Women with Animals
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Dale, David and Dallas


(c) 2013 by sawywer321

She didn’t know what had motivated him, but when her husband first brought Dallas home she was annoyed. He was too big a dog for their apartment, and the duty of walking him would fall to her a lot of the time, no doubt. And more important, he had not even discussed it with her.
But she had to admit, she took a liking to the dog right away. He was not purebred, but he seemed very close to a Doberman, with maybe some terrier in the mix somewhere. She supposed the attraction might be because he was so masculine. She had always been a man’s woman, taking to males more than females ever since she was old enough to know the difference. This dog seemed a typical male, being mostly focused on food or sex, with a somewhat ‘one track mind’ when it came to his needs and wants. But he had character. He was special somehow. And it made her smile when he pulled her on the leash, and she sometimes wondered who was walking whom.
Dallas was always hungry, and she could tell he was almost always horny as well, since his quite generous endowment often displayed itself, especially when they would encounter a female dog on a walk through the park. She mentioned this to David one evening.
“I feel sorry for the poor guy,” she said. “How would YOU like it if you never got any?”
“That’s why I married you, honey,” he said, putting his hand on her ass and squeezing gently. “I like a girl who doesn’t say no.”
She smirked at him. “As usual, you’re not listening to me. I think we need to breed him, or something. YOU get it whenever you want it. HE NEVER gets it. It’s not fair.”
David looked over at the dog, who at the time was lying down, but watching them alertly. Dale had not pulled away from him, and his fingers were still spread across her right buttock. He looked back up at his wife and squeezed again gently, a twinkle in his eye.
She rolled her eyes and took his other hand. “All right, Buster. Come on. I can see that I won’t get your full attention until you get your LOAD off.”
With that she pulled him toward the bedroom and he smiled broadly as he followed her.

Dale and David had a terrific sex life. He was correct in that she almost never said no, and in many cases it was she who initiated the action. And she was as willing to be creative as he was, loving all kinds of variety, just as he did. Sometimes he was pretty rough on her, but she loved the unrelenting maleness, and was never unwilling to be fucked hard. And sometimes, the harder the better.

As they entered the bedroom he pulled her to the floor this time, and they undressed each other quickly.
Her mouth was on him almost immediately, and his fingers found her entrance and began to explore right away.
Then suddenly, David’s fingers stopped moving, and he seemed distracted.
Dale opened her eyes, then lifted to see.
David was looking behind her.
Then she immediately felt the presence. Dallas was right there beside her.
She turned toward him and quipped, “Not right now, big boy. We’re busy.”
But David spoke seriously, “No, wait honey,” he said. “Look at THAT.”
She turned to look again, and then she saw it. She had seen it before, but this time it was even bigger.
Dallas’ doggie-cock was magnificent in its erection. The deep-purple color intensified its power and readiness, and even the knot was evident in all of its spendor.
“Jesus,” Dale whispered.
“He’s really hung,” said David.
She looked for another moment, then from the furthest depths of her mind rose an almost unthinkable thought. And as this thought took its shape, she knew her husband was thinking the same exact thing.
She turned toward him quickly, a hard look crossing her face as her eyes burrowed into her husband’s.
“David!” she went in a hard whisper. “Don’t even think that!”
But her words did not phase him in the least. His eyes stayed locked on the bright red monster that pointed their way.
Her reaction had not even dented his sexual armor.
David’s mind dwelled in lust much of the time, and when he focused on something, he was relentless in its pursuit.
Dale knew without a doubt that David wanted Dallas, this dog, to be inside her.
David wanted this dog to fuck her!
Slowly he brought his hands up to his wife’s head. Gently he turned her, forcing her to look back again.
He turned her in such a way that she could not help but cast her eyes upon the proud and prominent penis.
“Just look at it, honey,” he coaxed her in a velvet tone.
Her eyes lowered then, and she let her vision follow the contours of the canine machine that Dallas was presenting. She had seen it before. She had even found it curiously interesting. So different from a human’s.
She let her eyes explore it.
The point was so purposeful.
The shaft looked enticing, showing the bright red veins and vessels, eager to be further excited.
And the piss-slit looked so promising. No doubt it would deliver a generous pool of doggie-seed that would surely be satisfying.
And the knot!
She had only read about that.
It was big now and would probably get bigger.
What would it be like to have a dog’s cock stuck inside her? To be locked with an animal… To breed in the primal sense of the word.
What would this be like?
Her upbringing made her subconscious shake its head indignantly. No way would she do this.
But her body and her heart were saying something else.
Her inner goddess was in partnership with her husband on this one.
“Ohh, David. I……”
“But…,” he said softly, “But… just look at him…”
She was definitely doing that.
She couldn’t help herself.
Her entire body was tingling with the thought of welcoming this new and totally different man-shaft.
Her core was crying for the newfound lust of this taboo idea.
And at the same time, her heart bled for the poor doggie who no doubt yearned for release. She had said that herself.
Then, still quietly, her husband said, “Just this once…”

