Books Women with Animals
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Young Couple’s Rottweiler Takes Advantage


© 2023 by Rodeotexas and Cowgirlsrideharder

License Notes
This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold, copied, excerpted or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of these authors.

This eBook contains taboo adults only erotica.  All or part of this story may be fiction, or not.

If you ever want to get your wife or girlfriend to have unconventional sex, our advice is don’t bring it up, don’t talk about it, and whatever you do – Don’t ASK!  A woman either does it initially as an experiment when she is exceptionally horny as a means of sexual release, or she could be encouraged by a very close friend, spouse, or come across it on the Internet which stimulates her imagination and curiosity.


Hi, my name is Logan and my wife’s name is Riley. This is the story of how my wife Riley was accidently introduced to very unconventional sex.  It was unplanned, a complete surprise for both of us! First an introduction to us. Both Riley and I are three years out of college (University of Texas, Austin) both of us with master’s degrees in three years. My wife is a financial planner and investment specialist, already quite successful, and I am an Information Technology (IT) Cybersecurity Specialist, for now we live in Dripping Springs, a rapidly growing town to the west of Austin, Texas.

My wife is incredibly beautiful! She can enter a crowded room and part it like a wave, a following sea of appraising looks and envious stares, Riley seemingly projecting an overwhelming sexual aura.

Riley is 5’8″ in height and her daily intense workouts keep her 130-pound lithe body in flawless form. With her alternate days of weight training and seven mile runs, she is the rare combination of impeccably toned muscle; from her shapely legs to her cute ass cheeks that are as hard as steel, up to her ripped abs from daily 500 stomach crunches then up to her slender, sculptured shoulders. Her awe-inspiring feminine curves, with her narrow waist flaring out to her slim sexy hips and her tastefully muscled shoulders only make her 34DD bust that much more prominent. Her slightly tilted up breasts are so firm that people mistakenly think she has implants! Her breasts are topped off with tiny nipples and barely existent areolas.

Riley has long blond hair with bright emerald green eyes. When we go to float the San Marcos or Comal River or go to the beach, wearing her string bikinis, Riley always draws envious stares from men and women alike!

I’m 6’4” who enjoys working out as well, I do say that I have a pretty good physique, piercing blue eyes, and dirty-blond hair that I wear kind of longish, broad shoulders and chest, a trim waist and a flat muscular stomach. I have been told that I am very attractive and personable, and I guess that was true because I always had plenty of dates in high school.

Being an IT specialist doesn’t mean I’m a geek, I was raised on a large ranch Northwest of Fredericksburg, Texas growing up as a cowboy, having ridden horses, working cattle, roping, breeding Arabian horses and doing high school rodeo.

At 14 years of age, I was already much bigger and better built than most of the senior guys in high school. I also lost my virginity to a high-school cheerleader that attended a rival high school who was three years older than me!

Not to be bragging but I’m blessed to have a much larger than average cock that is nine and a half inches in length with a thick six-inch plus girth that the cheerleader initially had trouble with as well as my length, but she became very enthusiastic, and we had sex four times that night until we both were too sore to do it anymore! I’m very outdoorsy who loves horseback riding, camping, hiking, kayaking, and wind surfing.

I believe the background of how my met my future wife is important, so please bear with me for a long introduction. Riley and I met in our freshman year of college at the University of Texas in Austin (UT) when we shared two mandatory common courses required for all degree plans. The first time I met Riley was when I was fixing to enter a class and was opening the door and I noticed Riley behind me. With today’s current attitude of chivalry seemingly dead, regardless I was brought up to be courteous to women. I still hold doors open for them, pull out seats, walk them to the door in the evening, you get the picture.

Seeing this absolutely stunning young woman I held the classroom door open and with a big smile on my face told her to go in first. Riley said “Thank You” with a bright sunny smile. Most all the chairs were taken except as usual the very front row, so Riley and I wound up sitting next to each other. Sitting in the front row is okay. It shows the teacher/professor/ instructor that you are probably motivated and attentive by being in the front row, and I am motivated having graduated high school in the top 2% of my class and I was set on completing college as soon as possible. My goal was to graduate as soon as possible with high marks, land a great IT position with great benefits and salary so I could spend as much time as I could in the great outdoors and traveling, and able to move back to the family ranch to help run it as soon as possible.

Classroom introductions were made, and the professor encouraged us to get student contact information with each other in case with miss a lecture or want to form a study group. I wrote my name, email and cell phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to Riley.

Riley smiled at me and said, “Thank you, I will contact you if I need help with the class.” To say I was disappointed she didn’t initially give me her contact information is an understatement, but much later I found out there was a reason for that…

After the class was over, I headed out walking to another building for my next class. I stopped at a kiosk for a coffee and while waiting I saw Riley walk past. Then I realized I was not the only one that noticed Riley walking past. I think every male head turned and watched her as did a lot of the coeds! Riley is that stunningly beautiful!

I got to the building where my next class was and started looking for my classroom. I saw Riley in the hallway shortly ahead of me and I hurried to catch up to her. Riley was startled when I said her name as I came up to her then she gave me a smile then looked down at her class schedule.

“I’m trying to figure out the room locations in this building, the building and the classrooms are laid out weird in relation to the lecture halls.” Riley stated.

“Yes, I noticed that when I first entered the building. I had to go back to the entrance and look at the building floor plan to see where my next class is. What room are you looking for?” I asked.

I was more than pleasantly pleased when Riley told me the room number she was looking for along with the course name, it was the same as mine!

“Come on, I think I know where it is, I’m headed in that direction.” I told her and left it at that…

Going around three corners in the large building we came to our classroom. “Here is your class” and I opened and held the door for her to go in.

“Thank you very much for helping me, I have always had a hard time with directions and finding my way around. I’m one of those directionally challenged persons!” Riley said with a smile then she went in. I gave her a couple of moments then I followed her in. Her back was turned to me as she was setting her backpack down in the front row and I slid in the seat next to her unnoticed until she started sitting down. I was grinning up at her when she noticed me and I could tell she was slightly startled, then she grinned at me. Before she could say anything, I apologized for the slight misleading joke.

“That’s okay, I’m glad I at least kind of know someone who shares a class with me and the campus in general. I almost considered going to a smaller university because UT is so big and so is Austin and all the damn traffic, but UT has one of the best financial degree programs in the country that I am majoring in.”  Riley replied.

“I understand. I too was hesitant attending UT because it is so big, and I absolutely hate big cities and towns for that matter! I’m from a ranch that is located in the Hill Country, and I love the country life but as you yourself know, with your degree major, UT also has one of the best degree programs in the country for cyber security that I’m majoring in.” I replied.

The professor walked in and as with our previous class we did classroom introductions and the professor encouraged us to exchange contact information in case of a missed class. After she had said this I looked over at Riley and smiled at her and got one in exchange but still no contact information…

Thinking back, I knew I was smitten the first day I met Riley!

The next few weeks we walked together to our classes. I noticed right away that while Riley has a very outgoing personality, she is quite reserved personally. Beyond the introductory basics, I learned Riley was from Odessa and had graduated with honors from high school and had been a cheerleader, and she did not know anyone here in Austin, at UT, or the surrounding area.

Like myself, Riley too loved the outdoors but enjoying the outdoors in the desolate climate of Midland/Odessa area meant traveling to the nearby Davis Mountains or going up into New Mexico and Colorado. Her parents have a vacation cabin in Red River, New Mexico and she loved snow skiing, riding snowmobiles and horses. Her face lit up when I told her I and my family have horses on the family ranch Northwest of Fredericksburg but Texas being Texas mostly privately owned land it was hard to ride anywhere, though every year we trailered the horses to either New Mexico or Colorado and go on four to six day pack trips in the high mountains on State and Federal lands.

Riley then inquired since I disliked big cities and towns all that much and I grew up on a ranch, why was I majoring in cyber security? I told her I have always been better than most people with computers and the IT cyber security field doesn’t necessarily mean I have to actually live in a city to work either corporate or government IT security. A lot of the work could be done remotely as long as a high-speed internet connection was available and appropriate security protocols was in place.

I explained many corporations and even government agencies had satellite offices in smaller towns near cities or military bases, mainly involved in cyber security, and these locations were mainly located near or on major long-haul fiberoptic routes. I gave her the example of San Angelo where Goodfellow Airforce Base is located – that the five major telecommunication companies in the country all have their major long-haul fiberoptic trunk lines running thru San Angelo, so there are a number of corporate, state and federal agencies that have remote satellite offices in San Angelo.

I told Riley I planned on sticking to just outside the Austin area after graduation just for a year or so to get established then move back to the family ranch to help run it and work IT security remotely, there is a lot of downtime in IT work when things are running smoothly, that is, until there is a hacker attempt.

Still, it took me over a month to actually ask Riley out. Sure, on our walks to class we frequently stopped for coffee and a pastry but all this time I had noticed that Riley was still reserved despite all of our conversations and walks together. During the first few weeks of meeting her I felt something... Something within me said take your time, Riley is very special! I knew I’d had never felt this way about any girl before…

It was a nice warm sunny Fall Day and we had walked from our first class to our second class only to learn the second class had been cancelled. It was near lunch, and I suggested we go buy lunch at a nearby Schlotzsky’s and go eat together at a nearby park adjacent to campus within walking distance. Riley hesitated, looking at me for some moments before finally softly replying “okay”.

Okay! Minor success but still not a “real date”. We had two hours until next class and I thought we had a good lunch talking. After eating Riley reclined back on the grass with her head resting on her backpack, the sun was warm and the temperature just right. We both are good conversationalist (thankfully!) and I told her about my family, that I was an only child, and a bit about the family ranch, that it had been in our family since 1843, part of one of the original German land grants, and dad was working on converting it to a wildlife conservatorship to preserve it in perpetuity for future generations of our family thanks to some strategic investments my grandparents and my parents had made.

Riley in turn opened up a bit more about herself and her family. She too was an only child having lost a sibling at an early age. Her dad was an oil and gas attorney (of course being from Odessa!) and she explained he was different from most attorneys in his field ensuring that contracts were written with environmental restoration and remediation clauses with posted bonds, and while he really wanted to be an attorney for a national environmental organization he thought he could do more good and be more effective actually working with oil and gas companies and landowners rather than litigating, but he still did a lot of consulting work for environmental organizations pro bono. Her mother conducted charity work and fund raising for the local hospital system as well as being very active in environmental and wildlife issues.

Yet another month passed much as before, walking to classes together, however we started eating lunch together twice a week. Despite the time we have spent together I could tell Riley was still quite reserved.

Rarely have I seen her talking to other coeds let alone guys even though I have seen quite a few guys try to strike up a conversation with her which she quickly dismissed. Nor has she mentioned a past or current boyfriend, nor had I seen her text or talk on a cellphone very much, and I know she doesn’t do Facebook as I asked her to be my Facebook friend.

Finally, I asked Riley for an actual date… We were at a Starbucks near campus on a cold blustery day. We were sitting inside drinking coffee and working on our laptops when Riley realized I had been quietly looking at her for some time instead of concentrating on my course work…

Riley gave me one of her beautiful, enchanting smiles and asked, “What is it Logan?”

Uncharacteristically I hemmed and hawed, me, Mr. Personality, couldn’t seem to get up the courage to ask out this oh so beautiful (and extremely sexy) intelligent woman I have grown to like so much as a friend, but I wanted more…

“Well Riley, for quite a while now I wanted to tell you I greatly enjoyed that we have become friends and getting to know each other a bit. I also enjoy spending what limited time we both have with each other considering our heavy course loads. We have things in common we both like to do, and the same goals after graduating. We both don’t know anyone else here on campus or in Austin. I guess what I’m trying to say is that if you can find the time and if you would like to, spend a bit more time with me? Go to dinner or see a movie? Go for a hike or a walk along Lady Bird Lake…”

Even as I said it, I realized it was the lamest “Will You Go Out With Me” proposal I had ever asked a girl! Geez, I felt like I was asking a girl out for the very first time! I felt my face turn beet red with embarrassment. Hell, I had never had trouble asking a girl out and never had been turned down before, but this may be the first time…

“I’m sorry, that didn’t turn out well.” I blurted. “I just really enjoy seeing you three times a week and spending time with you! If what I asked makes you uncomfortable and interferes with our friendship, please forgive me that I asked…”

For several long moments Riley sat there looking solemnly at me (it felt like years!). I felt like I was being scrutinized being judged as to worthiness, felt as if I was going to burn to ash with the flaming embarrassment that possessed me!

“Logan, to be honest, I don’t go out, except with very close friends, and I really don’t date…

You see, ever since I was a junior in high school, I solely focused on taking advancement placement courses for high school and then college. I have been, and still am, very driven to graduate in as little time as possible with a master’s degree and with the highest grades possible in order to land the best financial position someone right out of the university can…”

With Riley’s words, it was absolutely the biggest and the only letdown I ever had asking a girl out!

By far, even though all my dates and past girlfriends have been gorgeous, none compared with Riley’s exceptional beauty, physical fitness, personality and especially, her intellect! Literally I was crestfallen and devasted. It must have shown…

“However Logan, I too have come to like you as a friend and I think I may on occasion find some time away from my studies to be able to do something fun besides studying, we all need a break from the same or we may risk burn out.” Riley stated with a smile.

Well, that jerked my head up with astonishment! For the first time I was speechless! Riley sat there waiting for me to say something, kept on waiting…

“Logan, this Saturday why don’t you pick me up and we will go for a walk around the lake then maybe lunch? Let me give you my contact information, I already have yours. I will text you where I live to pick me up and we can agree on a time.”

“Okay! Great!!! I stammered out.” Me stammering? I never stammered in my life but this beautiful, and oh so enchanting woman had me stammering! I took out my cell phone from my backpack and looked up expectantly waiting to input Riley’s contact information, however Riley was looking curiously at my cell phone.

“That is an unusual cell phone you have; it is a bit larger than any others I have seen with some unusual hard function features…” Riley stated.

“Oh! Where our ranch is located is in a pretty rough yet ruggedly beautiful area of the Hill Country and cellular service is spotty at best, mostly non-existent. The granite hills with all the quartz also affects cellular coverage. This is a satellite cell phone, works as a regular cell phone when there is cell coverage but also links to a satellite when there is no cellular coverage.” I explained.

That weekend we did go for a walk around the lake and then lunch. Riley was a bit surprised when I showed up in my late model, fully loaded King Ranch Edition FORD F250 Diesel 4×4 with the custom front and back bumpers.

“Nice Truck!” Riley exclaimed when I helped her into the passenger side. “Was it a graduation gift?”

“No, I wish! I worked my buns off at the ranch to buy this one myself as I do for anything else I want! My parents show no favoritism between the ranch staff and me and I’m treated as just another employee. I worked just as hard as they do, the same hours, and get paid the same! And I agree with that, it is the fair and right thing!” I replied.

So, your family’s ranch is large enough to have employees? Riley asked.

“Yes, we have four full-time employees.” I replied then quickly changed the subject…

There is a good reason why I do not talk about the ranch much, that is due to past experiences with girlfriends that have been out to the ranch, also with family friends and acquaintances who want me to meet their daughters – one word, ‘Golddiggers…’

While I already was sure Riley was not one, it was just ingrained habit to keep the ranch and family business private. Already I felt that I have let out too much information that I have a satellite cellular phone, I drive a very expensive truck, and the ranch is large enough to have four employees – that is enough information to clue most people in that the family ranch is not some ‘rancho not so grande…’

Not including eating lunch together during the following weeks, the next three weekends we had three additional day dates: hiking at Pedernales Falls State Park then down to Blanco to have lunch, the following weekend a trip to Marble Falls to visit a few breweries and lunch in town. The third weekend we went to Longhorn Caverns then to nearby Inks Lake State Park. While walking at the state park along the shore, our hands brushed each other, then seemed to naturally clasp together at the same time!

I already knew well before this that I had fallen deeply in love with this oh so enchanting incredibly beautiful personable extremely intelligent woman! A realization struck me that I had mistakenly been in love with a previous girlfriend, but that it was just about the sex, and probably her using sex due to my family’s ranch…

Now I knew what it really meant to be in love with someone, and I realized that I had deeply, irrevocably, fallen in love with Riley just after a few weeks of first meeting her! For Riley, it had taken two real dates before she started opening up to me letting her real personality be revealed and shine, and that evening, after leaving Inks Lake State Park and taking Riley back to her condo, I got up the nerve to actually kiss her… The first kiss started tentatively, then deepened as our mutual embrace grew tighter and tighter until we both broke off our kiss breathlessly!!!

I couldn’t help but exclaim “WOW!” Which made Riley giggle! I felt my face was flushed and I was more than a bit unsteady on my feet and I could see that Riley was breathing fast – as was I!

Damn! I never felt this way before!!! Yes, during my four years of high school I had sex numerous times with several different girls, but none made me flustered just by kissing them, nor during sex!

The next two weeks our dates ramped up in frequency with four real dates! Our hand holding became quite common, our kisses more frequent, longer in duration, and more and more fervent! This time spent cemented in my mind to take Riley home to the family ranch for the weekend…

This was a big step for me and not taken lightly. I was damn serious about Riley, more than I ever had been before with anyone, yet even at our young mutual ages of nineteen years, I felt this was so right!!!

To get to the family’s ranch you go past Fredericksburg then head Northwest for some miles then turn off a state highway onto an unpaved county road, then drive for several more miles through the pink granite hills.

As the granite hills become higher and more rugged the county road becomes less maintained. The road then enters an area of very steep hills and deep narrow valleys, and the road is a series of switchbacks up and down. Cresting one steep ridge is the unassuming ranch entrance.

After we turned into the ranch entrance, we continued driving two more miles down a steep road into a deep valley, Riley exclaiming how beautiful the ranch is with the rugged hills and the clear shallow streams flowing across decomposed pink granite sand, oohing and awing seeing some of the family’s Arabian horses in the narrow valley pastures.

As I kept on driving through the ranch the terrain alternated between steep granite hills, deep valleys, and alternating broad expanses of exposed granite formations that we drove over. Riley developed a perplexed look upon her face as she tried to look at everything. After three more miles of driving through the ranch she turned to me and said,

“Umm, Logan, I know its impolite in Texas to ask someone the size of their ranch, but we have been driving on your family’s ranch for a several miles now!

I grinned at her and told her “Well, the ranch has been in the family since 1843! The ranch is part of one of the historic German land grants issued in 1842 by the Republic of Texas before joining the rest of the country in 1845. The Fisher-Miller Land Grant comprised almost four million acres. Part of the Republic of Texas requirements was that 6,000 immigrant families of German, Dutch, Swiss, Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian ancestry were to be brought in, but that goal was never met.

My great, great grandfather and his four brothers each were granted 4,680 acres to form a ranch of 23,400 acres, but since the immigration goal was never met, they were able to acquire five additional land grants, bringing the ranch size to 46,800 acres – which the ranch still comprises today! Just over 73 square miles!

“Wow! That is incredibly amazing” Riley exclaimed with clearly stunned astonishment. “I, I had no idea your family ranch was so large! Somehow, I just thought it may be just a few hundred to several hundred acres, maybe even a thousand or two based on driving around the hill country and seeing all the ranch entrances near each other.” Riley exclaimed.

“But while the ranch is incredibly beautiful, I don’t understand why your relatives settled in this extremely rugged and rocky area versus being closer to Fredericksburg where the terrain is gently rolling and the land is more suitable for agriculture where most settlers had homesteaded.” Riley inquired.

“My ancestors kept extensive journals which we still have today! Before coming over, my five ancestors reviewed all the preliminary rough survey data and read the reports of the early explorers. All five were university educated in the hard sciences, two were mining engineers, one a geologist. They knew somewhere in these steep rugged hills they would find deep sheltered valleys protected from the elements with pockets of arable land and pastures, and possibly precious metals associated where granite formations existed.

Additionally, my ancestors they learned that the Comanches and Apache mostly avoided the granite hills because they believed spirits inhabited this area and considered it sacred. The Indians had this belief because as the exposed granite heated up during the day and cooled in the evening the expansion and contraction of the granite would make noises, and the quartz grains in the granite would squeeze against each other during contraction and sometimes create an electric spark as a flash of light – same principle as a piezoelectric lighter!

My great, great uncle, the geologist in the family, did find faint traces of gold and silver on parts of the ranch and up by Llano in the Llano River but not in sufficient assayable quantity to make it worthwhile, even at today’s prices. My great, great grandfather and two of his brothers married, one remained a bachelor and one brother was killed in an Indian raid while on his way into town before he married.

However, while my great, great grandfather and his two married brothers had children, this was still the time of high infant mortality, Indian raids, then the Civil War, Spanish American War, the Spanish Flu, WWI and WWII which whittled down the family members. At the end of WWII, only my grandfather and his wife were the sole remaining family members and sole owners of the ranch. Now it is just my grandparents, my parents, and I!

My grandparents and parents have made strategic investments to preserve the ranch for future generations. The family also had benefitted from tax breaks of the original land grant! When my ancestors selected an area no other settlers wanted because it was unsuitable for farming, the legislature wrote a provision when their land grants were issued that the ranch would be exempted and protected from any form of government taxation and protected from all dominion by any government or private entity as long as the land belonged in the family and its descendants. The last was a god send when twice power companies tried to send survey crews onto the ranch to survey routes for high tension electrical transmission line towers. When the power companies said they had eminent domain they quickly found out they didn’t!

After my abbreviated family and ranch history story ended, Riley had an incredulous look on her gorgeous face!

“Riley, I don’t talk much about the ranch because of its size, and it gives people ideas… We are also pretty tight about ranch security due to our prize Arabians. As far as ranches in the Texas Hill Country go, a lot of ranches have been sold off and unfortunately broken up into subdivision developments and so-called ranchettes, mostly around the more developed areas such as Austin, Marble Falls, Johnson City, New Braunfels, Boerne, Comfort, Bandera, even Fredericksburg and the Kerrville area – easy commuter range. However, we are hours away from Austin and San Antonio and pretty far North and West of Fredericksburg in these rugged granite hills and the country is really rough and hard. You’ve seen its slow driving once we got on the narrow county road with all the sharp twists, turns, and going up and down hillsides with switchbacks.

We are truly deep in the remotest part of the hill country where there are not many level building sites, and it is hard to build structures because of the outcropping surface granite. The granite also makes it pretty difficult to put roads in, it is also expensive to drill water wells through granite, and the complex geology with lots of faulting means water wells are not very productive, really just marginal producers. With the thin topsoil it takes a lot of land in this type of country to support cattle and horses, that’s why the land grants were so large in this area. This part of the hill country still only has a minimal population due to these factors and has always been the most sparsely settled area of the Texas Hill Country!

Because of the rough granite nature of this northwestern part of the hill country we have mostly transitioned away from cattle to raising pure bred Arabian horses that we sell not only in the states but around the world due to the exceptional lineages we carry. That is the reason why we are pretty tight on ranch security. Our horses have won national and world championships in dressage, endurance racing, Polo, and working class among others!” I replied.

Riley sat there with an obvious stunned look on her incredibly beautiful features, clearly amazed of the size of the ranch and our Arabian horses! However, Riley was due for yet another surprise when she sees the ranch headquarters…

The ranch road continued winding thru the high rugged steep hills for a few more miles then we went through a narrow notch between two 400 plus feet steep granite hills and the ranch headquarters came into view below. Riley let out a gasp seeing the view down into the small enclosed shallow valley ringed by steep hills. I stopped the truck at the crest of the rise letting her take in the view…

What first catches the eye of the first-time visitor is the spring-fed sparkling clear 25-acre hourglass shaped lake that at its deepest is only five feet deep with either a decomposed granite sand bottom or solid granite bottom in places. Then the visitor notices two adjoining ranch houses near the edge of the lake with copper roofs built by my ancestors in the German style architecture of cut limestone blocks with the two ranch houses connected by a modern all-glass hallway. A second closer look then notices the narrow 300-foot length rock wall that creates the lake impoundment and a third stone house with a cooper roof on the other side of the lake. The visitor also notices a small stone building at the edge of the lake.  In a box canyon off the valley the large stables are just visible.  The custom stone and timber frame stable also with a cooper roof is itself 12,000 square feet with twenty-four stalls and a large office space for six staff.

A few hundred yards from the stables are four separate living quarters for the ranch staff, each having their own 2-bedroom 1,100 square foot house built in the German architecture farmhouse style of cut limestone blocks but more modern with lots of glass and metal.  Near the ranch staff housing is a large custom stone and timber pavilion with an outdoor kitchen, BBQ facilities, and a large 12-person hot tub.

Near each residential structure and the stables there are sun-tracking solar arrays to provide electricity for the ranch complex, along with back-up propane generators for each structure which are concealed from view along with the 1,000-gallon propane tanks with large limestone blocks. I pointed out to Riley the 100 KW vertical spiral wind generator on top of one of the hills that also provides power to the ranch. I told Riley the installers had to utilize a helicopter to install the wind generator because the only way to get to the top of the steep hill was by air. The helicopter had to reel out a rope leader line to pull a steel cable that was then used to pull the thick electrical transmission cable up the hillside from the ranch complex by ground winch.

“It’s all so beautiful in such an incredible setting!” Riley exclaimed.

“Yes, it is, a lot of family history here! My great, great grandfather and his brothers spent months surveying the ranch to find the perfect place to build the family ranch compound that had access to water, shelter from the North winds during winter, and especially protection against the occasional Indian raids and they found this truly amazing location!

Notice how this small valley is completely enclosed, ringed by extremely steep granite hills on all sides that are more than 400 feet high!

This type of valley is called a steephead valley or blind valley, a deep, narrow, flat-bottomed valley with an abrupt ending.  The only way into this valley is through the narrow notch near the top of the ridge we came through. Do you recall all those small boulders right by the notch? They were used to create a deadfall up on the hillside in case of an Indian attack and it was triggered to block the notch so the only way in was for the Indians to dismount and climb over the deadfall then they would have to go on foot to attack, as you can see it is still a long way down the hill to this valley and the ranch complex with a large open field of fire the Indians would have to traverse.

It took my ancestors a few years to haul all the materials in to build the three ranch houses. The three houses they built are comprised of thick 2 feet X 2 feet X 5 feet cut limestone blocks. The cupolas you see on top of the houses served two functions: ventilation for the houses and an elevated shooting location in case of an attack. The window shutters you see are actually thick iron plates with shooting slits!

My ancestors found three areas in this small closed off valley where springs emerge and they had the incredible foresight to build a narrow five foot wide, five foot high, 300 foot long rock wall across the neck of the valley to create the shallow 25 acre lake you see and then build the third ranch house across the lake, accessible only by walking across the narrow 300-foot-long rock wall or wading across, the water being only four to five feet deep. This other ranch house served as a redoubt in case of an Indian attack and the difficult approach across the impoundment wall or by wading across would slow the Indians down and the surrounding hills are too steep to climb down unless you had hundreds of feet of rope which Indians did not have. We now utilize the lake house as guest quarters. Guests love staying there because it is secluded away from the main complex and has its own outdoor hot tub with a view of the lake.

As I mentioned before, after WWII ended, it was just my grandparents in sole possession of the ranch, and they built an enclosed breezeway with windows between the two ranch houses, updated the interiors so one side would be the kitchen, great room entertainment area and an office/study, and the other side would be the living quarters. It was my grandparents that began the transition from cattle to raising and breeding Arabian horses.

A couple of years ago, due to their age, my grandparents moved to Fredericksburg and my parents did another upgrade taking down the old wooden breezeway and replaced it with a modern all glass breezeway, further modernized the interiors, and had the old tin roofs removed and new heavy gauge copper roofs installed that will last for a hundred years or more!

The small stone building you see at the edge of the lake is called a spring house because it is built over one of the springs and the 68-degree water that emerges and flows through the spring house naturally cools the interior. My ancestors used it to store food in there as the ground is pretty much solid rock so a typical root cellar for those times could not be dug. The lake has fish in it that have been stocked over the years. Even during the most severe drought periods these springs have never diminished in flow!

Each of the living structures and the stables utilize the lake with its constant 68-degree water for geothermal heating and cooling, so between wind and solar power, we are totally fully sustainable off-grid living! No ugly powerlines and utility poles to mar the ranch landscape!

Up until the 60’s the ranch had rudimentary telephone service with the telephone line laid directly on top of the ground because there is only several inches of topsoil and underneath that there is nothing but solid granite! Then in the 70’s we had a microwave telephone link put in. We’ve upgraded the microwave link every decade and we also had given all the ranch employees satellite cell phones like mine since cell service is spotty and mostly non-existent all over the ranch, and no cell reception at all down inside this valley. We also installed a 1.5-meter satellite dish for high-speed internet access, as you well know, you can’t run a modern business without Internet access these days!”

MEETING my parents, they were thrilled meeting Riley! Mom and dad had been anticipating meeting her for the past couple of months, I believe they already knew that I was finally serious about a girl!  I think when they first set eyes on her and saw in person what a magnificent young woman she is they started loving her too! They certainly never acted this way with any of my past girlfriends! They went overboard making Riley feel at home! Over the past few months, I have had numerous video chats with my parents and of course sent them pictures of Riley and I, so they were well aware of my feelings for her, and they had mentioned more than once they couldn’t wait to meet her.

After lunch I took Riley horseback riding. Pulling up to the stables one of the ranch staff, Samantha, was exercising one of the Arabians in the exercise arena. “Who is that? Riley inquired.

“That’s Samantha, she’s been with us a few years, working on her master’s degree in animal science.” I replied.

“Oh, (long pause) I just assumed when you told me your family had four employees, being a working ranch, it would be guys…”

“Now who’s being sexist!” I laughingly replied.

“In fact, the other three ranch staff are women too!

Their ages range from early twenties to early thirties. They all are involved in taking care of the ranch maintenance, equine health care, feeding and range management, exercise regimes, semen collection and preservation, artificial insemination, breeding operations and quality control, showmanship, marketing and website maintenance. All four have a college or university degree and a couple are working on master’s degrees.

The ranch has a generous benefit and retirement plan including tuition assistance, and we pay very well to retain staff. Starting wages are $51,000 a year not including semi-annual bonuses, profit sharing, and we provide housing at no additional charge, so we are able to be very selective in whom we hire. Most of the staff are planning to be long-term employees because we can afford to offer full benefits, retirement and higher salaries than the majority of ranches in the country. A couple past employees have left after getting married, but one, Amanda, stayed with us after she got married, and her husband works on an adjoining ranch and helps us when we need an extra hand. The staff actually think of my dad as a surrogate father and make it a point of introducing him only to guys they are seriously dating!

Over the past three or so decades there has been an increase of women becoming professional cowgirls. Ranch owners have found out, as we have long ago, women are more stable in the ranching profession. A lot of cowboys still tend to drift from ranch to ranch every few years. Having a stable workforce enables staff to proficiently learn the operation, especially with the type of complex horse operations the ranch has, aside from the manual maintenance work and feeding operations, the breeding and semen collection operation is quite technical and requires a lot of data tracking and quality control.”

“Samantha is pretty attractive…” Riley softly commented

Okay, did I just detect a bit of concern from Riley???

Samantha was indeed very attractive. Her long blonde hair flowing out behind her as she loped the Arabian stallion, her full bust gently heaving up and down on her lean torso, her thin shirt showing the lacy bra she was wearing, her shirt generously unbuttoned showing a lot of bare skin (it was a pretty hot day)- and she was a former Pecos Rodeo queen!

Yes, sure Samantha had flirted with me a bit in the past, but it was all in fun, as the other three did too! Heck, they all were at least three years or more older than I! With Riley’s veiled comment, I knew I had better tell her upfront about the other three staff…

I laughingly brushed off Riley’s comment by replying, “Yes, Samantha is attractive, as are the other three staff, and we all are great friends! When I first started dating, Dad and I had ‘The Talk’…

Mostly it centered on me being an only child and that with my looks and the family’s wealth, there will be several occasions when I would meet a girl who is only interested in two things – my money and the ranch. That at my age, despite raging hormones, I have to be very discreet so no gold-digger will entrap me with sex, that there are those who will deliberately get themselves pregnant if it thinks it gets them what they want…

Dad also explained that included the female ranch employees. We could become friends with them, treat them like family, but nothing romantic between me and any of the employees – ever!!

Romantic involvements would stir up not only trouble between my parents and I and the employee but the rest of the staff as well, and the ranch has a world-wide reputation for excellence. Hence, that is why I do not get involved with discussions about the ranch and our financial status to outsiders.

Riley, I’m sorry to surprise you about the ranch, but I wouldn’t have brought you here to meet my parents unless I was damn serious about us! Despite today’s current liberal social attitudes, my parents raised me to firmly adhere to social courtesies, including meeting one’s parents, which I believe is reserved for serious relationships – hence why you are here!”

Riley squeezed my hand and replied “Logan, I have been thinking about that too, meeting my parents in person I mean, not just the video chats we have had together with them a few times. Christmas break is coming up and that may be a chance to meet my parents, I have never been in a relationship that would require my parents meeting a boy I was dating, until you…”



I took Riley on a tour of the 12,000 square foot stables, a few of the 24 stalls were occupied by Arabian studs in preparation for either breeding or semen collection. Riley oohed and ahhed over the sleek muscular Arabians, each poking their head out for a quick rub and a treat, Riley marveling how gentle they were and the most beautiful horses she had ever seen. The stable tour included the tack room, office space, the six-person bunk room which included a large bathroom with a large walk-in shower, the breeding and semen collection area, the processing/quality control lab, the computer server room, the walk-in commercial refrigerator used for preserving semen shipments and the wash/grooming station. During the tour she got to meet the other three employees, Amber, Amanda and Candace. I noticed there was certainly some mutual appraising of each other upon introductions…

I was taken aback a bit because Amber too was wearing a very thin shirt that was generously unbuttoned, showing quite a bit of her breasts, and her lacy bra, her bra was see thru and her shirt so thin nothing much was left to the imagination…

Yeah, not the first time Amber, as well as Candace, had done something like this when I brought a girlfriend to the ranch. It always resulted in me getting the third degree from my current girlfriend, and Amber and Candace only did it when they were sure my parents weren’t going to be around. Those two were always trying to embarrass me cutting up with their ribald jokes, sexually taunting’s and dares…

During the tour I explained to Riley “Equine breeding operations is not typical ranch work and requires a staff to be highly technical. Genealogy has to be tracked, evaluating what new blood lines need to be introduced and when, and DNA testing to rule out imperfections. We have to keep track of the brood mares, their estrus cycles, and their progeny. Strict sterilization and semen preservation procedures have to be proficiently learned and adhered to, with a good understanding of veterinary science – especially foal delivery. As you have seen, it takes quite a while to get a vet out to the ranch!

The knowledge of our staff is critical to the success of our ranch’s breeding operation as its many national and international awards testify to! We depend upon a very knowledgeable and learned staff that will stay with us. My parents and grandparents have always credited our cowgirls for our continuing successful business. When awards are presented, it is our cowgirls standing by the horses receiving the awards and getting publicity pictures taken!”

While I was giving Riley the tour Amber brought one of the studs out of the stalls over to the wash station and Riley stopped to watch Amber prepare the stud. Riley was clearly taking aback by watching Amber begin washing his sheath with a big loofah sponge encouraging his penis to drop then Amber started cleaning his penis!

I laughed at Riley’s reaction, explaining how the studs are prepared for mounting or semen collection; how the horses are bathed and groomed every week, the special disinfectant soap that is used to wash the penises. By this time Amber had gotten the stud to fully drop and begin forming an erection and Riley exclaimed “it looks just like a human penis – except of course the size!”

