Women with Animals

A Bully is Taught a Lesson


(c) 2014 by Eraser

Part 1

William Robert James Dunlop was a bully, he had always been a bully, his father encouraged him to be a bully. “Weak fools get nowhere son, exercise your authority, make them crawl.”

The town where Billy as he was known to his friends did just that, his father was wealthy, people in the town didn’t really know what he did, to be fair neither did Billy. Billy treated people and especially girls like objects to be used and discarded at will.

When he was eighteen he tried to rape his younger sister who was sixteen at the time, he had already alienated himself from his Mother with his attitude and now she put her foot down.

She was prepared to bring in outside police forces if something wasn’t done about her son, it seems her husband was paying someone high up in the force.

James Dunlop the elder relented, he sent Billy away with a healthy allowance for a five year travelling trip which was how Billy ended up in a strange club in Florida.

Billy was only twenty but looked older, with his fake ID he managed to fool most of the clubs and bars he frequented. A friend had taken him to this one, he was in awe of some of the people there.

He sat next to a lady dressed in a revealing dress holding a lead that had a girl on the other end of it.
She was kneeling by the lady’s side looking down at the floor.

Billy struck a up a conversation and found out the girl was her slave, she explained that she had three slaves, if she wasn’t in the mood her slaves would suck her boyfriend’s cocks and clean her cunt when they fucked her.

Billy was fascinated, the lady went on to say she punished them for any indiscretion to let them know who was Mistress and who was the slave. The lady said she was training another slave and was looking for a buyer for this one, Billy jumped at the chance, before the night was out he had bought himself a slave for five thousand dollars.

The girl’s name was Anna, Billy treated her appallingly, she would do the housework, he would let his friends borrow her for the weekend and punish her at will.

Billy had a dog in the house he rented, a large Alsatian, Billy loved nothing more than tormenting Anna watching her as she cowered in terror while he threatened to set the dog on her.

One day Anna was cleaning up some mess on the floor, naked as usual as Billy insisted she stay naked, the dog crept up behind her. Anna jumped as a cold nose suddenly started sniffing her cunt.

Billy laughed and ordered her to stay where she was, the dog carried on sniffing and then licking Anna’s pussy as Billy sat entranced by the dog’s antics. Anna gasped out loud as she felt two strong legs encircle her waist and the dog’s cock probing and jabbing for a entry.

“Please no, not this,” pleaded Anna but Billy just laughed.

“Stay still you fucking bitch, he wants to fuck you, let him fuck you or you’ll be sorry.”

Anna couldn’t see the huge dog cock, but she sure felt it, dogs don’t do foreplay, a quick thrust and the massive cock was inside her cunt as the dog fucked her like a piston engine.

Billy was howling with laughter as he listened to Anna screaming and the dog slobbering over her fucking her hard.

Anna was screaming, the dog cock felt huge in her pussy, she wanted to get away but the dog had her secured between his forelegs. Now dog cum was pumping into her, she could actually feel each spurt as it hit her belly, she felt sick as the dog continued to fill her up.

At last the dog pulled out with a plop as cum ran down Anna’s inside thighs as Billy laughed even more. This was to be Anna’s party piece now, Billy would invite friends over just to watch Anna being fucked by his dog, they thought it was hilarious, Anna didn’t.

This went on for about six months until Billy said he was bored, he remembered what the lady in red had said, she was training another slave, Billy would go out and get one for himself and train her to be his second slut.

The summer vacation was starting soon, Billy hung around and soon spotted a loner, she was dark haired and looked exotic, Billy thought she would do nicely.

Billy forgot his bad manners and bullying to charm her into going for a coffee all the time trying to think of ways to get her to come to his house.

He found out her name was Gloria Marinetti, she said her father was Italian and her Mother American, but both were in Europe for the next six months.

Billy googled her name but could find nothing about her, he tried to find out something about her but found nothing. This was perfect for Billy, with no parents around he could take his time to make her his slut.

Eventually he got her to visit his home, he was prepared, a powder slipped into her drink and she passed out.

