English Stories

Entering Siber’s Space


(c) Monday, June 04, 2012 by HDTopper

Part 1

I had just come out of the shower and my boyfriend Gerry grabbed the towel I had wrapped my damp naked body in and began a tug of war that ended with us both laughing and sprawled across the bed. Although much stronger than I, when we play wrestled I would almost always end up on top with his stiffy rubbing against my mound. It was no different on this occasion as that was exactly where we were when Siber, our Siberian Husky jumped up on the bed to join the fun.

At first Siber was jumping around as we playfully wrestled and whenever he could he’d be licking our face causing us to laugh even harder. At some point he had strolled behind us and when he did he found me kneeling up with my legs spread wide straddling Gerry as we played. At first I could hear him sniffing, but now I realize with me getting a little hot from playing with Gerry I must have smelt of feminine excitement and following his instinct Siber stuck his nose directly into my exposed crotch.

At first I bellowed from his cold nose making direct contact with my pussy that was well heated from friction of Gerry’s hard cock rubbing against my already expanding clit. Then in seconds, even as I struggled to get away from Siber’s nose, his broad moist tongue caused me to freeze in place as it licked me from Mons to ass in a single stroke. I began to struggle harder to get free of Gerry’s grasp as he thought Siber’s attack was great fun. The licks continued in rapid succession and Gerry amused by what was happening laughed even harder and used his superior strength to hold me submissive to Siber.

“Let me go you ass, Siber is trying to lick my pussy he thinks I’m his bitch.”
“Let him honey, stay still let’s see what he does.”
“Gerry, are you nuts?”
“Come on Sandy let him play for a minute or two no one is going to get hurt; besides you might like it.”

Just then Siber’s tongue had caused my clit to poke out from its sheath and he was bathing it with his wet textured tongue causing me to grab onto Gerry as the sensation shot through my body, apparently Gerry was right because I sure liked what he was doing. Gerry realizing how Siber’s tongue was effecting me let one hand slide behind my head pulling me into a kiss as Siber kissed my pussy.

“Oh my god Gerry,” I groaned into his mouth as he continued to kiss me, “Gerry we have to stop him, oh my God Gerry he’s going to make me cum.”

I have always had a super sensitive clit but I don’t remember being this close to an orgasm in so short a time in my life. But as Siber licked Gerry gently held my head as we kissed, he also was no longer holding me but was freely adding fuel to the fire in my body as his other hand to stroked my nipple.

It was then that it happened, I bellowed out to God, went totally rigid and exploded into the biggest cum I’d ever known. Although it had never happened before I leaked like a faucet all over Gerry’s belly actually squirting a little with that I collapsed onto Gerry and passed out for a moment or two.

As I lay there I could feel Gerry using his feet to spread both his and my legs wider and being so weak from that earth shattering orgasm I just lay there and complied. I didn’t fully understand Siber’s intent to literally take me and make me his bitch nor did I see that Gerry, enjoying this new game was doing what he could by helping Siber to attain his goal. And I, before being able to completely grasp the severity of my situation it was just about over as Gerry’s legs held me open for Siber who had easily mounted me and had his cock probing for entry.

Realizing that Siber had only one intention and that was to take me like he would any bitch on the street. Knowing that, in self defense, I reacted quickly and made my escape by raising my ass upward hoping to throw Siber off of me.

Unfortunately, or in retrospect possibly fortunately, as I raised myself up off Gerry in that futile attempt to get Siber off me I made the most grievous of errors. With Siber freely poking about, his cock was striking me in that area between my pussy and ass and as I moved I inadvertently assured a perfect alignment for him.

Instantly I felt the warm moist tip part my labia and enter an inch or so but mere fractions of a second later my cry of “OH GOD,” filled the room as the largest cock that had ever entered me, entered and filled me completely in a single thrust.

Obviously my earlier orgasm and the pre-orgasmic stimulation had enough of my juices flowing along with the addition of Siber’s tongue slobber created the perfect well lubricated canal for his massive cock to follow as it searched out for entrance of my womb. I was so unprepared for what was about to happen but Siber sure understood that he had taken control of a bitch’s pussy. The shock to my body was that it was my pussy he intended to use it for his pleasure and that he did without delay. It seemed to be only seconds after his initial entry and that his jackhammer rhythm of thrusts began, although initially unwanted by me, in no time it was so stimulating I no longer searched for an escape.