It was then that she suddenly knew.
She knew David so well, and she knew herself.
She knew he had wanted this from the beginning. This had been his purpose in bringing Dallas into their home. This was why he did not discuss it with her. David wanted his wife to have intercourse with a dog. He wanted to see her in an act of bestiality.

And she also knew that she was going to do it.

There was no way she could NOT do it.

Not now.

It HAD to be done.

This was just too perfect…

She would do it for her husband. Even though he had manipulated her, she would submit. She always wanted to satisfy him. Ever since they first met. She knew the best way to hold him was to keep him sated. And she had been right.
She would also do it for the dog. He was part of the family now. He needed this more than any of them. And so, she would service him.
And, of course, she would do it for herself. She had lusts and desires of her own that were very strong. She would take care of them. She would take on the phallus of Dallas.
She wanted to feel it inside her. Wanted to feel the doggie-sperm erupt into her depths. She wanted to make him come.
She closed her eyes and tried for a moment to shut these thoughts out of her head. She tried to say no, once more.
Not a chance. The idea of ‘no’ was swept away immediately, overwhelmed by the intense urges sweeping through her. No was outvoted in a landslide.
She was going to do this.

She took a deep breath and set her resolve in concrete.
She turned to David.
“Okay,” she said with resign, “I’m going to do this. But I want you to go get the camcorder.”
His eyes widened in reaction.
She continued, “If I’m going to do this, I want it recorded. You can put the camera on a tripod and tape the three of us together.”
He nodded, somewhat stunned. “Okay. I’ll get it right now.”
She put towels on the floor in the middle of the room.
He set the camcorder on a tripod and focused in on her.
Dallas stood there attentively, sensing that something was up.

“Okay, big boy,” she said as she beckoned him. “We’re going to take our relationship to a new level.”
David guided him in and Dale checked the camera.
Kneeling at Dallas’ side, she lowered, reaching for his muscle.
As David helped her hold him, he watched her reach down and wrap her fingers around the pink torpedo.
“Thaaaaat’s the boy,” she soothed him, letting her hands explore his rod. “Gooooood boy.”
David wanted a better look so he moved to the front of the dog so he could get a good view of Dale and what she was doing.
At the sight of Dale’s fingers touching Dallas, his own cock began to stiffen.
Dale noticed this and she smiled slightly but said nothing at the time.
Turning her attention to Dallas now, she warmed at the thought that she could satisfy both of these eager males at one time. THAT would be special…
As David moved in to watch closer, she shifted her position and lowered onto her elbows.
Very slowly then, she moved her face forward, approaching the dog’s cock. When her nose was within an inch of the pink shaft, she turned to see her husband’s reaction.
It was as she had hoped.
His cock was as stiff as it ever had been, rising upward from his loins as his eyes were fixed upon her.
With one rapid glance she could tell he was totally turned on, and with only the anticipation of what she might do next.
Seeing David this way encouraged her, and that was helpful since her obvious next step was a very, very big one.

