Women with Animals

Me and my Neighbor’s Dog


(c) 2006 by usafslut

I wrote this story a couple of years ago when I was in my beasty period, before joining the military.

I am in my early twenties, considered pretty and have a nice petite body. I have average sized boobs and my nipples are probably longer than most girls with them protruding up to 1.5 inches. I have been pretty sexually active in my life and enjoy the sexual company of both men and women. A few months ago I bought a house in the suburbs with money left to me in an inheritance. Since moving I have been going home each night and just haven’t had the chance to hook up with friends or new encounters; so all of my sex lately has been with my own hands or from my little collection of plastic or rubber toys.

I was out in the front of my house planting some flowers in my garden. I was wearing a tank top and a pair of old baggy work out shorts. I was not dressed to impress. It was hot out and I was sweating, I must have been about as unattractive as I could get.
The family across the street was loading into their car for an obvious trip to the beach or a lake as they had tons of stuff with them. They are an all American family: husband, wife and a boy and a girl. They also had this huge great dane dog, and I think they have a full sized SUV just to fit the little pony in it. They finished packing and then put the dog inside the house. As they started to drive away they stopped to say hello (oh god I wished they weren’t going to stop, I looked like crap.) I just stood up and wished them a nice day. The husband told me they were off to this lake about an hour from our house and said goodbye with all 4 of them waving at me.

The car was just making the first corner, when I heard a bang and looked up to see the dog dart through the screen door and head to the corner of their property. I yelled for the people to stop, but the car was now out of sight. The dog ran out into the street and looked both ways trying to see the car. I yelled to him to get out of the street and he came over to me. His name was Buddy; it should have been something like Seabiscut. The dog was huge and jet black. He must have been 4’ high.

I looked at him and said “I have 4 more bulbs to plant and then I will take you home.” He seamed to understand what I said and just stood there. I went back to work. I had planted 2 more bulbs when I felt Buddy standing right behind me. I told him he could help by using his paw to dig the next little hole, but he just looked down at me like I was nuts.

I leaned forward on my knees to dig another little hole and as I was extended I suddenly felt a lick on my inner thigh. It took a second to register and as I figured out what had happened a second lick hit a little higher up. I turned and told Buddy “no”. He stood there and as I repositioned to tell him to back away he put his nose right between my legs. I pushed his head away and again told him “no” and “sit” which he did. I don’t know why but as he sat back on his butt my eyes glanced down between his legs and saw his massive black balls and his dick. I shook my head and told myself to get a grip.
I had two bulbs to finish up – which I did and had to tell Buddy to sit as he would get up each time I bent over.

I was done and put my things in my little “yard wagon” and brought everything to my back yard. My mind was moving a mile a minute and it didn’t help that I was horny as hell to start with that day. I had had a nice hot dream and was planning on taking care of myself when I got done in the yard and into the bathtub.

As I moved into the back yard with Buddy in tow; the gate to the back swung shut loudly, it reminded me that my back yard was totally secluded and many a days I had sunbathed in the nude.

I put everything away and turned and looked at Buddy. He was standing there with that really long tongue hanging out of his mouth. I figured if I thought any longer I would run into the house. Instead I figured I would let nature make the decision. I pulled off my shorts and lied on the grass on my back. I opened my legs with my knees in the air. I had decided that if he came over and licked me I would let him, if he didn’t I would get up and go inside. He looked at me and I was temped to say “here boy” but I kept saying to myself, “let nature decide.”

I was thinking that maybe I should get in the position I was in when in the garden, but as I was contemplating changing position Buddy came over to me. He walked between my legs and put his head right between my legs. I realized at that point how big his head was. It was like twice the size of a man’s head. He lowered his nose to my pussy and I could feel his breath on me. And then he did it, he licked me between my legs. That one lick sent alarms off in my body – it was great. His tongue was a little rough, but it rubbed by both labia and my clit in one lap. The one lick was just the start, the dog started to lap at my womanhood and each lick was outrageous.

I lifted my butt of the ground and his tongue now went from my butt to my belly and didn’t miss anything in-between. I don’t think it took more than a few minutes and I started to come. I don’t know if it was my moaning or the fact that I was giving him some liquid out of my hole, but as I started to cum he started to lick me faster and harder, which finally brought me to an unbelievable orgasm. Unlike a guy, my orgasm did not signify I was done, Buddy seemed to be enjoying my climax and just kept licking me and I just kept coming. I finally realized that I was screaming and hoped to hell that my other neighbors didn’t hear me. I was embarrassed for a moment and my brain started to kick in, “what am I doing” I said out loud, and then climaxed again. I finally needed to breath and pushed Buddy’s head back and told him “enough- enough”

He looked at me with his big eyes and then moved his head back to lick me some more. I told him “no” but he didn’t seem to want to stop. The only thing I could think of was to roll over. That stopped him for a moment and then I felt him licking my butt. His tongue was strong enough that he actually got past the part of me in the grass below me and caught the lower part of my labia and then up across my anus. Now I am no virgin to anal sex, and I don’t know about other girls, but I love my butt eaten. If a guy eats my butt long enough I reward them with letting them fuck my ass, which I also enjoy.

