Women with Animals

Trisha’s story


(c) January 24, 2011 by Bob Fuzzy

Part 1 – Written by Bob Fuzzy as told by Trisha

I understand you are all curious about my story. I’m not sure what you all want to hear about. This is the story of how I became interested in dogs and my “first time”. I hope Bob can make it interesting for you.

I guess I had a normal childhood. I was molested by a neighbor boy when I was eight. I understand that over half of the women in this country are molested by the time they are sixteen. I don’t know that it hurt me or scarred me necessarily. He was eleven and it was sort of a situation where he said I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. Except it did not stop with the showing.

He put his finger in me and rubbed around. I said ouch and he rubbed more gently. I knew we were doing something naughty. I found it exciting. But I really did not know very much at the time.

The strange thing is, this boy, Don, became my first boyfriend. We experimented with a lot of things over the years. One of the things we tried was getting his dog to lick me. It was really just a weird idea Don had after his dog had laid on the floor watching us have sex on a couch in his basement.

Don said, “Hey, do you want to see if Bingo will lick my stuff off of you?”

I was always willing to try something new so I said, “Okay.” I dropped my feet to the floor, scootched my butt to the edge of the couch and spread my knees.

Don snapped his fingers near my crotch and said, “Common Bingo, Come on boy. Come get it.”

Bingo popped up when Don snapped his fingers and came over to me. He sniffed me like he was looking for some crumbs to mooch. Then he licked my leg. He kept sniffing and licking until his tongue made contact with my pussy with Don’s creamy white sperm leaking out. Suddenly he started licking it up like crazy and pushing his snout against me to get as much as he could.

Needless to say this felt awesome to me. Don was staring at his dog’s tongue was driving between my pussy lips. I could not help rocking my hips up and down as Bingo licked me.

I finally had this wonderful orgasm. Don rarely gave me an orgasm except when he licked me. Don’t get me wrong, he fucked me real good and I would have little mini-orgasms. But I only got the big ones when he would lick me. So this was a real plus having Bingo lick me to a major orgasm.

From that point on when the girls would talk and someone would bring up dog sex and how awful that would be, I would just smile and keep my experience to myself. Don and I continued involving Bingo occasionally. We never tried intercourse. But I thought about it.

I even got Bingo alone on a few occasions in the tool shed behind Don’s house. I took off my pants and pulled down my panties. Bingo would lick me to a couple orgasms. But when I rolled to my hands and knees I realized Bingo was too short to actually mount me. So I played with his little pointed weenie and it would squirt out this clear stuff on my hand and the ground. Other than it being taboo, I did not get a lot out of playing with Bingo’s weenie.

I enjoyed having sex a lot. Don was not huge or anything. He was good looking with dirty blonde hair. He was my next door neighbor. We were together until he graduated high school and I was going into my sophomore year. Then he dumped me and went away to college. I thought I would be hurt but really Don and I were more friends with benefits than lovers. I almost thought of him like a big brother except I loved having sex with him.

I dated a lot of different guys over the next two years and learned a lot about how different guys could be. It was not until I was near the middle of my senior year that I met Bob at a basketball game. He was handsome and he had been a friend of Don’s. He was a bit of a jock. But he was really nice to me.

When I was dating Bob we had a great time. He was a good lover. But we also went out and had a great time together. We did so many different things. I liked his friends. I even tried to setup one of my girlfriends with his friend Todd.

After a couple weeks, Bob took me to his parents house and I got to meet his family. They were all nice and they had a dog who loved to rough house with me. He was a beautiful dog and he reminded me of Don’s dog Bingo except bigger. We would wrestle around and he would lick my face. On a couple of occasions he even managed to get on my back and hump a little. Bob would act all embarrassed and scold him. But it made me hot.

Bob did not catch on that I would drag him away and screw his brains out after this would happen. At the time I thought he was probably just happy that he could make me go off like a stick of dynamite. Little did he know I was thinking about how exciting it would be to get fucked by his dog.

So Bob and I stayed together and I knew we would end up married. He graduated college while I got a degree at the local community college. Bob got a great job out of college. I moved into Bob’s apartment in the City for about six months. We finally found a nice house in the suburbs and we were able to buy it on a thirty year mortgage.

Bob didn’t know, but I found his porn collection while we were still dating. I went all through it and was excited that he was into girls and dogs. I would read his new stories and look at his new pictures while he was at work. I would drive myself crazy and typically screw his brains out when he got home. Sometimes we just barely snacked in the evening, because we were too busy having sex. I would have nasty dreams of being taken by some large strange dog.

