Women with Animals
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Laura Robson’s Tour 4.5 (17)

© 2022 by killer bishops The advantage of being a tennis star travelling the globe was every once in a while you’d end up in the most stunning of places. This was one of those times for Laura Robson, the stunning British tennis player. She found herself on a private beach on a stunning Maldives […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Owned by Dogs – Part 5 4.7 (3)

Owned by Dogs – Part 5 4.7 (3)

Back to 1st Part Recap: Catherine is indoctrinated into a bitch training facility where she was once called ‘dog dingbat’ in the care of Spok, later claimed by the chief with the rechristened name ‘anal fairy’ finally settling with the name ‘cum pearl’ under two brothers. She climbed up the ranks to be given the […] read

Women with Animals
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Miranda’s Plan Gone Awry 4.2 (5)

© 2023 by winz123 Commander Shepard, Miranda, Jacob, and the rest of the crew are in the process of hunting down the Collectors to stop them from releasing the Reapers into the galaxy. Shepard and Miranda have made their feelings about each other known. Once they take care of the Collectors, they plan to settle […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on A cabin – A cursed necklace – Sex, Sex and more Sex 4.5 (30)

A cabin – A cursed necklace – Sex, Sex and more Sex 4.5 (30)

I love the way wives tales move from someone telling a tall tale, to a few people hearing the story enhancing it a bit here and there – add a few years, the ‘real story’, is told again and again and before long you have a tale that is too good to be true. I […] read