Women with Animals

Pony Rides


(c) 2010 by usafslut

Jan was on the high school committee for the family day fair and had just been selected to put the pony rides together for the younger kids. She was assigned some people to help her on the day of the event, but she was the one to get it all set up.

She went home that night and called the woman at the farm and the call went like this:

Jan “Hi, is Mrs Walker there?”

Lady “This is she.”

Jan “I am calling from the real preppy snob school in town and was told to talk to you about setting up pony rides for our family day. Can you tell me what I need to do?”

Lady “Well I would like to meet with you. Do you have a car or do you need me to pick you up?”

Jan “I am getting my car for graduation so I guess my mom could drive me when she gets home from work.”

Lady “I’m sure your mom has plenty to do. I can pick you up from school, what time do you get out and what do you look like.”

Jan ” I get out from committee meetings at 3:30. I’m 5’7″ blonde hair to my shoulders, um skinny, I’m one of the tallest girls so not hard to find”

Lady “You sound pretty are you?”

Jan “I guess I am, no one ever told me I sounded pretty so thanks.”

Lady ” Well I have a black pick-up truck so I should be easy to spot, I will see you at the school tomorrow than.” And she hung up the phone.

Jan looked at the phone and said to the dial tone “well if you are going to be easy to spot why did you need me to describe myself? Maybe you are some sick lesbo that wants to get off tonight thinking about me.” and then she laughed and hoped it would be true.

The next day came and moved slowly for Jan. She wore her typical late spring attire of a short skirt, blouse and flip flops. She didn’t know what to wear to a farm so she figured she would just dress for school.

She finally got done with school and had her check list of questions to get answered for the committee and headed outside. She had just gotten to the curb when she saw the pick-up truck turn into the school. The truck pulled up right in front of her and she got in.

The two of them introduced themselves and off they went. Jan checked out the woman, she too was tall and had a great tan. You could tell somehow that she worked outdoors a lot. One thing you could also tell is the woman had big perfectly round tits and she wasn’t wearing a bra. You could virtually see the dark nipples through the baby blue tee shirt.

After the intros the conversation went like this:

Mrs W- “so do you have a boyfriend?”

Jan- “I had one we just broke up because we are going to two different colleges and wanted to just, be wild over the summer, plus I spend most of summer at my dad’s house.”

‘Mrs W- “Oh, so you are going to be wild at your dad’s house or here?”

Jan- ” I’m always wild at my dad’s house; even when Troy and I were together. I guess I have like two different lives, one here as a good little rich girl and at my dad’s down by the beach I am more of a, I guess a … Slut!”

‘Mrs W- “And which do you prefer may I ask? “

Jan- “Oh by far the slut! “

‘Mrs W- she laughed and said “don’t we all!” and then explain “well we are here.”

The two of them exited the truck and the woman came over to her and Jan felt like the woman was really checking her out and in some way she was doing the same thing back. Mrs W then said, “Well this is my farm. My husband died in an accident and I got a bunch of money, so I don’t need to work, but its fun pretending I am from the 1800’s and live on a ranch with the horses and a few dogs.”

Jan looked around and told her she thought that was “cool.”

Mrs W. then said “Well you get to choose 3 of the ponies for the day of your event, and I will be there to help some student learn what to do.”

Jan looked over at the paddock that was in front of them and started to walk towards it. She could see 8 horses at were all no higher than her shoulders. She asked ‘are they all really ponies or are they just some kind of small breed of horse?”

Mrs W replied “very good question, you are right, they are just a smaller breed and used mainly for show and for rides. Actually they are also a friendly breed of horse, well unless there is a mare in heat and then the males go a little nutty.”

Jan thought that was interesting, but she had had a female dog once and her parents were always very concerned when she was in heat. She also thought that it was funny that woman had brought up that subject while she was just seeing the horses for the first time.

