Women with Animals

Summer on the Farm (by burnerlegion1)


© 2024 by burnerlegion1


“Tammy, I’m telling you once and for all. This is gonna be good for you, sweetheart.” Mrs. Harper glanced over at her daughter, taking her eyes of the road for no more than a second. The momentary glimpse left the image burned in her mind as she returned her focus to driving. Tammy’s golden hair caught the sun’s rays and cast a bright glow on her sullen face. Her beautiful blue eyes stared at the floor blankly, and she bit her lower lip while fiddling her fingers anxiously. Mrs. Harper did not need a second opinion. Tammy was sad.

The duo were en route to Mrs. Harper’s childhood home, where Tammy would be spending her summer. Tammy, who did not entirely mind the idea of spending the summer on a farm, was upset that she would be spending it away from her family and friends. Had there been some company around, she might have enjoyed herself. However, her mother would be dropping her off and leaving right away. The idea of being so far away from home, with just her aunt and grandmother to keep her company, seemed incredibly daunting.

As Tammy was dwelling on the growing sense of loneliness, she became aware of the grinding sound of gravel as her mother left the main road and began driving through a small gravel path. She glanced out the window and could not help but feel a sense of excitement looking at the sprawling pine trees on either side. If only she could have brought a friend. She had no siblings and her aunt had no children, and Tammy didn’t have any friends from school that she was close enough with to invite on such a trip. Now her mind was back on that lonely, sinking feeling as her eyes returned to the floor of the car.

After 15 minutes if driving in the woods, The land began to give way to flatter land until they were driving past fields of various crops, Tammy didn’t really know what was what but she was certain it was probably corn. The scenery didn’t change much as they pulled into the Harper Farm. They crept along the dirt path and came to a stop alongside the farmhouse. Tammy’s aunt, Aunt Hailey, was on the porch awaiting her nieces arrival. Warm greetings were exchanged, luggage was unloaded, and Tammy’s mom began preparing to leave. Tammy headed upstairs to see her Grandmother and put her suitcase away, giving the sisters a chance to speak privately. Mrs. Haley used this chance to inform her sister of Tammy’s despondency regarding the trip, asking her to make an extra effort to ensure Tammy feels welcome, and maybe makes some new friends.

“Don’t worry, she’ll be fine. She’ll meet people her age” Hailey laughed.

Mrs. Harper thanked her sister, and returned to the car. With that, she was on her way, Tammy’s summer vacation had officially begun. Tammy was just finishing unpacking when Hailey walked in the room. Tammy smiled at her as she closed the closet. Aunt Hailey, considerably younger Tammy’s mother, looked very beautiful in the afternoon sunlight. Her long, brown hair glowed almost red under the light, and her freckled seemed flushed slightly as she smiled back at Tammy. Her blue eyes wandered around the room before returning to Tammy. Tammy couldn’t help but glance at Aunt Hailey’s figure, mentally remarking that maybe not having kids might be worth the lack of a toll on your body.

“Well, looks like you’re done packing. Let’s go outside”, Aunt Hailey laughed.

Tammy followed her jovial Aunt outside and around the back of the farmhouse. The air was incredibly fresh, and a concoction of aroma’s caressed Tammy’s nostrils. The scent of wheat, pine trees, farm animals, and everything else she had yet to get used to proved to be very pleasant. Her concentration was broken by a yell from her aunt.

“Tammy! Say hi to Toby!”

Before she could fully turn to face her aunt, something hit her from the side as she fell to the floor in a heap. Looking up to see what on earth just happened, Tammy came face to face with a pair of gentle brown eyes, attached to a large but friendly looking black lab. He began licking her face, apologetically.

“Oh my god are you okay?” Aunt Hailey yelled, running over to Tammy.

“I’m okay!”, Tammy yelled, laughing as Toby licked her face even more. Tammy climbed to her feet, petting Toby enthusiastically as she regained her balance. She glanced around for her flip flop, which had fallen off during her tumble. She straightened her sundress, laughing again as Aunt Hailey apologized profusely. They continued the tour of the farm, now joined by Toby. After maybe 30 mins, the girls were back home, and not a moment too soon. Grandma had prepared a feast to welcome her very rare guest. Everyone settled down at the dinner table, and they began eating. Tammy was especially hungry after the long drive plus the walk around the farm.

While she ate, she became aware of Toby licking her feet under the table. She pulled her feet away, and continued eating, not paying him any mind. Then he started licking her calves, knees and then her thighs. The cold nose rubbing against her thighs caused her to jump as she clamped her legs together and pushed him away with her feet. She felt slightly embarrassed, and glanced upwards, only yo realize that neither her grandmother nor her aunt had noticed. Toby went to lay in his bed and Tammy shrugged it off and resumed dinner.