Both Amber and I laughed hearing Riley’s exclamation and Amber stated, “and it feels like a human penis too!” That had all of us laughing. I couldn’t resist adding “The ranch cowgirls do all of the prep work; bathing, washing and actual collection of the semen, “and as you know, women have a natural knack for this…”

Jokingly I said the last part as Riley seemed to be totally absorbed watching Amber cleaning the stud’s huge eighteen-inch erection and I was wondering if she was even listening to me she was watching Amber so intently.  After a moment it sunk in… With a start Riley got my inserted sexual innuendo and punched my shoulder – HARD! Then Riley began to laugh, encouraging me to continue…

“Riley, it’s hilarious how the girls at the ranch usually cut up with each other when they are preparing the stallions and then the actual process of getting a stallion to ejaculate, all the sexual innuendos they jest about! It’s a pretty common occurrence and they get pretty blatant about it! I’m sure they do it just to embarrass us guys, most cowboys do have a pretty reserved nature! My dad and I have learned to stay far away from the stables when the stallions are either servicing a mare or semen collection is being conducted lest we wind up on the receiving end of a jest thrown our way regarding penis size and semen amount!

“So, during semen collection, how do they get a stallion to ‘ejaculate’?” Riley asked.

I laughed and said, “By Hand!”

I could see that startled Riley! I quickly began explaining “We have found out that masturbating a stallion by hand is better rather than using an equine rectal electrostimulator, which looks just like a big chrome dildo that imparts a very mild alternating low DC voltage stimulation to a horse’s prostate, vesicular glands and seminal vesicles, plus the manual method keeps the stallion much calmer.” I noticed Riley developed a blush when I said ‘chrome dildo’…

“Sooo, you weren’t really kidding when you stated a little while ago that ‘women have a natural knack for this…’” Riley said with a quirky grin on her face.

Well, her remark made me stammer and blush! I asked her if she was ready to go riding but Riley laughingly said she wanted to stay and watch a stallion being jerked off!

“In that case come closer then!” Amber laughingly told Riley. To my surprise Riley walked over till she was right beside Amber!

Amber explained the process; basically, getting the stud to drop his sheath, which the warm water and the scrubbing does, then in essence, jacking his penis till he gets an erection, then sliding an oversized condom over his shaft, then continue to jack him till he ejaculates! Riley watched as Amber slid a condom over the stud’s erection and held the condom in place and with her other hand lubed up started jacking the stud’s erection.

“It’s easier when two people are doing it, one holds the condom in place and the other uses both hands to jack his shaft, which do you want to do?” Amber asked Riley.

Immediately Riley developed a blush and stammered out she would hold the condom in place.

I knew this was bullshit and I knew Amber! Seen her and the others do this by themselves plenty of times…

“Now when he starts ejaculating, I need to keep jacking him off so keep a tight grip on the condom so it doesn’t get blown off when he first starts shooting. When a stallion is fixing to blow his load, the head of his cock flares, that is the signal to make sure you have a firm hold on the condom.” Amber explained.

“What is the flare?” Riley softly asked, seemingly totally absorbed with Amber’s explanation.

“It is an equine evolution mechanism. The head of the cock flares to three times its normal size for two reasons; one, it temporarily locks the head inside the vagina to prevent withdrawal and two, the mushroom shape the head momentarily assumes is to ensure that most of the semen is forced directly up into the uterus. This was due to horses in the wild were always on the lookout for predators and that copulations were very quick and inseminations had to be assured. However, since these studs are serviced an average of two to three times a week it usually takes a few minutes to get them to ejaculate.

Regardless of equine size, whether a Clydesdale, an Arabian, a donkey, a pony or a stud miniature horse, they all ejaculate about the same amount of semen, and it is a prodigious amount – up to eight ounces of semen or 250 milliliters is ejaculated!

The ejaculations are propelled with a tremendous force! A stud is capable of explosively propelling its ejaculate in an open environment up to a twelve-foot distance! Internally, a female will definitively feel it when it begins exploding into her completely filling her up! Especially with the flare! You know, mares have a clitoris too, and they also have orgasms!”

I noticed that Riley again had developed a blush with Amber’s purposely given overly graphic description. Just like Amber I thought, unabashedly outspoken with a tendency for blatant sexual innuendos, especially whenever I had brought girlfriends to the ranch saying outrageous sexual things to a teenage high school girl! And later on I the receiving end – girlfriends subjecting me to an inquisition if there was something going on between Amber and me! And now Amber was doing the same with Riley!

Daring to help out to get the stud off, giving Riley the option of jacking off the stud’s eighteen-inch-long erection or holding the condom! Amber was testing Riley and pushing it to the limit getting me mad!

Amber’s pulled this same stunt more than once with previous girlfriends and only two had taken up the challenge, but oddly they seemed eager to do it and both had chosen to jack off the stud!

Riley had knelt beside Amber, intently watched Amber masturbating the stallion’s eighteen-inch erection, Riley biting her lip at one point for some reason. Riley audibly gasped when she saw the head suddenly flare and then immediately following the explosive ejaculation into the oversized condom! Amber leaned close and then whispered something in Riley’s ear making Riley immediately furiously blush!

I could only wonder what Amber had said to make her blush so. Knowing Amber, I had a sneaking suspicion, based on Riley’s reaction, it was something highly sexual…

“It’s all boring work from here. Measuring how much the stud produced, checking for viability and motility, putting his sperm in collection tubes termed ‘straws’, labeling, computer entry, storing the straws in the refrigerator for those straws immediately shipping out or placing them in cryogenic suspension for longer term storage. I’m sure you do not want to hang out to see that, besides, I know Logan is eager to take you riding.” Amber stated.

“Logan, Sahara and Marengo are out back, I brought them up from the pasture when I heard you were coming home with a ‘guest’ and wanted to go riding… Amber added with a slight snide tone. I glared at her…

“Thanks Amber” I sardonically stated as I took Riley’s hand and guided her toward the tack room, a bit miffed at her use of the term ‘guest’. I got the two dedicated bridles for Sahara and Marengo, and we walked to the end of the stables out to the pasture gate outside and we saw the two horses at the far end a several hundred yards away.

“Watch This” I told Riley and then I loudly whistled.

Hearing my whistle Sahara and Marengo jerked their heads up looking at me then they both came galloping across the large pasture back to the stables, delighting Riley in watching them run full out with manes flying and their sleek glossy muscular sides shining in the sunlight.

Both Arabians were champion sires, having won several confirmation prizes and commanded high stud fees in the thousands, both were quite spirited!

“Here, when they come up you better give each of them a sugar cube or they will pester us looking for treats, they been known to rip pockets off shirts and pants looking for sweet treats, Candace and Samantha both have had their shirts torn open before by horses looking for treats!”

Riley gave me a ‘look’… I’m sure she was wondering if I was around when that happened and how much of beautiful Samantha’s bountiful assets I was able to see when it happened…

After giving Sahara and Marengo their treats, patting and stroking them to calm them, I slipped their bridles on and lead them into the stables to saddle them.

“Um, Logan, they both seem quite spirited, and I understand stallions are pretty temperamental especially being together. Am I really going to ride one of them?” Riley questioned.

“Nah, don’t worry!

One of the traits we look for is temperament, and Arabians are renowned for their calm nature, we ensure that is one of the strong traits we select for. Some of our horses are sold for junior dressage contests so they must be exceptionally well mannered and gentle with children.” I told her.

Riley and I went horseback riding for a couple of hours, at one point as we rode side by side we held hands. Once back in the stables Riley followed me into the stable’s office where I logged in the two horses we rode and for how long. While I was doing that Riley was perusing the office when I heard her gasp. I turned around and Riley was holding one of the ranch’s glossy sales catalogs, staring at it with eyes wide…

“I, I had no idea!” Riley loudly exclaimed.” I mean all it takes is one look to see how prosperous the ranch is but your family’s horses! The minimum asking price for one of your Arabian stallions starts at $155,000 dollars and it drastically increases from there! And the semen straws start at $6,500 each!

‘Well, I did tell you our horses are not only national but world champions!” I sheepishly replied.

That Friday evening my parents and the ranch hands had a BBQ down at the pavilion, where Riley got to know my parents and the staff better. A few times Samantha, Amber, Candance and Amanda got Riley off by themselves, apparently getting into some deep girl discussions. However, I guess Riley was okay because she never looked over at me to give me a ‘rescue me’ look. After clean-up, my parents retired to the ranch house and Amanda and her husband went to their residence, leaving Samantha, Amber, Candace, Riley and I. Couple of hours later Riley and I went back up to the ranch house.

“Well, that was interesting…” Riley remarked.  “At first it felt like the staff were interviewing me for a job, inquiring what my interests were, what I like to do for fun, my parents – and veiled probing about how serious we were about each other…

I guessed I passed because all four of them became quite friendly to me as the evening wore on, I mean they were friendly during the first introductions but still reserved but this evening they all warmed up to me.” Riley stated.

“Well, all four of them treat me like their kid brother and I treat them like big sisters. Twice Samantha and Candace have brought new boyfriends out to the ranch with mom and dad’s permission but when I met the boyfriends something told me they were not right.

The way they talked, acted, and their manners, the way I saw them interacting with Samantha and Candace. Shortly later the girls dumped them, so I guess it was fair for them to be checking you out to determine if you were right for me!” I replied.

Softly I asked “and what did you tell the girls about how serious we were when they asked…”

Riley grinned up at me and stated, “I told them you were the first guy I have ever been serious about and I’m absolutely sure you were going to be the last and only guy I’m ever serious about!”

With that pronouncement I stopped and kissed her long and deep leaving us both breathless when we parted!

Saturday, we went on a longer horseback ride in the morning, ate lunch back at the ranch house, then Riley and I took one of the ATVs out to see more of the ranch. Riley exclaimed several times how beautiful the ranch was with the pink granite hills and the springs that emerged from hidden grottos on the rugged rocky hillsides forming several streams. How the ranch was so large and isolated you could not see another house or hear any road noise. I told her she wasn’t nearly seeing even an eighth of the ranch, that it would take at least a week riding by ATV and camping out every night to see most of it.

“That sounds like it would be great fun!” Riley exclaimed as she squeezed my hand tightly…

Saturday evening my parents took us in to Fredericksburg for dinner at Crossroads Steakhouse. After dinner we briefly went to Luckenbach to listen to Doug Moreland play and dance a bit before the long drive back to the ranch.

Sunday departing the ranch, my parents warmly hugged Riley telling her come back as often as she would like, with or without me! With tears in her eyes Riley stated to my parents she didn’t want to leave! My mom tightly hugged Riley again, and with another look from both my parents, a look I have already received more than once that weekend, there was an unspoken tacit approval that my parents wanted me to hang on to this one!

Three weeks later it was Christmas break time and Riley was going back home to Odessa. Then came the surprise that her parents were hosting a fundraiser and Riley had asked her parents if she could bring me to attend the fund raiser and they readily agreed saying it was way past time to meet me in person.

Well before this I had met Riley’s parents by video chat a few times. So, I rented a tuxedo and we drove to Odessa in my truck leaving early Friday morning. On the drive though I was filled with trepidation and Riley knew I was nervous and told me to chill out,

“Logan, in the last couple of months you have already talked to my parents three times by video so there is nothing to be worried about, besides, I have talked to them at length several times about you, your parents and your family’s ranch, how beautiful it is and what they are doing to preserve it. My parents are huge conservationists and they are looking forward to meeting you in person as well as your parents – soon!

Logan, there is something I have to tell you…

When you first asked me out for an actual date at Starbucks, back then I told you I don’t really date, and I haven’t since I’ve been a junior in high school. To clarify, I have never had a boyfriend before…

My parents know we’re exclusively dating, and its time, and I believe past time, one of us said it – despite our age we have something extremely special between us and I am looking forward, and hoping with all my heart, to where this may lead…”

I think the rest of the drive I was in a stunned state contemplating what Riley had stated…

Actually, what I wanted to do right then and there was to brake the truck to a screeching halt, pull Riley out and spin her around and tell her I loved her! But instead, after a while of driving in silence, we resumed discussing the scenery and history of the areas we were driving thru…

The meet and greet with her parents in person went great as did attending the fundraiser that weekend meeting family friends. The following Monday I was getting ready to leave to go home and Riley’s parents told me don’t be a stranger and come back soon with their daughter for another visit! They left us alone to say our goodbyes to each other. I pulled out a small Christmas present and told Riley to go ahead and open it…

Opening the small box and seeing a small custom green emerald pendant necklace and matching emerald earrings that I had purchased from Franzetti Jewelers in Austin, Riley immediately started crying!

I told her I thought the drop emerald pendant and earrings would complement her emerald green eyes. She held my neck close and pulled me to her, then, thru her soft sobs, I barely heard her almost unintelligible, softly whispered words

Logan, I Love You

I jerked back in surprise! Held a startled Riley at arm’s length! Then I grabbed her and lifted her up in the air with a loud whoop and spun her around then kissed her hard and broke it off saying repeatedly,

“I Love You Too! I Love You! I Love You! I wanted to tell you months ago that I loved you! I think I fell in love the first time I saw you!”

Well, the waterworks dam really fully burst open then and we stood there hugging each other tightly for I guess fifteen minutes or more. Talk about dragging myself away to drive back home! Christmas break was an intolerable wait apart but Riley flew back to Austin so we could spend our first New Year’s Eve together.

Up to this point in our relationship we haven’t done anything really sexual. Kissing, holding hands, lightly caressing each other outside of our clothes. But Riley meeting my parents a few weeks ago, then meeting her parents in person that weekend, both sets of parents fully approving of our relationship, it opened our relationship to a more intimate and future permanent life together!

I hadn’t initiated anything sexually than what Riley was mutually doing when we were making out. I was waiting on Riley to take the initiative to be more intimate, to make the first sexual move. I had held back having well recognized how reserved she was upon first meeting her then the next several weeks afterwards, still being reserved even though we had spent a lot of time together. Then on our drive to Odessa Riley telling me she never had a boyfriend before; I had wrongly assumed her reserved nature was due to never having had a boyfriend before…

New Year’s Eve we had gone out for dinner, watched fireworks, and had two bottles of champagne and then we went back to Riley’s condo. It was then the first time occurred that we got really intimate with our hands…

As we were heavily making out on her couch Riley somewhat shyly unbuttoned her shirt then undid the clasp on her lacy half cup bra! I couldn’t get over how extremely firm Riley’s large breasts are! How perfectly shaped they are! How diamond hard her tiny nipples get! Her areolas almost non-existent! For long moments all I could do was appreciate her bare upper torso with her amazing, ripped abs and flat taut hard stomach sexily disappearing into her low-rise jeans! My god she has the most gorgeous, athletically hard yet sexy lithe body I had ever seen on a woman let alone in a men’s magazine centerfold!!!

Kissing her breasts and sucking her tiny nipples made Riley gasp and moan in pleasure and lift her hips up in a sexual manner. My hand slid downwards, slowly tracing the outlines of her well-defined stomach muscles, around her navel, then at the top of her jeans, then I slid my hand slowly further down the outside of her jeans and began caressing the outside of the junction of her jeans…

I could feel Riley’s intense heat and dampness permeating thru her jeans, firmly stroking my long fingers against the juncture of her jeans, her slim hips slowly humping my hand which became more fervidly urgent as I stroked her ever more firmly…

Riley was kissing me long and hard, gasps of pleasures bursting into my mouth during her fervent kissing as her hand caressed my bare chest, then, her hand began wandering downward on the outside of my jeans to the outline of my erection…

Feeling my cock’s thick girth Riley let out a hot gasp! Her eyes grew wide and then wider feeling the thick length of my erection through my tight jeans! Her breathing grew heavier as her mouth once again eagerly sought mine and she passionately kissed me long and hard while she tightly grasped the outline of my erection through my jeans, squeezing it repeatedly hard! I think we both were near to climax just with the external stimulation on the outside of our jeans alone – I knew I was!   Breathlessly we both reluctantly finally broke off our heavy make out session.

Riley sat back, her hard nipple fully bared breasts heaving with her rapid breathing, her crotch visibly soaked through her jeans as was the precum showing thru on my jeans! Riley looked at me with intense endearment as she took my hand in her hot hand and held it tightly.

“Logan, you have been very patient with me, not ever pushing me to move things along. You don’t know how much I appreciate it… I ask for you to please continue to be patient with me and take things slow.  With you, I am experiencing new things, emotions, I had never felt – I have never fallen in love before…

Please, please respect that I want to take things slow, for both of us… For the first time ever I’m having to deal with these new feelings, of being in love for the very first time, and hopefully the last time… But to be upfront with you, I’m having a difficult time in dealing with this…

Logan, a few years ago, something horrible happened to me… That is why I’m having such trouble dealing with what I’m feeling, but I can’t find the words, or the courage just now, to tell you why, I can’t…”

“Riley, you don’t ever have to worry, I will wait as long as I have to! You set the pace you are comfortable with. We love each other dearly! I know now what real love is and I already know, as for me, that this is an everlasting love… and I dare say out loud that I hope with all my heart and soul it is an everlasting love for you too…”

Riley burst out crying and threw herself back into my arms sobbing, horribly and deeply. I was stunned! What did I say or what has happened to her for Riley to react this way???

“Riley, Riley! What is it? Is it something I said???”

Several more heart wrenching sobs later, she pulled away but still held my hands in a death grip.

“Yes, partly it is what you just said, but it’s also what I have to try to explain to you sometime that I’m having such a hard time with. Just know I do feel the same way that you do, that what we have, what we feel for each other, it is an everlasting love! I do love you Logan with all my heart and I don’t want this, us, to ever, ever end…”

“Riley, I already know that it is! My heart hurts with the sure knowledge and the depth of love that I have for you, that what we have will be everlasting! I Love You Riley, I always will, and I look forward to our love growing stronger each and every day for each other – forever!!!”

Riley and I feel asleep together on the couch, our bared chests pressing tightly against each other as we held each other close, Riley emotionally wrung out from whatever she has yet to tell me, me also emotionally exhausted yet comforted, silently hopefully knowing this is the woman I will be spending the rest of my life together with…

The next morning, I took Riley to breakfast then to the airport to fly back to Odessa. It was a long, long tortuous two weeks until Riley came back to Austin! We had talked daily and nightly skyped, even flirted with Riley coming back early and spending time at the ranch for a few days but her parents wanted her to go with them to their lodge in Red River to go skiing and snowmobiling. I was invited to go to with Riley and her parents, but Dad needed help getting ready for sale of some of our Arabian colts at a futurity event.

The interminable wait until Riley came back to Austin seemed unbearable, and I felt my love for Riley grew exponentially daily. From our twice daily conversations I knew Riley felt the same way too!

When Riley finally arrived back in Austin, I met her at the airport. There were amused smiles from the crowd when she dropped her rolling luggage and leapt into my arms and began kissing me!

That Friday evening, I took her out to dinner. We enjoyed a bottle of wine at dinner, then Riley asked that we go back to her condo so we can enjoy a quiet evening together. When we got there, Riley surprised me by having a bottle of champagne chilling. Riley lit some candles, turned the lights down low and started music playing on low volume. Cuddling on the couch the champagne went down fast, mostly her part! Cuddling became more than cuddling… After some deep kisses and light caressing Riley unbuttoned her shirt and undid her quarter cup lacy bra freeing to full view her magnificently perfect double D breasts, then she began guiding my hands then my mouth to them…

As I alternated sucking one hard tiny nipple then the other, Riley pressed my head tightly to her breasts, urging me to suck harder!

She kept encouraging me to suck even harder to the point I was afraid I was going to hurt her, instead Riley just cupped her breast as she forcibly pushed my mouth tightly against it!

I had been lightly caressing her thigh through her blue jean covered leg…

As we made out Riley slowly slouched ever farther on the couch in my embrace, causing my hand to move to her inner upper thighs – quite high up…!

I could feel an intense, steamy heat emanating from the junctures of her thighs…  As my caressing hand crept higher, Riley slowly started spreading her legs farther apart!

Then, Riley greatly surprised me when she reached down and began unbuttoning her low-rise blue jeans! Then she took my hand and forcibly shoved it down her pants!

I could tell with my fingers that except for a little pubic hair design, Riley’s pubic region was completely bare! As my hand dipped lower, I could feel an immense steamy heat emanating from the junction of her spread thighs…

My fingertips found her clit already hard and protruding!

Riley loudly gasped when my finger gently touched her sensitive clitoris, moaning deep in my mouth as my finger circled around her hard clit gently rubbing it. Riley hardly broke lip lock with me as she almost continuously moaned while our tongues fenced with each other…

I myself was feeling pretty heady! My senses awash, never had I ever felt this intensely aroused! I did not even come close to feeling this way the first time I ever had sex with a girl – and this was just heavy petting! It was then I noticed Riley pinching and pulling on her tiny nipples with one hand – quite hard! But suddenly I was distracted by Riley’s other hand hastily undoing my belt and then unbuttoning my jeans!

Up until now, only once before has Riley caressed my cock through my jeans!  Riley began to hump her pelvis up into my caressing hand, spreading her legs widely, physically encouraging me to reach farther down…

HELL! I did not have to reach further down!  Riley was doing a damn good job humping her hot steamy wet pussy onto my fingers! Again and again, Riley humped her tilted up hairless pussy onto my hand, my fingers slipping and sliding against her hotly slick vulva, feeling her swollen labia already openly parted. Riley earnestly started humping my hand as my fingers now began slipping between her parted labia. Her efforts with her hand to unbutton my tight jeans grew more frenzied…

I curled the tip of my finger inwards so on her next hump into my hand both she and I felt the tip of my finger at the entrance to her hotly steaming vagina!  Feeling this, Riley seemingly went wild as she really started humping my hand trying to drive the tip of my finger into her!

Myself I was extremely surprised!

Feeling a woman so hot and so very wet that the crotch of her jeans was totally soaked, humping her pussy hard against my hand – yet the tip my finger was having extreme difficulty entering Riley – she was that unbelievably super tight!

Again, Riley shocked me as she thrust her hand down her pants on top of my hand, her hand started repeatedly pushing against my finger, forcing my long finger into her oh so exquisitely extremely tight entrance! Slowly forcing my long finger ever deeper into her tight, narrow molten inferno as she let out a long low deep throaty groan. I was stunned!!! Never have I felt a woman as incredibly tight as Riley!

It was like trying to insert my finger into the neck of a Coke bottle!

For a brief moment I wondered how Riley could possibly even have intercourse she was that tight!

But then Riley’s frenzied yanking on my jeans distracted me from continuing that line of thought…

With a savage jerk, Riley yanked on the flap of my partially unbuttoned jeans, unbuttoning them the rest of the way.  Then her hot sweaty hand swiftly delved down into my pants…

With a loud gasp Riley quit thrusting against my hand, not even half my finger barely buried into her exquisite tightness! Forgotten my finger was even there! Her hand had reached my cock, my very, very hard hot throbbing cock…

Riley stared at me in shock!  Her eyes wide with astonishment!

With her discovery, Riley’s respirations had rapidly increased! Her bared large firm DD breasts began heaving up and down even harder!

Riley was clearly very startled, not only physically but also emotionally!

Startled by the extreme thickness her hand had touched!

What’s more, Riley was even more shocked at the initial length she could feel!

Riley reached down, and down more until my tight jeans restricted any further exploration – still having not discovered the end of my cock!

Riley glanced up at me with a look of incredibility!!!

Quickly she looked downwards, her breathing rapidly grew even more visible.  Then with difficulty, Riley started withdrawing my stiff cock out from my tight blue jeans…

As inch by inch emerged, Riley’s eyes got bigger and bigger!

An incredulous look of awe came over her incredibly lovely features as Riley exposed more of my cock, her breathing got even heavier than when I was barely finger fucking her!

Finally, the entire thick nine-and-a-half-inch length of my throbbing turgid cock suddenly sprung rampantly erect free from my jeans.  As it did so, Riley let out a huge loud gasp…

For long moments, Riley just held my cock steady in her hand and stared at it, her hand could not completely encircle its thick girth…

Momentarily she glanced up at me and then just as quickly looked back down at my cock…

For years I had never been nervous to show my but based on her reactions I thought my size had put her off…

Then Riley slowly looked up at me and began grinning!


IT’S FANTASTIC!!!” Riley blurted out!

Your manhood is simply fantastic!!!

Smooth, extremely thick in girth and perfectly sculpted – and delightfully huge!

And the head!  Oh my god, the head!

The sculpted head of your cock is a thing of beauty!

It’s so powerful! So Masculine!

Logan!  Just how long is your magnificent, wonderful cock?”

Hesitantly in a low voice I replied,

“Umm, well, it’s, umm, nine and a half inches….”

“And how big around is it?” Riley asked as she squeezed my girth, surprised at her ardent question…

Umm, its, its, well, it has a six plus inch circumference when it’s, umm, hard, like now…

Then, Riley began tightly squeezing my cock, her eyes flaring open realizing her fingers were note quite able to completely encircle its girth!

Then Riley slowly renewed thrusting her pussy against my hand as she intently began slowly jacking my cock, suddenly, I could feel a hot flood of secretions surge from her pussy…

“Umm Logan, do you know how many guys, on average, have a cock as large as yours?” Riley breathlessly asked.

Hesitantly I replied “Well, being much taller than average than must guys, I still have a much bigger penis even for a very tall guy, not only in length but girth as well…

I, uh, one time looked it up…”

“Well, come on, spill it!!!” Riley demanded.

Several websites all stated about the same statistics; of the world’s population about 0.2% of men have a penis the length of mine, —that’s 2 in 1000, an even lesser percentage with the six plus inch girth that I have…”

“Oh My God, that is incredibly AMAZING…” Riley huskily breathed out…

Staring at my cock the entire time, her other hand still in place on top of mine inside her unbuttoned jeans – her finger on top of mine, Riley again urgently began forcing my long finger deeper into her exquisite tightness…

Rapidly Riley’s manipulation of my cock grew just as urgently as the pace in which Riley was fervently thrusting her exquisitely tight inferno of a pussy against my hand!  Momentarily Riley stopped jacking my cock, frustration clearly evident by her hasty actions and the constriction of her tight jeans and the limited motion of my hand.

With both hands, Riley shimmied her tight jeans partially down her slim hips, her tiny G-string rolling down with her jeans, laying bare her beautiful hairless pussy to me for the first time ever!

The sight mesmerized me!

With Riley’s astounding flat muscular ripped stomach, the muscle definition seemed to highlight the most glorious, the most perfect vagina I had ever seen!  Even those in touched up adult magazines or porno flicks!

All of Riley’s pubic hair had been removed except for a small decorative outline of a V with all the inner and outer hair removed, leaving just a perfect little narrow V of hair on her pubic mound which seemingly pointed the way to her most erogenous areas!  It was so perfectly done it looked like it was painted on! (Much later on I learned Riley had a permanent laser hair removal procedure done.)

Impatiently Riley grabbed my hand and shoved it against her slick intensely hot pussy!  She forced my finger back into her as she resumed jacking off my cock, her hand on top of my other hand gripping it as she repeatedly forced my hand hard against her pussy, encouraging me to forcibly fuck my finger in and out of her…

“MORE!” Riley breathlessly urged…

I was stunned at the ferocity she was driving my thick, long finger into her, stunned at her thrusting pelvis trying to meet each deep finger thrust…

“Like This Logan!” Riley urgently urged as she demonstrated the tempo she wanted – and the incredible amount of force she wanted me to drive my finger into her!  I was afraid I was going to hurt her, certainly bruise her vulva. I started to ease up but I was suddenly startled at her shout of

“NO LOGAN! As HARD as you can!! As FAST as you can!!!”

Once Riley was assured that her fervent wishes were now being met, she released my hand and brought one hand up to caress her breasts, tweaking and pinching her tiny hard nipples, arching her back while she began furiously jacking my cock with the other…

An unbearable arousal began to overtake me!  My world narrowed to tunnel vision, devoid of everything except for two sensations: the intensely hot moist hand rapidly sliding up and down my unbearable painful throbbing raging erection and the sliding sensation of an insanely exquisitely tight and equally insanely hot muscular vaginal constriction that surrounded my finger as Riley humped her extremely tight pussy hard against my thrusting finger…

My vision grew darker as pinwheels of color began sparkling brightly in the growing darkness…

Riley groaned loudly as I felt the initial orgasmic spasms of her pussy signaling her impending climax, her incredible pussy tightly gripping my thrusting finger in a vise-like grip!

Dimly I was aware of forcefully finger fucking her pussy ever more vigorously as I responded to her equally vigorous ministrations upon my raging throbbing cock!  I could feel myself getting closer, unable to resist such masterful manipulation! Suddenly, I felt her exquisitely tight pussy start to repeatedly spasm with powerful contractions – so powerful that it momentarily halted the thrusting of my finger! It felt like my finger was caught in a vise!

Riley screamed out the loudest longest orgasm I had ever heard a woman shriek – yet Riley still continued furiously stroking my raging cock as she continued to mightily hump her steaming extraordinary tight pussy against my still plunging finger…

“Don’t Stop Logan! Don’t Stop!!!”  Riley shrieked as she experienced yet another body racking orgasm as I suddenly felt my own uncontrollable unstoppable climax boil forth! Fervently I hoarsely whispered to Riley I was fixing to cum…

Riley renewed her frenzied jacking of my cock, surprising me when she aimed it at herself…

I exploded in the biggest orgasm I had ever experienced being jacked off! My senses reeled! I actually became dizzy from my climax it was so intense!  Dimly I realized it was even painful as a tremendous pressure was suddenly released! Clearly, I surprised Riley with not only the force of my ejaculation, but the quantity as well as the duration!

The first blast hit her directly onto her heaving hard nipple breasts! As my ejaculations continued my cum covered her large firm DD breasts entirely! Copious cum dribbling off the ends of her diamond hard tiny nipples as it began trickling down her flat stomach, still I continued to ejaculate…

The trickle of cum became a flood as it reached her navel, filled it, then started coursing down her lower rock-hard flat abdomen, the flow channeled by her ripped abs directly towards her glorious pussy. Riley continued jacking me with one hand as my stream slowly dimensioned, milking me of every drop, her other hand caressing her breasts, smearing my cum all over…

I suddenly realized that Riley was still thrusting her pussy against my hand, humping her tight pussy so my extended finger thrust in and out of her still unbelievably infinitesimally tight passage…

I felt a sudden slick stickiness coat my hand, my fingers…

I again glanced down and saw that my copious cum had flowed all the way down past her rock-hard stomach to her glorious pussy, seeing and then feeling, my finger start to fuck my copious cum into her…

I looked back up and saw Riley smiling at me with such a look of endearment that it completely melted my heart! Both of her hands now back on my cock, slowly sliding up and down…

We both leaned forward at the same time and locked lips, hungrily kissing each other with fervent passion that deepened microsecond by passing microsecond, heedless as we pressed our bodies tightly together, matting my chest hair with my own cum…

Heedless of the intense sexual moment we experienced, all I cared about was that this incredibly beautiful woman has placed an unbreakable lock around my heart that I hoped would last forever…

At last we broke our embrace and sat looking at each other. “Hmmmm” Riley slowly droned out.

“This is the first time I have ever touched a cock before…, that is, besides the stallion at the ranch!”

You Big Guys Sure Do Cum A Lot!

If I hadn’t experienced it myself, I would have thought it impossible!

Then Riley looked down at her totally cum covered smeared breasts, followed the path my copious cum took down her flat muscular stomach, her liquid filled navel, the cum that then had flowed down her flat muscular lower abdomen…

Seeing her pussy thickly smeared with my cum…

Her labia lips still swollen and openly parted, her large clit still hard and fully protruding…

A thick stream of cum still slowly trickling into the open channel of her swollen parted labia…

Riley reached down with her fingers and briefly played with the pooled thick fluid surrounding her clit, in the process stimulating her clit to renewed life…

Riley then used her fingers to push the pooled cum down, then she began slowly finger fucking herself – driving my cum into her pussy! Astoundingly quick she brought herself to another shuddering body racking orgasm!

Slowly she dragged her finger out of her pussy, up through her parted labia streaming cum all the way and began rubbing her clit yet again…

Then Riley coyly glanced at me and teasingly said,

“You wouldn’t have made such a mess if you had exploded inside me instead of onto me!”

I could only sheepishly shrug my shoulders as I involuntarily began to blush, then I felt my cock twitch with sudden renewed interest as I watched Riley continue her very erotic actions…

Then Riley surprised me by grasping my cock and slowly began jacking it again quickly bringing it back to renewed life!

At my age I could recover in fifteen minutes but this time it was even faster! I was astounded how quickly my cock came back to raging life along with an overwhelming arousal that blazed within me that Riley seemingly had eternally ignited!

Riley continued playing with herself, rubbing her clit, while jacking my renewed hard as steel cock faster and faster as she quickly got herself off to not one, not two but three more orgasms!

Damn!  I have heard of multi-orgasmic women and even been with a few but not as many as Riley had and so quickly – and just by masturbating! What was even more amazing we were not even having actual intercourse!

The following weekend, for the second time, we got very intimate with each other. It was similar to the previous weekend except Riley had me take my jeans down to my knees before we started, saying my jeans were too tight and she did not like to fumble around, stating, “I want to “see your magnificent cock in all its glory…!”

As before we both quickly got extremely worked up! Riley took her shirt and bra completely off!  Riley then unbuttoned and scooted her low-rise jeans down past her cute ass for me to finger fuck her again!

Again, I experienced that incredible heady dizzy sensation, the extreme arousal I had never ever felt with another woman, my senses in total overload with Riley! Again, I wound up exploding all over her heaving breasts and stomach. We got each other off three more times in an hour! Each time Riley had multiple orgasms, while being an unfortunate male, I could only climax once and needed time to recharge until she could get me off again.

Still it was an incredible delight while I was recharging to be stroking and stimulating Riley over and over again watching her arousal quickly build up to an orgasmic fever pitch and overcome her again and again while she jerked my cock back to life again and again!

One time my finger glided down past her vaginal opening, sliding over her tight anus which seemed to instantly drive her into a frenzy! I slowly pulled away going back to her pussy, but Riley insistently pushed my finger back and husked in my ear that it felt fantastic!

I circled my finger around and around her tight anus, her moans growing louder and louder as I did so. I started pressing my finger more firmly as I circled her anus, her hips began undulating as she had done when I was finger fucking her. She pulled me close to her kissing me deeply then hotly whispered to me to put my finger in…

I gently prodded her exquisitely extremely tight anus with the tip of my long finger, upon doing so her hips started bucking harder! She reached a hand down placing it on top of my prodding finger pushing against it. As my finger began slowly sliding into her equally extremely tight ass with a gentle thrusting motion a low guttural groan emerged from her parted sensual lips.

Her hand raised up off of my finger then she began finger fucking herself as my long finger, in a slow fucking motion, slowly delved ever deeper into her exquisitely tight bucking ass! Her guttural moans and groans getting ever more frequent as my long finger progressed ever deeper inwards…

Not too be bragging, up till now I had fucked nine girls – not one never one time either! Some I had dated several months with frequent sex. Four have allowed or wanted to have their ass finger fucked, and they all enjoyed it based on their physical and vocal reactions, only two wanted me to actually fuck their ass…

One girl had me stop after I got the head of my cock in because it hurt her too much. The second girl in my senior year of high school, we were at a party and she got very drunk and had popped some Ecstasy and she nearly took me all the way in, actually cowgirl style on top of me pumping her cute sexy ass up and down my thick nine-and-a-half-inch long cock with screaming wild abandon!

Based on Riley’s own vocal and physical reactions, Riley now was seemingly greatly enjoying getting her exquisitely tight ass finger fucked while at the same time she was finger fucking her pussy! When she came Riley screamed out the biggest orgasms she had yet! She climaxed so hard I thought her tight ass was going to pinch my finger off! I don’t think I would have been able to pull out my finger even if I had tried her ass was so tightly clamped around it! Her screaming orgasm cascaded into another orgasm rolling into yet another orgasm and then another!!! It was fantastic feeling her tight ass gripping my finger feeling her anal muscles repeatedly rippling the length of my long finger as her multiple orgasms cascaded!!!

