Women with Animals

Women with Animals

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Men with Animals

Men with Animals

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English Books

English Books

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83 posts
Women with Animals
Tagged: , , Leave a Comment on The Westworld Experience 2.7 (6)

The Westworld Experience 2.7 (6)

© 2023 by asofo “Westworld C level guest pass” A gift from your semi-rich parents for successfully drudging through college and acquiring an engineering major. They said it’s a revolutionary amusement park, you don’t see how something full of sweaty, sun-baked people can be a revolutionary experience, but feeling pretty tired of the grind you […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , Leave a Comment on Ashe & Stallion 4.5 (8)

Ashe & Stallion 4.5 (8)

© 2019 by InerrantErotica “Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe, I say again- you are grounded, young lady.” Her father loomed over her atop his favorite prize racehorse- a seal brown thoroughbred arrogantly named Adonis. The man himself wore a black cowboy hat and a white suit, with futuristic spurs, a wide black mustache and stuffy overly-folksy features. […] read

Men with Animals
Tagged: 4 Comments on Man’s Best Friend (by Shady Lady Julie) 4.5 (22)

Man’s Best Friend (by Shady Lady Julie) 4.5 (22)

I have had a couple of male readers make comments to me recently that all went roughly along the same lines. “You do great stories about women with dogs, but what about us men?” I have therefore written this story to help redress this balance. In my defence, I know that men and women are […] read

French | Française
Tagged: 2 Comments on 🇫🇷 Le Haras – Partie 5 4.9 (7)

🇫🇷 Le Haras – Partie 5 4.9 (7)

Retour à la première partie La semaine suivante, j’ai reçu un appel de monsieur M. “Je ne vous dérange pas ?” J’étais troublée qu’il m’appelle en soirée. Mon mari n’était pas loin. J’ai sans doute dû rougir. Je ne sais pas s’il s’en est aperçu. Sinon, il a probablement eu la puce à l’oreille. J’ai […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , Leave a Comment on 2 (Broke) Girls and a Horse 3.8 (23)

2 (Broke) Girls and a Horse 3.8 (23)

© 2023 by CateLovesDaddy “CAROLINE!?!” Max yelled for her perky, blonde roommate. There had to be some sort of explanation for what she found on Caroline’s phone. She couldn’t think of one, but there had to be… And an explanation for why she was so turned on by it. “CAROLINE!” Caroline came inside from brushing Chestnut’s […] read