After dinner, Tammy took a quick rinse and headed straight to bed. She was worried she would cry on the first night but aunt Hailey had made her feel so welcomed, she figured maybe she could enjoy herself after all. The next morning Tammy awoke to the smell of pancakes. After a quick breakfast, she decided she would try her best to not be miserable, and headed outside.

“The woods out back also belongs to us, so you can explore if you want, but be careful. The pond deeper in the woods is also ours so you can take a swim if you’d like”, Aunt Hailey said, as Tammy passed her by.

“Uh, I don’t have a swimsuit”, Tammy mumbled.

“This is the Countryside, skinny dip!” Aunt Hailey laughed.

Flustered, Tammy gasped, turned away and continued onward. After exploring for a few minutes, she came to a large clearing with a huge pond. “geez, this thing is basically a lake”, she mused. She kicked off her flip flops and waded into the water until it was about ankle height. The calm breeze coupled with the sand under her toes stimulated her senses, and for a moment she forgot about how lonely she had been feeling. Her mind wandered for a moment, and she felt at peace. That was until her aunt’s joke about skinny dipping began to circle in her mind, and suddenly she was feeling very flustered again. Tammy looked down at her reflection in the water as it rippled gently against her shin. She acknowledged that she had a pretty face,, but beyond that, Tammy considered the reflection to be someone quite undesirable. Standing at 5’1, and just grazing the 100 lbs. mark, Tammy was petite. Her small breasts were her greatest issue with regard to her own body. She didn’t even need to wear a bra; most items of clothing wouldn’t give her away. She had an okay ass, it was firm and plump and she believed it was sexy enough. Her thighs were somewhat thick, relative to the rest of her light frame at least. Tammy shook her head and stomped her reflection. “ugh”, she thought. “Maybe if I ate more, I could grow a bit.” Other girls her age were getting boyfriends and going on dates, but she didn’t even have a decent pair of tits.


No Panties, No Problem

Tammy headed back to shore, and as she was putting her flip flops on, she saw Toby trotting over from the tree-line. “Hey boy!”, She beamed. Toby wagged his tail playfully as he approached her. Toby greeted her by licking at her thighs and feet again, before suddenly directing his nose towards her crotch. Tammy jumped at the sensation, an audible yelp echoing through the woods. She pulled herself away, but Toby pushed his head once again, nosing his way under her sundress. Tammy, feeling significantly embarrassed, began scolding Toby in an attempt to dissuade him. Toby, seemingly understanding that he was doing something bad, pulled away and sat looking up at Tammy. She laughed it off and decided to make the journey back home before it got any later.

As she walked through the woods, she noticed how damp her thighs felt. She became aware of a growing warmth within her core and a dampness in her panties. Was she aroused? Toby touching her could have been the trigger, she surmised. She never had sex after all, and other than her occasional masturbation session, her crotch was generally left alone. It was unusual for another person, or in this case another being, to interact with her pussy. Feeling somewhat uncomfortable, she hastened her steps so she could get home and change her undies.

Upon arrival to the farmhouse, she bolted up the stairs, locked her room door and slipped out of her panties. She had just began to approach her drawer to retrieve a fresh pair when her door swung wide open, causing her to recoil in shock.

“Hey kiddo! Can you help me with something please, it’s a bit urgent”, came her aunt’s familiar voice.

“Uh, that was locked.” was Tammy’s response, still shocked

“Oh dear I didn’t mention? The lock on this door doesn’t work, you have to bolt the door up here”. She motioned at the top of the door, where Tammy could now see a bolting mechanism. “Ok c’mon, you can do whatever it is you were doing when we get back.” Tammy hesitated momentarily before responding.

“Okay, let’s go”, she sighed. She tried not to think about the fact that she was naked under her sundress. But it was very hard to not think about it. The breeze began to caress her bald pussy under her sundress as she stepped through the back door of the house. She jogged after her Aunt, feeling every movement as she went. Her aunt lead her around the stable over to where the sheep were housed. Then Tammy saw the problem. One of the sheep was stuck in the fence, and the upper part of the fence had collapsed, trapping the poor thing.

“Okay, I’ll lift the beam that’s squeezing him and I need you to push him back.”

Aunty Hailey made a sharp exhale, and in one swift motion she lifted the beam. Tammy, who actually forgot she was nude under her dress, gritted her teeth and started pushing. The sheep made a sudden step forward, and was freed. However this sudden movement threw Tammy off balance and she fell face first onto the grass, her legs sprawling as she went. For just a moment, Aunt Hailey caught a glimpse of her naked ass under her sundress. She blinked twice, unsure if it was her imagination or not. Regardless, she didn’t want to dwell on that. With a gentle exhale, she propped the beam back into place, and scolded the sheep for causing trouble.

