Women with Animals

Angelica and her lovers


(c) 2009 by Slow_hand

Part 1 – Angelica’s First beasty Experience

Angelica at the age of eight-teen was a bit chunky yet beautiful enough she had share of teen-age boys, of course with long dark brown hair just a little past her shoulders, green eyes, a smile of an angel that would over even the most hardcore of men along with those forty double d boobs that were a mixture of softness yet firmness and a full soft yet smooth ass that would sway seductively when she walked, how could she not attract the teen age boys and they all knew how much she loved sex.

As the years passed she started having trouble with men wanting to fuck her and she’d find herself alone at home rubbing herself to orgasim as she’d watch porn or read adult stories on line most nights. It wasn’t so much that men didn’t find her attractive as it was the fact she started to discover her fetishes and put sex with men on the back burner to simmer for awhile as on the front burner her fetishes were boiling hot. She had all kinds of toys ranging from male blow up dolls to plain ol’ vibrators and sometimes would even use different types/shapes and sizes of objects around the house to get herself off, all of which eventually was put on the back burner as well.

Then Angelica surfing the net for new porn or stories, she came across a site that dealt with beastiality which at first she thought was disgusting since she was told all her life that humans and animals aren’t supposed to have sex but she couldn’t pull herself away from the grip it had on her and would often find herself in a hurry to get home from work to view more material on the subject. Such material that involved men with dogs, women with dogs, the same with horses but her favorite of course was women with dogs as she came to those many times and the fact she had a full grown black lab named Thor that loved her unconditionally as a master and as a buddy. She’d often pause the video or highlight a paragraph to a story as not to lose her place and glance over at Thor wondering if she could let him go all the way with her like the women do in the videos and in the stories.

As the months went on, she’d often ask herself “why not let Thor lick me and fuck me, hell, we do everything else together.” Though Angelica thought about it often, she’d never had quite the nerve to start something with Thor because the closed minded world we live in condemns such acts between humans and animals but that didn’t stop her from at least giving it serious thought.

Seven pm Angelica had slipped on her night gown for the night with no plans to go anywhere for rest of the night which by the way shows alot of cleavage and if bent over it would hike up far enough that her ass would be exposed. She gets her cigs, a can of soda and her vibrator all ready at her computer desk as she logs on the net for a night of porn videos and adult stories. To get herself ready for a night of pleasure, she stands the vibrator upright on the computer chair and lowers her pussy down onto the vibe until it eventually disappears deep in her pussy with the setting on low at first as she reads the first story. Of course Thor is down on the floor beside her computer chair with an occasional wag of his tail and tongue sticking as Angelica once in awhile takes time to acknowledge him there with a few strokes along his head and back. Thor don’t mind, he naturally loves her and would do anything for her even if it meant making her his lover.

After Angelica just finished watching a video of a woman on her hands/knees in mating position, the dog’s kot in her pussy as her pussy oozes some of the dog’s cum then the dog finally pulled out with more of his cum gushing out of the woman’s pussy, Angelica made up her mind and Thor was going to be one happy lucky black lab by the end of the night.

She pulled the vibe out of her pussy placing it on the desk, spun her computer chair around half way facing Thor and she pushed her ass forward just enough off the chair and spread her legs for what was about to happen next. Didn’t take long for Thor to take in the natural scent of pussy in the air, following his instincts, he found the prize and was giving angelica’s pussy the best tongue job she ever had. The long tongue lapping the outter lips of Angelica’s pussy causing his tongue to enter her pussy now and then as she gripped the arms of her chair hard cumming all over Thor’s tongue when it enter her pussy as she moaned not too loud but enough that if anyone else was in the house they’d hear her and then once it subsided she laid back in her chair with a smile. She then looked down at Thor who stopped, sat looking at her and Angelica said “You’re a good boy Thor, but we’re not finished yet” as she pointed at his cock slowly exposing itself.

Sliding herself out of the chair, onto the floor she rolled Thor onto his back and Angelica reached for his cock studying it as she stroked him. She then lowering her head to take his cock into her mouth thought to herself “I can’t believe I’m doing this but I want more of him” and ran her tongue along the shaft then closed her mouth over it. Angelica’s head bobbing up and down on this amazing dog cock in her mouth, she can feel it getting bigger and her hips start rocking in a slow seductive way. She slowly moved her mouth up off the cock with her tongue touching every inch of it until she seen he was hard enough turning around on her hands and knees. Thor got up and right away started to give her pussy another tongue bath.

