Bellyriding Women with Animals
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Rachel’s Unfulfilled Desires


(c) 2019-2020 by Newman123

PROLOGUE: Rachel’s Unfulfilled Desires

I wanted to write a story about a woman wanting sexual fulfillment, but never having truly found it on her own. Masturbation always brought her better orgasms than having sex with other partners. Frustrated sexually, Rachel might be open to try something she might otherwise never consider on her sexual journey through life. Wishing to finally be sexually fulfilled, she finds herself searching for something new, or some new path to follow.

The setting for the story starts in modern day California, Silicon Valley, Northern California, about 50 miles south of San Francisco.

This is the story of a woman who finds herself ready for a major life change, ready for something new, but she has no idea what is in store for her.


Chapter 1 – Rachel

Hi, my name is Rachel. I want to share an unusual journey I have been on for some time now. I guess you could say it has been the road less traveled.

I think I knew early on in life that I was different from most other girls. I liked boys, I liked girls, I LOVED sex, well that’s not really true… I loved orgasms! But I wish sex with a partner was consistently better. I have a hard time getting satisfied with someone else. I mean REALLY satisfied.

The kind of sexual satisfaction that leaves you feeling like you have had enough sex for a while, feeling sexually satisfied. I always wanted more when someone else was in the bed with me. There always seemed to be something missing. Something just beyond my reach. I never knew what it was, and I never found out what it was I was searching for, but never could find.

Masturbation, in all it various forms was always more satisfying for me. I always knew how to please myself better than anyone else could ever make me feel.

I had learned what my body liked, what touch, what caress, how hard, how soft, and how much my body could take through masturbation. I have always felt a heightened connection between my sense of touch on my body and amount of pleasure it gave me in return. A cool breeze can blow across my chest, and my nipples tingle and become erect against my t-shirt sending a shiver down my spine. I like to wear t-shirts and jeans, My ass looks great in jeans and my t-shirt is just suggestive and flirty enough to cause a stiffening in mens jeans and lustful stares from excited women. My nipples are always erect and waiting to be caressed.

I’m Slender and athletic in build, 5′ 8”, long blonde hair. My eyes can change from light blue to deep blue, and I have a kind of a mischievous smile that shows when I look at myself in the mirror after getting out of the shower. I like the way I look and I know others do too. I work hard keeping my body lean and strong, and it has served me well in my past during my quest of sexual discovery. I’ve learned that the more in shape I keep my body, the more enjoyment I get from sexual activity, and the stronger my orgasms are. And they are VERY strong.

A key part of my body training is to do Kegel exercises every day, which has been the biggest factor in how strong my orgasms are, and how often I can have an orgasm. Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor called the PC muscles, the “hammock” of muscles that control the flow of urine and hold the pelvic organs in place. These are the same muscles you contract during an orgasm. When you make these muscles stronger, you make your orgasms stronger, and my PC muscles are VERY strong.

My breasts are a nice size B, and are just the right size to be flirty and sexy and able to wear a t-shirt without a bra if I want to. My breasts love to be gently caressed, gently kneaded and massaged. The gentle rubbing against the inside of my t-shirt as they jiggle from walking or a gentle breeze keeps my nipple erect and keeps me in an elevated state of arousal. This is a feeling that I like very much, and am conscious of at all times.

I’m proud of my abs, they are in great shape, and they tense so beautifully when I’m in the throws of an orgasm. I exercise and eat right to strive to be the sexual athlete that I want to be. Sexual athlete, I like the way that sounds, I have worked hard at it and the rewards are much better orgasms, something I never get tired of, and strive to achieve every chance I get.

My legs and ass look great, I generally do aerobic workouts both at home and at the gym. My body feels good to me, it feels strong, it feels capable of almost anything I ask of it. I like the way my lean body looks in the mirror after I get out of the shower.

But what I really love is the way my body responds to sex, how it responds to orgasms, straining with such intensity and trembling abandon. Thinking about it now brings a smile of contentment to my face, a thought of my body experiencing pure sexual pleasure always makes me want to touch myself.

I do my Kegel exercises every day. They have enhanced my orgasms to be both longer and much stronger. Stronger to the point of scaring me sometimes, I can nearly pass out from cumming so hard, from tensing so hard, and from holding my breath too long during an orgasm.

My orgasms consist of sustained moaning and trembling for 20 to 30 seconds. I know this is a little unusual, but I think it is a sexual turn on to see a trembling body having a moaning full body orgasm so I don’t feel self conscious when I have my kind of orgasms. I have video taped myself, and I love watching myself when I play the scenes back later. Seeing myself trembling…moaning…orgasming….for 20-30 seconds at a time, barely breathing….really turns me on actually.

Watching myself being gone…..just gone to the world….nothing else matters, no other sensations, just trembling…moaning…orgasms, and sometimes breathing, sometimes not.

Thinking about where I am am now in my life, and where all this started, kind of makes me wonder which direction I want to take my life now. I have traveled a unique life so far, unusual for a woman I must say, but I do know I want to head in a totally different direction once again.

It had been a frustrating journey sexually through my college years. So you can say I guess I kind of gave up looking for sexual fulfillment during those years. So after I graduated college, I decided to see if I could redirect all of my sexual energy into my creative and professional energy.

In my professional life, I have been guilty of redirecting my sexual juices and desires into my creative juices for so long, was I ready to finally change back? Did I really know how?

Having made my fortunes in Silicon Valley at an early age, I am now free to pursue other interests as the free spirit that I really am, or at least that I want to be. None of my coworkers knows anything of this side of me, I have always kept it a secret from them, and well hidden for the most part. Conforming to social and professional morals was necessary in the daily chores of a high-tech startup.

But now, could I find the right journey to be my true self?
Could I learn to be a more fulfilled sexual being than I had ever been before?
Did I even have the skills necessary to find my way on this new journey?

All good questions I thought, but I really didn’t know if I had any of the answers.
What I didn’t know yet, was that the journey ahead was going to be in a direction that I never would have consciously chosen for myself if I had known it ahead of time.

Maybe that’s the way the most important journeys in life are supposed to happen.

That the most important journeys in our life are either thrust upon us or are not of our own choosing ahead of time. That they are begun by circumstance that becomes part of our being just by living through it. That our strength and growth as a person is what the journey is meant to be.

This kind of journey is the kind that builds character.
The kind of journey that builds who we are.
The kind of journey that can reveal who we are to ourselves.

This is the kind of journey I was about to start. If I had known this ahead of time, would I have chosen it for myself? Wow, probably not, I don’t think I would have back then at least. I don’t think I would have had the courage to see it through.

I’m getting ahead of myself a little bit, I bet you’re wondering how this all started for me before I ended up in Silicon Valley California, taking the road less traveled.

I know, girls aren’t supposed to be nerdy/geeks as a rule, but I had decided early on to break that stereo type. I had great looks, but I also had a great brain to go along with those looks. I had studied hard in school, taking engineering classes, computer science classes, usually being one of the few females in each of those classes. Sometimes I was the only female in one of those classes. I had excelled at the top of my classes many times which didn’t surprise me, but made some of the males angry it seemed. But if I was nice to them, they soon turned the other cheek. A pretty girls attention, even just as a friend did wonders for many of them, most of them were really lacking in social skills.

I had an inventive and creative mind, and saw ways technology could be used with a few new ideas if applied just right. I also knew I might be able to start a new company from some of my ideas. I got degrees in both Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. So that’s what got me started in this direction, I started this company I co-founded with one of my classmates after college.

Working insane hours, using my mind creatively, was an amazing experience. We were sleeping in the office some nights like start-ups have to do sometimes to meet deadlines in Silicon Valley.

I had never worked so hard or loved the team I was working with so much. It wasn’t easy, but we had persisted when the going got tough, the nights and days had been long, but now it was paying off, and my efforts in pursuing my dream to retire early were about to pay off nicely. I had stock options as an executive of the company that I was a co-founder of.

We started in my apartment for the software and in my garage for the hardware, just the two of us back then. When the proof of concept worked, we got some funding and moved into a small warehouse and hired 4 more people. Twelve months later we went for VC funding and got funding of 1.2 million dollars and moved into a real office this time.

We busted our asses for 2 years, night and day. Just a small amount of hardware and a whole lot of software and firmware and we were ready for market. We hit the ground running and never looked back. We were very successful.

After going public with a wildly successful IPO, I worked for 2 more years pushing the company to the success I new it could be. We had attracted big money investors from our track record and the IPO. We got an offer, an amazing offer actually, one we couldn’t refuse. It was an offer to buy our company outright, we decided to go for it, and we got bought out for an insane amount of money, double what the company was worth, they wanted it really badly, before any other company stepped in and beat them to it. They were never going to let that happen, they told me as much. They bought the company for 200 million dollars. I own 40% of the company. This meant I was going to get 80 million dollars. All the long hours and hard work had paid off, big time.

I knew it was time to move on at this point for me personally, so I cashed in a bunch of my stock, invested some to diversify my holdings, and ready to say goodbye to the daily grind and basically retired at 32. There had also been signing bonuses for the founders from the sale of the company of 10 million dollars each. It all happened near my 32nd birthday, so I considered it a birthday present! NICE!

I am on the board of directors. I have an office as a technical consultant for one last project, but I am only in the office 4 days a week until that project is finished. I’m kind of weaning myself from the daily grind, I guess you can say. I wanted it that way, going cold turkey wouldn’t have worked for me. This was my baby, I still owned stock, and I still cared about its future. And being the techie that I am, I love working with this stuff. I didn’t know it now, but I would have a chance to use my techie skills on another personal project, of a much more personal and sexual nature shall we say, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet.

Wandering around my house, I keep thinking about my great collection of sex toys. I can’t seem to get my mind off of them, try as I might. I have just worked the last four days straight, so I have the next three days off. What would I like to do today for entertainment. Maybe I should give in to some play time.

Thinking about my collection of sex toys has made me horny, so it must be time to masturbate which I do a LOT. Time to get out some of my wonderful toys! I keep them in my Treasure Chest…or my Pleasure Chest I guess you could say.

I use ID brand lube with a pump top dispenser. Sex toys like lube, and keeping them well lubed lets you play longer without getting sore. And I like to play a very long time….sometimes. As far as toys go, I have a great collection. Just to name a few…I have soft silicone dildos, longer and harder rubber dildos, a vibrating egg with wireless remote, a vibrating wand, an impressive inflatable black dildo, and several glass dildos, some curved and others straight, heavy weighted stainless steel g-spot exercisers, plus many more.

I think tonight I will use my pocket rocket vibrator, my vibrating egg with wireless remote, my Dick Rambone 17” dildo, my inflatable black dildo, my We-Vibe 3, and my Magic Wand. Maybe some, or all of these.

I quickly stripped naked, I was getting more turned on by the second. I was wet, very horny, and needed to be satisfied quickly. I ran to the bathroom to get some towels, spreading two out, one for my toys, and one for me to lay on. Toys, lube, and sex play can make for wet sticky bed sheets, I can’t have that to sleep on later now can I.

As I climbed onto the bed my mind was already trying to decide where to start. Start fast, start slow, tease myself, or just fuck myself into oblivion…..decision, decisions.

I guess I wished most of all to have someone to share all of this with. But I guess I kind of screwed that up royally over the past few years. I’ve been going 100 mph every day here in Silicon Valley, feeling driven, and striving to push hard and fast to achieve my goals as fast and as hard as I could every damn day. That I kind of screwed up my personal life big time. Well Hell, I guess those were the choices I had made then, so I need to find a way to be at peace with them now. Anyway, that chapter of my life is winding down, and coming to a close as my final project is finishing up. Soon I will be leaving the company I started. Leaving for an unknown path, for a new journey of self discovery. I find myself both nervous and excited at the same time.

Wow, talk about going off on a tangent. Where was I….oh yeah, decisions, decisions. I think I will start slow, teasing myself with my vibrating egg with the wireless remote, that will be fun. It has several modes, offering different vibrations. A little teasing on the outside….then I will insert it, and slide it in deeper, sounds fun. I have a large pump bottle of ID brand lube, I love my lube and toys, they have become my best friends! I hope that doesn’t sound too awful, just something born out of necessity over the years.

I prop a pillow against the headboard to lean against, and place another pillow between my legs and lean a medium size mirror against that pillow. I want to watch me playing with myself. I think my pussy looks rather beautiful. I can see why men like to watch women masturbate, or watch themselves thrusting into women during sex, it is very visually stimulating, at least it is to me.

I slid my two middle fingers of my right hand as deep as they will go into my mouth, wetting them with as much saliva as they will carry. Reaching down I slide them along my clitoral shaft, wetting it, and massaging it up and back, and rolling the shaft left and right under my fingers. Back into my mouth for more saliva, then lower down to wet and caress my pussy lips, and tease my vaginal opening, massaging around and around in a circle, it feels very good. I could come so easily tonight. I go slowly, intentionally, teasing myself, making me wait, making my hips thrust for more on their own. Mmmmm……Moaning noises escape my mouth from feeling the pleasure my fingers are giving me and from wanting more. I wet my fingers again and slide them inside, hmm….I’m already wet….nice….my fingers slide in easily….and they slide in all the way. I curl them up, and feel the rougher roof at the top of my vagina…my g-spot, I will work on that a little later. Thrusting my fingers inside me a few times….yes…it does feel good….VERY good in fact….I think it is time for more…maybe the egg.

I withdraw my fingers and reach for the egg and remote. A quick check to make sure the remote is working, yep, multiple massage speeds, Check. Squirt a little lube on my pussy, it’s cool, I rub it around a little, then rub some on the egg which suddenly becomes very slippery to hold. Turn the egg on LOW, and hold it at my pussy entrance. I gently press it into my pussy opening, easing half of it inside, its vibrations against my pussy lips feels good and the desire to slide it further inside is strong. I press more firmly and watch in the mirror as it slowly slides further inside me, and my lips open wider, yielding to the size of the egg. Then as the egg passes inside me, my pussy swallowing up the egg, my lips close around the egg making it vanish from view as if my pussy was swallowing it up whole, a beautiful sight. I could still hear the vibrations, but they were very faint, muffled vibration noises coming from deep inside me. I want to watch it emerge, so I push with my pussy muscles, and watch as the egg emerges from inside me. My pussy lips open up, I can see the egg inside pushing the lips outward…bulging outward…then opening wider…allowing some of the egg to emerge from inside me. I relax a little, and the egg slides back inside on its own. I bear down again, forcing the egg out from inside me, a beautiful ballet of muscle control and visual pleasure to behold putting on quite a show to watch, quite fascinating really. I decide to bear down until the egg pops out all of the way, so I bear down harder, watching until the egg emerged with enough force to pop out of me all the way….cool. The vibration sounds got louder again when it popped out of me. I picked up the egg and touched it to my yearning pussy lips, sliding it deep inside me once more. YES!, I love the feeling of toys sliding inside me.

Next I wanted my Dick Rambone dildo thrusting deep inside me. I have a special smooth place on my headboard for the suction cup the stick to. So I wet the suction cup a stuck it to the headboard…low, a foot above the mattress…..perfect. I lubed Dick up, and positioned myself doggie style facing away from the headboard, ready to back myself onto the massive dildo. The egg was still vibrating inside me, I was primed and ready for more. A quick bit of lube inside and outside my pussy and I was ready to go. I positioned my pussy at the head of the massive dildo, I touched the tip of the dildo to my pussy lips, I always get anxious at this point, then I eased back and felt the head part my pussy lips and enter me. God it is a huge dildo. I slid maybe 4 inches inside me, then back out several times…..yes. Then sliding 6 or 7 inches inside me several times….oh god yes. Pressing harder…maybe 8 or 9 inches inside me…over and over….deeper and deeper…..until I was pressing the vibration egg against my cervix now…….mmmmmm. I was heading toward an orgasm as I kept sliding along the dildo over and over again. This went on for many minutes, as long as I could stand it. I denied my orgasm as long as I could. I wanted one more toy inside me……I wanted the We-Vibe!

I slowly withdrew from the dildo inside me, and reached over and got the We-Vibe and its remote. The We-Vibe is ‘U’ shaped, half goes inside you and half stays outside you. I lubed up the internal half of the We-Vibe, then inserted that half. I got back into position against the Dildo, and wiggled and worked the dildo back inside me while the We-Vibe was inserted as well. The We-Vibe was not turned on yet, and with the huge dildo inserted now, the g-spot stimulation end of the We-Vibe was pressing VERY hard against my g-spot. I was going to get cervix, g-spot, and clitoral stimulation at the same time, as well as dildo thrusting tonight….YES!!!

I started to slide along the massive dildo, feeling it move inside me, pleasuring me, I was filled with toys and knew this was going to be an epic journey towards many massive orgasms. I had never attempted this combination before, but I suspected they would bring untold levels of pleasure never before attained. I could already feel my excitement rising just from getting everything inserted into me, and getting this journey started. As I was sliding along the massive dildo shaft, even slowly I was loving the buildup toward my first orgasm of the night. I could feel the egg vibrating inside me, a very nice internal hum and vibration near my cervix. Every time I would push myself back all the way onto the massive dildo driving it very deep into me, I would push the vibrating egg against my cervix causing me to shudder and move closer to my orgasm….very nice indeed. I would hold that pressure for a moment, feeling the deep thrusting dildo….so very deep, vibrations against my cervix, sending shivers deep inside me, I love that feeling. Time for the next level of pleasure. I reached for the We-Vibe remote. I clicked on the internal g-spot vibration on LOW…mmmm….nice. I was getting close to my first orgasm already. I started moving on the massive dildo shaft again, edging ever closer to my orgasm. I like teasing myself toward orgasms, it is a promise of things to come. A promise of orgasms to come. My body starts to shake as I edge closer, trembling, waiting with anticipation, desperately needing to orgasm so badly. I know that the longer I wait, the stronger my orgasm will be. I also know that I can push my delayed first massive orgasm into an orgasmic plateau of non-stop orgasms sometimes, and just drive myself nearly insane with pleasure. So in the end, not going for the quick orgasm can be well worth it if I have time to play for an entire evening. My breathing is getting raspy, I’m shaking, my first orgasm is nearly here, I can’t hold off much longer, I want it so badly.

Do I dare click the We-Vibe remote to turn on the clitoral vibrator and cum? I could cum just from thrusting on the massive dildo. My hand reaches for the remote, I click on the vibrator on LOW, as soon as my clit feels to vibrations….BAM! I explode into my first orgasm of the night. Ahhhh….I’m moaning out loud, and thrusting on the dildo shaft. I can feel the dildo thrusting into me, the egg vibrating deep inside me, my g-spot vibrating, and my clit vibrating. This is a massive orgasm I have edged towards for some time, I am trembling violently, thrusting as I can, breathing some, but mostly holding my breath. I love orgasms and the feeling of electricity that run through my entire body as I trembly through them. My god, what a heavenly experience they truly are. I’m trembling and holding my breath to prolong this orgasm, this delicious orgasm, everything is vibrating, everything is tingling. I’m out of breath and have to finally breathe, so I take a trembling breath, making moaning noises as I breath in that sound kind of funny. My muscles are still all tense, so breathing in was a little bit of a struggle I guess. Finally my body eases just a bit, and I take another breath. Wow, that was a very nice orgasm indeed. I click off the clit vibrator. I am still sliding along the dildo shaft, gently now, still in the afterglow of my orgasm, but feeling horny and ready for more. I’m feeling multi-orgasmic tonight and want to push toward and orgasmic plateau of non-stop orgasms if I can.

I have been thrusting for a couple minutes, building closer to another orgasm. I click the egg remote to HIGH and feel the vibrations deep inside me intensify, then click the We-Vibe g-spot vibrator to HIGH. WOW, the inside of my vagina is buzzing stronger, wanting more attention, this is going to be great. I start thrusting on the massive dildo shaft with renewed enthusiasm, it won’t take me long to orgasm for the second time. I can tell my endorphin levels are rising, my senses are heightened, my orgasms are going to be coming much faster now. I’m moaning constantly now, I’m trembling, I’m sweating from excitement and exertion, and I’m about to explode into orgasm for the second time tonight. I click the We-Vibe clit vibrator to LOW…..BAM!….Unggg…..I explode into my second orgasm for the night. Straining through another massive orgasm….so strong….and so wonderful….I love orgasms!

I’m trembling violently as I ride this massive orgasm. I must be quite a sight impaled doggie style on the massive dildo, trembling through my orgasm, moaning, just gone to this world. I can feel myself pressing back against the egg inside of me, vibrating my cervix, heightening my orgasm, prolonging my orgasm. I feel wetness running down my leg, I must have squirted just a little bit. Having such a massive dildo inside me would keep me from squirting much, but having my g-spot stimulated so much would surely have caused me to squirt a little bit with such a massive orgasm as this.

I’m thrusting just an inch in and out, I’m on the orgasmic plateau I was searching for, I’m having constant orgasms now. I can’t stop cumming, and I don’t want too. I don’t ever want to stop cumming, not ever! I’m trembling, moaning, and not breathing mostly. I love this place. Please don’t ever make me leave. I have been cumming so hard and so much I am getting weaker. This has been going on for some time, I’m not sure how long. This is kind of like a drug I guess. The brain and the body just wants more. I probably shouldn’t do this, but I switch the clit vibrator to HIGH, it has an immediate effect……BAM! I explode into a massive, massive orgasm.