Finally, after we got the house, Bob said the words I was hoping he would, that we could have a dog. We lived in a very safe neighborhood, so I thought it was funny when Bob said we needed a dog for my protection. I knew better and I knew what he was really hoping.

When we picked out Barney, Bob had insisted we get a male dog. The breeder recommended we get Barney neutered and I got Bob worried when I agreed that we would. Of course he quickly “talked me out of the idea” on the way home. Barney was just a puppy and I knew it would be some time before he was old enough to mount me. But I thought I could get a puppy to eventually lick me like Bingo had.

When we brought Barney home I was between jobs. So I could spend the day with him. I did not try anything with him for four or five months. I did get down on the floor and play with him a lot. It was nice to have a companion around while Bob was at work. I would take Barney on walks and he was a great ice breaker for meeting the neighbors along our street.

It seemed to happen by accident one day. I was reading one of Bob’s porn magazines and laying on the floor. I did not notice Barney walk over to me. I only had on a pair of cotton panties. I remember I was on my back holding the magazine up with one hand and lightly rubbing my left nipple with the other. I guess my legs were opened up as I was getting into the story I was reading. All of a sudden I felt this tongue lick the crotch of my panties. I glanced down and there was Barney licking away at my panty covered pussy.

I opened my legs farther and started cooing to him, “Oh Barney, you’re a gooood boy. Mommy likes that baby. Yes she does.” He just kept licking away at me.

I put the magazine down. I reached down with my right hand and snagged the edge of my panties with my finger and pulled it aside. Barney was now licking directly on my labia. His little tongue was going a mile a minute. It felt so good. I just lay there and enjoyed it. I had my eyes closed and I was tweaking my nipples.

My pussy got juiced up and Barney just kept licking and licking. His tongue was still too small to go very deep. But he kept licking from the bottom of my pussy up. My clit stood up like a small flag pole and his tongue brushing across it was driving me crazy. I finally had a massive orgasm as I pulled on my hardened nipples. Barney backed off as I hunched and rolled with the spasms of my body.

I rolled to my right side as I came down and he came back over and started licking between my butt cheeks. What a trooper.

After I relaxed for a minute I hugged and kissed him and told him what a great dog he was.

Barney and I made this a semi-regular thing. Sometimes we would do it a couple of times a day and sometimes we would go a week without doing anything. It really depended on how I was feeling. He almost always seemed to want a taste of his mommy.

It was a couple of months after that that I noticed as I was doing some laundry that some of my panties were wet with dog slobber. I wondered if Barney had been rooting around in the laundry hamper because of my scent. I checked the next few times I did laundry and sure enough there would be some remnants of dog slobber on my panties. Then one night it occurred to me to peek at Bob while he groomed Barney.

Barney’s grooming was a nightly event for Bob. He would take the dog in the bathroom and close the door. He would comb Barney out and sometimes give him a bath.

So one night I went down the hall and found that the door was not completely closed. I could see Bob combing Barney. I could not see Barney’s back half through the crack in the door. But I could see Bob and Barney’s head. Bob put down the comb and said quietly to Barney, “Are you ready for mommy now? Do you want to lick mommy’s panties boy.”

The next thing I saw was Bob with a pair of my used panties from the laundry holding them up to Barney’s nose and reaching around the dog with his other hand. I could not see what his other hand was doing. But Barney was licking away at the stained gusset of my dirty panties.

It made me hot to watch my husband get my dog to lick my panties. Then I saw Barney start to hunch and I knew Bob had to be masturbating the dog while he held my panties to his nose. I could hear Bob saying, “That’s a good boy. Good Barney. Your getting to be a big boy now aren’t you. You want to fuck mommy don’t you boy? Oh what a good doggie. Are you going to give mommy a nice big doggie cock to fuck? Oh what a good boy.”

I could not believe my ears. I knew Bob was into this. But I didn’t realize he was training Barney to fuck me. My pussy was soaking wet and my nipples were standing out like thumbs. I had to go to our bedroom and lock myself in the master bath while I rubbed myself to a major orgasm.

That was still not enough and I jumped Bob’s bones when he got done with Barney in the bathroom. I fucked him right on the floor in the hallway while Barney was running around us. I was hoping Barney would come lick me while Bob was pumping away. But Bob came fast and Barney did not seem to want to approach too close while Bob was on me.