Finally, we both grew too sore and eased to a stop. We repositioned ourselves laying against each other. My jeans still down, my cock laying against her bare lower abdomen, her pants down past her cute little asst… My thoughts, as well I’m sure hers, was how intimately close my renewed erection was to her fully exposed pussy…

Just thinking about it I felt my cock give a little surge, then another, gaining a bit more stiffness each time. In response I felt Riley press against me a bit firmer, her actions belaying she had felt it too…

Riley intentionally shifted a bit further bringing my burgeoning erection closer to her pussy to where I could now feel her slick pubic mound against my shaft, felt Riley pressing her body ever more firmly against me, then, she started slowly sliding her pubic mound and her swollen hard protruding clit back and forth against my shaft…

“Logan my dearest love, I do so want you to make actual love to me! But I must tell you something first, then I feel that we must wait awhile until we do, despite how much I greatly, insanely, wantonly, desire you right now…

Logan, I need for you to understand that due to a horrible traumatic incident in my past, it has already taken much for me to be able to do the sexually intimate things we have been doing – I’ve have never done any of these things before…

I needed the time and your patience to determine if I could fully trust you to go this far even though I do love you with all my heart! Logan, please, it is extremely hard for me to even have the courage to say this much to you! To let you know something horrible happened to me in the past! I’ve come to trust you! I’ve have fallen deeply in love with you! A new experience I have never had with anyone! I have already told you that what we have I don’t want it to ever end…

However, while my physical scars have healed, I still need a bit more time to remove some remaining mental scarring before I can move further forward, if we move forward – if you can accept what I tell you that has badly hurt me in the past… But not now, I’m still not mentally prepared to tell you just yet despite knowing the great depth of the love you hold for me and I for you! With my psychological scarring, I can’t help myself possibly and unreasonably anticipating you can’t accept what I may tell you because I can’t bear the thought of it because I’ve fallen so deeply and irrevocably in love with you, my tall, sweet handsome cowboy…”

My soul was shocked at this briefest of revelations! However my shock was not of some incident in Riley’s past, my shock was I thought by now Riley well knew how deeply I loved her! For some time now I too thought this will be a permanent relationship for us both! To reassure her I said…

“Riley, you take all the time you need! You well know that I too have deeply and irrevocable fallen in love with you and I believe like you that the future holds even greater things for us – together and forever! No matter what has happened to you in the past, I’m here and always will be here for you…”

Riley then flung herself at me, tears bursting like a dam as she did so! Terrible sobs racking her body as I feared for what had happened to her! I held her tightly whispering over and over how much I love her no matter what had happened in the past, that I will always protect and take care of her…

However, even as I was trying to comfort her, I myself was physically uncomfortable because despite the mental anguish we were both experiencing, Riley had inadvertently slid her body a bit upwards in a most disadvantage way as I felt the head of my cock deep in her vaginal furrow…

Her racking heaving sobs were sliding the head of my cock a little bit back and forth between her still swollen openly parted labia, the head of my cock feeling the tight entrance to her pussy, her heaving racking sobs repeatedly gently nudging the broad head of my thick cock against her extremely tight vaginal entrance…

Gently I repositioned myself pulling my erection away from her as I tightly held her till she stilled in my arms…

Three weeks later, we went back to the family ranch for the weekend and went riding. Since Riley’s veiled revelation, we both had temporarily tampered our ardor down somewhat. Riley had not seemed herself since she had mentioned some undisclosed traumatic incident in her past…

I knew how much she loved the ranch, riding horses, and being with my parents who had started treating her like the daughter they never had!  I had hoped being at the ranch would perk her up.

My mom had packed a picnic lunch for us. We saddled two of the Arabian horses and went out for a several hours. Even though it was near the end of January, Texas winters run day from day either cold or warm and it was nearly 80 degrees on a sunny, cloudless day.

We stopped by one of the shallow, clear running creeks with a decomposed pink granite sand bottom and sand banks, spread out a blanket and had lunch. After lunch Riley took my hands in hers and said she needed to talk…

“Logan, until I met you, I had never really dated any one before, never really kissed a guy except a chase kiss on the cheek once, and he was a good friend, nothing romantic at all…

Obviously, you can conclude from this that the sexual play we have previously engaged in the past few weeks…I had not ever done any of it before, willingly

Before we go further in our relationship, now is the time to tell you what happened to me in the past, what I have asked you to be patient with while I tried mentally to deal with it. You have to understand I have deep traumatic mental scars from an incident back in high school…

Logan, despite my very deep love for you, the sexual feelings and intense arousal that arises between us has reopened old psychological wounds that I have had to regain control over, to see one of the campus counselors to get help with… That is why I asked you to be patient. I have had to constantly remind myself that this is YOU! A young man I have come to care for and to love with all my heart and soul, and not the other

The summer before beginning my junior year of high school I went with my two best girlfriends Katy and Melissa, to a party at house of one of the football players. Since I was a cheerleader and so were my friends, they had unwisely convinced me that I had to attend this party to support the football team.

The party was at a really huge house just outside of town and his parents were away. The guy hosting the party, one of the star football players, had been after me to go out with him but I didn’t care for his type. Rich, snooty, entitled, big man on campus, that type. He asked me several times to go out, getting more persistent each time I turned him down. I was always polite, I guess I should have told him straight off I didn’t care for him.

As I have told you before, even by then I hadn’t really dated, nor gone out much except with my close friends. I was focused on my advanced college studies in order to skip my university freshman year and most of my sophomore year. After I became a cheerleader, I realized it was a mistake.  It took so much time away from me concentrating as much as I wanted to on my advanced studies, but this was Texas, more so, Odessa. Friday Night Lights the movie and the television series originated at my high school!

I was placed under a lot of peer pressure to be one of the cheerleaders because of my looks, athletic ability, personality, and my parents’ status in the community. Hell, I didn’t really care that much about football but high school football in Midland/Odessa is everything in those two adjoining towns!

There were well over 200 kids at the party! Both from Midland and Odessa high schools, some obviously had graduated high school a couple years ago. The house is located a few miles outside of town on several acres, no other houses nearby to complain about the loud music that was playing outside around the pool. It was more than just a keg party, there was a lot of hard liquor and large containers of punch. Upon entering, we could tell the party was already getting pretty out of control and I was hesitant to be there, but Katy and Melissa said we will just stay for a while to see how it goes. The party had been set up with a DJ and fog machines, bubble machines, strobe and laser lights.

Melissa and Katy got into the partying while I found a less crowded area, still I had to constantly fend off being hit on. I didn’t recognize even half who were at this party. I thought I was being careful sticking to punch but after three glasses and having drunk half of a fourth glass I suddenly was hit with quite a buzz, I then realized the punch had been spiked! Later on, I learned the punch was not only spiked with liquor but also some kind of drug…

 The ‘host’ kept coming by asking me if I wanted another drink and I kept declining saying I was sticking to the punch, but I did not drink anymore, I just held the partially empty cup and pretended to drink from it.

Still, the buzz I had seemed to be getting even stronger, the music seemed louder, the laser lights and strobes brighter and more colorful, I felt getting into the techno music that had been synchronized with the special effects lighting. The bass was so loudly thumping I could feel it in my body. Hell, I never been drunk before let alone high on some drug! Even though it was a hot night I felt very flushed from an internal heat.

The party was getting louder, crazier and wilder. Since it was a pool party there was a lot of drunken sexual antics going on and it was a hot desert night. The later it got the wilder it got. A lot of girls flashing their tits and ass, girls yanking other girls tops and bottoms down and even off! Guys doing dumb shit showing their asses and dicks. A lot of couples making out, hell, I saw three couples openly screwing in the pool and other couples openly groping each other!

After my fourth glass of punch, I went looking for some bottled water. The ‘host’ again intercepted me asking if I wanted another drink and I told him ‘No’, I was looking for some water. He stated they had run out of bottled water and the tap water tasted bad and he asked me if I wanted a Gatorade, and I said yes. He stated he will be right back. A few minutes later he was back. I should have noticed the top was already loose and requested an unopened one, but I was so naïve then…

About fifteen minutes later I started becoming really dizzy and very disoriented besides having this huge buzz going on. I headed into the house to find a bathroom to splash some water on my face and then look for Katy and Melissa to take me home or call a cab to come pick me up.

Never made it…, instead I fell into a chair and began hallucinating! Later it was determined I had been roofied. The ‘host’ had spiked my bottle of Gatorade…

He came looking for me, appearing to be helpful… Said he would help me to one of the bathrooms and then look for my friends to take me home. I really started hallucinating by then, alternating with momentary brief blackouts periods, I couldn’t differentiate reality and fantasy! He half dragged me half supporting me thru the loud partying crowd up the stairs and then down the hallway to a bedroom. People were laughing at us thinking I was drunk off my ass and knowing he was going to get ‘some’. I was so far out of it I could only weakly struggle and he was a big guy.

He pulled me into a bedroom and locked the door. A moment of lucidity and I realized what he was going to do! I tried to get out of the room but he pushed me toward the bed at the same time he started pulling my clothes off. I tried fighting him off! Weakly because of the drug or drugs, I felt like I had no strength! I started screaming. He got my top and bra off then he pushed me hard backwards onto the bed and yanked my jeans and panties off and then he took his swim trunks off…

As he started toward the bed I started screaming as loud as I could! He pinned me down and climbed on top however I still barely had presence of mind to keep screaming! Somebody started beating on the locked door yelling what was going on and I yelled out he was trying to rape me! I felt the tip of his cock press hard against me then even harder…, felt the head trying to penetrate my pussy. Then there was a loud crash, the door was busted off the hinges and two guys and two girls burst in and pulled him off me…

I was hysterical and the girls covered me up. I don’t remember anything past that moment except what was later told me: The two guys and the two girls knew who I was and who I came with and found Melissa and Katy who took me home, my long-time best friends had to explain to my parents what had happened…

My parents immediately took me to the hospital for a rape exam and drug test. On the way dad called the sheriff’s department and they sent deputies out to the house who shut down the party and interviewed witnesses and arrested the guy that almost raped me. The deputies called in ambulances as several girls were exhibiting being drugged and/or being very intoxicated. Several were cited for minor in possession (MIP) but no further arrests except for the guy that tried to rape me. There was no way to prove who spiked the punch containers.

The rape exam showed no penetration which I already knew and only a trace residue of precum was on the outside of my skin but the pool chlorine from his wet swimsuit had degraded the residue so the DNA test was compromised and could not even be typed. Drug tests confirmed I had been roofied and had a high dosage of Ecstasy. At the time I was sixteen and my rapist was eighteen and he was charged as an adult.

However, my rapist, as I mentioned before, was one of the star football players and his daddy owned one of the largest independent oil and gas companies in the Permian basin…

The rape charge was dropped by the county attorney due to ‘lack’ of evidence, but my rapist was convicted on the assault charge based on the eyewitnesses that rescued me, but he was only given probation – again ‘lack’ of evidence that it wasn’t me that had taken my clothes off.

My parents were outraged as were all our family friends. My dad and some friends of his did some investigation and learned that the guy’s father had, for the past several years, made sizeable contributions to the election campaigns of both the sheriff and the county attorney as well as being personal friends with them both.

The guy who tried to rape me was suspended from the football team, not kicked off, which preserved his eligibility to be recruited to a college football team. I dropped being a cheerleader not only because of the trauma but because I was also being ostracized by a lot of the school athletes and the adult boosters of the football team. The two guys and two girls that had rescued me were also ostracized since they were the ones that testified and got the guy convicted.

After that summer starting my junior year of high school, I threw myself even more into my advanced college credit classes. I wanted to graduate high school early and then finish college as quick as I could. You see, the connotations of being in a school setting, even at the university, leaves me prone to flashbacks to that awful evening.

When I graduated early in December of my senior year, I had the highest GPA of anyone and more AP classes than anyone as well so therefore I should have been selected as valedictorian, but it was given to the person who had the second highest GPA because they had participated in sports while I had dropped being a cheerleader. The lesson here is, you don’t mess with Texas high school football, especially the school that the movie and the television show was based on…”

I could see tears begin to well in Riley’s eyes, realized how extremely difficult it had been for her to make this revelation. To say I was shocked and infuriated is an understatement, but it fully explained her requests to be patient in moving our relationship forward.

I wrapped my arms tightly around Riley and held her. She began sobbing in my arms, deep gut-wrenching sobs that brought me to tears to hear and see the deep hurt and pain still contained within this incredibly wonderful woman. I held her tightly and whispered over and over again into her ear I would never hurt her nor let any harm ever come to her ever again!

“Riley, I have come to feel that I cannot even imagine ever being with anyone else ever again!

All I can say is I love you with all my heart and soul and I cannot come up with the words to adequately describe the depth of the feelings I have for you, and always will, for with certainty, I feel deep in my heart and soul that you are ‘The One!!! My Forever One and Only!!!

Riley jerked away and turned her tear streaked face towards me, staring hard…

Staring with such a stern intensity the likes I have never been subjected to, even by my parents!  Did not know a person was even capable of!

Riley’s startling bright intense emerald green eyes bored into mine. I knew I dared not look away from that intense scrutiny even as my heart began painfully pounding in my chest, fearful dread welling up that I have failed her examination…

“Logan, before my attempted rape, as I told you, I have never really kissed a guy and I certainly have never ever let a guy get to “First Base”. The same has been true since my attempted rape, in fact, I have not gone out on a date with a guy since then, not until I met you.

According to the doctors that treated me as well as the rape counselors I have seen, technically, I’m still a virgin…

Logan, you have to fully understand, making love with you is the ultimate step for me! I would not be doing it – any part of it, like we have been the past few weeks, if I did not strongly believe that this relationship was progressing to something much deeper – something much, much more serious, and dare I say, permanently…

I swore to myself that I would not ever make love with a man unless I was absolutely sure we would be together, forever

 Logan, I too believe with all my heart and soul that you are “My Forever One…”

I pulled Riley into my arms and held her tightly as I repeatedly told her I loved her with all my heart and always will, that this will never ever end for us! It was there, laying on a blanket by one of the clear flowing shallow streams on the family’s 46,800 acre ranch, with two horses looking on as spectators, that we first made love…

As Riley and I found out previously when I first finger-fucked her pussy, Riley has an abnormally tight vaginal entrance as well as a tight, narrow muscular vaginal sheath! Despite her copious lubrication and mine it took a lot of patient work getting my thick six-inch plus girth slowly worked in past her extremely tight vaginal entrance, then, gradually up into her, Riley stopping every few seconds, slowly moving up and down to get it to go further inside.

Meanwhile I was completely astounded! My cock was tightly gripped by her insanely tight pussy! I couldn’t move because I thought I was going to cum!  But even then, our first time Riley could only barely take in almost five and a half inches of my nine-and-a-half-inch long cock!

My God! I never felt a pussy anywhere near as insanely tight as Riley’s! Nor have I had sex with someone who had such marvelous control over her vaginal muscles! I was astounded and amazed with Riley’s muscular control of her vagina! The amazing things she could do! Seeing her tightly stretched pussy over my fat cock was something I will never, ever forget and more, how passionately Riley responded!!!

For someone with no sexual experience, it was not a gentle first love experience… Riley fucked me with wild abandon!

Way and far better than any other of the nine girls I previously had sex with, even the two girls that had been flying high on Ecstasy – Riley fucked me better than any porn star I had ever watched!

Riley’s loud orgasmic screams more than once spooked the horses! We made love three times in an hour by that stream! Each time she made me climax with such intensity that I too cried out! The biggest orgasms I had ever experienced!

The first time with me on top of her, Riley wildly humped her hips violently hard up into me and damn, when she began climaxing, Riley raked her nails along my bare back rending red furrows! Fifteen minutes later she was on top cowgirl style! Riding me like a wild banshee slowly working six inches of my nine-and-a-half-inch long cock into her! Riley rode my fat long cock with an enthusiasm born out of sheer lust and deep abiding love! Her taut, lean body bounced up and down as her fingers rubbed over her engorged and visible clit as she climbed higher and higher towards her inevitable climax while I was mesmerized by her large extraordinarily firm 34DD breasts above me! Her whole body seemed to shake and tremble, her bottom lip quivered as she loudly climaxed again and again! Crying out my name as she impaled herself time after time on my cock! In each position Riley had multiple cascading orgasms that I lost count of!

The third time she wanted to do it doggy style!!!

As I knelt behind her Riley she spread her knees widely apart! I dragged my renewed erection slowly down through her widely parted hard as steel cute ass cheeks, her tiny anus barely discernible as it matched her overall skin tone.

As my cock head slowly slid across her anus Riley let out a loud gasp and huskily instructed me to rub the head of my cock around her anus!  I did so to her delightful moans and then shortly she started pressing back against the tip of my cock head with loud moans of delight! Riley kept pressing harder and harder trying to get the large head of my cock to enter her tiny tight ass but after several attempts she blew out her frustration and huskily stated,

“I’m sorry Logan, I wanted to give all of me to you, but you are really, really huge and I’m really, really tight back there! From the other weekend you know I enjoy having my ass played with! I guess I will have to be pretty drunk to be able for you to try to ass fuck me – and one of these days you will! And maybe it will only be the first of many, many times! Now get your magnificently huge, thick, long cock back into my tight pussy and fuck me as hard as you can!!!”

Well, tell you the truth, I had almost popped off a load feeling Riley trying to get my cock into her tight ass! I did as she instructed and I fucked her hard from behind on her hands and knees! I was quite surprised when she yelled out more than once to fuck her even harder! More surprised at her volent efforts to fuck me back in this position!

Still, Riley could not get all my cock into her! With a particularly violent lurch of her hips backwards meeting my thrust, nearly six and a half inches of my cock went into her tight pussy making her loudly scream out at the top of her lungs almost making the horses bolt! I stopped thrusting thinking I was hurting her but she yelled at me to

“Logan Don’t Stop! DON’T STOP!!’ Riley commanded as she continued to violently hump her slim hips back at me while she furiously rubbed her clit with one hand! I resumed thrusting into her and moments later Riley loudly screamed out her first climax in the doggy position! As Riley continued furiously rubbing her clit she rapidly came four more times! Feeling her repeated orgasmic clenching rippling along two-thirds of my nine-and-a-half-inch long cock brought me to climax and Riley screamed aloud yet again with her sixth orgasm feeling me again explode deep into her wonderfully exquisitely tight pussy!!!

Afterwards we laid there on the blanket completely nude, basking in the warm winter sun for a long time.  WOW! I was thinking to myself. This wasn’t love making! This was downright hard-core wild ass fucking! I don’t know who was fucking who!!! (It would be months later before Riley could fully accommodate the full nine and a half inch length of my thick six plus inch girth cock!)

I turned to look at this nude incredible goddess, my Venus, laying on her back basking next to me under a bright warm winter sun in all her perfect physical glory…

Her long, lithe, athletic torso still retaining a hint of a summer tan. Her large, firm bared DD breasts erotically rising and falling in rhythm with her breathing. Her breasts so extraordinarily firm that that were still perfectly mounded firmly upright instead of slightly flattening from gravity. Her incredibly ripped abs tapering downward to an equally ripped well defined lower abdomen, the small decorative V pubic hair design on her pubic mound which seemingly pointed the way to her most erogenous areas!

My God! Riley was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes upon! She had to be one of the world’s greatest beauties! More beautiful than any swimsuit or lingerie model! Even much more beautiful than any men’s magazine touched-up centerfold!

Riley must have sensed me gazing at her. Slowly she opened her eyes looking at me, a mischievous grin appearing across her incredibly beautiful face as she reached for me again. Her hand touched my semi-flaccid cock and then I realized Riley had actually fucked me raw! “Ouch!”

“What is it?” Riley asked with concern.

Well, my dearest and forever love, you may have heard the expression ‘fucked raw’, well, you have managed to do exactly that! Look how red my cock is in places and you can see where it looks like the skin has been abraded!”

“Well darn, we can’t have that can we? Perhaps a little kiss will make it feel better!” she huskily stated and with that Riley leaned over and kissed the head of my cock, then her lips went completely over as she began sucking the head hard and swirling her tongue around and around…

Riley reached one hand downwards and she started rubbing her clit as she began bobbing her head up and down taking a bit more into her mouth, loudly slurping a few inches of my cock into her mouth, however indeed there were raw places on my cock especially directly behind the head and her saliva was burning!

I gently pulled Riley off from sucking my cock. “Sweetheart, as much as I desire too, my cock is burning because it has been rubbed raw and you have to stop…”

Riley let out a disappointed sigh, but her hand was still busy rubbing her clit. It was my turn to do something special for her as I slid downward and replaced her hand with my tongue…

I’m lucky she didn’t break my nose me going down on her!

Riley was just as passionate me going down on her, bucking her hips hard up into my face! My tongue alternating between her clit, delving into her pussy and rimming her ass. When she felt my tongue on her ass, she raised her legs and knees to her chest for me to have easier access and she went wild feeling my tongue probing her tight ass, but her ass is so tight I couldn’t get my tongue in there!

I worked my tongue back up to her swollen clit and began sucking hard as I twirled the tip of my tongue as I brought her quickly to climax. As Riley came, she grabbed my head with both her hands forcibly pulling my face hard into her pussy almost smothering me while she bucked and screamed out her multiple climaxes!!!

My god I have never been with someone as sexually and physically – and loudly passionate as Riley!!!

After Riley calmed down, I looked at her and said

“Initially, the very first time we made love I thought it was going to be tender sweet love to each other but for someone with no sexual experience – you fucked me better than any porn star I have ever seen!”

Riley laughed and replied “Well, I have had a lot of pent-up sexual energy waiting, waiting for the real thing! And what makes you think I have never watched porn??? A woman my age gets urges too, and I do have frequent, very intense urges that a few ‘toys’ that I have help ease those assuages! But as I now know as of today – nothing comparable to the real thing! And you are certainly much, much larger than any of my toys in both length and width!!!”

Then, looking seriously, Riley added “Logan, there is something else you should know about me…

As you just experienced, my sexual arousal episodes are not quite normal, even accounting for young raging hormones…

My arousal episodes are more vividly intense and more frequent than most young women my age, at times distractingly so. I talked to my two best girlfriends about it, and they stated they frequently get horny but not as frequently as I do nor as intense. This was two years ago after I almost got raped when I talked to my girlfriends, and I brought this up to my gynecologist and she had my blood and hormone levels analyzed.

A couple weeks later at my follow-up appointment, my gynecologist explained that my analytical results showed that I have elevated sexual hormones. The doctor explained up to seven to fifteen percent of women in any given population have elevated sex hormones creating a higher than normal libido, but that it is not considered an uncommon disorder. My analytical results showed I was a little over the eighteenth percent upper percentile.

The analytical results explained why I have such intense and frequent arousal periods with heightened sexual sensations, increased sexual sensitivity, increased sexual desire, and sexual fantasies and dreams that are vividly intense and spontaneous.  The doctor said that extensive research has shown that the majority of women with elevated sex hormones, a high libido, usually retain their elevated levels well into their seventies. She explained there are benefits to this, a more enjoyable sex life, an active sex life in their later years, delayed menopause, less difficulties with the onset of menopause, and much less risk of cancer.

The doctor had my medical report from the hospital rape exam, and again we discussed this traumatic incident at length. She explained that partly due to the incident but mainly thanks to my strong will and determination, along with seeing a rape counselor and gaining a little more education and continuing sexual restraint, that I have and will continue to do an excellent job of holding out for the right guy to come along, and as you know, that right guy is you, my love!”

“Not many girls are as lucky as I am to be with someone as intelligent, charming and as handsome as you, especially one sooo very well hung as you my huge stud!!! So Logan, be prepared to be ridden hard and long and very frequently!” Riley laughingly stated, laughing even harder seeing my stunned expression as she fell into my arms once again.

Again I said to myself “My God! I have never experienced been spoken to so boldly, especially so intimately! So sexually!! Who would ever thought this incredibly beautiful young woman could speak as such especially after the trauma she had suffered! This just opened my eyes even more to what a very special and strong-willed woman Riley is!!!

We rode back to the ranch house and Riley went to her room to get cleaned up. I quickly got with mom and dad and stated that I wanted to marry Riley! Not right away but maybe next winter or when Riley prefers. Momentarily my parents were stunned with the pronouncement, both Riley and I being nineteen years old, but Riley had by now been to the ranch several times and quickly became the daughter they never had whom my parents already dearly loved.

Mom burst into tears of joy, even my tough cowboy dad teared up! I told them I wanted to take a loan out against my trust fund to buy an engagement ring and my dad said nonsense. “I will loan you the money and you can pay us back as you work it off!” Dad got his checkbook out and wrote me a check for ten thousand dollars!!!

“Dad! I can’t accept this! It is way too much!” I loudly exclaimed.

“Son, there are a few times in a permanent relationship when you will make your wife ecstatically happy; the first will be when you propose! Half the amount your mother and I are giving you is one of our engagement presents to y’all. Your mother and I believe you and Riley are much more fortunate than most, what you two have is extremely special! Few couples, few relationships, have what you two have, or have the ability to recognize what they have with each other like you two do – especially at your ages! So, you take this check with our wholehearted blessing and give Riley the first of those ecstatic moments!”

The next evening, I video called Riley’s parents and asked their permission to marry Riley…

Like my parents, they too were initially stunned, the age thing, but it was her dad who said that for the first time ever that it was I who had finally made their daughter once again happy, more so, they have never seen their daughter as happy as she is now as being with me! That every time they had talked to Riley she had always brought me up in the conversation and she had already told her parents quite some time ago she loved me, that she knew with all her being that I was “The One!” That despite our young ages, Riley’s lack of dating experience, and how well they knew their very intelligent daughter, she had spoken with such conviction they knew she was right!”

The very week I went back to Franzetti Jeweler’s and talked to the two brothers, Bobby and Tony, that owned it. They remembered me buying the green emerald drop pendant and matching earrings for Riley’s Christmas present and they also remembered Riley has vivid green eyes having shown a picture of her to them. They advised me that instead of a diamond engagement ring, think emeralds or sapphires. Diamonds are not scarce they explained, unlike emeralds and sapphires which are much rarer.

Diamonds are actually quite common, but their prices are kept artificially high due to the diamond consortiums that stockpiles diamonds in warehouses and monopolizes the world diamond market.

Bobby and Tony sat me down and had me browse through catalogs of custom designs instructing me to pick out the five best designs that I liked. After I had done that Bobby sketched out a design of a centerpiece emerald surrounded by diamonds. Two weeks later I picked it up. Even the customers in the shop oohed and awed as they saw it presented to me on a purple velvet pillow under a spotlight which reflected brilliantly blazing scintillating starburst rays of colored light from the mounting in all directions throughout the small showroom!



Riley dearly loved the Davis Mountains of West Texas, about three hours from Midland/Odessa. She had explained to me that every summer as young child up to age fifteen she went to a summer camp there where they rode horses every day and did rodeo practices and put on a rodeo for parents at the end of each camp session. The camp owners were old family friends, and her parents had close friends that had ranches in the area. Her favorite spot was in the Davis Mountains State Park on top of Skyline Drive, the mountain top there overlooking the summer camp and McDonald Observatory in the far background.

Riley told me that in her high school years, especially after her near rape experience, she often travelled there and sought solitude and peace on top of the mountain overlooking the summer camp a little over a mile away. That over the years she had made many friends in the area, the camp owners and their children were like family, and her happiest times had been there.

Several times Riley talked at length about the Davis Mountains; the sky islands with the mountain ecosystem, camping out under the stars, Madera Canyon with its pine forest, McDonald Observatory, the old national historic fort, the cool nights and warm days, all the wildlife, and Balmorhea State Park, site of the world’s largest spring fed outdoor pool. Listening to Riley and seeing pictures she had taken I realized the Davis Mountains would be the perfect place to propose!

After picking up the ring from Franzetti Jeweler’s I made reservations at Indian Lodge located in Davis Mountains State Park for the following weekend as it was a four-day weekend for us. I told Riley we were making a surprise trip out West, but I wouldn’t tell her where, that she would recognize it as we drew close. So it was there at the state park, at sunset, on top of the mountain overlooking the summer camp and far in the background McDonald Observatory, the location that she so loved, that I proposed…

Riley burst into tears and was crying so hard she couldn’t answer! Instead, she threw herself in my arms and nodded several times finally getting out the words I longed to hear, “Yes, I Will Marry You!”

Unbeknown to Riley, I had a park ranger hiding behind the ruins of the old radio repeater building on top of the mountain filming the whole proposal! The park ranger came out of hiding and she congratulated us. A few minutes later Riley had another surprise.  Her parents, her two best girlfriends Katy and Melissa, my parents, the owners of the summer camp and their kids drove up to congratulate us. We then drove a short distance to H.E. Sproul Ranch where our parents and Riley’s girlfriends were staying in the ranch’s guest suites and the ranch owners hosted an engagement party at their pavilion.



After the engagement, we began to go home to the ranch almost every weekend to get out of the Austin congestion and city life, and also, I could help my parents with the ranch in-between studying.

Riley eager for her own breaks from studying enthusiastically helped with the ranch activities, actually stating, more than once, that her fondest desire in the future is to live at the ranch as my parents have suggested several times, having shown us several areas on the ranch we could build our own home.

Despite Austin’s vibrant nightlife and weekend attractions, Riley hated city life as much as I do! She preferred the quiet ranch life, nearby small-town Fredericksburg with all its shops, eateries, the wineries in the county and going to Luckenbach to dance. We agreed that after our graduations, as soon as we got established in our careers, no longer than a year or two regardless, we would move to the ranch.

In between our trips to the ranch my parents had decided to also get into the miniature show horse and miniature cattle business on a trial basis in addition to the Arabian stallions. There was a growing interest for miniature horses and miniature cattle not only in America but also the world.

Research indicated that with the onset of the COVID pandemic, a lot of urban people were buying/bought rural properties for getaways. There is a growing desire for not only miniature horses but also miniature cattle for people who did not want or able to handle full-size animals nor had enough acreage to support full size animals but needed to have livestock on the land for their agriculture tax exemptions. The smaller size breeds of cattle were easier on the land and of course being smaller required less grazing and supplemental feeding.

Additionally, there is a growing interest in, and an increasing number of miniature show horse competitions being started not only in North America but also in Europe and elsewhere. After a horse’s (miniature and full-size) show years are over they make excellent acquisitions for ranchers and young children.

While they look similar to their full-size cousins, miniature horses are classed as horses because they are bred to be miniature replicas of full-grown horses. Ponies are stocky, with short legs, thick necks, and fluffy manes and tails. Miniature horses, on the other hand, typically have all the refined features of full-size horses. Miniature horses have an exceptionally long lifespan, often far longer than their full-sized counterparts. To be classified as a miniature horse they had to be no taller than thirty-four inches at the beginning of their manes.

One weekend Riley and I went to the ranch and saw the newest arrival, a miniature stud horse named Stormy. My parents told me the staff have already been working with Stormy to come when he hears a whistle.  We went down to the stables and we walked over to the rail fence so Riley could see Stormy. I let out a piercing whistle. After several seconds Riley saw a horse come galloping into view at a distance toward us, all black, long mane and tail blowing in a flowing sweep as he ran to us. As Stormy came on, Riley quickly realized this was the first of the miniature horses the ranch has acquired.

Riley immediately started fawning over Stormy as he got closer, realizing as he closed the distance, she was seeing something special, a miniature version of an Arabian!

Never has Riley seen such a beautiful miniature horse that looked like something out of a fantasy story (didn’t every girl want a horse or a pony when they were little!).

Stormy was all black with a rich deep satin glossy coat standing just 34 inches at the top of his back. Just like his bigger Arabian cousins, Stormy strongly exhibited the breed characteristics for alertness, being courageous, intelligence and kindness. I explained to Riley there are two main types of miniatures, the refined and sleek Arabian look and the stockier Quarter Horse look, and of course with the ranch breeding and raising Arabians we kept to the Arabian look.

Riley had begun to put sugar cubes in her shirt breast pockets when we were going to the stables to give the horses a treat. Stormy had been at the ranch for a few weeks now and he had already become accustomed to the staff giving out sweet treats and also as a training aid. Stormy began looking for a treat nuzzling Riley with his soft velvet lips and soft velvet nose, first sniffing her hands and detecting the sweet smell, then checking her pants pockets and finding nothing there. Riley reached into her shirt pocket and pulled out a sugar cube and gave it to Stormy.

Not satisfied with just one and seeing where the sugar cubes were being kept, Stormy began pulling and tugging on Riley’s shirt with his searching lips feeling the outlines of the cubes. Riley was wearing a western style shirt with snap buttons that she had tied the shirt tails together below her breasts and only had two snaps buttoned revealing a gorgeous amount of firm décolletage. Upon Stormy detecting the location of the cubes in her breast pocket, Stormy tugged with his lips on the outline of the cubes – both of Riley’s snap buttons popped loose! Vastly exposing her firm ample cleavage in her low-cut lacy bra!

Riley laughed and withdrew a cube and gave it to Stormy and then began rebuttoning her shirt, quipping while giving me a saucy grin

“That’s a neat trick someone taught him!”

Yeah, and I had a pretty good idea exactly who taught Stormy… either Amber or Candace or probably both! I silently thought…

Then one three-day weekend Riley and I went home to the ranch to take care of the horses and livestock while my parents and all the staff attended a futurity horse show out of town, they wouldn’t be back until late Sunday. My parents told me I had to do a semen collection on a new stud Arabian they obtained the previous week so they could have a semen sample expressed shipped to the lab first thing Monday morning for independent testing to satisfy the sales contract and the time frame it contained; the lab was too backed up this week to do the analyses.

Dad explained the stud may be a bit troublesome because he is not yet use to his surroundings so I may have to put him in a restraint stall and possibly hobble him. Dad told me to have Riley help me and to be sure to instruct Riley beforehand and not while trying to do it so she will be comfortable with the procedure, if she is nervous the stallion will sense it as well making the collection all that more difficult.

After dinner in Fredericksburg Friday evening Riley and I went down to the pavilion and got in the hot tub. Both of us feeling mellow from drinks at the restaurant and we had picked up a bottle of champagne before we headed back to the ranch. Since it was just us at the ranch, we got in the spa au natural! I told Riley I needed her help tomorrow doing a semen collection on a new Stud Arabian that arrived earlier in the week and it was a two person job.

“Well, as you already know I do want to be able to help with the ranch as much as possible with whatever I can.” Riley stated.

“Dad said the new stud was still nervous in his new surroundings so unlike our other studs that we just tie off for semen collection or just turn loose on a mare we may have to put him in a restraint stall and possibly hobble him, so he doesn’t move around much.”

“What then?” Riley asked

We let him get use to being in the restraint stall and maybe the hobbles for a while. Then you will give him a couple of sugar cubes then we will groom him to further calm him. After he gets calm, I will get the water hose, we have hot and cold mixing valves, and I will let warm water run over his sheath to get him to start dropping so we can start cleaning his penis.”

“After he starts dropping, I can then begin cleaning his penis with the special disinfectant soap. As Amber demonstrated to you during your initial visit to the ranch, the stud needs to start achieving an erection so he can be cleaned thoroughly to prevent sample contamination, then rinsed off and patted dry. Then a lubricant will be applied and then his penis will be manipulated again to get an erection, then an oversized condom will be slid over his erection then he will be manipulated again until he ejaculates.

“You mean like this???” Riley asked as she gently began stroking my cock…

“Ummm, yes, you have become quite the expert with your hands… However, if he is still too rowdy, maybe it would be better if you jack him off while I stand by his head and keep him calm.” I stated.

“You seriously want me to jack off a horse!” Riley exclaimed.

“Well you do have a very expert touch!”