Tammy ended up helping out with a few more chores and before she knew it, it was time for dinner. At this point, she found that going commando was quite exciting. As they headed in for dinner, she decided not to bother getting new panties. It had been this long after all. She could eat first. It would be exciting.
Dinner proceeded as normal for a while, until Toby began licking her feet under the table again. She tried to discretely push him away with her feet, but this seemed to get him even more excited. With one smooth sweep, he shot past her feet and connected directly with her pussy. Before she could do anything about it, she felt his rough, broad tongue run across her cunt. Almost like a jolt of electricity fired through her, the sensation caused tammy to physically jerk upwards, her knees slamming against the bottom of the table. Both Grandma and Aunt Hailey looked at her in shock.

“Are you okay?” Grandma asked
“Yeah what was that?” Aunt Hailey chimed in.

With her legs squeezed firmly shut, Tammy tried her best to maintain her composure while also keeping Toby at bay under the table. “Toby suddenly brushed against my leg, I thought it was a spider or something. Sorry.” she chuckled dryly.

“Oh dear, I know the feeling”, Grandma sighed.

Toby soon wandered off, Tammy’s strong defense had bored him and he waltzed off looking for a spot to sleep. Tammy headed upstairs. After a shower, she toweled off and opened her drawer for something to war. Then she hesitated. She had found her activities today to be quite exciting, minus the toby incident, She smiled, bolted the door, and hopped into bed naked. She swiped her legs across the cool sheets as she felt all the material caress her skin. She felt very sexual, which was unusual for her. Even when she masturbated, her issues of self image proved to be a metal hindrance. But in this moment, she felt a sense of sexual energy she had never felt before. She ran her hands across her small breasts, down her torso and towards her now moist pussy, She gently touched herself as she thought about doing chores without her panties. What if Aunt Hailey had noticed? The idea sent shivers of excitement up her spine as she continued to rub her pussy. She felt an orgasm approaching, but this was different than any other “orgasm” she’d had prior, this felt POWERFUL. Her mind wandered back to dinner, she was basically naked under there and nobody knew, nobody except… Toby. Right. Toby had licked her-

Before the thought could finish, she felt waves of pleasure overcome her body as her thighs clamped down on her hands. She convulsed on her bed, struggling to stifle her moans. THIS was amazing. Tomorrow, she needed to go commando again.

The next morning, Tammy donned a large white T-Shirt and headed downstairs. Grandma has prepared toast, and Aunt Hailey was already busy outside. Tammy wolfed down her breakfast and headed out, bidding Aunt Hailey good morning. Suddenly, the calm morning air was shattered by a resounding bark. Tammy looked over, expecting to see Toby. Instead, she was greeted by a large German Shepherd.

“Morning to you too, Hatch”. Aunt Hailey smiled. Hatch approached her playfully. Toby suddenly bound out of the house, and the two dogs began sprinting together around the yard. “Yeah, Hatch lives at the Mc Coy farm, but he likes to come here to visit me”

“You specifically?” Tammy laughed

“Oh you know what I mean. He likes to play with Toby I guess”

Suddenly, a chilly breeze reminded Tammy, underneath her large T-Shirt, she was stark naked. “Uh, I’ll get going Aunt Hailey. Wanna see the pond again.”

“Okay make sure you put your clothes somewhere safe”, Hailey laughed.

“Oh my god Aunt Hailey”, Tammy yelled, walking away. She nodded and laughed as she headed for the pond. Tammy enjoyed the walk to the pond more than she did yesterday. This time, each step felt free and electrifying. Before she knew it she had come to the clearing. Her heart pounded in her chest as the idea of actually skinny dipping began to waft through her mind. After a few moments of deliberation, she groaned in annoyance, and peeled her shirt off of her body. She stood there triumphantly for a few minutes before placing her shirt on a rock and sprinting into the cool water. The water felt calming to her as she closed her eyes and swayed gently with the small waves.


Stolen clothes and Pussy Eating

She had only been in the water for a few minutes when she heard the familiar trotting that indicated Toby was approaching. She laughed and opened her eyes, glancing toward the noise. Her smile dropped when she saw Toby fetching a familiar piece of cloth between his lips. Not wanting to lose her only clothes, she carefully walked over to Toby, trying to seem as friendly as possible. However, the moment she extended her hand, Toby bolted. In his mind, this was a game. Horrified, Tammy chased after him, heading deeper into the woods than she previously had gone. She sprinted as fast as she could, chasing him across a stream and into thicker woods, but she was a girl and he was a dog. There was no catching him unless he wanted her to. After a few minutes of chasing, Toby began to slow down, and she decided to try coaxing him over. She crouched down and gently called out to him. Toby, feeling a bit tired of this game, decided to head back to her and give this ‘toy’ back. As he approached her, a certain scent accosted his nose. He had smelt it last night under the table too. He trotted over to her, determined to sniff it once more.

