Women with Animals

My New Home


I don’t know what the problem is, well, I know what the problem is, I just didn’t know how to fix it. I come from a wealthy family and as such have never been required to work. My father is old school and felt that a woman should marry and support her husband in his career. No need for college or higher education of any sort.

I have two brothers, one older and one younger. Dad always doted on the boys. Don’t get me wrong, Dad loved me and showered me with his love, he just expected more from the boys. They were after all going to carry on his family name. Being quite shy, I didn’t date or attend parties. I was very content, staying home and reading or surfing the net. I do get horny and satisfy myself when it becomes necessary.

I’ll admit, sometimes I get worked up and search out the porn sites. I like all kinds of porn when I’m in that way. If I’m not all lathered up though, porn doesn’t interest me. Finding a mate is not for me. I don’t like being around people and even when my parents put on a party for their friends and co-workers, I hide in my room upstairs. My family accepts my quirks and because I have nothing to do with the family business, I am left to my own devices.

Dad solved my problem by accident. On my 21st birthday, Dad called me into his study. The study meant that something serious was about to be discussed. Usually, one of us had done something wrong and was summonsed to “The Study” (Foreboding Music here). I don’t believe I have done anything wrong. I have a Platinum Visa, but my spending has never been an issue, because I don’t waste it. It’s my birthday, it can’t be a bad thing.

Knocking on the two large oak doors at the entrance to my father’s study I waited for his voice. Turns out to be good news. My father had set aside a trust fund for me that matured on my 21st birthday. He was turning it over to me. He also asked me to do him a favor. My Grandfather, his father, had died a year past and his home was not being lived in. My father asked me to move there and take care of the place until they could decide what to do with it. He even said if I wanted the place, it was mine. He said he was doing this because he knew my brothers had been favored. They both wanted the place, but if I wanted it, they were out. I suspect Dad also wanted me out in the world and not a recluse in his home. I agreed to check it out and let him know.

I have been to my grandfather’s place many times. I spent my summers there as a child. It’s a five-bedroom home on a lake he built on 25 acres after he got back from WWII. Its location gives way to all four seasons and Grandpa lived there year-round: snow be damned. There is a barn that used to house 3 or 4 horses. And dogs, Grandpa always had a dog or two. I love animals and we always had small dogs. ankle biters. I loved them but didn’t think of them as real dogs. I wanted a DOG.

I was up there in my 18th year, enjoying the lake and the way it made me feel when I went horseback riding. With all that bouncing in the saddle, if I sat just right, I would end up with a wet stain in my jeans. That year Grandpa had two German Shepherd dogs and they were along with me when I went riding one morning. I loved this place because I was alone. Except for Grandma and Grandpa, I was completely alone.

Anyway, I found myself on the other side of the lake sitting in a grassy area letting the horse graze and the dogs, whom Grandpa called Peg and Al, were romping in and out of the lake. I watched not four feet from me, Al sniffed Peg’s ass and then mounted her. This shocked and intrigued me, being right there, so close, I could see his penis. I remember dog dicks being like lipsticks, but this was growing long and thick. My mouth dropped as I saw the size and full-length of it.

I watched as Al humped at Peg’s hind quarters. I rolled over to my side, so I could get a better look and I watched as Al found his mark and drove that cock into Peg. He was moving fast, and it took a few pokes, but he sank it deep, and I watched as he bucked in her. I felt that itch in my groin and I moved a hand to rub myself through my jeans.

I was impressed at his staying power as he moved that purple-veined, knotted cock in and out of Peg as she stood there with her tongue rolling out the side of her snout. “Yeah girl, I’ll bet it does,” I said to Peg out loud. I could tell when Al let loose, he drove it home and his pumps became slow and deep. Now I was in close, my head almost under Peg and I watched that fat cock. He was stuck inside of Peg and they ended up butt to butt until it plopped out of her. I could see the knob in the middle and he was still hunching a little as he continued to shoot squirts of cum onto the grass.

Before I realized what I was doing, I wrapped my hand around it. Peg walked away and laid down licking herself, while I forced Al to lay on his side as I stroked that hot cock. I had never even touched a man’s cock yet and I was jacking Grandpa’s dog. I couldn’t stop and Al was licking my hand. I felt the heat of it. I rubbed the bulbous knot, fascinating. I bent down and smelled it. Still hard, Al lay there like he had a smile on, his tongue hanging to the side. Dare I, can I bring myself to taste it? My head slowly started to lower, was I, can I?

My cell started ringing, bringing me back to reality, Al jumped up and trotted away. What the fuck? I was going to suck a dog’s dick. It was Grandma on the phone telling me to come for lunch. I took the long way, on the back of my horse, and came harder than I ever had before. I had to change my pants before going to eat. I haven’t thought about that in a long time.