“Make sure you get her face,” shouted Billy to Anna as he positioned the dog to make like it was fucking Gloria who was now naked.

Anna lay back on the table as Billy pushed Gloria’s head between her legs as though she was eating her pussy. Between them they took loads of pictures, some with cum all over the girl’s face; others with the dog and so on.

They dressed her and waited for her to wake up. “What happened?” she asked as she came round. “My head hurts, what happened to me?”

Billy grinned as he held up the photos, “This,” he said with a smirk.

Gloria’s face went bright red as she looked. “W-what are you going to do with these? Is this blackmail? I haven’t  got any money.”

“Sort of, you’re going to move in here to be my slut just like this fucking slut here, I’m getting bored with her, I’ll train you to be a fucking dirty slut just like her.”

“What if I refuse,” said Gloria now getting her senses back.

“Then these go all over the internet and to your school, you can’t prove it’s not real and I’m nowhere to be seen in the pictures.”

“I see, so what happens now?”

“You’ll go home, tomorrow night at six you’ll come back her with your stuff and live here for a while. If you’re not here by six these go viral on the net.”

“I don’t have any choice then do I?”

“No you don’t, now fuck off and be back here at six tomorrow night, one minute late and I click the button,” said Billy demonstrating with his finger.

Billy was pleased with himself. “Bring me a whisky slut and then you can suck me off, looks like you’ll have a companion to help you tomorrow,” he said, pulling off his pants and laying back on the sofa as Anna sucked on his cock.


Two minutes to six the doorbell rang, Billy was watching television, “Answer the door slut, go and welcome the other slut.”

Ana opened the door, a man in a very expensive suit stood there with two of the biggest men Anna had ever seen. Gloria stood behind them with her finger to her lips to keep quiet.

The two large men walked in, “Right on time slut,” said Billy without looking up.

Billy opened his eyes and looked around, he was tied to a chair naked in the middle of, the room. Two huge men were looking at him along with another man who just stared at him, without saying anything he walked up to Billy and punched him hard on the nose bringing blood pouring from it.

He was dazed. “W-who the fuck are you? What are you doing in my house? Get the fuck out of here!”

Gloria walked up to him and grabbed his balls and twisted them ignoring the screams that came from Billy.

“I lied when I said my parents were abroad, this is my father, his name doesn’t matter yet, but I can tell you one thing, you are going to be very sorry you called me a slut and took those pictures,” she hissed twisting his balls even harder.

“Do you want us to kill him darling? It’s no problem.”

“No, I have an idea, let me talk to Anna first, come on Anna.”

Anna relived the life Billy had made her lead, she told her about the dog, about being lent out to his friends, all of it. Gloria hugged her and told her about her idea.

“Papa, can you ring the police here, you’ve got some powerful friends, tell them if they ever see this thing here,” pointing to Billy, “To arrest him and charge him with blackmail, rape kidnap sodomy, in fact every charge you can think of if he’s out alone.”

“Can’t we just kill him, it’s no problem.”

“No Papa, Anna and I are going to keep him as our pet, we’re going to make him suffer just like he did to Anna here.”

“Okay darling, any problems you just ring me, as a matter of fact ring me every night for a while, if he
tries anything we’ll come back.”

“Okay Papa, oh by the way Billy boy,” she said grabbing his balls again, “this is my father Victor Marinetti, I’m sure you’ve heard of him.”

Billy had heard of him, who hadn’t, Victor Marinetti was the boss of bosses in gangster land, no one ever crossed Mr. Marinetti and lived.

He walked up to Billy and held his face, “I pity you, I know what my daughter can do. Why do you think she’s here at this school, she’ll tell you one day, if you’re still alive,” and laughed a menacing laugh.

“Don’t forget darling, ring me every night just in case he tries anything,” as he kissed his daughter and said goodbye to Anna, “you’ll be alright now,” he said to her.

Billy was still tied in his chair, his balls and his nose were hurting, Anna and Gloria were chatting when they suddenly stopped and untied him.