To Tammy’s surprise, he had come to her without any trouble. Before she could comment on what a good boy he was, he buried his nose in her crotch, licking her bare pussy once more. She leapt away, but stumbled backwards and fell with her legs wide open. Toby did not miss this chance, and immediately began lapping at her welcoming slit. Tammy moaned as the broad tongue ran along her entire pussy, pleasing her unlike anything she’d ever felt. Then she came back to her senses. This was a DOG. She didn’t know why but she was sure this had to be wrong.

Hastily, she pulled away from Toby, scolding him once again before getting dressed and heading back home. The evening went by without any significant incident; Toby stayed outside playing with Hatch through dinner so she did not have to defend her nakedness under the table. Upset over what had happened today, she decided to retire early tonight, trying not to think of what had happened.


Strange Noises

But how could she not? She checked her phone. 1 AM. she had been tossing and turning for 3 hours. She decided to get up and get some fresh air. She pulled on her shirt and crept towards the door to the porch. the moon illuminated the farm brightly, and she was surprised by how beautiful the night’s sky can be when it isn’t victim to light pollution. Walked around the porch and stepped onto the grass barefoot, the blades of crass gently caressing her tender feet. As she walked, she could have sworn she heard a faint noise, almost like crying. Suddenly, she heard it again, clearer this time. Coming from the barn, she faintly heard someone saying…she couldn’t quite make out what. Creeping closer, The voice became easier to hear. “Hatch, oh Hatch!”, it said.

Was that….Aunt Hailey?

She crept even closer to the barn until she was against the wall, and peered through the ajar door. Illuminated by moonlight coming through the skylight, She could make out something in the middle of the barn. She squinted for her eyes to adjust, and they grew wider as she began to understand what she was seeing. Aunt Hailey was naked, on all fours, with Hatch over her, humping her from behind. Stunned, Tammy turned and ran straight inside. Why was she doing that?? Was that Sex? With a dog? Tammy was shaken to her core as she crawled into bed. Her mind raced all night, and she only managed to doze off as the sun was already climbing into the sky.

The next day, Tammy groggily made her way downstairs, glancing around for Aunt Hailey. She convinced herself she had had a nightmare, yet she was still anxious about facing her aunt. Sure enough, she could see her aunt through the window, fetching buckets of feed for the chickens. Tammy ate her cold breakfast, basically lunch at this hour, and headed outside. She wanted to take her mind off of her…dream. She made a beeline for the trees, avoiding Aunt Hailey’s path.


Let it Happen

Upon arrival at the pond, Tammy sat down on the rocks nearby and stared at the waves. Did she imagine it? Her mind replayed the image in her head over and over but she still wasn’t sure of what she had seen. Sex….with a dog? she’d never had sex at all. The idea seemed so alien to her. Maybe a dog would like her more than a boy would, she thought, shaking her head in disgust when she caught herself. While pondering all this, she heard Toby approaching her again. She looked at him shyly, almost like her perspective of things had been skewed. However, before she could process her emotions, Toby plunged his head between her thighs once again licking her slit. Tammy gasped, but this time she didn’t squeeze her legs. She knew what she was doing was crazy but after everything, her mind was all over the place, She lay back on the rock, raising her bare feet into the air as Toby lapped at her crotch. She hugged each of her legs, keeping them in the air as Toby furiously lapped at her pussy. He had been after this for a while now. His rough tongue was driving her crazy with pleasure. She gyrated her hips as his tongue went deep inside of her, across her clit and back to the start, the cycle of pleasure causing her tight pussy to flood with lubrication. Toby was thoroughly enjoying his treat when suddenly she started to squeal. She gasped and moaned as her body began to convulse and flood with pleasure. She felt a sensation similar to peeing herself, and before she knew it, Toby’s face was being drenched in her fluids. This was the first time she had ever done that but she knew right away she needed it to happen again, soon. Toby, a bit surprised, pulled away to shake himself off, and decided this game seemed to be over as well; she was trying to stand up. Tammy pulled her shirt on and shakily made her way back home, her legs buckling every now and then.

At dinner that night, Aunt Hailey seemed totally normal. Had she imagined it all? Tammy couldn’t help but feel a sense of guilt over what she had done. Had she imagined the barn incident just to give herself an excuse? No, surely it wasn’t her fault. While her mind was racing, Tammy suddenly felt a warm snout under her shirt, inching toward her pussy. She glanced at aunt Hailey and Grandma. Grandma seemed to be asleep and Aunt Hailey was scrolling on her phone. Tammy kept her cool as Toby began his assault, licking her pussy aggressively. This time, instead of pushing him away, she locked her legs around him, pulling him closer. Feeling his fur against her thighs excited her further, and she struggled not to moan as he lapped at her soaking pussy. Before she could cum, Aunt Hailey stood up and walked to the cupboard, collecting the bag of Kibble to pour Toby some food. Toby pulled away, and ran to his bowl, awaiting his dinner. Tammy sighed, both disappointed and relieved that she wouldn’t soak the kitchen floor.

