Women with Animals

A new College Roommate has a Dog


I’ve never considered myself wealthy, but it wasn’t until college that it dawned on me that my life had been easy compared to others. I’d never wanted for anything, can’t remember not always having anything I wanted – if mom and dad said no, I’d ask my grandpa and he never said no.

I had always received good grades, so in my Senior year in highschool I applied for entrance to several universities – acceptance letters arrived from all of them, I had my favorite, so I accepted their offer – that was when my parents stepped in.

The three of us took a road trip in the summer to the university – just to check it out – allow me to become familiar with where everything I’d need was located. I was anxious to see the dorms where I’d be living, that’s when mom casually told the real reason for the trip, “Oh honey you’re not living in the dorms – they’re filthy, anyone can live there – you’d have no idea what type of a roommate you’d end up with. No your dad and I have picked out several small cottages that we’re going to look at, I’m sure one of them will be perfect”

I knew from past experience there was no point in arguing, they were going to purchase me a home to live in while I attended college. That was also when I decided I’d lay down some rules as well … “Well if I can’t live on campus, then I get to interview and rent out a spare bedroom to a girl of my choice. The extra money can help me with my expenses, which will cut down on me using the credit card as much” Then I laughed telling them I’d even set up a bank account with the excess.

They loved the idea, both were pleased that I was becoming financially independent, just like they were. I rolled my eyes, the only one in our family who had been in that situation was my great-grandfather who had built the manufacturing empire. My grandfather lived off of a golden spoon, just like my dad and just like what I had been doing so far.

The thing they may have known about me but never said anything was, I had not come out yet, but I was a hundred percent lesbian – loving girls and having no use for any of the boys.

I figured I’d find a ‘like-minded’ hottie, let her move in – we’d enjoy as much sex as we wanted, and who knows with my own place maybe have some fun ‘girls only’ parties.

We picked out a nice three bedroom home not too far from the campus but had some property, so not close to any neighbors – while they were busy purchasing this for me, I was looking at the rental rates for students – before we left, I ran an ad in the college newspaper looking for a female roommate living in a home not far from the campus. Separate bedroom, bath and shared living quarters. I asked for pics as well as additional information on what they liked and disliked – writing it in such a way that I hoped would indicate my sexual preference.

I wasn’t at all disappointed by the way I wrote the ad, every application in some way said how much they’d like to get to know me better. One that stood out was from a freshman like me named Emily. A stunning looking brunette, who was showing how big, firm and yummy her boobs were – the erect nipples looking like they needed attention at all times.

Arranging a one on one phone call was a huge success, we laughed, joked, kidded each other – it felt like we had been friends for a long time by the time the call was coming to an end, Emily had one last thing to tell me, “Nikki it sounds like a perfect place for me to live, but I have something else you should know. I have a dog, a big mountain dog. His name is Roj, he’s been with me since he was born – our neighbor raised these dogs, I had been doing some tending for them and in payment they gave me this big clown. I’m looking for someplace he can come along with me. Would that be a deal breaker?”

I laughed, telling her I loved dogs, especially the big dumb mountain dogs … the home had a huge back yard all fenced in – so it would be perfect for him while we’re in school. That was all it took, we agreed to move in together …

Before she was scheduled to arrive, I moved my things in, taking one bedroom, setting up a duel office in a second bedroom then made sure a bed, dresser and storage furniture was in hers – picked up some dog dishes, along with a few hundred pounds of dog food – the day she arrived I was so nervous – more than I can ever remember being.

She drove up in an older SUV … one that looked like it had made its last trip, the big beautiful hound with his head out, looking like he was anxious to see his new home.

Em was even more exciting then I had thought, hugging the big beast, hugging her while we held each other, both knowing this was going to be perfect – taking him to the back yard … watching while he ran around checking out the entire area – I helped her move into her new bedroom – checking on the pet in his new area, hugging each other while we watched him, then decided to do some steaks on the BBQ.