My sensory system had become re-stimulated and awakened from that afterglow caused by my recent orgasm and the friction his girth caused as it drove in and out of me. I couldn’t help myself but his speed; his power as he used me he had me loving every second I was being used by him.

I believe that Siber sensed that I was now a willing participant in my own demise and took control over assuring that end. Knowing I was openly enjoying Siber’s thrust in and out of me Gerry wanted a ringside seat to the performance as I succumbed to being Siber’s new bitch so he slid from under me and repositioned me in a better position to meet with Siber’s thrusts. Gerry’s efforts were quite easy as by then I was so far gone I was by now paying little to no attention to Gerry I was all about the cock that slid out of me then drove back in to what I initially thought was its end, but was I wrong. It was just about then that my gasp once again filled the room as he drove what I later learned was his peach sized knot that passed all resistance and filled me completely.

I had heard about G-spots and how they took a woman beyond joy and into some utopian paradise but had never experienced its joys. Well after the jolt of pain with the first entry of Siber’s massive knot the friction of it rubbing the roof of my pussy in no time had me whimpering like someone in a drug induced otherworldly place. Whatever or wherever it was, it was a place I had never known sexually before all I can say is it’s a place so wonderful it cannot be described but is a place that all women should visit.

As Siber’s knot continued to expand it did the job it was designed for not only did it thrill me beyond belief but it held me in place and unable to get free until he was done with me. There I was on my knees with my ass high in the air, so high in fact that Gerry was able to slide under me without restriction. Obviously Gerry was enjoying the erotic show that was playing before him, but he wanted more, he wanted a close up view of me being taken completely and by a dog’s cock at that.

My eyes wandered downward and somehow if at all possible became even more excited as I saw that Gerry was stroking his cock as he watched me being totally used by my Siberian husky. I have no idea why, but watching Gerry stroke his inflamed cock became the final straw taking me over the edge. Right then the first ever multiple orgasmic chain erupted as I felt a thrust from Siber perfectly timed with Gerry’s tongue sliding across my clit.

My mind instantly became little more than mush as one climax almost immediately followed another each in turn increasing my sensitivity with so much response that the next became that much easier and grew in intensity. As all this transpired I just barely felt the instant jab of pain as Siber’s dew claws dug into the soft flesh of my hips as he pulled me back onto the base of his ever expanding cock and drove its tip deep into my womb.

It was then that for the first time I felt the hot jets of his sperm as he began to fill me up. Each spurt felt so strong it was like he was peeing in me and the warmth was not at all like a man’s but was more than pleasurable it was somehow comforting. Knowing that he was filling me was in itself so erotic but what was even hotter was that Gerry had not stopped licking my pussy and was now beyond any doubt swallowing whatever pussy lubricant I produced that washed out of me mingled with Siber’s burning hot juice. How nasty an sexy could it be knowing that Gerry was pleasuring me with his tongue and at the same time drinking the fluid that flowed the cock that took me places I had never know, it was then I had the last orgasm before passing out sandwiched between my lovers.


Part 2

I have no idea how long I lay within my dream land but it was the warm gentle bathing of Siber’s tongue as he cleaned up the aftermath of his total seduction of me. Seduction, you may question but what woman has been with a man who was attentive, slow and gentle yet systematic in his approach to securing his target’s trust and confidence. Well what happened to me may have been all that but I was secure with Gerry being there and with his encouragement and assurance that this could be something really hot. Well he was Oh so right.

Before I awoke from my mental nap Gerry was now holding my head in his lap as he watched Siber continue clean-up duty. As he held me and gently rubbed my brow he leaned over and kissed me as he literally stared as Siber lapped up and drank the river of dog sperm that flowed freely from me.

When I finally did retain cognizant thought processes I tried to move away but was restrained initially by Gerry who almost begged for me to remain still, even open my legs more and le Siber finish cleaning me up. Still being somewhat wasted I complied, obviously another error, as Siber’s tongue dug in, out and around my entire pussy and inner thighs in search of our mingled juices he was slowly relighting fires that had not laid dormant for very long.