Unggg….straining through another massive orgasm….so strong….and so wonderful….
I briefly look underneath me to see a thread of drool streaming from my mouth to the towel below…but I am helpless to do anything about it…I’m still lost in another world for now. My eyes close again. Trembling….straining…loving every second of this massive orgasm. Sliding along the dildo shaft stuck to the headboard of my bed, rotating my hips, working to prolong this pleasure for as long as possible….staying on this orgasmic plateau of constant orgasms….My cervix is being vibrated by the egg inside me….the dildo is pressing the egg against my cervix. The We-Vibe is vibrating my g-spot, being pressed hard against it from inside by the dildo. And my clit is being vibrated by the We-Vibe on the outside at the same time. I’m being assaulted by sexual stimulation everywhere, I am simply being overwhelmed, I am losing control.

I know I am beyond the intelligible words, only strange sounds and moaning are coming from me now, my brain is on sensory overload. I need to stop, but I don’t want too, I want to keep going, I need to keep going, I don’t ever want this to end.

My body is trembling so violently in orgasms, the noises I’m making are vibrating as if I’m saying them through a rotating fan blade.

I can’t think about thrusting any more, my brain isn’t working well enough to think straight, so I lower my chest to the bed, and sit back slightly on my heals. Well, that just drove the massive dildo deeper, pressing the vibrating egg firmly against my cervix. I was in trouble now. My cervix was vibrating by the egg, my g-spot was vibrating, my clitoris was vibrating, I was having a massive non-stop orgasm, I was drooling and incoherent, and I was too weak to move. I was trembling violently still, I could feel the trembling of my body in the dildo shaft inside my pussy massaging the egg against my cervix. I could feel myself loosing consciousness, I tried to open my eyes, and I could see blackness closing in from the corners….I was in real trouble here as my eyes closed again.

Oh god help me…..I love this pleasure….it would be OK to die like this….
I could feel tears running from the corners of my eyes……orgasmic bliss….
finding a piece of heaven on this earth…..

My brain wasn’t working….remotes…..what was a remote…..remm…..what?…..remote….press…..what?…..remotes……..

Fortunately both remotes were right next to me, I somehow manage to click the egg remote, then the We-Vibe remote……….then I was out.

I don’t know how long I was out, I woke up some time later, still in the same position I was in when I passed out from exhaustion earlier. It took me a few moments to realized I was still impaled on the massive Dick Rambone 17” dildo, so I gently eased myself forward to extricate myself from him, and fell over onto my side on the bed. Next was the removal of the We-Vibe. Then it was time to do a little fishing for the deeply embedded egg. With the help of my well developed vaginal muscles thanks to all my Kegel exercises, getting the egg out was fairly easy.

Holy Shit that was an AMAZING orgasmic ride I went on earlier tonight. Getting on an orgasmic plateau like that doesn’t happen very often, but it is amazing when it does happen.

I was exhausted for tonight. I needed to pee badly. You should always pee after a long sexual session to avoid any urinary issues, especially for women. So I used every bit of strength I had to walk into the bathroom to pee. I nearly fell asleep on the toilet. I stepped into the shower to rinse off quickly. I had been trembling so hard during all my orgasms, my skin was salty from sweating so much earlier, and I needed to wash off the dried lube as well. The warm water felt good and soothing, and I took the removable shower nozzle and rinsed my pussy lips and inside my pussy to rinse the lube out. Not a full shower, too tired for that tonight. I dried myself off, and headed to bed.

I knew I would sleep soundly tonight. Having orgasms will do that to you. Having massive multiple orgasms will REALLY do that to you. I removed the Dick Rambone dildo from the headboard, placing it on the towel with all the other toys, and moved the towel full of toys to the bench at the foot of the bed.

As I climbed into bed I wondered what tomorrow would bring? I knew my life was about to change, but I didn’t know how. I certainly knew I was ready for a change though, I had been ready for a long time. I had been far too lonely, for far too long.

I would soon be leaving for an unknown journey, for a new journey of self discovery. I find myself both nervous and excited at the same time.

And as the day drew closer for my new journey in life to begin, would I be ready?
Well, I would find out soon enough, but would I be brave enough to take the next step?

If I knew how strange a journey lay before me, would I have even been brave enough to take the first step?


Chapter 2 – My Sexual Exploration

For the last decade or so, my life consisted of working insane hours, eating, sleeping, and of course masturbating. Masturbation became my stress relief, my constant daily desire, and my constant distraction,. To combat this distraction, I used mental concentration and focusing with my team at work, as we focused on each task on our projects at work. Staying focused like that helped me achieve great things at work which I am grateful for now. But, there were certainly MANY times when I was simply too distracted, times when I simply had to masturbate before I could get anything else done. These were the times when my little pocket rocket was my best friend. I kept one in my car, and in my purse. I would masturbate in my office, in the bathroom, in my car, anywhere I couldn’t stand my sexual desire and frustration any longer before I could be home later to take care of it properly.

It became clear to me early on, that my main sexual desire in life was to explore the sensations my body and my vagina could give me. I’m a chronic masturbator! I would rather masturbate than eat sometimes. I love exploring new and different ways to stimulate my vagina and cervix. I love sex toys, and have a great variety of them, as well as a few medical devices to help explore my vagina with. Every chance I had, I was driven to pleasure myself through masturbation, and to learn more and different ways to achieve orgasms. God I love having orgasms.

I like to use the term vagina while I’m exploring inside, and my pussy kind of means the whole package to me. My vagina is filled with an amazing variety of areas that offer different sensations depending on how they are stimulated. When I am pleasuring my vagina I visualize a picture of the interior, the texture and appearance of the area I am stimulating. I guess I am on my own personal Fantastic Voyage as I explore how to get the most pleasure from each area. I have gazed inside my vagina many times using a speculum to open myself up, then using a mirror at first, and even a camera/microscope combination connected to my computer with a USB cable. OK, I just showed the geek in me. I learned about this camera from one of my Silicon Valley projects I consulted on, kinda cool actually! It is a video camera on a flexible shaft. It also contained a tiny LED light, which helped light up whatever was being video taped, in this case, the interior of my vagina and all the interesting places inside.

Hmm…should I take a minute and describe the areas inside and around my vagina for some of the women, and certainly a larger percentage of the men out there?

Well, if a better understanding of female sexual physiology would help some of you understand female sexual response areas, that might help lead to more foreplay and better sex for some, then why not.

Now every woman is different in her sexual pleasure areas, what areas like to be pleasured gently or more firmly, so this will be biased towards my own preference for pleasure.

My vagina is not a cave, not an open space, but a potential space that can be filled, caressed, massaged, and loved in many ways. The more it is caressed and turned on, the more it will open up, be filled with vaginal lubricant, feel engorged, and be open to a firmer more demanding touch. My vagina will even lengthen as I get more turned on. Where I might be able to slide a dildo 5 or 6 inches into my vagina before feeling it hit the back wall of my vagina, but when I am really turned on, I can take a full 8 inches before feeling the same pressure deep inside. When I’m REALLY turned on, I can take on 10 inches or more.

Most men don’t understand that when first starting foreplay, to caress so lightly as to almost not feel the touch. Let me repeat that for the men. LIGHTLY!!!! So lightly as to almost not feel the touch, thank you from all women. This is why women give better manual and oral stimulation to other women, they caress more gently! As your female partner gets more aroused, then gradually more pressure can be applied. And make sure everything touching her is either wet or lubed up, dry rubbing is unpleasant.

And NEVER go right to the clit! NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!!!. Got IT. That is a common mistake for men, they go to the clit too soon, and with too much pressure. If this was all they learned, then women would love the change in their approach to foreplay. Believe me, when the woman wants more pressure, they will let you know, either by verbal sounds or suggestions or by pressing against you more with body movements.

Most pleasure happens in the first third inside the vagina, around the outside of the vagina, and also the lips of the vagina, all areas where there are more nerve endings.
Also, caressing dry areas irritates skin making it feel more uncomfortable.
Caressing wet areas stimulates skin, Saliva or water based lube should be your best friend when caressing tender vaginal skin.

Oils are OK for body massages, but should be used carefully for the genital area, and especially not inside the vagina, where oils can lead to increased yeast infections. Water based lube is best for inside the vagina, just a little will do, and reapply if it dries out a little.

When you don’t need an intense quickie, spend 3,4,5 minutes caressing the outer lips of the vagina, caressing the vulva or outer area leading inside the vagina, caress the shaft of the clit then, which is above the clit, you can roll your fingers gently across the shaft, left to right, feeling the shaft roll under your fingers, this feels nice, even getting closer to the clit, but don’t rub the head of the clit which is under the hood made of skin until she is REALLY turned on. The clit especially needs to stay wet or lubed up wen touched.

Believe me, she will love you for taking your time with this foreplay!

Further inside the vagina are areas the can bring you great pleasure like the g-spot, but they are more of a learned area of stimulation, even changing the way stronger orgasms feel.

My g-spot is about two finger joints in on the roof of my vagina. It likes to be rubbed and vibrated as I get more turned on. That’s part of why I like to be penetrated so much. And cervix stimulation at the back wall of my vagina is another reason I love deeper penetration.

I’ve always liked being penetrated vaginally, clitoral stimulation is a reliable bonus, but it can seem too quick sometimes, and just not as deep an orgasm, you ladies will know what I’m talking about. Exploring the internal sensations inside my pussy is what drives me crazy with lust. Teasing myself, prolonging my desire for an orgasm, bringing my lust to the edge of an orgasm, over and over, my body sweating from heightened arousal, sustained for an almost unbearable amount of time, part of a trembling sexual journey. I have my strongest orgasms while being penetrated, whole body orgasms that really rock my world. They can leave me trembling, straining my body and muscles, holding my breath, moaning as waves of pleasure roll over me. Involuntary whole body twitches, starting at my rippled abs and jerking pelvis muscles. Emanating out to the rest of my body.

Then there are the monster orgasms. Orgasms that have come only after I have brought my self to the edge of an orgasm, over, and over, and over again, pleading in my mind to PLEASE finally allow my self to orgasm. When these finally hit me, it is more like an epileptic seizure to my body. My body arches so strongly that my entire body lifts off the bed, only my head or shoulders and feet touching the bed. I stop breathing, and my body trembles with such wild abandon as I fall back to the bed, trembling, moaning unintelligible sounds coming from my throat and mouth, thinking of nothing except this amazing orgasm. Sometimes I faint from this amazing orgasm, because it takes me a minute to realize what just happened when I come to. My body will feel strained from the exertion, feeling euphoric from the orgasmic bliss I find myself in, and finally satiated from the lust I was feeling before. I usually fall into a deep sleep, feeling totally spent and longing for sleep.

I am willing to learn and to do anything to further my sexual appetite. I can touch and find areas better this way, and then later when I close my eyes I can see that same picture and learn which of my sex toys stimulate that area the best. I am fascinated by sex toys, the variety is simply amazing. I have soft silicone dildos, longer and harder rubber dildos, vibrating eggs, vibrating wands, metal Chime Balls which are much larger (larger than a golf ball) Ben Wa balls with a chime inside, an impressive inflatable black dildo, and several glass dildos, some curved and others straight, heavy weighted stainless steel g-spot exercisers, plus many more.

I’m learning the ability to stay so sexually excited that I enter an orgasmic plateau, hovering just below a full orgasm, but having orgasmic ripples wash over me, it’s an amazing experience of pumping out pleasure causing endorphins just high enough to never want it to end. I have only done this a few times, I can get stimulated to that level pretty easily, but the urge to cum is too strong and usually wins out as I push myself over the edge into full orgasm most of the time.

I like teasing myself as I get too excited, too close to orgasm, I ease off a little bit, the longer I delay my orgasms the stronger they are and the longer they last. Have I mentioned I love having orgasms? I definitely am on the road to becoming a nymphomaniac, and that sounds amazingly wonderful and scary at the same time.

I’m horny all the time, masturbating until pleasure fills my needs, many times. Occasionally I am driven by such insatiable desire, masturbating to exhaustion being my only release from my need to orgasm over and over. I sometimes fall asleep with my sex toy still inside me, like the other night.

Last week I had such a night, god I was so horny all day, running errands and being horny, grocery shopping and being horny, you would be surprised how sexual vegetables can seem when you’re horny. I couldn’t help myself, so I picked out 3 cucumbers. One medium size, maybe 8 inches long. One large one, maybe 10 inches long, and the third one, a nice long Chinese cucumber, probably 16 inches long.

As I was checking out, the young female checker looked at me as she touched each of the cucumbers, almost caressing them as she looked back at me. Pausing with each of the three cucumbers in her hands at the register.

I decided she was silently asking me if I had naughty plans for them, so I winked at her which brought a smile to her face.

Then I whispered “Cucumbers are simply wonderful!”.
Her mouth opened slightly from surprise at my comment.

Then I whispered “Do you think I’m going to like the large ones?”
She then mouthed the word ‘WOW’ to me.

What a lovely, flirty exchange for two strangers to have about my soon to be inserted large green sex toys.

I had been horny for so long I could feel my wet panties were soaked from my sexual desire and I needed to get home fast. I don’t even remember driving home really, all I thought about was that today I was going organic! How I was going to use my three vegetable friends to pleasure myself.

I needed to wash my veggies first, then dry them. They have been handled by others, as well as possibly sprayed with pesticides, and even wax sprays sometimes depending on the kind of fruit or vegetable I might be buying. With my washing completed, I was ready for play time.

I am a visual person. I love watching things slide in and out of my pussy, as well as watching things disappear inside my pussy. I love watching my pussy lips caress them as they slide in and out of me, or close around them if the object will fit inside me entirely.

I spread the blanket I use for all my toy play on the bed. Playing with toys can be a sticky, and messy experience from all the lube that is involved. Lube is your friend when masturbating with toys. The longer you want to play, the more lube you will be going through in each session. I buy lube in the larger 64 oz size, with a pump dispenser. My favorite lube of choice is ID brand lube.

I undressed quickly, I was so horny by now. I started getting horny in the super market when I was deciding which cucumbers to buy, and then when the checkout girl was looking at my cucumbers. By now, I was a horny mess. I wanted to grab a few other toys just in case I decided to stray from my organic game plan. I had three cucumbers in my starting line-up already, 8” long, medium girth 2” diameter, 10” long, full girth 2.5 inch diameter, and 16” long, medium girth 2” diameter, but very long, kind of with a handle to drive it home, I guess you could say. But now what toys to choose.

I grabbed the extension cord and the Magic Wand for guaranteed multiple orgasms. Then something for g-spot stimulation…ah yes, my four stage rocket dildo will do nicely. It is a 12” dildo with four widening ripples and a suction cup base. I also have a 12” ceramic tile mounted on a 12” square board which I just placed on the bed in case I want to use the suction cup feature of my rocket dildo later. God, handling my toys, and thinking about using them is really getting me wet. I do not have a large loose vagina, but I do like the feeling of being full, and toys pressing deeply into me. The feeling drives me into orgasm every time. In fact, my PC muscles are so strong, I can grip my toys so strongly, it’s hard to move them in and out of me, if I bear down on them with my vaginal muscles. I can also blast toys and objects out of my vagina with great force, both on purpose, and accidentally sometimes, if I am not careful.

One more thing, I moved all my pillows to the foot of the bed and leaned a medium sized mirror against the head of the bed. I duct taped the mirror to the headboard, just in case I got too shaky in bed, I didn’t want the mirror to fall on me. I wanted to watch the cucumbers going in and out of me, I told you I was visual, and I planned to slide them all the way inside me if they would go, and I wanted to watch it happen.

I moved a floor lamp with a directional bulb to the foot of the bed. I pointed it at the mirror. I wanted the directional beam of light to bounce off the mirror and shine directly on my pussy if possible, I wanted to watch my lips close around the cucumber with full illumination. Just the thought of this was getting me hotter. Then I thought about making a little movie for myself to check out later. I quickly grabbed my iPhone with zoom. I lay on the bed to check the lighting on my pussy, I adjusted the pillows, checked my lighted pussy in the mirror….perfect!

I have my blanket, my veggies, my lube, my toys, I’m ready. My nipples are erect, and I’m wet and horny. Everything is arranged around my blanket as if I’m going to have a little picnic. Well I guess I am, a little organic, orgasm picnic in bed. My heart was pounding as I start my little production here. A couple deep breaths, as my hands reach up to caress both breasts, ahh that feels nice. I toy with my nipples, they are already hard, the room is not cold, I am just excited and turned on. My right hand moves down to my mound and cups it gently rubbing it up and down. I could cum so easily, but I don’t want to, I want this burning desire for orgasm to burn a little longer. I wish I could make this feeling last a long, long time, but I know I will give in to orgasm, I always do, I can’t help myself.

I let my fingers gently circle my vulva, around and around, feels so nice. I could feel my vulva opening up as I did this, and my fingers were all getting wet, I was dripping already. I needed to slide a finger inside me so badly, I didn’t dare touch my clit, so I circle my vulva a few more times with just my middle finger, then I let it slide inside me. I could feel how wet I was as it slid inside me easily. So wet, it just slid right in, and it felt so, so good. My hips had risen up to meet my finger without me knowing it, my lust was in such need to hurry, easy now, I moved my hips back down to the bed, go slow now, but I was so wet.

I knew if I touched my clit I would have to go faster, and I wanted to, so I dared not, not yet. Calm down girl, I slid my finger from my pussy, whoa, it rubbed the side of my clit as I did, that was close, damn. I exhaled and breathed in deeply. I brought my middle finger to my mouth to taste my wetness, mmmm, nice. I inserted a second finger into my mouth wetting it, stalling for a moment, then sliding them both back to my pussy where they belonged.

Circling my vulva with both fingers, men if you don’t know this move, massaging the vulva in a circular motion feels so good, wow, then I slid both fingers inside where I really wanted them. I started moving them in a slow fucking motion in and out, yes, that’s what I wanted, it felt amazing. I was moving towards an orgasm though, and I wanted my first one to be organic today, I had promised myself that earlier today, damn. It took every bit of will power I had, but I removed my fingers once again, and denied myself this orgasm that had been building.

I quickly reached for the first 8” cucumber, lubed my fingers just a little, rubbed it around the opening of my pussy to lube it up, as well as the end of the cucumber. I watched in the mirror as I aimed the cucumber at the opening of my pussy. This was a fairly big cucumber to start with, and would stretch my pussy well, hence the need for lube, even though I was already wet. As the cucumber touched my lips, I watched as they parted, yielding to it’s firmness. It was wonderful and fascinating to watch. It was a little cooler than my fingers had been, but not too bad. I pressed a little, and watched as a little more slid inside me, 3 inches so far. I went slow, because it was big, I could see my lips start to stretch tight around its girth. What an amazing angle to watch from, to see the penetration that we women don’t normally get to see. God it really is beautiful to watch a woman being penetrated isn’t it.

I eased a little more inside me, 4 inches were in, it was feeling good, but I wanted more. I pushed again, 5 inches were inside me, more than half way now. I was at the thickest part of the cucumber, my lips were stretched tight around the girth, they were whiter in color from stretching, but it felt good. I could do this, now all I had to worry about was the length, 8 inches I could handle that I thought. It was feeling good, time for more, so I pressed harder. Another inch slid inside, yes, 6 inches, just a little 2 inch nub left outside was all I could see. My lips had closed just a little bit as the larger girth was already inside me, I was in the home stretch.

Time for the last two inches, all at once, I wanted to watch my pussy lips close in around the cucumber. I pressed inward as I watch the cucumber slide in all the way. I wasn’t aware of it at first, but as the cucumber had slid all the way inside, my mouth had opened, as if to help it slide inside maybe, or just in awe of seeing it happen, kind of funny.

Finally eight inches were in. I could see just the end if it sticking out of me. I could feel it filling me, I squeezed it with my vaginal muscles, it was big inside of me, but it felt very good inside me. As I had squeezed my muscles against the cucumber, it had tried to squeeze out of me, so I decided to play a game with the cucumber, the in and out game. I would squeeze it out with my vaginal muscles, then slide it back inside me, with my fingers. I had a beautiful view of my pussy in the mirror, I could see everything close up. Wait, the iPhone, take a movie of this. OK, zoom in, resting the iPhone on my groin near my leg pointing at the mirror, what a great shot, perfect angle and close-up. I pressed record.

I pushed the cucumber out and watched it slide half way out, then I slid it back inside me with my fingers, nice. It looked amazing and it felt good. Then I tried it all the way, pushing it all the way out, just barely hanging inside me by a thread, then jamming it back inside with more force. Then I tried 3 inches in and out fast, fucking myself in and out fast, pushing out with my muscles, pushing back in with my fingers. A few more times, all the way out, then all the way back in. OK, now time for my disappearing magic trick. Time for the cucumber to disappear.

I pressed the cucumber until I could see just a spot of green left in the mirror, then I pressed a little farther and I felt it slide in past my ring of muscles up inside me on its own, and it was gone. I watched as my pussy lips had closed in around the disappearing cucumber until it was gone from sight. It was locked up inside me and not coming out, until I pushed it out. I could feel it pressing against the back wall of my vagina, a little uncomfortable, but also pleasurable.