“You mean like this???” Riley grinned as she increased her stroking quickly giving me an erection and then she sat in my lap, reclining with her back against my chest, my thick nine-and-a-half-inch erection jutting up between her spread legs as she continued caressing my cock and rubbing her pussy against it, while I began caressing Riley’s wonderful, amazingly firm large DD breasts…

“Hmmm, my very own stud has a magnificently huge cock himself! I remember my first trip to the ranch and Amber tried to get me to jack off a horse! I was mortified with you standing there! And it was before we started having sex! The stud’s erection was huge which flustered me even more, but I recognized Amber’s type…

Trying to bluff the new girlfriend in front of the boyfriend type! Knowing you and I were going to be at the ranch, Amber, the pretty ranch hand girl, intentionally wearing a thin shirt unbuttoned provocatively low to show off her cleavage and her barely there see-thru bra with her clearly visible nipples poking her shirt! Making sure every chance she got she would bend over in your direction!

Still, it was unnerving being that close to an eighteen-inch horse erection watching Amber jack him off as if he was a man! But I wasn’t about to back down from her challenge – she was testing me!” Riley hotly declared.

Do all breeds of horses have the same size penises?” Riley then asked.

I thought what an odd question she asked, but Riley was doing a wonderful job getting me as well as her hotly aroused! Was it the conversation we were having??? If so, I indulgently answered her question…

“Well, keep in mind that because of the way a stallion has to mount a mare, physiology requires that the penis be lengthier.  Breeds vary widely. But the mean and standard deviation of size will scale with general body size. So Percherons and Clydesdales have the biggest penises – up to three feet long! Small ponies and miniature horse breeds will have penises twelve to fourteen inches in length. Donkeys do not fit the norm though, theirs are fourteen to eighteen inches in length.”

“As you have seen here on the ranch Arabians are relatively small in stature and very refined in conformation, their erections are fourteen to eighteen inches in length and their erection girth is five to seven inches in circumference.

A common myth is that Arabians are not as strong as larger breeds, however, Arabians are noted for a greater density of bone than other breeds, short cannons, sound feet, and a broad, short back, all of which give the breed physical strength comparable to many taller breeds of horses! They excel in endurance and competitive trail competition because of their stamina and athleticism.

Arabians are extremely intelligent, and the best ones are also very affectionate and will look after their rider. As you have already learned we have a very small scale but extremely exclusive breeding and rearing operation for exporting prize winning Arabians abroad to other countries. Every Arabian we have raised or supplied semen for has been a prize winner!”

“What else is involved?” Riley softly husked out as she slowly ground her pussy against my erection and as I continued caressing her buoyant perfect DD breasts…

“Well, remember what Amber told you on your first visit to the ranch? Regardless of equine size or breed, they all ejaculate about the same amount of semen, from four up to eight ounces of semen or 250 milliliters is ejaculated, compared to a human male who at most ejaculates only five milliliters or one teaspoon.  With tremendous force a stud equine is capable of explosively propelling its ejaculate in an open environment up to a twelve-foot distance! Internally, a mare will definitively feel it when it begins exploding into her completely filling her up, especially when the flare occurs.”

“Yessss, Amber has told me that, more than once…” Riley husked out as she began sliding her pussy up and down against my thick erection…

I wonder what Riley meant by that, and what the hell was Amber repeatedly going on about it for to Riley! But I quickly lost my thought when Riley turned her head toward me and kissed me deeply as she held my cock firmly against her pussy as she began earnestly humping it!!!

Breathlessly Riley broke off the kiss and stood up and then she sat on the edge of the hot tub with her long, toned legs spread widely apart and drew my head to the juncture of her thighs. Quickly I brought Riley to two orgasms using my tongue and then she pulled me out of the hot tub and had me lay on the chaise lounge and Riley then climbed up and rode me hard!

The next day I brought the new stallion in to the breeding area of the stables. Sure enough he was not yet comfortable with his surroundings, so I led him into the restraint stall and tied him off. I did have to hobble him to keep him from dancing his back feet around. Riley fed him a couple of sugar cubes and as we began grooming him he settled down, somewhat…

I got the water hose and adjusted the water temperature to warm and turned it on his sheath as I massaged his sheath with a loofah sponge to get him to start dropping. Still, he was trying to dance around a bit which got a bit worse as I began cleaning him.

I got him cleaned and then applied a gel lubricant and started masturbating him to ejaculate. But he kept bobbing his head and shuffling his feet despite Riley’s efforts to calm him and get him to be still, but he kept on.

“Riley, let me hold him and try to get him calm while you masturbate him…” I stated.

The look she gave me was priceless!

“You said I wouldn’t be the one jacking him off!!!”

“No, I never exactly said that! But things will go smoother if I stand by his head to calm him and you will have the easier job than me trying to keep him calm! Being in the restraint stall and in hobbles there is no danger of getting kicked. It’s okay, I’m sure you can do it! I have ways to calm a horse! Sometimes my parents kid me of being an actually ‘horse whisperer!’

Just remember what I told you last night. Get some lube on your hand and jack him until he gets his erection back and then keep on keeping on! You will be able to easily tell when he is fixing to ejaculate so you can have a firm grip on the condom when he does. Be sure and have a firm hold on his erection and the condom or else when he comes it will blow the condom off with the force of his ejaculation and that will be $182,000 dollars wasted since we can usually get at minimum twenty-eight good straws at $6,500 each from one ejaculation!”

Riley’s jaw dropped hearing how much income can be produced from just one of the ranch’s high-end stallions!

“Well okay, I’ll give it a try…” Riley hesitantly said.

“You’ll do great, just pretend it’s me!” I laughingly said. That earned me a dirty look from Riley!

After she squirted a bit of lube in her hand, hesitantly, Riley knelt down and began sliding her hand up and down the stud’s now semi-flaccid pink and white cock. As the stud slowly began to get an erection, I could see Riley getting more comfortable jacking the stud, her fluid motions getting more natural, it helped I had gotten the stud to calm down too, softly talking to him while caressing his head and neck.

“Well, this is quite unnerving…” Riley stated.

“What is?” I asked.

“His penis, his erection…, it looks and feels just like a human one except for being vastly oversized in length, and his girth seems to be the same thickness as you when you have an erection…” Riley replied with a slight giggle.

“Well, remember what I said about when he flares, all resemblance to a human penis will end when his head suddenly expands three times its size and becomes distorted into a mushroom shape just before he ejaculates.” I replied back to her.

Riley kept up her jacking off the stud, her hand going faster and faster stroking up and down his entire sixteen inch length, biting her lip in concentration. Shortly I could tell the stud was almost ready and I told Riley to quickly slip the condom on and jerk him as fast as she could. She audibly gasped when she saw the head suddenly hugely flare and then the explosive ejaculation into the oversized condom. Riley kept on jacking his erection as she watched the condom getting filled up.

I walked over and told her to slide the condom off. Then I took it and secured it with a knot just above the filled level then snipped off the rest not wanting any of the lubricant to be mixed with the semen sample. Then Riley followed me into the processing area where I poured the condom into a beaker, measured the quantity, checked for motility under a microscope, then poured off four subsets into prelabeled and dated straw sample containers and placed them in the refrigerator.

That night in bed Riley started getting amorous. As she stroked me and began slowly jacking my cock, Riley joked about jacking off the stud, again remarking on the way too much identical similarities in appearance between an equine cock and a human one except when a stud horse flares and begins cumming…

“Good grief, I couldn’t believe the size that his head flared out too! I thought he ejaculated so powerfully that he would blow out the bottom of the condom! With his first blast I saw the bottom of the condom actually bulge outwards from the force of it! I wonder what a mare feels when a stallion does it to her, if they feel pleasure…”

“Well, like Amber told you before, mares do have a clitoris and there is medical belief they do enjoy it based on the way a mare in estrus presents herself to a stallion, and it is believed mares have orgasms too!” I replied.

“Yeah, Amber also had said that to me too, more than once, amongst other things…” Riley responded, her face slightly blushing for some odd reason. But before I could ask what other things Amber had said to her, Riley exclaimed “Hurry get behind me! I want to start off that way tonight!”



Anyone who has been to the Midland/Odessa area knows it is not a pretty part of Texas. This being in the Permian Basin, desert scrub country ruined by decades of extensive oil and gas drilling, productions batteries, unbelievable oilfield traffic, bad roads and refineries. Riley only has two close girlfriends, and she wanted a small intimate wedding which astounded her parents’ wealthy socialite friends thinking it was going to be one of the biggest social events of the year at the country club. So, it was decided to be a destination wedding with just immediate family and relatives and her two best girlfriends.

Riley narrowed the wedding location down to my parent’s ranch, her parents lodge near Red River, or the Davis Mountains. Riley chose the Davis Mountains, the happiest times of her young life had been in the Davis Mountains, and the very happiest time was when I had proposed to her there. The wedding was held at the Fort Davis National Historic Site, one of the best surviving examples of an Indian Wars’ frontier military post in the Southwest. We got married later that year in late summer before the Fall semester of our sophomore year started. The National Park staff, dressed in period uniforms driving an open buggy drawn by two matching white horses, picked us up and drove us around the expansive parade ground to the officers’ row quarters and the wedding ceremony was held on the porch of one of the officer quarters buildings. At the conclusion of the wedding another pair of park staff set off the 9.5 pound black powder cannon as a salute to our new marriage making everyone jump it was so loud! The wedding reception was again at Sproul Ranch.



Two days later we flew out of the Midland/Odessa airport to a private island in the French Polynesia Leeward Islands that our parents sprung for as a wedding present.

Riley and I were the only ones on the small 20-acre island with white sand beaches that completely circled the island, the island completely surrounded by a lagoon with just one way in and out through a shallow notch in the reef.

Inside the lagoon the bottom was sand, the water clear and shallow and no more than six feet in depth with colorful fish and playful dolphins permanently residing in the lagoon. The large population of dolphins around the islands kept the sharks away we had been informed.

The island was very private. Caterers would show up only three times a day at designated times to drop off our meals, and we could call for a piloted runabout anytime to go visit the main island restaurants and clubs if we wanted too. But most of all since it was private island just the two of us on it, the tiniest of swim attire could be worn – or none at all! And the honeymoon bikini that Riley chose to wear was absolutely jaw-dropping stunning – or more accurately she was!!!

My bride came out on the veranda barely wearing a stunning and very skimpy black sparkle string bikini. It could only be described as close to a minimalist micro bikini, just enough to barely cover the basics and very vividly stir imaginations!!!

Hell, I have seen her wearing brief panties that covered more than this bikini!

The string bikini bottom was deeply scooped front and back providing just minimal basic coverage of the pubic area – scooping daringly low in the front!  HELL! It just barely covered the edges of her labia!  Gold chains were slung high over each hip that connected the front and back panels of her bikini bottom which left the hips and her front entirely bare! Then in addition, her cute rock-hard ass had minimal itsy-bitsy coverage with most of her firm ass cheeks showing!

Not quite a G-string but close!

But what made the bikini bottom spectacularly devastatingly sexy was the front panel had a peek-a-boo open keyhole cutout in the center – and the cutout stopped just short of the beginning of Riley’s vaginal cleft! A Swarovski crystal pendant dangled in this cutout opening reflecting colorful scintillating rays of sunlight. As it was designed to do, it automatically drew a person’s eyes to this extremely daring opening and at the shocking, almost intimate revelation! I could also tell the bikini bottom was not lined the way it clung and outlined Riley’s nearly hairless pussy!

The skimpy bikini top was also almost daringly non-existent! Consisting of a very tiny micro teardrop top that just barely covered her almost non-existent areolas and tiny nipples and almost left her entire DD firm breasts totally exposed! The bikini top too had no lining as I could see the shadowy outline of Riley’s tiny nipples pushing against the fabric!

The tiny bikini top just accented how extraordinarily firm her large amazing perfect breasts were magically defying gravity! Riley had never worn such a daringly small bikini before let alone one with no lining! Riley looked spectacularly ravishing in it!  It was more erotic lingerie than swimsuit bikini!

No lingerie or swimsuit model could come anywhere near profiling this barely-there bikini as marvelously as my incredibly beautiful bride with her tall, stunning hard-ripped lithe body and her very firm fantastic large breasts!!!  As the saying goes, if you got it then flaunt it!

And Riley could flaunt it extremely well!

No other woman I had ever seen in real life or profiled in men’s centerfold magazines came close in comparison with Riley’s incredible beauty and unimaginably statuesque hard ripped body with her perfectly shaped, extraordinary firm, double D cup size breasts!!! Still, just to assuage my own concerns I asked her

“Ummm, honey, after our honeymoon, you’re not planning to wear that spectacular bikini anywhere else, are you?”

Riley gave me the first of many “Are You Kidding Me Looks!!!” that I would receive in the beginning years of our marriage!

“Good grief Logan, I wouldn’t even be wearing this on our honeymoon if we hadn’t been guaranteed the caterers would only show up at designated times, and that no one else would boat through the reef cut into the lagoon up to the island to enjoy the beaches, or that fishermen and tourists would not cruise by close enough to see what I am or am not wearing!!! But perhaps in the future if we go to another island just as private as this one, I may wear something similar…” Riley stated with a smile and a twinkle in her eye!!!

After the second day of our five day stay of seeing the guarantees were true that no unwanted visitors or looky-loos would come around, Riley started to go topless! And our love making was not confined just to the bed! We did it on the beach and in the water in the lagoon though one time we had to fend off a couple of very friendly inquisitive dolphins interested in our sexual tryst!



Marriage was fantastic for us both! It helped focus us on our studies and at ages of twenty-one both Riley and I graduated from the University of Texas in three years, both of us with honors and master’s degrees. During our first three years of being together and our initial two years of marriage we rapidly grew as a married couple. After graduation we temporarily moved to a leased condo in Dripping Springs west of Austin.

Being married and deeply in love with each other seemed to have completely banished Riley’s past traumatic incident and lingering after-effects. As exampled to illustrate this, there were a number of things that I was surprised to learn about Riley…

Riley loved sexy lingerie, the more daring and risqué’ the more it inflamed not only my passions but her own very considerable sexual passions she explained! I also found out Riley liked a variety of sex toys, both vaginal and anal toys that she orders! In addition, movies….

Riley greatly enjoys porn movies! She is the one that usually rents or streams them, again surprising me with her choices!  The adult videos Riley prefers are definitely not the artsy, couple type category of porn movies!  They are very explicit hard-core sex movies! She prefers movies that are science fiction, fantasy or medieval themed, including girl-on-girl.  Hell!  Riley even has a fondness for porn movies that has space creatures and aliens ravishing women, mythological creatures ravishing women, even horror sex movies with monsters and mutants ravishing women with huge, weird cocks that explode quarts of cum! Riley thinks they are hilariously corny – and very stimulating, based on her actions while we are watching the movies…!!!

Earlier, I had mentioned that Riley’s gynecologist had determined through blood and hormone analysis that Riley has a higher libido than most women! Well, I can certainly testify to that as we have sex three to four times a week! Often times more than once a day or during the night!

Now you would think having sex this often would get boring but not with Riley! Besides her stunning nude figure, she quickly became quite creative sexually with her lingerie, sex toys, movies and reading adult stories, and each time we had sex her multiple screaming orgasms were nothing I have ever heard or seen – real or play acted in a porn movie! But especially it is her masterful control of her vaginal and anal muscles that she could do absolutely amazing things with!!!

Hell, one time when we had a small dinner party and we had drunk one of those large three Liter Jeroboam Bottles of Champagne. Empty, those thick-walled glass bottles are still heavy. After our company left, we started getting amorous and Riley got very silly but very astoundingly sexy silly…

Riley refilled the empty three liter champagne bottle with water then while standing up she inserted just the top portion of the neck of the filled bottle into her pussy. She held the bottle in place with just her powerful vaginal muscles! Even more amazing, Riley could pull the bottle neck further up into her pussy and then let it back down without it slipping completely out! Rapidly Riley repeated this trick thirty times in a row without once even letting the bottle slip free!

Needless to say, I was flabbergasted! We took the full bottle to our electronic bathroom scale – it weighed just over fourteen and a half pounds! Talk about Kegel muscle power!!! No wonder Riley could grip my cock in a vise-like grip and milk my cock so intensely more than anyone I had ever experienced and is able to clamp down on my cock with her powerful vaginal muscles so tightly she can stop me from thrusting making it impossible to withdraw from!!!

Another example of Riley’s higher than normal libido was a few months into our marriage. I came home early one day to our condo, and I caught her masturbating…

There she was, on our bed, naked, legs widely spread and her auto-thrusting dildo up her lovely, amazingly tight pussy and using a wand vibrator on her clit, pinching her nipples with her other hand!

Of course, Riley was mortified getting caught, and I was stunned. We didn’t speak of it for couple of days, but finally, I asked her why. She gave me one of her patented “Are You Kidding Me Looks!!!” Riley is very direct and replied

“Logan, you know I have a much higher sex drive than most women. Even though we have frequent sex there are times I can’t wait for you to get home – and you can’t tell the difference that I got myself off earlier and shortly later you come home and we have sex – and it is just as intense for both of us! Just consider it a prelim for your wonderfully huge cock! Hell, I started to get horny before I became a teenager, and at fourteen I obtained my first dildo! You think hiding that from my mom was easy?!!!



It was about this time that we decided to get a dog for several reasons. Protection was

the main reason and fitness as we would take the dog for a run with us each day. Both our jobs allowed us to alternate days working from home and with this arrangement there was always one of us at the condo each day. Our condo had a large, fenced yard and the condo backed up to a large park with extensive jogging trails.

As you have read, Riley is not your average good-looking woman – she is one of the world’s greatest beauties who commands the attention of everyone when she walks into a room! Even I being a big, tall, well-built guy with broad shoulders who stands several inches taller than most men, I have lost count the number of times guys (and women!) have come up to us in a bar or a club and started hitting on Riley with six foot four inch me standing there right next her quite obviously being a couple, and Riley with very, very noticeable engagement and wedding rings on!!

Then there are the annoying and rude catcalls at the beach or while floating the San Marcos, Comal, or Frio rivers. Jogging was particularly irksome for Riley in her skintight running apparel. Joggers hitting on her, lewdly staring and making even lewder comments, even guys in vehicles or guys jogging circling back around for another look, comment or catcall and joggers purposely following her. Luckily most couldn’t match my wife’s pace or seven mile distance running.

The final straw that convinced us to get a dog was when a jogger started following Riley one day when she went jogging alone. For a while he ran close behind her then he ran beside Riley and started hitting on her and she told him to leave her alone, then he actually reached out and grabbed her arm and held on to it and started saying lewd things!

Riley was so unnerved by this stranger, this creep, actually forcibly holding her arm and talking dirty that she had forgotten the canister of pepper spray she had with her.

Fortunately, right then a group of joggers came around the bend seeing Riley jerking her arm away and yelling at the guy to leave her alone. Even more fortunately, one of the joggers was an off duty policewoman who reached into her pocket and pulled out her badge and yelled ‘POLICE’ that made him take off running.

One of the other joggers in the group managed to grab a partial picture of the jerk. The incident caused Riley to have flashbacks to when she was almost raped, it greatly affected her – me too, I was beyond incensed!

To tell you the truth I was so freaking mad I spent the next two weeks jogging the trail where the incident occurred looking for the creep, also every day I repeatedly drove around the park during various times of the day. I had the photograph of him, but it was in half profile, so it was not a clear photo that could definitely prove it was him. I looked for someone with the same running clothes and shoes, height and hair color but never saw anyone matching the description.

Riley and I both had dogs growing up. Me working cattle dogs at the ranch, Riley had a German Shepard then a Rottweiler growing up. Neither one of us wanted a small dog as we are too active with outdoor activities. After the incident with the jogger Riley wanted to get another Rottweiler. That was fine with me, but it wasn’t going to be a just a pet, it was going to be a companion dog trained to protect its owners.

We’ve had noticed advertisements in the Texas Monthly magazine and the Cowboys & Indians magazine for companion protection dogs. A Google search showed personal protection dogs’ cost between $5,000 and $85,000 dollars. Riley and I could afford to spend up to $10,000 dollars but we were concerned was this is enough? What price safety? My wife’s physical safety, especially her mental health?? The incident really impacted Riley and she had to seek some temporary therapy from an excellent doctor in Austin by the name of Dr. Kate Temple.

Soon after the jogging incident Riley’s parents had come to the ranch to visit my parents, they have all quickly became best friends when first introduced and frequently visited. At dinner we informed our parents what had happened, and we were looking into purchasing a personal protection dog but the cost for a highly trained quality dog was extremely expensive. Both sets of our parents instantly stated that cost was no matter, they would make up the difference. Dad actually wanted us to immediately move to the ranch, something we have already discussed doing in the near future because we are allowed to work remotely from home. We are indeed quite fortunate both our parents are very well off to be able to do this for us.

After looking nationwide at several companies, we kept coming back to one company who provided a few select breeds for law enforcement, military, and personal protection which included Rottweilers. After checking several references for the company and going through an in-person interview with the company, we acquired Havoc, a beautiful Rottweiler – nothing cuter than a Rottweiler puppy!

We got Havoc already housebroken but still a puppy. The agreement with the company is we would raise Havoc to ten weeks of age in order to bond with us then he would go back to the company for three months of daily training, minimum thirty hours a week, with once monthly weekend visits by us. At the end of the three month course we would go and train with Havoc for an additional five days. Thereafter an annual three full day refresher course.

Besides the regular commands all dogs are taught, Havoc’s specialized training included verbal and silent hand signal commands to ‘guard, be fierce, attack, hold, release, friend and search/find’. Havoc was trained to automatically put himself in front of Riley when coming up to a person until given the command ‘friend’ where he would then sit or stand by Riley’s side. While he would do this with me too, Havoc was to be Riley’s guardian, and Havoc seemed to instinctively know this as he clearly bonded more with Riley.

Havoc always stayed in Riley’s presence while she moved from room to room. In the condo he would chose a spot where he could have eyes on her the entire time, but usually sat or laid next to wherever she was sitting. Havoc slept on a floor pallet on Riley’s side of the bed after refusing to stay in his kennel at night in a corner of the master bedroom, incessantly whining until he was let out. Since Riley had documented PTSD from being almost raped Havoc qualified as a service dog and he went everywhere with us and wore a service vest.

The three of us got into a routine. Either Riley or I would take Havoc on a daily run when we jogged. Me, five miles was my limit; Riley could easily do seven miles and often more. In his first years’ time Havoc grew into a very exceptional solid, heavy muscled 170-pound Rottweiler that stood thirty inches high at the shoulder! Much taller and heavier than most Rotty’s!!! And Rotty’s don’t fully mature until two years of age!

Both Havoc’s sire and dam were at the upper limit of height and weight for Rottweilers, and both had shown at the Westminster Dog Show. Since both Havoc’s parents were of champion bloodlines and Havoc showed such promise at a young age to also be champion quality, the purchase agreement we had with the company was that we couldn’t neuter Havoc for three years as the company wanted to see if he would develop the same confirmations as his parents and use Havoc for breeding which we would generously be recompensated for. However, we had already decided we did not want to take the chance that neutering would lesson Havoc’s protective behavior – despite Havoc developing some very annoying yet typical young male dog hormone behavior…

When female friends were over, Havoc would frequently jab his nose into their crotches in greeting resulting in Havoc being commanded to go lay down. Riley wearing just skimpy panties or thong panties getting dressed or undressed was particularly vulnerable to Havoc’s crotch jabbing with his cold nose!

Twice Havoc caught Riley drying off after stepping out of the shower, coming up behind her and with Riley’s thigh gap he accurately laid tongue swipes against her fully exposed pussy when she had a leg propped up drying off! Both times it made Riley yelp and earned Havoc an admonishment and locked into his kennel for an hour.

Riley learned to keep her eyes on Havoc when she was naked because he was so persistent! Evidently young dog raging hormones temporarily overrode his very expensive training! However, it got worse…

Twice when we were having sex and Riley was riding me cowgirl style Havoc jumped up onto the bed and tried to mount her! After those two incidents whenever we planned to have sex, we would temporarily lock Havoc into his kennel. We learned the hard way not to let him out immediately from the kennel after we had sex. One time Riley got out of bed and let him out before she headed to the bathroom and Havoc immediately went for her pussy trying to lick it. Additionally when he was released from his kennel he would jump up on our king-sized bed and sniff where we had sex and lick the bottom bed sheet so one of us had to be sure we were back in bed to command him ‘OFF’ or make up the bed if it was daytime.


Working in a financial investment firm nearly two years now already had Riley quickly rising thru the ranks and she had just gotten promoted to manage her own branch in Dripping Springs! Her promotion temporarily delayed our plans to move to the ranch but the corporate office assured her it would not be a problem in the near future.

To celebrate her promotion Riley had called her two best girlfriends, Katy and Melissa to come down from Odessa along with Katy’s fiancé Mark, and Melissa’s husband Steve.

Riley, Katy and Melissa first met in elementary school first grade and remained best friends as they went thru junior high and high school together, despite Melissa and Katy deciding to go to Texas A & M instead of the University of Texas with Riley – family tradition and all with Katy and Melissa’s families.

Katy’s father is an agricultural lobbyist, which necessitated frequent trips to Austin, the state capitol, justifying her father buying a condo in the exclusive luxury high-rise The Austonian where Katy, Melissa and their significant others would stay. Having been to the condo before, Katy’s father had purchased a two bedroom penthouse on the 34th floor with an amazing view up Congress Street overlooking the state capital.

Katy and Melissa both had a bit of wild streak into them they have yet to outgrow, they were party girls and still were. As you have read so far, you know Riley had never been a party girl.

How Riley, Melissa and Katy stayed friends I do not know, especially since that time Riley had almost been raped. Since that experience, Riley refused to go to any parties, or where people would be drinking excessively or even go out dancing.

Once Riley and I started going out on real dates she finally relaxed enough to go dancing again but only at Luckenbach since it is a very small family friendly venue, and we could go home to the ranch afterwards. Once Riley knew she could fully trust me she would actually drink a few alcoholic drinks to the point of getting a good buzz on but never drunk. Only when Riley knew we were going to be together forever did she allow herself to become a bit freer in her behavior and get sightly drunk on rare occasions.

While sex with Riley is fantastic every time, unbelievably when intoxicated Riley gets extremely horny and wildly passionate more than she already is! From experience I learned that even after she physically exhausts herself having sex and definitely had worn me out long before she tires, I could usually stimulate her again to at least couple more orgasms or three by using one of her trusty dildos or vibrators!

Back to Katy and Melissa and their significant others being in town. We had been informed that they wanted to cut loose while in Austin, do 6th Street, go to some bars and go dancing. In today’s enhanced law enforcement climate with drinking and driving we decided to rent a limousine to have Riley and I picked up in Dripping Springs then swing by The Austonian to pick up Katy, Melissa, Steve and Mark so we didn’t have to worry about drinking or finding a parking space for my big truck or Riley’s big SUV. Earlier in the day we all had big lunches and that evening we hit a few clubs and just ate quick bar food because Katy and Melissa were too excited about partying (Midland/Odessa has a quite boring nightlife and what nightclubs they have are full of off work oilfield workers).

We had trouble at one club on 6th Street getting Havoc in. Arguing with the bouncer that he is a service dog (wearing his service dog vest!) and handing the bouncer a small card citing the federal statute about service dogs, but he still refused to let us in. A couple of Austin police officers on bicycles happen by that time and told the bouncer that service dogs are covered by the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) and is allowed inside, and that asking what disability a person has is a violation of the ADA. Reluctantly the bouncer let Havoc in and he stood well back when Havoc walked past.

Katy and Melissa and their significant others were getting pretty ‘tight’ having consumed at least two drinks per club we visited. Their party mood was definitely infecting Riley also getting her into the spirit and she was getting pretty tight too, drinking as much as her girlfriends, which surprised me since at most Riley usually has just three cocktails or four beers when we go out for the evening.

Riley looked sensational in a new one shoulder cutout white mini dress that showed just the right amount of tan skin in all the right places, with her drop-dead looks and her tall height, stunning athletically fit lithe body in the tight form-fitting dress enhancing every firm curve of her body she was the envy everywhere we went that night.

With amusement I had noticed more than a few times guys start to come over to Riley but as they had gotten closer, they had seen the huge Rotty she was holding the leash to which stopped any further advancement! Havoc’s massive basketball-sized head came up to most guy’s waists!

After three clubs Katy and Melissa wanted to go dancing and got Riley fired up about going dancing so we went to the Summit Rooftop Lounge. Again we had trouble getting Havoc in despite the ADA card until we requested to talk to the manager, fortunately she knew about the ADA requirements.

At the entrance to the Summit the music was exceptionally loud. Riley had brought cotton balls and she placed them in Riley’s ears to dampen the noise. We stayed for about two hours drinking and dancing and I have to admit I got carried away drinking too since I had no driving responsibilities. The Summit, as typical of upscale dance venues, has an elaborate sound and special effects lighting system complete with fog machines and a sizeable dance floor. As the name implies The Summit is outdoors on the rooftop and it was a pretty warm night.

Two hours at The Summit, Melissa and Katy had gotten really drunk and surprisingly Riley too. I have never seen Riley get this drunk before!  Dancing as they have been doing in the warm evening everyone was perspiring, not enough air conditioning capacity for the open area nor enough fans, the cooling system probably purposely undersized to get customers to buy more drinks I reasoned.

I noticed Riley being really drunk made Havoc nervous. He stayed by Riley’s side and frequently bumped against her leg as if in reassurance and put his head on her arm, alternating staring and whining at Riley then to me then back to Riley.

Havoc certainly did not like it when we went to dance and every time, he had to be re-commanded to stay which was unusual because he always obeyed a command the first time which showed how nervous he was. Losing sight of us in on the crowded dance floor we were told he whined the entire time until we came back to our seats.

Katy and Melissa were doing some pretty dirty dancing and their guys were letting their hands roam pretty freely and intimately, putting on a show for anyone noticing in the densely packed gyrating crowd. I was surprised when Riley started getting ‘frisky’ with me on the dance floor! Nibbling my ear and kissing me long and deep and squeezing my ass while we danced and talking dirty to me about the things we were going to do when we got back home!

Damn, Riley had never acted like this in public before! No, we were not at Luckenbach where we dance to Country and Western music. This was disco pounding pulsing techno music with laser beams, strobe lights and fog machines blasting jets of fog over and into the dancing crowd.

Near the end of our stay at The Summit after sitting out a dance and Riley downing yet another drink she pulled me out onto the dance floor and even did a bit of dirty dancing with/to me! Riley started holding me close and then began a little bump and grind! She started kissing me hard and deep and long while pressing and grinding herself hard against me! As we continued dancing Riley became even more randy! Breathlessly I asked “Damn Riley what’s gotten into you? I have never seen you act so sexy and so daring in public before except when we were on our honeymoon on the private island!”

Badly slurring her words Riley replied “First, you seem not to mind how I have been behaving nor what I have been doing! I can not only feel the effect I’m having on you but see it as well she laughingly said. “Second, you haven’t gotten into me yet with your wonderfully huge cock! Third Katy and Melissa for the first time ever talked me into taking some Ecstasy a little while ago and I’m feeling fantastic and extremely horny for YOU my one and only love! I can’t wait until we get back to the condo! They told me how fantastically Ecstasy escalates and enhances sex!

I already can’t wait to fuck the brains out of my very own studly husband!!! Melissa and Katy are sooo jealous I was lucky enough to marry a man who is not only intelligent, handsome, tall, and well-built but who also has a huge cock not only in length but also girth who knows how to perfectly wield it to my unending delight!”

Well, to say I had multiple surprises this evening is an understatement! Riley getting drunk off her cute sexy ass tonight more than I had ever seen her, and astoundingly, Riley being persuaded to take Ecstasy!

Ever since Riley had her drinks spiked with Ecstasy then roofied at a party back in high school, she had never done any drugs before except for some Colorado gummies last year when we went skiing – despite taking two 5mg THC gummies, they really didn’t do anything for her.

Tonight, I found out that Ecstasy evidently has an incredible sexual effect on my incredibly sexy beautiful wife! I was shocked that Riley had taken Ecstasy despite what had happened to her in high school, and that she also had talked to her two best friends about the size of my cock! That explains the sideways glances and giggles I have gotten from Katy and Melissa the past few years when they joined us to float the rivers with us or went with us for a trip to the beach.

Two hours at The Summit, Melissa, Katy and Riley were way too drunk and flying too high on Ecstasy to dance anymore, they all were stumbling when standing up and while dancing. Mark and Steve were plastered as well but just from drinking too much and I wasn’t much better!  The girls, as girls do, went to the ladies’ room together and then we departed to go home. We all stumbled on our way out of the club. Us guys helping the girls walk, except for Havoc of course, Havoc still acted nervous, occasionally whining seeing Riley in the very drunken state she was in. On the drive back to their condo all three girls seemed to have gotten a second wind and were really cutting up!

We dropped Katy, Mark, Melissa and Steve back off at The Austonian. Surprisingly they still wanted to party and tried to get us to go up to the condo and Riley laughingly told them “Sorry, we have other plans for tonight!” That caused them all to crack up laughing! With our guests gone Havoc happily got on the other seat looking out the window. As the driver navigated the limousine onto MOPAC Riley asked me if the privacy window between the driver and the passenger compartment can be lowered by the driver. I told her no, not unless I undo the override lock. “Good! I can’t wait until we get home to get started!” And with that statement Riley immediately straddled my lap and started making out with me!

Straddling me the short hem of Riley’s minidress rode high up her ass cheeks, her cute hard-as-steel ass cheeks fully bare except for the white thong between her firm ass cheeks. As Riley continued kissing me she started grinding against me quickly giving me a raging erection with her bold activities. Riley moved my hand to her ass, instantly I got the message and the fingers of my hand started exploring, driving her wild as she began bucking against my probing fingers!

Then amazingly Riley raised up and pulled off her thong panty and stuffed it into her little clutch purse and resumed grinding against me while she hungrily kissed me and I the same as I fell deeper and deeper into heady depths of the deep abiding love that I have for her!

Damn! I could feel how dripping wet with arousal Riley already was! I was sure she was leaving a wet spot on my pants! Then Riley began sliding backwards off me until she was on her knees on the floorboard in front of me. She undid my belt buckle and jerked the buttons open on my jeans and pulled out my already hard cock and started sucking me! Due to my height and long arms, I could still reach down and play with her ass and pussy while she was going down on me!

On the dimmest edge of my senses I barely noted that Havoc had begun whining, no longer absorbed with looking out the window and he tried moving off the seat and I had to tell him stay. For someone with no prior experience going down on a guy until Riley started having sex with me, she was an expert at it! I guess from watching porn movies!!!

As Riley brought me near to climax and I her by fingering her clit, pussy and ass, I brought both of my hands up and held her head as she bobbed her mouth up and down concentrating on the head of my cock sucking hard and swirling her tongue around the tip while one of her hands was jacking my shaft while with her other hand she had reached under her and began fingering herself. As I got near and nearer to blowing my load, I closed my eyes enjoying her masterful skills.

Riley began moaning ever louder as she neared her own climax but then strangely, she started trying to pull her head off my cock but with my hands on top of her head she couldn’t pull off completely.

I could feel her twitching her body about, mumbling out the side of her mouth pressed firmly against my nine and a half inch erection along with more quickening ever louder moans from her with more mumbling in-between thinking she was fixing to climax. Then Riley suddenly jerked her head up and yelled


I jerked my eyes open and saw Havoc directly behind Riley, Riley on spread knees in front of me with her miniskirt still hiked up over her ass. Riley’s face was flushed and she was breathing hard. It took a few seconds to realize that Havoc had been trying to lick her pussy – or had been licking it for a few moments!

“OH Damn Riley! I’m so very sorry!