In short order I was moaning at first in appreciation of the sensations that glorious broad, warm, moist and raspy tongue created as he licked here and there in search of our fluids. But then there was no more puddles sprinkled across my belly or thighs, there was only the remaining trickle that still flowed out of me and that was the route to my demise. Siber began to concentrate on the only source of orgasmic fluids to be found, found in a location unfortunately, or as I had said earlier, possibly fortunately flowed freely in an area that would bring that weapon of his across my super sensitive clit.

Gerry wanting to be more than a spectator began digging inside of me and pulling more and more of what fluids remained and being the ever observant type Gerry realized that when he dropped dollops of the goo on my clit area that Siber would attack the area immediately causing even greater reactions from me.

With Gerry’s interference and Siber’s relentless search for more I was becoming lost once again. First it was my hips that started initially with subtle thrusts then becoming more and more violent that made up the natural movements that would eventually have me screaming in orgasm. But that was not to be because Gerry could take no more and pushed Siber aside and before I could even ponder what he was up to his feeding his cock into me with a vengeance.

Gerry was on fire having waited and watched as Siber had licked me to orgasm, fucked me into oblivion then set my fires burning as he cleaned his plate, now it was Gerry’s turn and his fire were apparently hotter than mine as he drove in and out of me with a determination I had never experienced with him in the years we were together. In fact his strokes were so aggressive in just a few minutes Gerry grasped me tight, kissed me and exploded in me like something unknown to us.

As Gerry collapsed on top of me, although not having had the opportunity to cum I still sort of moaned a quiet “Mmm” to myself as I continued to kiss him. At first wondered at the taste that lingered on his lips, that is until mental recall replayed the mind movie of him licking my clit as Siber’s sperm washed over it. I liked the taste and thought that maybe at some time I just might try a little of that sweet liquid straight from the tap.

But for now Gerry rolled off pulled a sheet over us and pulled me tight against him in what apparently was nap time. As for Siber he too knew it was nap time as he with no direction from either of us went to the end of the bed gave a big sigh as he as always propped his head on my legs and closed his eyes

We hadn’t napped very long when Gerry’s emergency call phone began to ring. Gerry, being the company’s senior electrician was responsible for the electricity in a bio-lab where he worked and this weekend was turn to be on call 24/7. So we got right up with me getting his cloths ready while he took a five minute shower, got dressed and was gone before I even managed to wrap a house coat around myself. It also meant he wouldn’t be home for dinner so I decided to let Siber out to pee and get something for a belly that now wanted something other than a cock to fill it.

As I did frequently when Gerry was away I decided to make Siber and my favorite quick dinner. Good old fashion bacon and eggs with toast was mine. The toast was for me but eggs with extra bacon for Siber, besides after how he took me to orgasms unknown a little extra bacon might be called for.

I had no idea how hungry I was but I must admit I had an extra toast which I enjoyed with my belly warming tea. As I lounged into the well worn very comfortable den’s love seat I nursed my second cup of tea as Siber settled on the floor at me feet with his beautiful head on my knees. As I finished the last of my tea and put down the cup I looked down at Siber and got caught up in his beautiful face and his eyes one that seemed to change a times into three or four shades of green and the other that was blue. In fact it was so blue it was like it could see right through you and it kind of gave me an odd feeling as he sort of looked up at me in a knowing sort of way. I swear it was like he smiled like that guy that just got into your pants then he closed his eyes in apparent contentment.

After a few minutes I followed his lead and also drifted into a contented nap. As we both rested in my deep sleep I felt Siber snuggling closer and closer and as he did I spread my legs allowing him to rest more comfortably against me. I felt the comforting heat of his body making me feel safe as Siber seemed to snuggle even tighter against me. It was communication without words as if he was saying relax Sandy you’re safe with me, just relax, while Gerry’s away I’ll protect you. So I did just that, I spread my legs even more wanting and letting Siber snuggle closer as I fell into a safe sleep.

As I slept I couldn’t help but dream and what did I dream about? Of course I dreamt of how I had fallen under the spell of Siber’s wonderful tongue and that evil boyfriend of mine led me down the path to the meat on Siber’s banquette table. And in that dream I watched myself being seduced by my dog as his wonderful tongue only to be invaded by the biggest object that had ever entered my body. To my joy and embarrassment as he did Siber took me to places most women will never know.

