Women with Animals

Lidia’s Humiliation


(c) 2007 by ELMOWICKED

On Friday august 10 the plan had gone into effect.

Old lady Lidia would be taught the lesson of her life for messing with her neighbors.

Lidia is a 5 9″ 58 years old light skinned portorican woman with long dirty blond hair.

She looks every bit her age but she really looks exactly like actress Helen Mirren who starred in the movie THE QUEEN.

She has a very bad habit of getting into other peoples affairs and several times has been told to mind her business.

2 weeks ago one of my neighbors accused his wife of having a lesbian affair with another woman in my building but he really didn’t have the proof.

I had seen this woman come out of their apartment while i was throwing out the garbage and he was not home.
Thinking that there was no one in our hallway,the woman kissed my neighbors wife on the lips and put her hand between her legs as she was leaving.

They never saw me behind the incinerator door and i was trying to keep really silent but the incinerator hatch slipped out of my hand and made a huge sound and they both jumped and saw me.

I saw the fear in my neighbor’s wife eyes and heard her say “OH MY GOD GLORIA” and then pushed her lover away.

As i dumped the rest of the garbage and went to my apartment,my neighbors wife [ who i will call Anna ] turned to me and said “please don’t say nothing,please…really please…you don’t understand”.

I looked at her ,which she is a pretty woman to look at and said “don’t worry i will never say anything, i don’t want anything to happen to you and i do know what would happen if your husband were to find out”.

Now at that moment the elevator door opens and out comes Lidia which happens to think its her floor not realizing its the wrong floor.

Now she turns around and sees us three standing there and i then instantly say to Anna with a load tone “so do me a favor and tell your husband that i have his mail again because the stupid mailman keeps putting his stuff in my box”.

Now this was not a lie because the mailman keeps putting his mail in my box and the day before he did so and i still had some of his mail sitting on my kitchen counter.

Lidia then gets back in the elevator and when the door closes i then turn to the 2 women and say ” You better not come around here for a few weeks because you and i know damn well she is going to start to spread rumors”.

They both agree but Anna says “One day i really would like to fix her for not minding her damn business”.

Sure enough the next day there is a rumor of Anna having an affair with a strange woman and even with me.
Later on in the day i hear yelling and cursing coming from Anna’s apartment then a little while later there is a loud banging at my door and when i open it there is Anna’s husband with a really pissed off look on his face.

He then asks me “Yo i want to ask you a question…man to man”

At that moment i interupt him and say ” you want to know if i am having an affair with your wife,the answer is no and you may also have heard or hear that your wife is messing around with another woman…am i right ?

He then stops and his whole face just changes and he says “How the hell did you know i was going to ask you this…as a matter of fact, i was just going to ask you about you and my wife, not about her and another woman”.

I tell him “Dude i know how that rumor not only got started but i know WHO started it. It was Lidia because i was walking from the incinerator past your door and knocked on it to tell your wife that i had your mail.

Lidia then thinking its her floor gets out and sees me,your wife and some woman walking through the hallway looking for some guy named perdro sanchez and your wife tell her that she has the wrong floor.

Me and your wife had a good laugh after that saying “lets see what she comes up with now “.

Dude don’t believe anything that you hear coming from that woman…oh by the way,here is your mail”.

Once he sees the letters he is totally calm and tells me that he’s really sorry and then he tell his wife the same thing.

That evening after he goes to work, i get a knock on my door and its Anna.
She tells me to write down her cellphone number and to call her in 5 minutes.

When i call her she tells me that her husband slapped her several times and threatened to walk out on her and how she was thinking of having Lidia shot like a dog in the street.

I then said “No i have a better plan,doesn’t your lover have a white great dane ?
“She has 2,one belongs to her and the other one belongs to her sister” Anna replies.

“Ok then i know that Lidia screwed over Nilda and Sofie by outing them out and they been wanting to get even with her for that AND the incident at the supermarket…and guess what they have 3 huge dogs,the 2 rottwilers and that huge ugly ragged haired hound” i said.

I then say “Anna call them right now and ask them if they really want to get Lidia and are willing to do anything to get the best payback, they need to come over to my apartment tonight”.

30 minutes later Nilda and Sofie are at my place and to keep suspicions down Anna calls me and we make out the plan on speakerphone.

The plan is that every Friday night Lidia goes to bingo and do some drinking and then goes over to her friends house [another heavy drinker]
and stays there late into the night.

Nilda who is really a hardcore butch, is the Super of that very same building and has the keys to the basement boiler room and that area of the neighborhood is dark.

August 10 is a very hot and humid night in the city and Nilda is dressed in dark Grey overall waiting at the back of the staircase in Lidia’s friends building which is dark also.

The building has no elevator and her friend lives on the last floor so about 12:15 at night Lidia walks into the building a little bit tipsy and Nilda grabs her and takes her down into the basement and gags and ties up Lidia.