My butt was feeling really good and I wished he could get his tongue inside my hole and not just across it. I need to cum and knew I wouldn’t like this so I got up on my knees so I could feel his tongue on pussy again. He came through and the next lick went almost to my clit and all the way back across my anus. He did this a couple more times and I was about to climax. I pushed my butt a little higher so he could hit my clit on the next lick. But as I did this he stopped. I was so close; I needed like a couple of more licks on my clit to get there. I said ‘Buddy don’t stop- Please Buddy!” I was not expecting what happed next, but you probably have figured it out.

Buddy walked forward and I saw his front legs to my side and then felt a poking on my butt cheek. Most dogs would have had to jump on my back, but Buddy was so tall he was still on his front legs. I had never thought all this through, I never thought about his desires. I just wanted to eaten. That I could handle, but being fucked by a dog was another thing.

I use to have a friend who had a horny dog that would hump anyone’s leg. It went on for a few moments and then he would stop. I figured maybe I would let Buddy hump me for a few minutes and he would be OK. I kept feeling him poking my butt and was picturing the big balls and his sack that I had seen in the front yard. I figured his sack was hitting my butt. But this felt wet, not hairy. I wanted to see what was going on so I lowered my head to look between my legs. When I did that the poking when from my check to between my legs. I saw – but more importantly felt- his dick slide across my labia, – wow that felt great. His dick was wierd looking. It was pink and pointy, and about 6”. He was humping kind of fast and it was fun to watch and every 3rd or 4th stoke he would rub me, the others hit pure air. This went one for a minute or two and then he stopped and then I heard Buddy growl. He then stared again and hit pure air on the next few strokes. He then put his head on my back and growled again. Now if you have a huge dog with a mouth that could probably eat your head in one bite you get a little nervous when they growl at you – I nervously said “Ok, I guess I know what you want.” As scared as I was I was also still sexually excited.

He started to pump again, this time slowly – almost like he knew I was going to give him what he wanted. The head of his pointy slid again between my legs, I dropped my butt just a little and the next stoke slid again across my labia, I shifted a little and the next one hit home. I felt the tip of his dick enter me and a moment later it was out. The next stroke hit home again, this time Buddy moved his back legs forward and his dick entered me some more. He then trusted again and all of his meat was inside me. He then started humping me. He started slow but the pace picked up fast. I was suddenly being fuck like never before- the speed that we was humping was incredible. I felt like he was much deeper than the 6” dick I had seen, so I figured he must really be thrusting deep inside me.

I was coming like crazy at this point and couldn’t tell if it was just me or if he was precuming or something. When he was humping the air his dick was already wet, whatever it was I felt like I was almost too wet inside. I shifted my weight a little as my knees were starting to hurt. As I did his dick pooped out and he stopped. I looked between my legs and couldn’t believe my eyes. His dick was hanging and at least 10” long and there was a bulge at the base of it that made that part wider. As I was watching the dick was shrinking and then started to stiffen. I started to think that there was no way that big thing could have entered me (or a female dog) as it was not hard enough. But now back to the 6” dick it was smaller and hard again to enter his pray, that it must get bigger once inside. Whatever I was thinking didn’t matter as a second later he was back inside me and pumping away and growing inside me.

The break had been good for me as my pussy had tightened up a little and it felt great again. A few minutes later I felt something different. My clit was being banged as he thrusted inside me. I looked back under my legs and the bulge was now up his shaft a little, and now stimulating my clit. I started to climax again, at least my 10th of the morning. The bulge seemed to be traveling up his shaft as more and more of his dick was now outside me as the bulge blocked the shaft from entering me as deep. I heard Buddy make a few yelps and then felt this warm rush of liquid inside me. I have never felt a man’s cum inside when he shots, but I could feel this load I was getting. I looked down again and saw his and my cum dripping out of my hole and his bulge was even bigger. Buddy backed up a little and his dick popped out again. This time is was covered in cum, it was still the 10” or so , but this time the bulge was about 4” from the top and the size of baseball.

I fell to the ground and as I did Buddy started licking my ass again. I told him I had enough, but he kept licking me- this time it was more like he was cleaning me off. I let him lick me for a minute and then he walked a few feet away and started to clean his own dick with his tongue. I had a little problem standing up, but finally was able to. After taking a couple of steps; cum started to pour out of my hole and down my legs. I had to laugh and picked up my shorts and wiped myself off.
I went into the house to take a shower and a bath and figured I better get Buddy some water. I filled a plastic bowl and brought it out to him. I figured I would leave him in my yard for awhile- in case I want to try this again later…

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