English Stories



(c) 2007 by AnitaG
anal, shaving, horsesex, lesbians

It was very early in the morning and I was so tired from driving all night that I’d fallen asleep at the wheel twice. Fortunately I was awaken both times, in time to swerve and stay on the highway because of divider bumps. In the warm morning air I knew wasn’t going to be able to drive much farther before I would have to take a chance and pull over. I am more than capable of taking care of myself, and forcing myself to stay awake and not to pull over is a measure of that quality. Being a 28-year Asian American female who is 5’1″ (with shoes on) and weighing around 100 pounds, stopping to nap on the roadside was definitely a risk I wanted to avoid. Finally I found a motel, but only because they had planted the sign almost on the road itself. Its vacancy light was on and I thanked the Sleep Gods.

I pulled up to space in front of the manager’s office, leaving my suitcase in the car, too tried to mess with it now. A very nice elderly woman, Patricia, met me at the desk. She immediately sensed how tried I was and rushed the check in, finding me a room close by. She then offered me some juice, which I accepted and walked me to my room.

Someone knocking on my partially open door several hours later awakened me. Waking up I realized I’d fallen asleep with all my clothes on, well the cut-offs and halter I was wearing from the day before. Opening the door I was surprised to find a very rugged and handsome man who was stood about 6’2″. He had sandy hair and nice broad shoulders. I introduced myself to him barking, “What do you want?” I could see that he too was surprised; as his eyes grew for the moment it took him to browse my figure.

The hunk then introduced himself, “hello ma’am, my name is Matt and the owner of this place, Pat, asked me to check on you and see if everything is all right. I believe you met her early this morning. We were out in front of her office chatting and she noticed your door was open.” I told him, “Oh, oh yes I met her, she’s a sweetheart. And yes everything is fine, I guess I was too tired to notice that I hadn’t closed the door all the way”. We chatted for a few minutes. He mentioned how Pat was a friend of the family. He had stopped by to drop off some fresh vegetables. That made my eyes grow for a moment as I was a little hungry and I just love fresh veggies. I believe they and the fact that I jog are the reason I have, in my opinion, a very fit physique. Not athletic but feminine and firm, which I am very proud of.

There was a pause in our small talk, probably because I was not fully awake and not much of a conversationalist. Matt looked towards the office as if he was preparing to go and asked, “well, is there anything I get you Anita?” I answered, “no, thanks for asking though”. He started to walk away, then turned asking, “would you like some fresh vegetables too?” Not one to pass on fresh veggies I said, “I’d love some”. Unfortunately Matt said he didn’t have any more with him but he said I could stop by his house on the way out. It was only a few miles away, and he would set me up with a couple of boxes. I thought about the offer for a couple of moment’s and decided to drop by. After all he was very personable, and from our conversation he was apparently a friend with everyone in the area.

I slept another couple of hours then showered and shaved before thanking Pat for her help while checking out. I was following the directions Matt gave me to get to his place and began wondering what I was doing, going over to any man’s house for any reason. I had broken up with Steve only three weeks ago after I found out he had cheated on me, and I still wasn’t over that. Even the visit to Mom’s that I was returning from hadn’t done much to alleviate the angry emotions I was feeling.

I made a right on Saddle Ridge Road, the final turn on his directions, and was amazed to find it was Matt’s private road with orchards lining both sides. As I pulled into the large circular driveway of the single story estate I saw Matt loading a suitcase into his truck. As I got out of the car Matt came up to greet me, telling me how glad he was that I made it. I mentioned how beautiful his place was and he corrected me by saying it was his parent’s home (although his mother had passed away 3 years earlier).

Matt said he would get some vegetables together for me after I met his sister Lisa, who was making all of us lunch. He gave me a brief tour of their home, which ended in the dining room where Lisa was setting the table. When Lisa and I looked at each other a warm and comforting feeling, or a sense of natural or long friendship seemed to sweep over both of us, which our mutual smiles didn’t hide. Lisa is gorgeous woman, about 5’7″ and I’m guessing 130 lbs. She has platinum blonde hair that just touches her shoulders in a layered cut with soft curls. She has a very slim waist that really accentuates the smooth curves leading to her hips and chest. Her breasts are large but not out of proportion and seemed very firm, especially for being as large as they are and at her age of 30. Her well-defined butt is the perfect ending to a perfect hourglass shape. She was displaying her figure in white shorts below a pink and white flower patterned bikini top.