She then calls us 10 minutes apart so it doesn’t look like a crowd going into the building.

Lidia is sitting on the dirty floor blindfolded and theres an old dirty t-shirt tied around her mouth.

The light is really dim and the place is dank and musty.

Without even saying a word,Nilda walks over to Lidia and makes her sit up on her knees,picks up a sharp piece of metal and holds it to the side of her face and tells her in Spanish “Your going to do everything that we tell you and your going to do it without hesitation. For every time that you hesitate we are going to cut into your face…do you understand ?

Lidia shakes her head up and down to signal “YES”.

At that moment Nilda pulls down her pants and underwear,stands on a crate,takes the t-shirt off from Lidia’s mouth,grabs Lidia by her head and tells her “RIGHT NOW LICK IT” and shoves her head into her crotch.

Lidia starts crying but she starts licking her crotch instantly and Nilda yells “DEEPER,DEEPER YOU PIG”.

Anna then goes and unzips her pants and says “watch this” and pees into an old plastic container,walks over to Lidia and pours it over her head.

Sofie then does the same thing but pours it down the front of Lidia’s blouse.

The women then take turns having Lidia each eat them out. This goes on for about an hour.

Lidia who has never had contact with a woman is thourghly in tears and says “please I’m going to throw up” so Sofie says go ahead but places that plastic container in front of Lidia.

Since she is still blindfolded she does not see that she is puking into the container and Sofie then put it to the side.

After that Anna tells her that she is not finished and forces Lidia to eat her out.

Now Nilda walks over to this bag in the corner a says “look what i brought for tonight” and pull out these 2 black strap-on Dildos but these are not normal ones because i said “Man what the hell are those”.

These 2 dildos are about 12 inches long,made of really hard rubber and get this…they are covered with small hard rubber spikes.

She tells us she brought them from an S&M shop.

Anna then taps me on the back and says “look at this” and squats down and craps on the floor then turns around,bends over and stcks her ass in Lidia’s face.

Nilda then pokes the sharp piece of metal to Lidia’s left cheek and tell her to lick it and as Lidia starts to do that Anna opens her ass really wide and move backward and Nilda shoves head head forward so as to bury Lidia’s face deep into it.

Then Sofie joins in by taking one of the dildos,rips open the front of Lidia’s pants and starts to shove the dildo slowly into her pussy.

Lidia then jerks up and starts to cry but Nildia tells her to shut up and take it and Sofie then trys to put it in some more but with Lidia on her knees she can only go but so far so Nilda tells us “I know how to really get her,come with me” and she then has us lift up Lidia and take her to the back of the basement.

There in the dim light is a really old rusted metal door and before she open it she tells us “here put these on” and hands us what looks like small Gas masks.

When she opens the door,even with the masks on you can smell this foul smell like old sewage and we carry Lidia down to the basement boiler room.

It is very dark down here and Nilda lights up 8 candles and when they come on,the place really looks like some dungeon in someones nightmare.

Old rusted pipes,dirt,grime,mud,oil and old sewage all mixed in all over the floor.
Nilda tells us the the sewer back up and spilled out into this section of the boiler room but that it is even worse in the utility closet room behind us.

Then Nilda gestures over to this soiled mattress thats over on the left side of the room and tells us to take her over there.

When we drop her down,Lidia starts crying again and pleading for her life.

Sofie tells her that if she screams or does not do exactly what we say,we will kill her and leave her body down here where she won’t be found for years.
Anna then tells her,”I don’t care how much you hurt,if you scream i will cut your cheek right off” and she presses the metal to her face.

YOU UNDERSTAND ME PIG ? She tells her.

Lidia helplessly agrees through all her tears and the moment that she does,Nilda and Sofie instantly puts on the strap-on dildos,rid off her pants and panties,push Lidia onto the soiled mattress on her side and lift up Lidia’s leg,exposing her old and very hairy wrinkled pussy and Sofie mounts Lidia from the front and thrust the dildo in one shot into Lidia’s pussy.

Lidia lets out a deep muffled scream like the kind you would hear if you closed your mouth and tried to shout into a pillow with your face buried in it.

Then right after that Nilda mounts Lidia from the back and does the same right into her ass and Lidia lets out an even deeper low yell and tears start to stream down her face from the pain.

The 2 women then start a cruel 2way penitration pounding on her that last for about half an hour.

Then while that is going on the worst part is about to happen as Anna goes upstairs to the first level of the basement and brings down all FIVE DOGS.

When Nilda and Sofie are finished,Anna takes one of the strap-on dildos,puts it on and tell Sofie to bring one of the rottwillers over and lay him down in front of Lidia.

Then Nilda opens the dog’s leg,grabs Lidia by her head and shoves it down on to the dog’s penis and tells her to suck it.

