Women with Animals

A Strange New She-male Cat like Creature raped me


Graduating from college with a speciality in new rare species of animal life, I was lucky to land a position with one of the top facilities in the country, working beside some of the greatest minds in the business.

There are constantly new breeds coming to light – some from breeding between species, some are due to environment changes creating a new line to cope with this.

Most changes are subtle, not really shaking up the natural occurrence of things – we have many come to lite in the oceans, but they may be a new species or just one we’ve never discovered before – it is estimated there are hundreds of creatures we have never seen or been aware of, simply because there is so much area yet to be discovered in the world, especially the ocean.

After working for several years, I was officially named a Taxonomists – with the title an increase in pay was really appreciated, also I became the top person for a small research group which traveled to check out the new species – confirming that we can add this one to the growing list – as well as check out it’s reproductive chances.

As I mentioned most new ones are located in the ocean – so when we heard about a new species … from what we were hearing, it was a cat of some sort – the locals had named it the erotic cat – but when the details came in, we dismissed the claim, knowing very well nothing was like this. To begin with this cat had huge boobs … that was not surprising many animals have huge boobies – but none really look like human ones, Second this one had a penis – but from what we were told it was a female with a penis. We have a surge of men who want to be women, so they have a breast enhancement, giving them a nice set of boobs, in many cases matched with a nice size penis they were born with – we call them shemales and they are not only interesting but in many cases fun to be with.

But animals don’t have access to plastic surgeons and as far as any information we have there aren’t any living like these. We have a-sexual species that mate with themselves, but nothing like this.

However the reports kept coming in, each one describing a beautiful feline that looked somewhat human – one question we had to consider, was there a private industry experimenting with specific genes to create something for them to make money off of. No requests had been filed with the multiple authorities, but that didn’t mean someone wasn’t breaking the law.

Finally I gathered my team (two women and two men, plus myself) heading to the location where this thing was supposed to live.. We flew into the nearest airport, then by SUV’s traveled several hours arriving in a small village

Several of the people were anxiously waiting for us to show up – it seems the mysterious creature had been spotted not far from this area, she seems to be waiting for us to see her.

We didn’t stop to unpack, just headed to the jungle area they had last seen her – it only took a few minutes to arrive at an open area – what I saw stopped me in my tracks. The most beautiful cat – easily classified as one of the ‘Big Cats’, I’d ever seen was sitting on her hind legs, watching a large male deer, who was with a herd of around 18 – about the size of a moose. Her color was close to the tan a large tiger hgas, only a softer brown, with black highlights – her tail was moving slowly back and forth – eyes glued on what we assumed was her prey.

Shortly after we arrived, it was obvious she knew we were watching – at the same time the big male saw her, immediately sprinting to a safer place – that’s when I witnessed what had to be the fastest cat I’d ever seen. Much faster than a cheetah at full speed, she was on him before he moved up to full speed, knocking him off his feet, she played with him, slapping his head … disorienting him , until finally he knew there was no escape – giving up from sheer fear – that was the first I saw what she really looked like … huge boobs shook from side to side, nipples rigid as well as long … a cock like none I’ve ever seen before – had to be a good 14 inches or more, as big around as the end of a baseball bat – it was swinging back and forth while she teased him.

Breathing heavy, head down, standing on all fours legs separated to support what was coming – I knew he never expected her to jump up on his back, sliding that monster cock deep in his ass – locking her body to him with the four powerful legs – her hips pumping back and forth – deep in him and out … the poor thing screamed a sound I’ve never heard from any animal – the pain must have been intense – he tried to move, to get away … but what was happening the sexual feelings .. new strange feelings he’d never experienced had him shaking – his own cock dropping down between his legs, the shaft hard and throbbing.

How long she was on him, was lost in the sheer shock – when she finally emptied her seed deep inside him, his own cock exploded – from sheer exhaustion dropping him to the ground – she licked his cock clean, then her own – cleaning up what he’d dropped on the ground – then moved effortlessly towards us — paying particular attention to me – as her eyes locked on mine … She wasn’t showing any aggression – so we didn’t take safety in the vehicle – coming within inches of my face – she hissed our eyes locked – sniffing my scent, there wasn’t anything to hide, I’ve never been as aroused as she had me at that moment … the moisture between my legs was dripping now and I’m sure she could smell how aroused she had made me.

