Women with Animals

An Unexpected Visitor


I purchased this home not long after graduating from college – it was just me and an old German Shepherd named Oscar. Since the home is on the end of a street, neighbors are quite a distance away. Even though he was old, that deep growl and bark would have made any intruders think twice about coming in.

My office was set up in a spare bedroom on the main floor, it had one medium sized window and was fine for me when my graphic business was just getting started. While I worked, Oscar would sit at my feet, waiting for me to reach down – rub between his ears … if I did that several times each day he was more than happy.

Several things happened about 8 years after I moved in. First my companion passed away, leaving the home with an empty feeling – secondly the business had grown to the point I needed a larger fully equipped area and the small spare bedroom was not cutting it.

I had plenty of property, so I hired a crew to add a larger garage off the one side, the current two car area, was closed off, a large beautiful window, giving me a fantastic view of the mountains my home bordered – the crew did the new garage, I tackled the renovation of my work area. Studs were added where needed, my specific electrical needs added, my unique lightning added, then adding a different fiber board, one that would help me add things to the walls.

A little paint … had a professional lay the thick heavy carpet and pad, so I could be barefoot all the time.

Now all that was needed was the specific furniture, which had to be ordered … the afternoon the crew finished the new garage, I had a few items needed in town, as I drove back to my surprise a large, really large dog was laying on my front porch. He seemed friendly, but didn’t want to let me get close to him. He looked hungry, opening the front door, guiding him to my new office area, which now only had one door coming from the main part of the house.

As soon as he settled down in the far corner, I had some food that had not been used when Oscar passed … filling him a bowl of food and water … placing it as close as he seemed to feel comfortable – stepping back to the door, he was so hungry, the bowl was emptied in a few minutes. I thought about refilling the container, but figured it would be best if I gave him some time. Looking at him, the coloring was stunning, his long hair looked so soft – when he made eye contact, they also looked soft. There wasn’t any collar so I had no idea how he had ended up on my porch or what had drawn him here.

I had thought of going to a shelter and replacing the friend I missed everyday … looking at this one, I wondered if he’d be the one … he looked like he’d be the perfect companion, but right now he seemed so shy.

As soon as he was back in the corner, relaxing – I headed back inside to take a shower.

Drying then wrapping a large towel around me, heading back to see how my new friend was doing. As soon as I entered the room, he jumped up, wagging his tail … moving cautiously along the outer walls, I settled down in the center of the room, to see if he’d be more comfortable with me there.

Keeping his eyes on me, he slowly moved to the door, pushing it shut, then standing there, the first time he’d shown any emotion, started growling at me. Teeth bared, ears laid back, hair standing high on his back … it was a total shock to me, instantly moving to the far corner he’d been in earlier.

Continuing to growl, moving closer, caused me to turn into the corner, trying to shield me from whatever he had planned.

As soon as I had turned to the corner, he quickly moved in behind me, grabbing the towel, ripping it off my body, leaving me totally nude.

The growling, now barking also – scared me so badly, pushed my face into the corner, tears started to flow, begging him to not hurt me – the more I begged and cried, his nose poked the back of my legs, each time making me shake and cry more.

Finally he nipped the back of my leg, not breaking the skin, but making me slide down the wall, landing on all fours – head still buried in the corner.

The licking of my bottom, made me shake all over – that is why I was so surprised when he jumped up on my back. The biggest penis I’ve ever felt or even knew was possible slipped deep inside me with one motion.

My eyes flew wide open, what had I just allowed to happen? Trying to push him away, it was no use, he was way too big and I was in a corner – almost immediately he started pumping in and out of me with a speed I had seen dogs mating, but never realized how fast it was until this moment.

Dropping my head, nothing I could do to stop this, then to my horror, what was happening started to feel good, really good. My body was betraying me, screaming, “No, oh please no … don’t let me enjoy this … OMG NO, please don’t”

But there were no mistakes, the faster he pumped, the more aroused I was becoming … he had started out raping me and now I was getting real close to a climax … but not just a climax – this one was shaping up to be the best I’ve ever enjoyed.

The tears stopped, pushing back against him each time he pulled out … trying to open my legs wider, so he could get in deeper …. Suddenly something started to apply pressure around my opening … that’s when I remembered dogs have knots, they tie to the female – the pressure was intense, it felt like the size of a baseball or bigger … I was afraid if he pushed it in, I’d tear open … but to my surprise and pleasure – when it popped in landing on my ‘G’ spot, a massive orgasm shook my whole body, crying out in pleasure — followed by wave after wave of smaller explosions happening while I enjoyed the super-warm seed flooding the inside of me.