At that Lidia realizes that she is about to suck off a dogs and is horrified and begs and crys “OH PLEASE NO,PLEASE NO,NO THAT PLEEEESE”.

Sofie grabs the metal and slightly sticks it in Lidia’s cheek cutting it a little and says “Ok then you lose this part of your face first”.

Lidia then says “OK I DO IT” and while she is crying Sofie bends Lidia over on her knees and shoves her face down and since the Rott’s penis is already fully erect,directs her mouth to the dog’s huge member and forces it in.

At that,Lidia start to suck him off and Sofie tells her,”If you bite him we will turn the dogs lose on you and they will rid you to shreds…you hear me”.

When she nodes her head yes,Anna still with the strap-on dildo and Lidia in that bent over position,Anna shoves the dildo right into her ass and begins a nonstop brutal assault on her for about 10 minutes straight then pulls out and shoves it right into her pussy and repeats the same thing for about another 10 minutes.

At this point Lidia nearly passes out and Nilda says “I know what will bring her back up” and she has us drag her into the Utility closet.

When we open the door,the room is about 10 feet by 10 feet ,again dark,dank and it extremely hot and humid ,worse than the boiler room but what really made it worse was that the whole room was covered in backed up sewage at least 6 to 8 inches deep.

I saw alot of human crap floating in there and it made me almost throw up.

The women tied Lidia arms to 2 pipes and brought in the soiled mattress and put on the floor.

Then they took some of the dirty sandbags that were used to block up some of the sewage and stacked them about 3 1/2 feet high and about 4 feet long ,making like a bench and put Lidia on it laying on her stomach.

They then stacked about 12 sandbags to each side of the back of the Utility closet and tied her legs to each stack spreading her legs apart so that Lidia could not move them at all.

Then Anna put 2 more sandbags right under Lidia’s Abdomen so that this would raise her as up really high.

Sofie had gone back upstairs and brought down the plastic container the Lidia had thrown up in and she proceeded to pee into the container.

She then took a piece of dirty rag and dipped it into the container,sopping up the nasty concoction and walked over and rubbed it under Lidia’s nose.

The moment Lidias smelled that combined with the stench in that room,she threw up and Sofie caught all of it in the container.

Then she gave it to Nilda and Anna and they proceeded to piss and crap into it and Sofie took a wooden stick that was on the floor and started to stir it for about a few minutes.

Then she walked over to Lidia and poured the whole thing all over her back and down her neck and on her hair and Lidia just started to cry.

For some reason this worked the dogs up in a frenzy and Nilda let one of the great danes go and this huge dog jumped right up and with no human help mounted Lidia and started to ram her for about 15 minutes.


Then Nilda put the dirty t-shirt back on and gagged her [not that anyone could hear us about 55feet down in this sub basement anyway].

The huge Dane slowed down abit and then started making big whining sounds and started pumping faster and when then started to hear sloshing sounds of he was pumping really hard and coming at the same time.

Anna then brought over one of the Rotts and Nilda knowing that the Dane was not finished coming,pulled him off and instantly the Rott jumped on Lidia and rammed her really hard in her pussy and we saw all this blood and cum dripping down her legs as if she was on her period.

This went on through the night but at one point the Ugly grey haired hound dog jumped onto Lidia and started thrusting but missed and caught her right in the ass and since she was covered in cum,blood and shit,all over her ass, his penis just slide right in and Lidia let out a horrible muffled scream.

And this dogs penis must have been fatter than any sausage i ever ate and he shoved this all the way into her ass and started this insane pounding that didn’t slow down for about 25 minutes.

At that point Lidias eyes rolled back and spit was coming out the sides of her mouth and the dog just kept pounding and coming for another 6 minutes.

When he finished One of the white danes jumped back on Lidia and was ramming so hard that at one point he would actually lift her up abit off the sandbags and Lidia was moaning so much from the pain and i guess the pleasure that she just past out.

We all stood silent as the Dane continued his Assault on her so Anna went over and tried to pull him off but he was now knotted to her.

On the forth try she managed to get him off abit and this brought Lidia back but the Dane pulled back in and slammed Lidia really hard and she let out a really deep moan from a massive orgasm.

When finally he was finished the dirty hound start to jump back on to Lidia and she can feel that hes trying to find her pussy so she starts to plead to make him stop but she is so exhausted that her words are slurred with spit.

The hound finds his mark and buries what must be at least maybe 8 solid inches of hard stiff dripping thick cum covered dog cock right into her and Lidia’s ass is lifted up when he does this and he starts into this frenzied fast humping and she start crying throught her saliva drenched gag “OH,OH,OHHH,NNNOOO,OHHH,AAAYYYYHHH”.


