Men with Animals Women with Animals
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Barnyard Love – Part 2 4.6 (24)

Back to 1st Part Jeffery pulled on Buck’s knot as his best friend face fucked him. The swollen eight incher jutted out underneath his fur belly, disappearing in and out of his master’s mouth. He pulled his mouth off the dog’s dick long enough to encourage him. “That’s it boy, give daddy your hot cum. […] read

Men with Animals Women with Animals
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Barnyard Love – Part 1 4.6 (18)

Jeffery stacked the last of the hay bales in the barn pushing the oversized door closed with a creak, latching it. He stripped off his t-shirt and used it to wipe the remaining sweat from his face, squinting against the glaring sun. His farmer’s tan was pronounced with his pale chest in shining contrast to […] read

Women with Animals
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Diana’s Story – From Whore To Zoophile 4.1 (27)

(c) 2018 by yerly Part One – AWAKENING Diana wasn’t an innocent far from it, although her angelic face and softly spoken manner would make people think she was. Diana in fact had a more varied and in depth sexual experiences than she would care to admit to anyone, even her closest friend, family member […] read

Men with Animals Women with Animals
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Sick Animal Fuckers 4.1 (7)

“Bestiality violation of animals monstrous and revolting to mankind.” Krafft-Ebing used these words to introduce the subject of sex between humans and animals in his monumental nineteenth century study of perverse sexuality, Psychopathia Sexualis. The public attitude toward many deviant sex practices has eased since those harsh Victorian times but the very idea of bestiality […] read

Women with Animals
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The Trials Of Jenny Adkins 4.3 (12)

Jenny Adkins had always had an evil streak, she believed she could beat the system, that was until a judge sent her to Arlington, a supposed approved school. Jenny was in for a shock. ~~~~ Part One Jennifer Adkins held the knife close to her Mother’s throat just as the police burst in. “Take her […] read