In her entire lifetime, up until only minutes ago, she had never imagined herself taking a dog’s penis into her mouth. But everything was different now. In just one flash of thought, her entire world had been transformed. Dallas was no longer just a pet to be fed, watered and walked. He had also been transformed, and was now an important member of the family. He had also become an instrument of their mutual sexual gratification.
Thanks to him and his presence here, a whole new world had just opened up. She knew so little of the realm of animal/human coupling. But at this moment she was on the very brink of letting herself be swallowed up by this world. In just a few seconds she would become a doggie-girl. Her first act of bestiality.
As her eyes fell upon the bright pink shaft extended before her, she knew she must enter this domain. She welcomed the idea.
And then, feeling the intensity of her husband’s eyes upon her, she opened her mouth.
She leaned forward.
She felt the side of the shaft touch her lips.
She slid toward the tip.
Her head turned and the pink point slipped between her opened lips.
She leaned forward.
It was done.
The cock was in her mouth.
Dallas’ cock.
The cock of a dog.
She cradled it with her tongue, taking the length deeper, letting it fill her oral cavity, letting her husband watch.
She heard him gasp. “Jesus!” he exhaled.
She sank down farther.
The skin was very soft within her lips and on her tongue, but she could feel the powerful hardness within it.
She could feel the throbbing pulsations and she saw the doggie’s muscles tighten as she took him deeper and deeper.
As she felt the soft point against the top of her palate, she knew what her goal had to be.
She was quite practiced at this, although she had never done it with a dog before. But she was still certain that it would give Dallas pleasure if she did it.
As she moved down farther, she felt some wetness, and realized she was receiving his pre-come. It tasted slightly saltly and somewhat bland, but was very satisfying as she felt a little more of it emerging.
It had the same slippery texture with which she was familiar, and it would help lubricate as she continued.
She eased back slightly and swallowed, taking it down. Then she descended once more, letting the cockhead push its way back into the depths of her throat.
She opened for it, trying to accommodate its length, wanting it as deep as she could make it go.
At just about one inch from the beginning of his knot, her lips were stopped as the pointed tip nearly touched her tonsils and the cock’s girth sealed off her windpipe.
She paused for a moment, setting herself, then she noticed the camera only inches from her face.
David was filming her close up.
This spurred her on, increasing her motivation to fill her throat even more, so she started downward again.
She forced herself now, feeling her throat being spread, but wanting her lips to touch the knot before she stopped.
Knowing she would soon have to gag, she pushed her head forward in a quick thrust, forcing the shaft down her throat, but managing to just get her lips to the pink swell she was aiming for.
“GLLUUKKK!” she went suddenly as she was thrown back involuntarily.
Her gag reflex had finally triggered.
She slid back slowly then, swallowing one more time, but not pumping now for fear of getting him off prematurely.
She wanted his sperm in her body, not her mouth. At least this first time.
The camera eased back just as she did, and she held the position at the tip for a lingering moment, just for the film.
Slipping off then, she kissed the tip gratefully, then moved her head back.

It was time for the real thing.

David’s pole was as rigid as ever as she withdrew and lifted for the next phase.
He set the camera back on its tripod, then turned to help.
As she moved onto her hands and knees, David approached Dallas and pushed him behind her. He said nothing to Dale, and she also did not speak…
The beautiful woman was quickly in position, with David and Dallas behind her.

The doggie’s instincts took over quickly and his nose went straight to the apex of Dale’s thighs.
Dale looked back quickly, turning her head in view of the camera.
She focused on the dog.
“Come on, big boy!” she called in a light, coaxing tone. “Mount me! Mount me!”
Whether he understood the words or not, Dallas did the right thing. He did what she wanted.
He lurched forward, his chest coming down on the middle of her bare back.
She felt his warm fur on her naked skin.
His front legs gripped her and he began to move his hips.
Dale felt the point against her and knew he was trying to find her entrance.
She quickly rotated her pelvis, presenting him with his target as best she could.
David watched carefully and saw the pink hardness strike her, first to the left, then to the right. Then the point hit home, but was moving so fast it withdrew before it entered.
But it quickly probed again, in the same spot, and, feeling the opening, Dallas thrust hard and forward, driving the purple pole deep into his mistress.
“OHHHHHHH!!!” Dale shrieked, feeling it fill her, plunging straight to the end of her welcoming sheath.