And then it happens,somehow in all that frenzied humping ,the Hound’s penis somehow slips out and he humps the air for about 4 or 5 strokes then ramms back in but hits her dead up her as and shoves it all the way in.

Lidia ass lifts up in the air and makes an unhuman deep moan and the dog increases his speed and Lidia trys to scream but really can’t and we hear this loud mushy fart sound and Lidia craps all over the hound and she is crying and moaning and the hot stench is unbearable and the hound is cumming in her ass and we can see crap,thick cum,blood and sweat dripping down her legs and then she passes out.

I then start to go home because i’m feeling abit sick and then what the women do is really messed up.

They lock all the dogs in the Utility closest and left her tied up so that the dogs fucked Lidia into the next day.

I get a call late in the day about 5:30 in the afternoon and its Nilda telling me to come to the building.

Since Lidia lives alone and has very few friends [all of them old drunks] no one misses her.

When i get down there Lidia is untied but laying on the mattress,covered in everything i mentioned,crying and trying to get up but can’t.

She can’t tell who we are because we have those masks on and Nilda tells her “your going to stay down here for a few more days and then we will let you go and your going to have to get fucked by these dogs while your down here and this will be a lesson to you for not minding your own damn business.

If you don’t do as we say we are going to show everyone in the neighborhood pictures that we took of you and these dogs and since you like to drink,they will think YOU got drunk and screwed them.

And if at anytime we feel that your not living up to your part of our agreement this will happen again and we know where you live”.

When i looked Lidia’s pussy was extremely swollen with a few scratches. She still had her blouse on but it was soaked in filth and sweat.

They had kept her with her high heels on and her long dirty blonde hair was matted and everywhere down her back.

Nilda made her bend over to show me that her anus was also swollen and totally violated.

So that she would not recognize who had been doing this to her they had kept the blindfolds on.
The dogs had been taken from the sub basement up to the basement level,fed and were ready to go again.

I had to go to run some late errands but i waited for awhile because Nilda had dragged her into a corner off the mattress and had piled about 5 sandbags there and made her lie on her back.

This was a perfect position for what she wanted because since the dogs were tall the sandbags made Lidia rest right up to their penis which would hang right over her mouth and she brought over each dog and told to suck.

I stood there for about an hour as Lidia was made to suck 2 of the 5 dogs and they kept coming all into her mouth and down the side of her face.

As i was starting to leave Nilda brought over the Hound for her to suck him off and the dog got so excited when she grabbed his penis that he had started to pee all over her mouth and face.

I could barely make out her face because it was covered in dog cum.

Lidia then said can she be helped up because she had to go to the bathroom and Nilda made her get on her knees and bend over.

Lidia cried a little and said “Please not here”. and Nilda yelled at her and told her “YES RIGHT HERE” and Lidia started to pee and crap all over herself.

At that moment she let the Hound go and he jumped and mounted Lidia and she cried out” PLEASE NO I NO FINISH…UUUGGGHHH”.

The Hound had nailed her right in her ass,slamming her cum covered face down into the filth covered floor and then we heard this loud “PLOP” fart sound and that was the dog’s thick massive penis filling her anus and the crap still coming out jets from the side of her ass and down her leg.

Nilda then gets down on her knees,takes one of the dildo,and reaches under Lidia and stuffs it into her pussy and start jerkin it really fast out and in and Lidia lets out a huge deep inhuman moan followed by more “NO,NO ,NO PLEASE STOP,AAHH,AAYHH,AAAAYYYYHHHEEEE,NNNOOOO”.

Nilda and the Hound go into another frenzied assault on her and as i start to walk out and up the stairs i see Sofie and Anna coming down the stairs and Anna says “Look what we got” and they have brought with them 3 of their friends fully grown Dalmatians which have really huge penis.

We offered to baby sit them for a few days and their owners agreed, are you coming back tonight ? asks Sofie.

Hell yes i said and no sooner than i said that one of the dogs trys to hump my leg.

“What the hell is wrong with him” i ask.

Sofie tells me that all 3 dogs are very much in heat and thats why the owners wanted them out of the their apartment for while because they were going crazy in there.

So what they had done was to take Lidia’s cum,blood,crap and pee soaked underwear and let the dogs smell them ,which i turn was driving them crazy and i smelled abit like that [So i had to go back home and take another bath] and 3 dogs already had massive erections.

One of them was even letting out alot of precum.

Anna says “Wait till we let them loose on her but we will just let them sniff her ass till you come back.By then they will be so worked up and when they get her,they may go for hours”.

Sofie then with and evil sneer on her face says “Me and Anna just can’t wait to bang her again with those dildos, it was such a turn on,we never did anything like that”.

All i could think of as i left was that tonight i would see Lidia getting banged by these 3 women and then having to get hard dog raped by 8 huge massive dogs…ALL..NIGHT…LONG.

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