The next week passed with Tammy letting Toby lick her pussy whenever she felt the were out of sight. She came over and over, at places all around the farm, in the woods, at the lake. She was thoroughly enjoying herself to the point that she didn’t even feel guilty anymore. However, the prospect of sex had begun to linger in her mind. Toby had been humping her leg whenever he got the chance. He was horny and in need of sex. She wanted to try.


First Time

That evening, Tammy felt extra daring. She walked with Toby out to the woods, into a small clearing she had found, and stripped her clothes off. She was close to the farm so she wasn’t worried about strangers stumbling upon her, and far enough away that her Aunt or Grandma wouldn’t find her either. She called toby towards her, and got on all fours. Toby, horny as usual, began humping her. The only problem was he was humping her sideways. He was basically humping her shoulder. Tammy blinked. He didn’t know how to have sex. She laughed. Neither did she, really but based on what she saw online and what her friends told her, she had a decent idea. Granted all her sexual knowledge was on humans, but it seemed like the same process. Mostly.

She turned and pressed her ass against he stomach as he lined up with her back. He was large for a Lab, at maybe 90 lbs. His weight rested on her partially and she already began to realize he could hold her in place if she wanted and she would have no option but to submit. This excited her for some reason. She wiggled her ass against his warm furry stomach, and he began humping. She felt his sheath poking her left and right cheeks, then her pussy, back to her cheeks. She groaned in frustration as she tried to line her pussy up for his cock. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain as his cock penetrated her pussy, before slipping out again. Still processing what just happened, she jumped as his cock penetrated her once again. He began fucking, like a piston, back and forth and the pain quickly gave way to pleasure. She moaned softly, gritting her teeth as he fucked her tight cunt. She kicked her legs and gripped the grass around her tightly. She began to feel as if his cock was getting larger with each stroke. Suddenly, with his cock already deep inside her, she began to feel a swelling sensation inside her pussy. She groaned as the pleasure suddenly turned painful again, What was happening? She began to feel a sense of panic as the pain grew, and in an act of desperation, she tried crawling away from him. However his paws held her hips firmly in place. With tears streaming down her face, she felt confusion as she began to orgasm while also in such pain. She grit her teeth as her pussy squeezed down and massaged his cock. To her surprise, he released her legs and turned himself around. She could feel his cock inside of her, but at least now she could escape. Just gotta let his penis slip out-

She was stopped by a sharp pain the moment she tried to pull away. Now she was terrified. It seemed as if his penis grew inside of her, locking her in place. Just when she thought things couldn’t get any worse, he took a step away from her. His cock tugged at her from the inside and she cried out in pain as the shockwaves spread across her body. He began walking away, forcing her to follow along with her. She watched in horror as she was pulled away from her shirt, and dragged towards the farm. Naked and stuck on the end of a dog’s cock. What would she say to her Aunt? Or Grandma? Would they tell her parents? She wished she’d never stopped wearing panties. Toby pulled her over toward the edge of the treeline and back onto the farm. Looking over her shoulder, she could see the house lights were off. At least everyone was asleep. She could feel Toby’s warm cum gushing into her womb as they went. She was extremely horny and yet she was too scared to enjoy herself.

In the moonlight, Toby and Tammy were ass to ass as she was being pumped full of his K9 seed. She let her head rest on the floor as he began tugging at her once more. She could feel his dick had shrunk, so she grit her teeth and moaned in relief as his cock slipped out. Glancing at it, she could see that the base had swollen significantly, which is what had locked her in place. Toby sat down and began licking his member, not paying the beaten Tammy much attention. Exhausted, she crawled inside to clean herself up and collapsed in a naked heap on her bed.


The Morning After
Aunt Hailey: Stranded Naked Outdoors

The next morning Tammy awoke groggily, blinking at the morning light shining through the window. For a moment she had forgotten what had happened the night before. That was until she tried to move. Her sore cunt was hard to ignore as she attempted to sit up, wincing as she moved. Right, Toby had had sex with her. Her legs shook as she stood up, taking a few unsteady steps toward the door. She headed to the bedroom to wash her face, glancing at her reflection in the mirror as she did. Her hair was a mess, she had a slight bruise on her chin, and her bloodshot, puffy eyes made it obvious she had hardly slept. Crying almost the whole time they had been stuck together definitely didn’t do her appearance any favors.