I was so full of cucumber, it felt very nice, but I needed to cum. So I stopped the video recording and got ready for my long awaited orgasm. I needed my Magic Wand. I have violent orgasms, and I didn’t want to kick and break the mirror, so I turned facing the right way on the bed, and pressed the Wand to my pussy lips on LOW. I moved it around in a circle, that circular vulva massage again, I’m telling you, it feels great. As I’m getting more and more turned on, my hips start getting into it, they are moving against the wand also, humping it. I’m moaning, and breathing hard. This is going to be a great orgasm, it has been a long time coming, with foreplay starting hours ago. Oh God, I also want some fucking, so I try to slide the wand inside me, the head is huge, but I have to try. It feels so good trying to fuck me, feels so good. Then back in circles, then back trying to get inside. I’m opening up a little, maybe it will fit inside. Pressing harder inside, please go inside me, please fuck me, please…

I’m trembling with need to be fucked, with need to orgasm, I’m so close, so close. It won’t fit, so close, then my orgasm hit me full force, BAM! I exploded! My pussy spasmed, and the Wand slid inside me, holy fuck, my closed eyes shot open, and my body arched off the bed into a whole body orgasm that was so strong I pushed out the Wand, blasted the cucumber across the bed, and ejaculated to the foot of the bed. I watched as the cucumber shoot out of me, and the stream of ejaculate blast from my pussy. God I love my orgasms. I wasn’t breathing at this point, just trembling and shaking so bad, I closed my eyes, straining so hard. I could feel myself shaking on the bed, savoring the orgasm for as much pleasure as I could. But I hadn’t been breathing for a very long time, I had been shaking for nearly a minute, and I could tell I might pass out soon. Breathe, just breathe, so as my trembling eased, I took a breath. I have cum so hard I have passed out before, but I don’t like doing that, I miss some of the pleasure.

I lay there for a few minutes, catching my breath, recharging for a minute. There was more fun to be had though. More toys to explore. And more cucumbers to try first. Now that I was warmed up, I wanted to see how I could handle the larger 10 inch cucumber. It was longer yes, but also larger around. Could I handle the girth, I wasn’t so sure. I turned back around to face the mirror again, lined up with the spot light, yep I could see my beautiful pussy lips perfectly. I was right up next to the mirror like last time, nice and close so I could see everything. I just bent my knees and placed my feet on the wall. It opened me up, and my pussy lips parted, wow, I could see inside just a little, it looked inviting, and it looked beautiful. I could see why men are so fascinated by women’s pussies when they get up close and personal, they are wonders to behold, with so many different places to explore and give pleasure.

I grabbed to 10 inch cucumber, it just seemed much larger and heavier in my hand. I wasn’t sure it would fit, but I was sure as hell going to try my best to get as much inside of me as I could. I wondered how much would really fit inside me, and I was sure going to find out. I put some more lube on my pussy lips, some inside me, and some on the 10 inch cucumber, I was ready to go. I placed the end of the cucumber at the mouth of my pussy, and rubbed around the opening in a circle a dozen times. Teasing me, anticipation, waiting, then I slid it inside firmly, damn it was big, I only got 3 inches inside. Then it got too big around, I couldn’t handle the girth just yet. I let it slide out, then back in 3 inches a few times, it felt good. Then on the way back in, I pressed with more force, as another inch slid inside me, wow, 4 inches.

I was breathing faster, my heart was beating faster, I wanted more. I let it slide out again, then filled myself with it a few more times, in and out, yes, I was liking this very much. Them pressing in harder, I felt many inches slide into me, dragging past my sensitive pussy lips, feeling sooo good. There was still a lot of cucumber left, but I had 5 inches inside me, half way home. I was at the thickest part, I knew I could handle the girth now. I was ready to jam the rest inside me as fast as I could. I like the anticipation of sliding so much inside me each time I slide more in, so I slid the cucumber in and out a few times, fucking myself with it, yes I really liked the way this was making me feel. OK, next time it slides out, then I will slide it all the way inside me. I have been fucking myself with only 5 inches each stroke, and I am about to try to jam 10 inches inside my pussy, this is going to be interesting. I’m going to try slamming the entire length inside me!

Sliding out….then sliding the entire length past my tender pussy lips, way up inside me, all 10 inches driving deeper than ever before, deeper and deeper, pushing all the way to the back wall of my vagina almost, then BAM. The cucumber crashed into my cervix with a feeling of pressure deep inside me, I stopped, with an inch left to go of cucumber still sticking out of my pussy. The pressure didn’t hurt, it startled me, but as I pressed against it more, it started to feel good. I think it is time for my Magic Wand.

I set the Wand to LOW. While still holding the cucumber in me, I slide the Wand around the sides of the bit of cucumber still sticking out, vibrating my pussy lips and the cucumber at the same time. This feels amazing, up and around, passing and buzzing my clit each time in the process. I’m working towards an orgasm, another very nice orgasm. I placed the Wand on the tip of the cucumber, pressing inward which vibrated the entire length of it inside me, mmmm, that’s nice. I also pressed it harder against my cervix, buzzing my cervix, it liked the vibrations. My hips started to move in a fucking motion wanting more, wanting it deeper. I pressed even harder, driving the cucumber deeper inside me, I could feel my cervix being pressed deeper inside me, and the cucumber was going in deeper, ever deeper, yes, so very deep.

I moaned a deep guttural moan as my body was trembling with desire, with lust for more, with need for more, I pressed harder still. The cucumber was vibrating deep inside me, vibrating my pussy walls and my cervix, then the Wand mashed against my pussy lips, I had done it, the cucumber was driven totally inside of me, all 10”. The Wand was vibrating my pussy lips and the cucumber, driving me to a massive orgasm. My hips were humping and jerking against the Wand, driving against the pressure, trying to drive the Wand harder against my pussy lips. I reached out to hold the cucumber inside me with one hand, and the other hand slid the Wand’s switch to HIGH, Oh God YES!

I slid the Wand up a half inch and mashed my clit with it, BAM! I exploded into a massive orgasm. My whole body stiffened, my legs shot up the wall, my shoulders were on the bed, and my feet were pointed straight, high up on the wall as I was trembling through a massive orgasm. I was pressing the cucumber against my cervix as hard as my fingers could press during my orgasm, just holding it all the way inside me. I was moaning and gasping for air, but mostly just holding my breath. Every muscle in my body was straining and rigid as I continued to tremble and shake violently. I had managed to spread my legs a little to steady myself, but I was still orgasming with the Wand on my clit, I was forcing myself to hold it there, even though it was becoming too sensitive, but this was just too good to let it end just yet, not yet. I just couldn’t take it any more, so I had to move the Wand from my clit, it was just gets too sensitive to have anything touch it.

I collapsed down on the bed, my body still jerking occasionally from my orgasm. I lay there for a few minutes, catching my breath, recharging for a minute. Minor tremors still shook my body as I lay there, minutes passed as my body settled down and relaxed, wow that was great!

There was more fun to be had still, I had a curious thought, what about gravity? What if I propped up my hips so my pussy pointed straight up. What would it be like to watch a cucumber slide into my pussy, inch by inch, from just gravity alone? Would that even work? I thought the visuals would be interesting, and the no hands, anticipation might be exciting, and I could use my pussy muscles to control the speed of insertion as gravity tried to force the cucumber into me. Yep, definitely, lets try it.

I looked in the mirror, as I released my hand pressure on the cucumber inside me as I watched it slowly slide out of me in the mirror. As all 10 inches appeared, I thought holy shit, that was all inside me, damn.

I placed 2 pillows folded over under my butt and back, raising my pussy to be the highest part of my body with my pussy pointing straight up. Lubed up my pussy, and the cucumber, placed it just inside my pussy and release my hold on it, just steadying it so it wouldn’t fall. Gravity had control of it now, but it wasn’t moving. I tried to flex my vaginal muscles, maybe to open up my vaginal passage, the cucumber moved, but it never slide inside me any further. Hmm, it needed to be heavier, but I still liked the idea, so I wasn’t going to give up just yet. Think, think, I’m great at solving problems, I always have been.

I thought about what I had in the house that I could use to make the cucumber heavier. I thought of three things, a large meat thermometer, and a heavy paper weight from my office desk here at home, and a large family size can of soup, and of course duct tape. I taped the paper weight to the dial side of the large meat thermometer. Then I taped the bottom of the soup can to the paper weight. So from the top down it went, soup can, paper weight, meat thermometer. Securely duct taping them all together, I was ready to go. Then I stuck the meat thermometer into one end of the cucumber. The heavy paper weight would have been enough weight, it must weight about 2 pounds. But I decided to use a soup can so that my feet could grab it and help steady it while gravity was driving it into my pussy. I think this is going to work! I was getting more excited by the minute.

There were two things holding the cucumber to the contraption, the pointed spike of the meat thermometer, and some duct tape. If they both let go, I would have this pointed meat thermometer spike headed toward me….NOT good. So, I quickly grabbed a fork, bent the fork tines 90 degrees, stuck the fork tines in the sides of the cucumber ½ inch under the meat thermometer with the handle of the fork now resting along the soup can because of the 90 degree bend I put in it. I duct taped the fork handle to the soup can, my fork safety device was in place, and assembly was completed!

Then the thought hit me….How do I come up with this stuff…cucumbers, Gravity sex toys….meat thermometers, paper weights, and soup cans, damn…..then I thought….. I’m really glad I did!

It was time to try my idea one more time. I placed 2 pillows folded over under my butt and back, raising my pussy to be the highest part of my body with my pussy pointing straight up. Lubed up my pussy, and the cucumber, placed it just inside my pussy and release my hold on it, just steadying it so it wouldn’t fall over. Gravity had control of it now. I watched with anticipation as it started sliding into me, yes! My body was bent differently than earlier, so this definitely felt different from my earlier cucumber play, visually it looked great as the cucumber was invading my pussy, and I wasn’t the one pushing it inside me. Gravity was in charge now. It was sliding a bit too fast, so I tightened my vaginal muscles and it slowed down…nice, it worked. I relaxed my vaginal grip a little and watched it slide further inside, deeper and deeper inside me, until it touched bottom, pressing against my cervix, it had slid all the way home. I could feel the weight of it, pressing down against the back wall of my vagina, it felt OK, the wide dial of the meat thermometer kept it from going any deeper, the dial was too wide to fit inside me, so I felt safe from injury.

I grabbed the soup can with one foot on each side of the large soup can, and pulled up on my cucumber contraption,…..contraption?…. what should I call this thing….The Gravity Assisted Self Impaling Cucumber Dildo or GASICD for short….well that doesn’t work. How about a neat little home made sex toy to play with for the day, yep, that works for me.

Anyway, I pulled up on the soup can with my feet as I watched the huge cucumber slide out of my pussy, almost all the way, 9 inches or so. I decided to let it fall without stopping it this time to see what it would feel like. I reached over and rubbed my clit for a few seconds, I knew if it hurt a little, that the pain would feel better if I was a little more turned on. Even though I was turned on already, the way the pain/pleasure response works, the more turned on you are the more pain the body can take as pleasure. So I rubbed my clit for a few seconds, then with nervous anticipation I let go with both my feet on the large soup can. I rubbed my clit faster as I watched the cucumber slam into me with scary speed and force until the thermometer crashed into my pussy lips, and the cucumber crashed into my cervix. There was a sharp sting of pain when it hit so abruptly, I yelled out for a brief second, the pain had startled me. Good thing I was rubbing my clit or it would have been too much. I did like the effect though, time to let gravity fuck me over and over.

I reached up with my feet a grasped the soup can, letting it fall back into my pussy, usually controlling the decent with my vaginal muscles just the slightest bit. The more I got turned on the less I slowed the cucumber down. I did this for several minutes, getting more turned on each time. By now, I was so turned on my feet were just too shaky to use, they almost pulled the cucumber out of me completely several times. I found that I could reach up and push with one hand, pushing against the thermometer, push it out 8 inches, then let it crash back into me perfectly every time. I grabbed My Magic Wand, I needed an orgasm, I needed one bad, it was time. This was certainly going to be a new experience. Having my pussy fucked nicely by a gravity powered cucumber, and my cervix pounded by a gravity powered cucumber with each hard thrust, while my pussy is pointed up at the ceiling, cool.

This wasn’t going to take long for me to orgasm, but maybe I could edge myself closer and closer slowly, if I could have enough will power to hold off my orgasm a little longer, making it stronger when it did get here.

I set the Magic Wand to Low, and while pushing the thermometer out 8 inches and letting it crash back into me, god that was feeling so good every time it hit bottom. I pressed the Wand near my clit, but not touching it…Oh Yes, I didn’t dare touch my clit, otherwise I would have an orgasm right then, but I didn’t want to just yet, not quite yet. Building it up more, a little more, just like that, yes. My forehead was sweating, my face was sweating, my body was sweating with lust and desire to cum. I needed to cum so badly, please let me cum, please…

I moved the Wands vibrations down to my pussy lips, down both slides, sliding left, then up, then sliding down and right, I was moaning now, and I couldn’t stop. I moved the Wand up to my mound and clit shaft, but I dare not touch my clit itself, not yet, then back to my lips, oh yes, almost too much….don’t cum…but I need to…I’m whimpering now…I am in need…I’m trembling, and I haven’t even cum yet. My body is losing control, it’s being over stimulated, I’m on an orgasmic plateau of mini orgasms that are firing non-stop. I’m shaking and trembling and can barely think straight, Oh God, I’m afraid of what to do next. I want to stay right here and ride this orgasmic plateau as long as I can, this is the second time I have been this close to paradise this week, this is unbelievable. I have been holding my breath…..Breathe, Oh God…..Please let this last…. There are shots of electricity running through my body every few seconds as each mini-orgasm hits me.

I’m conscious of my trembling, I’ve stopped thrusting the cucumber, I can feel the constant pressure on my cervix which feels amazingly perfect right now. As I’m trembling it is jiggling my cervix just right, massaging it gently with just the right pressure. I’m also conscious of my Wand using it to touch myself then pull it away, to keep me on the edge of mini orgasms, keeping me on this orgasmic plateau. Tears of joy are streaming from the corners of my eyes, I couldn’t help it, I am just overcome with too much pleasure. I feel an enormous need to pee, which is probably just a sign of female ejaculation that is going to explode when I finally do have a massive full body orgasm. Edging this close to a massive orgasm for this long, my final orgasm is going to overwhelm me in ways I can’t even imagine, and it starting to scare me, and ejaculation will certainly be part of it. I’ve been rubbing my pussy lips with the Wand and rubbing the Wand against the soup can sending vibrations all the way down the cucumber to my cervix. I’m trembling so hard now I wonder if I can continue. What am I going to do, should I stop? I don’t want to stop….not ever…..but I am scared too….Oh God… me…….I can’t stop……not now…….I don’t want this to ever stop……..I’ve been cumming over and over…..can I die from too many orgasms if I don’t stop?…..I fear I may lose my mind.

I can’t take much more of this…..I’m seeing white flashes even though my eyes are closed…I’m gasping for air…and not breathing enough…I’m trembling with electric shocks running up my body every few seconds… body is jerking….my hips are jerking…and the Wand is sending vibrations deep inside me all throughout my vagina to my cervix…with my hips pumping against the Wand still wanting more…wanting it deeper…wanting an orgasm…my body…screaming for its final release…but now I’m afraid, I have waited too long, I’m too far gone, I will surely die if I cum now, just stop…just stop….

I knew I couldn’t, it was like a drug….I had to cum….there was no other choice…there never was…I pressed the Wand into the side of the soup can and my pussy lips for all I was worth. I was barely coherent, but I could feel the vibrations traveling deep inside me, down the cucumber, all the way to my cervix, vibrating it, massaging it, making it sing with pleasure. My pussy lips were vibrating under the Wand as well, they loved the attention they were getting, always wanting more….they were about to play their part in my orgasm which was almost here, so close now, so very close….and it was time.

I wondered if this would be the last thing I ever did, if my heart would stop, but then I thought that would be OK, as my tears of joy streamed from the corners of my closed eyes, I slid the Wands control to HIGH….

BAM! I exploded into a massive full body orgasm unlike anything I had ever experienced before. There was a flash of white light in my closed eyes, I screamed out at the top of my lungs, and I was trembling so violently it forced all the air out of my lungs. I heard myself groan as the air was force out of my lungs. My legs pushed off the wall sliding me down the bed, as my vagina blasted the cucumber out of my pussy. I ejaculated just as the cucumber blasted from my vagina, and continued to ejaculate with each contraction of my massive orgasm, for maybe 8 squirts or so. I finally was able to take my first breath, but I was still shaking, my orgasm was still happening. The sudden emptiness in my pussy needed to be filled badly.

I still had a hold of the Wand, so I moved it to my pussy entrance, and tried to drive it inside hard as I could. It wouldn’t slide in at first, my orgasm was constricting my vagina tight, but as one orgasmic spasm flared the entrance open, the head of the Wand slid all the way inside. The Wands head was seated deep hitting my g-spot perfectly and I exploded into another massive orgasm. My body was shaking so violently I feared I would pull a muscle. Breathing became an effort. I was moaning non-stop. My orgasmic shaking only served to wiggle the Wand against my g-spot, further enhancing the effect it was having on me. I was in trouble now. The Wand was sticking out of my vagina like a hard electric cock, no longer under my control, my hands had slipped off of it when my body went rigid when my new orgasm crash over me.

I was being stimulated by a robot device not under my control, and my body was clearly out of control. The more I shook, the more it stimulated my g-spot, I could hear the muffled buzz deep inside me on HIGH. I was cumming so hard now, and ejaculating constantly from my g-spot being over stimulated, I was in real trouble. I couldn’t sit up to grab the Wand, my abdominal muscles were straining in constant orgasms, and I couldn’t reach the Wand with my hands, it was sticking out of my pussy the other direction. My legs were strained tightly together with my feet pointed in orgasm as well, help me…I can’t stop cumming…

Blackness started to creep in from the corners of my vision, I was going to lose consciousness with the Wand inside me, driving me to countless orgasms while I passed out, orgasming even while I was passed out, then orgasming when I woke up again, if I ever woke up. Frantically I tried to think of a way out, only a few seconds left….I managed to get the electric cord of the Wand between the toes of one of my trembling feet, closing my toes tight, yanking hard. And as blackness set in, I felt the Wand jerk out of my trembling pussy and I heard the buzzing, louder now, resting on the bed…..And then I was out.


Chapter 3 – Meeting Nina

I never did get to the Chinese cucumber, or to my other toys, they would have to wait for another day. I had woken up some time later turned off the Wand, and fallen dead asleep. I did survive my little gravity experiment as you can see.

Masturbation was never a problem for be, it always brought me my best orgasms. Relationships were where I just could never seem to get it right. I was headed for one of the most unique relationships I could have ever dreamed of, and I would have never in a million years guessed that it could have ever happened. Strange how events in our lives can just happen some times. Even life changing events. Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself, I should tell you more about my life so far.

Working insane hours over the last decade didn’t help with relationships. I have had relationships, well, I guess to be fair I should really say encounters, with both men and women. But, I always felt that I really wanted to stay single, part of my free spirit that needed to stay free and was yet to be fully realized. But I still wanted to share my life with a companion, and not feel so alone all the time. For the past few years I came to realize that the best orgasms were ones I gave myself. I have a vivid imagination for fantasizing when I masturbated. Masturbation had become my only form of sexual release for some time now.

I knew it was time to wake up my sexual desires to a much higher level now that I was leaving the morals and restrictions of the daily grind of Silicon Valley. I decided it was time for a road trip to a wonderful sex shop I had been reading about online in San Francisco called Good Vibrations. A female owned and operated sex shop, full of wonderful sexual aids, dildos, vibrators, lubes, couples toys also, books and erotica, etc.

I spoke with one of the owners on the phone and she suggested coming up on Friday evening. They were going to close the doors and have a special guest speaker Nina Hartley. She is an Adult Female Porn Actress and Activist, she calls herself the ultimate MILF on her web site. I thought it might be a fun evening, especially if I got the chance to talk with her, and maybe ask her advice about my situation in life.

It also turned out that Joani Blank, Good Vibration’s original founder (and winner of a Lifetime Achievement Award at the AVN(Adult Video News) was going to be there as well. So I got the address and event information I needed for this coming Friday night.

The special event was billed as:
Nina Hartley’s Guide to Total Sex:
A Sexuality, Health and Wellness workshop
603 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA.
6:00-9:00 pm

I arrived at Good Vibrations’ mission street store at 4:00pm. The store is across the street from the Mission Street Police Station! Just seemed a little funny to me, but I sure liked the location for safety reasons. I wanted to look around the store and possibly do some shopping for an hour before they closed the doors at 6:00 for the special event of the evening. I got lucky and found a parking spot just as someone was leaving just a few spots down from the front door.

What an amazing wonderland of adventurous sex toys and possibilities in the bedroom. You could really go wild here, if you didn’t come with a spending limit in mind, this is an exciting place to buy things.

I ended up buying an Njoy Eleven Stainless Steel Dildo, a Magic Wand vibrator, a large bottle of ID brand lube. I also bought a special very LARGE dildo – The Four Stage Rocket Dildo they had in for evaluation. It was 12.75 inches long and had graduated bulges along the dildo shaft, getting bigger the further you inserted the dildo. There were 4 bulges in all, the last one was almost as big as a man’s fist, gulp! A real monster! I told them I would take it!…..I love a good challenge!

All I can say is…..lots of lube….and lots of practice.