Mrs W went on “Actually one of the mares is in heat today and I have had to keep her in the barn, you should see her too as she will fine on the date of your event and she is very pretty.”

“OK” Jan said, and the two of them moved toward the barn. When they got to the door Mrs W said to her “Um, Jan you are going to think I am crazy or something, but before we go into the barn I need to warn you that it is really dusty in here and well, don’t think I am sick woman, but if I am not wearing my work clothes, I usually go in here naked. If not my clothes are a mess and smell like horses the rest of the day. If you prefer not to go in I will understand.”

Jan was taken a back, but thought about it for a minute and then asked “well, I will if you will I guess.” At that both of them got undressed. Jen couldn’t believe how firm the older woman’s boobs were, and Mrs W noticed the stare.

“If you are wondering” she began “they are store bought, hey why not right?” Jan smiled and said, “they look great.”

The two of them were naked except their shoes and they walked into the barn. When they got to the mare’s stall Jan could see why the woman had brought her in, the horse was beautiful, with a smooth looking chestnut coat. The horse put her nose out of her stall and Jan pet her nose the way the woman had showed her .

Mrs W then said “So, do you want to see what happens to the colts when they get near her?” — “Sure” Jan replied and then Mrs W told her to back into one of the stalls a little because the “boys” can go a little wild.

Mrs W came back a couple minutes later with one of the male ponies. As she neared the mare, the mare started to make noises and then so did the colt. As the colt was walked past the mare he moved his head and tried to bite the mare. Mrs W held onto his lead with all her might and walked the horse into the stall next to the mare. She put a chain across the front of the stall and then called Jan over.

Mrs W was still holding the horse as Jan neared. “Wow” Jan said “I thought he was going to bite her or something, he is really wound up.”

The woman looked at Jan and asked “ I can’t see from this position, but is cock hanging down?” Jan moved her body to see the horse from the side and her eyes almost popped out of her head. “Holy fuck, it sure is, and it isn’t just hanging, it’s like pointing forward and hard…wow I have never seen anything like that!”

Mrs W said “Jan, hand me that clip that is hanging on the wall over there.” Jan did and the woman clipped the clip to the halter on the horses head. She then had Jan grab the clip that was hanging on the opposite wall and clipped that to the halter. The horse’s head was now basically locked in place and the woman let go.

“It’s exciting isn’t it?” she asked and then said “and he’s got one of the smallest on the team.

Jan watched as the woman walked to the back of the small horse, keeping a hand on his back as she moved along side of his. Jan asked “you’ve seen all of them hard?”

The woman was putting something around his rear leg and then attaching another chain and as she moved to the other rear leg she replied “Yes, I have seen them all, and seeing them is just the start.” She finished with the clips and then told Jan to come into the stall, telling her it was safe and that the horse couldn’t bite or kick her with chains on him.

Jan was about midway down the horse when she met up with the woman. Mrs W knelt down and Jan followed her. They were both looking at the black cock that was at least 2 ft long and really not too much thicker that a man with a thick dick.

The woman started to stoke the horse’s cock and encouraged the girl to do the same. Jan stated “I can’t believe I am jacking off a horse, with a really huge dick.”

Mrs W questioned “Would you like to more?”

Jan replied in an ‘icky’ kind of voice; “it’s kind of strange looking to suck.”

Mrs W laughed and said “I was actually suggesting that you take him in your pussy.”

Jan smiled and said “Wow, really, I would love to try, I mean I have never had anything that long inside me, but I don’t want him to shove that thing into my belly or anything”

Mrs W laughed again as she stopped stroking the cock and stood up “the way he is tied up he can’t do the work, you have which makes it safe. Stand up, there is a blanket draped over that wall, get it and we will put it under him so you can kneel on it.”

Jan did as instructed and there it was, folded over a few times under the horse. Mrs W had the girl move under the horse, and with him having short legs, the girl on her knees wound up with her back pressing up against the pony’s belly. It seemed almost too perfect that she could be on ‘all fours’ and perfectly aligned to be fucked.

