English Stories



(c) 2014 by unknown

It had been a long time. A very long time. Between work and the kids, and John’s frequent trips out of town with his job, we hadn’t had a chance to be alone together in several months. Now he was in Baltimore again and I just had to have a couple of days to rest. I packed the kids up and they went to visit Grandma, and I had the house to myself for the whole weekend. I got up Saturday morning and took a long, long shower. I lathered myself up with my favorite moisturizing body cleanser and closed my eyes, thinking about the time I’ll have to just sit around the house with no demands on me. No kids screaming, no boss with a deadline. I let my hands roam over my neck and rubbed the cream allover my chest. I cupped my breasts and thought about how they had always turned John on so much. I used to love it when he would suckle them and pinch them before he entered me. But since I had the kids, they were often too sensitive to let him have his way with them. I kind of felt sorry for him, because he was away right now and they ached to be carressed. I also thought about Sarah. Sweet Sarah. She had been my first experience with another woman (at my husband’s request, of course). I had always fantasized about it, but never had the nerve until I met Sarah. She was so open and free with her sexuality, and oooh, she loved my breasts.

Caressing myself and thinking about John and Sarah, I began to get that warm, funny, butterfly-like tingling in my lower tummy. You know the feeling. It was as if my hands had a mind of their own, as they caressed my stomach and down to my pussy. A little more cream for lubrication. Yes, that’s it. I began running little circles around my clit, spraling inward, and began masterbating in earnest. Oh yes, I could feel their hands all over my body and John’s cock between my butt cheeks, twitching in it’s excitement for me. I could feel Sarah’s tongue on my neck. Oh, yes…RINGGGGGGGGGGGG! Goddamit, this is my weekend, I’m not going to answer it. Faster, and faster I rubbed myself. RINGGGGGGGGGGGG! Fuck off, I’m busy. Sarah’s soft breasts rubbing slippery against mine. RINGGGGGGGGGGGG! Shit. Lost it.

I answered the phone dripping wet. Boy was I pissed. It was Janet. Her son David needed to go to practice, she had promised to take him and had forgotten about it and started her husband’s birthday cake. Could I come over and take it out of the oven in about 30 minutes? Dammit, this was my weekend, and now the neighbors needed help. But, I really like Janet. In fact John and I both did and had fantasized in bed about her several times. Well, she was just next door, so OK. and by the way, could I keep an eye out for a delivery van. They were finally delivering her new sofa. She didn’t know exactly when to expect them, but just in case, OK? OK…no problem.

I finished drying off. Sorry little girl, you’ll just have to wait until later (OK, it’s silly, but I talk to her sometimes when I’m alone and horny). I threw on a robe, and went to the kitchen to brew some tea. Shit, I forgot to stop at the store for more. Oh well, I thought, I can use some of Janet’s. I peeked out the window to see if anyone was outside. Coast is clear. I made a mad dash next door. Shit, the door was locked. Oh, yeah, the key under the rock on the doorstep. Silly of her to leave it there, but right now I was thankful. I went striaght to the kitchen and checked the cake. As I bent over to look in the oven, I got an ice cold shock to my butt and jumped. Blackie! I forgot about him. Hi Blackie, such a good boy. He was their black lab and he was such a loveable creature. Always there with a wagging tail and a big kiss for you. And very obedient. Janet said he was the easiest dog to house-train that she had ever had. Go lay down, boy, so I can brew my tea. He wandered off.

I brought the tea back in the living room and sat in the chair. Up came Blackie again and started licking my leg. The attention felt nice so I let him continue. He worked his way up my legs to my thighs, and I started getting that funny feeling in my pussy again. No way, he couldn’t be having this effect on me. I’m just horny, I told myself. I leaned back and stretched a little. It just kept feeling better. Well, maybe just let him lick me a little. After all, John’s not here. So I opened the robe a little. He knew right where he wanted to go. My God!, Little waves started rushing over me. It felt like my whole body was rippling. His tongue was so warm and strong. He just kept licking and licking, and my hips started bucking up towards his tongue. I looked down at him and noticed his doggy dick for the first time. Thick and red and pulsating. That was going to put me over the top. I stretched a little more and kicked my tea over. SHITTT! Not again.