Angelica smiling at Thor as she looks back while watching him softly taps her ass “come on Thor make me your lover” and as if Thor understood with each leg on either side of her body mounted her. He missed his mark a few times, then just as she was about to reach back, Thor lunged forward sinking about four inches of his cock in her pussy as Angelica’s rocked forward slightly and slightly shocked it was finally happening, Thor’s making her his lover, Angelica soon forgot about everything else around her as her lover was shoving more of his cock into her pussy until he was in all the way and started slamming into her hard. Thor’s paws wrapped around her hips tight, Angelica’s big ass bouncing in wave after wave as her lover pounds her pussy faster than any man could as he rests his head on her shoulder and Angelica stroking the side of his face telling him what a good lover he is. All the while she’s cumming hard over the cock pounding her pussy like there’s no tomorrow.

Feeling something banging at pussy she knows from the videos and stories it’s his knot trying to get in and she’s worried she won’t be able to take it but before she tries to stop it………..”OH FUCK…OWWWWWW!” she was feeling extreme pain as the knot entered and her pussy closed tightly behind the invading knot. Within matter of seconds she soon forgot the pain as a wave of pleasure flew through her body as Thor gave a few more hard thrusts and then shot his load deep in her pussy. Just then Angelica came hard again over the throbbing and spitting cock in her pussy. She never dreamed a dog could have so much cum though she seen it in videos and read it in stories and could feel some oozing out of her pussy over his cock and onto the floor. As they both stopped their wild passionate love making, both panting and inbetween deep breaths Angelica strokes the side of Thor’s head snuggling to him and says “Mmm you liked that huh lover? Me too, in fact you can have my pussy anytime you want it from now on I’m yours.” Then with a loud popping noice, Thor withdrew his cock which seemed like ten inches long dripping the mixture of their cum and her pussy gushed out more of his cum.

That is how Angelica and Thor became lovers, and they’re still going strong to this very day. She hurries home from work to get his cock in her pussy, she gets it before work causing her to be late sometimes from being tied together and they just can’t get enough of each other in between.

Angelica shares her experiences with her friends on line that shares their experiences with her, sometimes while she’s sharing her own experiences, she’s being fucked by thor, and even when she’s on the phone he’ll come up behind her, mount her and ride her until they both cum.


Part 2 – Angelica’s Late for work

Angelica felt as if she was reborn since she had actual sex again but this time it was more special since it was with her black lab she’s had for a few years, they connected on a sexual level perhaps an emotional level as well and everyone around her could notice a change in her which also made her feel good. That night when Thor became Angelica’s lover, she’s taken him inside her about four more times before she was too exhausted to take any more and for the first time Thor was able to sleep with her on the king size bed.

The morning after angelica woke up refreshed for the first time in many months as she layed on her back recapping all that happened the night before then smiled to herself as she got up out of bed for a shower while glancing over at Thor so proud of her new lover and closed the bathroom door behind her. Thor then woke up, made his way out of the bed to the bathroom door but couldn’t get in as he scratched at the door trying to get to his new lover which Angelica could hear and smiled again to herself. “I’ll be out in a minute baby” she yelled over the running shower warm water caressing her body as the memories of last night came flooding in her mind again and she slid her hand down her stomach sensually finding her pussy with her finger being inserted. Since Thor came in her four times the night before she could still feel some of his cum and fingered herself slowly until she came so hard she almost lost her footing as she reached for a washcloth rack letting the orgasim ride it’s course all through her.

Climbing out the shower the mirror full of mist she dried her hair then wrapped the towel around like a cape grabbing the left side with her palm, rubbing her forty double boob with the soft cloth and likewise with the other continuing until her whole front was dry and then dried off her back and paying some extra attention to her ass which loves a good rubbing on as well. She then buttoned up her blouse, bent over sliding the mid thigh skirt up until her bottom was covered and sat on the toilet with the seat down sliding her stockings up then on with her shoes. Checked herself in the mirror noticing the blouse hugging her boobs so snug as so did the skirt to her ass and she finally walks out of the bathroom.

