Women with Animals
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My First Dog


(c) 2005 by sugarpuss54

This is my true story of my first time with a dog and I hope you enjoy it…mods please bear with me as I hope I get this right.

I had been recently divorced at age 35 and was dating a fabulous man that was perfect in every way. He taught me things that I never dreamed of sexually and I couldn’t get enough of him; he was so very exciting and attentive to my needs. We had phone sex at times and he never failed to make me cum extensively; I would do anything for him. One night as we talked on the phone I casually mentioned that I had gotten a dog from a friend. I could hear the excitement in his voice when he asked me where the dog was at that time.

I told him he was lying in my bedroom floor and he was a huge Boxer. He told me to go lock my door and lie on the bed naked, so I did. He then asked me if I had ever let a dog lick me and I told him no, of course not, had never thought of it. I did come from a very strict family and was never allowed to do much of anything, after all, and sex was considered necessary and dirty! He began talking to me in that low, deep sexy voice and I began playing with my wet, hot pussy that I kept shaved just for him.

As I began to cum he told me to call the dog to me and spread my legs wide. I hesitated but then went ahead and did as he bade me. The dog came to me quickly and his head went right between my thighs and I felt his big, long hot tongue go straight into my wet open pussy! Now I have a very sensitive clit and I cum in floods so after only two or three licks I began to orgasm like never before! This was glorious and I was shaking and trembling all over as I listened to my man’s deep voice, husky with desire telling me to spread wide for the dog! I slid my ass over the edge of the bed to get better exposure to this wonderful tongue. He kept licking my soaking wet pussy and sometimes raked my tender ass; it was glorious and I needed more!

After a few more orgasms I told my honey that I really needed to go get some rest and my clit was sore from all the licking I had gotten. He reluctantly agreed and told me to keep playing with the dog and “get ready”. I hung up the phone and lay there gasping from this new experience, thinking what have I done? This dog had lit a fire deep inside me and I ached for the need of a hard cock. I didn’t even have a dildo to use and you women know what I mean about not being able to reach that throbbing place inside! I had the most wicked and insane idea then that the dog might be able to help me. He was trying to get up on the bed with me so I did us both a favor by sliding over the edge of the bed and putting my ass on the edge and rolling onto my stomach with my feet on the floor. He came behind me quickly and began licking my ass and pussy again as my juices flowed heavily.

Just as I began another orgasm I felt him climb onto my back and lock his front legs to my waist and begin humping forward! Oh shit I thought as my mind cleared from the orgasm, I can’t let him do this! I tried to get up but his weight and position over me were too great. I could feel his hard cock stabbing at my thighs and sometimes grazing my asshole; I felt wetness from his spurting cock running down my thighs and I panicked big time! I pushed myself off the bed in an effort to get away and he had me! I had given him just the right position, my pussy opened up to him like a blossoming flower of love and he plunged his hard cock deep into it! I muffled a scream as I did not want to wake my children and he began thrusting furiously into me deeper and deeper, hammering my aching pussy. I felt his cock grow longer and thicker and finally gave myself up to him completely and pushed back against him. I had never had anything like this in my life and I wanted more. His powerful forelegs held me like a vise as I was cumming hard and fast, my juices running down my thighs, him hammering that glorious cock deep inside me.

I felt his cock inside me, so deep and hot; then I felt his knot begin to grow to the size of a baseball and he stopped humping and just held me fast. I was being stretched to new limits and it felt so wonderful, the pain hurting in a good way. His knot rested right on my G spot and I couldn’t stop my nerve-shattering orgasms! I could feel his hot cum squirting deep inside me with every jerk of his marvelous cock. I could actually feel the heat from his cock and it just added to the thrill. We stayed locked in this love embrace for several minutes and he finally slid out of me as I felt a flood of our cum pour down my legs.

Needless to say I was hooked from that moment on! I married my honey shortly after that (I told him about the dog on our wedding night!) and we have been living in bliss for the past 15 yrs. We now have a Boxer/Great Dane mix and the three of us are very happy indeed!

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