Over Lisa’s home made chicken soup we chatted about the pluses and minuses of living in the country and the city. Although eligible men were in demand in a rural area, crowded cities present many more hassles. I put up an uninspired case for city living, mainly saying there wasn’t anything to do out here. Lisa and Matt argued that point with many examples of activities and entertainment. Lisa also did some part time paralegal work for an attorney in the nearby county seat. We were just about finished with lunch when I caved in and agreed with Lisa and Matt that country living was much easier overall on the soul.

Matt looked at the time and interrupted to say that he was running late and had to leave to meet his dad and younger brother at their grandmother’s. He was very boyish when he said he was afraid he was going to miss grandmother’s dinner and desert. He asked Lisa if she would pick the veggies for me. “No problem” she said. She was really concerned that Matt drive safely so she helped him finish packing and load the car. Lisa and I then said our good-byes to Matt, almost pushing him into the truck so he would not have to rush. He really wished he had more time to chat and hoped we would run into each other again. With such a beautiful place and nice people I told him, “that’s a real possibility Matt. Now get going”. I was a little disappointed as he drove off, what a nice guy, and cute too!

Their garden was huge and they were growing everything, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchinis, and artichokes, everything I liked. Lisa and I filled two big produce boxes with the full variety. It was much more than I could eat myself, but as usual my eyes did the talking and Lisa is too generous, so we just kept picking. It was a typical hot day and this activity really worked us into a sweat. After we finished Lisa asked if I would like a beer, which sounded great. I told her I couldn’t drink a whole beer by myself because I still had over 6 hours of driving to do before I reached home.

I ended up drinking the entire beer anyway, sitting underneath a big oak tree near their pool. It was approaching the mid-afternoon and unfortunately I had to get started. I thanked Lisa for everything and told her I really had to get going. She noticed that the beer had taken some energy from me and said, “Your tried, you don’t look like you’re up to driving Anita. Why don’t you stick around and spend the night? We can go swimming, maybe horseback riding later and have a nice dinner with some Chardonnay wine while we watch the sunset.”

Another offer from this family that I had to consider for a few moments… I didn’t have to be back at work for another 5 days, there was nothing to do when I got back but sit around and get mad at myself for being used by Steve. What the hell, why not? I was having so much fun hanging around with Lisa. She is just so easy to be with and she makes me laugh a lot, not to mention she is very beautiful to look at.

With that resolved we both finished another beer then Lisa said we should really cool-off and take a dip in the pool. I told her I didn’t have a swimsuit with me. “No problem Anita, I’ve got a half dozen suits you can pick from” Lisa offered. “I’m going to the house to get us another beer and I’ll grab a few suits,” she continued.

I laid in the lounge looking up thinking about how wonderful everything around me was. The deep blue sky, the foothills in the distance, the surrounding orchards, the freshly painted stables, the beautiful house draped by oak trees, the naturally flowing design of the pool with its adjoining picnic area. Even the hot air felt great, wow! I was smiling from ear to ear.

When Lisa came back she had changed into a revealing light tan bikini. From a distance the color of the suit matched her skin so closely that, for a moment, I thought she was nude. Her body is just gorgeous, very smooth and delicate looking skin, beautifully curved waist, super long and sender legs and her babyish, innocent face with big blue eyes. I like being petite but I wouldn’t mind having a figure like Lisa’s one bit.

She had stuffed three suits into a shopping bag, which she spilled out on the lawn. As we starting drinking the beer I looked them over and I spit out a mouth full with laughter when it dawned on me that all the suit tops were for much larger breasts than my little champagne glass sized bosoms. “I can’t wear these Lisa, they’ll droop down and I’ll look like I’ve got granny tits underneath” I joked. “Nobody will see you except me and I’ll keep the wise-cracks to a minimum” Lisa said with an undisguised devious smile.