“Go and fetch your clothes you fucking pathetic excuse for a man,” ordered Gloria.

Billy hesitated, she grabbed his balls and squeezed hard, “when either of us tells you to do something you do it right away or be punished, now go.”

“Now pick those clothes up and take them to the trash can outside, NOW!”

“But I’m naked.”

“I’ll let you off this once, if ever you speak without permission again you will be severely punished, now do as you’re told.”

The girls laughed out loud as he walked naked with his clothes, passersby whistled and jeered him, an old lady stared wistfully maybe thinking of times gone by.

Billy came back in his face bright red, “Where’s your credit card? Get it,” ordered Gloria.

Anna punched in the pin number and took the cash, she walked to the shop and bought the goods Gloria had asked her to get and went back home feeling happier than she had done for years.

“Good, hold your leg out slut,” said Gloria as she fastened the chain around his ankle and locked it. Next she took the chain attached to it and fastened to the radiator in the kitchen.

“That’s better, the chain is long enough for you to move about, tomorrow we’ll go shopping for some clothes for you, you’re going to like them,” laughed Gloria.

“Gloria,” said Anna.

“Anna, while we’re in here my name is Anjelica, that’s  my real name, I changed my name when I came to this school, Papa arranged it all.”

“Oh, I see, I don’t want to pry but what did you do that your Papa said you did.”

“Oh that, nothing much really, a boy at school wanted me to go out with him, I said no, he called me a prostitute and a lesbian, me and three friends kidnapped him, we made him lick our asses for hours, then I burned the hair off his genitals with a lighter, you should have heard him scream,” and laughed out loud.

“Then we all urinated on him,” she said when she finally stopped laughing

“So what happened?”

“Oh Papa hushed it up as usual, but I had to leave school and come here for a while. That’s why I changed my name to Gloria/ Hey, I reckon Gloria would be a great name for this,” pointing at Billy.

“Hey, why don’t you invite your friends to stay here for the summer, I’m sure they’d enjoy Gloria here, he’ll make a nice plaything.”

“What a wonderful idea, I’ll ring them later, see if they can come.”

Billy/Gloria listened with a heavy heart. If these bitched were anything like they were described, he was in for a rough time.


Part 2

“So you’ll come then, brilliant, see you in a week, bye.”

“My friends are coming, you don’t mind do you Anna.”

“This is as much your house now as mine, you do whatever you want, it’s fine by me, and thank you,” she said hugging her new friend.

“Right, let’s go shopping, Gloria, go and get a pair of pants and a jacket from the trash can.”

Gloria went out again hoping no one was there a s he scurried to retrieve a pair of pants and a jacket before hurrying back.

“Put them on, you’re coming with us, and from now on when you are asked to answer us you will call us Mistress, understood.”

Billy groaned inwardly as they arrived at the first shop, a lingerie shop. Anna and Anjelica browsed and picked out some bright green, powder blue and yellow panties and took them to the counter.

A lady of about sixty served them, “treating yourselves are you girls,#” she smiled.

“Oh they’re not for us, they’re for her,” pointing at Gloria.

“Oh how nice, is he a cuckold then.”

“Well not really, we’re not married or anything but yes he’s as good as a cuckold he’s actually a slave,” answered Anna.

Anna called Gloria forward, “try these on and don’t rip them.”

Gloria looked around the shop, there were customers in there, mainly women.

“I told you to try them on. What are you waiting for?”

Gloria dropped his pants and pulled on the knickers, he could hear women giggle and laugh as they saw him pull on the bright green panties.

“Turn round,” said Anna enjoying making him uncomfortable just like he had for a long time.

“They’re okay, now we need some black stockings, a suspender belt and then we have to find some size eight high heels for her,” said Anjelica telling Gloria to keep the panties on and pull his pants back on.

“I think I’ve got some shoes in the back, I’ll just wait a minute until this lady leaves then I’ll close the shop for a minute and find them, can you wait.”

“Of course.”

“You are lucky, my husband died five years ago,” she said and then telling them to get closer she whispered she missed the sex and especially oral sex.