She fed and watered Thor who was taking every chance he had to shove his snout up her pussy causing Angelica to get wet and so far she was doing good fighting him off as she walked through the living room to the front door. Once in awhile Thor did succeed causing her to pause and enjoy the occasional violation of Thor’s tongue in her pussy and Angelica dropped something in the process. As she lowered in a squating position to pick it up she looked back as she smiled “Now don’t get any ideas babe, I’m going to be late for work.” Thor like any other typical male took that as an invite to see if he could make her give in as his weight started pushing Angelica forward onto her hands and now in position her skirt hiked pass her ass with Thor hovering her back as he lunged forward missing his mark Angelica tried to free herself from his grip but failed. Angelica’s eyes closed, mouth agape as a moan came up through her throat and out of her mouth. Thor is deep inside Angelica’s pussy.

“ba-bad doggy gonna ma-make mo-mommy late…” a few moans “Ba-bad boy!” heavy breathing “Oh…Stop baby…oh..mmmm” getting weaker by the minute “OH FUCK YES!” Thor’s really pounding her now “YESSSSSS I WANT THIS TOO BABY!” Though Thor was doing all the work, Angelica was now in heaven again having her lover’s cock fucking her the way she loved to be fucked so hardcore unlike any human could then after a few minutes she could feel his knot banging her pussy as if trying to get permission to enter and suddenly her pussy opened then stretched around his knot closing behind it. Angelica came again, felt every inch of Thor’s cock and knot in her pussy she wanted to feel his cum filling her up so her pussy would clamp down his cock milking it much as she could. Thor yelped as the first blast of his cum shot into Angelica’s pussy, Angelica moaned loud as the second blast of cum shot in her pussy and then when the final blast shot in her pussy Thor yelped again as Angelica moaned again. When Angelica finally came to her senses, she looked at the clock, five minutes late for work but knew until they untie she couldn’t leave for work yet. For what seemed like an eternity was only twenty minutes and finally Thor’s cock slipped out with some cum following his cock.

Angelica looked at Thor as she adjusted her skirt and smiling at him “Damn baby, where did you learn to fuck like that? That was amazing.” walked out the door and headed for work. As Angelica walked into work thirty minutes late, fresh cum in her pussy, and the afterglow still strong, one of her co-workers told her “Next time do it an hour earlier” and they both laughed. Her boss finally caught up with her warning her about being so late, the rest of the day went good though time did drag because she wanted her lover inside her again.

Still to this day, she don’t know who wants it more, her or Thor but they fuck whenever they get the chance and she’s no longer depressed.


Part 3 – Thor saves his lover and rewarded

It’s been awhile since Angelica has had an interest in dating men, one reason being they’d want to take things faster then she wanted things to be, and the other reason was they were to concern about their own pleasure leaving her high and dry so to speak. It wasn’t until a year after her and Thor’s relationship had progressed that Angelica missed the closeness of a man and started to think about dating again. Torn with the decision of to date or not to due to the feelings she has towards Thor, she had the guilty feelings of cheating on thor even though he was just a dog but to her he was everything important, a good friend, and a good lover. Yet she missed having the warmth of a man’s arms around her after sex, and being able to communicate with words.

At work there’s this guy named John that has been chasing Angelica since the day she started, they flirt back and forth and he’s even made a few passes at her which she secretly enjoyed but that’s as far as she would let it go. After grabbing her big soft and fuckable ass he had popped the question again “come on Angelica why don’t we go on a date, we seem to be comfortable around eachother and would have fun?”, Angelica smiled at him as she thought about it for what seemed like an eternity but in reality was only a minute then told him “Ok we’ll go on a date but you pick the time and place.” John happy to finally get a shot at her said “how does six o’ clock at your place sound?” kind of sudden she thought to have a date at her place but she went along with it and later greeted him at her front door.

Thor immediately noticing there’s a stranger in his home, walked over cautiously inspecting John the way dogs do, John liked Thor right away but Thor wasn’t as impressed with John as he could tell something wasn’t right about him. Later in the evening the date seemed to be going well as they talked, John cooked them a meal, and poured some whine. They later started making out and with Thor right there laying on the floor, the feelings of guilt were rushing through her. She was trying to stop John in a nice way but John wasn’t having any of that as he was now forcing himself on her and Thor sensed Angelica was uncomfortable. John ignored the low growl from Thor thinking nothing of it but Angelica knew that was Thor’s way of warning him to back off and John picked up a shoe throwing it at Thor. Needless to say that a hudge mistake as Angelica then starting to pushing him off but john wasn’t having any of that either and soon felt the wrath of Thor. All said and done, john left angry because he didn’t get what he wanted plus the fact thor attacked him.