The next day I was thinking about how this could affect our lives and I was concerned. What if we got caught doing something with Barney? What if this was just a fantasy for Bob and he really did not want me to be with Barney? What if I liked sex with Barney so much I did not want to have sex with Bob anymore? What if Barney gave me some disease? I was a little scared because I was feeling so attracted to the idea of having sex with Barney.

In the end I could not hold back my obsession with the idea of having sex with Barney. It took another six months while I fought with the idea. I caught Bob “grooming” Barney on several occasions. He would say the same kind of things while he did it and every time I heard that it got me so hot I wanted explode all over Barney’s cock.

It was probably a couple months after Barney’s first birthday. I remember it was a Monday. Bob said he had a long day at work and he might be late for dinner. That always made me feel a little lonely. So after I cleaned the house and ran some laundry I went into Bob’s porn stash and pulled out one of my favorite story magazines. This one was all women and animals. There were illustrations and I would always get horny reading these stories over and over.

I stripped naked and got down on the floor, leaning with my back against the couch and my feet spread. I had closed the curtains. I couldn’t let the neighbors see what I was up to. I turned on a lamp at the end of the couch so I had enough light to read by. I was hot before I started and Barney came up right away and started licking me. His tongue had gotten bigger and it pushed my labia apart as he drug it through my crevice and over my clit.

He had started to do these long slow licks a few months back. He would do these as we began and it would get me real wet because it felt so good. I was reading about a woman on all fours taking a huge dog cock in her body and I just could not take it anymore. I dropped the magazine and rolled on my hands and knees. I crawled slowly around the living room as Barney resumed licking my soaking pussy from behind.

He would make a deep slow lick and I would stop and try to present my open pussy hole to him. Then I would take a few more steps and do it again. Finally I guess instinct took over as he reared up with his front legs around my hips and hunched his cock towards my hole. I bent my head down and looked between my legs. I could see the pink tip of his penis poking out from his sheath. It was not close to my pussy yet. But he worked it closer and then he bounced it on my left butt cheek.

Every time it touched my skin it felt like a soft hot wet poker. I was practically dying to have him fuck me. But he slipped off and licked me some more. I kept moving and stopping. Then he mounted me again. This time he got his cock to my skin faster. But he was too high and still to the left side. He dropped down again.

We kept this up a few more times and I was begging him to fuck me. “Come on Barney. Stick your big cock in me. Please Barney. Mommy wants you to fuck her. Please! Oh I want you to fuck me so bad. Daddy wants you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me. Please Barney stick your cock inside me.”

Finally he was almost lined up and I reached back and used my fingers as a guide for him into my hot hole. Suddenly he had found my pussy hole and his cock just seem to drive out of his sheath and into my body. What I thought was a tiny little pointed cock turned out to be about seven inches long and thick. His body became a whirlwind of thrusts. I exploded after the first 15 seconds. My pussy hole was grabbing this slick red cock as it drove in and out of my body.

His cock thickened up quickly as he thrust and suddenly I was feeling stretched farther than Bob had ever stretched me. I have had some thick cocks in my life and Bob is no exception. He has a nice one. But Barney was starting to stretch me out good. Yet his cock was so warm and slick I felt no pain at all. I could feel all of this moisture and I realized Barney was squirting in me. I remembered Bingo squirting and I had read about a dog’s pre-cum. But I had no idea what to really expect.

My body exploded in another huge orgasm. My pussy clenched on Barney’s cock. But it just kept driving in and out over and over like a jack hammer. My convulsing flesh was no match for his mighty thrusts. Then I felt it. A knot of flesh was trying to push it’s way into my body.

Barney was bouncing it against my pussy hole and even though there was no pain, the knot was just too big to slide into me. I felt this craving in my soul. I had to have this dog take me, all of me. I had to get him inside me. I pushed back and opened up and he pushed forward over and over and then it happened. His knot just squeezed into me. Barney seemed to hold one long push and the ball of flesh pushed into my body.

After it was in it felt like it grew inside me. There was no way it could get back out. Barney kept humping but was no longer trying to pull back too hard. On every hump I felt the knot against my g-spot and then I orgasmed again.

After a few minutes Barney stopped thrusting. That’s when I felt hot spurts of cum inside of me. The end of his penis was right against my womb. He was spraying me with his cum and just the thought made me orgasm again. My body clenched hard against his buried penis and he thrust a few more times driving me wild with pleasure.