She laughed, a warm hearty laugh, “I am awful telling you that.”

Anna whispered to Anjelica who smiled and nodded.

“How would you like to have oral sex again Mrs, I’m sorry, I don’t know your name.”

“Brenda, just call me Brenda, what do you mean, have oral sex again, how.”

“Gloria here would love to give you oral sex.”

‘No I fucking wouldn’t,’ thought Gloria but said nothing.

Brenda was sixty two, slightly plump if you wanted to be kind, she did have a good figure when her husband was alive but had turned to comfort eating when he died and was now overweight.

“Really, oh god, I couldn’t, would he really,” she said getting a little excited.

“The lady’s gone now, close the shop and let’s go in the back.”

They went to the office at the back of the shop, “strip off Gloria, you’re going to lick Brenda’s pussy and make her cum.”

Brenda was feeling a bit embarrassed, “It’s fine Brenda, we’ll stay here with you, Gloria, take Brenda’s panties off.”

Gloria lifted her dress up and Billy knelt down to pull off her huge pair of panties, her pussy was covered in gray hair, he could hardly see her pussy for her fat legs.

“Sit down Brenda.”

Gloria saw the pussy in all its glory now, it was massive, he leaned forward and could smell urine on her as Anna pushed his head into her cunt.

“Lick it you bastard, make her cum or we’ll beat the fucking shit out of you,” suddenly remembering all the things he made her do.

Gloria gingerly licked the pussy feeling sick as Anna pushed his head again, “properly, lick it properly, isn’t so nice is it when you have to do something you don’t like is it bastard.”

Brenda had taken over now, she had hold of his hair pulling him in closer and moaning loudly as Gloria pushed his tongue inside her smelly cunt.

Anna and Anjelica looked on as Brenda pulled his hair and then closed her fat legs around his neck as the first throes of her first natural orgasm for five years.

She shuddered as cum flooded Gloria’s face, he could help but swallow some as Brenda still had hold of his hair almost yanking some out she held it so tightly.

At last she finished and opened her eyes, “oh my god, I never knew how much I missed that, thank you,2 she said looking at the two girls and not Gloria.

Brenda managed to find a pair of shoes that fitted Gloria and they came back into the shop. Anna offered her the card but she declined, “have these on me, please.”

“No, she’s paying, tell you what, take an extra twenty, get a nice bottle of wine for yourself and have a drink on us.”

“Are you sure, that would be nice.”

Anna and Anjelica left the shop promising to bring Gloria back for a repeat performance soon. Next shop was a dress shop, ‘oh god no, please’ groaned Gloria inwardly.

Gloria wanted to run away, he badly wanted to but, he knew that Anjelica’s father would find him somehow if not the police first, besides he had no clothes now, only a pair of bright green panties underneath his pants.

Anna picked out a bright flowery patterned one, “This one should stand out in the crowd. What do you think Anj?”

“I should think everyone will see that coming,” she laughed.

“Try this on, make sure it’s not too tight,” handing the dress to Gloria.

“Come on, we haven’t got all day, get those clothes off and try it on,” shouted Anjelica making people turn around to watch.

Gloria pulled off his jacket and pulled the dress over his head, “lose the pants as well,” said Anna reveling in her new role now as chief tormentor.

Ladies were watching and giggling as Gloria slipped down his pants, they pointed and giggled even more when they saw his bright green panties, Gloria was bright red from embarrassment a s he quickly pulled the dress down to hide them.

“Very nice, go and get a couple more the same size Anna,” as Anjelica picked up Gloria’s pants and jacket.

“Can you get rid of these please, she won’t be needing  hem again, she can wear the dress.”

“Yes Ma’am,” replied the shop assistant barely able to keep her face straight at the sight of Gloria standing there in a brightly patterned dress.

They paid with Gloria’s card again and set off with Gloria walking behind them in a dress. A cop car pulled up, “what the hell is going on here,” he asked.

“This is the guy you’re to arrest on sight if you see him out alone officer, weren’t you told,” replied

The officer looked at a piece of paper, “Billy Dunlop, this him, her, it, whatever, is it.”