We were tied for what seemed like all afternoon, probably closer to 20 minutes or so, pulling out, followed by a gush of liquid – made me feel instantly empty.

Sore from his size … crawling against the wall, looking at him relaxing, as if nothing had happened – he didn’t seem to care if I left or stayed – eventually refilling his food and water bowl, I moved into the living room, snuggled up in the corner of the sofa, pulling my legs up to me, trying to figure out what had happened, why it had and more importantly what was I going to do with him.

Staying like this for well over an hour, it was easy to hear him moving around on the new carpet, the body so big … drinking some water, then eating more food – I was listening closely … somewhat afraid to see what he was doing – finally he came looking for me … stopping a few feet from the sofa … his eyes taking the longest time to study me, surprising me, all the time his tail was wagging.

I have no idea why I did what I did, but something inside me urged me forward … slowly relaxing my legs, spreading them wide apart, showing him how puffy and red the area between my legs was … without any hesitancy he moved forward, licking everywhere the big tongue could cover.

My head fell back, eyes rolled up in my head, was I asking him, inviting him to use me again … but the way his tongue was making me feel, was unlike anything I could have imagined.

This time he didn’t growl, didn’t bite at me, just stayed between my legs, licking. It didn’t take long for the arousal to spike so high I knew I had to have some relief soon … sliding down to the floor, turning so I was kneeling in front of the sofa, laying forward, opening my legs wide ….

HIs tongue seemed to have the ability to touch the perfect spots, spiking me to the highest possible point … just when I thought this was as high as he could take me, in one motion mounting me, sliding his massive cock deep inside – bottoming out as his balls slapped my body.

As soon as he was in, the pumping started to take place, quickly bringing back to the place he’d left me a few hours earlier. Dropping my head, moaning and whimpering at what was happening to me. His cock felt so good in me, so sexually exciting while it moved in and out … the knot pressed me, slipped in easily this time – wondering just how wide he’d stretched me … as soon as it was in, just like before – landing on my special spot, triggering a huge massive explosion, flooding his cock with my juices … my body started relaxing from this massive climax, just as his warm seed flooded my body – pumping load after load after load – which triggered a second body explosion … leaving me completely exhausted.

Vaguely remembering him turning while locked with me, how long we stayed like this, was lost to me, I have never been this tired … when he did pull away, everywhere between my legs tingled – how this happened, was lost … as I lay there one thing was definite – I’d never enjoyed sex like he had introduced me to.

Turning to look at him, laying just a few feet away, on his side, the still semi-hard cock on full display. Although I’d never done anything like this in my life, an internal urge had me crawling to him, stroking the long pole, licking the head followed by the underside – pausing for a moment to enjoy the new taste of our combined juices – then making sure he was cleaned – balls and all. Moving back to where I had been on the sofa, a large puddle of cum had rushed out of me when he pulled out – leaning down … licking all of it up …

Satisfied that I had found a new yummy treat, curled up between his legs, my back pressing against his underside, while a large paw covered my shoulders.

The short nap was what was needed. Later I took a second shower, stayed nude, moved his food bowls near the back door where he could come and go as needed, just like Oscar had.

Just before we went to bed – he once again pushed his snout between my legs … instantly understanding what he wanted, dropping to all fours, he was in me with a small jump – dropping my head, knowing in my heart he owned me, would use me any time any where he wanted – closing my eyes as the first orgasm washed over me … I had a new pet – so far I just called him Sir.

Waking the following morning, he was sleeping at the foot of my bed, as soon as he heard me up, the head and that marvelous tongue was between my legs, spiking my pleasure to heights I could only have dreamed of happening prior to yesterday. The fucking seemed longer, much longer before he allowed the knot to slip in … so much longer my head was on the bed, begging him to let me cum. As before I cleaned him and the puddle of cum – before I headed into the kitchen to get something to eat.

A quick shower while he was in the backyard exploring – knowing now I had to be nude for him at all times, I threw on a robe, when my new furniture arrived. It didn’t take long at all to set up the few pieces that weren’t already to go – bringing in my office needs from the spare bedroom, as soon as I sat down at my new desk, his head was between my legs, licking my pussy, making me cry out in pure pleasure.

Before noon he took me a second time, then mid afternoon repeated my growing needs – topped off with one more time before I turned in for the day.

Listening to him sleeping at the foot of my bed, a broad smile swept over me while I rubbed my aroused nipples … I knew now I was going to be fucked four or five times each day – who could have ever had a better pet to be a bitch for.

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