Men with Animals

The SheepHerder and some cute Ewes


My second year in college told me what I suspected, this was not for me … I’d just finished my finals for the Spring semester, from what I felt they had not been bad – maybe even marginally good … but I wasn’t happy. Sitting in the student lounge, opening my laptop, started looking for a new way to guide my life. My dad had a business that he’d always thought was waiting for me to move into … but it wasn’t for me – he had a successful farm – the idea of taking care of planting, harvesting, selling to make a living also was not what I wanted.

Googling new careers that are not the ordinary ones – brought up a long list of possibilities – scrolling slowly through one after the next – I took time to look at pros and cons of each one, then to my surprise I came across being a ‘Sheep Herder’. It told how many ranchers who raise sheep are always in need of full time herders. Typically the sheep are brought down to a ranch area in the springtime for sherring, then moved back up to the higher country – staying up there, in some cases until the following spring.

The more I read, a good herder was familiar to all his sheep, in some cases they would follow him and not have to be herded or directed. I noticed all the good ones had two or three dogs who accompanied them – these were usually Border Collies, specifically raised to herd sheep and cows in some cases horses – the fact I love dogs, enjoy being alone for extended periods of time – enjoy the outdoors but not working a place like my family has.

Sending out a request to several of the larger sheep ranchers, mainly located in northern California up in the mountains – that way I would be fairly close to the family, in case I needed to come back due to an accident or problem.

Within a day one of the bigger ranches called me directly … I was surprised to find out the place was run by a middle aged lady named Cassidy Donaldson … As soon as she made contact, she suggested we do a face-time interview – switching to my laptop, when she came on the screen, I was looking at a powerful woman, extremely good looking, hair pulled back in a ponytail, large cowboy hat .. I had only been talking to her for a short time when I realized she was not one that you’d ever cross. She wanted to know why I was interested in this type of lifestyle – if I’d ever been alone for long periods of time and so on and so on … finally she agreed to give me a try – I’d come in to pick up my trailer, a 4 wheeler, supplies – then they’d take me to the herd I was to watch over. She had several herds, this one was located in a basin type of a mountain – high hills on all sides except the road coming into the area … in this herd I had 250 total sheep, a mix of males and females – a few smaller ones, but most were older animals.

When it looked like I was all settled in, her final comments, “Mick remember this is my herd, I’ve raised them, taken care of some when they were sick – please treat them like the beautiful living creatures they are”

I promised her I’d be fine – the first few weeks were a learning curve – up early to take care of the ones who needed additional care, staying up late in the evening, especially when we had signs of predators –

Six weeks after I’d arrived, Cassidy brought me my supplies – checking with what I had done, she was more than happy – deciding to stay over to help me for one evening. As soon as the herd was bedded down, I’d built a fire near the bunk wagon … she’d brought up some beer, we sat by the fire, talking, laughing at some of the strange things that had taken place for me …. Breaking open two more beers, while she was kneeling, er eyes locked on mine … there was definitely something in the air – when she handed me my can, our hands touched, our eyes locked on one another –

We both knew what the other needed … moving close for our first kiss … ignited the long awaited desire –

I had parked my bunk house on a patch of lush growing lawn – felt good after being in boots all day to walk around barefoot, easily picking her up out of her chair, our kiss not being broken … laying her down on the softness, we both stripped off everything we had on, then jumped back in each other’s arms … we were like caged tigers not having enjoyed sex for years. She had my cock in her hand, pumping it, moving so her mouth covered it … these feelings I had missed for a long time, now laying back enjoying what was happening and how good it felt.

As soon as I felt my own arousal beginning to peak, quickly switching positions, so she was on her back, tracing my finger over her highly aroused, shaved pussy – the folds were covered with a slick moisture – leaning forward, licking both lips at the same time – she had a wild, musky taste – but something I knew I’d never get tired of … pushing two fingers up inside her, pumping rapidly while I rubbed her magical spot – the squishing sound of he wet pussy filled the silence around the campsite.

It didn’t take long of my licking, sucking, tongued diving deep inside her, my fingers teasing her clit – for her to reach down, pulling me up to her, our lips locking, just as my cock found a welcoming opening … sliding deep inside her was like nothing I’d ever felt before – a softness most women don’t have, she was loose and yet tight enough to keep a good steady grip around my entire shaft.

Pumping in and out of her … the dominant personality only stayed on her back for a few minutes, then rolling me over so she was on top … now she was in charge controlling how fast I was moving in and out of her … reaching up to grab her breasts, she slapped my hands … “Don’t do anything unless I give you permission to do so”

Something happened, a strange submissive feeling came over me … laying there while she worked her own body … suddenly she stopped, “And believe me you better not cum until I give you permission – if you know what is good for you”

The way she said it, how she was controlling the pace – had me so scared, I didn’t dare do anything that hadn’t been approved – she kept me on the edge until she was as excited as she could be, finally telling me I could cum – the build up in my balls had been almost painful – exploding within moments when permission was given … her matching climax sent her eyes floating back in her head … it took sometime for both of us to calm down … she rolled over to my side .. kissing me more … pulling back as we moved side by side, stroking my hair, “You OK with me taking charge – it’s just my nature. I got the feeling you enjoy a submissive side … so I think we make a perfect pair – what do you think?”