The evening was a great success. Nina was a joy to listen to, she had a wealth of great information for everyone, and a great attitude toward sex. Everyone had a great time. What can I say about the staff at Good Vibrations. They were simply exceptional the entire night. Every question I had, and every customer they helped couldn’t have been more pleased with their helpful and friendly desire to help. Their professional manor that they share their knowledge about their sexual toys, aids, etc. in such a casual, stress free manor, is a compliment to the staff and management at Good Vibrations, Well Done!

It was interesting to watch Nina interact with the people that were talking with her after her seminar. Nina had a great time talking with each of them, and offering advice or a comment or support. Now it was my turn. I was nervous and anxious, but I really did want to talk with her. I knew I only had a few brief moments with her, so I had to be direct and quickly get my desire heard.

As I stepped up to Nina, I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. I had been a CEO of a Silicon Valley start-up company, but I was so nervous as I approached her, I found myself hardly breathing…….just breathe…so I took a deep breath.

“Hello Nina, I’m Rachel, I enjoyed your seminar very much, thank you for being here.”
“Hello Rachel, I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“Nina, I know you have a lot of people to talk to this evening, but I wish I could ask you a few questions about a major change about to happen in my life, sexually, at least I hope so.”
“Rachel, what do you mean major change sexually?”

“Well, I’ve had my nose to the grindstone co-owning my own company in Silicon Valley for the last 8 years, neglecting my sex life totally until now. I am selling my company, and ready to start a new adventure sexually, but anything I’ve tried in the past has been very unfulfilling sexually. So I guess I’m unsure about how to proceed to do any better this time.”

“Rachel, Do you masturbate?”
“Yes Nina, I do masturbate, and that works very well for me, I orgasm hard every time. It’s only with a partner that I feel less satisfied sexually.”
“In fact I bought some more toys today, they are in my bag.”

“Rachel, would you mind if I take a look at the kind of toys you bought yourself to get an idea maybe?”

“No, Nina, please, go right ahead.”

And with that, Nina started looking in my bag. It is a little embarrassing to have someone looking at your private sex toys. But, if anyone had to see my choices of sex toys, I figured Nina Hartley would have been my top pick for coolness in the face of such awkwardness.

“Interesting choices Rachel, I actually like them very much. They have a bit of a trend to them. Can you tell me about your choices, and what kind of trend you see in your choices maybe.”

“The first one was the Magic Wand Vibrator. This is a plug in vibrator, multi-speed, very powerful, great for clit and vaginal lip stimulation, guaranteed orgasms. I’ve used this one before. So I will say it is a strong vibrator”

“Well Nina, the next one is the Njoy Eleven Stainless Steel Dildo. The heaviest dildo they make. I asked the sales girl for something I could insert all the way, with a large diameter, and she told me about this. She said it is also used as a Kegel exerciser, and I told her I do my Kegels every day. She said this would be perfect then. She said at 11” long, 2” diameter, and 2.75 pounds, my Kegel muscles had better be in amazing shape, or they will get that way soon.

“Last but not least Nina, there is the Monster Dildo with graduated bulges, a little scary isn’t it. They called it – The Four Stage Rocket Dildo.” My voice quivered a little when I told Nina that, I wondered if she picked up on it.

“And Rachel, do you kind of notice a theme here with your new toys?”

My mouth had gone dry, as they realization was setting in, or course it had to be in front of someone else.

“Well Nina, I guess they are all Kind of….BIG?”

That last sentence came out kind of raspy, my mouth had gone dry. I looked in Nina’s eyes, they were so blue, and so beautiful. I wished she could help me, but who was I to ask this of her, really. I wanted something from her, but how could I ask any more of her. I just wanted to be close to her for a little longer. I didn’t know if she would pick up on my desire. If I only get to ask her one more question, what would it be? I have to try something before this moment is gone forever. Take a deep breath, and ask her now.

“Nina, how can I get started on my journey of finding out why I have been so sexually frustrated all these years with a partner?”

“Wow Rachel, if that isn’t a $64,000 question.”
“Rachel, you are a very beautiful women, so finding a sexual partner will never be a problem for you, but finding the right one, hmm. That is the real secret. You said masturbation has always given you great orgasms. Well, I’ll tell you what, your new sex toys are quite interesting to me, so I have a proposal for you. I have a few thoughts on the subject you just mentioned. Maybe we can talk more about them, but I need to talk to other people here for a while longer though. Would you be interested in getting a cup of coffee after I am done here, say in 30 minutes?”

“Nina, that would be great!, thank you so very much.”
Nina stepped up to me and gave me a nice hug.
“Now don’t go anywhere Rachel, I should be done in 30 minutes.”
“OK, I won’t, I’ll just browse in the store, thanks again”, I was so excited!

And then Nina turned and started walking across the store, she stopped for just a moment, turned and looked at me. I could tell she was thinking something to herself, then she winked at me, and then turned and continued walking across the store to chat with other people.

Holy shit, what just happened. I spoke with Nina Hartley, and then she winked at me. And later we are going to talk over coffee. And, she looked at my sex toys, and thought they looked interesting. Now things like that just don’t happen every day.

So I browsed through the store, trying to decide if I wanted any more toys to play with. Their selection in truly amazing, they have something for everyone, and something for every taste. I liked how at ease I felt shopping at Good Vibrations as a woman. I bet that feeling doesn’t happen very often for women around the country in sex shops. So if you are a woman, or a man for that matter, and you want a great shopping experience, stop in at Good Vibrations in San Francisco, I had an amazing time there, they get all 5 Star’s!

While I was browsing in the store, I kept glancing at Nina from time to time, and on more than one occasion, I caught her looking at me. I wondered if she was checking to see if I was still here or not. I hoped she was checking to see if I was still here, and that she was looking forward to spending more time getting to know me a little better. But who was I really. Although she did call me a beautiful woman, and she did say my sex toys looked interesting, had I sparked some interest in her, is that why she kept glancing at me from time to time. Could I have been on her mind? Well I tried not to get my hopes up, so I wouldn’t be too disappointed if nothing else happened. All I was hoping for was some advice, and maybe a few pointers in how to get started on my journey. Maybe some pitfalls to avoid in my behavior. I glanced over at NINA, and she was looking at me, could she really be thinking of me? No….No way, who was I kidding.

During my browsing I did come upon a beautiful red Chinese looking box. Inside were two silver balls. They were larger than golf balls. I picked one of them up, it was fairly heavy in my hand, hmm, I turned it to look at it further and a very nice deep chime came from inside. Wow, these must be large Ben Wa balls for Kegel exercises and training, nice, very nice. I knew I had to have them. I do my Kegel exercises religiously.

The thought of inserting these large heavy Chime Balls, masturbating with them, even walking around with them inserted inside my pussy, was just more than I could leave behind. I had to have a set for myself. I grabbed a box and headed for the checkout counter. I double checked with the sales girl, asking if I was correct, and if I needed any special instructions. She said “she hadn’t tried them yet, but had heard good things about them, and that I was correct, they are used like large Ben Wa balls. She said they are technically Chinese Baoding Balls used for hand exercising, rotating them in your hand for dexterity exercising. But she said for sex play, and Kegel training, they work great.”
I finished buying them and placed them in my sex toy bag with all my other goodies.

It was 10:00, things were winding down, final purchases were made, and everyone was ushered out of the store. Nina let them know I was with her so I could stay as they locked the doors, that made me feel kind of special. So now the doors were locked, just employees, the owner Joani Blank, Nina Hartley, her personal assistant and myself. Everyone thanked Nina and gave her hugs and kisses. Joani knew Nina well, and they spoke for a minute and hugged and kissed as well. I thanked Joani for holding such a great event and thanked the girls that worked there as well, telling them I had a great time. Joani handed Nina her gift bag, apparently Nina had done some shopping of her own earlier that evening.

Nina looked at me and said “Shall we go?”

It had been a long day for everyone at Good Vibrations. As everyone left, they waved goodbye to Nina thanking her, as Nina, her assistant and I walked down the sidewalk together. Nina’s assistant was named Liz, she had a rental car for them, and I had my own car a metalic blue Audi RS7. I had got lucky and found a parking spot right in front, just 3 cars down.

“This is me, Nina” as I pointed to my blue Audi.
“Rachel, do you know San Francisco very well?”
“Yes Nina, I know San Francisco fairly well, and I have GPS navigation if we need it. Would you like to take my car?”
Nina turned and spoke with her assistant Liz for a minute, gave her a hug and kiss saying good might to her. Then Nina came back to me and said “Yep, let’s take your car.”

I pressed the remote to open the trunk, placing my bag inside, and Nina did the same. Then I pressed the remote again to unlock the car doors, and we climbed in. I was a bit nervous, I was about to be chauffeur to Nina Hartley in San Francisco, I better not mess this up. I put my foot on the brake, pressed the start button, and the car roared to life. What a beautiful throaty sound the Twin Turbo V8 engine makes as it revs to life. I watched as the navigation screen opened waiting for my attention. My father gave me my love of cars. Maybe that’s the reason I bought this car. I wanted a hot, powerful car, kind of in honor to my father, and myself, and our love of cars. The car was also a celebration for the success I had in the high-tech industry, kind of a gift to myself.

“Well Rachel, we haven’t exactly discussed what we were going to do next other than get a cup of coffee. Do you live in San Francisco?”

“No Nina, I just drove up for this evenings seminar with you. I live in the Bay Area, where I work in Silicon Valley, about 50 miles away.”

“Rachel, it sounds like we have a couple choices then, and I will let you decide which you prefer. We can go out for coffee and chat for a while, then if you need to before it gets too late you can head back home. But if you would like to stay and visit longer I am staying at the ‘Pier 2620 Hotel Fisherman’s Wharf’ here in San Francisco. Maybe they have a vacancy and you can stay the night so we can talk well into the evening.”

It was a Friday night so I didn’t have to be at work the next day, so I decided to spend as much time with Nina as she would give me. Besides, her blue eyes are kind of mesmerizing to look at, and I really wanted to spend more time with Nina.

“Nina, I would love to spend as much time with you as you are willing to give me during your visit in San Francisco. Why don’t we go see if there is an available room at your hotel first. I’m kind of hungry, maybe we can get something to eat after that.”

“That sounds great Rachel.”

I took my iPhone7 Plus from my purse, and plugged it into my cars storage compartment in the center console. I engaged Apples CarPlay, pressed the select button, and asked Siri…

“Siri, navigate to the Pier 2620 Hotel Fisherman’s Wharf San Francisco.”

Siri displayed the route for us to take on the Navigation Display, I touched the voice guidance icon, and we were ready to go.

“Nina, ready to go?”
“I sure am Rachel.”

“Then buckle up, we are ready to go.”

I buckled up just as she did, and I put the car in reverse. The rear camera showed on the nav display when I did, as I backed up just a bit, put it in drive, eased out of the parking spot, and off we went. The twin turbo V8 560 horse Audi RS7 can really put a smile on your face, and we only accelerated to 40 mph, but we did it in 2 seconds. Hey, I didn’t floor it, I had a VIP in the car, I just got up to the speed limit without dawdling! NINA looked over at me with a questioning expression and raised eyebrows.

“Sorry about that, I will be more careful, this car is a lot of fun to drive.”

“It’s OK Rachel, just making sure it isn’t too much car for you, and that you have it under control.”

“Yep, I do Nina, I promise to take it easy.”

Siri and the CarPlay nav system worked great, we arrived about 15 minutes later. The Pier 2620 Hotel Fisherman’s Wharf turned out to be a very nice 4 star hotel, and they had a room on they same floor as Nina’s room for me, asking for a room as close to hers as I could get.

I checked into my room, and Nina checked into hers. I set my bag of sex toys down in my room wondering if I was going to get to use them in San Francisco, or if I would have to wait until I got home. I had given Nina my phone number, she called 10 minutes later. I suggested Alioto’s on Fisherman’s Wharf for some great sea food, my treat. Nina accepted, we caught a taxi downstairs, and off we went. The restaurant was only 6 blocks away, but better to be safe riding than walking that distance late at night in San Francisco.

Nina and I both had shrimp cocktails, and fresh fish for dinner. We really enjoyed the fresh seafood as we got to know one another better. I admired her openness, and her activist spirit about sexuality. I learned that her husband and her have an open relationship. He usually travels with her, but was feeling a little cruddy, so he opted to stay home this trip, but told Nina and her assistant Liz to stay the weekend in San Francisco and have a great time.

I told Nina that I had always kind of been a loner at heart, but I did want some kind of relationship with someone, but sexually I never seemed to get REALLY satisfied with a partner. Part of it was my fault, I have focused most of my energy on my career until this year. I would be focusing a lot less on my career, and a lot more on my personal life going forward. I was hoping this weekend seminar, and the new sex toys, were going to be a start in that direction.

“So Rachel, what can I help you with?”

“You’ve already done more than I expected you to do Nina, but you said a few things to me that made me wonder if you have some insight into what I need to move forward.”

“Nina You told Me…”

“Rachel, you are a very beautiful women, so finding a sexual partner will never be a problem for you, but finding the right one, hmm. That is the real secret. You said masturbation has always given you great orgasms. Well, I’ll tell you what, your new sex toys are quite interesting to me, so I have a proposal for you. I have a few thoughts on the subject you just mentioned, that maybe we can talk more about.”

“Nina, I would love for you to talk to me more about my new sex toys, and how they are going to fit into my…….how did you put it……finding the right one.”

“One more thing Nina, after you hugged me that first time in Good Vibrations, then started to walk across the room to talk to others, you stopped and turned, thinking for a moment, then you winked at me. What were you thinking right then, when you winked at me?”

“Oh Rachel, I had only just met you, and you caught me off guard a little bit with your request. I get asked a lot of things at these events sometimes, so I have to be careful about what I can commit myself to, even if it seems like just a cup of coffee sometimes. But with you, at that moment, it seemed the right thing to do. So I decided I wanted to spend as much time as I could with you this weekend. So I turned and winked at you.”

As she spoke the words, tears welled up in my eyes and ran down my face I was so touched. Her comment touched me in a way I hadn’t expected or even thought possible.

“Oh sweetie, don’t cry”, Nina said.

There was something about seeing her tonight, and listening to her this evening that just seemed so right, and now I was sure of it.

“Rachel, I do want to ask you some explicit questions, maybe we should head back to the hotel.”

“OK Nina, that sounds good to me.”

I paid the bill, and we caught a taxi outside, and we were back to the hotel in less than 5 minutes. We caught the elevator up to the third floor together. As we stepped out of the elevator Nina turned and looked at me.

“Rachel, I’m going to take a quick 15 minute shower, I suggest you do the same. If you need a few minutes longer, OK. But do NOT take longer than 30 minutes or you will be punished. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Nina.”

“Then after your shower, bring your bag of new sex toys to my room if you would please. Room 310. I’m thinking bring only 3 things, your room key, your bag or toys, and be dressed in only a robe. Room 310. Now Go!”

And with a swat on my ass from Nina, I was gone.
I was in Room 314, so I was very close to Nina’s room.
I stripped, checked the clock, 10:45pm, and showered like a maniac.
I had shaved everywhere earlier in the day so I was good there, and just a tiny landing strip above my pussy, I always liked minimal hair down there.

20 minutes later I knocked on Room 310. The door opened, and Nina was standing there in a white hotel robe like the one I was wearing.
I was so nervous and excited as I entered her room carrying my bag of goodies.

“Rachel, put your bag on the bed and come stand before me please.”

I set my bag on the bed and walked over to Nina. I stood before her, and looked into her eyes. She was looking into my eyes and smiling. Her eyes are so blue and mesmerizing. I know I’ve said that before, but they really are. She reached out and untied my robe, letting it fall open. Her hands reached out and ever so lightly touched my hips, sliding up and down my torso, just to tease me. She never looked away from my eyes. Then her hands moved to caress the underside of my breasts, then in circles around my nipples. I could feel my nipples getting hard at her touch, and I inhaled as she teased them. She was good at this, teasing, caressing, tingling, sending shivers up a persons body. Using her hands, her fingers, her nails. The softest touches, the gentlest caresses, just teasing, suggestions of more to come. My body was trembling for more, as she moved a hand down to my mound, sliding over my landing strip, then sliding two fingers one on each side on my clitoral shaft. Gently massaging the shaft, so lightly, too lightly almost, then massaging a full breast against my chest at the same time, oooohhhh, yes. She was playing with me, teasing me, and I could almost cum already. Then she stopped. I breathed in deeply at the sudden pause, as she pushed my robe off my shoulders letting it fall to the floor.

“I want you to lie on the bed Rachel.”

Nina was going to take charge. I lay on the bed, anxious for what was going to happen next. Nina opened her robe, she has an exciting body to look at, and I was going to get to play with it, yeah! She had some towels nearby that she placed on the bed. She opened her bag and started placing things from her bag on the bed. Wow, I got nervous at some of them. A leather harness of some kind, Latex gloves, a huge dildo, more lube, holy shit what have I gotten myself into here. She climbed on the bed, and looked at me, maybe to gauge my reaction to her toys. Maybe I looked nervous to her, so she tried to calm my concerns a little bit.

“Don’t be nervous Rachel, we are here to have fun, and to explore your sexuality a little bit. We are here to push your sexual buttons some, to find out what you need the most sexually from others. But, If we push your level of comfort too far, then we need a safe word to know not to go any farther. What shall we use as a safe word?”

“How about Pineapple?”

“OK, Pineapple it is Rachel. So if I hear…’Stop’…or ‘No More’…I’m going to keep going then, if I feel like it, OK? Don’t give in too easy if you think you can’t take any more. We want you to take as much as you possibly can. Even when you think you can’t take any more…..See if you can take just a little bit more anyway…OK?”

“OK, Nina.”

“I hope we don’t get that far, and that you enjoy everything we try. Just have fun!”

“I hope I do too.”

“You are so sexy, and so beautiful Rachel.”

Then Nina leaned over me and kissed me on the lips, softly, tenderly, with her eyes closed. I know because I watched her close them just before she kissed me. I closed mine too. As she pulled away she opened her blue eyes and looked into mine. She kept her eyes open, as she lowered her lips to mine, and brushed her lips gently left and right against mine, just caressing them, playing with them, tickling them, then a quick kiss. She pulled away, saying “We are going to have so much fun.”

She kissed my neck, then my collar bone, then kissing my breasts. Licking the underside of my breasts, licking circles around each nipple, before taking each nipple into her mouth and gently sucking on them, nursing on them, helping them feel so very good. She had me moaning as she nursed on my nipples. She would massage one breast while she would nurse on the other nipple, switching to the other breast to nurse and massage the breast she had just nursed. What a lovely combination of stimulation. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, her other hand cupped my mound, massaging it with her whole hand, oooohhhh. My hips started moving against here hand massaging my mound, I wanted more pressure and she gave it to me when she started circling her fingers around my vaginal opening. Oh, God, I was going to cum already, just a little more. Nina slid two fingers inside me…..BAM! I exploded into an orgasm!

My hips were jerking against her fingers inside me, wanting to drive them in deeper. My body was trembling in orgasmic pleasure, Nina was still sucking on my right nipple as she was massaging my left breast. I was riding my orgasm as she was fucking me with her fingers. I squeezed my legs together, trapping her fingers inside me, as I grabbed her hand with both of my hands pressing it hard into my pussy, trying to drive her fingers deeper inside me, they felt so good inside me. Slowly my breathing returned to normal, as my trembling orgasm faded.

“That’s my girl, but we have just gotten started.”

Nina leaned over and kisses me on the lips and smiled at me. I could tell she really liked what she was doing. Milking orgasms out of people brings her joy. What a special person she is. She left a trail of kisses down my body as she positions herself between my legs, looking up at me. She grabbed a large pillow from the foot of the bed and told me to raise up my hips. She placed the pillow under my hips, raising them off the mattress several inches. She was going to give me oral sex now, and my pussy was now presented high and open to her like a gift for her to enjoy to the fullest. Being presented and open before her like this, I felt a little more vulnerable, but I wanted to give myself totally to Nina, to give her total access to every inch of me, and she sure had it now.

Nina put Latex gloves on her hands to start, and put some lube on my pussy area so her fingers slid over everything nicely. Nina started talking to me about my pussy, as she started caress the different parts. She stroked the clitoral shaft up and back, over and over, then rolled it side to side, between her fingers. Both nice sensations. Then she moved on to my pussy lips. The Major and Minor lips, caressing them, pulling them, massaging them, all of this felt great. Then she massaged the bottom of my vaginal opening, in a half circle motion, massaging from 3 o’clock to 9 o’clock, while pushing in a downward pressure stretching open my vagina. That felt really good, kind of like fucking actually, and she combined it with other massages like two fingers massaging against my g-spot, I was going to cum again. I was moaning as she massaged my g-spot, massaging the roof of my vagina with two fingers over and over, while massaging the bottom of my vaginal opening from 3 o’clock to 9 o’clock. As soon as she put her mouth on my clit and started sucking on it I knew I was going to cum……Holy Shit……Oh God……Nina…..Help..Me…….Don’t Stop…..I’m Cumming….
…..BAM!…..I Exploded!

I squirted on Nina, I came so hard, I squirted from her massaging my g-spot! There were 3-4 little squirts, one with each orgasmic contraction. Nina just kept sucking on my clit, never stopped….I was trembling so hard….I was holding my breath….I took a much needed breath…”NINA!!!!”