In fact as I slept the dream having happened just minutes before made it so real that I could still feel my body twitch and my pussy begin to burn and flow lubricant so freely that I swear I could actually feel my clit poke out of its sheath laying itself open and desirable of a repeat of Siber’s erotic tongue. About then in my dream I felt Siber’s tongue slither across my lips causing me to open my eyes. As I did I found myself sprawled across the love seat, my robe wide open and my naked body spread wide and covered with Siber’s furry underbelly. Odder yet Siber held me in position with his front paws on my shoulders as he continued to kiss my face.

I virtually froze when I saw Siber was dancing, yes he was dancing. Dancing is the best description but his rear legs danced around while he was trying to align his cock and my pussy. As he danced I looked down and went rigid with momentary fear when for the first time I saw his fully erect cock. Siber continued to dance looking for that entrance into my body but I sat there staring in total disbelief, disbelief that that massive thing had already been inside me. Odder yet as I stared at its length and girth the idea that I really wanted, no not wanted but had to watch that thing enter me and make me feel that series of sensation again. It was like I was under some unknown drug or spell because the more I though and stared I wanted it in fact my hips had a mind of their own and began search for it.

It was like watching a movie in slow motion, at first my hips began to slide forward off the seat in a direct line with that pink spear with frightening blue veins that captured your eyes not to mention that it was so long, so broad and strange looking that I had to have it. It was that part of the feminine mind that sometimes draws the good girl to that bad boy and his bad big cock was making me, although I was afraid of it, wanting to ride that cock once again, but while I was in control.

Feeling lost and filled with want and watching that cock move forward in search of my warm moist cavern of feminine flesh and feeling so naughty and needy without any conscious assistance on my part my drooling pussy began to seek that frightening spear all by itself. Well not really by itself because my naughty hand that reached out to grasp that angry throbbing tool and direct it to my pussy and complete the task that Siber had begun and I became complicit in its completion.


Part 3

It was a totally exhilarating sight as my entire span of vision was locked on the tip of his odd looking massive organ that was filled with pronounced multiple blue veins that made it even more frightening. I realize that tool had been inside me before, but with its length and girth laid out before my eyes it made me shake with dread and excitement as watched it disappeared between my swollen labia.

In retrospect as I recall that afternoon and remember feeling somewhat more than just being naughty, I mean here I was allowing myself to be a willingly and active participant in my own subservience to this rare form of erotic self-satisfaction K9 gratification at that. I can still remember those mixed emotions that had overtaken me and here I was again as I sat somewhat totally under Siber’s paw in subservience to him as I studied the girth of his beautiful cock and wallowed in the heat that flowed from it.

Then there was my want and an uncontrolled desire to be taken by him again it was the memory of how he had made my body sing when he had his way with me earlier. That was months ago and even now I still find it near impossible to describe all the things that flew through my consciousness and the real sensations that had enveloped my entire sensory system as I willingly watched and felt what was happening to me in that moment in time and as he began to penetrate me once again.

Inadvertently I had positioned Siber’s front legs back on my shoulders in an attempt to keep his claws from digging into me when I did Siber instinctively I guess, grasped the back of my head as he crossed his forelegs pulling me tight against him. As he did Siber forced my head forward and onto his muscular chest causing me to look downward providing a perfect vision of what was happening between us.

And what a view it was, for most women like me, to be able to see myself being taken by a lover enhanced my senses but to be taken by such an extraordinary cock is unexplainable until you’ve enjoyed its invasion of your own body. For me, at that moment my eyes were focused on nothing except the totally unbelievable sight of his entering me causing us to be actually joined. Can’t you imagine a sight of that magnitude on display before your eyes like mine as I watched Siber’s swollen shaft to begin again to move in and out of my body. Imagine that and then join it with the unbelievable sight of not only being taken but to have that sight enhanced by Siber’s lower body moving into you at breakneck speed.

As I watched in awe I unexpectedly became frozen to the unbelievable image of Siber’s swollen saber of procreation as it not only tore in and out of me but began to expand in length and girth as well. His pace was not only unbelievable but was so stimulating from the heat that was a byproduct of the friction that was created as his cock rubbed against my insides with each and every stroke.