Off to the pool house I went to change. I had picked out the powder blue suit that I thought would go well with my light complexion and black hair. I peeked into the full-length mirror after slipping it on. It was a good thing no one else was there to see me, even though the suit might look tiny on Lisa, what fabric there was looked baggy on my little frame. When I came out old wise-ass Lisa said “If I’d known you were so tiny I would have borrowed my niece Jan’s suit. Hum, she’s 9 so it may be a little big too!

I couldn’t think of a response to that wisecrack so I gave her the finger with a smile assuring her it was only in fun and jumped in the pool. She immediately followed. Then she asked, “What size is your waist Anita? It’s so small I can’t take my eyes off it.” I answered bashfully “well, you know I’m only 100 lbs. so everything is small, but the last time I measured it was 17 inches”. She continued, “That is incredibly tiny Anita, and it looks great. Must take a lot of work to maintain?” I said, “Not really, only when I get lazy, like these last few weeks.” It made me feel a little special getting compliment about my figure from someone as gorgeous as her, and it also made me pause and appreciate our growing friendship.

The water felt wonderful and clean. It had very little sobering effect on us however. We were laughing at everything now. The fact my breasts were exposed when I swam because the top would wave like a flag really helped bring out the giggles. Finally I told myself the hell with it and took the top off. Lisa saw me standing at the shallow end and remarked, “Your breasts may not be big Anita, but the way they are shaped to make your nipples point up looks absolutely exotic. You’re lucky to have small beautiful tits that don’t get in the way.” I told her “I would rather have tits like yours, not too big and firm. It would sure make buying clothes that fit a lot easier. Hey, why don’t you take your top off? It feels really good to swim topless.” In a second Lisa and I were both swimming topless and laughing.

Then within a minute I see Lisa’s suit bottom flying over my head from the shallow end. When I turned she was standing up from the steps where she’d taken them off and I couldn’t help but stare. I had already studied and envied her perfect curves and just moments ago her beautiful breasts with large erect pink nipples. Now I was staring at her pussy, which is was covered with her magnificent blonde hair.

“What are you doing? Aren’t you afraid someone will see you?” I laughed. “Nah, there’s no one around for 3 miles. What the hell, I’m feeling so good, why not skinny dip!” she laughed back. Oh well I thought and off went my bikini bottoms (finally rid of those baggy things!). When I stood up from the step to my surprise Lisa stared at me. “Wow, you shave you pussy. It looks wonderful. How do you like it?” she asked. “It took a little while to get used to, my son-of-bitch old boyfriend asked me to do it and now I like feeling,” I answered.

Lisa was smiling as she continued to stare at my pussy. “I think I’d like to try that myself Anita, it looks so feminine. Lets have beer so maybe I can persuade you into helping me shave mine, huh?” she asked with a voice of curiosity. “Hey Lisa, I would be more than happy to help. I’ve done it long enough that I know some techniques that make it easy” I offered.

She ran in the house to get her razor blade and stuff while I retrieved two more beers. I was already a little tipsy, but that just increased the erotic feelings I was getting from Lisa.

We both met under the oak tree, still naked, with me on the grass between her legs as she sat the lounge chair. I said, “This is weird Lisa, I’ve never touched another women like this and I’m not sure how to start.” She said, “It is a very weird, but not bad Anita, it’s exciting to me just thinking about being shaved by another women and your pussy looks so cool. Don’t worry, just have fun, and be careful please!” I spread her legs further apart and went to work. I couldn’t believe how sensual it was feeling her velvety soft skin, gently moving her pussy lips from side to side. I covered her clitoris with my thumb (which made her jump and almost scream) as I shaved her pussy clean. She looked sensational with her mild tan that completely covered her body except the small milky white area that had previously been protected by her blonde vagina hair.

When I finished we went into the pool house so she could see how it looked. “I love it! It looks great Anita. Though you’re right, it does feel different,” she said. I laughed out “wait until your wearing panties and jeans, then you’ll know something has changed between your legs”.

I was right beside Lisa when she turned to thank me and her breasts brushed against my shoulder. We looked at each other for a moment, thinking about what we had just felt and our lips slowly moved to meet one another. Pressing against her soft lips I thought I would cum right then as I felt her large rock hard nipples pressing into my shoulders. Her moist tongue moved ever so gently into my mouth and I greeted it with my own. Our tongues gently swirled all over the other’s as we tasted and mixed our juices.

