English Stories

A Talk with Bethi


(c) August 18, 2008 by AlphaEd

Why Do You???
“So tell me Bethi what made you even think of fucking your dog?”
“I can really say. I remember seeing his pink cock one day when I came home from work. I had just fixed a snack for my two daughters and I went upstairs to my bedroom. Spot just followed me into the bedroom. I undressed and he was sitting there with a pick cock dripping on the carpet. It just felt natural for me to reach down and pet him and rub his chest as I worked my way down and pulled his cock sheath back and I jerked his cock back a couple of times. I didn’t give it a thought. I went into the bathroom and he placed his front paws on my shoulders and I reached down and started to wank him off. He kept shooting his precum all over me. I felt it hit my lets and chest and stomach. It felt hot on my skin and I was hooked. It felt so depraved and horny. I was holding him against me and feeling his cock as he exposed his knot and as I squeezed behind his knot he came again against me. Then he licked my face and literally stuck his tongue in my mouth. I started cumin and it was a hard orgasm. When he finished, which took about twenty minutes, I pushed him out the bathroom door and jumped in the shower. From then on for a couple of weeks it became my routine. Then I remember finding a site on the computer and all I did was asked the question about how I could my dog to fuck me. You answered and I went from there. When you told me about sucking his cock, I felt so hot and depraved that I couldn’t wait to get home. I was sopping wet by the time I got home. I quickly made a snack for the kids and went upstairs. I was practically running. Spot was right behind me. I tore my clothes off and did what you told me. I got him in the bathroom and then I sat on the floor and pulled his front paws up to my shoulders. He was a little confused at first but as soon as I closed my lips around his cock he got the idea and began humping my face. I could feel his cock going down my throat. I tried to swallow all of his precum but it was impossible as some of it ran down my breasts. I rubbed my breast and spread his precum all over my tits. I loved it. When he finally came in my mouth and down my throat I was ready for him and swallowed his cum down my throat. I was so hot I was cumin just robbing my tits with his precum. I had three orgasms and finally kicked him out the bathroom door. I jumped in the shower and jerked my pussy off to one more orgasm. Again we did that for two maybe three weeks until you told me up letting him fuck me and how great it was going to be. The videos and pictures you sent me helped me a lot too. The day I decided to let him fuck me I had to take my panties off while driving they were so wet. Same routine, fixed a snack for the kids and this time I really ran upstairs with spot behind me. I undressed completely and ran to the bathroom and knelt in front of the toilet with my tits against the seat cover. Spot knew exactly what to do. He mounted me and in four five humps found the entrance to my pussy. He adjusted his position and shoved his cock in. I felt like someone had kicked me in the stomach and I started cumin immediately.; One orgasm after the other. Spot fucked like a jack hammer until his knot slipped in and he knotted my pussy. He started cumin and it was like spurts of his hot cum hitting my cervix like a machine gun. I realized then that I was cumin all this time; one orgasm after the other and the next one harder than the previous one. When he finished cumin which took about thirty minutes while lay on my back He just slipped out. I turned over and sat on the floor as I fought him for his cock. Once I began sucking him he relaxed and let it happen and I was rewarded with another shot of dog sperm, this time in my mouth and down my throat. Needless to say this began a new routine for me. Sometimes I would wait until Phil my husband fell asleep and would go down to the kitchen and roust Spot and take him into the garage and fuck him. I encouraged Phil to go golfing, or take the girls to the movies just so I could get a couple of hours with spot on the weekends. I also was fucking my husband more so he wouldn’t suspect any thing. I guess you could say dog fucking came to me naturally. I started taking days off from work or leaving work early just so I could get a couple of hours extra with Spot. That was fun because when I took a full day off I would walk around nude and fuck him in the kitchen, the den, the garage, the washroom and anywhere he wanted me. I of course had my needs and would just flip him over and suck him where ever the notion struck me. As you know, I am on my second dog. This one is a pedigree Lab. He is totally brown. Do I feel shame? No not really; I mean I don’t tell anyone of my sexual preference as far as dog fucking is concerned. I know that society frowns on this and probably would run me out of town if anyone knew but Marty, my new dog doesn’t brag about me to other dogs or anyone for that matter. He loves me and I love him. I trained him differently than I did Spot. I did exactly as you told me so in that way is a better fuck than Spot. He is also bigger, bigger cock and knot. I can’t say I ever thought about how wrong it was or how society looks at it. I really don’t care. All I know is that if the world was different I would shout it out and tell them how great dog sex is.”
“Do you advocate he same thing for your daughters?”
“I haven’t thought about it before but no I guess it would be their choice, just like it was mine. If they did choose dog fucking and I found out about it, I would talk to them about how society looks at it and how to be careful, that type of think. But it will have to be their choice.”
“What do you find most exciting or different from fucking a man?”
“ I guess it’s the animal and depravity that heightens the sex act in the beginning. Once you get used to it, its just the pure pleasure the dog gives you. He is always anxious to fuck and he will fuck you as many times as you need him and he will let you suck his cock without playing games. If he is trained right you never tire of fucking him and sucking him. Also he is loyal and all he interprets from the fucking is that you love him and he loves you. I guess it’s the animal thing also. When he shoves his cock in its like a kick in the stomach and you have to hang on tight for the ride. Dogs fuck faster than most men and their only goal is to cum in you. There is the other extras like his hot furry body against you, his sperm being ten degrees hotter than a man’s. And I guess the feeling you are his bitch. No games, no shit, just pure raw fucking. Oh yes, also the fact that he is always ready for you whenever, wherever you want.”
“Thanks for talking to Bethi, and for being so honest.”
“Thank you Ed for teaching me about dog sex.”

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