I had closed my eyes enjoying you going down on me so wonderfully and you had me almost there and I thought you were just being extra enthusiastic considering how drunk and how high on Ecstasy you are and how astonishingly even hornier than you usually get! Moving the way you were, knowing you were fingering yourself, I believed you were trying to get off at the same time too!

Riley moved up off the floor, pulling her miniskirt down and sat next to me. “It’s okay Logan, we can’t blame Havoc following his natural instincts. We know how he gets when we have sex, especially how he acts when it is ‘near or just after that time of the month’ for me.  Riley drunkenly replied, badly slurring her words.

“Well, that’s true. Being in this limousine compartment even I can smell the sex, imagine what it is like for Havoc with his canine nose thousands of times more sensitive than a human’s!’ I replied.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have taken that second hit of Ecstasy when I was in the restroom with Melissa and Katy just before we left… By the time we got to The Austonian to drop them off, I had become so freaking horny than I had ever been before! I couldn’t stand it and I couldn’t help doing what we did in the limo just now instead of waiting to get home…” Riley stated.

“Damn It Riley! That was extremely dangerous considering how drunk you are and already having taken one Ecstasy pill already! No wonder you are acting this way! Your body feels hot and flushed!” I exclaimed.

“I Know I Know, Now! But the first pill had me so euphoric with increased self-awareness, an increased perception of vision and music, and I was feeling so sensual with such an overwhelming feeling of love for you – and it made me so incredibly horny!

The girls promised me by taking a second pill just before we went home, it guaranteed that sex on Ecstasy would be the best sex ever that I and you would never forget!” Riley drunkenly slurred.

“Logan, you well know how horny I get with a few drinks, and the Ecstasy has drastically skyrocketed my already high libido…

Tonight, I never had that many drinks before, and I have never gotten sloppy drunk! More so, taking the second Ecstasy pill has me so freaking high right now and so unbearably horny I can’t stand it! Havoc swiped that long, powerful tongue of his from my clit through my pussy lips then up and over my ass before quickly returning to do it again!

If I hadn’t known it was Havoc – a dog, and not you, honestly, if Havoc had kept it up, I think I would have quickly had an orgasm! You well know how quickly you can make me repeatedly climax when you go down on me! Don’t think I will be doing Ecstasy again anytime soon – or ever…” Stated Riley drunkenly giggling…

At that point we were just several minutes from home. I rolled down the windows a bit to air the compartment out the smell of sex was that strong, Havoc sticking his nose out the window. I just kind of sat there a bit stunned, digesting Riley’s statement that if Havoc had kept up his licking, being so drunk and high on Ecstasy as she was, she probably would have had an orgasm…

Before Riley, I had been out with some girls who had gotten very drunk or very drunk as well as had taken some kind of party drug. I knew how alcohol and drugs affected women more than men, especially sexually – doing things they probably would not normally do.

I certainly was not naïve about it. Talking to my guy friends and other past girlfriends, and of course all the information on the Internet, the posted date rape horror stories, as Riley’s own near experience that had occurred back in high school. Probably most of all that shocked me, if Riley hadn’t gotten so drunk tonight that lowered her inhibitions, she probably wouldn’t have been persuaded by Katy and Melissa to take Ecstasy.

When we got back to the condo, I had to help Riley out of the limo then help her up to the portico and front door she was stumbling drunk so badly. Hell, I couldn’t walk straight either! Before we went in, I let Havoc run around a bit doing his business which he took his sweet time about, sniffing around before we went in. I wouldn’t let Riley go in by herself, afraid she would stumble and fall. While we waited on Havoc to get done, Riley started being amorous again, caressing and kissing me in the corner of the portico, then she reached down and started caressing my quickly erect cock thru my jeans. She pulled my hand down and up under her miniskirt, still sans panties…

Riley started undoing my jeans again, reaching inside with her hot sweaty hand feeling my painfully throbbing cock. I whistled and called Havoc and let him in first as Riley and I stumbled inside the doorway, her hand still inside my jeans. As soon as we were inside Riley pushed me hard against the wall kissing me deeply, longingly, fervently as she jerked out my nine and a half inch long cock as I reached down and finger fucked her hotly sopping tight pussy.

Riley started yanking my jeans down and I took over as she pulled her dress up over her head. Once again, she locked her lips with an unbreakable hold upon mine as she pressed her nude statuesque body tightly against me. My thick, long painfully throbbing erection between her legs, Riley started sliding her hot, slick hairless pussy along its length as she deeply moaned into my mouth.

Riley keeping her lips locked onto mine started slowly pulling me through the living room to the bedroom, both of us drunkenly stumbling badly, keeping our bodily contact but we never made it to the bedroom… Riley and I tripped over each other, and she began falling against a chair. I just managed to catch her in time in my arms and lowered her down toward the chair.

Logan, let me get on my knees! I need you to Fuck Me NOW Logan!! FUCK ME!!!

Riley knelt in front of the chair spreading her knees widely arching her back tilting her cute form ass upwards opening to full view her already inflamed sex, her labia fully swollen and openly parted, her chest resting on the seat of the chair. I did as my wife commanded and knelt behind and began fucking her. Instantly Riley was moaning extra loudly humping herself furiously hard back onto me working my thick long cock into her.

Due to my large six plus inch girth and Riley’s extreme tightness I had never been able to slip into Riley, let alone any other girl, with one thrust, even with plenty of artificial lubricant – especially Riley with her extreme tight vaginal entrance and her thick muscular narrow vaginal sheath! Riley was also one of those women who could orgasm from behind without having her clit rubbed but when she did or used a vibrator while I’m behind her she has volcanic orgasms! And Riley began just doing that! Reaching under herself and started furiously rubbing her clit.

Yes! Yes!! OH YES!!! Harder! FUCK ME HARDER LOGAN!!! Riley passionately cried out slurring her words.

Being honest. I did pace myself as she was enjoying it so much, plus I was pretty damn drunk myself and it was helping me last much, much longer. I was intently curious to see how many times my gorgeous sexy as all hell wife could orgasm being as high and as extremely horny as she was from the Ecstasy!

I think Riley came at least eight or more times before I did! I felt my cock swell further with my own impending orgasm, Riley felt it too as she commanded me to fuck her as hard as I could!

Hell, I was fucking my hot sexy wife so hard already I was afraid I was hurting her but Riley kept on telling me to fuck her even harder!

I felt my climax begin erupting up through my shaft and as I exploded Riley came yet in another body racking screaming orgasm tightly clenching my cock so firmly I could hardly thrust in and out and then Riley came yet again as she felt me explode deep into her filling her with my cum. Being drunk as I was and as much effort as I put in pounding my wife I collapsed on top of her back as she continued squirming and humping herself on my slowly shrinking cock!

I leaned back slowly, pulling my shrinking erection out but then I kept on going backwards… falling onto my back onto the floor! Totally exhausted, I laid on the flooring heavily breathing from my exertions pleasing my incredibly horny wife – and horny she still was thanks to the Ecstasy! As I laid there with the room dizzily spinning with my own intoxication, with Riley’s intoxication combined with the effects of Ecstasy and our wild sex she had nearly passed out from exhaustion but unbelievably Riley still had one of her hands under her still playing with her clit loudly moaning!

Watching my stunningly gorgeous wife with the nude body of an athletic goddess getting herself off again I was hoping I could recover fast enough to do it for her but I had to rest to catch my breath and recharge before I could attempt it! I had my worn myself out the first go around! I had never fucked Riley as hard before afraid that I was going to hurt her with my thick nine and a half inch long cock!

And oh that incredible view of Riley from behind! I raised my head up for a better look but the room started drunkenly spinning even crazier! That incredibly sexy hard as steel cute ass of hers! Riley kneeling there head and chest resting on the chair cushion with knees and legs widely spread with her oh so tight fantastic ass arched up in the air! Maybe, just maybe, she be wanting to do some ass fucking tonight as the only time she could handle it was when she had a few drinks and had a good buzz on, and Riley was one of those rare women that could orgasm while being ass fucked as long as her clit was being stimulated!!!

I closed my eyes to stop the room spinning…



Suddenly Riley loudly screamed out

“Get Him Off! Get Him Off! Logan!!! Get Him Off! Havoc Is Trying To FUCK Me!!!

Now, we had forgotten that Havoc was loose… AND HE HAD MOUNTED RILEY!

Dizzily I sat up and just as I did – Havoc thrust forward and Riley loudly screamed!

Her head violently flung backwards and her back arched as Havoc’s cock suddenly slammed deep into my wife’s extremely tight wet pussy! Instantly Havoc’s powerful hips became a blur pounding into Riley! Again, Riley started loudly screaming out for me to


Stunned, I watched in horrified disbelief as Havoc, with a furious rapid and rhythmical cadence, brutally fucked his cock into Riley’s pussy!  Each powerful brutal thrust causing Riley’s body to jump convulsively! His powerful hips like a jackhammer as he repeatedly slammed forwards, savagely fucking his cock into the tightly clenching depths of Riley’s pussy, whipping it out and brutally slamming his whole cock up into her pussy, again and again and again…


STOP! S-s-st-stop him Logan!”


Drunkenly I leaned forward, trying to get up and just as I did, Riley screamed out again…



Riley’s body shuddering and trembling, shocked realization – My God, She Just Had An Orgasm!

I couldn’t believe it! Havoc had just made my wife climax with a body-racking orgasm within just a few seconds of fucking her!

Havoc’s forelegs were tightly wrapped around Riley’s slim waist, his back hunched over her back, his powerful hips with lightning-fast thrusts pounding away at her pussy! I grabbed Havoc’s collar and tried to pull him off but even as big and strong as I am I was drunk off my ass and dizzy as well and I couldn’t muster enough strength to get Havoc to break his hold around Riley’s waist! I was repeatedly yelling the command ‘OFF’, but clearly Havoc’s brain had been taken over by hormone driven lust! He acted like he didn’t even hear me or even sense me pulling on his collar!

Then, within a few more seconds of Havoc fucking Riley she quickly had second body racking orgasm screaming out,


Riley screamed out loudly! Her body violently shaking with the intensity of her second orgasm! Her back arching under our huge Rottweiler while she was orgasming tilting her small firm ass upwards into his rampaging cock! I was stunned and shocked to the core seeing and hearing Riley having another intense orgasm in quick succession!

Her double orgasms spurred on Havoc whose large ball sack was now resoundly smacking against her wet, dribbling pussy. Havoc kept pounding her so fast that all I could see was the blur of his thickening cock as it pounded her tight pussy just as hard as I did mere minutes ago! Riley’s exceptionally extraordinary tight pussy loudly slurping around the swelling canine cock as it brutally jackhammered in and out of her with precum spraying out with each thrust, evident of the copious amount being pumped into her!

I was still so stunned from seeing my wife having a second orgasm so damn quickly in just seconds from being dog fucked, I was in a state of continuing immobility when Riley’s screams changed to moans…

I was shocked! She sounded like she was enjoying it! Her breaths started coming out of her in gasps as Havoc continued hammering away at my wife’s tight pussy! Havoc’s savage fuck-thrusts were so powerful they were tilting Riley’s small tight ass up and down with each forward fucking thrust! Rocking the chair Riley was leaning against he was fucking her so hard!


My wife loudly screamed out as unbelievably she had yet a third orgasm!!! I knelt frozen in place, astounded at what I was seeing:  our huge dog raping my wife and my inability to stop it from happening, and more, incredible astonishment of Riley’s drunken and drugged responses in having three huge screaming orgasms from being fucked by a dog!

Havoc’s massive fleshy cock was plunging between Riley’s tightly clinging swollen pussy lips. He was stuffing all his lengthy cock into her tight pussy with each powerful thrust of his haunches. He was brutally fucking her hard and deep at an incomprehensible speed! Riley violently climaxing yet again as Havoc continued his insatiable beastly assault, her earth-shattering orgasms exploding through her taut lithe body being prolonged as Havoc kept on pile-driving his huge cock into her like a machine!

My jaw dropped further as my shock deepened as I saw Riley’s struggles begin to lessen as she began surrendering to Havoc’s powerful strength and his rapidly fucking piston, her four-in-a-row body-racking orgasms overwhelming her, resulting in fully defeating her resistance…

Completely stunned, I watched as Riley started spreading her knees even more widely apart, her back arching higher, further tilting her ass up to better accept the ravishing raping of her tight cunt… Seeing her facilitating actions, it was then I absolutely knew she was beginning to enjoy it…

Then, Riley rapidly and loudly climaxed again, her FIFTH! Loudly she screamed out,


Then I noticed Havoc beginning to develop his canine knot…

A growing, swelling, menacing looking bulge forming at its base, the swelling bulge bumping Riley’s swollen fully exposed clit with every rapid thrust as it slid into her pussy and then again on the way out.  Havoc fucking her so hard and fast with the now added stimulation of his slowly swelling bulge rapidly going in and out of her pussy that there was nothing Riley could do but repeatedly orgasm, I quit counting her orgasms I was so stunned at how many she was having…

I realized it was too much stimulation for my wife to resist – involuntarily or voluntarily! Riley, let alone any other woman in a similar drunk situation compounded by being high on a party drug which stimulates libido and enhances sexual sensations!

Riley couldn’t resist repeatedly climaxing from the incredible sexual stimulation of the swelling bulge being rapidly repeatedly pushed in and pulled out of her pussy, her sopping tight sex sucking and slurping with each deep thrust, occasionally, Riley crying out as yet another huge climax tore through her trembling body…

Havoc was now ramming into Riley ever harder as his bulge continued swelling, now pushing the swelling bulge in and out of her dilating vagina with increasing difficulty, then, it grew too large to go in but still he persevered…

Powerfully, Havoc kept thrusting his hips forcefully against Riley’s ass driving a deep grunt from her each time, her grunts coming faster and faster with each quickening thrust. His still swelling bulge began to get partially lodged ever deeper into Riley’s exquisitely tight, narrow vaginal entrance. It took Havoc several more brutally pounding thrusts of working his still swelling knot against my wife’s extremely tight opening before she started to open up for the knotting…

Riley began loudly squealing “NO! NO!! NO!!!” as she felt the huge bulge starting to dilate her vaginal opening like she had never been before! Felt her entrance being rammed open as if Havoc was a hydraulic press and there was nothing she nor I could do!

Havoc’s bulge kept on visibly swelling! Her tight pussy entrance was now stretched about three quarters of the way over the bulge before her extremely tight entrance reached the maximum it could openly dilate…

Havoc felt the strong resistance of her extremely tight entrance and still he humped her even harder, straining to get his canine bulge all the way into her tight pussy! Riley began stridently screaming as the bulge made her entrance strain so much that it was white around the bulge!

Then my wife suddenly let out a piercing shriek as Havoc pushed inside her hard! Pushing the swelling bulge at the base of his cock completely through the extremely tight entrance of my wife’s spasming vagina – knotting her!!!

Riley’s green eyes went huge! Her entire body stiffened under Havoc as he knotted her! Riley crying out in shock! Loudly screaming! An odd piercing shriek of pain with another emotion mixed with it – then astoundingly yet another body racking orgasm!

Instantly her vagina clamped down on his thick cock with the huge knot now fully inside her! Clearly as the remainder of the invading dog cock and knot went completely into Riley, it had given her one of the most intense orgasm of her life that I have ever seen her exhibit!

Then Riley began screaming, almost howling, as Havoc resumed pounding into her, screaming in time with his pounding thrusts of his swelling cock…

AHhhhhhh! NO, No, no, no, no,”

He-he-he’s too b-BIG!!!

Then, Riley froze me in place as she passionately screamed out a loud drawn out


His knot is getting so huuuuge!!!

Riley mumbled out as Havoc’s canine bulge kept swelling, pushing his cock even deeper, then Riley let out another shriek! This one I clearly recognized as not being pain but orgasmic as Havoc stopped drilling her so hard now and began to pump his throbbing cock in short, sharp thrusts into her as Havoc began climaxing.

“Oh Fuck Oh Damn! He’s Cumming In Me!” Riley yelled, then astoundingly Riley let out yet another orgasmic scream as her body visibly demonstrated she was violently climaxing again feeling Havoc jetting his hot copious load deep up into her!

Riley’s taut lithe body visibly violently trembling as she let out several deep


as Havoc kept on fucking her with short thrusts as our huge Rottweiler kept on pumping his copious load into her… still fucking her even as he ejaculated, it seemed, endless….

I couldn’t believe that Riley had climaxed yet again! Then more so! Shocked to see her vulva begin visibly pulsating around the thickly swollen shaft that was buried in it! Involuntarily her vaginal sheath muscles were instinctively milking the ugly canine invader! However, as the last waves of her orgasm swept through her, I could see the shock setting in…, Riley realizing that once again she had orgasmed – from a huge dog busting his nut deep inside her…

“Are you ok, honey?” I hesitantly asked, feeling somewhat helpless.

My wife turned her face towards me, a stunned blank look upon her beautiful face…

At that moment Havoc decided to turn backwards…

His rear leg lifting over her tight cute sexy ass as it turned, the cock rotation inside her slippery tight channel making her scream in sexual agony…

The only thing Riley could do was just to keep kneeling there with Havoc tightly knotted to her, speared between her legs by this animal.  Havoc now ass to ass with my lover! My wife! His hugely swollen cock locked in her insanely tight cunt! Riley locked to Havoc in the most intimate humiliating way…

Riley started crying as the full impact of what had been done to her hit her… what she hugely felt inside her…

Riley couldn’t help herself from crying yet gasping and moaning at the same time as every single motion Havoc made brought sexual sensations she had never felt before.

Havoc was facing me and I wanted to punch him! But I didn’t because Riley might get hurt if he tried retaliating. He was trained to protect and in training sessions we have seen him instantly take down a 250-pound man in a padded training suit and then began violently savaging him until commanded to ‘release’. All I could do was try my best to comfort her…

I could see by the reaction on Riley’s face that she could still feel Havoc’s cock spasm from time to time, pumping even more animal cum deep into her sexual places. But the knot held her so completely that she could do nothing but kneel in place.

Havoc would not stay still, every several second’s he was intent on testing to see if he could pull his knot out…

I knelt there beside Riley caressing her sweaty back as I watched Havoc trying to separate from Riley, and each time she would yelp. Finally, his swollen bulge reduced in size enough to do so…

I was astounded as his bulge began stretching Riley’s pussy lips open trying to pull free – it was so fucking huge! I couldn’t understand how she could even pass something that big thru her extraordinarily tight vaginal opening…

UGHNNMMM!!!” Riley groaned and squirmed. Havoc pulling hard. I looked between my wife’s widely spread thighs to see her swollen labia rising outward between her thighs as it was being pushed and spread apart from inside her body. The sight of his hugely swollen knot pushing and stretching her tight, narrow vaginal entrance seeking release took on the kinky appearance of the birthing of his obscene penis as his still swollen bulge began crowning at her opening…

Suddenly semen and pre-cum gushed, sprayed and bubbled around the still huge orb with a loud slurping noise as Riley’s abnormally tight vagina finally began ejecting the intruder. With his knot passing out, Riley suddenly grimaced with pain. A loud, slurping, sucking plop as Havoc’s knot incrementally slipped from her tight vaginal entrance, Riley crying out with one last scream! Surprisingly it was another oddly combined scream of pain and orgasm!

Riley’s tight pussy clung to the remainder of his immensely swollen prick as it slowly, sinuously emerged with a loud slurping noise, followed by another insane deluge of cum exploding out of Riley’s thoroughly ravished pussy…

Momentarily stunned, I stared at what had raped/fucked my beautiful wife!

I… I was flabbergasted! Couldn’t believe how huge Havoc’s cock was!

The massive vein-ridged bloated redness that dangled garishly beneath him…

Knot and all, it must have been nearly nine inches in total length!

The still swollen knot, now down to the size of a large lemon, seemed to punctuate its sexual power…

I couldn’t even begin to understand how it was possible for Riley to even pass something the size of a large lemon thru her abnormally tight vaginal opening! Incredibility slamming me knowing that his knot had swollen to even larger proportions inside her!  That he’d managed to pull it from her exquisitely tight pussy without tearing her! That Riley had climaxed yet again when he finally had pulled his knot out!!! I couldn’t help but let out a sharp intake of breath

Unreal…” I softly breathed…

No wonder Riley had been loudly moaning!

Suddenly, I was jealous! While his cock was not quite as long as my own nine and a half inch cock and my cock still had a much thicker girth than his – that blasted huge knot rubbing her G-spot had caused Riley to erupt in one of the biggest orgasms I had ever seen her have! The thought of her ecstasy being the result of a dog using her for sexual gratification was more than a bit humbling!

Unsteadily I stood up and I reached down to help Riley up but she hoarsely told me to “Leave Me Alone!” and she stayed where she was on her knees with her upper body resting on the seat of the chair…

I stood there drunkenly swaying on my feet in mute turmoil…

With dread, I could only vividly imagine what Riley was thinking about me: her big strong strapping husband, he couldn’t prevent his wife from being raped by our beloved pet…

In a few minutes, Riley reached a hand up, whispering to help her to the bathroom. I helped Riley up and she swayed unsteadily on her feet. I looked at her…

Riley’s eyes had a drugged glazed look in them as she silently stared at me in return, a shell-shocked look marring her incredibly lovely face…  I looked down and saw what looked like two rivers of cum flowing down both her inner thighs…  I raised my eyes back up, Riley’s eyes now had a cold, chilling stare in them as she stared at me…

I helped Riley stagger to the master bathroom. I was unable to talk, to reassure her she was okay!  I was stunned speechless that I just witnessed seeing my lovely wife have numerous intense orgasms by being raped, being fucked, by our huge Rottweiler!

Riley sat down on the toilet and I had to stand by her to keep her sitting upright. She ran her hands across her flat muscular abdomen. Her abdominal and vaginal muscles were threatening to cramp from the sustained workout they had been through. She spread her legs and bent over to look at her sore, swollen pussy. We both could see it was still engorged with blood and her swollen labia were still openly parted and her clit still swollen, fully exposed, I assumed rightfully so from the sex enhancing drug Ecstasy.

Riley stared down as a stream of cum slid from her and splashed into the bowl. Another followed the first. Then finally a flood of dog cum poured out of her. Never seen so much cum come out of her before! Thought it seemed to be a pint of it! Then, with me helping, she struggled unsteadily to her feet and I helped her into the walk-in shower. Luckily it had a built-in bench and also a wand attachment for douching.

While Riley was taking a long shower, I cleaned up the mess, a large puddle of liquid on the carpeting where she had been dog raped/fucked and dribbles of it along the path that Riley had walked to the bathroom. Afterwards I walked into the master bedroom to check on Riley, she was still in the shower. Havoc was lying by the bed. I could swear he was smiling, proud of himself, no longer a virgin. Riley stayed in the shower a long, long time before she came out, still stumbling drunk and high on Ecstasy, and exhaustedly she fell into bed. In moments she was asleep.



As usual I woke up first, with a pounding headache and as always Riley wakes up shortly afterwards so I just laid there until she did.

Groaning, Riley slowly swung her legs off the bed and sat up, I presume feeling how sore she was down there from the brutal fucking and knotting she had received, this was confirmed by her slow wide stance walk to the master bathroom…

Later that morning, Riley and I finally talked…

“You must think I am a slut…” Riley softly said.

“WHAT! Why would I ever think that?” I replied, not knowing what else to say.

“I am so mixed up,” she said, “so confused. Logan, I’m disgusted with myself because a dog had sex with me…”

“Well, you didn’t let him,” I replied. “Havoc sort of raped you, didn’t he? In your dazed intoxicated and drugged state, you couldn’t prevent it from happening. You were stumbling drunk, unable to walk by yourself! Plus you were flying high as a kite on a double dose of Ecstasy when we got home – and I was too damn drunk myself to stop it fast enough from happening! I myself could barely walk!

Honey, we both had way too much to drink celebrating your promotion with our friends, plus your girlfriends talked you into taking Ecstasy for the first time ever since your high school incident!

When they persuaded you the first time you were already drunk and your guard was down. Then you, Katy and Melissa got extremely drunk. Then just before we left the club to go home they compounded the mistake by persuading you to take a second Ecstasy pill with enticing promises of how great sex would be!

Riley, I know that Ecstasy greatly stimulates a woman’s libido, and that it also enhances sexual sensations as well as causes hallucinations, that is why it is such a popular date rape drug. Plus, what happened last night was compounded by your higher than normal libido than most other women! Hell! Each time we have sex you wear me out but I can tell you still want more!

None of this is your fault! You couldn’t help your body from physically involuntarily reacting the way it did!”

I thought that at least this would make Riley feel not responsible for what had occurred, but then there were my own inactions I had to confess to…

“Riley, I should be apologizing to you for not being able to stop Havoc before it was too late!

With me drunkenly laying on the floor with my eyes closed exhausted from having sex with you, it was far too late for me to stop him from mounting you after he had already mounted! I tried pull him off but as you know Havoc is incredibly strong and his front legs were locked tightly around your waist. But then, in just seconds of being mounted and started being fucked by Havoc, you had a body-racking screaming orgasm that shocked and stunned me!

Then with Havoc fucking you, you began loudly moaning, and in a few more seconds you had a second screaming orgasm, and then yet another…”

“Can I tell you something?” Riley asked

Riley! You can always tell me anything just like I would tell you! We totally trust and love each other!

“As you already know, after my high school near rape experience I went to a rape counselor. The counselor explained that despite the circumstances, some women just cannot physically stop from having a climax when sexually stimulated – they experience involuntary reflex arousal.   It has more to do with a woman’s physical/sexual makeup, the actual intensity of the physical stimulation – and mentally it has nothing to do with it…

Logan, as you just stated, back then the counselor also had explained to me that if a woman is drunk and/or under the influence of drugs like Ecstasy or LSD, in all likelihood, she will not be able to prevent an orgasm from occurring, and due to the drugs heightened sexual effects, she usually experiences several intense ones. The counselor said I was extremely lucky the guy was not successful in raping me and I had avoided, for the most part, “rape trauma syndrome”. So, until last night, that is the reason I always refrained from getting drunk or taking drugs so I wouldn’t get in that predicament again. But being married, being with my best friends, getting drunk with them, I had let my guard down along with my inhibitions…

With the combination of extreme intoxication and the two doses of Ecstasy I had last night, I know that there was nothing mentally or physically I could have done to prevent my body from physically sexually responding and having multiple orgasms, from you – or from Havoc….

Do I feel embarrassed being fucked by a dog that it felt so good that it made me climax, of course!

Do I feel embarrassed that I had several orgasms by a dog fucking me, of course!

The counselor taught me female sexual arousal and orgasms are uncontrollable physical responses that can happen independently of cognitive agreement. In other words, the body and the mind don’t have to cooperate with each other in order for the body to instinctively react or respond to physical stimulus.

Quite simply, a woman’s body autonomously responds to sex. Our bodies instinctively react! They do so uniquely and often entirely without our conscious permission or intention. A woman’s orgasm during rape isn’t an example of an expression of pleasure, it’s an example of an involuntary automatic physical response to sexual stimulation! A physiological response to the stimulation of a female’s erogenous zones whether the mind’s on board or not. Our sexual organs and erogenous areas are simply involuntarily reacting to stimulation the way they were physically designed to respond – purely biological behaviors. A woman’s control over sexual arousal is no better than our control over the dilation of our pupils or how much we sweat.

Having my guard down from being so drunk I allowed my two best girlfriends to talk me into taking Ecstasy. Logan, while sex with you and your wonderful huge cock is always incredibly fantastic, Katy and Melissa told me how Ecstasy greatly increases libido with profound increases in sexual desire, arousal and sensual intensity. How Ecstasy enhances the sexual sensations and the intensity of orgasms – that I would experience even more intense orgasms than I already do!

Logan, I so wanted to make it a very special night for us! Last night with you and on Ecstasy, I have never felt so much in love with you if that is even possible! And while I always have multiple, intense orgasms each time we have sex, last night, never before have I had so many orgasms with you or so very intensely…”

So Logan, now you fully understand why I couldn’t mentally stop my body from physically responding to being fucked either by you, or, by a dog. The combination of being extremely drunk and high on Ecstasy, I had long lost control of my body, my body instinctually sexually reacting to the intense fucking I was getting, first from you, then, Havoc...

I was shockingly unprepared for the rapidly escalating wanton sexual need I felt quickly arising within me on a level so deep within, so primal, that I could do nothing to control it, let alone suppress it! This sexual neediness I was feeling was transforming an otherwise horrific and disgusting experience of an animal’s cock rapidly raping in and out of my pussy into an intensely pleasurable one…

I couldn’t think, I could barely breathe with Havoc pounding into me so hard with what felt like a cock every bit as huge as yours!

Then, while his beginning bulge was still small it was being rapidly thrust in and out of my pussy hitting my G-Spot and all I could do was feel, and what I felt, against my every wish and inclination, was raw physical primal sexual pleasure and gratification.

I felt my whole body shaking, quivering, and shivering as wave upon wave of perverted pleasure battered my overwhelmed senses! My mind was filled with confusion. Behind my tightly closed eyes I could see pinwheels of sparkling light and felt my pussy hotly aflame with lust. I was unable to resist my natural sexual instincts from taking hold as I felt Havoc’s ever-swelling cock riding me wildly! Being insanely fucked with sheer incredible brutal animalistic intensity with his ever swelling, jetting cock pumping into me and being filled overflowingly with hot precum! Especially when he knotted me…

His thrusts inside my pussy were no longer fast and deep.  They were short hard ones, moving his bulge back and forth inside me, feeling the bulge still ballooning ever larger, pressing and rubbing ever harder against my G-Spot I realized we were locked together, his bulge waaay too large now to come out…

My pussy hurt, both at the opening and deep inside.  The momentary intense flash of pain of his bulge penetrating my pussy had diminished but as Havoc continued his rhythmic fucking, it began to completely subside.

He kept pumping as his bulge kept swelling, just kept giving me quick little thrusts, moving the bulge back and forth as it rubbed hard against my G-spot, could feel his bulge swelling ever larger inside me! Feeling like it was swelling greater than the size of a baseball! An incredible pressure was inexorably rubbing and building against my G-spot provoking me into having involuntary orgasms!

It was then I realized my body was on autopilot! I felt my pussy involuntarily clenching, my tight pussy actually sucking and pulling on a canine cock! My panic renewed then! Feeling how insanely large his bulge was still swelling inside me… pushing the tip of his cock ever harder against my cervical opening…

At the opening of my vagina was an incredible tightness, a stretching I could not remember, ever, having endured previously with you or even during my gynecological exams! That huge bulge lodged within my pussy felt as if it was stretching my pussy to the tearing point!

It was exerting an enormous pressure in my pelvis and was still growing! As his bulge continued swelling I could actually feel the tip of his cock begin penetrating my cervical entrance! With his cock getting ever thicker and his bulge ever larger I could acutely feel the tip of his cock penetrating further and further past my cervical opening and up into my uterus!

Suddenly I felt as if an enormous hot geyser burst in my pussy!

A dog, an ANIMAL, cumming inside me…

I felt powerful jets of copious hot cum blasting inside me! Worse, the tip of his cock had penetrated far enough past my cervical opening that I could feel directed pointed jets blasting directly into my womb filling me with an in-human heat from the volume being pumped into me! A seemingly unceasing, pulsing, jetting hot flow flooding my insides like squirts from an enema!

I could feel every hot pulsing jet as he repeatedly ejaculated inside me!  Blast upon blast of hot fluid shooting into my womb that lasted for ages! Despite knowing it was a dog doing it felt so insanely pleasurable it triggered another unwanted blinding orgasm that racked my body…

And Logan, we certainly can’t blame Havoc!

We already well know how crazy he gets when we have sex! If we both hadn’t been so drunk coming home in the limo, me drunk and high on Ecstasy, Havoc licking me in the limo before I could get him to stop, we would have remembered to put him in his kennel once we got home – but we didn’t even make it past the living room I was so incredibly horny that I wanted you right then and there!

Havoc just reacted to his own young natural unneutered hormonal male desires. Imagine how stimulated he must have gotten in the limo with all the sex smell in that confined space and getting in several licks of my horny pussy, then again smelling all the sex we generated in the living room…”

Hearing my incredibly beautiful and oh so sexy wife telling me how pleasurable it felt being fucked by our dog stunned me!

I just sat there numb and dumbfounded. I guess I must also have had a shocked expression on my face as Riley suddenly sat in my lap and hugged me tightly as I felt hot tears began falling from her eyes as I held her tightly as she began sobbing. Moments later I was repeatedly telling her

“Riley, it wasn’t your fault! It wasn’t your fault, my dear sweet forever love of my life!!!”



Just before bed Riley stated “Logan, despite what happened last night, a woman’s curiosity knows no bounds, and it has stirred mine… a few years ago a girlfriend at a fund raiser cattily mentioned she knew a couple of girls here who have had sex with a dog. Havoc fucking me, it felt weird but all the same it generated intense pleasurable sexual sensations that provoked my orgasms…, I want to find out exactly what happens when a woman has sex with a dog and how common it is, if such information is on the Internet…”

Neither Riley nor I were naïve, especially me growing up on a ranch involved with cattle and Arabian horse breeding. Riley by now had been exposed to those activities more than once at the ranch including watching hand collection of semen and artificial insemination being performed. When we were looking for adult movies to stream or rent in the past we both had ignored the computer links that had popped up for ‘unconventional sex’ as happened last night…

We laid in bed and fired up the computer, connected to our VPN service and wirelessly linked it to the 120 inch 8K QLED Ultra-high definition smart television in the bedroom. Riley selected a no-tracking search engine and then typed in a ‘How To’ search and numerous websites came up which explained a few things: A dog sprays pre-cum to lubricate, a dog has a bulge that locks him into a bitch and when he does this it is called knotting. The purpose of being knotted is so when he ejaculates his semen doesn’t leak out and the knotting lasts long enough to ensure his sperm gets to the right place first in case there are other male dogs around.

Riley attested to that. She felt the pain when Havoc forced his large bulge into her. A dog has to wait for that bulge to shrink before he can separate. We both were surprised at the very large number of websites that catered to this type of thing, the large number of videos and photos available, including actual videos of women doing it with donkeys, ponies, miniature horses and even smaller breeds of horses like Arabians!

Again we were not naïve, except for not knowing that hundreds of such videos existed. We mulled over the glaring fact that despite otherwise conventional belief, since such a large number of videos and websites did exist of sex between women and animals, it obviously was a more common practice than uncommon…

Then we actually clicked on some videos of women with dogs…

Some dogs seemed not to know what to do, but some were trained. The ‘professional’ videos could easily be discerned from the amateur videos. And contrary to what people may believe, surprisingly many of the women were quite attractive in both the professional and amateur vids!

It was easily discerned the moans and orgasms for the most part were real, and the action was not coerced on the women’s part – clearly they were into it! One clip Riley watched twice, of a dog’s large knot being slowly extracted from a woman’s pussy, Riley gasped in sympathy with the woman’s own.

It was a warm evening and Riley was wearing a semi-sheer lacy robe with skimpy thong panties underneath. As she watched and clicked from one video to the next I could see Riley’s nipples become diamond hard, her breathing increasing a bit, her body shifting a little every now and then. At one point her hand slowly came up to her chest and she slipped a hand inside her openly parted robe slowly sliding her hand across one firm breast and her tiny hard nipple before slowly pulling her hand away and dropping it into the juncture of her thighs.

Watching another video clip, Riley’s jaw dropping open of an attractive woman laying on her back with her legs spread wide and held up in the air letting a small pony fuck her! Riley gasped seeing ten or so inches come slithering out of the woman’s pussy, then the still hugely flared head popping out and instantly following the deluge of cum that gushed out, me observing Riley’s hand in her lap pressing firmly against her scantily clad pussy. I have to admit, even I got an erection watching these videos – especially observing Riley’s reaction to the videos and remembering her responses last night.