Damn if she didn’t stay right with me, she had experience with women cumming, She finally took her mouth off my clit, but kept her fingers in me, stroking me, stroking my g-spot. Then she slid her fingers out, and rubbed the palm of her hand gently against my whole pussy, kind of comforting it. Holy Shit, that was amazing, for a moment I thought I might pass out. I needed a break for a few minutes.

“Nina, let me love you for a while. Teach me some of what you just did to me.”

Nina’s chin and neck were wet and dripping where I had blasted her several times when I came as she was sucking on my clit when I orgasmed. The trail of wetness continued down to her breasts. She looked sexy like that, and didn’t seem to mind that I had squirted on her.

I moved out from my position, and Nina moved to where I had just been. I placed the pillow under her hips and was presented to a close up view of her lovely pussy, nice! I remembered what she had said as she was administering to me, caressing me, stimulating me, driving me closer and closer to orgasm. She liked having her pussy lips massaged, and her vaginal opening massaged from 3 o’clock to 9 o’clock just as I did. She helped me find her g-spot, and how to suck on her clit just right. And as I kept going, and she found it harder and harder to talk, and her moans got louder and louder, then she came! With my mouth sucking on her clit, and my fingers massaging her g-spot, she had a great orgasm! I felt proud of myself. I might not have been quite as efficient as Nina had been, but I was able to help give her an orgasm, with oral sex and my fingers, yeah!

After a minute Nina spoke to me about my strong orgasm when her fingers were inside me.

“Rachel, I felt your vaginal muscles squeeze my fingers when you came hard, they are very strong muscles.”

“I do my Kegel exercises every day Nina.”

“Great, let’s explore your pussy’s capabilities some more then, shall we? Assume the position Sweetie.”

I like how she calls me Sweetie, it seems to be her pet name for me.
I moved up on the bed as she placed the pillow under my hips once more. She lubed up her right hand and my pussy, and started to insert two fingers, twisting them, thrusting them in and out. Then there were three. That was feeling good, really good, I had a great view. I watched as Nina pulled out three and folded in a fourth finger, and slid all four inside me. She worked them in, going deeper and deeper, until all four were able to go inside me, as far as her hand would allow, up to the web of her thumb. I was moaning, and breathing hard, wondering if I wanted more….wondering if I was going to get more. I was staring at her hand, watching it, waiting for any sign…..then she pulled it out further and applied more lube…also to the thumb….SHE PUT LUBE ON HER THUMB!…stroked a few times….then she folded her thumb in.

I watched her whole hand approach my pussy opening, and my mouth opened wide, as if to help my pussy open for her hand. She pressed a little more with each attempt, I could see more and more of her hand disappear inside me each thrust. It hurt only a little, I wanted it to go inside me, I wanted Nina’s hand inside me. Please go inside me… and then just like that, it did. Nina had pushed her entire hand inside me. I was so full, so amazingly full, I could feel it rub against my g-spot. She moved her hand inside me, and I could see my belly move, Holy Shit…I could see my belly move!

She started moving her fist inside me, and I started loving the feeling more and more. I started moving my hips against her hand, wanting her to drive her hand harder and deeper into me with each thrust. I started trembling as I was approaching my orgasm. I wasn’t going to last very long. This feeling of fullness was a feeling that drives me crazy. I love this feeling. I need this feeling. This is something I need to feel fulfilled.

“Oh Nina, Please Don’t Stop.”

Even without me saying anything, I think she already knew I was getting lost to the world. Something was different about being this full, this was something I needed sexually. I felt Nina’s hand push deeper into me, all the way to my cervix.

“Oh God, Nina, I’m going to cum.”

Nina started pumping her hand faster and faster, and I exploded…BAM! I came on Nina’s fist and arm, buried deep inside me. I squeezed her hand so hard she couldn’t move it during each contraction. I would feel her hand and arm driving back and forth inside me between contractions, which felt amazing, and then during each contraction they would stop, until that contraction would pass. Nina started rotating her hand and I exploded into another orgasm…BAM! I was a babbling mess….”NINAOH!OH! HELP!” But she never stopped. Not for another minute or two at least. I had watched her grasp her thrusting arm with her other hand to help drive it into me, since I had been clamping down on it so hard. I’m sure her thrusting arm was getting tired by now.

Finally she stopped trying to thrust into me any more. My breathing returned to normal, and I looked at her face as she was looking at mine. She was smiling. I guess she liked the job she had done, as well as my performance, as far as number of orgasms with her hand deep inside me. She looked down at my pussy, as she slowly withdrew her hand. As her hand emerged, it was pale in color, I guess I had squeezed the blood from her hand, I had orgasmed so hard on it, squeezing the blood from it with such force. Daily Kegel exercises will do that. After we rested for a while we needed a break.

Nina was thirsty, and I was too, so we did take a short break. We both just wanted some water, and a quick pee. I did a quick rinse of my genitals, they were a bit messy with my juices and lube. I wasn’t sure if we were thinking of more sex play or not. Then another drink of water for me.

It was getting late, it had been a long day, and I think we were both feeling a little tired. We both wanted to spend more time playing with each other in bed, but we still had tomorrow to do that, so we decided to call it a night. We would resume our sexual play tomorrow. My pussy had had a real workout, so a little rest for it would be a good thing.

“Sweetie, would you like to sleep in your own room tonight, or would you like to sleep here with me?”

“Nina, I would like to sleep here with you if it’s OK, but I don’t want to intrude. So whatever you are more comfortable with is OK with me.”

“Sweetie, I would love to fall asleep with your naked body beside me tonight.”

We took a few minutes to clear off the bed, and get ready for bed. We climbed into bed finally, both naked, I was actually a little nervous. It seems funny, why should I feel nervous? We had just had sex, several times, but we were going to sleep together for the first time. Just a new experience I guess. I lay facing Nina, I felt a closeness to her, I had only just met her, but I knew I already loved her. I was looking into her eyes. Those beautiful blue, mesmerizing blue eyes. Yes, I loved her, I don’t know if I dared tell her, but I needed to find a way before we parted. I would find a way to tell her….I would find the right time….and the right way.

“Nina, would it be OK if I just touched you as I you fall asleep. I just need to feel your skin against mine. I know you are tired, don’t feel the need to touch me back, just let me touch you until you fall asleep, OK?”

“OK, Sweetie, that would be wonderful.”

I moved closer to Nina, her eyes closed, and I kissed her goodnight, with a sensual, long lingering kiss. Maybe the long kiss surprised her a little, but she opened her eyes and looked into mine searching for meaning in what I had just meant with my kiss.

“Close your eyes Nina My Love, and let me caress you as you fall asleep, we can play more tomorrow.”

I gently cupped her right breast, caressing it, as I watched her eyes slowly close again. Nina said it feels nice in a sleepy voice. Her breast felt so soft in my hand, I wanted to feel more of her skin against me……I needed to feel more of her skin against me. I moved above her, rolling her on her back, as I positioned myself above her in a missionary position. Her legs were slightly parted but lying flat on the bed, with my legs inside of hers. I lowered my body until I was resting on my elbows above her, my body barely touching hers, except my breasts which were resting on hers. I eased my body down just a little, until some of my weight was on her, with my body pressed into her just a little more.

Now I could feel her skin against mine the way I wanted too. I could feel her warmth against me. I could feel her breathing against me. I could feel her drifting off to sleep underneath me, she was almost out. She felt so good against me, I just wanted to rub against her skin just a little, like when you are savoring good food in your mouth, just the simple pleasure of skin to skin contact. I moved gently against Nina, my cheek caressing hers, my breasts caressing her breasts, and my mound pressing into hers, just the slightest stimulation for our mounds and clits. Caressing her body with mine was thrilling, and tender, and almost euphoric in nature. Kind of elevated levels of endorphins firing off, feeling good inside, on a simple high.

I guess I was getting really turned on at this point. That wasn’t my intention when I started, I just wanted to feel her skin touching mine…….caressing mine.

This all started innocently enough, just the need for contact with her, but before long I was rubbing a little faster, wanting more stimulation, wanting to have an orgasm if possible rubbing against Nina’s clit. Nina had started moaning. These guttural, deep sounding moans, I think she was asleep, these were unconscious moans of pleasure. My hips were rotating against Nina’s clit trying to massage hers against mine. And there was a light sweat on my forehead from being turned on, and from my exertion. Just a little more, and I would get my orgasm. Nina moaned louder, then raised her knees, rotating her hips, aiming her clit higher, exposing her clit more, wanting more stimulation. She wanted me to drive her to orgasm too. So I redoubled my efforts, I rotated my clit against hers in every direction, mashing and grinding my clit against hers. I reached up cupping all four of our breasts the best I could, massaging them, stimulating them, as I whispered in Nina’s ear.

“I love you Nina, cum for me now….cum for me in my arms…”

Suddenly I could feel Nina shaking into her orgasm, as I heard her moan at the same time, I knew she was there. I came above her, still rotating my clit into hers, massaging hers with mine. I held her through her orgasm, until I felt her body relax in my arms. Her legs had already fallen to the bed, and her breathing had returned to normal. She was resting quietly, I think she had fallen asleep again. I had been kissing her neck, her ear, and as I pulled away slightly, I kissed her gently on the lips, good night. I moved from on top of Nina as gently as I could, she stirred slightly, then turned on her side facing away. I cuddled up behind her, covering us both with the blankets, put my arm around her, cupping her breast with my hand, and pulled her in tight against me. I was warm resting against Nina, and I had a smile on my face. What an amazing person she is, and what an amazing lover she is.

I wondered what tomorrow would bring? There were so many toys we hadn’t tried yet, and some of her toys even scared me a little. Toys like the harness, and her unusual double dildos. And then she was also going to use my new monster sized Rocket dildo on me. Nina can get this devilish look in her eye, that she has something exciting planned to try on you, and I saw that look in her eye when she looked at me today. So, as I dozed off in her arms, a slightly nervous but excited shiver went down my spine, as I wondered what tomorrow would bring?

But I had someone special in my arms, and it felt so good, and so right. So I took a deep cleansing breath, and exhaled slowly. I pulled Nina in tight to me one last time, and that put a smile on my face. This had been an amazing day. And as I drifted off to sleep, a devilish thought entered my brain, wondering…..What was I going to do to Nina tomorrow!


Chapter 4 – My Second Day With Nina

As my sleepy eyes opened to the sun, I looked around the room. The bed was empty…Where was Nina? Then out of the bathroom she came.

”You are a naughty girl!”

“What?, Nina, why am I a naughty girl?”

“You took advantage of me last night. We were supposed to be going to bed, and you had your way with me.”

I started to get a little nervous. She was right, but I….I looked in her eyes searching for a clue to see if she was serious or not. Then a smile came across her face as she jumped onto the bed. She quickly got on top of me pinning me to the mattress, holding my arms down on each side of my head.

“You are in so much trouble, Rachel!”

She called me Rachel to try and sound stern, but she was laughing when she said it, so I knew I was safe. Then she bent down and kissed me on the lips.

“Did you like it when I ‘took advantage’ of you last night Nina?”

“I was pretty tired, I remember you started by caressing my breast, that felt nice. Then as I was dozing off, you got on top of me. I wasn’t quit sure if it was a dream or not. I felt you press against me, and I felt your warmth, that was nice too. Your body started to move against mine, rubbing against mine, it was feeling good, and the longer you did it, the better it felt. Then I heard moaning, and I think I was the one moaning. It was feeling really good, and I think I realized it wasn’t a dream and I raised my knees, I wanted to feel you more, I wanted to have an orgasm. You were rubbing against me pretty enthusiastically at that point, my body was rocking on the bed a lot. I remember you whispering in my ear to cum for you, and I did.”

“Yep, I would say, you did like it when I took advantage of you last night. So, am I in trouble for being a naughty girl last night?”

“No, I was just playing with you, I like it when you are naughty with me.”

“So what about today Nina?”

“I think we are going to have lots of fun today Sweetie.”

“I think we are too Nina.”

We were both hungry, so I went to my room as we both showered and got ready for the day. We both knew it would be faster that way, using our own bathrooms, showering, getting dressed, etc. We could play later in the day. Forty minutes later we were headed to breakfast, mapping out the days events.

Most of the day was spent in bed later in the afternoon, but we did take time to see a few of the sites in the morning. We visited Golden Gate Park, which was beautiful, especially since the weather was nice. We had lunch in China Town, excellent food. We went for a walk along the beach, where we could see the Golden Gate bridge as well. We decided to go back to Good Vibrations to see if anything piqued our interest, since we would be spending most of the day in bed playing. I think Nina already had something in mind when she suggested it, but she wanted it to be a surprise for me.

I was excited as we entered Good Vibrations, like kids in a candy store. Nina had something specific in mind I could tell. I told her to get everything she wanted, and we would put it on my credit card today. I looked around some, but I also kept my eyes on her from afar, trying to get a peek at what she was up to. She did her best to keep an eye on me, glancing my way, seeing where I was, not staying in any one place too long, giving her little quest away should I be watching. Damn, she was good at this. She was playing a game with me, not letting me in on her surprise. So I decided to sneak up on her.

“Hi sexy, what are we getting here today?”

“Well, I’m not telling, it’s going to have to be a surprise.”

“But I’m dying to know Nina. You have me so excited already. I’ve been trying to spy on you and get a clue, but you are far too good at this covert spy game you are playing, I don’t have any idea what you are getting us.”

“Good, but I will tell you, be patient Sweetie, I know we will have fun with it. We are going to have so much fun later!”

She leaned in and kissed me on the lips. Nina told me to be a good girl and go about my browsing so she could finish her shopping. I happened to glance her way later, she was with a sales girl, they had a basket gathering up items together. When they were all done, they had the items already in a bag at the register, damn, all they needed was my credit card. I gave the sales girl my card, we checked out, and were back in my car headed back to the hotel. I could hardly wait to see what Nina had in store for me to try, or for her to use on me. I was game either way. I seemed to be driving faster than the speed limit, I better slow down. I was anxious to get there. I was excited to be with Nina, and SO looking forward to being naked with her again. She does know how to play fun naked games together, and she does know how to use toys to their best advantage, and we just bought some new toys. Damn, I wish I knew what the new toys were. I better keep my mind on my driving. Twenty minutes later we were back at the hotel. We had already had lunch, so we could play all afternoon without interruption. We took a few minutes to visit our rooms, use the bathroom, and freshen up. I knocked on Nina’s door 10 minutes later.

“Hi sexy.”

“Hi Sweetie.”

Nina had them send her more towels, that was good thinking.

“So, Rachel, love, would you like to see the new toys we get to play with?”

“I’ve been dying to know what toys you have bought for use to play with Nina, lets get them out and look at them please.”

I was so excited as she went and got her bag from Good Vibrations and brought it over to the bed.

“OK Rachel, this first toy, I’m going to have you lay down, I’m going to get between your legs, insert half inside of me, then I’m going to fuck you with the longer half. It is called a Strapless Double Dildo, it’s 8” long, made of Blue Silicone, nice and soft, a sensual feeling dildo. The part that inserts into me massages my g-spot while I am thrusting into you, so we both get stimulated at the same time, it should be fun.”

“This second toy is kind of the same, but instead of being 8” long, it’s 10” long for deeper thrusting into you, and it is made of a firmer black rubber, for more forceful fucking. It also has a g-spot stimulator that slides into you as well, it is called the Revolver Strapless G-Spot Double Dildo, this 10” black dildo should fuck you nice and deep.”

“I also bought some toy cleaner, lets take a minute to clean the new toys, then we can play.”

“That sounds great Nina, let me grab my bag of toys, we can wash them at the same time.”

We took 5 minutes to wash all our toys, then we were ready to play.

We spread out a towel to lay on, these were nice big towels. We also spread out a towel for the toys. Then we set out all the toys, lube, and some latex gloves, We arranged the toys in no particular order. Damn, we had a lot of toys to play with. But, to me that was a good thing. It meant we were going to be here a long time, and that is exactly what I was hoping for. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted a long sexual adventure with Nina, and all that she was willing to give me.

Nina looked into my eyes, maybe the most beautiful mesmerizing blue eyes I have ever seen. Seeing them up close like this, so personal, so intimate…..I would have done anything she asked of me….

“Lie back on the bed Sweetie.”

I did as she asked. I wanted to be under her spell. I wanted her to take control. I wanted her to find out what I needed to make me feel fulfilled sexually. I had no idea how good she REALLY was at this, just a hint from yesterday, but I was about to find out. As I lay down, she climbed over me, never taking her eyes away from mine. I could feel her body against mine as she lowered it, allowing her full weight to press into me. It was a posturing move, one of dominance of the situation. Simple in nature, but it set the tone for what was to come. She cupped both my breasts, and lowered her mouth to mine, kissing me with a gentle but firm kiss. As she raised her lips from mine I opened my eyes, as she did the same.

“We are going to have so much fun Sweetie. Don’t be afraid. If I get too aggressive for you, the safe word will be ‘Pineapple’. Any other word like ‘don’t or ‘stop’, and I won’t stop, understood? Now what is the safe word?”


“Try to take as much as you can, and only use the safe word if you REALLY want me to stop for good.”


Then Nina started massaging my breasts as she kissed me again. She was rubbing her body against mine. Then she kissed my neck, then my collar bone, then around my breasts, then finally my nipples. Sucking on them, and nursing on them, it felt amazing as she caressed one breast while nursing on the other. Nina kissed her way down my stomach, flicking her tongue in my belly button, and continued down toward my clit. Just before she got there, she diverted her attention, and flicked her tongue up my leg from my knee to my crotch, then repeated it on my other leg. This was driving me crazy, I wanted her to flick her tongue on my clit so bad, I could hardly stand it.

Nina understands anticipation. She understands foreplay. Our sex had begun hours before but I hadn’t fully realized it, but by now, I was burning inside, so ready for our encounter, because she had been ‘priming the pump’ with all her little gestures already. Nina knew what she was doing, she knew I wanted to spend time with her, but to draw it out fully, to get the desire burning brighter, she knew just what to do to me. Little innocent caresses earlier in the day. Maybe a caress of my arm, or running her fingers in circles on my back between my shoulder blades or lower back, just an innocent caress, although we both knew it was more than that. It was a promise of what was to come. There was the massaging of my neck muscles with her hand for about 30 seconds which felt so good. Then her hand moved down my back, rubbed back and forth across my back, the last time turning the corner to caress just a little bit of the side of one of my breasts, accidentally on purpose of course. And then to slide her hand down my back, down, down, down until she was massaging my rear end with alternating open hand and fingernails. Then she swatted my rear end, just a little sass to go with the caress. This was back at Good Vibrations earlier in the day, by now I was so wet and burning for more.

And now she was teasing me with caresses, as she was zeroing in toward my pussy, which was leaking fluids from being so turned on already, and she hadn’t even touched it yet.

“You are so wet already Sweetie, it is running out of you, it’s so sexy.”

I found out that Nina is a very verbal lover, she likes to talk to you as she is making love to you. Talking to me from one caress to another. Talking to my different body parts, seeing that they are enjoying the attention they are getting, and gauging my reactions as she stimulated me. It was both endearing to watch her speak to my loved body parts like that, and see her approach to loving each and every part of me as she progressed from one caress to another, and from one orgasm to another. Being the recipient of watching a master at work, was a fascinating experience. Nina likes to masturbate her lovers with gloved latex hands and lube. No worries about fingernails, and once she tried them she has always used them for safety reasons ever since. Also because she can be quite a vigorous lover with her fingers and hands, which I was soon to find out, and the gloves offer protection there as well from fingernails.

Nina had put on latex gloves, and had lubed up both hands. She started massaging my outer pussy lips between her thumb and pointer finger, working her way from the top to the bottom, mmmm, that feels good. What a nice sensation, I have never had anyone do that to me before except for Nina, very nice. Then the same thing, but to the inner lips, also very nice. Then Nina massaged my clitoral shaft like before, oooohhh, I like that, and she rolled it left and right, under her fingers, mmmmm.

Then she massaged the bottom of my vaginal opening, in a half circle motion, massaging from 3 o’clock to 9 o’clock, while pushing in a downward pressure. That felt really good, kind of like fucking actually, and she combined it with other massages like two fingers massaging against my g-spot, I was going to cum. I was moaning as she massaged my g-spot, massaging the roof of my vagina with two fingers over and over, while massaging the bottom of my vaginal opening from 3 o’clock to 9 o’clock. As soon as she put her mouth on my clit and started sucking on it I knew I was going to cum……Holy Shit……Oh God……Nina…..Help..Me…….Don’t Stop…..I’m Cumming….
…..BAM!…..I Exploded!

Nina’s mouth and hand stayed right with me as I rode my orgasm, not breathing, trembling, and straining every muscle in my body. This was a wonderful huge whole body orgasm Nina had given me, damn she was good. Finally I took a breath, and she took her mouth from my clit, allowing me to calm down slowly. My body still jerked occasionally from my orgasm, it’s funny how it does that until fully recovered which takes a few minutes.

“I love the way you tremble so violently when you cum Sweetie. You are just gone to the world, and your whole body is involved in your orgasm. It is beautiful to watch.”

“Thank you Nina, sometimes it gets hard to breath, and I have even passed out from cumming too hard, and holding my breath too long. I try not to do that though, I don’t want to miss any of my orgasm by passing out.”

“Are you recovered enough for more?”

“Yep, I’m, ready Nina.”