Angelica laying on the couch curled up like a baby with her face burried into the couch crying, her skirt hiked up pass her bare ass that was almost hanging off the couch and Thor came over to comfort her the best he could. She swatted at him a few times not being in the mood at the moment but Thor didn’t give up as his tongued bathed her ass and though Angelica was upset, she couldn’t deny how good her lover’s tongue was feeling on her ass. Angelica turned her head facing Thor as she started to smile “My hero, you saved me from that rotten man” and then she reached behind taking a handful of ass spreading her cheek “mmmmm yes baby show me how much you love me.” Thor didn’t need told twice as his tongue brushed against her pussy then up further to her asshole and back down to her pussy. She could feel herself getting wet from her own juices plus from Thor’s tongue and soon got into position with her knees on the floor.

Thor paused for a moment as if he was taking in the view of his lover’s beautiful ass before him which Angelica caught and smiled then said “you like my ass don’t you baby?” Thor responded a lick then two in her pussy and then her asshole again. This time though instead of going back to her pussy, his tongue stayed at her asshole working it over good making her remember how much she loves it up the ass though she’s never had Thor there….yet. She reached back spreading her thick ass cheeks to give him easier access to her asshole and it was as if his tongue slipped in with ease while she gasped. “that’s it, tongue fuck your lover’s asshole…YES!”

Wanting to experience his cock in her asshole she pushed him away at first, turned around and rubbed him til his cock started coming out then took it in her mouth sucking it until she satisfied with the length. She then turned back around pinning herself against the couch and Thor. Reaching back she slapped her ass, thor mounted her and he plunged into her pussy and fucked it until she came but he hadn’t cum yet and she had to know what he’d be like in her ass. His cock slid out of her pussy, she quickly took his cock into her hand guiding it to her asshole and said to him “this is your reward for saving me earlier.”

“OH MY GOD” is all she could she could say when she felt the felt of his cock enter her most private hole then “mmmm” each time he thrusted his cock into her anal tunnel deeper until he was in all the way. Feeling some pain as it’s been a long time she’s had cock up her ass yet that was quickly fading as she felt his cock sliding in and out of her ass faster and deeper with each thrust. Upper body mashed into the cushions of the couch, her knees on the floor with skirt hiked up pass her ass, and Thor burried to the hilt up her ass ramming so fast the sounds of anal bliss filling the room along with Angelica’s moans of pleasure. Thor’s hips moving 100 mph, tongue out as he pants hard close to her ear and his body flush with her back as his cock hammer’s away deep in her ass. “OH FUCK ME….YES!….FUCK THAT ASS!” Thor can’t get deep enough “OH…GOD…YES…I…LOVE IT….UP THE….ASS!” her voice shaking from rocking hard as Thor plunges faster and deeper in her ass. “OH…FUCK….I’M…CUM…MMMMMMMING!” she screams as her asshole sucks Thor’s cock trying to milk his cum into her ass and his knot trying to get in. She’s in such a state of pleasure she tries to help his knot in her ass then it happens as she feels her asshole stretch around the knot and close behind it “OHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” Though his thrusts slow down it doesn’t stop him from giving her ass hard thrusts and then he pauses, makes a yipe like sound as his cum shoots into Angelica’s ass. Angelica’s eyes closed, a smile on her face as she practualy whispers “oh god yes, your cum feels so good in my ass.”

Her cell phone rings, finding it on the stand by the couch she answers it on the last ring and it was John apologizing for his behavior from earlier. Still tied to Thor with his cock and cum up her ass, feeling his cock shift as he’s trying to get free, made her cum again and John asked if she was alright. She smiled and wanted to say “hell yeah my dog’s cock is up my ass why wouldn’t I be fine” but instead told him “I gotta go.” then hung up. Eventually Thor’s swelling went down and made a popping noise as he cock withdrew from her ass and she looked back in amazement that she took 10 inches up her ass.

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