Making her way back to her room, she sat down on her bed gingerly and grabbed her phone. She had some questions she needed answered. After maybe an hour of research, she had found that dogs normally got stuck during sex. Something called a bulbus glandis, but most people online called it a knot. It seemed she wasn’t the first girl to have sex with a dog. She was relieved, but also slightly aroused, reading all about dog cocks and the women who had been fucked by them. She didn’t even know that “fucking” meant having sex a week ago but now here she was. With all these thoughts running through her head, she found her hands beginning to wander as they slid down her body, towards her legs. She raised her skirt up, and tucked her legs to her chest. Gently she began rubbing her pussy, trying her best not to irritate the already tender skin. She wondered how many of her friends, if any, had lost their virginities this summer. She figured she had to be the only one to do it with a dog. The idea of submitting to an animal turned her on immensely, and her ravaged cunt flooded as she began to approach climax. She began to orgasm intensely, digging her heels into the bed as she raised her cunt into the air, still rubbing her clit. Still cumming, she heard her door swing open suddenly.

She tried to hide herself, but what she had been doing was very obvious as she hadn’t finished orgasming just yet. Tucking her skirt down to hide her pussy she squeezed her legs together and looked towards the door, hoping to see who it was. Her eyes met a stunned Aunt Hailey, staring at her with her mouth wide open. “Sor-ry”, Tammy said, between gasps.

Aunt Hailey blinked, before returning to her senses. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!”, she yelled, before slamming the door. Aunt Hailey, completely red faced, hastily made her way outside. Her head spun as she walked, her heart pounding out of her chest with embarrassment, mostly because of what she had seen, but also because she could feel her pussy growing damp the longer she dwelled on it. The image of Tammy’s naked ass as she tried in vain to hide herself was burned into her mind. The way she looked as she squirmed with embarrassment was so extremely sexy, she could just-

Aunt Hailey shook her head. Living alone out here, she had found herself growing increasingly sexually frustrated. Such frustration had led her to doing things she normally would never do, like walking around the farm naked, or masturbating outdoors. Her usual smutty literature simply wasn’t enough anymore. Reading stories of exhibitionists and other daring girls made her want to live these fantasies even more. She began reading more kinky topics, and before she knew it, she had become a fan of zoophilia.

At this point, Aunt Hailey had walked to the back of the barn when she heard a familiar bark. She glanced to her left and saw Hatch strutting over to her, She laughed as she saw him, her stress about her recent depravity evaporating. “Hey, stud”, she smiled. Her pussy burned desperately, seeing Tammy rubbing her little pussy had already turned her on. She had never done anything sexual with Hatch in broad daylight. This was reserved for night time. Under normal circumstances, at least. Out of her mind with arousal, she took a quick glance around before undoing her overalls, sliding out of her panties and squatting beside Hatch.

Hatch, with months of experience, knew right away what Hailey wanted. Without a moment’s ado he began licking at her snatch, aggressively tonguing her soaked vagina. Overwhelmed with pleasure, Hailey quickly rotated herself, getting on all fours before presenting her ass to Hatch. “Just one quick lick” she whispered to herself. “I’ll cum and then get back to work”. Hatch continued to work at her pussy, his large broad tongue pleasing her better than any man ever could, at least she assumed. In her younger days, Hailey had developed a reputation as a weird chubby girl, and had never managed to fit in well like her sister did. She grew bitter towards the boys that would make fun of her and in the end she never ended up dating anyone. Now 30, she figured she might never find a boyfriend. Not that it mattered since she preferred Hatch anyways. He wasn’t mean to her.

Aunt Hailey pressed her ass against Hatch’s snout as she began to contract. She dug her boots into the dirt as she braced herself, her legs shaking and hips bucking as she came against Hatch’s tongue. Her mind drifted back to Tammy, and she could feel herself begin to orgasm harder at the image of her niece’s plump, soft ass cheeks. She groaned as she began to squirt, spreading her legs as she soaked the floor before collapsing. She could feel Hatch lapping at the fluids on her ass cheeks, and was surprised to also feel something licking at her face. She opened her eyes to see Toby looking at her. She had tried to get Toby to do things, as Hatch wasn’t always around. But she couldn’t quite get him to stay interested in her, so she had given up. But maybe now that he’d matured a bit, he wanted to have a turn. She glanced over at Hatch, his beautiful coat glistening softly in the morning sun. “Would it be cheating?”, she wondered to herself audibly. Glancing back at Toby, she could see him walking away with….something…in his mouth. She squinted, trying to figure out what exactly it was. It took only a second for her to realize Toby was waltzing away with her overalls, which still had her panties inside as well. She leapt to her feet, yelling. Her pussy was still sensitive, and her movement was unsteady as she gave chase, wobbly. “Toby! Get back here NOW!”, She called. If he ran towards the Farm, she’d be stranded wearing just a shirt. Outside. The exhibitionist in her felt a slight thrill at the idea, but the rest of her was beginning to panic. “I should never have trained him to take dirty clothes to the laundry basket!”, she moaned.