I watched as Nina reached over to the blanket with all of our toys displayed in a row. She picked out the blue double dildo made of silicone. I watched as she lubed up the g-spot end of the dildo, then teased herself with the shorter g-spot end, sliding it into herself a little more each time, until finally, it slid all the way inside her. She moaned as it slid all the way in, my mouth was open as I was watching her, subconsciously helping her pussy open up for the g-spot dildo to fit inside her. Now Nina had the other end of the dildo, an 8 inch blue cock sticking out of her. I knew that she intended to fuck me with it…….I was both nervous and excited!

Nina had done all this between my legs, so she was ready to go. She lubed up my pussy lips and entrance with two of her fingers sliding inside me, they felt good sliding in and out a few times…..I was ready. Nina had me raise up my hips to place a pillow under them, which rotated my pelvis allowing deeper thrusting and g-spot stimulation as she thrust into me.

“Ready Sweetie?”

“Yes Nina, I’m ready.”

“I watched her hand reach for the dildo. Nina grasped the 8 inch blue dildo sticking out of her, and circled my pussy lips. They opened up like petals of a flower. I began to moan with desire to be penetrated, I needed to be penetrated, please Nina, drive your cock into me….please….

I could see everything with my hips tilted up like they were. Nina was on her knees, her cock was teasing my pussy opening, the smacking sounds as she teased the opening, daring to slide inside, just sticking the head inside, then pulling out, damn her. My hips were humping up at her as she would stick just the head inside, wanting more….asking for more…….pleading for more…….I was about to scream for more……

Then Nina drove her cock into me…….all the way. It took the breath from me, I moaned out loud, as I shuddered and my hips jerked in thankfulness of receiving exactly what they had been asking for. Oh yes….I closed my eyes, and savored the feeling of her driving her cock deep inside me. I didn’t need to see it, I could feel it so very deep. I could feel it touching my cervix. I flexed my vaginal muscles against her cock, it was deep, and I was full. Just then she withdrew her cock from me, and I opened my eyes to see what she might have in mind. She was looking right at me, maybe to gauge my reaction to being filled with her cock. She was smiling, I think I had a smile on my face too. Nina began to move her hips, we both watched as her cock came out until just the head was inside, we could see the ridge of the head come out, then she would drive her cock slowly back inside me. Feeling a cock sliding in and out of you is one thing, watching it, AND feeling it, is another thing all together. She was driving her cock into me full depth every stroke, I liked that very much, deep thrusting is exactly what I like.

I started moaning as Nina started driving her cock into me faster and faster. I wet my fingers and reached up and rubbed my clitoral shaft up and back, it felt really good to do this. Then I rolled it side to side, underneath my fingers as Nina continued fucking me with her cock. I was going to cum, and cum hard. I was moaning loud, and I started to tremble first. Nina grabbed my legs to hold on, driving hard into me, as I reached down to my clit…..BAM!……I exploded!

I was trembling even harder now as my orgasm was in full force….I screamed out loud….I wasn’t breathing….I felt Nina trying to drive her cock into me…but my pussy had clamped down hard as orgasmic contractions had trapped her cock inside my vagina…..Nina was moaning…..she was about to cum herself…….every time I clamped down on the dildo, she kept on fucking me….but in actuality…she was fucking herself in the g-spot dildo inside herself….driving herself to a great orgasm…..suddenly Nina was cumming as well……her moans were music to my ears…as we were both cumming together…..Nina was fucking hard into me still….driving both of us through longer orgasms together……I flexed my vaginal muscles extra hard so Nina could fuck herself on her side of the dildo some more, I loved hearing her orgasmic moans.

“Fuck me Nina…..Fuck Me….Don’t stop….”

I said that for both our benefits, I knew she was cumming too. I wanted her to fuck into me as long as she was able to. To keep driving both of us in our orgasms as long as she could. As Nina’s orgasm faded, her thrusting slowed, and her breathing slowed as well. She opened her eyes, they had a glazed look of orgasmic bliss to them. I suspect mine looked just about the same. With her cock still inside me, she lay down on top of me. I loved feeling her warmth against my skin. I could feel her breathing against me.

“I’m glad you came with me Nina.”

“Well, Sweetie, that was unexpected actually.”

“Well Nina, I have a confession to make. I wanted you to cum with me, so I clamped down my vaginal muscles so you would fuck your end of the dildo as you were fucking me too. I’m glad it worked. Did you like it?”

“I loved cumming with you Sweetie, it felt amazing….thank you. You have some strong vaginal muscles to do that.”

“Yep, I do my Kegel exercises every day.”

“OK, ready for the next one?”

“Yep, I’m thirsty, let’s get some water, then I’m ready.”

After we both got some water, Nina got the double headed 10 inch dildo and inserted it the same way as the 8 inch dildo before into herself. This one looked more ominous being black, bigger, and longer. Nina drove 8 inches into me, touching my cervix as before. As she leaned into me, sliding another inch inside me, I moaned, my cervix was pressed deeper into me, and my mouth opened as I inhaled holding that breath unsure of what to expect from the last inch from Nina. Nina leaned down and lay her body against mine, except for her hips. She still only had 9 inches inside me. There was that 9th inch of her cock pressing deeper against my cervix, it did feel good to me, but I was also nervous about any more.

As Nina lay against me, she looked into my eyes…..

”How does it feel Sweetie? I have about 9 inches inside you, do you want me to drive the last inch inside you now?”

I was getting nervous at her question, and how to answer. I knew what the answer was, but I was afraid to say the words. I knew what I wanted, but I also knew what it meant she would have to do. I could already feel pressure against my cervix, I wasn’t sure I could take any more. I started to tremble underneath her. I could feel my body shaking underneath hers from being nervous, but I knew I wanted her to try.

“Please Nina, give me more.”

The corners of her mouth turned up into a smile. I could feel her body tense before her hips moved. Then I felt an increase in pressure in my pussy as she pressed her cock deeper into me, so very deep, unngghh, I moaned out loud as her pussy bottomed out against mine. Nina had driven all 10 inches deep into me. She held a firm pressure against me, allowing me to get accustomed to the depth of penetration.

“Breathe Sweetie.”

I hadn’t realized that I had been holding my breath as Nina had driven the last inch of her cock inside me, so I took a much need breath.

My forehead was sweating, my face was sweating, I was so turned on my hips started grinding against her on their own. The depth of penetration caused a unique pain pleasure in me that I had rarely felt. It was something that I knew I wanted to feel, and something I needed more of. What was she doing to me?….What had she found in me?….how could she know to drive so deeply in me? She held the pressure deep inside me and I started to orgasm from it. I started to tremble. A simple rumbling orgasm, something new to me from deep inside me. My cervix felt the pressure and friction, holy hell this was good.

“Nina, what’s happening to me?”

My trembling was getting stronger as I watched a smile grow on her face. She was liking the effect she was having on me. I was losing control. My hips were grinding more, wanting more, asking for more, pleading for more. My breathing was getting raspy, and I was moaning with each thrust of my hips. I was driving myself to another orgasm. Then Nina backed off the pressure within me, and against my cervix……No!

“Nina, I was so close, why did you stop?”

“I wasn’t ready for you to come just yet. I want you to savor the journey this time. Edge closer a few times until you can’t take it any longer.”

Nina wet two of her fingers and reached down and stroked my clitoral shaft up and down. It felt amazing as I watched her do it. She kind of had this devious look on her face. She was enjoying making me wait for my orgasm. I could feel as she applied more pressure to the clitoral shaft, she would peel the skin back from my clit, stretching it. She would also alternate by rolling the shaft left and right underneath her fingers. That was feeling really good. Nina started fucking me with the dildo in and out while stroking the shaft…mmmmm, nice.

My hips were trying to move against her, trying to get more stimulation from her. She was ready for me though, and wasn’t falling for my attempt at a quicker orgasm. Damn her, she was very good at this…..too good maybe. Even so, I like it very much. It’s still hard to wait though. My breathing was raspy, I wanted more. I wanted it hard and fast, and she was teasing me closer and closer, but painfully slowly. Then Nina would fuck me faster, then ease off just as I was about to orgasm. I was becoming a real mess, and I was going to lose my mind if she didn’t let me orgasm soon. Finally she decided it was time. Time to drive me to the orgasm I so desperately wanted and needed. Nina started thrusting into me a little faster as she spoke to me again…

“Sweetie, I think it’s time for your orgasm. I’m going to drive all 10 inches hard and deep into you. I’m going to press deep into your cervix just the way you want me too. Are you ready?”

She was on her knees between my bent legs when she asked me that question, as she fucked me with her 10 inch cock. My hips were moving in answer to each thrust of hers, I was ready also. My breathing was labored, and I was moaning loudly already, but I answered as best I could….

“I’m..Re.ready….Please fuck…. me…. harder…. and deeper….. Nina.”

I didn’t expect what happened next, it caught me off guard. Nina hooked my legs with her arms folding me in half, bringing my knees up to the sides of my breasts as she leans forward and lays down on me in a modified missionary position, maybe they call it The Pancake.

Nina was looking in my eyes, and I was looking into her mesmerizing blue eyes. She was fucking me so good. This position had her thrusting deeper than ever before. So deep, it scared me, but it also felt different and good…..very good. Then I felt another inch press deeper….oh god…

“Fuck Me Nina….Fuck me hard…I’m going to cum.”

I reached up and grabbed her body pulling her into me as hard as I could. I was trembling all over before my orgasm hit. My hips were trying to drive back into Nina as she fucked me for deeper penetration, it was so deep it scared me a little. I was moaning and gasping for air. Then Nina drove the last inch into my cervix….BAM…I exploded into a massive orgasm!

I was trembling so violently I could feel her squeezing my neck trying to hold on to me. She was fucking the hell out of me still, fucking me hard and deep, driving so very deep, and holding the deep pressure against my pussy lips with each thrust. Fucking me slower now, but hard and deep with each thrust….oh god, I was coming over and over. She was banging into my clit with each thrust, banging into my cervix, and holding the pressure there for a second. My hips were jerking against the cock head pressing against my cervix, massaging the head against my cervix opening….it felt deep and good. Nina was driving deep hard fucking orgasms out of me that I didn’t know I had in me…..

Nina slowed her fucking until she just held her cock deep inside me. I opened my eyes and once again was looking up into her beautiful blue eyes. A smile came to her face, then she bent down and kissed my lips.

“Well Sweetie, you took more cock than I could take fucking me that hard. How did that feel?”

“That felt amazing Nina, Thank You.”

“Do you think you can take a little more Sweetie? If you do, then I think we should try your 12 inch Rocket Dildo. Those 4 widening ripples, each one getting larger, trying to gain entrance into you, and those extra 2 inches in length should drive you wild from what I have just seen from you.”

“OK, Nina. I’m a little afraid of it, but I’m also excited by it too. So, go for it!”

I watched as Nina reached over and picked up the massive Four Stage Rocket Dildo. God it was impressive. Twelve inches of black dildo, 4 widening ripples along its length getting bigger, until the last one was bigger than my fist.

Nina put the leather harness on and secured the Rocket Dildo within the harness ring. Nina looked very dominant and ready for action with it sticking out in front of her. She stroked it playfully a few times then looked at me. She smiled when she caught me staring at that impressive dildo and her stroking it. I knew she was going to have fun pounding me with it, and she knew it too.

Nina reached for the lube. She wasn’t in the mood for subtleties this time. She had a determined look on her face, and a kind of wicked look in her eye. I think she wanted to fuck the hell out of me with the Rocket Dildo, and see how much I could really take. Nina lubed up my pussy then the Rocket Dildo. As she leaned forward she placed the tip of the dildo at my pussy entrance and pressed in slightly, yep it was big already.

Nina started moving her hips forward and back in a gentle fucking motion. The first ripple bulb eased inside me an felt good. She was fucking me in and out, getting me used to the feeling. Nina looked at me for approval, nodded her head, and I nodded back. She started pressing the second ripple bulb against my pussy. It was wider, and I could feel the difference. My pussy lips were being asked to yield to a wider bulb invading me, trying to gain entry. Nina must have liked the visual, a smile came across her face as she watched my pussy lips open wider to her black dildo invasion. It didn’t go in easily, but she wasn’t taking no for an answer. Nina pressed harder, and I could feel it slide inside me as my hips pushed back with their own desire. I was getting more turned on, I wasn’t sure if the next larger one would fit, but I still wanted more.

Nina started fucking me with those two bulbs inside me. Damn it felt great. They were rubbing my g-spot, as well as rubbing my pussy entrance on the inside straining to get out, and that was a great new feeling. I was moaning loudly now, I was getting close to having an orgasm already. Nina alternated pulling them out, with pressing the third bulb inside me. She was pressing hard to get the third one inside me, it was stretching me, she was using a lot of her weight and strength, I was rocking on the bed as she was fucking me. I was trying to hold out with my orgasm, I really wanted the fourth bulb inside me when I orgasmed if I could. Nina pressed hard, and the third bulb slid inside me, God it was big. I wasn’t at all sure I could even take the fourth one, but I wanted to try. Nina was fucking me real good now, it felt great……then she eased off. I looked up at her…

“Sweetie, I want you to cum with all four bulbs inside you if we can get them all inside you, OK?”

“I want that too NINA, so go for it…Jam it in me as hard as you have to, I remember the safe word, so go for it….please go for it…I need it.”

And with that, Nina leaned forward in the standard missionary position and lay down on me. Her elbows were on the bed beside my breasts, she leaned down and kissed me on the lips, a sensual, sexy kiss. A kiss on my neck, then she whispered in my ear….

“I love you Sweetie.”

Then holding me tight she started fucking me with little thrusts, trying to get the fourth bulb inside me. The first three bulbs were massaging my insides and my g-spot, and it was driving me crazy. I was being driven toward my orgasm, and there was no stopping me. Ninas’ thrusting was getting a little faster and the strokes were getting a little longer each time. The third bulb was now coming partway out and the fourth bulb was going partway in. Nina was already pressing against my cervix, massaging it, distending it, giving me pleasure. The fourth bulb was being pressed into me more and more. Pounding into me relentlessly, my pussy yielding to that black monster dildo. It was trying to hurt me, but all I felt was pleasure, as Nina pounded me, I was moaning so loud now, then finally it slid inside me………..I orgasmed as the fourth bulb locked inside me… body was shaking so violently…..

“NINA!!!….It’s inside me!… me….,I panicked for a moment, I was so full.”

I was trembling so violently as I orgasmed……BAM!

I wasn’t breathing, all my muscles were straining through my orgasm. Nina was holding on to me as I lifted both of us off the bed slightly. I could feel my pussy clamping down on the monster dildo over and over as the contractions in my pussy were happening continuously. As my arching body eased both of us back down to the bed….

“Nina, please keep fucking me……don’t stop…..I don’t want this feeling to end……please don’t stop.”

I didn’t want this feeling to end. Nina started fucking me again. So before my first orgasm had a chance to end, I started having another one. Each time my vaginal muscles contracted during my orgasms the balls would get stuck, then they would start moving again. Nina was using longer strokes this time, and the bulbs were massaging the hell out of my pussy walls and g-spot. The bulbs felt great going in, and great coming out. I was constantly trembling in orgasm over and over. I was on this orgasmic plateau, and Nina was holding me there. I was either going to lose my mind eventually, pass out, or die from heart failure from having too many orgasms.

My orgasms were so hard and so long, I was straining so hard, it was hard breathing. Nina was fucking me so hard and so deep. Pressing that fourth bulb into me and holding it into me, then fucking me fast a few times, varying the pace, really fucking the hell out of me. Damn she was good. I came so many times, and came so hard, I was seeing white flashes behind my closed eye lids. I heard my moans and screams as I orgasmed over and over. I remember feeling euphoric, then calm, then blackness setting in. Nina later told me, that I had orgasmed so many times that she had lost count after twenty. After one long orgasm at the end, she watched my head fall to the side and my mouth open, she knew I had passed out. We were done for the night.

Nina had lifted herself off of me, and watched as she withdrew the Rocket Dildo from my pussy. She said my pussy lips were red and swollen as she watched them yield to each bulb in order, starting with the largest of the four. The largest pulled out hard, but the rest slid out easier. When she was done, she could see inside my well used pussy, and saw it gaping up at her when it was empty. She placed a hand towel over my pussy to catch some of the lube and juices running out, and turned me on my side. She moved all the toys off the bed, climbed in behind me, and spooned against me, holding me tight against her.

I woke up a little while later after a short rest. Nina had her arm around me and was cupping my breast with her left hand. She was asleep, or at least resting for a moment, I don’t know how long we had been resting. I gently turned toward her, and her eyes opened. I was once again looking into the most beautiful blue eyes of Nina.

“Hey there…… I love looking into your blue eyes….and I so love you!……..but I don’t remember what happened at the end?”

“Well, you came so hard, so many times, that the last time you came really hard you passed out. So I cuddled up behind you and held you close while you rested.”

I was nervous to ask my next question, but I needed to know if she had learned enough about me yet to help me.

“Nina, have we learned why I can’t be fulfilled sexually with a partner, or what I need to look for in a relationship sexually?”

“Sweetie, well we found out a few things about you sexually haven’t we. You like deep thrusting in your pussy, that’s for sure. And you even like pressure on your cervix or to have your cervix massaged sometimes, that’s somewhat unique. I think that is a learned pleasure from your many hours spent masturbating alone with your longer toys. I also think you REALLY like the feeling of fullness. That is probably also a learned pleasure from your many hours spent masturbating with your larger toys.”

“Nina, I hear what you’re saying, but it doesn’t….. it doesn’t help me feel better. It helps me understand my response to being with others better maybe, or feeling less fulfilled when I’m with them and I guess I did need to know that, but…”

Then tears started to well up in my eyes, until they overflowed and ran down my face. The realization of what Nina was telling me, and what this really meant to me was sinking in. I had sacrificed my sexual happiness with others to be the massive winner in the business world that I had chosen to be. I had stopped exploring my sexuality with others for the most part, and just masturbated more and more for the past 8 years. And that so much masturbation with large toys may have ruined me for enjoying sex with others. I hadn’t been on a date in the past year, since sex with my last boyfriend had been so frustrating sexually. I broke things off with him because of it.

“Why the tears sweetie?, I wasn’t trying to hurt your feelings.”

“I know that Nina, and you didn’t hurt my feelings. I just realized that I had given up my sexual happiness by focusing on my business success so much. Maybe there should have been more of a balance in there somewhere.

“Rachel, your pussy is still young, tight, and beautiful. You do your Kegels and you have great muscle control and strength inside your pussy. Your nerves inside your pussy, and your mind are used to longer, and larger thrusting toys and the way they feel, so you will need a partner that is better endowed. You can officially be called a size queen sweetie. Penis size will definitely make a difference to how satisfied you are when you are having sex. For some women, it just makes a difference, and you are one of them. Nothing wrong with that, it just is a fact for you.”

“Rachel, MY pussy is not as deep as others for instance. My pussy can take MOST cocks, but I’m not very deep, so I can’t take an enormously LONG cock, or very deep thrusting. That’s just the way I am.”

What Nina was saying made me feel better. But I wanted to know if she had any ideas how best to proceed from here.

“Nina, how should I proceed from here going forward, knowing all this?”

“Well Rachel, I would say, just be open to new experiences, and search for the right well endowed, and enthusiastic lover you can find. We found out your pussy loves to be pounded hard, and it loves to be pounded deep, so you CAN’T go for a passive lover. You will need an enthusiastic, athletic, well endowed lover. But I believe you can find the person that will fulfill your sexual desires, just don’t give up. You are young, beautiful, and your journey has just begun as of today.”

As Nina’s beautiful blue eyes looked into mine as she was saying this to me, I knew she was right. Tears welled up in my eyes again. I couldn’t help it. This is what I had been searching for, just a little help to get started, a little encouragement. How often do all of us just need a little bit of help to get us started sometimes.

And as the tears ran down my face…

“Thank you Nina.”

I kissed her lips and pulled her to me, embracing her, both easing closer on the bed again. We lay side by side sharing the same pillow and pulled the covers up over us. Feeling her body against mine, her warmth and mine, her softness and mine, no words needed to be spoken. We just held a tender embrace as we drifted off to sleep in each others arms.


I woke early the next morning, wrote a note for Nina not to worry, I just stepped out for a half hour, I would be right back. I wore my robe to my room and got dressed. I wanted to do something special for Nina, for all she had done for me. I had found out before going to the seminar that first night at Good Vibrations to hear Nina speak, that she had just a few years ago gone through a horrible time with a very large tumor in her abdomen. She had to live with the tumor for many years, while saving money for years for an operation to have it removed. All that time she remained positive and was still helping others. Well, maybe there was something special I could do for her now.

I went out and picked out a nice card, stopped at a flower shop, and at the Starbuck’s down the street. Siri and my iPhone 7 Plus helped navigate and had come through again, I had been gone only 40 minutes. I took a few minutes to write in the card before returning to Nina’s room.

