Women with Animals

Women with Animals

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Men with Animals

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Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , Leave a Comment on Riding the Stallion 3.7 (6)

Riding the Stallion 3.7 (6)

© 2023 by Hector1940 Annie has just completed the last few jumps, she was hoping she would receive a perfect grade for it, exceptional rider and exceptional stallion. After waiting for the other riders to finish their exhibition, the judges began to rate the contestants, Annie, as cold and expressionless as always, just caressed her stallion […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Married Woman’s Best Friend 4.3 (17)

Married Woman’s Best Friend 4.3 (17)

© 2019 by LeoCasper They say a home isn’t complete without a dog. Sylvia couldn’t agree more. Her golden retriever was the greatest little treasure her family could’ve asked for. They’ve had the mutt for four years and she couldn’t be any happier. Her husband and two children was certainly enamored with the dog. The housewife […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , , 1 Comment on White Girls Fuck Dogs 4 (13)

White Girls Fuck Dogs 4 (13)

© 2020 by ZenithTales “And then this fucking INCEL tells ME, ‘white girls fuck dogs’. Like, are you fucking serious?!” The brunette exclaims, before letting out a disgusted “UUUGGGHH” in the way only white thots can. Her chat was mostly full of simps, cucks, desperate husbands, and other such bottom-of-the-barrel trash, so naturally they all […] read

French | Française
Tagged: Leave a Comment on 🇫🇷 Un autre point de vue 5 (5)

🇫🇷 Un autre point de vue 5 (5)

https://archiveofourown.org/users/Cephee https://cephee.sofurry.com/ Le Soleil se levait à peine lorsque j’ouvris les yeux. La vive clarté de notre chère boule de gaz en fusion m’éblouissait, mais sa chaleur était réconfortante. Je n’avais pas envie de me lever, je voulais profiter de cette magnifique aurore qui s’offrait à moi. J’en avais vu un certain nombre, mais chacune […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Mel Discovers the Wonders of Dogfucking 3.4 (7)

Mel Discovers the Wonders of Dogfucking 3.4 (7)

© 2023 by geckolover4 There Mel was, laying in bed, cock in hand with her loyal husky sleeping beside her, scrolling through boring video after boring video of the same old porn. “Step-sis catches bro masturbating,” Lame! “Redhead goddess sucks and fucks step-dad” Seen it already! Mel’s dick was starting to go soft in her […] read

French | Française
Tagged: Leave a Comment on 🇫🇷 Le Haras – Partie 2 4.7 (7)

🇫🇷 Le Haras – Partie 2 4.7 (7)

Retour à la première partie Je l’ai appelé en fin de journée. Je voulais lui laisser le temps de revenir chez lui, mais pas trop pour laisser le moins de place possible au risque de me voir confrontée à sa version du lapin. “Bonjour. Je voudrais parler à monsieur M. s’il vous plaît.” “Moi-même.” “Je […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Once in a life-time photo of a Shemale BigFoot 4.7 (9)

Once in a life-time photo of a Shemale BigFoot 4.7 (9)

It may have been when I was six or seven, that Christmas I received a small point-shoot camera that had the ability to download the pics to a computer. We lived outside the city limits, seeing lots of wild animals made it easy to get a few shots of the ones around our home. Hiding […] read

French | Française
Tagged: Leave a Comment on 🇫🇷 Le Haras – Partie 1 4.5 (11)

🇫🇷 Le Haras – Partie 1 4.5 (11)

J’étais exacte au rendez-vous au haras. Le patron m’avait prévenue que le client était assez à cheval sur la ponctualité. J’ai garé ma voiture et je me suis avancée vers ce qui me semblait être la maison principale. J’ai sonné. Parce qu’on ne venait pas, j’ai sonné à nouveau, toujours sans succès. Visiblement, il n’y […] read