Women with Animals
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A Strange wolf-like Creature makes me His


Living in the NorthWest Territories brings its advantages and drawbacks, add to that being a female, who is fairly good looking – we have more problems.

But after being up here for more than 15 years, I’ve earned my reputation – the ranchers around the area call me when they have a bear or wolf problem – I hunt down the one who has been killing their livestock, usually kill it, get paid by the owner for eliminating the problem, skin out the animal – tan and sell its hide, give the meat to the elderly, who no longer can hunt on their own – by now I make a good living, have my own cabin, a 4×4 truck that goes just about anyplace, a 4 wheeler for trips where the truck can’t go.

When I’m not hunting or helping someone take care of a problem, my place has a few cattle, a few sheep, some chickens, both roasters and egg laying ones – one good pig each year provides me with a variety of meat through the long winter – I supplement that with birds, some fish and a few animals that I trap in the winter.

There is one rancher I really enjoy hearing from, Mark Westrun – he lives a couple of hours from my place – has a nice spread where he runs 50 to 60 head of cattle – since they are cows – they are susceptible to bears and wolves mainly – he uses a drone flying out of his place to watch over the herd – when he spots one down, that’s when I get the call and for him I drop everything – head his way, track down the predator, eliminate it – bring the carcass back down to his place, where he helps me clean and tan the hide – as well as distribute the meat.

Mark is tall, extremely good shape, darker olive skin tone, dark hair and carries a package between his legs that always makes me wet between mine.

On a Saturday morning I got a call from him, apparently he’d spotted a dead calf – the tracks and kill all pointed to a bear – probably a large black bear. I loaded the four-wheeler into the back of my pick-up, along with gear, rifles and a pistol I always wear – within the hour I was on my way to his place.

There’s a family that lives not far from me, they have a teenage son who is always willing to come when needed – he takes care of my animals, the entire place, eats the food and sleeps in my bed – until I get back – I pay him very well and it teaches him how to take care of a place – I placed the call, he was on his way when I pulled out.

A bear stays close to an easy kill … so when I arrived a few miles from the site, unloading the four wheeler – I was on my way to the area – his tracks were easy to pick up – it only took a couple of hours to locate this big guy. Sometimes I can run them off, but from what this kill looked like, he planned on staying around for a few more easy meals – once I had brought him down, dragging the body back to the truck, with the help of a wench I have on the rig, he was up and in, the 4 wheeler loaded and back on my way ot Mark’s home.

He was working in his shop when I arrived, a much missed hug and an even longer kiss, told of how close the two of us were – he helped me skin the animal, cut up the meat – lay out the hide to start the process of tanning it – he called one of the guys who live near the town, to pick up the meat and distribute it to those who are in need … now the work was done, we stripped down nude, the two of us jumping into a hot tub he has on his back porch – as soon as he was settled in, I straddled him, easing the welcomed but truly missed, cock of his up inside me … Kissing him, moving my hips back and forth, loving how good he felt in me … he was one who truly knew how to excite me, how to build up the arousal, until I was rubbing my nipples against his chest, bounding on him, begging him to let me cum, while he filled me with the warm sensation I always loved.

Laying in his bed on my side, stroking him until he was rock hard, that is when I enjoyed sucking and licking until he exploded in my mouth.

Somehow we never got tired of each other, he tried again and again to have me move in with him – I cloud still do my hunting, my animals would fit right in and I could help with his herd – even though I missed him when I left, I just wasn’t ready to give up my freedom, so each time I’d leave, I’d always tell him ‘We’ll see’.

I had just come home from a successful hunt eliminating a lone wolf that was attacking some goats – the young man taking care of the place, meant me at the gate, “Nikki there are some Elders from one of the northern tribes here to see you, they’ve been here just after you left”

I was surprised to hear someone was here from one of the indigenous tribes – they always took care of problems on their own, I’d never been contacted.

Greeting them, apologizing for not being here when they arrived – they understood, was not upset, they understood the good work I was doing with the various ranchers in this area, that was why they had come to me to discuss a possible problem they were not able to handle.

Needless to say, I was more than surprised … as I listened to what they were saying, apparently something was stealing their young women, taking them away to some unknown place, raping them repeatidly over and over … When he finished, they were returned but now completely broken, all claiming they had been taken by some kind of a walking wolf. One that moved easily in an upright position – combined features of human and wolf .. then they added, every young lady said how good looking he was, how charming, how easy he seduced them … that was when the terror began – they had never been treated like he did them.

They went on to see if I’d be willing to help them hunt down this creature, whatever he was, kill him and free their villages from this scourge.

I had listened to everything they had to say, one thing bothered me … something only the young girls who had been returned could answer.

They balked at allowing me to talk to a few of the girls – but when I explained that was the only way I’d consider taking on this assignment – there were three girls in a village close to my place – I followed them back to the area … the three girls were all young, around my age give or take a few years … when I told them how sorry I was they had been kidnapped, all acted the same, a little embarrassed about something. Question after question they dodged what I was asking … finally when I asked one of them, “Why did he let you go, especially when he had already captured you?”

One of them dropped her head, in a voice barely above a whisper, “He said I didn’t like what he was offering .. I guess I just wasn’t responding to his sexual advances like I should have”

Now that I had some of the answer, continuing to pursue this thought, I found out he had a penis well over 10 inches long – maybe longer – the girth was so big none of them could get their hands around it … the final bit of information was to tell me how long they had been raped. Well over an hour.

It took me several hours of considering all I knew … finally telling the elders I’d be accepting their offer .. as soon as I got things taken care of at my place – I’d be on the job to locate this animal or creature and see if I couldn’t stop the kidnapping from taking place.