Neither of us had cooked on a BBQ before, this one was fueled by the natural gas inside the house, so it took some time to locate the on and off valve – making us laugh while we enjoyed a cold beer. Finally the steaks were on – we were working on the second brew, when Em said, “it’s really warm out here and that hot tub looks inviting – what do you say we try it out?”

Both of us were thinking the same thing, without anyone saying a word, both stripped down nude – jumping in the tub. That had broken the ice, we were in each other’s arms immediately, coming out to eat the food we’d prepared, but continually touching and kissing – when the food was gone, we were tribbing on each other’s legs while both pussies got a good workout.

Back inside, we made a agreement this relationship was not going to be exclusive – each bedroom would be our own, if the door was shut, then maybe something special was going on – but here in the family room, out in the hottub, we’d fuck each others brains out when the opportunity was available.

Each had enjoyed a couple of mind blowing climaxes, deciding to enjoy each other’s juices before we called it a night – I was surprised that her pussy tasted different than any girl I’d ever been with. I loved it, but it was different in some way.

That night we started our agreement by both of us sleeping in our own rooms – she had Roj join her – so he wouldn’t feel lonely in a new place, it seemed perfectly natural to me.

Both of us carried a heavy load, when our schedules permitted she’d ride in with me, neither of us were sure how long her old beater was going to last and no money for a new one. On the other hand I had a brand new sports car – I figured if her’s gave out, I’d pick up a 4 wheel drive SUV for those snowy days and just let her use it – since this area didn’t get more snow than I could navigate in easily – it was such a minor expense, mom and dad would never say a thing.

One day she had stayed home to work on a paper. My last class had been canceled due to the professor being sick … so I arrived home early – to my surprise her car was in the driveway, but the bedroom door closed. I could hear some moaning and whimpering – there weren’t any other cars around, but I figured she may have a girl or a guy – she had told me she enjoyed a good cock every so often -it wasn’t for me but who cares was my take on it.

I was in the pool relaxing when she joined me … nothing was said, she leaned over kissing me, “I didn’t know you were home, did you skip the last class?”

She had a strange taste on her lips, one I really liked, but not sure what it was … the hound came running by heading for a stream we have running in the back of the yard … that was the first time I had noticed how large his cock was – it was waving free between his legs, as soon as he’d had a drink he was on his side licking the shaft.

Em was in a towel, while I told her what had happened, she dropped the covering to join me … as she entered the pool several things happened. First her pussy was swollen, puffy and red from the way it had been used … a large glob of white creamy substance was clinging to the inside of her thigh – her eyes were still glazed from what had happened … and she was even more sexually horny than normal … Just as she straddled me, I managed to scoop up the substance, without her knowing it …. We kissed a long passionate kiss, when she moved to my neck, I tasted the cream – it was seamen for sure – no doubt about it – wild tasting, much stronger than the only guy I’d given a blow job to but no doubt – the nectar from a male.

The only male was laying down cleaning the combined juices off the cock that had just fucked my room mate. She was fucking her dog or I should say he was fucking her.

There wasn’t any need to say anything, we had agreed we were not exclusive and she had said she loved a good cock – for some reason this made me hornier then I think I’ve ever been.

She must have felt the same – we were like horny rabbits, neither of us have fucked like we did that afternoon – It seemed the more explosions taking place between our legs, only excited us to higher arousals.

Finally completely wasted, we collapsed in each others arms – for me I couldn’t get the picture of her and the wild thing fucking each other.

That evening we made it as far as the lounge chair, falling asleep in each other’s arms.

For the next week or so every chance I got I was looking at videos of beastality clips mainly with women and dogs – although a few horses, pigs, snakes and others did catch my eye.

The more I watched them, the more I kept my eyes on Raj wondering what it would be like to have him dominate me.

Em got a phone call one afternoon – her grandfather had passed away from a disease he’d been fighting for a long time. This was what I needed to make the decision I had been thinking of, as soon as she got off the phone, we headed in her junker to a dealership where I purchased her a SUV 4 wheel drive – so she could make the trip back home safely -taking the time needed to be with family during this difficult time.

Having no problem taking care of the hound, she packed, informed the school what had happened and was on her way later that afternoon.