As she rounded the turn past the stables, she saw that Toby had almost made it to the house. With Hatch at her heels, she picked up the pace in a desperate attempt to stop Toby’s mischief. But it was too late. She skated to a halt as the porch door swung open, and Tammy walked out. Horrified, she turned back, and sprinted back toward the barn. Running inside, she ducked behind the haybales as fast as she could and held her breath. Hatch sat down beside her, thoroughly entertained by this strange game. Not only that, but Hailey was beginning to smell delicious. When she smells like this in the barn, he knew exactly what she wanted him to do.

Hailey peeked out from the haybale, now on all fours and trying her best to keep a low profile. Hatch, misreading the situation, took this chance to mount her and began hammering away. Hailey gasped as his member suddenly penetrated her pussy. She turned to push him off, but struggled under the weight of the massive dog. Hatch on the other hand, was confused as to why she was still wearing a shirt. Usually she took that off. He didn’t dwell on it too long, as he is a dog after all, and returned his attention to stretching her pussy. She had just turned in an attempt to push him off, when she heard the barn door creak open.

Hailey held her breath as the sound of footsteps filled the air, all while Hatch fucked her cunt relentlessly. “Toby, any idea where I can find the pitchfork”, she heard Tammy’s voice call. She clasped her hands against her mouth, trying desperately to hold her moans. She could hear Tammy shuffling around, and her pulse eased slightly when she heard a triumphant “Got it.” Focusing keenly, she could faintly Tammy walk to the door, and was ready to breathe a sigh of relief. That was until she looked up and saw Toby standing in front of her, looking curiously. Just as Hailey thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse, Tammy yelled “C’mon boy, I gotta lock the barn doors! Don’t make me come get you!”

FUCK. Hailey racked her brain, thinking of what to do. “Toby, SHOO, GET OUTTA HERE”, She whisper-yelled. He cocked his head slightly, amused by her voice. Hatch still pounded at her pussy through all of this. “Damn it.” She mumbled. “One dog is a sex addict, the other steals clothes.”. Wait a minute. Toby steals clothes! Maybe if she gave him her shirt, he’d leave. “I’d rather be naked than have Tammy find me being fucked by Hatch”, she sighed” Reluctantly, she peeled her shirt off of herself and dropped it on the floor. Toby wagged his tail, stepped behind the hay bale, grabbed the shirt and pranced off.

“Geez boy! Took ya long enough. Is that a shirt?”, Hailey heard as Tammy’s voice faded away. Feeling safer, She returned her attention to Hatch, who was still pounding her pussy. She could feel his knot beginning to swell, as it slammed against the outside of her pussy. She reached back and grabbed his cock, using her hand to ensure the knot doesn’t go inside of her. She would rather not be stuck on the end of a dog’s cock right now. She pulled away from him, feeling his cock slide out of her battered pussy. Now wearing just boots, she stuck her head out of the barn door and glanced around before stepping outside. “Maybe I had spare overalls in the stable, she thought.

Stealthily, she crept over to the stable. Hatch, not a fan of being interrupted, followed her closely, occasionally burying his nose in her crotch. Making her way around the barn, she slipped in through a window and made her way over to the hooks on the wall. A hat, two leashes and spare stirrups. No clothes. Fuck, she mumbled. Mac, their horse, whinnied in unison. Suddenly, she heard chatter as Tammy and Grandma walked past the stable. They were headed for the chicken coops. Not wanting to be noticed, Hailey ducked into Mac’s stall, and held her breath. Out of view from any windows, she figured this was a pretty safe spot. Mac, a gentle giant, didn’t mind the company. Crouched, Hailey glanced to her left and realized she was face to face with Mac’s cock. Or the sheathe at least. She shook her head, trying to regain focus. She’d never tried anything with Mac, but suddenly she couldn’t help but wonder what his cock would feel like in her hands. Heavily debating if she should, her attention was drawn back to her situation. If Tammy and Grandma were behind the barn, she should be free to sprint to the house, which was the opposite direction. She figured they’d be busy for at least a few more minutes. No time for horse cock. She knew in her heart she’d come back to give him a good jerk soon though. Steeling her resolve, she stepped out of the stall, covered her breasts and sprinted out of the stable, straight down the path, up the porch and inside. Breathing a sigh if relief, she headed to the laundry basket to retrieve her clothing.