That heat and sensory stimulation in itself may have been all consuming but then there was the view, a view unless you’ve been there you won’t totally understand. I imagine you and your man may read and try to duplicate my experience but unfortunately unless you give into the temptation you will never duplicate the joy he was giving me. As I watched him I realized Siber was almost robotic in the way he used me and the pace he set as staked his permanent claim on my body as he used me freely.

By this time Siber’s massive cock was repetitively being driven into the most private depths of my womanhood only to be drawn back out before being violently reseated into my womb over and over again causing sensory overload in my mind and body. For any woman all of that would most likely be more than enough for them to explode in a massive orgasm but this was all being done with the added sensory addition of sight as it was done right before my eyes.

The added stimulant of sight caused even more distress for me bringing me to that explosion making me cry out with wonderful agony. And as I did Siber’s fore legs held my head in place forcing me to not only suffer the extraordinary sensations that tore through my body but magnified them as I watched our animal mating coupled with my own compliance as I willingly fell further and further into submission.

As Siber’s shaft rushed in and out of the depths of my womanhood he managed to awaken nerve endings so deep no man or object of play for that matter had ever reached before. That was so mind blowing that I couldn’t help but succumb and to without regret accept my K9 lover and as I did my body and mind agreed letting a series of multiple orgasms previously unknown to me consume my body.

Those mini-orgasms swallowed up what little strength remained in my body becoming totally non resistant thus allowing Siber’s angry truncheon to sink deeper yet into pussy. As mind blowing as those sensations were suddenly I gasped again in real fear when even my post orgasmic stupor my eyes locked on Siber’s shaft as it once again began to expand even more as his once small knot began to rear its ugly head. The fear was very real and fed by the fact that the previous small bump in his cock now looked as though it had swallowed a large peach and worse yet was I knew that his intention was to bury that peach in my feminine cavern. Fear is a funny emotion because as his knot continued to expand it oddly caused my desire to grow in relative proportion in fact as I watched it grow my memory reverted to the first time that Siber drove his knot into my pussy giving me the greatest orgasm I had ever known.

As my over taxed mind contemplated all this Siber’s rapid fire thrusts came to unexplainable and totally abrupt end as he just stood rigid and unmoving yet pulled my upper body closer. His reprieve although unusual and quite sudden did little to ease the pressure on my sensory system as it lasted only a few moments. The quiet ended as Siber did another of his little dances leaving me unprepared that he was only getting his Bitch ready for her final mating. As I realized later his dance apparently just taking time to position himself before thrusting into me with such force that his swollen peach would instantly be buried deep within me. Siber wasted no time and allowed me no time to become accustomed to how full I had suddenly become, without hesitation began to use me in preparation for as his sperm deposit.

With his enflamed knot fully seated in my pussy it easily applied pressure not only on its sidewalls but also against its sensitive roof lining and the home of my G-Spot. I could not help it as I shook with the joy of massive orgasm and slumped into a lump of human flesh that Siber just continued to hold in place as he continued to fuck me as if I was still a willing participant.

Siber’s sexual needs were not yet satisfied and his hips just regained that rapid pace it had before as he thrust in and out of me in wild abandon. Although I was pretty much beyond being sexually active I still couldn’t stop the series of little lightning bolts of tiny orgasms that ripped through me as I was pulled to his chest with such violence as he once again froze in place. Siber held me like a rag doll literally crushing me to him as I felt his cock begin vibrating inside of me like a two dollar dildo. Then I felt the warmth as he held me I was forced to remember how he had done that to me once before as he filled me with vast amounts of puppy making sperm.

Even though he remained unmoving his knot was far from unmoving as it throbbed against the roof of my femininity causing wonderful sensations and a stimulation that like the first time he took me, he taught me that my G-Spot did exist and here it was once making my pussy sing pre-orgasmic arias to me.

It was then that I could literally endure no more so I fell backwards against the sofa even as Siber stood firm and continued ejaculate his fluids into me and as he did he bent his head licking my lips causing me without thinking to part mine inadvertently creating a French kiss. It was eerie as his tongue continued to search my now fully open mouth and even more surprising was when I reached down to where we were joined and filled my palm with our leaking fluids which I brought to my lips sharing my collection with Siber repeating that action multiple times before exhausted I fell down onto the couch and slept.

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