None of us had ever seen or even heard of anything like this – the poor animal she’d raped, was staggering to stand – cum dripping from his ass.

She hissed again, then sprayed me with some of her saliva, making my eyes roll up in my head, for the first time in my life – she triggered a massive, mind blowing handless orgasm while I stood there … What I didn’t know was while I was in this zoned out state she marked my team plus the lady who’d picked us up and driven us here.

I knew in my mind, she had just marked me … why I wasn’t sure, but I also knew this was not the last time I’d see her.

She turned disappearing back in the forest – looking at the poor animal she’d raped, he had collapsed, bringing his herd around him to protect from unwanted predators.

We arrived back at our hotel, immediately setting up a conference call with our home office – explaining what we had just witnessed, I left out the part she had sprayed me, that I’d experienced one of the most if not the most intense climax I’d ever had – everyone else left out that part of the events also. None of us discussed how sexually aroused she had on us – so the main office didn’t understand what we were actually facing.

Since this was so strange, none of us had any ideas what to do next – was she all alone, were there others, where did she come from, why did she rape her prey instead of killing it – no answers -the poor beast she’d raped, by the time we left, had fallen asleep where she left him, the heard he belonged to, maybe 18 or so, stood around him, protecting his from any prey that could harm him.

The day had been long and exhausting – even after a long shower, her scent was still on me, continually arousing, to the point I masterbated like a crazed creature before falling asleep.

For the next few weeks, we were so busy with our own research and talking to the home office – one thing that was different was my need for some relief every couple of hours. I’d slip away to someplace private, masterbate like mad, ejaculating an excessive amount of sweet tasting cum, then return to the group – being in a semi-dazed state, I didn’t realize the entire staff was doing the same thing. We’d forgotten about the poor animal we’d last seen asleep. One afternoon a villager came running, screaming for us to come quickly.

Stopping dead in our tracks, shocked by what we were seeing – the poor creature had grown huge human-like tits as well as a cock now many times bigger than when we’d first seen him. HIs eyes seemed distant – not able to focus.

The villager said he awakened, seemed fascinated with the changes in his body, but after a few hours he was shaking, seeming to look for someone or something – the longer time had him continually shaking – almost as if he was in some sort of a withdrawal – when the herd saw he was awake, they moved on – he followed but it was obvious he was struggling to keep up – it wouldn’t take long before one of the predators would attack and kill him, no matter how strange he looked. She had made her point, the seed she carried had the ability to change features – but why the animal was in what appeared to be an addiction withdrawal.

The phone call to the main office asked questions. Did someone she’d raped, continually need her to replenish the strange seed only she could provide – lots of questions, not any answers.

That evening after we’d all turned in, as soon as I was in my room, her scent filled my room – checking everywhere – there was no sign of her, just the pleasant sweet smell. Following the smell back outside – down the street heading out of town … normally I’d have gotten help, but curiosity and the sweet seductive smell clouded me, so common sense was not functioning properly.

The city sits on the edge of the forest, so within a few minutes I was entering an open area, fairly well lit by the full moon that was shining tonight – suddenly she was sitting on her hind legs, not moving, just waiting and watching me.

In this light she was even more stunning and breathtaking than I had thought. For some reason I wasn’t afraid of her, as I got closer she was purring, just like a house cat.

Moving closer, holding out my hand for her to sniff – then rubbing her back, I’ve never felt anything as soft as her fur was –

Like common house cats, this one leaned forward, licking my hand, then my neck – her rough tongue spiked my sexual arousal – moving her tongue to my lips, her saliva was so intoxicating, floating my eyes back while they opened and closed slowly.