Toby and Tammy share a room

Two days later, after dinner and a bath, Tammy heard a scratching at her door. Opening it, she found Toby whining, looking at her with a pleading expression. “okay, okay, you can sleep here”, she laughed. “No naughty stuff though”, she added, whispering. Toby leapt onto the bed and sat, looking at Tammy. Tammy laid down beside him and continued scrolling through Instagram. She was wearing just a shirt, but wasn’t very keen on trying anything inside the house. Toby, however, did not care, and began prying her legs apart in an attempt to lick that sweet pussy. Tammy pushed his head away, scolding him, but just the feeling of him licking her thighs made her pussy soaked. This was a bad idea. Then again, they hadn’t done anything since the knotting. The poor boy must be hornier than she was!. Unable to help herself, she opened her legs, still scrolling on Instagram. He licked her pussy with passion, sending his tongue deep inside of her hole. It wasn’t long before she had tossed her phone away and gotten down on all fours. She wiggled her ass invitingly, her pussy dripping as the sensation of his fur on her cheeks drover her into heat. He mounted her and began drilling her pussy. Tammy parted her legs further to allow for easier access as he stretched her walls with his massive cock. She could feel it growing longer and harder, and she imagined it competing with her organs for room inside of her petite body.

Suddenly, she felt the knot begin to grow inside of her. She planned for this. She pulled herself away, the currently not so large knot causing more pleasure than pain as it slipped out. As she was about to crawl from under him and have his whole penis slip out, a rap at her door caused her to freeze. Shit. The door wasn’t bolted; she forgot the lock was broken. In an attempt to stand up, she bumped against Toby’s underbelly, and Toby adjusted himself accordingly, now gripping her waist tightly.

“Tammy? Can we talk?” rang Aunt Hailey’s voice.

“One Sec”, Tammy replied, trying her best to not sound like she was being fucked by her Aunt’s dog. With all her strength, she pried herself away from Toby and towards the bed. Crawling under the covers, she adjusted her clothes while a frustrated Toby licked his balls on the floor. “SHIT” Tammy gasped, realizing Toby’s red rocket would remain out for a while. Not wanting her aunt to think she was a freak who had sex with dogs, she called for toby to get in bed with her under the covers. He obliged, and plopped down on top of her, his head on her tummy. She used the cover to hid both their lower bodies. “Come in!”, She chimed.

“Hey, kiddo. I’ll just say it. I saw you…you know, and it made things weird between us. I can tell you’ve been avoiding me. Look, it’s fine okay, everyone does it, it was an accident on my part, I’m sorry. Let’s go back to being friends.”

“Okay, but you’ve gotta swear you’ll forget what you saw!” Tammy laughed. “Sorry for ignoring you, I just felt awkward and I didn’t know if you were upset with me”

“Why would I be upset, it’s fine. I saw your butt all the time when you were a kid” Aunt Hailey giggled. “Okay, I’ll get outta your hair now” Aunt Hailey beamed, and took her leave. Tammy got up, bolted the door, and got back on all fours. “Okay let’s resume, boy” she smiled.


Midnight Snack

Later that night, after a great round of fucking, Tammy woke up to the sound of whining and scratching. Looking at the door, she saw Toby clawing underneath it. She figured he must be hungry, so she opened the door and followed him downstairs. She sat beside him and rubbed his neck lovingly while he ate. Leaning against the wall, she dozed off as he finished his meal. She was awakened by the sensation of her pussy being licked. Too horny for her own good, she stripped out of her shirt and got on all fours once again, allowing him access to her battered cunt. He fucked her like a piston. Just then, she felt the knot growing inside her. She anticipated the next time he would pull back and lurched forwards, pulling the knot out of her. However to her dismay, he grabbed her hips and fucked the knot right back into her pussy. She groaned in pain as it began to swell inside of her whilst he turned and made them be ass to ass, locking her in place once again. After several minutes of this, he began to move to the living room, dragging her along with him. She moaned as she went, the dragging being more pleasurable than painful. She let her head and chest rest on the floor as her ass was forced to remain in the air.

After a few more minutes, she heard footsteps, as someone was coming downstairs. She held her breath in fear, praying nobody would find her knotted in the living room. Unable to do anything but watch, she saw the light in the kitchen turn on, and heard someone moving. She crawled, gritting her teeth as she forced Toby to follow her as she tried to go behind the couch. She heard the sound of water pouring before the light was turned off and whoever it was headed back upstairs. If she had stayed in the kitchen, that would have been game over for her. She sighed a sigh of relief as Toby began walking around again, this time dragging her to the porch door. He slipped through the doggy door, but in her position, she couldn’t follow. Maybe she would be able to squeeze head first, but not like this. Toby, being stubborn, pulled and pulled until suddenly the knot flew out with a loud pop, gallons of doggy cum soaking both the kitchen and porch floors. Tammy moaned with pleasure as she felt Toby’s cum run down her legs. She grabbed her shirt and crawled upstairs, prepared to rub her clit until she dozed off.

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