David closed his eyes with the intensity of the lust as his wife helped him fulfill a lifelong dream. He had always wanted to see this, and now it was happening. He was helping Dale, his own beautiful wife, do it.
She was as perfect as she ever was, embracing his fantasy, giving herself to his whims, daring to accept his every desire. Now she was letting a dog fuck her.

For her, this act was not degrading or demeaning. Instead it was fulfilling. It was submissive. It was an act of giving.
She knew that David had known she would do this.
She knew that he would respect her more, not less, for doing it.
She knew he would always cherish this moment, and the sharing of this well-documented act.

And from the very moment this fantasy came into his mind, he knew that Dale would do it. Definitely. It was even more dramatic since she had never thought of it. And even better, she had resisted the idea at first.
But he knew she would give in. Her sense of sexual adventure would not be put aside once she understood the potential gratifications.
He knew she would give herself to it.
She would have to.

And now she was.
This big dog was pounding away on top of her, punishing her superb body as he drove his rod into her as deep and hard as he could. He was fucking her, banging her, hosing her, breeding her, screwing her, as if she belonged to him and only him.

For Dale, the moment he entered her, satisfaction was immediate.
The very instant that the penis went in, she knew her whole being had changed. She was now a dog’s mistress, and in a completely new way.
As soon as the shaft filled her and began to pump, she knew she had enrolled in a world of primal and bestial and taboo sex.
It was lust in its purest sense.
The feeling overwhelmed her and the sensations swept through her like never before.
It was both mental and, of course, physical.
And right away!
Her right leg began to twitch, and the spasm was upon her before she even knew it.
It spread through her body like a lightning bolt and she barely had time to cry out.
“Jesus! David! Oh, I’m coming!!! NNNNNNNNNN!!!!”
It was everything her husband had hoped for.
Dallas was making her come!
It took all of his willpower to keep from coming himself. But he had to ride this out with her. He forced himself to hold back.
“Perfect, baby, perfect!” he exclaimed, supporting her all the way.
He watched her body begin its dance, bucking and gyrating, throwing her head up and down, making her shudder and quiver as she lost all control.
He watched her fabulous breasts jump forward and back, as they dangled in the air below, unfettered in their beauty as they swung in perfect timing with the rest of her.
He watched her pretty face as she displayed her passion openly, her mouth wide and gasping, her expression nearly desperate as she felt the orgasmic sensations sweep through her.

Dale felt the convulsions taking her over, and she fought to stay upright, not allowing herself to collapse as Dallas kept screwing her.
She felt her cunt muscles constricting, while at the same time the big canine moved his rod continually in and out of her, refusing to be distracted from his determined purpose.
And then, before she had even finished coming, she felt him start to push against her, trying to force her doorway open much, much farther.
“Oh my God!!!” she exclaimed. “What’s he doing?”
Her head fell forward in a gasp then lifted again, her eyes widening at the feel of it.
David looked around quickly, trying to see.
“He’s trying to knot with you!” he announced.
“Oh, JESUS!!” she wailed, feeling the pressure building and building as the dog pushed.
David grabbed the camera quickly and zoomed in at the point of penetration.
He had to get this.
As the camera focused automatically, Dale’s pink petals were stretched wider than ever before.
Her vaginal doorway was trying to resist, but could not possibly stand up to the power of the dog.
She was opening for him, yielding, and spreading herself around the massive knot as it invaded relentlessly.
Both David and the camera caught it perfectly as the big bulge of purple forced its way inside the helpless little kitty.
Dale cried and gasped and whimpered, her eyes welling up and her chest heaving deeply, as she tried to relax and let her body be visited.
She braced herself…
She had definitely never felt anything like this before, but she gave herself to it, fighting the discomfort, wanting to complete their bestial coupling.
David could barely breathe as he watched this intense moment.
His cock had never been this hard in his entire life.
Dallas’ beautiful bulb was nearly out of sight, immured in his wife’s body.
They were knotted!
And as soon as her labia finished closing around it, Dallas began to pump again.
Dale felt him starting, and knew this was the final lap of their exercise.
The movement was different now, as the cock was fully locked into her, and her entire body moved as the dog rocked his hips.
She tried to stay with him now, pumping right along with him, trying to adjust to the width of his knot.
She liked the feeling of being fused to him, knowing he was in total control now, and knowing that it was a certainty that he would come inside her.
She was totally, totally helpless.