Lisa ran her hands down my back and whispered “your looks are so incredibly exotic, we don’t see many Asians in the valley so when I first saw you, wow. I imagined you naked but your much more erotic than I guessed. Your breasts are perfect, not too small and their shape is really sexy and your hard nipples feel so good against my skin Anita.” I broke in saying softly, “thanks Lisa but my breast are smaller than I would like.” We were breathing in each other’s mouth as I continued, “Yours boobs are what I had dreamed of when I was just beginning to mature physically. Perfectly round, firm but wonderfully soft and fleshy when I squeeze them.” I was now massaging her breasts, gently squeezing them and pinching her nipples.

We were getting hot for one another but both of us sensed that we should go slower and continue to enjoy the experience of becoming close friends. Both of us had ever been involved with another woman and even though the pure passion of the moment was all of the experience we needed to make love to one another, some more alcohol couldn’t help but make us more daring.

In a soft voice Lisa offered, “how about taking the horses out to the creek. We can take a bottle of Chardonnay and kick back and watch the sun go down”. I hadn’t been horseback riding since I met Steve. That bastard never did anything I wanted to do, all he ever did was fuck me and drink with the boys. “That sounds great Lisa, I’ll put some clothes on and meet you at the stables,” I replied. Before I could start walking Lisa quickly asked “Have you ever ridden a horse bareback, in the nude? I’ve done it a few times when the family is away. It’s deliciously erotic, feeling your ass and pussy rocking on the horse. I want to try it now with my new shaved pussy, I’ll bet it will feel even wilder. But I won’t do it unless you do. Give it a try Anita, please? You won’t regret it, I promise.”

I had real doubts about this. Being only 5 feet tall, horseback ridding was always a little scary at first, sitting up so high. With no saddle to provide stability and a sense of security, I was nervous. Lisa could see this and said “just mount-up and circle the stable, if your still scared we’ll get dressed and use saddles, OK?” She was so beautiful to look in the nude. I didn’t want her to cover up her body. But even so I surprised myself when I said, “OK, I’ll give it a try, but if I’m scared at all… you promised”.

Lisa had uncorked a bottle of wine and capped it for the ride. She showed me how to lift myself up onto “Sunset” by stepping up on a stool then jumping up and swinging a leg over the top, just as if I had one foot in a stirrup. The feeling of my pussy landing on Sunset’s back immediately caused a sensation that sent chills through me. I could feel my pussy begin to swell and I was hooked on bareback riding. Lisa saw the effect on me and didn’t wait for me to take a practice circle before climbing up on “Danny,” her beautiful black stallion. Danny was younger and a little taller than Sunset, which was fine by me. Sunset was a prefect match for me, an older and very kind stallion, easy to control and handsome with his reddish-black coloring.

As we trotted off the feeling coming up between my legs was incredible. Sunset’s massive muscles were flexing against and massaging my ass, pressing all around my pussy. His fur coat would rub inside my pussy crack, against my lips. “Ohhh boy” I thought. I looked over to Lisa and her wicked smile told the story. She looked so sexy with Danny’s muscles sending ripples up through her ass to her breast, gosh she is just gorgeous. It was a very sensual feeling riding horses in nude with Lisa. The warmth that it gave me ridding with her was heightened by a very real tingling sensation in my pussy. Just looking down and seeing my bald pussy mashing into Sunset’s coat was almost enough to make me lose control.

We rode for 15 or 20 minutes and arrived at their picnic area by a creek. It was a beautiful place, they had a large gazebo surrounded by grass and shade trees. Lisa showed me how to dismount by sitting sidesaddle (with out the saddle of course) and sliding down the horse’s side onto the grass. I was nervous but it turned out to be easy as the grass was very soft. I turned and hugged Sunset around the neck to thank him for being so gentle. We sat on lounge chairs in the gazebo and passed the wine. Everything was funny again and we giggled for no reason, or because we were both nude, or because we both have shaved pussies, or because we both just got-off ridding horses bareback in the nude.