I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed enjoying sex – even though she had been so overbearing and controlling everything – her body was so perfect – I couldn’t have asked for more … so being her sub-slave didn’t bother me.

We grabbed a bite to eat, turned in, fucking just like before the next morning – if anything she was even more in control.

When she left, we agreed she’d make the supply trips from now on, we’d enjoy an evening and morning of erotic pleasure – just as she got back in her truck, she turned, “Mick remember this is my herd, I’ve raised them, taken care of some when they were sick – please treat them like the beautiful living creatures they are”

Nodding that I’d do my best … while I had been told this same thing when I started, I just smiled watching her go.

Each delivery brought more sexual excitement while she became more dominant and I slipped further and further into a submissive sex slave. By the time I’d been there over six months, I was hard for several days before she arrived. Some of my new rules were no masterbating while she was gone – six week intervals had my balls heavy, almost painful – sometimes she’d keep me that way until just before she left … I was one step away from being put in a chastity device, knowing in my heart she owned me, I didn’t have a collar, but she owned all of me.

Then one morning a ranch hand showed up with my delivery, the bad news – Miss Cassidy had fallen breaking her hip – surgery was done on a hip that would have needed to be replaced in the future anyway – but she wouldn’t be making deliveries for a while – just not sure how long her recovery would take.

I helped him unload the supplies, he was gone in less than an hour and I was in such a need of some relief, I just stayed in camp the rest of the day. Six weeks later a second delivery with no sexual relief in sight – she was healing – would be back to see me soon.

That evening my balls were aching, laying in my bunk, totally nude … knowing there was no way I could jack-off, carefully and slowly stroking a rock hard shaft – when I heard something just outside by my door. Not bothering to get dressed … opening the door, the cutest, flirty little ewe was wiggling her ass a few steps from the campsite. Stepping closer, running my hand down her back … my poor cock still in full arousal …. It seems the young lady was giving off a strange scent, one that made me lean down behind ner, sniffing that lovely bottom … the pussy was moist … she let out a strange sound, when I licked her opening, then pushed a single finger up inside her …. I knew I was forbidden to play with myself, but this one had left the herd seeking more excitement … standing, her pussy was in perfect height for me to fuck her … grabbing her hips, pushing the shaft all the way in – loving how good she felt, my eyes rolled up in my head … “OMG little one where have you been all this time?”

Pushing in and out in a slow steady pace, her insides were doing things to me, I’d never felt before – Cassidy controlled me so much it was hard to become fully excited – previous girls I’d been with were awesome, but now this was feeling like something there was no way to describe.

She had no way of expressing how much she was enjoying what was happening – but I could tell she loved it. I kept at it for a little over ten minutes – finally releasing the much needed cream deep inside her.

Pulling out, feeling better than I had for a long time, just as I returned to the bed, looking back, she had joined a few other good looking gals, they were sampling the cum oozing out of her pussy – returning to be nose to nose … in the dark, on my back – it hit me, I’d just fucked a sheep, I know she’d let me, but it was still an animal. Strange thing, there wasn’t any regret, I felt good, relaxed – so sleep came easy.

The next morning before sunrise, deciding to stay nude, with only my boots on, I fired up the outdoor stove, some eggs, bacon and a pot of coffee was on the menu … when three young ladies came sashaying into the camp area. I had a good stiff woody from the previous evening – one of them backed into me, her back end all gooey with moisture … running a finger around her opening – the tail moved away, her head dropped down, anyone could see how much she wanted me …. While the food was cooking, grabbing her hips I slid in just as easy with her as I had with her friend the previous evening.

Like before it didn’t take long for me to empty a full load in this one … the funny thing when I pulled out I was still hard. She trotted back to the herd, I sat down to enjoy a good breakfast, noticing several more of the females had their eyes on me, while at the same time a few of the big rams also had been watching. Looking at them I had the feeling they were wondering where in the hell I got off sampling their women … Laughing, never giving it a second thought.

Today seemed like a perfect day to stay nude except for my boots … .walking around the group, checking to make sure no problems were present – it didn’t take long to find a fine young thing giving me the eye … slipping deep inside her, once again pumping like mad, leaving her with a full load of my seed … laughing to myself, “Glad I can’t get any of these pregnant, fuck I’d have little Erics running all over the place.

By the time evening arrived, I’d enjoyed approximately 7 or 8 females – at this rate I figured I’d have enjoyed a good portion of the females when my supplies were due to arrive.