Then my left foot cramped and the pain took away my pleasure for awhile. But I had no way to escape Barney as we were locked together.

I tried to relax and eventually my foot stopped hurting. But the magic was gone. It was about five more minutes before Barney’s cock shrunk and he turned and threw his hind leg over me. He pulled and his cock just popped out of me. I felt a stretch and then I was empty and his watery cum was running down my legs.

I collapsed on the floor as Barney sat down and started licking his huge cock. I could hardly focus on him. I just relaxed. After awhile I got up and took a long hot shower. I relived the experience and loved every minute of it. To that point in my life it was the best sex I had ever had.

I thought about telling Bob about it. But I was afraid of what he might think of me. What if his fantasy was just a fantasy? How could I tell him. We had been talking about having kids. Would he want a dog loving slut to be the mother of his children? I just could not risk telling him. In the end I decided to just let fate decide for me. If Bob ever figured out what Barney and I were up to, then I would tell him the whole story. But until then Barney and I were a secret.

What do you think? Should I continue?


Part 2 – Written by Bob Fuzzy as told by Trisha

I hear that you are interested in hearing more of my story. I’m not sure that it is particularly interesting. I mean being with Barney and Jack has been wonderful and exciting. But it’s also very personal. I am cautious by nature. I guess that’s why I have never been “caught”. Although I have come close on some occasions.

While Bob has described me as sexy, I think a woman has some basic requirements before she is ready to enjoy sex. One of those requirements is a sense of security. To my knowledge I have never been seen by my children having sex. If I thought there was potential that they would be see me with Bob, Barney, or Jack, then I did not have sex no matter how cute my “men” were.

From the time my first child was born to the time my second child entered pre-school my sex life with Barney slowed way down. I can probably count on one hand the times we were together in those five years. I can imagine it would have been momentarily hilarious for my three year old to tell Bob I had been playing leap frog with Barney. But I was not at all comfortable with that possibility.

I do have a few unique memories I will share with you. Not all of them are “dripping with sex”. But you might find them interesting. There was the time I almost got caught by my mother-in-law.

It started as normal day for me. After Bob left for work, leaving me with cum dripping from my pussy, I took a shower and walked around the house in my panties. This is how I dressed inside when I was not expecting company.

I had breakfast and did some housework. Two weeks before we had found out I was pregnant. Bob and I were very happy as we had been trying for about six months. I was feeling very horny most of the time. When I was finished picking up around the house I settled down in the rec room at the back of the house and started rough housing with Barney.

I could tell he was definitely in the mood as he was showing the pink tip of his penis and he was trying to get at my crotch.

I was having fun teasing him by rolling away or sitting my butt on the floor. He would sniff my butt and try to push his tongue under me. Then I would roll over and push him away again.

Finally I had had enough teasing. So I pulled off my panties and laid back with my legs spread. Barney went to town on me with his tongue. He started lapping and my juices were really flowing.

It only took about two minutes and I had a nice orgasm. Barney kept licking me and I wanted his cock inside me. So I went and got the leather slippers I had made for him. He was used to them by now. We had been having sex for the last two years. He let me put them on him. I got on all fours and Barney mounted me.

He started humping and I reached between my legs and guided his cock home. It’s always such an incredible feeling when he enters me. He’s always going so fast and his cock is so hot. It’s like fireworks going off constantly while he pounds into me.

Barney used to get up and down a lot when he was younger. But by this time he was an experienced lover and he would work at me for several minutes as his knot slowly pushed out of his sheath and entered my body.

A woman’s vagina is very flexible and it does get used to the stretching. But it was still a thrill to have Barney force that baseball inside. Usually I would have an orgasm as it pushed in or shortly after. When that happened it always seemed like his knot would puff up a little and my pussy was definitely contracting because he could not back out easily.

As usual I was being vocal with my orgasm. That’s when the doorbell rang. I was very startled because I was not expecting anyone. Of course I tried to control the noise I was making but I could not suppress the grunts Barney was forcing out of me. Barney would usually run to the door when the bell rang. But being hung up with me and focused on impregnating his momma bitch he just kept trying to pump is knot as deeply as possible.

I could feel his hot juices spraying inside me. Then I heard my mother-in-law’s voice call out, “Trisha, are you there? Are you alright?” I should tell you that both Bob’s and my families live almost a hundred miles away. For her to be there at that hour she had to get up early and drive almost two hours.