Nina saw the flowers and picked up the card, it just said ‘Nina’ on the front.
There was a folded check inside, Nina looked at the check, her eyes opened wide, her mouth opened wide, but she didn’t say anything. Then she started to read the card.
The card read…

‘Dearest Nina,

‘You only just met me, but you saw my need, and you were willing to help’
‘Even being the famous person that you are, you took time out of your busy life, to help me’

‘How could you have known that you were so needed to me in my life at that very moment in time’

‘I wanted you to know how special you have become to me’
‘I love you for taking the time in getting to know me, and for helping me’
…And as Nina read the card, tears filled her eyes…

‘When you were in need some time ago, with your operation, we had not yet met’
‘You had struggled for many years, waiting and waiting for an operation to help you.’
‘No one was there to help you, you had to struggled on your own, just to save enough money for the operation that you so desperately needed’

‘Please accept my gift to you, as a thank you for helping me. I hope this helps you in some small way.’

‘I have come to love you with all my heart.’
‘Love Always,’

And as the tears ran down Nina’s face, I could tell that she understood my meaning. Sometimes these things can be taken the wrong way, but not this time. She looked down, maybe unsure of what to do next. I saw her tears fall to the floor. Nina was sniffling from her gentle crying. I didn’t know how much her operation had cost to remove her large tumor from her abdomen, but I had made the check out for $250,000. I figured the check would help her more than my car, which she seemed to like, which I would have gladly given her if she had asked, or if she might be in need of a nice one. I already cared for her that much. Anything I owned she was welcome to. She had given me so much more in value and expected nothing in return for her help. She had given me hope and direction in my sexual life, when I thought there might be none, and to me that was priceless.

I was in a position in my life where I could help her easily. She never knew that about me or expected it in return for her time and her help. She has an international business of educating and helping others with her sex education line of videos and workshops, and she gave of her time to me freely, to someone she just met. But that’s the kind of person she is. I will always love her for that.

I understand that sex had a part to play with our getting together that first night, and it was really amazing sex I must say. But of all the lovely sexy girls working at Good Vibrations, and all the sexy customers she met that evening at the seminar, she chose me.

She saw my need an was willing to help. Or she saw my desire to be with her. Or she saw my sexiness. But in the end…..She chose me.

As she raised up her eyes, her beautiful blue mesmerizing eyes, and looked into my eyes, I could see the love in her, looking back at me. It was a special moment, one I will always remember.

I had hoped she would feel touched by my gesture, and it had done the job. Nina opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out, she was too choked up. Nina cleared her throat and tried again.

“I don’t know what to say Rachel.”

“Except, Thank You.”

It can be hard to accept gifts graciously sometimes, but Nina new that, and accepted the gift as I hoped she would. And she did that because she new I loved her, and that I wanted her to accept it without any complaining.

“Nina, now that you know I love you, the card also has my cell phone number on it. You can call me any time you want to talk, or if you ever find that you need help in your life, please call me, and I hope you do from time to time.”

There was a knock on the door, Nina went to answer it. Liz her assistant came in. It was time for Nina to get her day started then head to the airport. Liz saw that Nina had been crying.

“Nina, is everything OK?”

“Yes Liz, Everything is OK, I’m just feeling happy.”

I knew our time was over, and I was glad for the time we had spent together. I went to Nina embracing her in a long hug, and gave her a kiss as we separated. Nina kissed me back, then winked at me. That was her personality showing through. She was a dear person. She wiped the tears from her cheeks and turned away. I went to my side of the bed and gathered up my sex toys and lube, remembering what a great time we had together.

And as I turned and started to walk away, Nina came to me, kissed me once more, then swatted me on my my ass, and said…

“Rachel, remember to be open to new adventures, and remember what you’re looking for. You will need an enthusiastic, athletic, WELL endowed lover.”

“Thank you Nina, I will remember.”

I kissed her one last time, smiled as I left her room, and I wondered if I would ever see Nina again. I hoped I would somehow, even if I knew it was unlikely. I had met a VERY special lady, a new friend, and I would never forget her, or her mesmerizing blue eyes.

I went back to my room, sat on my bed, and tears filled my eyes. I couldn’t help it really. I had spent some special moments with Nina, and they had come to an end. I would be OK, but I just needed a few minutes. Just like when a loved one drives away, not to be seen again for a long time. Our emotions find a way to let us know the person is loved, and that we will miss them.

I needed a shower, and I needed to head back home to the Bay Area, Silicon Valley. After my shower I checked out of the hotel, stowed my bag of sex toys in the trunk of my car, and ate breakfast at a near-bye diner. I pushed the button to start my car, the engine roared to life, that sound always puts a smile on my face.

It should have only taken me 20 minutes to get to the freeway, but I decided to take a little detour and stop in at Good Vibrations one more time. I wanted to buy another box of those large Chinese Ben Wa Chime Balls that come in a red box, you know the ones that are larger than golf balls. I had several plans in store for them in the future.

It took me 10 minutes to get to the freeway after leaving Good Vibrations. Once on the 280 freeway south toward home, I told Siri to play my latest iphone playlist of music, set to shuffle play. How appropriate ‘Writing’s On The Wall’ by Sam Smith’ from the James Bond movie ‘Spectre’. As I start my new Sexual adventure in life…. Ready to give up my past ways, and be open to something new and exciting. I take a deep breath, turn up the volume, and head down a beautiful open, winding freeway…..whatever lies ahead….WOW.

The 280 freeway is one of the most beautiful freeways in the California, winding through rolling hills, along a lake, valleys, just beautiful countryside. There is even a huge 26 foot statue of a monk, Father Junipero Serra kneeling and pointing over the freeway just off to the left side if you are headed south near highway 92.

I listened to my playlist on my iPhone on the drive home, just sort of on autopilot really. I didn’t want to think too much, otherwise tears might come, and driving with tears in your eyes is not a good thing on the freeway, at freeway speeds. But, it was a beautiful day, and I tried to think of things ahead, instead of things behind me as much as I could. Be open to new adventures and new possibilities. New adventures and new possibilities, I wondered what could be in store for me. Little did I know what lay ahead of me. If I had known, would I have chosen that path for me, or would I have been too afraid to try? So maybe it’s better to begin the journey on desire, faith, and curiosity. And to let the journey lead you where you want it to go, or at least where you hope it will go. And have the courage to either stay on the train or jump off when the time is right.

It took less than an hour for the drive home to the Bay Area. I really do love Silicon Valley, California. The high-tech capital of the world. There is so much happening here. There are so many possibilities here, and it had been very good to me.

As I pulled into my driveway, I pressed the garage remote, and drove into the garage. The cars engine does reverberate nicely inside the garage. I turned off the car, and retrieved my bag of sex toys from the trunk. Pressing the button on the wall, closing the garage door, I walked into my home. It was good to be home, but it was quiet. I walked upstairs to my bedroom, and sat on my bed, placing my bag of sex toys on the bed as well.

I unzipped my bag of sex toys, I’m not really sure why I did it though, just kind of a subconscious move because it was there. I could see down into my bag of sex toys and seeing them suddenly reminded me of Nina. I reached down into the bag and grabbed the largest of them The Four Stage Rocket Dildo, all 12.5 inches of him. I wanted Nina to fuck me with the Rocket Dildo again. If she wasn’t here to help me, at least I could think of her while I masturbated for the both of us.

I quickly got undressed, and grabbed the lube from the bag also. Then I grabbed the Njoy Eleven Stainless Steel Dildo, and the Magic Wand vibrator. I plugged in the Magic Wand, it was ready to go. I also grabbed my own We-Vibe with remote. I also grabbed the 2 red Chinese boxes out of the bag, I wanted to use my four large Ben Wa balls I just bought. I opened the boxes, and there they were, silver and shiny, nice! I knew I could fit two of these shiny Chime Balls inside me, three probably, but four, I wasn’t so sure. But, It might really be fun to try! So maybe something a bit different….Let’s start with the Ben Wa Chime balls.

I ran to the bathroom, washed the 4 balls with toy cleaner and dry them, grabbed a few towels, and a large hand mirror, and ran back to the bed. I was getting hornier by the minute. I spread several towels on the bed, placed the sex toys on one of the towels, and I lay down on one of the towels. I got some lube on my fingers, lubing up my pussy good and wet, although I seemed to be wet already, but I was in a hurry. I started rubbing my pussy lips, up and down, and around in a circle around to opening. That always feels good. Caressing the outer lips, caressing the inner lips, then around the opening. Then just the inner lips, and around the opening.

Then as I’m caressing just the inner lips I start caressing my clitoral shaft, sliding my fingers along it’s length, up and back, up and back. Using both hands, inner lips, and clitoral shaft. Moaning, hips moving against both hands, feels so good. My two fingers dip inside my pussy as my hips thrust up into my fingers, my hips doing the thrusting, not my fingers. Now my three fingers are thrusting too, so they go deeper, much deeper. Now I’m rolling my clitoral shaft side to side, rolling it under my fingers, feels so good. I am close to cumming on both hands, moaning, needing to cum. Thrusting four fingers now, my other hand circles my clit gently, and I crash into orgasm.

Trembling into orgasm, moaning and just barely breathing, then holding my breath, riding my orgasm. Just trembling so hard, my orgasm shakes my entire body violently. My hips violently jerking into my four fingers, searching for as much depth as they can reach, nearly touching my cervix. As my orgasm convulses, my cervix pushes forward hard and I can feel my cervix touch my deep reaching fingers with each contraction. Still I want something to be deeper, much deeper, next time it needs to be more than just four fingers.

I catch my breath for just a minute or two, and strategize my next orgasm. I place a pillow under my bent legs and prop the large hand mirror leaning against the pillow. The mirror has magnification built in, so my pussy looks very close up in the reflection. The mirror is almost touching my rear end practically, it’s so close, I can see my pussy very well. OK, I reach over and get both boxes of Chinese Ben Wa Balls, or Chime Balls as I like to call them. They are beautiful, all silver and shiny, and larger than golf balls. I take one in my hand, it is heavy, I jiggle it, and it gives off a nice chime sound. I am so excited to try them, I can hardly stand it. I wonder how many of them I can fit inside me?

Ok, a touch of lube on the Chime Ball, then rub it around my pussy opening, oooh that feels nice, I’m watching it in the mirror. I just sort of set it in the opening and it rests there, waiting to be pushed inside, I’m holding it there with my fingers, applying pressure. I’m kind of pumping it, applying a little more pressure each time, then easing off….testing to see how much it will take to press it inside me….past my ring of muscles keeping it out. Whoa, it almost went inside, I’m so horny now, I just have to drive it home….so I press on it more….yes….it eases inside me, in a most delicious way, until my fingers are touching my pussy lips and it is gone. It has slipped inside me, and I watched my pussy lips close around it in the mirror, swallowing it up like a meal it was devouring. I reached down with both hands and spread my lips apart to look inside. I could see the shiny silver Chime Ball peeking out from inside me, as I pushed it out just a little with my vaginal muscles, nice!

OK, time for more Chime Balls! I grabbed the second Chime Ball, lubed it up, and positioned it at my pussy. I took a deep breath and pressed it into me nice and slow, watching it the whole way, and then it was gone. I shuddered with the feeling and the visual, it felt good, and it looked cool. I wanted to see if I could push out the Chime Balls, just to play with them, so I bore down watching in the mirror with anticipation.

I could feel my muscles inside my vagina holding in the Chime Balls, and that when they did finally come out they would blast out, so as I see my pussy lips start to part and open up, I stopped pushing so hard. I wanted to see how gently I could roll the Chime Balls out of me this first time. My pussy lips parting and opening, revealing the silvery Chime Balls was a fascinating visual in the mirror, and then it slowly popped out of me. I grabbed the Chime Ball and quickly reinserted it as fast as I could, driving it inside me all the way in one strong deep push, yes that felt good!

I wanted to do one more thing before adding more balls, I wanted to repeat the visual of it emerging from my pussy, but over and over, and faster. So with assistance from my fingers on the outside to catch it, and my vaginal muscles on the inside to push it, I was ready to fuck myself with the Chime Ball. I started off slow, pushing it out, watching it in the mirror as it pushed open my pussy lips, emerging silver and shiny to be caught by my fingers. Never letting it fully escape my pussy opening though. Then I would slide it back inside me, to begin the process again. After watching this a few dozen times, I was satisfied, what a great visual! You men have all the fun watching and playing with women’s pussies, they are beautiful to watch. And women, watch yours like this sometime, they really are fascinating and beautiful to watch.

OK, time for more Chime Balls. I grab a third Chime Ball, lube it up and slide it inside me. As it is sliding inside, I can feel it pushing the first two deeper. I wonder if I wiggled, would I hear them chime inside me? I will try that another time. I finish sliding number three all the way inside….yes, three are inside me. I’m fairly full with three, but I’m thinking right now, I have a date with number four. I grab Chime Ball number four, hey sexy, a little lube for you, then I start sliding him inside me. Number four is not so easy, he has to push the first three in deeper, I can feel them sliding in deeper….much deeper. Number four is almost in, then I feel the first one touch my cervix in the back of my vagina. I press harder on number four, putting pressure on my cervix, it feels good, I’ve always liked that feeling deep inside me. I’m turned on now, just the mental journey of inserting four Chime Balls, and all this play has done a job on me, I love sexual play like this. I don’t think number four is going to go, I am going to have to do some convincing.

I reach for the Magic Wand. I turn it on low and press it to Chime Ball number four outside my pussy…..oooohhhh, suddenly I can hear all four Chime Balls making their chiming noises as they all are vibrating, vibrating against the wand, and vibrating against each other, muffled by being inside me, but the chiming was unexpected. I can feel the vibrations traveling up the chain of Chime Balls vibrating my cervix…oooohhhh, that feels good too, damn. More pressure on the Magic Wand, presses number four into me, as I’m getting more turned on and my vagina has expanded inside…holy shit, this feel really great!….I’m going to cum soon. My hips are moving against the Wand, rubbing against the head of the wand, more pressure, wanting to drive it in deeper, but I am so full already, too full really. My lower lip is quivering, on my mouth, and my lower pussy lips are vibrating like mad against the Wand, this feels so amazing, little mini orgasms are firing as I hump the Wand. I’m trying to hold off the big orgasm as long as I can, building up, I’m trembling already…..I don’t dare touch my clit…

I’m riding this wave of mini orgasms, over and over, muffled chime noises, from inside me, my cervix is being vibrated, I’m humping the Wand, I’m in heaven for sure…God I love orgasms. Time for the big one, I switch the wand to HIGH, and all the vibrations going through me go crazy…BAM! I explode in a massive orgasm! I scream in sudden surprise, and move the Wand to my clit…..BAM! White lights exploded behind my closed eyes….my body raised up off the bed straining every muscle in my body as my orgasm exploded. Only my head and feet were touching the bed, so violent were my vaginal contractions two of the Chime Balls shot out of my pussy, over the pillow, 2 Chime Balls rolling off the bed to the floor. I was trembling through my whole body orgasm as my body slowly eased back down to the bed….Holy Shit, that was amazing with the Chime Balls vibrating everything inside me like that. As my breathing returned to normal, I reached down and felt inside me, my fingers sliding inside me easily, to find two Chime Balls missing. I slowly pushed out the second Chime Ball from deep inside me, then a moment later, I pushed out the first Chime Ball I had inserted. They were both much warmer than they were when I first inserted them, they had been warmed up a lot from being inside me so long.

I love my toys, I always have, and I was always very good with them. But, they can be a lonely endeavor at times. Part of me wanted to find the right companion to share a sexual relationship with. But my search had not been fruitful, and had fallen short of fulfilling every time. But now I had new search criteria thanks to Nina. I knew what I needed to look for. I remember Nina’s last words to me…

“Rachel, remember to be open to new adventures, and remember what you’re looking for. You will need an enthusiastic, athletic, well endowed lover.”

Nina had fit those criteria well. She had been very enthusiastic with me, she had been athletic, pounding me hard with the toys she used on me, and the toys had been very large and pleasurable! Damn, she made me cum so many times on those toys, with her pounding them into me, I thought I might lose my mind, she was that good. She was an AMAZING lover. She has learned to read what turns a person on when she is with them, and she loves using that to drive them to more orgasms than they have ever had in their life. Like I said, she is an AMAZING lover. I am so fortunate to have met her, to have made love with her several times, and to be able to call her my friend.


Chapter 5 – A Chance Encounter, An Invitation

We were almost finished with my last project at work. I had only been coming in to work four days a week already, having shifted to a four day work week schedule. I was kind of winding down my career. I was starting to daydream more and more. What was I going to do after this was all over? I really didn’t know.

I was outside during my lunch hour, just going for a walk, getting some fresh air.

I had this feeling I was being watched….you know that feeling….
Slightly uneasy feeling maybe, someone might be watching you, but you are not sure, and you can’t see anyone watching you….but the feeling persists.

Maybe it’s all in your head you think, maybe that’s all it is.

Then off in the distance, you catch a woman glancing your way for a brief moment. She turns and looks away. No she wasn’t really looking at me, was she?, couldn’t be. She is stunningly beautiful. She looks like the character played by Brigitte Nielson in the Beverly Hills Cop 2 movie. She is tall, slender, platinum blonde hair, leather riding boots. She is wearing a white blouse, black corset, black leather skirt, very striking appearance. She must be a movie star, or be famous at least to be dressed so strikingly. She couldn’t have been looking at me….not really.

Walking back to the office from the park, I kept glancing back, just to see if I might see that woman. I think to myself, will I see her? Maybe I was really hoping to see her again, hoping secretly that she might be really looking at me. There is something about seeing someone so beautiful, so striking in appearance, that you just want to look at her some more. But, it wasn’t to be the case. I didn’t see any trace of her as I returned to my office building. My little made up fantasy of being watched was just that, a fantasy that I had made up in my head.

Walking inside my office building I sighed a little, maybe just a little sad. I didn’t have a lot of excitement in my life at the moment, and the little drama I had played out in my head with this stunning women at the park was kind of exciting to me.

I hadn’t felt much excitement in my life, except for Nina. I longed for more excitement in my life. I had neglected that part of my life for far too long. I thought, if I get a chance to bring some change into my life, to bring more excitement into my life, then I would strive to make it happen. I mentally made a promise to myself, that I would be open to whatever excitement might come my way, even hope that it might come in.

I was standing at the glass wall in my office looking outside, unaware that my life was about to change in ways that I could never have imagined. When I happened to turn around, and briefly glance down the hall toward the elevator, and at just that moment…. a woman walked out of the elevator.

I watched her as she entered the floor I worked on, glancing around for someone to speak to maybe……. suddenly I realized it was her…… the movie star… the woman I had seen from far away….. the platinum blonde goddess…. could she have been watching me for real?

Did she follow me here?
Who is she?
Why is she here?
Why am I so nervous?
Why is my breathing labored?
Am I getting turned on?

Then she sees me and walks toward me without asking for anyones help. That means she might already know something about me or who I am….. That scares me already, because I have never seen this woman before in my life. She is looking for me. Should I be afraid?

As she gets closer I can tell she is rather tall, 5’10” maybe, lean athletic build, striking platinum blonde colored hair, beautiful long slender legs, powerful assured stride as she walks toward me.

She reaches for my office door handle and I quit breathing.
As she enters my office she walks up to me and offers me her hand introducing herself.
“Hello, I’m Hanna.”

I barely get out…
“I’m Rachel, pleased to meet you Hanna, how may I help you today?”

“Actually, Rachel I have been watching you casually from afar for some time. I have admired the career you have had. You have impressed me a great deal.“

Holy shit I thought, but that’s not what I said.
“Watching me?, from afar?, why have you been watching me?”

“Maybe once or twice a year, I search for a special woman, Rachel.”
“I almost yearn to find an extraordinary woman.”
“In a way you can say I am almost driven to do so at times.”

In my mind I was scrambling for what to say next. What do you say when someone says they have been watching you, and searching for you.
“Hanna, you said, driven to do so at times?”
“You sound like you are on a quest of sorts then, and searching for something?”

“Not exactly Rachel.”
“I’m not searching for something….I’m searching for someone.”
“Someone VERY special.”

“And you think that someone might be me?”
“Are you here to offer me a job opportunity Hanna?”

“I’m offering more of an invitation for a lifestyle change Rachel.”
“Of All the extraordinary women I meet from time to time, only a VERY select few, and I really mean a VERY, VERY select few are ready for such a lifestyle change as I offer them. I only offer this to one or two women a year. This is a very unique lifestyle change.”

“Rachel, I have some VERY special friends that I cherish very much. I think I would like to get to know you a little better if you are willing. I would like to ask you a personal question in confidence. I hear rumors you may be retiring early, even in a month or two, is that true?”

“Hanna, that can be a dangerous question to answer if the wrong people get that information before it’s supposed to be released to the public here in the Bay Area. I don’t know you well enough to answer that question for you yet.”

Hanna got a sly smile on her face, I could tell she was thinking. Then she tilted her head and stared directly into my eyes, as if she had come to a decision in her mind. The look on her face made me realize she must have had a very special agenda for her visit, so I had better be ready or possibly lose a unique opportunity if I wasn’t open to her ideas.

Hanna said “ I’m going to ask you to be very brave and very trusting for just few minutes as I approach you, can you do that for me Rachel?”

I said “Yes”, but my mouth had gone dry, and it came out more like a whisper…”Yes”

Hanna said “Hold very, very still for me please, don’t move a muscle.”

I whispered “OK.” I think she knew she was going to scare me but she didn’t want me to move.

What happened next totally caught me off guard. She took the next part right out of the MATRIX movie by playing the part of TRINITY so well it sent a shiver up my spine. She was right, the closer she got to me, the more scared I became.