I told my father I wanted it and would be moving there promptly. I planned to meet the caretaker. I went out and bought a Range Rover so I would have good transportation. I’ve heard it can get a bit cagy in rough weather. It being springtime, I was just planning for future events.

It took me three days to drive to my new home. I was met by a nice old coot, named Bill. He showed me a couple of things I would need to have fixed, but overall, it was in good condition. As I was walking him back to the car, he said that there was one more thing, but before he could get it out, I heard a deep barking coming from the woods. A large brown and tan German Shepard came running towards me.

“Al?” I asked out loud. I took a knee as this beautiful animal smothered me in a tongue bath. “Al?” I said again.

“You two have met?” Bill inquired hopefully.

“How ya doing Al? Where’s Peg?”

Bill spoke up, “Ah, the lass past a wee back. As I was saying, there’s one more thing. The dog comes with the house. If you don’t want him…”

“Of course I want him, were old pals.” I gushed, rubbing all over his body.

“Perfect, here are the keys to the house, barn, wine cellar. You know there are several cars your grandfather owned. They are in the back garage. And finally, here is the information to access the weapons locker. Were you aware of the locker?”

“Oh yes, Grandpa taught me to shoot and maintain all of his weapons, thank you so much Bill, you’ve been great.”

As he got into his pickup, he said, “You have my number if you need anything.”

“Thanks again.” And he drove off, leaving Al by my side. “Looks like it’s just me and you Old Buddy. He barked, he knows, he is a smart dog. With both our tails wagging went ran into the house. The first thing I did was raid the liquor cabinet. I poured a strong rum and Coke and was looking through the spirits and came upon a small metal box. It was locked, so I looked at the key ring Bill had given me and tried a couple that looked close. One worked, I found an address book with names and numbers and a letter envelope with my name on it.

Opening the envelope revealed a letter in my grandpa’s hand. “Dear Granddaughter, if you’re reading this, you are the new owner and I’m so glad it went to you. I love my grandsons, but you will get more out of this home than they ever would. You are like me, except for our family, the rest of the world can just stay out there. I was always very content right here and I know you will be too. You have here a few names and numbers. Most are obvious, plumber, AC guy, etc. However, there are two names you need to know about. They are Smoke and Other. Smoke’s a woman and will get you all the weed you want and Other can get you psychedelics. They are good people who know who you are, just call if you need them. Stay away from all the other bullshit drugs. I mean it. Love You.”

From the long trip and all the excitement of starting a new adventure. On my third drink, I decided to take a shower and get comfortable. Heading upstairs, fourth drink in my hand, Al was at my side. Maybe he sensed Grandpa in me, but he was right there. It is a beautiful master suite with a full private bath/spa. I will shop tomorrow, but T-shirts and panties for tonight I thought in my boozy condition. I was having fun. I started stripping to get in the shower and looking at Al said, “Don’t watch, you bad dog.” His tail wagged as he sat there watching me. I pulled my shirt over my head and dropped my jeans to the floor. With no bra, I just had panties left. I grasped a handicap bar that had been installed previously and pushed my panties down with the other. As soon as I bent over, Al’s cold, wet nose pushed against my taint and in one quick motion, licked me from my clit, parting my lips and then across my asshole.

Had I not had ahold of the bar, I would have toppled over onto my head. I jerked straight up and spun yelling bad dog. I don’t know if I was mad or just spooked. His tail was wagging and now that I was facing him, without warning, he stuck that cold nose in my crouth and gave it another lick. This one sent a jolt through me. Then another and then three more, each sending waves of pleasure up my spine. I pushed him away and said no and he complied.

I stood there with dog spit on my pussy and told myself, don’t you do it. Don’t you do it! I stepped into the shower, shut the clear glass door, and started a shower. Al was lying on his side, eyes half closed. His dick was poking out like the little lipstick it is. But I knew firsthand what it could turn into. “Stop it, you stupid girl.” But that is all I could think about, that huge purple cock. I found my hand massaging my clit as I remembered his fucking Peg. The size of it and how thick it was. I thought about his cum shooting out and I came on my fingers in the hot running shower water.

When I opened my eyes, Al was sitting at the shower door, watching me, his tongue panting in that silly grin thing that he does. The lipstick was out, but it was out much more than before and looked to be a little thicker. I knew where this was heading, and I couldn’t seem to stop myself. Stepping out of the shower, I dried myself and hung up the towel. I walked naked to my bed, Al behind me then ran ahead and jumped on the bed and lay down.

I was feeling no pain and curled up with Al, He repositioned with his back in my chest, my arm draped over his belly. My hand rubbed his side and around his belly. Back and forth across his belly. His head was on its side, and he looked very content. I accidentally, on purpose let my hand rub low and graze his prepuce, which is kind of like the skin covering the clitoris. You know what I mean, and I touched it and the tingling started deep in my belly.