I knew she had heard the noise I was making. So I responded, “Ya..Yes mom! I…I’m okay! G…give me a mm…minute!”

Barney had finally slowed down and he was still squirting cum. I pushed with all my might trying to expel his cock. I made a grunting noise that I’m sure my mother-in-law heard. Of course Barney pulled back with his front paws around my hips trying to keep his knot buried inside me.

I rolled to the side and knocked Barney off my back and then as he turned and his penis rotated I pushed. It hurt a lot. But I got his inflated cock out of my pussy.

My mother-in-law heard that noise too and she knocked calling out to me and asking if I was okay. I quickly pulled my panties on. I grabbed Barney’s collar and pulled him to the back door throwing him out with his slippers still on.

I went to the bedroom and grabbed my robe. I quickly put it on and tied it shut. Then I finally went to the front door.

I greeted my mother-in-law and she quickly asked if I was alright. I said I was fine except I had just been sick. I told her I was having some morning sickness, which was a lie because I did not have any morning sickness with my first pregnancy at all.

She was very concerned for me. We sat down in the living room and talked. After awhile I told her I was feeling better and that I should get dressed. She took me to a wonderful lunch. I did tell her later that she should call before coming down as I had doctor appointments and sometimes I just did not feel up to company with the morning sickness.

Fortunately, she did not see Barney in the backyard with his big cock hanging out and his slippers on. After she left later that afternoon I brought Barney in, took his slippers off, and cleaned them. But that was the closest I came to being caught, except by Bob.

So as I said before, I pretty much gave up sex with Barney while the kids were home as babies. After my daughter started going to pre-school I decided I could help out by getting a job. So I worked part time for awhile. But I found I could not keep up with the housework and I never had any time to myself anymore.

So after four or five months I went to Bob and said I thought I should quit. He was great about it. Even though the money I made was helping our budget, he could see how my job was hurting our family. So he told me to quit and that it was my job to make sure the kids got where they needed to be and the house was clean enough to be safe for our family. He did not say the house had to be spic and span. He said what was most important to our family. He’s such a great guy.

So I stayed home and took care of things. I had some alone time for me. And of course I had some time with Barney. It took me about a week before I finally got down on the floor in the rec room naked and put Barney’s old slippers on. He had not forgot a thing as he drove his cock, including the knot, into me and made me explode over and over.

I thought maybe I would be looser after two babies. But he seemed to stretch me out as much as he used to. It’s such an exquisite feeling having that ball of flesh push inside your body. I wanted it to last forever.

Then there was the time Bob told you about when I opened the door to my daughter’s bedroom and there she was on the bed with Barney’s head between her legs. I don’t want to discuss this here. It is really not appropriate. Suffice it to say that Barney got the direct and immediate impression he was not to be doing this with her.

Then I had to talk with her and cover her feelings and what happens between males and females. I really did not discourage her from having feelings like I have. I just wanted her to understand that she was too young to act on these feelings and that other people would not understand her being with a dog or any other non-human that way. It was a long talk and I’m not going to cover it all here.

All things end eventually. Barney got sick when he was fourteen. His kidneys failed and we just could not afford a transplant. Of course during that time Barney and I could not make love. That thought never even really occurred to me at the time. It was a day in early May that Bob stayed home from work. The kids knew what was up. They said their goodbyes to Barney that morning.

Barney could not get up off of the pet bed by the back door. We had been to see the vet several times. Barney had stopped eating or drinking and we knew it was time. Bob picked him up and carried him to the car. We went to the vet and they put him to sleep. We took him home and buried his body under his favorite tree in the back yard.

I still mourn Barney. I cried for days after he died. He was a part of our family and he was my lover. I will never forget him.

It was about three months later, after the pain was no longer as fresh, that Bob showed me the advertisement in the paper. There were some black lab puppies available and they were not too expensive. The kids immediately said we had to go look. So we piled into the car and went to the breeder’s house.

There in a kennel in the back was a beautiful black lab and five puppies at twelve weeks old. The kids were crazy about them and were in love again almost instantly. Only one was a male. Bob and I looked at each other and the next thing I knew Bob had made an offer for the male. We took him home that day.

The kids named him Jack after the character in the Pirates of the Caribbean. So a lot of times we would call him Captain Jack. I began letting Captain Jack lick my wet pussy while the kids were at school within a couple of weeks of when we brought him home. I also got him to lick my nipples by putting little drops of milk on them.