Mrs W told Jan that she would have to control the movement and the penetration, but that she would help. Jan positioned herself near the head end of the pony and moved backward. The moment she was positioned where Mrs W told her to be, she felt the head of the horse’s cock slide from the ground side of her pussy, along the full length of her labia and came close to the opening of her ass. “Whoa” she stated and leaned forward, “this girl does not take things in that area.”

Mrs W laughed and said “hey, I was just moving his cock up, you can push back anytime you like, I don’t really know what you do or don’t like.” She started to move the cock back down the girl’s crack and when it was lined up with her pussy hole the girl leaned back, and moaned. Mrs W held the shaft and watched closely as head disappeared into Jan’s wet pussy lips.

When Jan had a few inches inside her she started to rock on her knees and the cock went in and out a couple inches. The head was inside her and Mrs W could just about see it every time the girl rocked forward and then it disappeared as she rocked back.

After a couple minutes of this Mrs W said “Jan honey, you have about 18-20 inches of cock behind you, how about trying to take some more inside you.” The girl was a little embarrassed that she was enjoying just feeling the head inside her. She stopped rocking and moved her knees back in a stepping fashion. As she did; inch after inch went deeper inside her. When she had about half the shaft inside her she could take no more and went back to the rocking motion. By now she was being very verbal and Mrs W was getting totally turned on herself. She had not been in this situation for a year, when the same thing went on with last year’s pony ride for the school.

As Jan was screaming things like “fuck me” and “it’s so fucking big” and for the second time “I’m cumming”- Mrs W went to the back of the horse and lied down and snaked forward till her mouth was under the girl’s pussy. She started to lick the labia that was totally stretched by the horse cock. She also liked her horse’s shaft once in a while and finally shifted forward and took Jan’s clit in her mouth and started to suck.

Jan screamed again in a climax and took even more of the cock inside her. The extra cum fluid must have had the effect on the pony as well, as Mrs W heard the familiar snort from the horse and then backed off the clit as she knew what was coming. She watched the shaft grow and then Jan was pushed forward as the stream of cum jetted into the girl’s tight cunt.

Jan screamed again and moved forward even more. Mrs W shifted with her as she wanted to be under the girl’s pussy as it parted from the horse. It was only a few seconds later and the flow of cum covered the woman’s face. The horse’s cock head was out of the girl and sitting near Mrs W mouth and still slowly dripping cum. Jan’s pussy was spilling cum as well and was now starting to cover her chin and neck.

Jan somehow had the strength to continue to crawl out and soon was lying on her side and looking under the horse. There she saw MrsS W covered in cum and the cock was shrinking back into the horse’s sheath, leaving a stream of cum below it as it continued to contract.

A few minutes later the two women (young and older) were standing in the stall making out. In a naked embrace, separated only by the film of horse spunk between them, the two of them were kissing with their tongues playing with the cum in their mouths. Mrs W had kept the cum in her mouth after it was filled and had transferred it to Jan as they kissed, now it was flowing back and forth between the two of them.

Another snort of the horse brought them out of the kiss with a laugh. They looked at the horse and then Jan said “I feel bad that I hogged his cock to myself.” The woman smiled and said—“hey there is more where that came from.”

In a matter of minutes there was another pony in the stall with his legs and neck bound and the two females reversed the process, with Mrs W taking the horse’s cock inside her. This time she positioned Jan under her in a 69 position and while getting fucked, she was able to lick the other girl and the girl licked her.

It was 5 hours later that Mrs W drove the girl home and during that time they had drained 4 horses of their spunk and then wound up in a very sensual shower. Although the older woman knew it was pure lust, the girl was falling in love with the pretty woman who had access to inches and inches, no it was feet of horse cock for her enjoy and she couldn’t wait to go back to the farm…. Which she did.

Let me know if the way I did the conversations was OK–

Sheryl (‘)

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