“Riley, I have to confess yet again to you…

I have to admit, watching Havoc fucking you and the multiple intense orgasms you had, it was out of this world incredibly sexy and erotic as hell! One of the world’s most beautiful and sexiest women that I’m incredibly fortunate to be married to getting her brains fucked out by huge canine cock! I have to ask… all in all, did you enjoy it?

My incredibly beautiful loving wife look at me for a very long moment, then said,

“Logan, sex with you, my love, is absolutely fantastic! I’m extremely fortunate to be married to an extremely handsome man who has been extremely gifted with a huge cock who knows how to expertly wield it!

However, I never dreamed that sex on Ecstasy could be so intense! It was absolutely amazing! Melissa and Katy were right, sex on Ecstasy is the best sex ever that we would never forget! But…”

“But what?” I questioned.

Riley looked at me, and said “After I thought about it, I have to admit, it was fantastic – but that was just the Ecstasy greatly enhancing the sensations of the ‘unconventional’ sex, not just with you…

But Logan, all I ever wanted was just you, and it will only be just you…”

What could I say?  I reassured Riley that I loved her with all my heart forever and ever, and that I wouldn’t ever want to do anything to or with her that she wasn’t comfortable with, that never would anything happen that might jeopardize what we have together.

But after watching her as she viewed multiple ‘unconventional’ sex videos and her visible physiological responses to the vids, I had to ask,

“Would you like to do it again?”

My question clearly and soundly startled Riley! She hesitated a moment, her eyes growing wide before loudly exclaiming

“NO! I’m, I’m not sure, probably not…, it was a onetime thing that accidently happened because we both were really, really drunk and I was exceedingly high on Ecstasy and incredibly horny…”

I think my sweet wife was more worried about how I would have reacted if she had said yes..

Riley bit her bottom lip in consternation, her beautiful bright green eyes soul searching mine…

To lighten the mood with my absurd question, I jokingly assured her that I wouldn’t judge her if she wanted to again as long as I get to watch! Riley then called me a bastard, but she laughed all the same as she said it and I let it drop…

We went to bed and Riley immediately started getting amorous…

She said she was still too sore from last night, but we got into a sixty-nine position and went down on each other!

I would be remiss if I did not mention my recurring memories of Havoc’s huge cock ravishing Riley’s incredibly tight pussy! Of Riley’s alcohol and drug enhanced, fully unrestrained, passionate sexual responses getting brutally fucked that still haunts me…

The rapidly pounding intense brutal fucking had Riley eliciting multiple screaming body racking orgasms! While I have been blessed with a much larger than average nine and a half inch cock both in length and thickness, Havoc’s overall combined length of penis and huge baseball sized knot was nearly nine inches! Then, when Riley was knotted with his huge bulge rubbing hard against her G-spot, even more intense orgasms…

Thinking of his immense knot swelling up inside my wife’s insanely tight and extremely talented pussy to the size of a baseball, rubbing her G-spot provoking involuntary orgasms from her sexy body, unreasonably it made me feel inferior…

While at my best and at her absolute passion, I have made my gorgeous wife have nearly a dozen multiple screaming body-racking orgasms, but seeing her brutally ravished by a nearly nine inch cock and then hugely knotted, I have never seen my beautiful incredible wife respond that intensely before…

With the passage of time, I still felt unreasonably jealous over our dog. But I thank the heavens that it wasn’t another man that had so released my wife’s freely unrestrained sexual passions wrecking our marriage. However, since the incident with Havoc, I had seen on a few rare occasions, from the reflection of the floor to ceiling bathroom mirror while I am in the bedroom, Havoc getting a sneak lick in when Riley had been drying off from a shower with her leg propped up or the bathtub – and Riley slowly pushing him away with a light scolding…

I also had noticed that Riley had begun to not temporarily lock Havoc into his kennel when we were going to have sex… There had been a few times immediately after sex Riley had got out of bed to go to the bathroom and Havoc had jumped up from laying down and had quickly snaked his tongue between her generous thigh gap startling her and making her yelp. But most of all, I had noted the difference in my wife’s reactions when she knows that I have seen what Havoc had just done and when she thinks I haven’t seen what had happened in the bathroom…



One Saturday night we went out with some friends to go dancing. We took an Uber so we wouldn’t have to worry about drinking and driving. As usual Havoc went with us, silicone ear plugs on hand this time to put in his ears the reduce the loud music level. Riley got somewhat drunk and each time we danced I could tell wife was getting hornier by the minute with the lustful looks she was giving me! It appeared that for some reason, her already normally high libido was fueled even more!  By the time we got home very late that night Riley was still drunk – and extremely horny!

As we both well knew by now Riley gets extremely horny when she had a few drinks and tonight she had several for the first time in two months. Hell, she was already stripping off her clothes before we even hit the bedroom! By the time she reached our bed Riley was completely nude. She reached into the nightstand and pulled out her favorite vibrator and a bottle of Bad Dragon lube then she knelt on the edge of the bed with her knees spread widely apart shaking that cute ass of hers commanding me to

“Hurry Logan and get behind me and stroke that wonderful huge cock of yours up between my ass cheeks then fuck me hard!

DAMN! I could tell she was already randy and ready to fuck! With her kneeling position with her knees widely spread apart her sex and anus were on parade in full view! Her labia were already swollen and openly parted, her clit already swollen and bulging out from its clitoral hood. I grabbed the bottle of Bad Dragon lube and squeezed a stream at the top of the cleft between her parted ass cheeks watching the thick white lube slowly run down over her tiny asshole then down to her pussy. I started repeatedly sliding my cock up between her parted ass cheeks and feeling the vibrations from the vibrator Riley had begun toying with her clit.

After several moments of stroking my fat nine and a half inch cock up between her lovely hard as steel cute ass cheeks I began pressing the head of my cock against Riley’s incredible tight pussy…

As usual a lot of pressure was required to get the head to penetrate past her extraordinarily tight pussy and once the head finally penetrated Riley let out a loud gasp and she immediately climaxed hard around my cock head squeezing it like a vise! And as usual, despite how horny my incredible wife is, it takes considerable effort to work my cock deeper into her tight muscular vaginal sheath. As I did so Riley screamed out two more orgasms with not even half my cock into her! I teased her with follow-on thrusts but only going half my length into her making Riley quickly climax yet again. Then I was surprised to hear her say

“FUCK! That feels sooo fantastic!” Riley gasped, then, “Fuck My Ass Logan!! I want to feel your huge, wonderful cock deep in my tight ass!!! I want to feel you blow your load deep within me!!!”

AH! So it was going to be one of those special occasions when she is drunk and exceptional horny that she wants me to do her incredible tight ass too!

I slowly pulled my cock out of Riley’s incredibly tight pussy, her vaginal muscles so tightly gripping my cock it was difficult to pull out!

I placed my large cockhead against Riley’s tight anus and slowly started pressing hard against her. I had to apply more and more considerable pressure as Riley pushed back against me until finally her impossibly tight asshole slowly began yielding to my large cock head. With a cry from Riley my cockhead fully slipped past and her sphincter pinched tightly behind the corona of my head.

“Oh FUCK! Your cock is so wonderfully fucking huge,” Riley loudly moaned out as she continued working her vibrator against her clit as she slowly humped her up-turned cute ass at me…

My turgid cock slowly slipped between her tight round parted ass cheeks sinking deeper and deeper into her tightly gripping ass, her extremely tight sphincter sliding down my shaft pinching it as her muscular anal sheath also gripped me tightly.

“OH FUCK! Your cock is so fucking huge!” Riley loudly moaned out.

I let Riley do all the work setting the pace of penetration so I wouldn’t hurt her. Slowly she continued humping her cute ass onto my cock getting my cock to penetrate deeper into her. At long last, my fat nine and a half inch long cock was fully seated in her tightly clutching ass.

Ohhhh Fuck that feels so fantastic! Ride my ass Logan!! Fuck me hard and make me scream!!!” Riley instructed.

“I don’t want to hurt you sweetheart…” I replied.

Please, just FUCK me! Ride my ass!! I’ll tell you if I can’t take anymore!”

Slowly I started thrusting into her, again letting Riley set the pace as she earnestly humped her fantastic cute firm ass back at me meeting each thrust!

“Ahhhhhhhh ….yessssss!!!” Riley loudly moaned out as she gradually increasing the speed of humping her tilted-up ass back onto my cock.

“Riley! You look absolutely fabulous bent over and taking it into your spectacular upturned ass! You have such a tight cute round ass and you are so fucking SEXY!

I began to take short strokes with my nine and a half inch cock buried to the hilt. Slowly the strokes became longer and longer until I was getting full strokes – slow, long and deep. Riley soon was writhing and whimpering and groaning as my cock stroked and massaged her tight ass. Riley began pumping her tight ass faster and faster back at me as I began riding her harder and harder recognizing she was near an orgasm. The, Riley screamed out


As commanded, I began fucking my incredible wife even harder! Drilling into her tight up-turned ass! Pulling my cock back until only my head remained inside her tightly clutching ass before thrusting all fat nine and a half inches to the hilt into her making her loudly squeal!

Riley was face down with her legs spread wide grunting and repeatedly squealing uncontrollably as I drove long deep powerful thrusts into her feeling my orgasm began boiling up, one of Riley’s hands under her holding the vibrator against her swollen clit madly manipulating the device. In three strokes my incredible wife lost all control as she exploded into a screaming body-racking orgasm so intense her ass gripping my cock so hard that it momentarily stopped my thrusting, yet her madly spasming anal muscles were tightly rippling up and down my fully buried shaft coaxing my own explosive climax!

Riley feeling me deeply volcanically erupting far up into her tight ass set off another of her screaming orgasms as her spasming anal muscles milked my long thick cock!

Long, long moments later I slowly started pulling my cock out of Riley’s amazing ass, all the way feeling tight resistance and frequent spasms massaging my cock. As with each time we did this, my cock head gets hung up at her very tight anal opening, her sphincter still maintaining a tight grip. With considerable resistance pulling backwards, the head of my cock finally slowly emerged…

Riley slumped down onto the bed onto her stomach in drunken orgasmic exhaustion…

“Holy Fuck That Was Amazing!!!” I gasped as I staggered backwards then sat down on the floor next to the bed.

Each time we have anal sex I couldn’t believe that Riley could exert her anal muscles just as well as her Kegel muscles for her pussy – and most of all, she enjoyed being ass fucked by my huge cock! My incredibly beautiful sexy as all hell wife – every man’s fantasy fuck – and I suspect a lot of women too! And I was the one incredibly fortunate to be married to her!

I got up and pulled my pants back on and took Havoc out to do his business and came back into the bedroom to find Riley fast asleep laying on the bed in the same position as I left her – on her stomach, spread eagled, the open cleft of her cute hard-as steel ass checks showing her tight, barely discernible anus and her still swollen openly parted labia lips.

I decided to get ready for bed then I would wake up Riley to let her get ready for bed. I went into the bathroom and as I was brushing my teeth, from the reflection of the floor to ceiling bathroom mirror I could see into the bedroom, and I saw Havoc…

Following his nose, Havoc had put his forelegs on the end of the bed, then, not hearing either one of us scolding him to get down like we usually do, he inched his hindquarters up onto the bed.  I continued watching as I finished brushing my teeth to see what he would then do. Still following his nose, he crawled between Riley’s widely spread legs, then, a little hesitantly at first, he tentatively began to lick around her still sex inflamed pussy …

Riley began to come around at the renewed sensations emanating from between her legs, moaning and gasping as the sensation of his overly large tongue began to delve deeper into her pussy, her pelvis rising a bit in response, tilting her firm ass cheeks upwards thus allowing his tongue to swipe repeatedly from her asshole to her clitoris.  After a few moments more in which Riley elicited a few more lustful groans she came to, now fully awake, and became perfectly still, as if trying to figure out what was happening to her.  Then she started to thrash around as if trying to get away but she was unable to roll aside due to Havoc’s huge 170 pound bulk lying between her widely spread legs.

Then Havoc took another swipe of her pussy, hitting her clit HARD with that long powerful tongue of his.  Riley groaned out loud and in her intoxicated state she weakly flopped back onto the bed, her head turning and searching for me seeing me standing in the doorway of the bathroom…

At first Riley looked daggers at me, then Havoc began to root out her pussy, plunging his long powerful tongue deep into her. Feeling his penetrating tongue her eyes crossed and then rolled up into her head and Riley began to moan even louder.  Riley started to move her shapely firm tan-contrasted ass, but it wasn’t to pull away anymore, she was spreading her legs open as much as she could to accommodate more tongue on her super-sensitive sex swollen pussy…

Riley tilted her cute ass further up and a few more licks I saw her squeeze her eyes tightly shut and she began to shake violently as an orgasm took her…

Riley opened her eyes and she looked at me incredulously as her orgasm overwhelmed her, her pelvis bucking up and down. Havoc never even slowed down…

Evidently the taste and smell of her pussy juices as they again began seeping from her pussy with her orgasm, Havoc found very alluring to him. Havoc rose up between Riley’s legs to lick her upward tilted ass and pussy better and I saw he was now getting his own ideas…

His red rocket began to come out of its sheath. As I mentioned before Havoc is an extremely large, 170 pound dog, very muscular and extremely strong from daily jogs with Riley or myself. Quickly five inches of length was showing, with plenty more to come out of its sheath…

Feeling Havoc stand up between her legs Riley twisted her head around to look at what he was doing and I saw Riley’s eyes lock onto the large appendage now dangling between his legs. Her eyes opened wide at the sight of it, dawning realization just how long his cock really is.

I mean she has seen it partially exposed many times when he was licking himself or sitting upright, but never this fully exposed before. The time Havoc had fucked her she never saw his full erection and knot after he had finally pulled out of her.  I couldn’t help myself getting a renewed erection watching the erotic scene of my stunningly beautiful wife laying on her stomach, her long, toned legs spread widely apart, her small, cute tan contrasted ass tilted up to Havoc’s lascivious lashing of her pussy and ass, his long tongue slapping her pussy dragging it forcefully between her openly parted labia upwards over her anus and then up the open cleft of her ass cheeks then rapidly delving his tongue back down to her pussy again.

With lust filled eyes Riley looked at my renewed rock-hard nine and a half inch cock, moaning and gasping as Havoc continued lasciviously licking her pussy, driving her desire to again be fucked higher and higher. She reached for me grasping my renewed erection and as she looked at me, said, “Logan! Fuck Me! Fuck Me NOW!!!

My wife’s fervent tone informed me that she was near an orgasm from Havoc’s incessant licking. However, I said,

“No, no yet, let him lick you some more first…”

Riley let out a frustrated groan and she started jacking my cock, probably thinking, and rightly so, that it would convince me to fuck her all that sooner…

As Havoc continued his oral assault upon Riley’s pussy and ass, I noticed Riley gradually moving her knees up and under her in order to tilt her firm cute ass further higher in the air to facilitate Havoc’s lascivious licking, still keeping her knees widely spread apart under her. I reasoned she was repositioning herself to better enable Havoc to hit her swollen protruding clit with his long powerful tongue.

Moments later my reasoning was confirmed by Riley moaning loudly, her body began shuddering as an orgasm ripped thru her toned, lean body, her head down on the bed, her small, pert ass tilted skywards at the perfect height and angle – which Havoc then took advantage of…

Jumping up in one, instinctive motion, Havoc grabbed Riley’s slim hips with his front paws and pulled her back towards him as he pushed himself forward with his back paws which were planted firmly between her widely spread legs and began thrusting!!!

Riley shot her head up turning my cock loose and tried to move but Havoc’s 170 pound weight upon her back had pushed Riley’s knees into the mattress preventing her from moving her position or to fall onto her stomach to prevent penetration. Plus, Havoc had already secured a viselike grip around her slim waist pulling her pelvis further upwards and into him.

“No, No Logan! Don’t Let Him FUCK Me Again!!!”

I moved to grab Havoc’s collar and to command him “OFF” but for just for a few moments, I couldn’t help myself from watching this erotic scene…

Havoc had my wife effectively pinned down and regardless of what she wanted at this point, he was intent on making my sweet, beautiful sexy wife his bitch! AGAIN! Havoc’s seeking red rocket sliding along her upper thigh, the heat sensing tip getting closer to Riley’s swollen, openly parted labia…

Then, the tip closing in, his cock began repeatedly sliding along my wife’s openly parted swollen furrow and over her hard protruding clit instantaneously causing Riley to let out a deep moan as her taut, lithe body shuddered in pleasure, further stalling me from stopping Havoc…

 Feeling the sensation of his lengthy cock repeatedly sliding between her openly parted labia Riley looked underneath her widely spread legs watching his very large bright red cock thrusting, seeking her entrance. The tip of his cock, with each thrust, was sliding against her swollen clit, the cock tip reaching almost to her navel. Then it withdrew back between her widely spread legs and momentarily rose out of sight. Feeling hot precum begin shooting between the open cleft of her parted ass cheeks and pussy Riley gasped with the sensation. Suddenly Riley jerked forwards! Feeling the tip almost going into her tight ass!

Riley untensed her hips and eased back toward his seeking cock, again letting it thrust and slide between her swollen openly parted labia and over her swollen highly sensitive clit. Havoc pulled slightly away, his red rocket still seeking its target, Riley now feeling the squirting cock tip near her tight, narrow vaginal entrance, jets of hot precum blasting directly at her tight entrance, Riley again gasped aloud and began moaning…

As if instinctively drawn toward the hotly squirting tip, Riley eased further back…

Close enough, just to let the hotly squirting tapered tip barely enter her…

In amazement, I watched as just the very slick tip of Havoc’s cock rapidly began going in and out of Riley’s tight vaginal entrance, no more than one inch, Riley moaning with the sensation. Copious precum being injected just inside her began dribbling out of her pussy.

Several long moments later I witnessed Riley easing back just a bit more, allowing even more than just the tip of his cock to go inside her, Riley began deeply moaning even louder…

Havoc, feeling a hot tight source now fully enveloping the tip of his cock suddenly lunged forward! Driving his erection halfway UP into Riley’s tight pussy with one shove of his hips and he immediately began to thrust into her at an incredible pace! Riley loudly gasped as he entered her, a loud “UNGH!”, in pleasure or pain it wasn’t possible to tell from the tone of her voice, her head had flung back as Havoc had speared her, arching her neck, mouth wide open with a long and sustained groan at being filled so rapidly!

Havoc, gripping Riley’s slender waist between his forelegs, humping wildly and franticly, began forcing his swelling spurting cock further up into Riley’s incredibly tight pussy!

Riley instantly began moaning as the rapid thrusts forced more and more swelling cock into her tight vagina as Havoc frantically pump his hips, pushing his thick eight plus inch long cock deeper into Riley’s tight pussy with every thrust. With every pump of his hips I could see his cock grow ever thicker and longer…

Riley was trying to make some protest but her words were slurred and vibrating as the pounding from Havoc jolted her long, lean athletically toned body. Riley’s firm DD breasts were jolting in short arcs with the brutality of her fucking, her tiny nipples diamond hard.

“Jesus… he’s too big,” Riley loudly gasped as her hands balled into fists as he pumped his sheath right up to her pussy and crammed every inch of his long eight-inch plus thick red cock into her again and again…

After a while, stunned, I noticed Riley actually began to slowly push back against Havoc’s thrusting! Then astounded, as I watch my wife began rhythmically fucking herself onto the huge canine cock that was thrusting into her, confirming she had given herself into interspecies sex! Her head was now up from the bed and she was staring open eyed at the wall opposite her, her mouth hanging open as she heavily breathed gasps of air in time with Havoc’s brutal fucking of her pussy.

I saw the beginning swelling bulge on his cock, which based on Riley’s actions, further stimulated her as it rapidly slid in and out of her pussy, scant moments later, Riley burst out screaming as she exploded with an orgasm! After half a minute or so it became noticeable that Havoc was having to begin exerting more and more force in getting his ever-swelling bulge into Riley’s tight pussy, then what seemed a short interminable time later Havoc pulled back out preparing to thrust again during which Riley again climaxed hard, her body trembling and shaking from her intense orgasm.

Eventually, through her orgasmic fucking pleasures, Riley gradually sensed his bulge getting ever larger and more difficult to get in and out of her tight pussy. Then she remembered, The Knot!

“Wait! Stop! LOGAN! Don’t let his knot go in me! It will get too big!!!” Riley loudly yelled!

Oh but I clearly remembered how Riley had experienced the biggest orgasm ever after she had been knotted with it, the bulge internally rubbing hard against her G-spot and how descriptive of the telling by Riley how it had felt inside her, besides, like I could even stop what was now happening…

Before I could move Havoc began hammering at her pussy even still harder! Riley groaning and breathlessly saying “No, No Noooooo…” as Havoc’s knot began stretching her abnormally tight vaginal entrance, began forcing its way into her… Seconds later Riley screamed out! Lunged forward as his swelling bulge suddenly popped into her and she once again became knotted!

“AHhhhhhh! NO, No, no, no, no” Riley screamed in time with his pounding cock as his bulge began to swell fully inside her, firmly locking her to him. Riley’s head nodding up and down, beathing heavily, “Aghhh, aghhhhh, aghhhhhhh” her only audible response as Havoc continued hammering into her jolting her firm toned body hard with each thrust.

I reached down and felt her pubic mound, amazingly I could feel it distended and her swollen labia lips had become taut with the pressure of the swollen knot inside her! Slowly Riley began to move her body again trying to regain rhythm, rocking back and forth trying to meet Havoc’s thrusts. She began to rock more vigorously against Havoc’s thrusting cock, biting at her lip in concentration from the immense orgasm I could sense building inside her.

I let my wife’s blossoming climax build and build then when I sensed she was near her peak I quickly moved my fingertips to her swollen protruding clit and began vigorously stimulating her which instantly caused her orgasm to suddenly erupt as she loudly screamed out, her whole body vibrating with the intensity of her exploding orgasm as I continued playing her clit. Another jolt shot through her taut body, then another, and another. She seemed to be unable to stop it happening, her body convulsed with each ripping shock as it passed through her.

Havoc stopped drilling her so hard now and began to pump his throbbing cock in short sharp jabs into her.  She yelled, Oh My GOD, he is so BIG! His knot is swelling up so huuuge inside me!

Then Riley began to pant, saying, “Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh!” as his by now huge knot firmly rubbed up against her G-spot.  She began to shake all over, a sure sign that she was starting yet another orgasm.

She squeezed her eyes tightly shut and then they flew open as wide as possible as her orgasm took her over the edge.  She was screaming, panting, moaning and carrying on when suddenly I heard her whisper, I want your cock, NOW!

I positioned myself in front of Riley and she grabbed my cock and drew the head into her mouth.  As Havoc suddenly stilled, she took her mouth off my cock for a moment, and loudly stated,

“My God, he’s cumming in me! He’s cummming! It feels sooo freaking hot!!! I can feel every squirt!!! “Every time his cock pulses I can feel his cum shooting out!!!”

Riley gasped out from underneath him, her knees widely spread apart, resting on her arms, and her small firm ass high up in the air as another orgasm began racking my wife’s beautiful body. I felt her orgasm rise in her, it wrecked through her body in wave after wave, each one followed by a groan from deep inside her. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful and so sexy in all my life!

Riley reached out and again took my cockhead into her mouth, sucking hard and jacking my shaft. As she continued spasming in her own cascading orgasmic throes as Havoc continued to explosively inject his seed with repeated pulses directly into her womb, Riley began furiously jacking my shaft.  It was too much for me to bear for long and I quickly began to blow my load into her mouth, yet Riley kept sucking! The first time she had ever let me cum in her mouth! And actually swallowing!

  Evidently Riley’s alcohol intoxications had considerably reduced her inhibitions, and with her naturally high libido, Riley was seemingly totally immersed in her cascading orgasms though they were being caused by what some would consider outside societal bounds! Her sucking and jacking my cock seemed as if it would never stop.  I collapsed backwards onto the bed as she continued to sucking my cock driving me crazy with the sensation of it.

Riley was moaning a constant low groan as her body squirmed against Havoc’s impaling cock that was tightly locked to her. As she settled her body amazingly she again began to grind against Havoc’s knot quickly provoking yet another orgasm! Riley and Havoc were tied together for at least fifteen minutes, the entire time his balls contracted and released every few seconds, sending squirt after squirt of hot cum jetting into her. I could only imagine how much was inside my lovely, sexy wife now. If every pulse meant another squirt, her pussy was flooded! His fully embedded knot inside her extreme tightness preventing any backflow out of her pussy!

As if hearing my thoughts, Riley groaned out “It’s sooo much cum… I’m full up! I can feel my pussy stretching to hold it all, I don’t know how much more I can take! His knot is still so F-fucking HUGE!!!” Riley stammered.

 After a while, Havoc’s bulge had reduced enough to be released from her with Riley letting out a pained whimpering gasp as it started to emerge and with an audible pop his knot slid out and as before, an unbelievable amount of precum and cum flowed out of her well ravished swollen pussy.

As his cock sinuously slithered completely out of her tight pussy Riley immediately went limp, collapsing onto the bed breathing heavily, obviously relieved to not be stretched beyond her limits anymore.

Again this second time I couldn’t help but be turned on… It was the hottest thing I had ever seen! My tall, gorgeous sexy wife, her amazingly stunning body – getting her brains brutally fucked out by a huge eight plus inch long canine cock and her ecstatic sexual responses! I was awed watching his still largely swollen knot come out, I never would have imagined something so big could have fit inside my wife’s extraordinarily tight, narrow pussy! It was almost like watching a magic trick!!!

A few minutes later Riley raised a hand up for me to help her out of bed. When she stood up drunkenly swaying unsteadily on her feet She looked up at me and said quietly

“You bastard” “you absolute bastard…” But she said it with a quirky sexually satisfied smile on her face…

I helped Riley into the master bathroom and then turned Havoc out to our fenced backyard for a while. I stripped the soaked bedsheets off and made up the bed with fresh linen and then let Havoc back in, who contentedly laid down on the pallet next to the bed. At last, after douching and taking a long hot shower, Riley finally emerged from the bedroom. Naked she climbed into bed and quickly drifted off to an exhausted yet restful sleep.



“Logan, last night why didn’t you stop Havoc? This time you can’t claim you were too drunk…”

Oh no she doesn’t! Realizing my sweet wife was trying to put 100% of what happened on me!

“Riley, while you were pretty drunk – you weren’t that drunk! Nor were you high on Ecstasy like last time. When he was licking you, you certainly seemed to be enjoying it a great deal! And you didn’t put too much effort into stopping him – nor did you tell me ‘No’ even after I said to let him lick you some more…

And while you did ask me to not let him fuck you after he had mounted, it was very obvious by your instantly responsive physical actions and moans you greatly enjoyed feeling his thrusting cock rubbing up against your pussy and clit – and you actually watched him do it! Then when he started shooting precum, I saw you ease back onto his squirting tip to allow just the tip to barely enter you…

Watching what you were doing and you not stopping it, I rationalized that you could have just let him continue dry humping his cock against your pussy but YOU were the one that actually decided to again let him fuck you by positioning yourself to let the tip of his cock to barely go in…

It doesn’t matter if you were allowing just the squirting tip of his cock to barely go in and out of you, it is still fucking…”

“All right, I confess, I shouldn’t be putting all the blame on you.” Riley responded. “You know how horny I can get when I’m aroused… I can’t help still feeling tremendously horny even after you have fucked me so wonderfully with your huge cock! I know you need time to recharge before you go again, hence why we have ‘toys’ until you are ready to go again…

Once I woke up enough to realize it was Havoc and not you going down on me, I was already too far on the verge of having an orgasm and I was unable to summon the will power to make him stop it felt so damn good…

Then when he started dry humping me he was thrusting his swollen hot cock up between my parted labia and hitting my clit over and over and over further stimulating me, but when his hot precum started jetting out and hitting the entrance to my pussy, it just felt sooo amazing!

As his squirting tip got closer and closer to my pussy it felt even more amazing! I couldn’t resist wanting to feel just the tip in the entrance to my vagina, squirting all that liquid hotness into me…

Logan, what happened with Havoc, most people consider it to be not morally permissible, however, my social and political beliefs is that people/society have no right to dictate what is morally wrong with sexual pleasure as long as it consensually occurs within the private context of a loving marriage or partnership, such as what we have…

We are both are highly intelligent people who graduated with master’s degrees in three years with honors! I have to confess again… After the first time it happened, one day when you were not home, I did some more research about bestiality.

There is extensive archeological and historical documents showed humans openly had sexual intercourse with animals in most societies throughout history and it was a prevalent practice, especially among the ancient Greeks, Romans, in Egypt and India. Only with the advent of Christianity did it become taboo.

A summation of scientific research studies conducted since 1985 found that in any general demographic population, overall rates of persons engaging in sex with animals range up to 55 percent, with 37 percent of women in any general population having engaged in bestiality. This means one in eight women have interacted sexually with an animal!

As I have heard myself, gossip or outlandish rumors overheard at parties or amongst friends has a great chance of being true! More so, with these statistics, unknowingly to us, one or more of our friends may have engaged in sex with an animal! Based on the huge amount of bestiality porn sites, videos, pictures, stories, comic books and even Internet games, it can be argued that it has again become common, and some researchers have proposed it could be considered an alternative sexual orientation!

Still, Havoc licking then fucking me for the second time, although it felt fantastic, I was again pretty drunk, and my guard and inhibitions were again down and my normally high libido was rocketing as it does when I have had a few drinks…

As with the first time and this second time, I would have preferred not being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs so I could have made a rational self-determination decision whether to allow it or not, instead of letting my escalated libido and lowered inhibitions decide for me…

Logan, if it matters, it could’ve have been one of those mechanical fucking machines doing me instead of Havoc, except a machine can last as long as I want!

While I did get incredibly fucked and had several intense orgasms, still, it wasn’t human, and it wasn’t you, my love…

The emotional attachment wasn’t present.

What was missing was the intimate tie and the intense abiding love that exists between us that binds us so close and dear that we promised to spend the rest of our lives together and with no other! Only you, Logan, can fully unleash my unbridled lust and passion that is reserved only for YOUR enjoyment, and it always will be, just for you, my forever love



It was Riley’s birthday, and we had went out with a few friends (and Havoc of course) for dinner to celebrate. We didn’t stay out very late as Riley had wanted to get home as she put it, “to celebrate in our own way…!” When we got home she told me there was a couple of bottles of champagne in the refrigerator and told me to open one while she went into the bedroom to “freshen up” …

Fifteen minutes later Riley emerged wearing see thru “Fuck Me” lingerie and crotchless panties! As she took her glass of champagne, she told me to go “freshen up” and I went to the master bath and stripped my clothes off, washed my face and neck and put on the pair of silk boxers she had gotten me recently. When I emerged Riley was just getting through linking our other 120 inch QLED 8K ultra-high definition smart television to the internet in the living room and had selected a movie for us to watch.

“I thought we would watch a movie here in the living area on the couch tonight instead of the bedroom for our fun and games…” Riley stated as she sat on the couch and cued the movie to start.

Not surprising, Riley had selected a porn movie for us since she greatly enjoys them. The movie was a high-end European production with elaborate sets, costumes and special effects that obviously was expensive to produce. The movie theme was a mythological fantasy of werewolves, unicorns and centaurs ravishing maidens.

Hmmm, thoughts flashed through my head… Interesting why my wife would select a movie like this, especially after she had watched multiple video clips of women fucking dogs and horses several months ago after Havoc first fucked her, viewing the clips for her ‘enlightenment’ of why women would do this. Well, it was just a fluke I reasoned, before the first time with Havoc, we had watched porn movies with mythical creatures ravishing women several times. These types of movies were always high production values because of the time and expense to make the creatures realistic…

As with the other mythological fantasy movies we had previously seen, this movie’s special effects were really extremely realistic as far as what canine and equine cocks look like, even the werewolves overly large canine penises swelled in thickness and developed bulges to knot the women with!

The only exception that was not realistic was the pints and pints of artificial equine and werewolf cum pouring out of the maiden’s pussies and anuses, but it made for extremely stimulating viewing!

The first bottle of champagne was quickly drunk, mostly by Riley, and we were well on the second bottle of champagne, again mostly Riley, when she pulled my semi-erection out of my silk boxers and in seconds, with her expert manipulation, had my nine plus inch long cock standing at full erection visibly throbbing! Riley threw her leg over me then climbed into my lap straddling me cowgirl style on the sofa. We have a very large mirror mounted directly on the wall behind the couch so Riley could still watch the movie on the 120 inch UHD big screen television as she started to fuck me!

Riley was humping my thick, long cock hard into her hot tight pussy as I slid my hand round her small firm ass and pressed a finger against her exquisitely tight anus which immediately elicited a lustful moan from my incredibly sexy wife. Riley braced against me as I tried to slowly slide my finger inside her, but her tight, sphincter resisted.

She knew where this was leading and she invitingly lowered her head to my shoulder, raising her ass further in the air and opening herself to me. I again pressed a finger against her extremely tight anus with my cock still sunk deep inside her vagina as she seesawed her pussy back and forth. She breathed out, long and slow as her sphincter muscles relaxed enough to allow my finger to begin slowly sliding into her. Stroking her firm ass cheek with my other hand I began pumping my finger in and out of her tight ass as I felt her accepting more and more length of my probing thrusting finger.

Riley resumed riding my cock cowgirl style grinding and humping her lithe toned body against me as she loudly moaned as my long finger pumped into her tight ass with an alternating rhythm in time with her riding my cock. Riley began riding me ever harder as another orgasm began building up inside her necessitating me removing my finger from her exquisite tight ass so I could use both my hands to hold her firm ass cheeks as she wildly rode me.

Suddenly, Riley went from her upright cowgirl position straddling and riding me on the sofa to slamming the upper length of her body against me! I could barely breathe much less move because it was much more than just Riley’s weight pressing against me!

Havoc, for the third time, had made his move and again he had mounted Riley!

Gripping her slim hips with his front legs and pulling himself up onto her back forcing Riley to tilt her cute hard ass upwards towards his seeking red rocket! Humping at her! Trying to find the entrance to her hot tight vagina that was already occupied by my cock!

Now I had Riley’s 130 pounds plus Havoc’s 170 pounds pressing against me pushing me deep down into the overstuffed sofa! I was unable to move from my reclining position and Havoc’s cock was heading to the only other unoccupied hole accessible to his seeking cock…

Riley squirmed in my lap trying to get off me while dodging Havoc’s seeking red rocket but she was unable to avoid it – not with my thick nine plus inch long erection fully inside her and 170 pounds of Rottweiler clinging to her back pressing her down on top of me! Again I tried squirming out from underneath my wife but with my nine and a half inch cock fully impaled inside her pussy and Riley’s and Havoc’s combined weight on top of me I was pressed so deeply down into the overstuffed sofa cushion I was unable to move away!

As the squirting tip of Havoc’s cock made contact Riley froze in her position but the tip of Havoc’s cock had already felt the heat of her body and he thrust forward with renewed urgency and quickly began rapidly thrusting a few inches of his shaft into Riley’s tight hot ass! Her head jerked upwards as her body arched forward as if to avoid further penetration as she let out a loud gasp as he sunk his length into her further and further with each thrust from his humping! Again I tried to move out from under her but Riley said

“STOP LOGAN, it’s no use, he’s already in my ass! We both know by now there is no stopping him until he’s finished…”

Havoc, with his firm grip encircling her slim waist, pulled Riley further back onto his cock, humping wildly and franticly, forcing his swelling spurting cock deeper and deeper into my wife’s fantastic tight ass! Riley began moaning as she felt the rapid thrusts forcing more and more hot precum squirting cock further up into her tight ass!