He got the idea quickly and started doing it without the milk while I would lay on the floor. That was something I never did with Barney. It kind of bonded Jack and I together.

A few months later I started noticing the dog slobber on my panties in the laundry again. I caught Bob encouraging Jack in the bathroom a few nights after that. The kids were in the rec room watching TV and Bob took Jack into the bathroom down the hall for a “brushing”. I stopped outside the room and listened at the door. Sure enough I could hear Bob with his verbal encouragement and my pussy just melted. After all these years he still wanted a dog to fuck me.

Jack started humping playfully when he was only 10 months old. But that was mostly about dominance while we played together. He was a little over a year old when he finally mounted me with some intent. It was not very successful as he would not stay on. But he did manage to poke into me a few times.

Our first decent fuck happened three months later. With Jack it was a progressive thing. He was very much a young dog interested in playing on the floor as much as mating. I knew he was starting to get it when his pussy licking started to take on a purpose for him.

It was difficult for me to reach an orgasm while he was learning because he kept getting distracted. I would help him penetrate me and then after a few thrusts he would get off. So it took several weeks before he finally stayed on long enough for me to have an orgasm.

It was three or four weeks later he finally forced his knot into me and came. Oh what a feeling that was. Jack has the softest fur and it was like having really soft fur blanket on my back while my pussy was being pounded by this very thick cock at a hundred miles an hour.

Jack ended up being a little bigger than Barney, especially in the knot. I swear he’s as big as a large orange when he’s fully inflated. The pressure he puts on my g-spot makes me orgasm harder than I ever have before.

I think Barney was a little smarter than Jack. With Barney, he would behave himself until I was naked. Jack has a problem of occasionally catching me off guard and trying to lick at my crotch when other people are around and I am clothed.

Jack has done it in the morning when I have gotten up and Bob is getting ready to leave for work. I’ll be brushing my hair or my teeth and he has walked up and started licking me. I almost forgot Bob was there once and let Jack lick me several times. But then I push him away and lightly scold him.

When Bob saw him do it on a couple of occasions he just smiled and would say, “Boys will be boys” and “I agree Jack, she tastes great”. Then he smiles and goes on about his business. Funny thing is, while Bob attempted to hide it from me, I could see his penis tenting his trousers on these occasions.

Well then there was the day Bob finally caught me. Our kids had left home and Jack and I were fucking almost every day. Jack had gotten really good at it and I had a lot of time home alone. So I felt very comfortable. I still believed Bob wanted me to have sex with Jack. I was still following my original policy that it was a secret until Bob caught me. Then I would see what happened.
Jack was licking me so good and I was on the edge of the couch. I usually did not do it there because I did not want to have to clean the couch fabric and I was afraid I would stain it. But I had a nice reading lamp there. So it was a good place to read porn.

I was rereading an old magazine when Jack came up to me and just put his head between my legs and started licking. I eventually scooted my butt to the edge and spread my legs. I was rocking my head back and forth with the intense pleasure when I caught a movement in the kitchen window. That’s when I looked and saw Bob duck back and stare right at me.

I quickly looked the other way so he would not know I saw him. I decided I would close my eyes and just let it happen and experience it. It was amazing how intense the feelings I had were as I realized I was performing with Jack for Bob. I wanted it so much and I wanted Bob to know how good it was. The feeling of Jack licking my open hole was just so intense that I exploded with an orgasm like I never had before. I felt the juices squirt from my body and splash onto Jack’s nose. His tongue snapped around to clean the juices off of his face.

I almost felt spent for a moment as I close my left knee over to my right and rolled to my side on the cushion. It was as if I were on automated pilot as I kept rolling and scooted my knees to the floor. Then Jack mounted me and found the mark without my help like the professional fucker he is. I have to help Bob find my pussy hole half the time.

I did not realize it but I was so relieved when Bob came in and sat next to me while Jack was still buried inside me. Bob stroked my back gently and then he said something about cumming in his pants. He put my hand on his pants and I could feel the wet stain. I knew we were going to be fine and so happy.

I really don’t know what more to tell you. Bob’s been talking about finding a stray for a threesome with Jack. I’m really not sure that’s a great idea. I’m enjoying the threesomes I’m having with Bob and Jack. But who knows. Maybe we will have some wild adventures.

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