Friday is a short day for me … I was on my way home before noon, it was a perfect day to catch some rays and deepen the tan I already had going. The two of us had become accustomed to being nude most of the time – grabbing a bite to eat, popping a cold beer, I was in the back yard, on my back, laptop opened looking at a young lady being seduced and fucked by her neighbors dog.

Lately it was not uncommon for me to be fully aroused after watching a good video and this was one of the best I’d seen so far. After bookmarking the site, laying the computer to the side, shutting my eyes, while I kept thinking of that young girl and what it would feel like.

The sun was perfect, the beer had calmed and relaxed me to the point of falling into a deep, aroused filled sleep.

Ever so slowly a soft tongue started licking my toes, making me move them from side to side – the licking continued up my legs, when it started above my knees, in my dream-like state I opened my legs wide, so the insides of my thighs were easy access to this unknown caller.

The licking between my thighs felt wonderful, still being in a deep sleep, it didn’t concern me when the licking moved between my legs, running over my pussy – that being like nothing I’ve ever felt in my life – partially coming back to reality. Reaching between my legs, feeling the big wonderful head, eyes coming wide open – his head was between my legs, that marvelous tongue was licking me, it felt wonderful, but something I had not encouraged, I wasn’t sure I had any desire to entertain these dreamy thoughts.

Trying to push him away, raising up – telling him no, this isn’t what I wanted – it only took a few moments for me to realize he was way too big and strong for me to move.

The licking was having an effect on me – the more he licked was making it harder for me to resist and not give in to him –

Rolling off the lounge away from him, landing on all fours – a heavy overstuffed ottoman was close by – crawling to it so I could stand, he was so fast, the big head between my legs again, the tongue licking the super sensitive area, making me drop my head for a moment, letting out a small whimper ….

That was the opening he needed. Before I could move, he was up on my back, his huge size, pinning me to the soft surface. The huge cock I’d seen earlier started poking between my legs, hitting my thighs – my bottom, one side of the entrance then zeroed in on the mark he was seeking – that thing slid in my well lubed entrance.

He was so big, so very long it filled me, stretching me – he was all the way in as deep as he could go with one small jump – grabbing the edge of the soft surface …. Gasping for air – the thrill of excitement spiked my arousal faster, higher then I had ever thought was possible.

Trying to wrap my head about what had happened, didn’t give me the time before he started to really fuck me. That monster pulled almost out then jammed back in deep, pulling out back in without any break. His huge body was pumping so fast, the orgasm that shook my whole body came on so quickly and unexpectedly, all I could do was moan …..

The second spike had started building when his knot began pressing against my opening – I had watched closely the women in the videos as this thing slid in – this one felt like it was the size of a tennis ball or possibly a soft ball – whichever it was, I knew it was way too big to be inside me – his pounding – that damn thing was not going in me, but he kept on pounding, making me frantically clawing at the surface, twisting to get away, screaming at him to please stop – suddenly with one hard thrust, my body’s resistance gave way as it slipped in. Landing directly on the magical area all women enjoy when found – the way it hit, everything building up to this, had me so aroused, the explosion literally made me pass out for a short time. Waking just as I was coming down, he was still pounding while moving that ball back and forth over my sensitive area ….. That was when the flood of warm liquid – super warm liquid filled me – it was relaxing, the warmth made me feel a wave of pure pleasure covering every cell in me ….. It also set off what had to be the third or fourth orgasm – but this one hit me slow, methodically making me shake – afraid it may never end.

The flooding continued to fill me .. eventually he turned so our bodies were locked by our bottoms – giving me time to start to relax and try to figure out what had just happened.

It took some time for the knot to shrink down so he could pull out …. Apparently after being with my roommate, he’d clean up the leakage rushing out of me, then he’d lay on his side so his cock could be cleaned. My vision was beginning to clear, when he moved to his side, that rigid pole looked so good, I easily moved to him, taking hold of it while I licked the underside, his balls, the rest of the sides, ending with me taking as much of his head as I could fit in my mouth, That was when I tasted the pure seed he contained – there was still some seepage taking place … it was like swallowing an aphrodisiac – making me horny almost immediately.