Riley was trying to make some protest but her words were stuttering as the pounding from Havoc shook through her body and mine! Then, after a while, Riley began slowly pushing back against the thrusts! Began rhythmically fucking herself onto the two huge cocks that were now buried deep inside her! Her head was now up from my shoulder and she was staring open eyed at the mirror. I asked her if she was okay and she huskily whispered out

“Yessss, as long as Havoc doesn’t try knotting my ass…”

As for myself, I could feel Havoc’s thrusting into Riley’s ass against my cock buried in my wife’s tight pussy, the sensations unique feeling, especially sensing Havoc’s cock slowly swelling in girth as he fucked her incredibly tight ass making Riley’s exquisitely tight pussy even tighter as my wife valiantly tried her damnedest to fuck us both at the same time!

Riley was taking deep rapid breaths now as Havoc’s cock continued to swell inside her, pushing deeper into and stretching the walls of her ass with its thickness. She was loudly gasping as his swelling knot began to press against the exquisitely tight entrance to her ass, wedging itself between the smooth round parted globes of her ass cheeks.

It was clear that combined with my cock’s thick six plus inch girth already in her extraordinarily tight pussy, Havoc’s knot had thankfully had already swollen large enough that it also would not find a way into her tight body and hurting Riley tremendously, although Havoc persisted with his brutal humping he could not force his knot inside her.

Now knowing Havoc would be unable to knot my wife’s tight ass, Havoc humped and humped while began I thrusting up into Riley’s tight pussy with my nine and a half inch long thick cock until Riley ached with the dual pounding being dealt to her making Riley gasp and moaning and grunt.

I could feel my wife’s body pulsate intermittently as repeated orgasms ripped through her, her vocal orgasmic screams renting the air right by my ear as my wife held her cowgirl position savoring the sensations of the dual huge, deep penetrations of her tight luscious body.

Riley’s ecstatic sounds began to weaken as exhaustion began to take over and I held Havoc’s knot hard against her. He expanded as though he had made a tie, eventually he froze in his position as he began barrage firing his explosive streams of hot cum deep inside Riley’s aching ass. Feeling Havoc cumming inside her Riley responded by thrusting back against him as yet another huge orgasm shook her body also triggering my own explosive orgasm which redoubled Riley’s own thunderous climax!

“Oh god, I can feel every squirt,” Riley husked out. “Every time his cock pulses I can feel his hot cum shooting out…”

Havoc’s knot pressed tightly against her anus along with the thickness of his red cock and my wife’s incredibly tight ass made as an effective of a dam as actually being knotted! Holding every drop of his hot copious cum inside of her as he continued squirting and filling my wife’s tight ass.

Slowly Riley’s body lost its stance and she fully collapse against me as Havoc’s enormous cock began sliding from her ass.

When he walked away from her, Riley just lay motionless against me, she looked completely spent but satisfied, breathing heavily, still moaning softly as each breath came from her body, still feeling me inside her, I could feel her PC muscles repeatedly clenching my cock milking it. I asked her if she was still having orgasms…

“No, I’m clenching my ass, I felt like I have received a huge enema! If I don’t keep my ass clenched closed all his cum is going to explode out and make a hell of a mess on you, the sofa and the floor! I need to get up and go to the bathroom!!!”

And with that Riley eased up off my cock and shakily stood up, then she quickly walked to the master bathroom. Even being in the living room, it sounded like an eruption coming from the bathroom!

Long minutes later I heard the toilet flush then the shower come on. Twenty minutes later Riley slid into bed with me nude and curled up against me.

“You okay sweetheart?” I asked

“Umm, yes, except my ass really took a beating and is really sore! It is not like the times I allow you to do my ass when I had enough to drink that makes me fully relaxed enough to accept your own huge cock, and you are always careful not to do me too hard. Havoc’s cock wasn’t swollen yet so it slipped in fairly easy but then he started brutally humping my ass and I could feel his cock begin swelling and stretching me! Thankfully his cock has a smaller girth than you and I’m especially thankful he didn’t knot me – that would have been excruciatingly painful!

Watching porn flicks where the actresses get doubled teamed, I now know how it feels except I got fucked much harder and filled with much longer, thicker cocks than those actresses ever did! And as you already know, Logan, it made me have several tremendous orgasms…

I laid there thinking about the first two times that Havoc had raped/fucked Riley against her will, and what had happened again this evening…

Tonight, Riley hadn’t put up real resistance…

Not that she had any choice trapped between us, accepting she was going to be ass fucked by our beloved pet, and how quickly she began positively responding.

Thinking about it, I realized the second time it had happened, she really didn’t put up too much resistance then. Even though she had verbally protested, her physical actions had belied her words of protest; allowing Havoc to lick her, then allowing Havoc to dry hump her – and her watching him do it…

Finally I got up the nerve to ask my wife if she was going to allow it to happen again if the circumstances arise, but I noticed her deep breathing, realizing Riley had fallen asleep…



As usual, I was the first one up. I was in the kitchen getting my second cup of coffee when Riley came in. She came over and kissed my neck, gave me a quick squeeze, then sat down at the kitchen table. I brought her coffee over and sat down opposite of her. We both silently sipped our coffee looking at each other.

I cleared my throat and said, “Umm Riley, about last night, again, it happened…”

Riley silently appraised me looking over the rim of her coffee cup, set it down and finally spoke…

“Yes, yes it did.

Again, I was under the influence…

I drank nearly two bottles of champagne by myself not to mention the cocktails I had when we were out, and like the times, before my inhibitions were down and my higher than normal libido was rocketing. However, last night was like the first time, I really didn’t have a choice…

Sitting astride you with almost ten inches of your thick cock impaling my pussy and 170 pounds clinging to my back pressing me down onto you, yeah, I had NO choice at all!

Like the TWO times BEFORE, I experienced some psychological aftermath…

However, we have discussed this twice before, even did Internet research about it and watched some videos together.  I’m not about to be labeled or put into any type of category when we both saw that several studies have been done and they all reached near the same numerical conclusions, that one in eight women had done it!

Try to put yourself in my place. Women have much more vivid sexual fantasies than men. Think how I feel – knowing that I have a much higher level of sexual hormones than most women, what that does to my mind, my body – how easily I’m stimulated and how many intense orgasms I have. I, being extremely fortunate being married to a man that has a huge cock that is much greater in size than 99.8% than all the men in the world! How the sight of it every time I feel a flutter in my stomach and a twitch in my pussy! And what that means for both you and me!

The second time it happened we both saw how turned on you got by how quickly your magnificent cock got a new erection! We both read the same research article, a large percentage of men do get turned on watching a woman getting fucked by dogs, donkeys, ponies and even horses, even if some men don’t admit it, something you can’t deny by the way you actively fucked me the best you could while Havoc was fucking my ass! The huge preponderance of websites containing videos, pictures, comics and stories proving it is common, just not openly accepted in society.

Canines have different features that make sexual activity interesting and pleasurable. Their cocks are shaped differently, their shafts are not smooth but bumpy which enhances the sexual sensations. Feeling hot precum jetting against your most erogenous areas and into them is extremely stimulating!

Then getting knotted, that huge knot pressing and rubbing hard against a woman’s G-Spot provoking involuntary orgasms, getting flooded with cum when they start ejaculating and that huge knot inside their vaginas damming everything up inside until the knot starts reducing in size and comes out. All in all, it’s really a very stimulating experience.

But Logan, like I told you the second time it happened, it’s not like there was another guy fucking me – which will not ever happen! The overwhelming pleasure of the rapid fucking, the sensations of the different feeling cock, being knotted and absolutely flooded with hot precum and cum overrides the reality it’s not another man causing these intensely pleasurable fucking sensations!

This morning in the bathroom, I thought about all this, again! I knew we were going to have another discussion about it. Its, done, its happened, and I refuse to feel any remorse about it because I saw and felt your reaction to it as obviously you saw and felt mine…

Last night, being doubled teamed by you and Havoc, I again got incredibly fucked senseless and had several intense massive orgasms but like I told you the second time it happened, only you, Logan, can fully unleash my unbridled lust and passion that is reserved only for YOUR enjoyment, and it always will be, just for you, my forever love…

I promise you with all my heart, it will never ever happen again unless you are there, if even then…



When Riley and I are working around the ranch outside or down at the stables and no one else is at the ranch and the weather is hot, Riley likes to wear old skimpy clothing that very sexily shows off her lovely statuesque athletic figure and bountiful assets for me to admire – and to enjoy my distraction and comments. This has countless times led to us having sex outdoors or at the stables! Secretly I think my lovely, sexy wife alters some of it to be even sexier as well as more revealing to tease me!

Then one long weekend we went to the ranch to take care of the stock. My parents and all the hands had gone to a horse show in Ft. Worth. Dad had instructed me to make sure Stormy was looking his best as a potential client was coming early the following week to check his qualifications and conformation in person. Riley volunteered to bath and groom Stormy knowing I already had a pretty full workload tending to the stock.

I went down to the barn to load range cubes into the truck for the horses out in the pastures. Riley was already there giving Stormy his weekly bath. When I walked in the stables Riley had Stormy in the bath stall with the thick rubber floor mat so the horses and now Stormy could not slip when getting bathed and groomed.

It was a hot day, in the 90’s, and Riley was wearing old loose-fitting low-rise three button faded hip hugger Daisy Duke denim cutoffs that sat well below her hips, they were cut so short they allowed her curvaceous firm ass cheeks to peek out. Riley was also wearing her teeny tiny honeymoon unlined bikini top that just covered her nipples and left most of her extraordinarily firm busty DD breasts uncovered.

When she bent over, I did not know where to direct my attention – the generous expanse of Riley’s small extremely firm bare ass cheeks peeking out from her shorty short cutoffs or the bottom swell of her firm naked breasts!

Riley’s teeny tiny bikini top and her extremely worn hip hugger low-rise daisy duke cutoffs allowed an extremely generous amount of tanned bare skin to be exposed, showing Riley’s hard, ripped and shredded midriff and her lower abdomen with its equally well-defined muscle definition. Silently I wondered how those cut-off jean shorts managed to stay up! More than once I thought to myself there isn’t a wet tee shirt contest anywhere in the world that Riley would not win let alone a beauty pageant!

I felt a definite stirring in my pants as I watched her full very firm up-thrust voluptuous unfettered breasts slowly shift repeatedly with her exertions bathing Stormy, Riley’s small diamond hard nipples looked like they would cut thru the thin fabric of her tiny bikini top!

The top button of her three-button low-rise cutoff shorts was unfastened, and the top of Riley’s shorts were parted in a wide V. For a moment Riley stood straight up and stretched out a kink. I watched as a long thick trickle of soapy water ran down from her breasts, down her hard flat abdomen then disappear into the V of her partially unbuttoned cutoff shorts…

Riley saw me looking at her and gave me a grin. Then she turned that sexy cute firm tight ass toward me and slowly bent over with her legs spread apart to soap up the sponge from the wash bucket. Her loose fitting Daisy Dukes cut up into her and a generous amount of her bare firm ass cheeks showed clearly, a hint of her bare hairless labia revealed Riley was not wearing any panties underneath…

Riley proceeded to wash Stormy’s belly then his penis sheath causing Stormy to instinctively begin to drop his penis, then Riley rinsed the sponge and resoaked it and began washing Stormy’s semi-flaccid light pink penis, which quickly began being not so flaccid…

“Be careful Riley, you’re giving him an erection…

In a husky sexy voice Riley said

“Hey cowboy!

How about coming over here and giving me a hand…

As I walked over to Riley, she looked at me with a gleam in her eye and a saucy smile upon her lips. Then Riley reached behind her and untied her bikini top feeing her firm bountiful breasts, then Riley unbuttoned the remaining two buttons and she tugged them down, her lithe hips squirming and her shapely tight ass wriggling, then she skimmed off her cutoff daisy dukes and stepped out of them…

I stared at my tall statuesque sexy wife in all her nude glory, tiny tan lines enhancing her incredible sex appeal as Riley reached down and picked up a plastic bottle. At first, I thought it was horse shampoo but then I recognized it as a bottle of Bad Dragon lube…

“You’re not thinking….” My words died out

With a twinkle in her eye and a quirky smile Riley responded

Why not? It would be lots of fun trying – if it is okay with you!

And you can thank Amber for planting that seed!

“WHAT!” I loudly exclaimed.

“The first visit to the ranch, I knew Amber was testing me. Remember her whispering in my ear and I immediately blushed? What she said to me was she often got extremely horny jacking off the studs! That she couldn’t help herself wondering what it would feel like being serviced by such a huge cock, feeling all that hot cum blasting out like a firehose way deep within her!

At that time, I thought she was just trying to embarrass me by saying outrageous things and get me to help with the stud because I rightfully suspected she had the hots for you!  The way she was provocatively dressed on my first visit immediately had started alarms going off in my head, and then later a few times when she went riding with us – not wearing a bra, wearing shirts almost see-thru and unbuttoned below her breasts. No working cowgirl dresses like that and you know it!”

Since that first time, Amber had made a few more insinuations, and actually Candace too!

“Then a few weeks ago when it was just you and I, Amber and Candace at the ranch, everyone else was gone for the weekend. You were tired and went to bed early after barbequing for us, and as you know we all been drinking while you were cooking. Well, after you left to go to bed we still kept on drinking and the three of us got really drunk and we got in the hot tub.

Since it was just us girls, we got in nude…

Did you know that Amber has two tiny horseshoe tattoos on one of her ass cheeks? Of course you don’t!

Some of the porn we had seen we have seen paw tattoos on some of the ‘actresses’, on their ass. I didn’t know what the tattoos meant or their placement, not until after that night when I looked it up…

Well, Logan, drunk as we were, the conversations got quite risqué, Amber and Candace wondered how large you really are…

Seeing you in tight jeans, and swim boardshorts in the hot tub, so I told them! That your magnificent cock was nearly ten inches long with a delightfully fulfilling six plus inch girth! Both Amber and Candace dropped their jaws hearing how huge you were! While I was describing you and what an incredible lover you are, I noticed that both Amber and Candace had shifted positions to where they were on top of the water jets and were getting themselves off!

A while later Candace said she had to get out of the hot tub before she passed out! She climbed out and drunkenly staggered over to the chaise lounge and laid down and promptly did pass out with her feet hanging over either side, still totally naked.

Amber and I started talking some more then she started laughing and said,

“Riley! Look at your horny dog!”

I turned around and Havoc had his head between Candace’s widespread legs licking her pussy!

“I yelled ‘HAVOC NO!’ He stopped and looked up at me but didn’t move away. Then Amber started laughing again and said

“Ah, leave Havoc alone! Let’s see what he can do for her! What Candace doesn’t know won’t bother her!”

Logan, you and I well know what Havoc can do with his tongue and what else he will do if given the opportunity!

As I just said, I was pretty damn drunk myself, my inhibitions were down, I didn’t want to argue with Amber with what has been a fun evening, and I have to admit I gave in too easily to Amber.

Besides, I was curious if Havoc could cause the same arousal in other women or if it was just a fluke with me and my higher than normal libido…”

Jeez, while Amber and I watched Havoc resume licking Candace, I found myself scooting over to where one of the water jets were in the seat and positioned myself so the jet of water pulsed over my pussy and clit. As Havoc continued licking Candace, we saw her nipples grow hard and her breathing increase. She started moaning and spreading her legs wider apart, mind you, she was still passed out!

Well, Amber and I watched as Havoc licked Candace to three orgasms!

Amber and I could tell that Havoc wanted to go further; we could see he was trying to figure how to fuck Candace laying on the lounge chair, but it wasn’t going to work in the position she was in. I had to call him twice, the hard head, to leave her alone and go lay back down. You well know how hardheaded and single-minded he is when he has sex on the brain!

Then Amber looked at me with a drunken amused look and silly grin upon her face and made a remark that shocked me to my core! Drunkenly giggling she stated,

“Hmmm, seems Havoc knows very well what to do and has done it before…”

You know what I immediately thought – Amber thought he has licked me before! Probably thought that maybe Havoc had fucked me too!!!! Then to confirm what I thought Amber was thinking, Amber asked if I watched porn, and what kind.

I told her mostly sci-fi, medieval, fantasy and mythological themed porn videos.

Then Amber shocked and embarrassed the hell out of me when she asked if I ever seen doggy and girl or donkey and girl porn videos or heard or read about the Tijuana Donkey Shows!

Luckily, we were so freaking silly drunk, and I was flushed from alcohol and the heat of the hot tub that it hid my embarrassment! I told Amber I had accidently come across such videos on occasion, also having previously heard some drunk girls at a couple of parties cattily talking about and pointing out some girls who allegedly had done it with dogs. That out of curiosity I had watched a couple of vids…

Well Amber was pretty damn sloppy drunk, then I found out how drunk…

Amber started giggling again and said she had been doing a sperm collection on Stormy, everybody had left the ranch for the day to go into Fredericksburg. Cleaning his cock and getting him hard, she thought again how an equine’s cock looked just like a human one, especially Stormy’s light pink cock, just twice or more the length of the average man’s cock, and she got so incredibly horny that she started masturbating herself while jacking his cock! Then she decided to masturbate while sliding her pussy along Stormy’s erection and she wound up letting Stormy fuck her! And she said she had let Stormy fuck her more than once!  And she was quite positive Candace had too!

Like I mentioned earlier, we all were pretty damn drunk. Amber and I had to help each other out of the hot tub and together we stumbled over to where we had placed some towels on a chair. Amber leaned over to get a towel and that’s when Havoc mounted her! He jumped up on her pushing Amber forward and she caught herself with her arms on the chair, still standing but she was leaning way over when Havoc started humping her!

Logan, I could see about four inches of his cock going between Amber’s ass cheeks – and Amber started laughing hilariously!!!

Amber was bracing herself with her arms in a forward leaning position with Havoc humping away with his forelegs wrapped around Amber’s waist! Frantically I started yanking on his collar yelling ‘OFF! HAVOC OFF!’ repeatedly but our $70,000 personal protection dog with sex on the brain wouldn’t obey!  I finally bopped him on the head to get his attention and commanded him ‘OFF’ then he finally dismounted from Amber – Amber still hilariously laughing!

I was mortified! Havoc had about six inches of cock showing, I couldn’t tell if he had managed to penetrate her or not!

Amber stood up, still laughing, precum running down her legs! Then with a pointed look at me she stated,

“Boy Riley, like I said before, Havoc really seems to know what to do! Damn! He’s really hung – and he still has a lot hidden away!”

Amber drunkenly giggled then she added,

“One of these days, I wouldn’t mind Havoc fucking and knotting me with his huge cock! After all, I’ve let Stormy fuck me a few times!”

Amber stated this grinning, giving me another pointed look! Saying it, but not in any words, that she thought that I have let Havoc FUCK me!

My drunkenness and the heat from the hot tub could not this time disguise the furious blush I developed on my face and chest in response to her words!

Seeing me blush so hard again Amber burst out laughing! Then she said,

“Hey Riley! It’s no big deal! As my university professor of human sexuality studies told us in a lecture,

‘If it physically and mentally harms no one and no thing and is safe and consensual,

Do what feels good…!!!

Don’t over-think it!

Open your mind and just go with the moment!

Let your body and mind indulge in what it is naturally craving at the time!’

I was in a bit of a daze what all Amber had said. We wrapped ourselves in towels. Got Candace up, wrapped her in a towel and got her in the ATV, gathered our clothes, and we drove over to Candace’s house and got her in bed. Then Amber drove me up to the ranch house. As I walked up the stairs with Havoc he took the opportunity to give me a good lick from behind! Amber hadn’t driven off yet, making sure I wouldn’t stumble and fall going up the stairs, I heard her burst out laughing! She saw the whole thing!  Again I was mortified! Amber seeing confirmation of what she has already thought!

Oh, back to the paw and horseshoe tattoos…

I looked at several websites. If the tattoos are on their arms, ankles, even their breasts, it means they love their dog or horse, but if it is on their ass or on their lower back next to their waist, that means they really, really love their dog or horse…

Remember what multiple websites stated with scientifically published articles? That 1 in 8 women have had sex with animals???

Like Amber commented back that first time I came to the ranch, it’s easy to ignore an equine penis since it looks so similar to a human penis – unlike an ugly canine one!

Stormy’s his shaft seems to be the near same thickness as yours, just a few more inches in length than your own magnificent cock my dearest love! And I bet it would feel sooo erotic when his head flares and begins explosively ejaculating a tremendous amount of hot cum way deep up inside me…

Riley rocked me back in my tracks with her statement – the sudden visualization of it! I thought seeing Riley getting fucked by our huge Rottweiler was an erotic dream fantasy come true, but this would be absolutely mind blowing!

My incredibly sexy wife – one of the world’s most beautiful women…

Getting Fucked By A Miniature Horse!!!

Would she get on her hands and knees spread widely under Stormy or try missionary style!

My mind reeled with the possible images as my cock suddenly surged in my pants!

Then I sobered up as I realized it was probably an impossibility…

“Riley honey, that would be the hottest, wildest most erotic thing I could ever imagine or wish to see! But you are way too tight! You can barely handle me!  The head of Stormy’s cock, while spongy and pliable, is broader than the head of my cock, and your vaginal entrance and your vagina is super tight! You have a hard time just getting me into you!

Then when a miniature horse starts fucking, their cock will swell to a comparable girth as I am, perhaps even larger than I am, and you can’t forget their cock head will flare to immense proportions when they climax…

“Logan, after the first time with Havoc, you and I watched some videos of women fucking dogs, donkeys and even horses the size of Arabians…” Riley sultrily stated,

“and they sure seemed to enjoy it…!” she added.

“If Amber is to be believed by what she says, and has tattooed on her ass, Umm, well, maybe you can, with a miniature donkey or a miniature horse, like Stormy, but still, Riley, your vagina is abnormally tight! Much, much tighter than most women…” I replied.

Riley sexily grinned at me as I stared at her exquisite and perfect nude wet form as she stated,

“Well honey, I can manage your unnaturally, overly large six plus inch girth and almost ten-inch length – just barely! And if Amber is to be believed, which I do, she and Candance both are not only able to handle a mini stallion fucking them but also able to handle an Arabian’s cock fucking them as well!

“So, dearest husband and most wonderful lover, are you going to help me???” Riley coyly asked as she squirted some Bad Dragon lube in her hand and started playing with herself…

A could see a bright gleam sparkling in Riley’s eyes as she mischievously looked at me and stated

“Even if I can’t get his cock in, it still will be soooo much fun trying!

Think how horny you will be watching me trying!

How incredibly hot and aroused I will be to be fucked, HARD!

Right Here!


I bet that even if I can’t get his cock in, if I can just get Stormy to ejaculate against my pussy,

It would feel so incredibly sensual having him explode a huge load against and up into my pussy!

I’m insanely horny and really curious to feel and see how much he could shoot up inside me!”

Then Riley gave me a saucy grin and added, “And from what I see happening from that anaconda of yours snaking around in your tight jeans, you are silently acquisitioning to what I want to try!”

There was no denying that I had developed a painful raging erection!

Watching my incredible wife saying all this while she was playing with herself, I could see her smooth hairless labia already quite swollen, as was her clit, also swollen and fully protruding from her ministrations as Riley alternated playing with her clit and thrusting a lubricated finger in and out of her marvelously tight pussy!

“Okay honey, if you really want to try…” I said. “You can rub the head of his cock against you till you’re ready to fuck me…”

With a coy seductive sexy look Riley knelt on her knees and applied a generous amount of Bad Dragon lube to her hand and began thoroughly and thickly coating Stormy’s semi-flaccid erection, quickly getting his cock to its full twelve-inch erection…

Then Riley squirted more Bad Dragon lube onto her hand and smeared it on her pussy…

As if in a dream, I watch Riley get on all fours and crept under Stormy, Riley positioning herself under him…

Kneeling, Riley placed her head and chest down, her knees spread widely apart, her cute firm ass tilted up high naturally spreading her ass cheeks apart fully exposing her highly aroused swollen sex…

Bad Dragon cum lube hanging in thick white sticky strands from her highly aroused pussy…

Riley reached under between her widely spread knees for Stormy’s thick, long erection and began rubbing the head of his broad cock through her swollen openly parted slick labia…

Up and down, up and down Riley rubbed his broad glans through the open furrow of her slick swollen labia and over her swollen, protruding clit, over and over…

Then Riley began closing her eyes, moaning, as she began centering his head against her insanely tight vaginal opening, concentration developing on her face as she began pushing herself against the broad head of his cock…

Riley’s swollen labia were spread wide as she pushed against the broad tip of Stormy’s swelling cock. Her taut flat belly heaved as every muscle in her body stretched and tensed as Riley continued to push the broad head of his cock against her resisting pussy as she jacked his cock trying to get the mini stallion to cum.

Stormy began little humping motions, Riley’s mouth opened as soft cries of ecstasy began escaping from my incredibly beautiful sexy wife as the broad, yet pliant head of his cock actually began moments later incrementally entering her abnormally tight vaginal entrance!

With loud lustful moans, Riley began bucking her hips further facilitating penetration…

OHHHHHH!” Riley cried out! Her taut, lithe body began shaking mightily as she felt the bulbous tip forcing itself into her abnormally tight clenching pussy.  I could easily tell when the broad pliant head of Stormy’s cock fully breached Riley’s insanely tight vaginal entrance after the muscles ringing her pussy collapsed surrendering to the huge cock’s immense pressure!  Her mouth suddenly opened in a wide silent ‘O’ and her bright emerald green eyes grew incredibly wide! As his head fully entered and disappeared into her Riley’s pussy lips clamped around his swelling cock shaft behind the buried broad head clinging and clutching in a taut collar. His thickening shaft stretching her outer labia lips pushing them apart, forcing them into a wide oval.

UHHHHHH! Riley groaned. He was actually in her! Her eyelids fluttered open as she spread her shapely knees as far apart as she could in a futile attempt to ease the massive pressure she was feeling within her tight pussy.

Then Stormy slowly began to fuck…

Riley groaned as the mini stallions swollen cock began incrementally sliding into her inch by slow inch…

At first the fit was too snug. When Stormy drew back preparing for another thrust, instead of his cock sliding out, despite all the Bad Dragon lube, his cock pulled Riley back a bit making Riley grab his front legs! Slowly, the huge cock slid out of her, until only the fat cock head was still stuck up into her abnormally tight pussy.

Then Stormy slowly fucked in again, burying four inches of his twelve inch long cock into her. With each successive thrust he slowly buried a bit more of his cock into her, Riley’s pussy started to cream with each successive thrust.

Stormy took another stroke and his huge cock began fucking in and out more easily making Riley gasp in gulps of air, her nostrils flaring, her eyes wide while that huge mini-stallion cock thrust into her! Riley’s eyes had a wild look in them while her cheeks and the rest of her sexy body flushed red with the beginnings of Stormy’s hard fucking…

Riley’s long, lean athletic body was bucking and hunching now, jerking backwards, feeding her pussy to the fucking mini-stallion as he drove into her. They began to fuck furiously! My wife’s extra firm DD breasts jolting in short arcs. My incredible sexy wife came once in a screaming orgasm, then again, immediately!

Riley was being tilted and lifted on his huge swollen cock as the mini stallion fucked her, her hips and cute ass lifted off her knees with each hard brutal thrust! Riley cried out and whimpered as she pumped her heated loins wildly on that long twelve -inch rock-hard cock as she fucked his massive cock with frenzied twists of her slim athletic hips and upward thrusts of her tight cute ass.

My wife’s incredibly tight pussy was generating copious lubrication as the long, thick equine cock brutally pumped in and out of her, a white froth foaming and dripping from her pussy.

Stormy’s powerful flanks thrust in and his haunches bucked, fucking his twelve-inch long cock into the halfway mark, pulling his cock out, slathered with my wife’s frothy pussy lubrication then burying the cock head again.

Stormy rammed himself into her with an unmatched brutal force by either me or Havoc!  Despite the brutality of being fucked, having six to eight inches at a time slammed into her with thrusts that lifted her elevated hips upwards with each thrust, Riley emitting a loud umph with each inward thrust, there was no denying my wife was immensely enjoying being fucked hard by the mini stallion! Her breath came in short bursts as each thrust hammered her overly stretched tight pussy as Riley came in a succession of loud screaming orgasms!

This was no quick 30 second horse fuck!  As with the rest of the Arabian stud stallions on the ranch, Stormy was a stud mini stallion and frequently has his semen collected 2 to 3 times a week so he had staying power!

Riley’s brutal fucking by Stormy had been going on for at least three minutes when Riley began emitting guttural yet lustful sounds that quickly built in volume as the force of the mini-stallions pace increased heralding that Stormy was fixing to unload!

The mini stallion was now fucking nearly ten inches of his thickly swollen twelve inch long cock into my wife’s insanely tight pussy! Riley’s eyes had become glazed over, rolling around in her head. Sweat streamed freely from her forehead and her body as she slid her tightly clenching pussy up and down the Stormy’s thick stiff, throbbing rod meeting each thrust!

Suddenly Riley screamed loudly! Her green eyes grew huge as the head of Stormy’s cock massively flared three times its normal size as he held nearly ten inches of his swollen thick cock deep within my lovely sexy wife and then Stormy explosively unleashed a torrent of hot cum deep within her making Riley scream yet again as her taut lithe body shuddered with a massive orgasm!

Despite her expecting the flare and immediately Stormy’s ejaculation, it obviously caught Riley unprepared for the intensity of the climax that overtook her! Her entire lower body tensed up, she shivered, shook, and screamed from the force of her release as it burned through her trim, athletic lithe form.

Her vagina powerfully convulsing in contractions as it milked his throbbing pulsing cock as his huge nut sack emptied, the mini-stallions cock bobbing up and down repeatedly lifting Riley up off her knees, then dipping down again – Riley riding that huge embedded cock as if it were a seesaw!

As Riley’s scream faded to whimpers Riley folded to the padded floor panting hard, her hips held high up by Stormy’s cock still impaling her. Riley’s powerful vaginal muscles repeatedly clenched and re-clenched the massive cock! Her pussy still actively milking it of every drop! Her vulva pulsating powerfully around the thickly swollen equine shaft that was buried in it; with each milking contraction her vulva gripped and slid in and then slide out around the shaft, sucked in and then slid out, sucked in and then slid out, over and over again!

Kneeling there on the floor, my wife with her cute firm ass still held up by Stormy’s cock, Riley was covered in sweat in a mixed state of exhaustion and sexual overload, she finally lay still, breathing heavily, that is, until Stormy started extracting nearly ten inches of deeply embedded cock…

The mini-stallions cock began slipping from Riley’s thoroughly ravished pussy…

His still immensely swollen cock slowly, sinuously, began snaking out of her tight pussy…

Inch after slow thick inch slowly emerging from my wife’s abnormally tight vaginal sheath until about eight plus long immense inches were showing, just the still hugely flared penis head remaining embedded in Riley’s abnormally tight pussy…

Stormy tugged backwards raising Riley’s pelvis higher and keeping it held up, then the hugely flared head came incrementally easing out of Riley’s tight vaginal entrance…

First one edge of his flared glans slowly appeared, and then the other edge…

Riley began continuously groaning in increasing discomfort as the still hugely flared head slowly emerged from her too tight overly stretch vaginal entrance as the flared penis head stretched her opening to its maximum dilation!

Riley’s extreme abnormally vaginal tightness slowed the withdrawal of the still immensely flared spongy head of his cock from her vaginal entrance. Then suddenly, the immensely flared head came free…

With an obscene ‘plop’, the mini-stallion’s flared knob slid free from Riley’s overly stretched pussy. Then, like a champagne bottle being uncorked an immense flood of cum came exploding out of her abused, battered pussy squirting out of her and streaming down like a waterfall between her widely spread knees forming a large white puddle of fluids on the padded rubber floor as copious cum drizzled from between her swollen open labia! The spongy head still hugely flared to the size of her fist!

I moved Stormy away from Riley, breathing heavily, she fully collapsed upon the padded rubber flooring heedless of the large puddle of cum she laid in.

Several long moments passed as she heavily breathed in and out. Finally, Riley said

“That was… intense” Riley husked out. “Perhaps too much…”

“It felt like his cock swelled a bit thicker than your own wonderful six plus inch girth, but the head of his cock was broader still…”

When his cock flared deep inside me it stretched me further and further till it hurt! I thought he was going to rupture me!

But then he held still, the head of his cock had grown so big that it was unable to move it in and out of me!

Then I felt his hot cum volcanically explode deep within me!

Felt it stream seemingly unending into me! A sensation like having an enema or a water hose up me the quantity was so much!

I felt every explosive jet of cum repeatedly shooting in, filling my womb, blowing it up slowly. I swear I could feel my flat belly bloating he was pumping so much into me! Then it hurt like hell when his still flared head came out of me, I was sure he was going to rip vaginal entrance!

I’m incredibly sore but as you well know I stay incredibly horny for a long while but I’m too sore and exhausted to have sex with you, and I’m not drunk either to have anal sex to get you off…

“Come Logan, I can at least give you a hand job…”

Yes, to describe what I just witnessed by one of the world’s most beautiful and sexy women left me with perhaps the most painful erection I had ever experienced is an understatement!

A few minutes later I helped Riley stand up but her knees buckled. She was covered in horse cum from collapsing onto the large cum puddle and also from me having shot off all over her hard nipple breasts. I helped her over to a nearby chair then I went and turned on the water hose adjusting the hot and cold settings until it was warm and brought it over to her. She ran the water completely over her and rubbed the cum off her body until she was clean.

Riley then asked me to turn the water down to a moderate trickle and gingerly, wincing with discomfort, Riley placed the tip of the water hose against her vaginal opening and held there as long as possible douching before pulling it away flushing the cum out of her body, repeating this two more times. While she was doing this, I got a towel to dry her off and helped her wrap the towel around her.

I picked up her cutoff shorts and bikini top then carried Riley to the ATV and took my incredible wife up to the main house and carried her up to bed where she immediately fell asleep in exhaustion.

That evening Riley came into the kitchen where I was cooking dinner, walking unsteadily then sitting gingerly in a chair. I cocked an eyebrow at her then poured my wife a glass of wine handing it to her.

“Logan, I’m afraid that my higher than normal libido got the best of me again, like the three times before with Havoc, but this time I wasn’t intoxicated …

When I started washing Stormy’s cock before you came into the stables I vividly recalled my conversation in the hot tub with Amber, how she and Candace had let Stormy fuck them! Amber even indicating they had let a few of the Arabian stallions fuck them too! Then watching Havoc mounting Amber, trying to fuck her – or at least with just the tip of his cock succeeding in briefly fucking her, and afterwards, Amber stating she may want to let Havoc fuck and knot her sometime…

 It seemed as if I couldn’t control the insane crazy thoughts going through my head! The cinema of my mind repeatedly played the erotica of Amber and Candace getting fucked by Stormy! Of Havoc licking Candace to multiple orgasms! Of havoc mounting Amber! I felt an unbearable arousal as I got Stormy to drop his penis and began washing it, felt it stiffening and swelling, again the semblance struck me how his solid, light pink cock looked just like a human one, and almost three inches longer than you!

When you came in and saw what I was doing, initially I figured I try to convince you to let me rub my pussy against Stormy’s huge erection, especially since Havoc already had fucked me three times in months past – and you not stopping it either time…

I figured I would do it just long enough to where both you and I couldn’t stand it any longer then we would fuck each other’s brains out!!!

However, with the extreme, unbearable arousal I was experiencing, I got totally lost in just feeling the sole sensation of Stormy’s thick, twelve-inch-long cock sliding against my pussy…

My clit was painfully hard and throbbing with each pulse of my heart. It was fully protruding from my clitoral hood and sliding against the slightly rough texture of his cock…

Those crazy Tijuana donkey stories again flashed into being Amber told me about, and the videos we had watched of women greatly enjoying being fucked by dogs and horses – I felt myself become totally absorbed and fully focused on the undeniably erotic images of the videos we have seen and the indescribable intense sexual sensations coursing through my body.