“That’s him officer only now she’s called Gloria Dunlop, spread the word, out alone arrest him, okay, here’s our address, why don’t you call for a coffee anytime you wish,” said Anna noticing the absence of a ring on his left hand.

“Thank you Ma’am, I’d like that.”

“For a start you can cut out the Ma’am, this Is Anj, I’m Anna, don’t forget, anytime.”

“I won’t,” he shouted as he drove off.

“Anna, I do believe you fancy him,” said Anj coyly.

“No Anj, we fancy him, we share everything from now on.”

“Okay by me,” smiled Anjelica.

Next shop was a specialty shop dealing in bondage gear, they were looking at a collar with the word ‘slave’ in studs on it when the young lady who was dressed in black, panda eyes and leather bracelets everywhere.

“Would you like something special, these were made to train dogs but they were banned, no one said anything about humans,” reaching under the table and bringing up another collar.

“May I put it on?” she asked.

Both girls nodded wondering what was so special about this one, panda eyes walked behind the counter and said “watch this.”

She pressed a button a remote and Gloria jumped about a foot in the air.

Anna and Anjelica looked at each other, “What the fuck did you do?” enquired Anna.

“Here,” handing Anna the remote, “press that button there.”

Gloria jumped again, “They were supposed to train the dog with these but the animal welfare people got them banned,” said Panda eyes.

“We’ll take it,” replied Anna envisaging the torment she could put Gloria through, revenge would be sweet.

“They’re not cheap, this one is a hundred dollars.”

“That’s okay, she’s paying,” answered Anna.

“Ironic,” she smiled as she parceled up the collar. Handcuffs and other items were bought relieving Gloria’s card of almost four hundred dollars.

Gloria brought up the rear struggling with all the parcels as they headed home, reaching the house Anjelica informed Gloria that he would be signing his car over to Anna as he wouldn’t be needing one for a long time.

Anna handed him the stockings and suspender belt, “Put these on and take your dress off, don’t rip them or else.”

Gloria stood in front of them with stockings and suspenders on as Anjelica handed him the shoes to put on. They howled with laughter as he fell over trying to walk time and time again until finally she managed a few steps.

“Make some coffee and sandwiches slut, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly, we don’t want any germs off your filthy hands,” shouted Anna.

Gloria’s life was hell now, the least hesitation and either one pressed the button, his cock was now in a cage and Anjelica took great delight in squeezing his balls when he came near.


A week later there was a knock at the door, this was the first visitors they had since they took over.

“Well answer it slut, don’t just stand there looking fucking useless,” shouted Anna.

Gloria went to the door dreading it, inside the two girls could hear raucous laughter and voices, Anjelica jumped up, “it’s my friends,” she shouted running to the door.

Hugs and kisses followed and then introductions to Anna and finally Gloria.

“Gloria is our slut, feel free to abuse her anyway you wish, I don’t suppose any of you have ever fucked a man’s ass, well now’s your chance girls,” said Anna as everyone laughed.

“I might just try it,” said Heather a blonde girl. “Sounds like fun. What do you think girls?”

“Why not, let’s do it later,” they agreed.

‘Got you, you bastard,’ thought Anna, ‘I’m going to enjoy watching this.”

Gloria’s card was used again as they sent out for pizzas and wine, two hours alter the effect of the wine was taking effect.

“Hey Anj, remember when we pissed on that guy in school, that was a hoot,” she said her speech slurred by the wine.

“Well I want to piss on thingy here, tell him I want to piss on him will you,” she slurred.

“You tell him, he’ll do exactly what he’s told top do or else, wont you Gloria.”

“Yes Mistress,” he answered as the girls laughed.

“Come on then Gloria, upstairs now, I want to piss all over you,” staggering towards the stairs.

“I want to watch this,” said Anna a s the others all said the same following the other two upstairs.

Gloria was told to lay in the shower as Amy pulled down her panties and laughed out loud, she squatted over Gloria and soon a golden shower drenched him.