I jumped up and ran to the kitchen to grab a towel and almost tripped over my opened robe. I threw it over the spill. Shit, her carpet is off-white so this could be bad. I got down on my knees to scrub it. Big mistake. Blackie moved around behind me and jumped on me. Not now dog! But he had a really goop grip on me and I could feel him starting to hump. Oh fuck. My head started to swim with excitement and I could feel my pussy almost gush. He’s humping me but the robe is just low enough to keep him out of me. No, I can’t do this. Not with a dog and not in Janet’s house. What if she came home and caught me? The hell with it. I was so hot, I just had to have something inside me. So I reached under and put two fingers in my pussy. Oh, that felt good. Just let him hump at me and I’ll play with myself. He started wimpering in my ear. I’m such a sap for a sob story. OK, we’ll both get off. I lifted the robe up and pushed back a little. He struck home. And boy did he strike home. I figured he would be small. But this dog’s cock was THICK. It spread me wide open and filled me right up, really stretching my pussy. And he really started humping now. He was like a jackhammer, pummeling my pussy. Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,fuck… That was it. I came and came. I was thrusting back against him and bucking my hips. My head got dizzy and I screamed. God he could fuck. And it felt like he just kept getting thicker. Then, wow, he got thick. That’s when I realized it. He had gotten his knot in me. Shit, second mistake. I could feel his warm come flowing into me like a steady trickle. Ding,dongggggg! No…not the doorbell. And to make matters worse, I started smelling smoke. Had we been fucking that long. The cake was burning.

What the hell am I going to do? I didn’t even have time to think about an answer, because the door opened. It was the delivery guys. Here I was on the floor with a labrador retriever stuck in my pussy. Embarressed is not even the word that can describe how I felt. The guy in front, a big, tall, muscular guy, said “Shit, I’m sorry lady. We heard a scream and smelled smoke and well, we thought you were  in trouble. Want us to come back later with your delivery.” I told them that that was a very good idea. Just then Blackie jumped down, but was still stuck in me and yelped. The ripping tug on my pussy caused me to yelp, too. The guy in back, of normal build with very short hair stepped forward and said “It looks like she IS in trouble, Jerry.” And winked at him. The fuckers. I know what they had in mind, and it pissed me off. But I was in quite a predicament, and even though I had just come, the fact that these two good looking guys were watching me was turning me on again. Turning me on bad. I said “OK, could you at least please close the door. The neighbors…” The big guy closed the door and the guy with short hair walked toward me, unzipping his fly. I lowered my head and mumbled to myself something about ‘what have I gotten myself into?’ I said “Could you turn the oven off?” and Jerry went into the kitchen.

He rolled his cock out of his boxers and boy was it thick. Sorry, Blackie, but you’ve got nothing on this guy. He said “How about some man-meat?”and he slapped my face a few times with his cock. I tried to get it in my mouth, and it was a tight fit. But it felt good to have a cock in my mouth again. He reached down to play with by breasts as I was sucking him. Blackie finally popped out and I told him to go lay down. I went back to the big piece of meat in front of me. My jaw was sore already, so I started licking it up and down. Jerry said “Andre, I don’t think we should be doing this.” Andre said in return “You haven’t had your dick in her mouth, yet, or you’d be singing a different tune.” Jerry said “I dunno…” I thought to myself, ‘well I’ve gotten myself into this, so let’s get it done.’

I got up and walked a little wobbly over to Jerry, got down on my  knees and rubbed his crotch. he had this bewildered look on his face. I pulled his cock out. It wasn’t as thick as the other guy’s, but it was stone hard. I started sucking it. Andre came up behind me, and maneuvered me onto all fours. He shoved his cock into me. It felt huge, but went right in because of all of Blackie’s cum still in me. He  started pumping me like Blackie had, only it was different because I could feel his hands all over my ass and reaching down to play with my clit. Oh, God, I think I’m goig to come again. And by the look on Jerry’s face, he was pretty close, too. I pulled him out of my mouth and started jacking him off onto my tits. I said “Come on baby, come on my big boobs.” And he shot off. Clear accross my tits and down my belly. It felt so hot and good. Andre had seen this and that really set him off. He started pumping like there was no tomorrow. I rested my head on the floor and clenched my teeth as I started to come again. Andre reached under me and began to pinch my nipples really hard. That was it, I went off like a
rocket. He pulled his cock out and shot his come all over my ass.

I said “Thanks boys, I really needed that.” Andre said the pleasure was all theirs and asked if the could bring the sofa in now. I said sure, and headed for the shower. When I got out they were gone, and the cake was still burnt. I went to work making up a new one. Janet came home a little while later, and I had to confess at least part of the story to her. Of course I changed some of the story around and left out the part about Blackie. We were close, but I wasn’t sure how she would react to me fucking her dog. Anyway, her husband got a really nice cake for his birthday (I’m a much better baker than she is), and I got what I really needed. And it was still only Saturday. Wait until you hear about Sunday.

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