The conversation drifted to boyfriends, previous boyfriends that is. Neither of us was involved with men now. I told Lisa about how I caught Steve by surprise when I came home three days early from a business trip. He was fucking what looked like a 14-year-old girl that he said worked as a temp at his job. Of course he begged for forgiveness and of course I told him to go to hell. I told Lisa that I did miss his cock though. Just thinking about it was getting me worked up. I described to her how it was just the right size for me, about 6 or 7 inches long and pretty thick. When I was on top of him and sat all the way down, so that his balls were pressed into my ass, his cock would push against the back of my pussy, against and around my cervix. I was completely full and loved the feeling his cock so deep inside me, of his warm cum filling up my insides. I couldn’t take a cock any bigger, his was the prefect fit.

Lisa asked me to continue to describe sexual experiences so I told her how Steve was always begging me to let him fuck my ass. He had eventually wore me down and I caved in. She was curious about sodomy so I described how I laid on stomach and spread my legs and how Steve told me how gorgeous my ass looked. He licked and kissed my butt and then pushed his tongue inside my ass, working it deeper and loosening up my ass hole. I’d be lying if I said that didn’t feel good, what a sensation. However when he pressed his cock head though my opening I thought I was going to faint. But to Steve’s credit he worked his cock into my ass very very slowly. Eventually he had shoved his cock all the way up into me and he began sliding in and out of me without any pain. I reached the point where it wasn’t painful at all when he pushed his dick deep in my butt. I actually started to enjoy the different sensation and was pushing my rear end up to meet his thrusts, which made him explode. Overall, it was pretty hot, him begging to fuck my ass for so long, then me finally allowing his special desire to come true.

Talking like this was having an effect on Lisa as well as me. She talked about her sexual experiences, she had a few boyfriends but never found a man that was interesting. Of course they all wanted to screw her. And she did screw a few guys she thought had potential, but it never worked out. She told me that she had never had as big a cock in her as Steve’s sounded, they were all around 5″ or so. She also had never climaxed when she was screwing someone, except when she or he would rub her clit, but she had cum during oral sex.

That’s the way the conversation flowed, men are jerks, big cocks are cool, and finding a good screw is a hit or miss proposition. We were really starting to get wasted drinking the wine when Lisa pointed out how big horse cocks were. Being around a ranch all her life she had witnessed breeding on occasion. “I’ve seen some that were over two feet long and thicker than my arm,” she described. “What a sight, watching a stud drive that big cock into a mare. It has an effect on me so I don’t get involved with breeding stuff to much” she continued. The images of such huge cocks were going through my mind.

Even so, Lisa shocked me when she asked “Hey, lets see if we can get Sunset’s cock hard? He is very gentle so it won’t be dangerous and I have been around breeding. I really want you see how big a horse cock is for yourself. It’s really amazing, I mean REALLY AMAZING.” Well I was feeling no pain and my curiosity had gotten the better of me, “how do you give a horse a hard-on?” I asked. “I should be able to do it by simply touching his balls” she giggled. “Your absolutely crazy Lisa, lets do it, you’ve really got my interest up,” I said cracking up.

We took another swig of wine and stepped out of the gazebo and walked over to Sunset. I remember being shocked by how casually Lisa walked over to Sunset, stroked his neck then his back, and reached under him with her free hand and started massaging his balls. Almost immediately his cock came out of its sheath. It was limp but I could tell it was a monster. With his cock showing, Lisa (and I), hot from our conversation, as well as fearless from the booze, started stroking it. In a minute she stopped stroking his back and began working his cock with both hands. She was still giggling but both of our eyes grew in direct proportion to Sunset’s cock. Sunset was huge, I don’t know for sure but I’m guessing his cock was over two feet in length and heck, maybe 3″ thick.

Lisa then said, “Anita, touch it, it won’t bite, really it’s very soft.” I replied, “wow, Lisa, I don’t know, what if he doesn’t like it, I mean I see what your talking about but I don’t know if I want to touch it.” Lisa tried to reassure, “Com’on, you know Sunset is a gentle horse, you said so yourself. Check this thing out!” Oh what the hell, it was magnificent to look at and this was my one chance to hold the biggest cock I would ever see.

I just touched Sunset’s cock with my fingertips at first. I was surprised at how silky smooth it was, warm and firm, yet soft and sensual. Lisa went up to get the wine as I started stroking his cock a little with one hand while petting him with the other. Lisa blew me away when, after swallowing more vino, she said “we’ve talked about sex and cocks so much I’m going crazy. I need more.” With that she got down on her knees and leaned under Sunset. I couldn’t believe my eyes, after grabbing his cock with both hands she actually licked the head.