She moved up to his face and told him to open his mouth, Gloria hesitated, Anna reached into the bath and grabbed his balls squeezing hard. Gloria’s mouth opened wide just as another shower was let loose going into his mouth.

Gloria could feel the hot liquid and had no choice but to swallow as Anna was still holding his balls. Anna was loving this, after all this bastard had put her through she was intent on getting her own back.

“Me next,” said another slurred voice as Amy got out of the shower and Rosie pulled down her panties as well laughing all the time as she squatted over Gloria’s face showering him with her warm piss.

By the time all the girls had pissed on him Gloria felt like she had swallowed a gallon of piss as Anna held his balls each time making sure his mouth was open to swallow.

More wine was consumed and each girl was now pretty drunk. Billy was ordered to shower and change into new panties and served drinks and anything else the girls wanted.

A girl called Sandy seemed to be the dominant one, she was slurring her speech as she suddenly got up, “I want to fuck him, I’ve never fucked a man’s ass before, where’s the strap on.”

Anna clenched her fists in anticipation, she had waited for this, Sandy would show him no mercy just like he hadn’t shown her any.

Gloria couldn’t believe what he was hearing, this girl was going to fuck his ass hole, he couldn’t believe it.

“On your knees slut,” slurred Sandy as she fastened the huge dildo around her.

Gloria hesitated for a second or two, Anj pressed the remote and a surge of pain shot through Gloria.

“Your Mistress ahs told you to get to your knees slut, don’t hesitate.”

Gloria knelt down as Sandy pushed the dildo into his mouth to suck. The other girls were laughing at Gloria’s attempts to suck as Sandy almost choked him.

“Hands and knees slut,” slurred Sandy as she pushed him away.

Gloria got on all fours as Anna fetched the jelly, “here, lube Sandy’s cock then your ass slut, you’re
going to get some of your own medicine now,” said Anna looking forward to the spectacle.

Lubing done Sandy manoeuvred the dildo behind his ass and pushed some in, a scream came from Gloria as the huge object entered his virgin ass hole.

Anna knelt before him, “shut the fuck up you bastard, you beat me when I screamed when your friends fucked me, now shut the fuck up or I’ll turn the collar up full, got it.”

Gloria said nothing, Anna sapped his face hard, “I asked you a question slut.”

“Yes Mistress,” said Gloria through gritted teeth.

Sandy was laughing as she pushed some more into Gloria’s ass, the pain was running through his body but he gripped the carpet and stifled them, he didn’t want a surge of electricity as well.

The girls were standing around laughing as Sandy fucked the unfortunate Gloria, Anna watched remembering how he had made her suck cocks clean after anal sex, now it was her turn.

“Make him suck it clean Sandy,” she urged.

“Good idea, we don’t want a dirty dildo, dildy, lidlo, we don’t want a dirty cock,” she laughed as she headed round to Gloria’s mouth.

“Suck it slut, suck it clean, she slurred.

Gloria opened her mouth and took the dildo in, he heaved, his stomach was turning, he could smell and taste his ass on the dildo as Anna held his head while Sandy fucked his mouth.

Anna felt good, at last this bastard was getting what he deserved, pain like he submitted her to without any thought at all, she felt no pity for him at all as Sandy went back to fuck his as again.

The weekend passed with Gloria being abused in every way possible, she would have to clean their pussies when they used the bathroom, “why waste money when we’ve got you,” said Anna as Gloria cleaned the urine from her pussy in the bathroom and pushing him roughly away when he had finished.

“You’ll have to come again, I’m sure Gloria would love you to abuse her again, wouldn’t you Gloria,” said Anna.

“Yes Mistress,” answered Gloria glad to see the back of these bitches.

“That’s great, see you next week, both of you, okay, I won’t tell him, it’ll be a surprise, oh boy will it be a surprise, what, yes you can do anything you want to him, sure if you want to, okay, see you then.”

Anna said yes to herself as she clenched her fist, now Gloria was going to face his biggest humiliation yet, she was looking forward to it.


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