This new way of herding had been going on for well over a week, my body was bronzed now from being nude all day – I had just pulled out of one of my lady friends, when Cassidy’s big truck pulled up.

She was with her lady assistant – who was carrying some sort of a pole … being more than a little embarrassed, there wasn’t much I could do with my cock now staying hard most of the day, rushing towards the bunk wagon, the assistant pushed the pole she had, into the side of my hip … it was a cattle prod – cattle hot stick. The shock hit me so hard, my legs gave out, dropping me like a bowl of jelly to the ground.

I wanted to apologize, but couldn’t speak … My boss had pulled out a metal contraption of some sort, pressing a side, it made up into a kneeling looking bench with a few padded areas. The two of them moved me into position, kneeling me over it, wrists secured, knees as well … the assistant started swabbing me with some sort of a smelly yellowish liquid all over my ass.

My body was still shaking from the electric shock … Cassidy leaned down, “I told you to take care of this herd, I didn’t tell you to fuck all of the little sluts – do you have any idea how upset you’ve made the Rams? Now it’s payback season”

A huge ram was walking slowly my way, I recognized this one, he’d had his eye on me every time I was jumping one of his girls …. Moving behind me, licking the opening between my cheeks … liking the liquid my ass was covered with, that’s when it hit me what was about to happen.

I had caught a look at some of the big rams cocks, there was no way something that big was going to be pushed up in my ass … Turning to the two ladies, “Please don’t let this happen, OMG he is way too big, it’ll rip me apart … please don’t, I beg you not to do this to me ….”

I wanted to say more, to plead more … he’d been eyeing me since I did the first sheep, I knew he had it in for me … but before anything else could be said he was up on my back, that massive over 12 inch pole found its mark, slid all the way in … the pain was unlike anything I’d ever experienced – it shot through my body, making it impossible to utter any sound.

Tears rolled down my cheeks, when he started to move in and out, the pain became worse. I had seen the rams and ewes mate multiple times … usually the big male is in her, a few strokes, emptying the seed then pulling out, but with him in me, he kept on pumping in and out and in and out … almost like he knew the pain he was causing and wanted to make sure he made me experience as much as possible.

Soon he did empty the warm liquid deep inside me … that was the only positive thing that had happened, it felt wonderful – relaxing me, making some of the pain go away – when he pulled out, a surprising feeling of total emptiness overcame the pain … It only took a few minutes before a second huge animal jumped up on my back, his equally massive member sliding easily in the now well lubed opening. That was when my body betrayed me – a sudden wave of pure pleasure overcame all the pain I’d previously felt – my cock shot straight out, becoming hard as it has ever been. Breathing became ragged, eyes lost focus, head dropped down … in a tone barely above a whisper, “OMG please fuck me – fuck me fast and hard, make it last – oh please do me faster and faster”

I knew he couldn’t understand what I was saying, but somehow it made me feel better knowing somehow I was begging him to use me more.

As soon as this one emptied his seed deep inside me, along with the wonderful feeling of joy that comes from the warmth he unloaded – my cock also exploded, coating the ground underneath my submissive device.

All total as near as I can remember my assy/pussy was used at least 8 times may be closer to an even dozen – when she stopped anymore from having their turns, the two of them helped me to a nearby stream where I go for a bath – the cold mountain water made me feel better – then they helped me to my bed.

It did not take long for sleep to overtake me … waking early in the morning, I laid there, wondering what was going to me – I had apparently broken her rules, used the, as she called them, slutty sheep, for my own pleasure – it was obvious she was no longer interested in me. Finally getting up … the makeshift bench was still there, her assistant holding the cattle prod, Cassidy was kneeling by a good fire … seeing I was up, “Come on down, assume the position you were in earlier – if you hesitate I’m sure the cattle prod is still working”

I damn near ran to the device, knelt down – as before my wrists and knees were secured … that was when I saw a branding iron in the fire she’d built. Taking it out, the thing was glowing red hot, “It says, ‘Property of Cassidy’. That’s what you’ve become now”

She branded the right cheek of my ass … this pain made me pass out. When I woke her assistant was applying some cream to the burn … I was told from now on being nude was preferred when herding – unless the weather was cold – I could fuck any and all the sheep I’d want, but the big rams also knew they could fuck me as well, when they wanted. If I ever refused, she’d come back and put me in a chastity device so only the rams could enjoy me.

My supplies would arrive every six weeks … the two of them walked hand in hand back to their truck, folded up the fuck bench and were gone … my ass was still tingling, applying more lotion they’d left helped … Just then a cute little flirt joined me, licking my new branded area, then wiggling her ass … I was rock hard as soon as I saw how moist she was … slipping my cock deep in her pussy … laughing when that original ram that hated me, mounted me while I was in her … guess the idea of becoming a sheep herder was not a bad decision.

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