the old banned dive stick and to select the longest. I removed my tampon and inserted the iridescent blue dive stick deep into my vagina swallowing it completely and easily.

Wrapped in a bloodied towel I drove myself to the hospital, I staggered through the doors and was immediately met by two triage nurses.

“What’s in earth happened dear, have you been raped?” croaked the young nurse.

“No…,!” I stammered thinking I had been really, “no, of course not, I bombed into the pool onto a dive stick and I think it’s still in me!”

“Come this way dear,” said the other pretty nurse as they led me slowly into a cubicle and drew the curtain as a rather attractive lady Doctor arrived. There I was laying naked on a couch with three lovely ladies examining my genitals, I so wanted to masturbate.

I felt her slim fingers pull open my labias, “How long is the object do you know?” asked the doctor as I stiffled my orgasm.

“I have no idea all I can tell you it hurts, and I’ve lost a lot of blood!” I rasped putting it on a bit.

“I think the object must of penetrated your vaginal wall so let’s get you into theatre!” said the Doctor leaving the young nurse staring at my vulva literally licking her lips.

“You can touch me I won’t break!” I purred.

“Oh, I really shouldn’t, I’ve never seen such a beautiful vulva!” sighed the young nurse.

“Quick lick me out, I’ll cum in an instant! ” I begged and she did sucking my 2″ clitoris into her mouth and I did instantly orgasm squirting in her face and partially ejecting the bright blue 2″ diameter plastic sausage.

“Oh, gawd I need to wank!” whispered the nurse as the curtains opened.

“Oh, nurse Grace you have pulled out the object, well done…, shall we see how long it is!” said the Doctor.

As the Doctor wws concentrating pulling out the dive stick from my vagina I slipped my hand up the young nurses uniform and found her soaking wet panties crotch and forced her vulva into my fingers.

“Oh, my oh, my madam, it’s 18″ long, admirable you can take so much, if you pardon me saying so but let’s see what damage has been done!” croaked the Doctor.

“May I assist in the theatre please Doctor?” asked the nurse.

“Yes, yes of course!” said the Doctor and left.

“Oh, my gawd, I think she was really turned on by pulling it out of your gorgeous cunt!” laughed the nurse.

“Well that makes three of us!” I chuckled and the nurse giggled.

I was wheeled up on a trolley to the theatre given a local anaesthetic and a large speculum inserted into my introitus, “Your vaginal wall is definately perforated and it’s oozing a translucent fluid, I’ll need to get that tested!” sighed the Doctor.

“Don’t bother I can tell you what it is!” I rasped.

The doctor stood up to look at me with a quizzical look on her face, “Urgh…, so what is it, may I ask?”

“Horse semen! The dive stick was just a ruse to explain away the cunt injury!” I whispered.

“Wow…, I can see why…, well um…, nurse Grace, I think we can keep this to ourselves can’t we?” whispered the doctor.

“Oh, I think so doctor as long as the lady lets make house calls to let us examine her beautiful vulva on a regular basis, purely professionally of course,” chuckled the nurse tweaking my clitoris.

“And more importantly where I can find the horse that fucked you so I can have 18″ of beautiful hard horse cock thrust into my cunt! Wow I’m so jealous!” rasped the doctor.

“Mm…, I might tell you as long as pretty nurse Grace nurse here promises to lick me out on a regular basis!” I purred to the nurses delight.

“Oh yes please…, I might even try just 12″ of horse cock myself!” gasped the nurse and we all laughed.



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