“What are you doing Lisa? This is going to far, Sunset is going to kick you or something. Com’on get up,” I pleaded. Lisa then opened her mouth real wide and placed it over the head. Closing her mouth around it she now started to pump the shaft in and out. She was taking about 4 inches in and making these slurping sounds and rolling her eyes. I had to admit it was a hell turn-on watching her go down on such a huge, magnificent cock. She was so small next to Sunset and watching her work to bring him (and her) pleasure was incredible.

I drank some more wine and started to really get into it. “Go for it Lisa, he’s still getting bigger. He’s got to be one happy boy the way you’re sucking him off.” It looked like she was taking in about 5 inches and loving it from the way her body was slowly moving up and down, and her nipples were as hard as diamonds. Lisa broke it off and asked “give it a try Anita, it tastes wonderful. This is really making me horny, I’m damn near ready to cum.”

Well I was hotter than I could ever remember being watching this stunning blonde go down on this massive horse. I was mesmerized and had to try it out myself. I got down on my knees and gently kissed Sunset’s cock head. He didn’t react at all so I licked him and again he took it in stride. The thought of tasting his cock with Lisa’s saliva mixed in really turned me on. I opened my mouth as wide as I could and was barely able to take his head in, gagging a little at first. I loved the feel of it though, and ran my tongue around and in his urethra while closing my lips and feeling his veins pulsating. By now he was secreting pre-cum continuously, and the salty favor did nothing but make me work him for more.

I had managed to work about 3 or 4 inches of cock into my mouth, enough to feel him pushing it into my throat, when Lisa said that’s enough. I looked around and she had taken a little wooden bench from the gazebo and placed it next to Sunset. “Anita help me make love to Sunset, we’ve gone this far and I need to feel what it’s like to have him fuck me, will you help?” Lisa asked. I was so hot now I didn’t want the excitement to stop, “I’ll do whatever I can, as long as you let me get in on this action Lisa.” She smiled back saying, “No problem sweetheart, I know I’ll cum in a few seconds then he’s all yours.”

I petted Sunset as Lisa moved the bench underneath him. She sat back holding her head up and to the side with her arms bracing her on the bench. “I’ll slide up a little so you can guide his cock in my pussy, OK?” she asked. “Yeah, let’s do it” I eagerly replied.

I took hold of Sunset’s cock and held it down to Lisa’s tummy so she would know how far to slide up the bench. When she was up far enough I held his cock down to her pussy and told her to move down onto it. She mashed down on it but it looked way to big to fit in her little pussy, her lips weren’t even close to opening wide enough to take him inside. I rubbed his cock up and down her pussy to lubricate it with her juice and also put my saliva on it to make it even more slippery. When I asked her to push down on it again I rubbed it all around her crack, which slowly opened, much better. I couldn’t believe the site of this beautiful blonde chick lying naked under a massive beast with his huge cock poised at the entrance of her vagina.

Her pussy lips were spread around the enormous cock head and it was pushing against her opening when she said, “Anita, he is stretching me so much, I don’t know if I can take the pain.” Well I told her “hey, I’ll take over if you’d like.” With that she began pushing her body onto the cock ever so slowly. Her eyes winced with pain as the flared head passed though her now stretched vagina opening. When the cock was inside about 2″ she pulled back a little. Not wanting to remove the cock head, but just enough to re-lubricate the walls of her pussy. She moved in again and took a little more of that immense cock into her shaved and contorted little pussy. I was creaming watching this beauty being fucked by this beast. Lisa’s eyes were tearing, I guess from the pain, as about 7 inches of Sunset’s cock would disappear into her vagina. Without looking at the exposed part of Sunset’s cock I could make out the progress he was enjoying from the bulge it caused in Lisa’s tummy.

Lisa was groaning loudly, the guttural sounds coming from her raised the exotic level of this experience. I was overcome with lust from the spectacle I was witnessing. “Ugggod, ohhh uggggod” she was moaning. “His cock is pushing against my cervix, I can’t take anymore of him, he’s completely filling my insides” she insisted. She had unbelievably stretched her insides to accommodate 11 or so inches of Sunset’s huge pulsating cock When she pulled up to withdraw some of the beast’s cock it would pull the flesh of her inner pussy walls outside of her vagina, wrapped snuggly around its girth.