When he was clean, I still had a new tingling sensation taking place between my legs. The two of us rested on the patio for a few hours, during that time I had planned what I had to do.

A few hours later he was hard again – this time while he was still on his side, I crawled up by him, taking a position where I could pump his cock, while sucking on the head – he seemed to be enjoying what I was doing – so it didn’t take long for him to whimper a little then flood my mouth full of the pure erotic juice – when I’d swallowed the fourth full mouth full … the effects had already started to send me into a sexually erotic place – I’d never been in, didn’t even know was there.

All of the porn videos didn’t spend any time on giving blowjobs – I laid on my back, staring at the sky – not fully comprehending what was happening to me.

I’m sure I was like this for well over two hours, slowly coming back to where I had been – a sweet sensation was taking place between my legs – barely able to raise my head, my new lover was licking the area vigorously – my body was still under the influence of what his seed had done to me, so all I could do was moan.

He nudged me to the ottoman … once I was having it support me – he wasted no time in mounting me once more – this time the cock knew exactly where to go. It bottomed out with the first try. Even though I was exhausted, as soon as he started moving inside me – grabbing the edge of the surface, burying my head in the soft surface – my body shook, an explosion erupted between my legs – he sensed what he had done, somehow pumping harder, while he moved his hips from side to side – this made the shaft push in at a different angle each time it went deep – that was more than I could take – somehow my body allowed a second climax start to build … I knew it was coming, dropping my head, in a voice just above a whisper, “OMG please stop, don’t let this happen”

No matter how much I wanted it not to happen, in just a few minutes it exploded – he kept fucking me, the knot easily pushed inside, I’m sure this triggered an explosion. When he pulled out, I was not awake but not asleep – just in a erotic zone – one that didn’t allow me to experience any emotions.

Somehow I made it inside, mostly on my hands and knees – the shower revitalized me somewhat, next was a much needed sleep.

I had no idea what time I fell asleep, so no idea how long I was there – waking and looking at the ceiling – something had changed in me, in my body, the way I looked at things – a feeling of increased submissiveness seemed to have taken over my emotions – heading to the kitchen, fixing a good meal and something to drink – looking out back, the hound was there, his eyes locked on mine. That’s when I knew what had changed – he now owned me, he knew it, I knew it – a strange shiver came over me – knowing from now on when he wanted me, I was his.

Em arrived a few hours later, I told her everything that had happened, she broke down in tears, “I should have warned you to be careful – that is how he took me, I have no way of denying him what he wants, now he has both of us – I’m so sorry”

He moved slowly to her, pushing that big head between her legs – her eyes flew wide open, stripping nude, dropping down on all fours, he was deep inside her in one smooth movement.

Watching him use her, it felt like he was either punishing her for leaving or happy to see her back – either way he kept on pumping in and out, far longer than he had ever done to me.

I took a seat to watch him control and use her, a tingling was taking place between my legs, that and a need starting to build due to the lack of cum, I’d been drinking and now needed more. As soon as he had pulled out of her, I was between her legs, drinking as much of the excess as I could get – A few hours after she’d arrived home, he took me the same way he had her earlier.

He was out back running around, the two of us in the tub, relaxing. She looked at me in a serious way, “What would you think if we looked for a companion for him to play with. I’m sure he’d teach the new one how to use us, we’d each have our own?”

I laughed, “We’d have to drop out of school, but the need for his cum is increasing all the time – so having one available to use us all day long might not be a bad idea. Where did you get this one from?”

A week later we had a full grown new companion – looking very close to being his twin. Raj had mounted both of us once, while Sider watched. That was all it took, I had just stepped out on the patio, he pushed his head between my legs, licking my pussy that was constantly moist now. Dropping to all fours, he was up and in me on the first try. I think he was not as big around as what I’d been used to, but he was at least a couple of inches longer. I let out a scream, then dropped my head … Now we’re living life like it should be lived.

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