Before I could talk myself out of it, my hand stroked back down and gently grasped his sheath and felt the heat of him. Al began a soft pant. My breaths were also coming in pants as I felt his hidden cock. Moving my hand back up, I felt the wet lipstick and I almost flinched. I let my hand rest on it, feeling it grow. I watched it coming out, five, six inches and I wrapped my hand around it and instinctively stroked it.

Al raised his head, looked down at my hand, and then lay back down, still panting with that smile, I know he was smiling. All my attention was now on the dog cock growing in my fist. As I slowly stroked, it continued to come out, 7 or maybe 8 inches now, and I was both concerned and excited. This monster in my hand swelled to the point I couldn’t get my hand around it.

I stand in at 5 foot 7 inches, 125 to 130 lbs., depending on the time of the month and how much candy I have stashed away. I think my C-cups are fine and it feels good when I play with my nipples. I don’t work out other than some aerobics now and then. I think I’m hot, I just don’t want to share it with anybody, yet.

My concern was that Al was much stronger than me, but I didn’t believe he would hurt me, too devoted. But he could push me around with ease. My excitement was that he could push me around with ease. My pussy is wet as I stroke my dog’s cock. I used my free hand to roll Al onto his back and then support him to give me access to that cock. “I’m doing this, holy shit, I’m doing this.” I could not believe my boy’s size; it was beautiful in its purplish color and the thick veins running the length of it. As my face neared it, I could smell the odor he was giving off and my next thought was I have a dog’s hard cock in my mouth, and I think I might cum.

The taste was the first thing I noticed. It wasn’t bad, no bad smell, just hard, lip-stretching meat. Al started to buck his hips, trying to fuck my mouth. I loved it and sucked as much of it as I could. I got it as far as I could fit when he bucked again and shoved it all down my throat pumping two or three times before I could get myself off of him. It scared me and turned me on. He had just throat fucked me.

I gasped to catch my breath. Al jumped up and started nudging me with his long, beautiful snout. I knew what he wanted, and I got on my hands and knees, resting my head on the bed so I could watch him. My ass is in the air. It’s a big bed and I was in the middle of it submitting my body to a dog. A beautiful dog, with a huge cock. He circled me a few times pausing to sniff or give a lick.

I knew to remain still and let him be the Alpha. “Linda Lovelace, I read your book.” I thought to myself. My pussy was on fire, but I didn’t want to move. Al came in behind me now and licked my wet pussy with that long hard muscle of a tongue, spreading my labia open with each swipe of his tongue. He couldn’t stick his tongue in me, but he licked me deep, his drool coating my asshole. I was on the verge of cuming when he stepped back.

I watched as he twirled around in place, three times, and then looked at me, that hard cock looked massive, and I began to tremble, and he was on me. His claws scraped my back, and I thought I had to fix that. He finally held my waist, pulling me to him. I watched him poking at me. He kept hitting my clit and I was loving it, but I reached up, grasped his dick, and guided him to my wet hole, and he was in me, that fast and I cried out in pain and shock.

He could only get part of it in and kept slipping out, but with my help, he hit the mark and pushed it in all the way. He had to take a step forward, but I could feel his balls slapping my body. He was a mad animal, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth, his legs pushing forward, driving himself deeper. My pain was now a growing ball of heat, building in my belly.

Al never missed a beat and continued to pump into me, holding me in place with his front legs, I was crying out now as his relentless pounding continued to bring me closer to ecstasy. His thickness was increasing, and I felt the knot expand and lock in place, I cried out, “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me…”

I felt one last swell of his cock and then his hot goo painted my insides. He didn’t slow his strokes as he unloaded in me. I felt his cock spasming in me, but he couldn’t thrust anymore. We were stuck and my insides were exploding as he tried to pull free, I thought he was going rip me open. He stepped over me and was now facing away from me. His cock bent back, still lodged inside my quacking pussy. We were now ass to ass and every time he tugged to escape, my pussy clamped down in another wave of pleasure.

I had to reach back and hold one of her rear legs so he wouldn’t pull too much. After a minute he calmed and pulled hard and stretched me, I screamed out as it got through and his whole cock plopped out along with a flood of our juices. I watched as his white cum poured out of me. I stuck two fingers in my sore hole, brought them to my mouth, and tasted us. He was sweet.

He was behind me, licking my pussy and fingers. I turned around and rolled Al onto his back and sucked his still-hard cock in my mouth and sucked. He was still dripping cum, and I swallowed it. I licked his shaft up and down, cleaning him. He began to soften, jumped off the bed, and trotted out of the room. “Just like a man. Get what you want and out the door.” I yelled after him. He ignored me. That’s the way with Alphas. I think I’m going to be just fine being the Beta.

If you like this, leave a comment and I’ll continue.

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One thought on “My New Home

  1. Great start and I would love to know how her relationship with Al developed and if she continues her path to a true beta submissive to Al her Master and dominant.

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