At some point I had lost my clothes, now making out with a cat, a cat whose large breasts pressed against mine, our nipples rubbing back and forth – my pussy was throbbing … stroking her rigid shaft, I dropped to my knees – the shaft was so soft while being rigid as any pole, the texture smooth – licking the head – the droplets of pre-cum increasing that need building inside me – taking in as much of her size as humanly possible – she stopped all of this, spinning me around, hips high in the air, I knew she was going to use me, take me just like she had the large animal – jumping up on my back – never in my life have I needed this to happen like I did at this moment – she mounted me, but instead of driving that monster in my pussy, in my pussy that needed tt so bad – she pushed it in my ass – one steady motion she was all the way in.

If I live to be hundreds of years old, there will never be any pain more intense than what I was feeling at that moment.. Twisting, screaming, trying to pull away- reaching back to get her off, but she was too strong, way too big to stop this –

The creature was pounding me – the strength in her legs and her size made it impossible to get free, all I could do was drop my head, tears streaming down my cheeks .. thinking this would never stop – all of a sudden she flooded me with a super warm liquid – my body shook, the lips of my pussy opening up and emptying one of the most shaking explosions that I had ever experienced.

As soon as it happened … totally exhausted, dropping to the ground – almost as soon as I was on the ground – a deep slumber took over.

Her powerful jaws easily picked up my lifeless body, carrying me to a secret cave … the floor covered with a soft moss … what was taking place was unknown to me.

From what I found out later, I had been missing and asleep for over three weeks, waking slowly, looking around – my whole team was there as well as the one person who had witnessed our first encounter

Setting up, my tits were huge, at least twice as big as they had been twice as big as the Double D’s they had been – between my legs – the perfect shaved pussy had been replaced by one of the biggest smoothest cocks I’d ever had close to me.

Looking at my companions, each one either had added cocks or tits … stroking my new member, was exciting me – the fact I had been kidnapped, sexually assaulted by a strange creature, didn’t concern me … the faster I stroked, the closer I was coming to exploding – a few more harder pumps and over the ledge I fell – now understanding why guys love to play with their cocks.

My scream woke up everyone else … no one was worried, didn’t care why or how we got here – we all sensed we had to wait for the one who raped us and somehow brought us here – so like me everyone was playing with their new bodies … teasing nipples, squeezing new breasts, others stroking a new cock –

Sometime later the strange ‘Big Cat’ came back in. Seeming to be pleased that all of us were awake, fascinated by the changes in our bodies – moving to me, immediately picking up where we had left off, kissing, licking – making contact with me, licking the super sensitive rigid shaft, poking up in front of me …

Something inside me told me how much I needed her to complete the process she had started Moving to all fours, knowing what I needed – that wonderful large pole slipped in easily this time, no pain, only intense pleasure.

This time she kept a steady pumping while I stroked and pumped my new penis – never been as greatfull for her as I was at this moment. How long she kept me like this – I have no idea, all I could feel was pure pleasure – when she finally emptied the second load deep inside me – triggering my own cock to explode. the warmth, the satisfaction of knowing she now totally owned me. I was hers, she’d continually give me the addicting seed – that my body needed.

Stroking my new body part, I watched as she finalized the second treatment with each of us. As soon as she pulled out of each, we were fucking each other like sex crazed rabbits.

Our life quickly switched to enjoying sex every waking hours – sometimes we’d be fucking an ass, other times someone was pounding us – at least three or four times each week, Mistress would refill us with her addictive seed – I happened to be one of her favorites, so she spent more time with me … Loving the way her large shaft filled me – loving the way she could keep on pumping in and out for hours and loving the way the warm cream flooded me when she emptied the life sustaining seed in me.

Our cave was located on the top of a sheer cliff. A small plateau came out from the opening – allowing us time to look down in the valley below, but she insisted we not go any further than that area.

Occasionally we’d hear someone in the valley below – I was sure some were search parties looking for us – some may have been hunters hoping to see this mysterious creature we had named Mistress- but this new life style was so enjoyable, none of us ever wanted to be found.

She’d patrol her area, getting rid of any dangers who were coming to close – we had all witnessed what happened to the large deer like animal when Mistress didn’t complete the sexual cycle we were now enjoying – we all loved the sex, loved being shemales with huge cocks and big tits and most important we loved fucking and getting fucked … so when we heard voices below – we stayed extremely quiet.

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