She was starting to get into a rhythm now that her vagina and his cock were well lubricated with her juice. She moved down and was lying directly under him, holding on to his sides and rubbing her breasts on his underside. The massive cock was barreling in and out of her when she exploded in a breathtaking orgasm. “This is the most delightful moment in my life,” she said as she continued to pump Sunset while her orgasm started to subside. Just then Sunset started to nod his head and make noise. Before I could say anything he shot his cum into Lisa and she took off again on a incredible orgasmic ride as he quickly filled her reproductive organs with his seed, which was also overflowing from her once little vagina.

“Damn it Lisa, I wanted to fuck Sunset too,” I complained. But it was too late, I could see his cock going limp after spending himself inside his beautiful hairless little mare. She was still off in wonderland somewhat. She groggily concluded, “It took so long for me to get comfortable that I guess Sunset couldn’t hold on any longer. I’m sorry Anita, really. Why don’t you screw Danny?” “No way, he’s even bigger than Sunset and more wild too, no thanks” I responded somewhat regretfully as I needed to relieve my sexual desires. She sensed this and played down my fears, saying “Oh he’s just a harmless kid, if you tell him ‘boo’ he’ll get scared. Talk to him firmly and he’ll shake in his boots, I mean horseshoes. Go on, you’ll be fine. You don’t want to miss this experience, trust me!”

After watching her being fucked by Sunset I needed to try a big cock so bad. I took the bench around to where we moved Danny and started petting him as Lisa had done with Sunset. I put some of his balls in my hand and started massaging them. They were huge, like softballs, but the warm skin wrapped around them was so soft. I couldn’t help but kiss and rub my face in them, they were so smooth against my skin. It didn’t take long before Danny’ cock came out of its sheath, and I could tell that this cock was going to grow to an awesome size. I took it in my hands and started stroking its shaft while running my tongue all over its head and around and in the large urethra. Finally I opened my mouth large enough to get the head of Danny cock just inside but it was too large for any serious oral sex. I just continued to stroke the shaft and kiss and lick the flared head and urethra.

I looked at the gargantuan size if Danny’ cock. It looked to be better than two feet long and so thick, it must have been 4 inches across. I sobered up for a moment and told myself “just because I just saw a girl seven inches taller and at least 30 lbs. heavier fuck a horse cock smaller than this monster, I think I can handle this? Who am I kidding?” Just as quickly however the hot flashes can back and I knew I had to try.

I called over to Lisa to give me a hand as I sat down on the bench under Danny. Lisa positioned the massive piston between my outstretched legs.

The gigantic flared cock head was touching both of my inner thighs. Oh man, there wasn’t a chance that his cock and my little pussy would fit together. Lisa however began spitting on her hands and rubbing them on Danny’ cock head and shaft. She also rubbed it up and down my pussy to coat it with vagina juice. Danny’s cock was shiney slick when Lisa asked me to press my pussy down on it. I couldn’t believe how fat it felt between my legs, it totally covered and press my pussy lips inward.

Again she tried, this time using one hand to pull one of my pussy lips to the side but it was still no use. Then she asked me to use a hand to hold the other lip over to the side, which I did. I pressed down on the cock and she pressed it into me. To her amazement she said, “Danny’s cock head is compressing a little and bending back, it’s going to go in”. I could feel it stretching the hell out of my pussy, burning it with so much strain I though I’d been torn open. I was grimacing at the pain and now knew how Lisa had made those moans before, straight from the gut.

“Owwh shhhit” I cried as Lisa told me I had taken two inches in me. “Two inches!” I said to myself, the pain is so great I’m not going to live through this. Then Lisa pulled a little of the massive cock out as I was of no help, lying there paralyzed. After spitting on it she then pushed it back in and it was less painful, until it reach the still un-stretched part of my pussy.