David zoomed back now, having filmed the knotting, and moved the camera back to its tripod.
As Dale saw her husband return to the front of her, she looked up at him with widening eyes.
David could see that she was totally subdued now.
She was totally given to what they were doing.
She was totally given to this brand new world…

Kneeling up to her then, he scooted closer and closer, his cock rising and showing its fully engorged state.
It was so rock-hard he could barely tilt it downward, and had to bend forward to point it at her.
As he eased the knob toward her face, she opened her mouth dutifully, wide and welcoming.
And the timing was perfect.
He was right on the verge anyway, but as soon as her perfect lips surrounded his member, he unleashed his load, spurting into her enfolding mouth.
She immediately began to swallow, throwing the thick white jiz backward with her tongue, taking it to her tummy without a second thought.
“Ulllp……Ulllp……Ulllp,” came the perfect sound as her throat muscles worked.
And at the same time the dog fucked her.
David pumped spurt after spurt into her caressing mouth, gasping with satisfied pleasure as his wife serviced him more thoroughly than ever before.
He was still rock hard as he eased himself back, and he watched her swallow one last time to make sure she got all of him.
And then, as he checked the camera one last time, he heard her gasp and cry out again, this time with pleading desperation.
Her eyes opened wide, staring straight ahead.
“Ohh! Jesus! Oh, I feel him… coming! Oh, my God, he’s coming inside me!”
The woman was very near the point of sexual exhaustion. But as she felt Dallas spurting his seed inside her, she felt a rush of adrenalin that brought her right back up.
The final climax was here, and she could feel her reward pouring into her as their pet doggie achieved his much-needed release.
And as she felt the hot spurts from her second partner, this put her over the top one last time.
The extremity of this wanton taboo, the lust of this whole new world, and the idea of getting a doggie off, was more than her mental state could handle.
“NNNNNNNNNN!!!!!” she wailed through her exhaustion. “Coming…” she announced, barely able to get it out.
Her body quivered and quaked once again.
Her muscles lost control again.
Her body danced again…

Her neck and shoulders jerked like corks in a tidal wave.
She rode with the throes of it, nearly collapsing, but keeping her elbows locked and her body upright for her canine partner to finish with her.
The earth moved underneath her. Every nerve ending ignited. Her heart stopped. The world exploded in a sea of white stars in a blackened space. Nothing had ever been like this… Nothing would ever be the same….. after this…

She felt the sensations crest, then slowly retreat, just as Dallas began to slow down in his motions.
As she slowly, slowly came back to the room, she realized her husband was petting her, stroking her shoulder gently and gratefully, watching her with enormous pride and satisfaction.
“Ohhhh, David,” she moaned slowly.
And just as she said this, Dallas lifted from her back and turned, leaving his fully-hinged cock immured inside her.
They were tied.
His sperm was locked inside her.
“God, that’s beautiful,” David observed softly as he looked over the two of them.
She looked up breathlessly. “Ohh… I… did it, didn’t I……”
“Yes, honey. You certainly did. You certainly, certainly did.”

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