Making arrangements to have my young man stay on for an extended period of time … after a few days I was all loaded up and on my way to the area where most of the abductions had taken place …. It was obvious there had been some type of large creature around this area – the tracking didn’t take long to follow him to a large cave located high on a hillside – each young lady had described a place that fit this one perfectly,

Watching the area for a few days, there didn’t seem to be any movement – deciding to get a closer look, advancing inside the cave carefully – as soon as my eyes adjusted to the light, I gasped when he was standing a few feet away … “I wondered how long it would take for you to join me … I’m impressed the lady hunter has been hired to capture or destroy me. Welcome to my home”

The ladies were all correct, he could communicate, he was far better looking than any of them had said – being well over 6 foot tall, maybe closer to 7, features of both human and wolf, the combination was the best of both – Accepting his courtesy, I introduced myself – then we talked – he kept his distance – didn’t seem to be aggressive in anyway …

Answering him as to why I was there, “The elders of the different villages are concerned by you kidnapping some of their young ladies” … he seemed truly remorseful

“I just needed a companion – I wasn’t trying to hurt anyone, just thought when they saw what I had to offer – they’d decide to stay” Then he dropped his had, “But I guess I was wrong, please tell the elders I won’t bother them again”

It was obvious he wasn’t a threat to anyone … just lonely – placing my rifle down, moving close to him, explaining I’d let the tribes know … the closer I got to him, the more sexually arousing he was becoming – between my legs, my panties were so soaked, they were sticking to my legs … He was an animal – even though he was sorry for what he did, it was easy for him to pick up my scent – one that told him I’d be more than responsive to any advances –

His keen sense picked up my arousal, looking at me for a long time, than moving in behind wrapping his arms around my body, “So it smells like the lady hunter likes what she is seeing and feeling” He kissed my neck, at the same time, pressing his body against my bottom – the sheer size of the rod he pressed against me, made my eyes lose focus.

After massaging both of my boobs, he slipped off the shirt … I never wear a bra, so now feeling him making contact to my bare top, made me moan – reaching down, undoing my jeans, when they dropped to the floor, he packed me up, carried me to the back of the cave, laying me on a soft moss covered area … Standing above me – he had a light covering of hair between his legs, suddenly the soft hair separated, the largest massive cock came into view – had to be the biggest I’ve ever seen, other than a horse … Moving to my knees, taking hold of him with both hands – stroking it, made him let out a low sound – making me smile – licking the underside, squeezing his balls softly – that was when I saw the first appearance of the pre-cum starting to flow … Leaning forward taking the head in my mouth, my tongue circling the crown tasting my first wild cum from this creature.

I was not expecting how wild his seed tasted, it felt like it surged through my whole body, making me shake – looking up at him, my eyes glazed somewhat … “I need to taste more of you – I’ll be ready for you to fuck me later but now I want to drink all you have”

He didn’t object, instead started pumping back and forth in me … grabbing my head, holding me while he pushed down my throat – he must have been so horny – it only took a few strokes and he emptied the full load down my throat into my tummy – I was able to taste how wonderful he was … it had me in a strange erotic haze I’d never experienced …..

Laying back, more than surprised when after he emptied the load – he was still hard … “Can you do me again without resting?”

There weren’t a lot of expressions on his face, but he easily picked me up, moving me to all fours, kneeling down. He was all the way in with one stroke … I’ve never felt anything this deep in me, didn’t have any idea I could be stretched like he was doing to me … there wasn’t any pain, I figured the way Mark had fucked me, prepared me for what was happening now.

He started pumping in and out, slow but steady – it only took a few strokes and I exploded, my whole body trembling – this didn’t slow or stop him, he was in a steady rhythm and nothing I was doing would stop him –

The young girls I talked to were right when they said he just kept on fucking them on an on and on – he had been pumping me for what seemed close to an hour … my body had enjoyed multiple explosions – so many I had become exhausted … Finally he pushed in and stopped, the sudden rush of warm liquid filling my pussy, triggered my last climax … a low whimpering sound filled the cave, my eyes fluttered then floated away.

He pulled out of me, barely able to clean his cock of our combined juices … once again his juices floated me into a dream-like state.

Curling up in a ball, having him lay down behind me, pulling me to him … sleep over took my worn out body – erotically filled dreams took over the much needed rest.

When I woke, turning to face him … “Wow that was something I’ve never enjoyed before – I have no idea why the women from the village would object to that”

Laughing, moving the hair from my face … “So what do you want to do now?”

Jumping up, rolling him on his back, taking hold of that marvelous cock … “Well first I need to have some of this yummy liquid then I need you to fuck me again. You OK with that?”

That was the first time I’d seen him really laugh … we fucked and fucked and fucked for several days – eventually I knew I’d have to report back to the Elders … “I’ve got an idea, why don’t you live with me on my ranch, once the animals get used to you, they’d be fine … I’d still need to hunt like I have been, but while I was gone you could stay and take care of the ranch” Reaching between his legs stroking the semi hard shaft …’And of course we could fuck every night and probably every morning – maybe even work in a few during the day. What do you say?”

He loved the idea so much so, we didn’t make it out of the cave until much later … The elders were satisfied he’d no longer be a threat to them and their women – the young man who had been helping me headed for college when I got back – I still visit Mark when he has problems and enjoy a few days of normal sex … my Wolfie doesn’t mind, I think he uses the sheep we have while I’m gone – I still have no idea what he is, but when I return from a job, we are like a pair of fucking rabbits – fucking all the time everywhere for a couple of days.

I guess he is a wolf of some sort, but who cares – with a cock like his, I don’t give a shit.

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