Oh help me get through this part please I begged. The cock was just so big it felt like my entire cunt was being stretched open and invaded by a telephone pole. Lisa piped in “you’ve got about five inches of Danny into your pussy, your doing great girl!” That’s what she thought, I felt like I had a football being shoved up inside of me. I could feel the sides of my pussy pressing against my lower guts, which were pressing my pelvis. Lisa pulled out and re-lubed Danny’ cock. She pushed it back in and pulled down on my waist. Before I knew it this incredible monster had crammed into the back of my vagina. I cried out, “That’s it Lisa, he has hit bottom and I can’t take any more, so go easy OK?” She lovingly told me she would be gentle with Danny’ huge weapon.

I was beginning to relax a little as the mix of Lisa’s spit and my pussy juice worked to take away most of the friction and burning this giant cock had created in the beginning. However on the inward thrusts I could feel him really working against the back of my pussy, pressing against my cervix which was slightly painful. Then on one thrust he pushed into my cervix and I felt it being stretched. “Lisa, he’s way too powerful and he’s beginning to press into my cervix. We’ve got to back off,” I moaned. “I’ll try to slow him down a little Anita, but he’s not cooperating,” she replied.

He pushed his huge dick up into me again and wow the feeling of him opening me up was wonderful. As he mashed into the back of my pussy my cervix again caused me some pain as it was flattened and stretched. Oh gosh the feeling that immense cock between my legs, spreading my pussy so wide as it buried in me, it was an incredible turn-on. As he forced his cock head against my cervix again I began to think he was going to fuck my womb, or my stomach cavity for cry’ in out loud. I was lying totally underneath him and spreading my legs out as wide as possible to accommodate his huge muscle. My mouth was open and tears were down my cheeks as he continued to fuck the hell out of me. I loved the feeling of his cock pulsating against my pussy walls and feeling him deep in my gut. I lifted my head slightly and saw Lisa gently petting Danny to control the power of his thrusts. To my astonishment he had immersed at least 9 or 10 inches of that gigantic cock meat into my little body.

My legs were fully stretched as open they could possibly be which really eased all the pain of his entrance in me. When the next thrust worked against the back wall of my pussy I let out a scream. I could feel him going deeper inside of me. He had worked at stretching my cervix so much that it must have gave way to his huge muscle. I was crying as the pain was so great. Then for some reason I imagined someone was trying to put a baby into me and calmed down just enough to stop crying. I was now just breathing very hard, sucking air in and blowing it out, concentrating on

the feeling. Danny had pushed though my cervical canel into my womb. He was fucking me with about 15 inches of powerful cock. The feeling of being fucked so deep inside was giving me strange yet wonderful sensations as I could feel him sliding through my cervical canal into my uterus. “Oh fuck my womb Danny,” I cried as I felt areas of my body being fucked that I had never felt at all before.

I slowly started to move with Danny, feeling all kinds of emotions; wicked, slutty, depraved, sensuous, beautiful and always, always tiny. “Geeez Anita” Lisa cried out “you’re so small and he is huge. My gosh you’re being fucked by a damn monster horse. This is just an incredible, awesome sight Anita, I can see him pressing against your tummy up above your belly button.”

I couldn’t believe what was happening to me or how hypnotic the feelings I was experiencing. I was leaning forward just enough for my head to press against Danny’s underside and my hands to help guide him in me. I loved feeling that meat go so deep in me, through my hands, pussy, cervix and into my uterus. I was so very hot and ready to cum. Just lying there and getting totally fucked in such an overwhelming way, completely helpless as this massive beast had his way with me. I could feel him pressing against the back of my womb and it felt wonderful to feel something alive and moving so deep inside of me. I couldn’t hold on anymore and exploded into orgasm and reach up to grab Danny sides and hug him as he continued to fuck his little tiny Asian filly. I had spasms for what seemed forever then started all over again when I felt Danny release his sperm deep into my uterus. He bounced a little which made his cock poke up against my tummy and I could feel the warmth of his fluid gushing inside of me.

Lisa told me that I had passed out after Danny came. I didn’t move except to lay down on the grass and fall asleep. We’ve been talking about last night all morning and I’m not sure what to think. I’m so very sore and Lisa is so very beautiful. I think spending the day sleeping with her will be a good way to begin recovering from last night. Heck, she still might be able to put her hand up into my womb thanks to Danny. Hum, I can taste her sweet lips right now…

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