But Logan, while the three experiences with Havoc, and now Stormy, were sexually intense, it was not you…

With Havoc, and now Stormy, while incredibly intense, it was over way too quick! Over in a matter of just a few short minutes! While I did get incredibly fucked and had several intense climaxes, the amazing feeling of Stormy’s cock flaring inside me exerting an enormous spreading pressure in my pelvis, then the explosion of huge amounts of hot cum blasting directly into my uterus inducing me into having another huge orgasm – Stormy pulling his still flared head out hurt!

Honey, like I explained to you before, it could’ve have been one of those mechanical fucking machines doing me instead of a mini stallion or Havoc, except a machine can last as long as I want and doesn’t hurt!

With you, you can last far much longer and bring me to more incredible orgasms than either Havoc or Stormy!

Most importantly, it wasn’t human, and it wasn’t you my love…

With you, we can do different things sexually to our great mutual benefit!

With you, we make love!

Like I told you before, after the second and third time Havoc fucked me, the emotional attachment wasn’t present…

So, all in all, it’s YOU I prefer – I Always Have! Always Will!



A year had passed since the event with Stormy. Riley and I had moved to the ranch, temporarily living in the guest house by the lake. Riley hasn’t let Stormy fuck her again, one time indicating that while she had a few fleeting desires too it was too painful with his flared head pulling out of her tight vagina.

Nor has Riley allowed Havoc to fuck her again even though Havoc still persisted in trying to mount Riley when an opportunity presents itself, and he tries to seize opportunities to lick Riley when she is naked, Riley slowly pushing his head away with light scolding’s. Recently, Havoc successfully mounted Riley immediately after we had sex but she managed to roll away before he could secure a good grip, lightly scolding Havoc. We both had a good laugh about it, again Riley stated,

“All in all, it’s YOU I prefer – I Always Have! Always Will!



Okay readers, time to dissect this story. The following is a brief summary of information from research articles and from medical, mental health and drug websites. Any medical, mental, social, alcohol or drug effects mentioned in the story are based on scientific research.

CONSCIOUS and SUBCONCIOUS LARGE PENIS ATTRACTION – Numerous research studies over the years show women have a conscious and subconscious attraction to large penises.  Researchers theorize that this is a natural effect of human instincts, emotions, evolution and survival, and that this trait is engrained into the female psyche.  To prove this hypothesis some research studies have used computer generated images of nude men of various heights, builds, and penis sizes but not in other qualities like facial attractiveness and hair to make the subject as asexual as possible to gauge women’s responses. Other studies have women reading or listening to literature with characters with, small, average and large penises and gauging their physiological responses.

These studies concluded penis size along with body shape is influential in determining attraction. Women’s apparent interest in penis size explains why human males have penises that are larger in proportion to body size than the penises of other animals. The hypothesis is that since penises would have been readily visible for much of human evolution, prehistoric women would have selected for larger penises in addition to being associated with more orgasms, and this trait is still engrained by evolution into today’s female psyche subconsciousness.

Everyday examples of this evolutionary remnant are being at the beach or at the swimming pool and observing women surreptitiously checking out a guy’s ‘package’, or women checking out a male model advertising close-fitting underwear. It is naturally instinctive behavior for women to do this upon seeing an attractive man, or a man with a much larger than normal bulge in his swimwear or underwear. This evolutionary large penis size preference and associated primal sexual excitation trait, along with sexual inclinations, proclivities, thoughts, urges and impulses are part of the female heritage and genes, deeply embedded within the brainstem and limbic brain, often termed our “reptilian brain”.

Both these brain structures are the oldest and most primitive parts of our brains and are largely unchanged by evolution – and they control our most base primal urges, including sexual arousal.

Since early humans didn’t wear much clothing, male penises were obvious to women. Women chose their mates based on their physical size and the size of their genitalia. Thus sexual competition was and still is a key evolutionary driver via natural selection.

These evolutionary decisions influenced the promulgation of bigger penises in the human species via natural selection. Longer penises evolved to deposit semen in the deepest parts of the vagina to promote more effective sperm retention.  Other studies indicate that evolutionary preference for a larger penis might arise because penis size is associated with higher rates of vaginal orgasm, thereby creating deeper bonds and enhancing reproductive success.

When compared to other primates and other species not of the primate family, humans by far have the longest penises relative to body size. A wide penis puts more pressure on the vestibular bulbs situated on either side of the vaginal opening which gives a pleasurable feeling of fullness at the vaginal opening. A wide penis also creates more tension on the labia, which, in turn, causes more tugging and movement at the hood covering the clitoris. This adds stimulation to the clitoris in addition to the surrounding tissues.

Women who use or on occasion use psychoactive sex enhancing drugs, these drugs synergistically enhance sexual arousal as well as their drug-altered perceptions of an over-sized penis.  Women then are even more affected when these penises began achieving erections, then even more substantially affected feeling these oversized erect penises touching and rubbing against their bodies while dancing, evoking primal sensations of extreme masculinity and power – a natural autonomic sexual reaction still ingrained within the female body from their earlier primitive selves.

Subconsciously women’s thoughts are attaching themselves to the supersized penis a man possesses and therefore its inherent ability to give pleasure which stimulates their primal overt base sexual urges and raw sexual desires.

This sexual reaction is called a ‘supernormal stimulus’ which is defined as ‘an exaggerated response to a stimulus to which there is an existing response tendency, or any stimulus that elicits a response more strongly than the stimulus for which it evolved’.

AUTONOMOUS SEXUAL RESPONSE – In neurophysiological terms, bodily functions such as sexual responses are involuntary reflex events in response to a stimulus, the same reflex-driven system that underlies heart rate, digestion, and perspiration. Sexual arousal is housed in the autonomic nervous system. Sexual organs are designed to react to stimulation in particular ways – and that stimulation is meant to induce pleasure.

The individual sex organs are not designed to differentiate between types of touch and the response is an automatic reflex. With alcohol intoxication or an alcohol/drug combination, this greatly enhances the sexual stimulation and sexual sensitivities a woman feels, provoking her body’s autonomic sexual reflex to actively participate having sex.

If a woman is extremely intoxicated and/or under the influence of drugs like Ecstasy or LSD, in most cases she will not be able to prevent an orgasm from occurring due to the drugs greatly heightening arousal and the sexual and sensual effects the drugs also greatly increase, usually with a woman experiencing several intense orgasms. Over-indulgence of psychoactive sex enhancing drugs can cause a woman’s higher brain functions to be repressed which allows their raw primal sexual urges and impulses to be fully unleashed – subsequently dominating their actions. If a woman has a naturally high libido, her sexually responses will be drastically escalated.

The majority of women in their prime sexual years, when subjected to intense physical sexual stimulation are unable to suppress instinctive arousal, nor able to suppress the subsequent autonomous orgasm that usually occurs, even if the cause of the sexual stimulation is by force. Unwanted arousal and orgasms during rape are examples of an involuntary physical response due to the autonomous sexual response. A survey of available research indicates over a quarter of rape victims are induced into climaxing and this percentage is believed to be actually higher.  In rape counseling sessions, this is usually the most devastating subject to address with the victim, rape trauma syndrome, to convince her it was an involuntary physiological response in which she had absolutely no mental or bodily control over.


It’s a fact that every woman has fantasized about some explicit sexual fantasy. In our minds, we can engage in risky behavior without consequences and indulge our inner freak without judgment, allowing a woman to have the wild, dirty, raunchy ravenous sex she craves, without having to suffer the guilt that might follow.

There are different levels of desire and of fantasy. The realm of arousal and the realm of fantasy can tell us something about ourselves psychologically without indicating that we really want to experience that thing, far from it. It’s the idea that the feeling of being desired is a very powerful one, a very electrical, sexually intense stimulating one.

Women sexuality studies show that over recent decades, changes in attitudes toward sex have led to an ‘openness to sexual experience’, a generally tolerant and guilt-free attitude toward sex. Moreover, women fantasize sexually to spike their mutual sexual fulfillment of their significant other to strengthen the emotional bonds of their relationships and their complete trustworthy intimacy of each other by fully and freely unleashing their sexual passions for each other.

VAGINAL WEIGHTS – Vaginal weights or Kegel weights were created to exercise the pelvic muscle groups responsible for tone in the vagina and surrounding structures, to tone up loose vaginal muscles after giving birth, or with women with specific medical conditions, such urinary incontinence or a prolapsed uterus.  Best known are the Ben Wa Balls and Weighted Vaginal Cones. Jade Eggs are oval serpentine objects available in three different sizes and the practitioner starts with the large egg, moving towards the small with increasing expertise in muscle control and strength.

Vaginal Barbells look similar to pleasure wands and feature bulbous weights at each end. Unlike vaginal weights and cones, vaginal barbells are only partially inserted into the vagina for Kegel exercises. Once the barbell is inserted to a point as far as comfort allows, a woman begins a series of contractions, raising and lowering the barbell in a series of repetitions.

VAGINAL WEIGHT RECORD HOLDER – Very attractive Russian gymnast and exercise instructor Tatyana Kozhevnikova unofficially owns the World’s Strongest Vagina by virtue of her record for vagina weightlifting. She set the vagina weightlifting record by deadlifting 31 pounds in 2009. She inserts a special ball in her vagina with a hook on the exterior end. Her vaginal muscles hold this ball inside her and she hangs weight on the hook. Afterward she was quoted as saying, “It’s enough to exercise your vagina five minutes a day, ladies, and in just one week you’ll be able to give yourself and your man unforgettable pleasure in bed.” A Google search for “Kegel weightlifting” will come up with videos showing Tatyana lifting weights with her vagina while wearing clothing with strategic assets discretely cut out to enable her to show her prowess without an X-rating. Also do a search for Kim Anami, life and sex/relationship coach, who has similar prowess.


Under moderate intoxication (0.8% blood alcohol content) women can control their arousal.

However, while women who are moderately intoxicated are able to successfully control their arousal levels as effectively as sober women, women that are highly intoxicated (10% or greater BAC) cannot do so. With this increase of blood alcohol content, unlike men, there is no alcohol-induced diminution in genital arousal; women do not possess an effective capability to control their arousal response at higher blood alcohol levels.

For women, alcohol makes a woman feel more relaxed and in turn, be more sexual. Alcohol is a social and sexual “disinhibitor” because it increases sexual arousal and desire due to alcohol greatly stimulating the production of testosterone and estradiol.  Testosterone controls in part the strength of libido in women and this causes an increased interest in sex.  Moreover, alcohol lowers sexual inhibitions, and with enough alcohol consumption, lowers it to the point that very little or no discretion is used when approaching or choosing sexual partners.

Extreme alcohol intoxication reduces and can completely eliminate a woman’s self-awareness – an alcohol blackout. With extreme alcohol intoxication or an alcohol/drug combination, most women the next day cannot recall their rape, nor recollect the events that happened during the last few hours leading up to their rape. The effects of alcohol and drugs reacting with each other is termed “synergistic”, an enhancing effect. Most commonly used in the clubbing/dance scene are drugs like Mephedrone, Ecstasy, LSD, or the Flunitrazepam class of drugs – otherwise known as roofies. Along with alcohol, these drugs are commonly known and used as date rape drugs.


Known as: E or MDMA (or in America and Australia as X or XTC). Ecstasy is usually sold in the form of a tablet, or powder in a capsule, and can be obtained in a liquid form. It is a psychoactive/psychotropic drug that has both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties.

Ecstasy imparts an altered state of consciousness and while under the influence changes the way a person feels and thinks. Ecstasy causes the brain to release its ‘feel good’ chemicals dopamine and serotonin.  It eliminates anxiety and causes extreme relaxation.  It also increases a person’s susceptibility to peer influence. Sound and lights are enhanced along with the stimulation of a high energy level and euphoria, the reason for E’s popularity with clubbers, along with a person’s enjoyment of being touched while under the influence of ecstasy because the experience is magnified.

Ecstasy greatly increases female arousal and libido with an increased sensitivity of touch, greatly reduces one’s inhibitions, and prolongs sexual endurance.  In women it reduces resistance, promotes sexual disinhibition and enhances receptivity to being sexual and enhances the sensual aspects of sex.

Ecstasy profoundly increases female lubrication, desire and satisfaction and orgasms are greatly intensified and prolonged.  Ecstasy has been linked to causing people to act against their considered rational judgment by engaging in regrettable sexual encounters and also to rapes in which drugs are used as weapons. Oddly while Ecstasy has a profound sexual arousal and enhanced libido effects upon women, experiencing more and stronger hallucinations and a more intense euphoric drug high than men, with the majority of men it has the opposite effect and tends to inhibit erections.


Is a psychedelic and hallucinogenic psychoactive/psychotropic drug, meaning it changes how one perceives reality. It is produced in crystal form and the crystals are converted to a liquid for distribution. It is odorless, colorless, and has a slightly bitter taste. Known as “acid” and by many other names, LSD is sold in small tablets (“microdots”), capsules or gelatin squares (“window panes”).  It is one of the most potent psychoactive compounds known.

LSD -induces a loss of ability to distinguish temporal or spatial reality.  Makes one susceptible to suggestion. It greatly increases arousal, heightens the sense of touch and hallucinations can be erotic.  Acid makes colors more intense, patterns appear (with eyes open or shut), things might seem to move or melt, you can hallucinate, feel you’re floating and time seems to slow down. A person may feel they are seeing a new reality and getting a different understanding of life.

LSD puts people in a very sensitive and vulnerable, position, an individual fails to appreciate dangers in the environment they may be in. It clouds judgment about safe sex. LSD greatly decreases inhibitions, With heavy dosages LSD can eliminate inhibitions and cause a sense of dissolution of boundaries.

Sex with LSD is greatly enhanced and intensified. It is a known ‘love-drug’ and works as an actual powerful aphrodisiac, probably the most powerful sexual releaser known. It greatly boosts the sex drive and there is a significantly heightened performance ability – in both frequency and duration.

When sexually stimulated, women under the influence of LSD are physically unable to resist having multiple intense and prolonged orgasms. It is conducive to facilitating in acting out sexual fantasies and making fantasies more intense.

LSD effects on sensory contact is greatly intensified but also is deeper. Since the essential feature of LSD is the stimulation of all sensory perception combined with the adverse effect of subjugating free will, sexual arousal can reach an unusually high degree which can lead to being induced into participation in sexual perversions and rhythmic sensual dances.

A sexual partner may change in age, appearance, or gender, may take on the features of mythical and historical figures or mythical creatures. No two acid trips are the same. It’s a very unpredictable drug; the effects depend on the amount of drug taken, the mood the person is in when taken and the surroundings, so “bad” trips can result.

For the past two decades, there has been a huge resurgence in the use of LSD because of its extremely powerful sex enhancement capabilities and lately, for the use in treating military veterans who have extreme cases of post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).

FREE WILL – the capacity for one to choose his or her course of action. Free will is closely related to two other important facts: freedom of action and moral responsibility. The frontal lobes serve the brain and personality, acting to process, integrate, inhibit, assimilate, and remember perceptions and impulses.

Disturbances in brain functioning, be it due to drugs, alcohol, injury, tumor, stroke, emotional trauma, seizures, or electrode stimulation, directly affect specific aspects of consciousness, including what has been referred to as “free will”.  The loss of free will are individuals who were compelled to behave against their will, who lost control over their will, or who suffered a complete loss of free will. The most common examples is the individual who is intoxicated or is under the influence of psychoactive drugs.

HIGH LIBIDOs – Research studies have been conducted on women with natural high libidos, and on women who are hypersexual (or nymphomania) due to their physiology – but not due to a psychosexual behavior disorder. A high libido is distinguished from nymphomania if a woman can maintain control over their behavior and actions, versus a woman who cannot themselves control and restrain their sexual needs (nymphomania). These studies show women with high libidos excrete sex pheromones and copulins that are more intensely concentrated and thus more potent, that can readily sexually affecting men and women in close proximity.

Sex Pheromones and Copulins – Pheromones are naturally occurring chemical compounds excreted by the endocrine system of the body and are chemical messengers with the potential to evoke physiological, hormonal and behavioral changes in other people around us.

The most cited examples are the synchronization of menstrual cycles among women living together, and offices predominated by women employees who may all find cycles occurring at roughly the same time. The evidence shows the synchronization is done unconsciously by their pheromones.

All mammals have a vomeronasal organ (VNO), including humans.  Pheromone signals picked up by the organ are then relayed through nerves to an area of the brain called the hypothalamus, which is well known for its ability to alter emotions, hormones, reproduction and sexual behavior. Animal research has shown there is a distinct correlation of sex pheromones being detected by the VNO and resultant sexual behavior between males and females. However, in humans, VNOs were believed to be redundant anatomical relics leftover by the process of evolution and thus it was previously thought that humans were largely mostly unaffected by sex pheromones.

However, research conducted since the mid-1980’s have conclusively concluded that despite our diminished VNOs, humans are affected by sex pheromones but the exact pathway(s) that human pheromones take and the way our body processes them has yet to be fully understood.  It is a very well recognized fact that pheromones play a significant role in the life span of animals and during the past twenty-five years, there has been significant increase in the number of studies conducted on human pheromones that show that pheromones have similar results upon humans.

Studies show that the human olfactory is one of the ways we detect pheromones. Using PET (positron emission tomography) scanning techniques to analyze the brains of men and women while they smelled natural and synthetically produced human sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, researchers have documented that men and women can in fact send and receive subconscious pheromone signals, producing changes in mood, heart rate, breathing, and body temperature.

Several studies conducted within the last ten years show that an olfactory nerve may be the route through which pheromones are processed. The 13th cranial nerve known by the name Nervus terminalis or Cranial nerve zero, as it is called, bypasses the olfactory area of the brain where scents are normally processed.  Instead, it is linked straight to the area of the brain (the hypothalamus) that processes sexual cues and creates attraction.  Studies have repeatedly shown that a man or woman wearing a synthetic or natural pheromone product, which is representative of their naturally occurring pheromones, experienced a heightened level of sociosexual behaviors, including attraction, triggering sexual excitement, kissing, sexual touching, and sexual intercourse. Human sex pheromones are now in trials to be used as fertility treatments for couples who want to conceive. Couples who are having sexual problems are now using pheromones combined with traditional therapy to enhance desire.

Copulins are an exclusively potent female group of pheromones and research has shown they cause feelings of arousal in men as well as women if present, with a resulting surge of testosterone production. As with men, testosterone plays a major role in a woman’s sex drive (libido) sexual desire, fantasy, being sensitive to sexual touch, and orgasm, all driven in part by testosterone levels.


It’s common for women to become sexually aroused while laying out in the sun getting a suntan. This is because intense sunlight boosts endorphins and testosterone production along with Vitamin D3, which is actually considered a hormone and not really a vitamin! It is a pre-cursor for the hormone, testosterone.

The boost in production of these hormones stimulates the “Breed and Feed” part of the parasympathetic nervous system and also increases the sex drive, resulting in increased sexual desire and genital arousal. Additionally, intense sunlight has a positive effect on melanin by stimulating its release from melanocytes, which also increases sexual arousal and appetite. One of the building blocks of melanin is tyrosine.  Tyrosine also has a tie with increased libido, because tyrosine is a building block of L-dopamine.  L-dopamine promotes sexual motivation and genital reflexes.  Research has found that an hour of sunshine can boost testosterone production by 120 per cent. The combination of sun and alcohol will intensify arousal.


In a 2011 study published by the Journal of Sexual Medicine, female participants were asked to lie inside an fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machine and alternate between stimulating their cervix, clitoris, vagina and nipple for 30 seconds each, with a 30 second rest in between. Researchers discovered that stimulation of the nipple activated a part of the brain called the genital sensory cortex, which is the same brain region activated by the stimulation of the vagina and clitoris — meaning a woman’s brain seems to respond to nipple stimulation in the same way it responds to genital stimulation.


The historical sociological aspects of dance and the sexual arousal associated with dance portrayed in this story is accurate, as is the sensations experienced while dancing after taking psychoactive drugs. Dance was the first of the arts. The dancer expressing his or her body as a vehicle to non-verbally express their emotions and desires, to making art visible though his/her body, also freeing that inner energy that enables the dancer to experience his/herself own sensations as well as the onlooker. Social dancing is an esthetic and joyous way for men and women to become closely acquainted, to live rhythmically together for a short period of time, a socially acceptable release of mental and emotional repression of our heredity sexual instinctual core.

Modern dance allows sexual repression to come to the surface and be sexually liberated. Dance is a stylized, rhythmically transformed eroticism: wooing, courting, hesitating, promising, fulfilling.

Dancers note their boundaries in order to consciously extend a boundary or stay within it. By extending the boundary, they open up to the desires of their bodies and their state of arousal. Dance, like other forms with which we are familiar, enables women to communicate things to men that they might not otherwise feel comfortable saying, and vice versa.

Most interesting for our purposes is the fact that the music and dance ritual that accompanies the performance of the music encourages “sexual relations” in a socially acceptable context. So music and dance can act as a social lubricant that allows people to feel free enough to do and say things that they would otherwise be judged for.

For decades, sociologists documented the dances of primitive tribes of Australia, the Malay Islands, Africa, North and South America regarding the love dances of these primitive tribes. Singing and dancing are still regarded as the preliminary to the sexual act. The whole object of the dancing, of the mutual approximation and caresses of two persons of the opposite sex is to create the state of sexual excitement.

With today’s modern enlightened society, this is extended to two people of the same sex dancing with each other, with sociologists having documented same sex relationships in primitive tribes as well, primarily amongst women. Dancing is not only an incitement to love and preliminary to courtship and sex but is also a substitute for the normal gratification of the sexual instinct, procuring something of the pleasure and relief of gratified love and sex.

For women, music and dance rank very high as an arousing experience: as high as sexual sounds and imagined scenarios.  Dance mimics the rhythm of your heartbeat and your brainwaves – reaching the less reasoning, more animal/instinctive parts of your mind; the strobe and laser lights do similar things.  Dancing increases blood-flow through the entire body, including the genitals enhancing sexual sensation and arousal.  Dancing causes a massive endorphin rush. Also, while dancing, people sweat and give off all kinds of lingering ‘sexual cues’ (sex pheromones) that you don’t consciously notice – which helps a person to become sexually motivated by the things they DO notice, the lights, the beat; etc.  Research found women are sexually aroused especially by bass tones.

If a person ever had a sensual experience with a partner on a dancefloor, that is going to bond you to the sights and sounds in a big way too.  This is amplified by dance becoming more erotic in motion and touching more intimate. Certain psychoactive drugs enhance sensitivity to touch, light, sound and decreases inhibitions, may include hallucinogenic properties, greatly increasing sexual arousal, overall, magnifying and enhancing the dance experience.


Watching horror movies is well documented having a significant positive correlation between adrenaline and attraction, which means as levels of adrenaline increased, so did level of attraction including significant increases in arousal.  It’s very natural for horror fans to be on the lascivious side. After all we spend so much time scaring ourselves with false starts that our bodies need some place to go with that pumping blood and flowing adrenaline.

Sex is the only natural outlet. (I suppose you could go on a killing spree, but wouldn’t you rather just get naked and hook up?) So embrace what horror movies are: sex, violence, nudity and scares. In the words of Bela Lugosi in Ed Wood: “Take my word for it: If you want to make out with a young lady, take her to see Dracula.”

Of course, if Bela Lugosi was living today he might say: “If you want to make out with a young lady, take her to see Zombie Strippers!”  Zombie Strippers!, a more perfect example of the pairing of sex and horror I cannot imagine.

Or consider the 2011 best seller erotic romance novel and 2015 hit movie ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ in which a woman explores her dark desires with a billionaire.  It is notable for its explicitly erotic scenes featuring elements of sexual practices involving bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, and sadism/masochism. Your significant ‘other’ may want to have her own dark desires opened and explored!


A woman’s innate character is to seek what is forbidden and challenging.  Movies and novels with fantasy themes including fantasy sexual themes stimulate the creation of fantasy thoughts, which is further compounded in this already formed female mindset. This includes women who watch horror movies.

While this may seem disturbing and weird, it has been well researched with several studies that most women who watch horror movies become aroused. This includes hard-core sex movies that have science fiction, fantasy or medieval themes, movies that include themes of space creatures and aliens raping and ravishing women, including horror sex movies with monsters raping and ravishing women. This is an entirely perfectly normal female mindset and assists with one’s healthy sexual relations with their partner.

These type of movies influence part of our secondary nervous system that is responsible for directing our “fight-or-flight” instincts. This peripheral nervous system also plays a role in our sexual arousal.  Being scared is a nervous reaction and is physiologically arousing, sexual arousal and fear eliciting similar physical symptoms. Our pulses and respirations start increasing as does the production of adrenaline which starts pumping through our bodies surging energy levels and along with fear, also causes one to become horny and aroused.


One of the interesting things that sex researchers around the world have noted, as indeed fans of romance fiction and women’s erotica literature have realized, during the last few decades, romance fiction has evolved as much as other genres.

Normative heroes and heroines and the accompanying sex between them, have been joined by sexual relations with gods, goddesses, werewolves, vampires, shape shifters, unicorns, centaurs, satyrs, dragons and aliens to name but a few.

Although these new protagonists function under the same laws as more normative characters, it is plainly obvious that this additional trait seems to belong dominantly to paranormal romance fiction – the bestiality genre.

In folklore and literature, bestiality is often romanticized seduction and coitus by a large, virile beast of an ultimately not unwilling human female!  The animal may represent the power of free unrestrained and totally intense sexuality being imparted to the woman and the woman being set free in her own unrestrained sexuality to revel in the ultra-taboo, bestial wildness of raw primal sex!  All these different protagonists symbolically represent powerful hyper-potent male creatures having extremely intense passionate ravenous sex with human females!

By drawing attention to women having consensual, or initially not so consensual, sexual relations with another species, it is seen by sociologists as an empowering mode of modern sexuality for female literary characters as well as the female reader!  To a lesser extent, newer science fiction genre during the last thirty-five years has contributed as well with aliens, creatures, and monsters ravishing women in novels, graphic comics, and movies.

Hence, romance fantasy and women’s erotica novels have long been creating another in-road for bestiality by planting the seeds of curiosity, fantasy, and desire in female readers, and is becoming a mainstream social norm as exhibited by the rapidly increasing sexual fantasy genre geared toward women readers involving various creatures and animals.

For years, romance fiction and women’s erotica literature by far has made up the largest share of genre fiction on the market, allowing women to freely explore their hidden sexual desires and fantasies without risk of physical harm or social rejection, and allowing them to be more creative in their own sexual lives. Fantasies are an essential part of our sexual repertoire and is associated with a healthy, happy sex life.

The ability to fantasize, to daydream, to explore internal worlds of imagination, is a valuable, even critical component of the human mind. It reflects our ability to manipulate thoughts, ideas, perceptions and reality, all within the private confines of our own minds. Sexual fantasies are inherent extensions of our capacity for creativity, the very imaginal creativity that is present in the worlds of artists, painters and composers. Sexual fantasizing can be healthy, particularly for a reasonably healthy couple that are open to each other’s fantasies and even fetishes and use their increased excitement to move toward rather than away from the partner.

The content of these fiction books and film influence the thoughts and perceptions of millions of readers and viewers around the world, making it into a very powerful social medium, therefore influencing the perceptions that readers and viewers have about social constructs and relationship standards and expectations.  It has been well researched and documented that explicit sexual writing in this genre of books including graphic comics and movies which include bestial or other-worldly creature content, subconsciously lead women to lose their own sexual inhibitions and be willing to explore new possibilities in their sex life!

A woman’s innate character is to seek what is forbidden and challenging.  Movies and novels with fantasy themes including fantasy sexual themes stimulate the creation of fantasy thoughts, which is further compounded in this already formed female mindset.


While social constructs, stereotypes and pressures have certainly played a role in keeping women from being comfortable with porn in the past, the impact of those factors are diminishing over time. This is consistent with recent polls of women which showed millennials watched the most porn: 57 percent of respondents who enjoyed porn solo were aged 18-24. Among younger women, there’s less and less concern for such constructs and more openness to erotic material and more comfort with their own sexuality.

Numerous studies have been conducted on women’s arousal watching pornography for the past four decades. It was determined women tend to have more erotic plasticity than men — that is, they’re turned on by a wider variety of things. For example, while men tend to show physiological arousal only in response to erotic films depicting their stated sexual orientation. Studies utilizing thermographs and plethysmographs—a device that sits inside the vagina and measures genital blood flow, revealed that straight women show similar physiological arousal patterns when watching clips from gay-male, lesbian, and straight pornography – including watching animal mating.

The great majority of women in sex surveys reported watching porn as a “fantasy escape” and it helped them relieve stress. For many women, same-sex porn provides an opportunity to imagine what it would be like to be with another woman, even if they consider themselves strictly heterosexual.

PSYCHICAL BESTIALITY – the practices which yield erotic gratification or sexual stimulation as a result of behavior in which animals figure, but in which there is no direct physical sexual contact between the human and the beast. This would include, for example, sexual stimulation, sometimes to orgasm, as a result of watching animals copulate with one another – a practice to which has been given the formidable nomenclature “mixoscopic zoophilia”. Sexual stimulation is derived by watching exhibitions of bestiality, masturbation phantasies of animal-human or animal-animal sex relations, daydreaming to orgasm or excitation with bestiality phantasies, bestiality in books, art works, photographs or videos experienced as an erotic stimulus, nocturnal emissions with bestiality being the subject of the dream, and erotic stimulation of humans raped by beasts.


As noted in the section above, numerous studies show women exhibit physiological arousal watching or reading pornography. Inherent biological impulses spontaneously bubble up despite the sexual subject they may be viewing or reading.

What turns women on is different to what women wish turned them on or how they politically or socially feel about it; women have a natural arousal response built-in despite the sexual subject.

Sex studies and surveys have repeatedly confirmed one unusual fact – bestiality is the most common uncommon turn-on. It is believed that innately recognized sexual features such as an erect penis, even out of their usual human context, stimulate women. Erotic imagination, sexual curiosity, and sexual arousal commonly overrides the natural disgust response, researchers found, and allows women to willingly engage in behaviors that they might normally find repugnant.

One-half of a couple may induce the other to watch or read pornography depicting women having sex with an animal. The female half of the couple may acquiesce due to curiosity or drawn into it by the other partner encouraging it as an entertaining novelty. This part she may like to satisfy that curiosity. Repeatedly watching videos or reading stories of this nature may desensitize the woman of this particular sexual act or they may become more tolerant of the act. Eventually it may raise her tolerance to the activities depicted so she will engage in them, either willingly to some extent or with some degree of coercion to bend or break what amounts to a misbegotten social taboo.

Again, part of this may be a curiosity factor to find out for herself the pleasure a woman exhibits in this sexual act in videos and stories is actually factual. Some attribute it to the embodiment of that primal animal urge to be fucked so badly by such raw animalistic power that it unleashes a woman’s own deep-seated primal sexual desires and responses that gets them going.  It’s the nature of the human psyche to find the taboo thrilling, even erotic.

This socially taboo erotic act may influence the wild, erotic nature that is innate to most women’s subconsciousness and consciousness.  A woman’s wild erotic nature may emerge in animal fantasies, which enables a woman to revel in the ultra-taboo, bestial wildness of the fully unrestrained primal sexual act itself.

Even the things that we actively fear can stimulate our desires in ways that we don’t expect. The intensity of the emotion involved in transgressing the taboo can also fire up our parasympathetic and sympathetic systems – two parts of the autonomic network of our nervous system that work together to regulate the function of our hearts and glands.

Arousing the parasympathetic system – causing our heart rates to rise, our bodies to sweat and our adrenaline to pump – arouses us sexually as well. The parasympathetic system then triggers the sympathetic system which controls orgasm and ejaculation.


Existed as a rather widespread practice in all the nations of antiquity of which we have adequate records. Where it is not specifically mentioned, it may be legitimately inferred on the basis of the over-all evidence. In ancient Egypt, the animal aspects of the gods insured that bestiality would be practiced both for religious and magical purposes. The representation of the Egyptian gods as beings of part-human forms was linked – a further impetus to bestiality – to the belief that living animals partook of the divinity of the gods and goddesses whose forms they shared.

This leads us to the realm of Greek and Roman mythology which is considered by scholars to provide the best evidence for the thesis that the incidence of bestiality among the ancient Greeks and Romans was high, and that the attitude toward this form of sexual expression was of wide-spread acceptance.  Greek and Roman myths contain many stories of gods who assumed the shape of animals in order to mate with mortals.  The satyr, a mythical being, half-goat, half-man, who was noted for his virility and lasciviousness, and who exercised it freely with humans, nymphs, and other creatures.  Bestial intercourse related by the historians and mythologists: among them, the mating of Semiramis, legendary foundress of Babylon, with a stallion. From the union of Pasiphae and the bull was born the Minotaur, and the mythologists credited other bestial unions with bringing them into the world: satyrs, centaurs, and other strange and monstrous creatures.

Author Robert Burton (*Anatomy of Melancholy*) adds to the list, saying that “women are inflamed with mad passions for beasts, hence Minotaur’s, Centaurs, Unicorns, Silvanuses, Sphynxes, etc.

Of the three great antique civilizations here dealt with, the Romans were the most lavish and factual in its recording of both public and private bestiality. In the case of the Sybarites, a whole population was given to it, noted for their sodomies and copulations with canines (as were the Moors in later times). On other occasions, bestiality was a spectator sport, as in the case of the exhibitions staged at the Roman Games; sometimes it was the voluptuous indulgence of noble Roman ladies; and sometimes even emperors were involved.

The Roman emperor Nero, disguised as a wild beast, once invaded the arena at the Games to assault members of both sexes, a performance he concluded by casting off his costume and publicly falling into the embrace of Doryphores, his male lover.

For the Roman Games, male animals of all sorts were trained from the earliest possible age to copulate with and even forcibly rape girls and women. Bulls, giraffes, leopards, cheetahs, wild boars, zebras, stallions, donkeys, huge dogs, various kinds of apes, and other animals were taught to perform these functions. Some of the more trainable species and enthusiastic ones were further tutored to commit sodomy on human males and females. Especially popular at the Games were representations of scenes from the sexual lives of the gods, a particular favorite being Pasiphae and the Bull.

From the ancient world up through our own time, in all countries – though more frequently in some than in others – bestiality was practiced, thought about, dreamed of, and emerged as myth, fairy tale, folklore, literature, painting, and sculpture. In modern times, the practice of bestiality has been reported with a greater thoroughness than was the case in the ancient world, and this despite the fact that in the West at least the practitioners have grown considerably more furtive.

Certainly, the past two hundred years have nothing to compare with the spectacular bestiality events of the ancient Roman Games, a phenomenon unique in all of history. In more recent times, fiction and folklore have provided most of the imaginary accounts of bestial intercourse, again reflecting the “real world” cravings and behavior of mankind.

It is, of course, true that in mythology fiction and folklore have provided most of the imaginary accounts of bestial intercourse, again reflecting the “real world” cravings and behavior of mankind.


Falabella Miniature Horses are the smallest of the miniature horse breeds having an erect penis length on average of twelve inches in length with a penile girth of five to six inches (Approx. 1.5 inches wide to 2.0 inches wide).

Miniature Donkeys on average have an erect penis length of fourteen to sixteen inches with penile girths of six to seven inches (approx. 2.0 inches wide to 2.25 inches wide).

Arabian Horses are the smallest of the large breeds of horses with an erect penis length of fourteen to eighteen inches with penile girths of five to seven inches (approx. 2.0 inches wide to 2.25 inches wide), so a woman can accept insertion but has to be mindful controlling the thrusting and how much is going in.

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