She ever so slowly approached me. It was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. I could hear my heart beating in my chest though. Her heels clicking on the floor as she walked, hips slightly swaying, her eyes never blinking, looking directly into mine, mesmerizing in effect really. By this time I was trembling with anxious fear as she got ever closer.

She walked directly in front of me, her body just barely touching mine, reaching around me, then pulling my trembling body ever so gently against hers. I could feel the heat of her body against mine. I could feel my body trembling against hers but I was unable to get it to stop trembling. Hanna didn’t offer any help, I think she silently enjoyed the effect she was having on me.

Hanna’s face moved gently against the side of my face, her cheek gently touching mine, this was becoming very intimate, very quickly,
Hanna began whispering in my ear…

“I know why you drive yourself so very hard here at work until late at night”

“I know why you can’t sleep at night.”

“Why you live alone.”

“And why day after day you yearn for something more fulfilling.”

“Something you haven’t been able to find in all your searching.”

“I know, because I was once searching for the same thing.”

“It’s the QUESTION that drives us, it’s the QUESTION that brought me here.”

I barely whispered “What question?”

As Hanna’s lips brushed against my ear…
Hanna whispered back “You know the QUESTION Rachel.”

“What has frustrated you the most at home, at night, in the dark when no one else is there.”

“Night after night, month after month, year after year, the yearning, the unfulfilled desire.”

“You know Rachel….You Know…Deep Down Inside…You Know.”

“THAT, is the QUESTION.”

“I asked you to be brave, now tell me the QUESTION.”

I was too afraid to tell her, she was a stranger, how could she know all this?

Hanna lifted my earlobe with her tongue, bringing it into her mouth, sucking on my earlobe.

I inhaled sharply when she did this, catching me off guard with this intimate gesture.

Then grasping it with her teeth gently pulling on it, letting it slowly slide through her teeth, and letting it fall away finally.

Tears began to run down my face, I couldn’t help it. I got such a lump in my throat, I wasn’t sure I could even speak. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. So I cleared my throat and tried again.

I was trembling even harder against her now, could I even answer her?
How could I tell her, a stranger, what I truly desired. Her playing with my ear was disarming me, helping me to be willing to tell her, how did she know to do that? I was trembling even harder now, I was scared to tell her…

“You know Rachel….You Know…Deep Down Inside…You Know, Please tell me, don’t be afraid.”

I whispered in Hanna’s ear…..“Will I ever feel Sexually Fulfilled?”

“Yes”, Hanna said, “That IS the QUESTION my dear girl.”

And with that, she pulled me even tighter into her, a comforting embrace, I really needed that. I began to outwardly sob. I had never shared that question with anyone but Nina, but I had known the question for a very long time. With tears running down my face, she held me in her embrace until my sobbing quieted down.

It’s true, I had never felt truly sexually fulfilled with someone else as a partner. Nina had been the only person to ever truly satisfy me, but she was an expert in sexuality and sexual pleasure.

How could Hanna have known this about me though. I was starting to have questions about her. She stepped away from me just enough to wipe the tears from my eyes.

“I know just how you feel Rachel, because I was exactly where you are a few years ago.“

Hanna took my hands in hers and she asked me again.

“I need to ask you if the rumors are true that you may be retiring early, even in a month or two, is that true?”

I had just met Hanna, but I trusted her enough already, I was ready to answer her question about my retirement.

“That is not common knowledge yet, but yes it is true. I have done very well financially, and am ready to leave the grind of Silicon Valley behind, and start a new adventure in my life, filled with less stress and a lot more peace and contentment.”

“Then I have come at just the right time, because a peaceful stress free environment is exactly what I am offering you when you are ready for it.”
“Would you like to hear more Rachel?”

“Hanna, I would love to hear more about what you have come here to tell me about today.”

“I offer a women’s only resort in Brazil to come live at for a while, just as a world traveler might travel the world an stay somewhere for an extended stay. I think of the women who come to visit my resort really just as a very special family of friends as we have come to know each other over the years.”

“I have owned my resort for 3 years now, and it is a truly amazing place. You can’t imagine the sites and sounds to be found there on a daily basis. The pleasures to take from there, the bonds you will make with every one there, it is a very special place.”

You can come and stay as long as you like. One woman stayed 3 months, and another has been there almost 3 years and has no plans to leave. It really is an amazing place.

I will leave you my card. She reached into her pocket, pulled out a gold case, and handed me her card. It was all matte black, with only the name ‘Hanna’ on it, and an international phone number below her name, all in gold lettering. It was a stunning looking card.

When you think you are ready for your next life changing adventure, call me.
I PROMISE, you will find the answer to your QUESTION there.

“You MUST be very, VERY, sexually open minded to be there though, otherwise you won’t fit in.”

“You also need to be financially well off, the cost is $10,000/ month to stay there.”

“I have two thoughts for you Rachel to keep in mind, if you want to do well there.”

“One, don’t limit yourself. Let go of all your sexual limitations that might hold you back.”
“Two, believe in yourself. You deserve to be sexually fulfilled beyond your wildest dreams?”

With that, she kissed me on the lips gently, then brushed her lips back and forth across mine, caressing my lips with hers.

As she once again moved the side of her face next to mine touching my cheek with hers, she whispered in my ear….

“I have come here only for you… No one else is to know about this…Keep my card in a very special safe place, locked away, until you call me.”

“Think about orgasms without ever touching yourself.”
“Think about orgasms all day long.”
“Think about orgasms so strong and so delicious they bring tears to your eyes.”
“Call me when you are ready.”

Hanna once again lifted my earlobe with her tongue, bringing it into her mouth, sucking on my earlobe. Then grasping it with her teeth gently pulling on it, let it slowly slide through her teeth, and letting it fall away finally.

She held my face in her hands and kissed me tenderly once more.
She gazed into my eyes as she backed away from me. God she is a beautiful woman. She whispered ‘Good Bye’ to me, then turned and walked out of my office and didn’t look back.

God she has a mesmerizing effect on me I must say, she really is a stunning woman to look at.”

I watched her walk away, I wondered for a moment if I would ever see her again.
I realized I had been holding my breath since she took my ear lobe in her teeth, so I took a much needed breath, as I watched her walk to the elevator, walk inside, press a button, then the doors closed, and Hanna was gone.

Then with a whisper of a voice, I said to myself…
“I need to call.”
“I will call.”
“I promise.”

What had Hanna done to me,
I was still trembling slightly, and I knew I was very wet.
A shiver ran down my whole body, damn what an experience I just had.
And I knew, I WOULD see her again.

I got nothing done the rest of the day, I kept going over the events that just happened, wondering if they had really happened or was it all a dream at times. I was not focused at work the next few days, and that was becoming a problem, so I made a decision not to think about Hanna any more until my work on my last project here was completed. Then I would be leaving the company, and be free to follow other directions of interest in my life.

Work was hard and moving fast, it usually is in the high-tech world in Silicon Valley. That was a good thing it turns out, it kept my mind busy. We had worked tirelessly for the past 3 months to finish my last project here.

It took two weeks for my exit. Papers to sign, transitions to be managed, technologies to bring others up to speed on, etc. We had started doing all this a month earlier, but we had just finished this last project, so there was still more to do. It was also my official two week notice to everyone, but since I was the boss, it wasn’t really necessary. I still had some stock in the company. I had sold most, but not all of my stock, so I wanted them to still do amazing work to keep the stock price high.

Anyway, it was time to start thinking about my future plans. Wow, that’s a subject I hadn’t put much thought into before. I wonder what it will be like not going to work every day, and not immersing myself in the high-tech world that I am so used to. Seems strange to even think that way now. I had started this high-tech journey in my apartment and garage with just an idea and a LOT of hard work, seems like so long ago now. We got lucky, some of the lucky few to make it big. I will always be grateful for that. We worked as hard as we knew how, and it had payed off big.

I was now wealthy enough to pursue any dream I desired now without any financial worries. So at 32, I am ready for the next phase of my life. I thought about vacations I could take, places I could go, and dreams I might have had in the past. But I knew there was really only one choice before me. One that had been whispered in my ear by a stranger. One thought, that my thoughts kept returning to, over and over again these past few months. My breathing was already uneven just thinking about it, and my heartbeat was racing as I reached into my purse to get my set of keys.

I reached over to unlocked the desk drawer in my office desk. I pulled out a small black box hidden in the back of the drawer. I selected another key on the key ring and tried to unlock the small box, but my hand was now trembling with anticipation, it took just a moment to get it open. The inside of the box was lined with purple velvet. Inside the box was a single item, it was the black business card Hanna had given me. All the card had written on it was ‘Hanna’ and an international phone number. It was late here. I would have to wait until tomorrow to call.

What had Hanna done to me, I wanted to see her again, very badly.
And I remember the words I had whispered to myself…
“I need to call”
“I will call”
“I promise”

Tears were welling up in my eyes as I knew I had to do this…but I was scared…

I remember as she stood before me, my trembling body shaking against hers…
I remember when she moved the side of her face next to mine touching my cheek with hers, she whispered in my ear….
“Think about orgasms without ever touching yourself.”
“Think about orgasms all day long.”
“Think about orgasms so strong and so delicious they bring tears to your eyes.”
“Call me when you are ready.”

Tears were running down my face, I knew she was right, even if I was scared,
I had made a promise to myself to call her..
I knew I needed this journey….
and I knew I needed to see Hanna again…

I was in a daze as I drove home, kind of on auto-pilot, when I arrived home I hardly knew home I had traveled there. I was horny though, and still wet from even thinking about Hanna, damn what a beautiful woman she is. I needed to masturbate to relieve the sexual desire that had built up in me earlier today thinking about Hanna and the phone call tomorrow. I had desires and questions about her and about what was going to happen to me if I pursued this journey with her. I grabbed both breasts hard, massaging them into my chest as I took a deep breaths, yes, I was horny and needed relief.

I headed to the bedroom, towels, toys, lube….a very familiar scenario for masturbation. Tonight it was going to be simple, just my Magic Wand and my large Dick Rambone 17” dildo with the suction cup. I spread 2 towels underneath me near the headboard and folded another over for my lube and toys. I plugged in my extension cord for the Magic Wand and I was ready to go. I stuck Mr. Rambone to my headboard mounted super smooth glaze coated 12” tile. It is only about 6” above the mattress at the bottom of the tile which is pretty low. It gives me a range of heights to attach the dildo on the wall maybe from 8 to 18 inches high. I like to masturbate several ways with the dildo attached to the headboard, but tonight it will be doggie style with the Magic Wand on my clit.

Sometimes masturbations is about driving a dildo into my pussy with my hands, but tonight I was going to drive myself back onto a massive dildo with my body. Mentally and physically, there really is quite a difference. The strength your arms can thrust a massive dildo into your pussy pales in comparison to the weight and strength your whole body can impale yourself on a massive dildo with. Arms are good for faster pistoning action, and your body is better for stronger deeper, holding deep pressure thrusting, at least for me it is.

I lubed up the dildo and my pussy and I was ready to go. I was so ready for this. I got onto my hands and knees and backed into position. The dildo in long enough and heavy enough that the head of the dildo was resting on the towel I was kneeling on. I picked up the head of the dildo and backed up an inch or two until I could feel the tip of the dildo touch my slick pussy lips. I eased back as I felt the dildo head part my pussy lips, yes, oh yes. As soon as I felt the first touch, I knew this is exactly what I needed tonight. I kept moving back until 6 inches had pushed its way inside me. A slow deep first thrust. This is a huge dildo, so I fucked myself with those 6 inches for maybe a minute, feeling just how good it feels to be fucking again, and to get fucked in return, just savoring the feeling. I could hear a gentle moaning in each exhale of my breath. I was loving this feeling, I always have. My body is so in tune with masturbation.

I pushed harder against to massive dildo as 3 more inches slide inside me until I felt it touch my cervix. Now I had 9 inches inside me. I eased forward almost all the way until just the tip was left inside me. I hesitated just a moment, then pushed back all 9 inches again, pressing against my cervix once again, gently though. I eased forward and back slowly, fucking myself with all 9 inches, really slowly, savoring every inch. I could feel my pussy lips being drawn inward and outward on each thrust in and out of the dildo, I’ll bet it would have been sexy to look at, watching my pussy lips being drawn in and out like that with each agonizingly slow thrust. I was teasing myself a little. Building up my orgasm to a higher threshold. My eyes were closed. I was focused on the feelings I was experiencing. No distractions from my eyes. I could see the massive dildo penetrating me over and over, pushing deeply inside me just from the feelings I was having, and it was wonderful. Slow and wonderful, I enjoyed each and every thrust inside me, bringing pleasure, relieving tensions, moaning with each breath. I was so in tune with the experience, sometimes it just gets like that, I don’t know how else to put it, just in tune with the experience. Maybe in a Zen-like state of mind, at peace with the world, filled with pleasure, and what you are doing giving you more and more pleasure as you continue to do it.

I looked over and reached for my Magic Wand. I turned it on LOW and moved it to the side of my pussy lips. I was already moaning, touching my clit would have made me orgasm immediately. I didn’t want that, almost but not yet. I was caressing my pussy lips one side then the other, moaning, yearning for release. I was fucking the dildo a little faster now, I couldn’t help it, I wanted to cum so badly, I needed to cum. I had pushed another couple inches of dildo deep inside me, thrusting 11 or 12 inches on each thrust, pressing against my cervix, loving the feeling of deep penetration like Nina said by a well endowed lover. I was moaning so loudly now. My body was trembling with desire and need to orgasm. I was so very close….It was time.

I reached back and moving the Magic Wand to HIGH, fucked myself as deep as I could, moved the Wand to my clit…..BAM!…I exploded into a massive orgasm!

I screamed in orgasm……My legs shot out straight…..pushing me away from the wall, blasting me totally off the dildo which I was only moments ago impaled on. My legs were clamped together as I trembled violently in orgasm in the middle of the bed, still holding the Wand against my clit. I was riding out my orgasm, trembling violently, an amazing, wonderful orgasm, not breathing. Still holding the Wand against my clit…just as long as I could….humping against the wand…hips jerking against the Wand….my clit loving the vibrations from the Wand… clit getting WAY to sensitive for the Wand. But I don’t want this to end, I never do. It’s getting hard to hold my clit against the Wand, and I need to breath, it’s been more than minute of orgasm and not breathing. I’m still trembling, less now, still some body jerking though. I try to slide the Wand lower to my pussy lips, as I move my body up an inch, my clit just can’t take it any more. That’s all I can move just yet.

I was feeling exhausted, but more contented now. I turned the Wand OFF. I thought about just pulling the comforter over me and going to sleep. But I made a rule for myself to always pee after sex. So I ran, or maybe barley walked to be more accurate for a quick pee, a rule of mine, always, always pee after prolonged rigorous sex, sometimes hours of sex. You women will thank me if you follow this simple rule, no more UTI’s from sex. I cleared off the bed and climbed back in feeling tired. As I lay down to rest for the night I thought I would doze off quickly.

I mean, I’ve just had a wonderful, delicious powerful orgasm, you would have thought that would have been enough for me, wouldn’t you? But my thoughts are already thinking about Hanna, and what tomorrow will bring. Then I thought about the last moments in my office…

“Think about orgasms without ever touching yourself.”
“Think about orgasms all day long.”
“Think about orgasms so strong and so delicious they bring tears to your eyes.”
“Call me when you are ready.”

I had made a promise to myself to call her…
I knew I needed this journey….
and I knew I needed to see Hanna again…


Chapter 6 – My New Journey Begins

Was I really ready for this kind of commitment in my life?
How do we really know these kinds of answers.
Sometimes, especially when we are scared, we just have to take a leap of faith, and just jump in with both feet before we talk ourselves out of doing what we really want to do, before we let others, or ourselves talk us out of it. So here goes.

I took a deep breath, and I called the phone number on the card Hanna left with me. Hanna answered the phone. “Hello Rachel, I’m very glad you called.”

“Hello Hanna, I’m ready to start my new journey. Can you tell me more about your resort?”

“Actually Rachel, I would like for it to be a surprise, if that’s OK. I will try to meet you myself or have my assistant meet you at the airport in Recife, Brazil when you arrive. I am very excited for you. And I am excited that I will be meeting you in Brazil. I have some wonderful things planned for you, so please hurry. Oh, I do have one request for you Rachel, starting NOW, be REALLY open minded to sexual situations in your future from the moment you step off the plane.” Now, No more questions, I will transfer you to the front desk for travel details, see you soon Rachel, I’m so happy, bye.”

And with that, she was gone, and I was transferred to her assistant for travel details to Recife, Brazil. Her assistant gave me the details I needed, and also insisted I hurry for something special Hanna had planned for me. Hanna really didn’t want me asking her any questions, even though I was dying to ask her a few, I would allow her this concession.

Wow, so now I was caught up in this whirlwind of getting everything in my life closed up fast, very fast. But there was something I needed to do first, there was a phone call I needed to make. As I dialed the number my fingers were shaking just a little bit, what was I going to say to her. How could I explain this. Then the phone was ringing and she answered…

“Hello, Rachel?”
“Hi Nina, Do you have a few minutes to talk?”
“Yes Rachel, I have a few minutes, is everything OK?”
“Yes Nina, everything is fine. I just wanted to keep you updated to recent events in my life. You said to keep myself open to new adventures, and this trip I’m about to take is going to be a huge adventure. I’m so excited, I am moving to Brazil, to live at a very exclusive women’s only resort for a month or maybe even longer.” I would give her more details as I could, and that it was a very exclusive private resort, by invitation only. I had to get special permission just to tell you this much.”

“Rachel, I’m so happy for you.”

“Nina, They are keeping much of it a surprise until I get there, but they did promise me”
“Think about orgasms without ever touching yourself”
“Think about orgasms all day long”
“Think about orgasms so strong and so delicious they bring tears to your eyes”
“How does that sound?”

“Rachel that sounds amazing!, you have to tell me more when you can!”

“OK, Nina I will, I love you, gotta run and get ready.”
“Love you too Rachel, Bye.”

So here it is 10 days later, I was flying into the Recife International Airport on the eastern coast of Brazil. Recife, in northern Brazil also the home to one of Brazils’ best Carnival celebrations taking place in Recife and Olinda.

I made my way towards the baggage claim area, got my bags, and headed for the exit door. I was anxious, someone was going to be there to pick me up, but I didn’t know who it was going to be for sure. Hanna said she was going to meet me when I arrived if she could, but could she actually meet me if she was the owner of the resort? As I walked outside I saw a beautiful black limousine, I wondered if it might be for me for just a brief moment, then the back door opened.

The first thing I saw was a woman’s bare leg, long and slender. Then another leg appeared. I still couldn’t see who it was, but it definitely was a woman’s lovely pair of legs. I tilted my head to try to see inside the limo a little better, but she didn’t move any further. Very curious. If this was for me, was this a signal, or was this meant to be a tease, or a test of some kind. I hoped they were Hanna’s beautiful legs, and they might be, but I wasn’t sure.

I decided to play along and find out. So I walked a few feet to my left to a bench. I was now about ten feet from the limo, close enough for the woman to see what I was about to do, and yet be hidden from anyone else’s gaze. I was wearing a summer dress, light and airy, with high heels. I lifted my right leg up onto the bench and pulled my dress up to my high thigh exposing my right leg and thigh to her. All she could see was my leg and thigh, my crotch was hidden because she was further to my right.

I have really nice legs, so I suspect she had a lovely view from her vantage point looking up my dress towards me. I gently ran my hand up my leg, caressing my leg for her to see, as if to adjust something, or scratch an itch, or just to caress my body and flirt with the woman in the car depending on your vantage point in the airport at this moment in time.

I stroked my leg a second time, pulling my dress back even higher, then caressing my exposed thigh as if my hand were a lovers hand trying to turn me on. I was watching the woman’s legs this whole time, then I saw her legs part. I turned my head and watched as her legs started to wiggle just a little, parting even more. I wondered if she really was touching herself, masturbating, watching me, causing her legs to shake. I was caressing my thigh and rear end for the lady in the limo, putting on a little show for her.

I dropped my right leg to the ground, raising my left leg to the bench, and lifting my dress to expose my inner left leg to this woman which also exposed my red panties to her. I rotated my hips toward the limo, so that only she could see my exposed panties. I moved my other hand to my panties and caressed my silken covered mound with my fingers and hand. My breathing quickened, it felt so good. Now my crotch was facing the limo.

Who was I to do this in public. I was daring myself to do things I never would have before. I needed more, so my hand slipped inside my panties for direct contact, yes. Gentle caresses, rubbing, sliding up and down, I was sooo wet. The woman’s legs were shaking faster now, her toes were starting to point away from her body, I knew she was masturbating now, heading toward an orgasm. I was circling my clit now, I knew I was going to orgasm soon too.

A quick glance left, I saw a security officer walking up the sidewalk toward the limo. Holy shit, the woman in the limo was going to get busted, damn…

Breathing heavily, half crazed with lust, I pulled my wet fingers from my panties, dropped my dress, grabbed my baggage and rolled it over to the limo FAST. Probably three seconds flat. I was standing in the doorway of the limo next to the woman’s spread legs.

“Why did you stop?” she said.

I knew that voice, even before I could see her, it was Hanna. My heart leapt for joy. Hanna had made such an impression on me when she found me in Silicon Valley, California, I had yearned to see her again ever since, and now she was here.

“A security officer is walking this way, quick get your legs inside the limo, so I can get in too.”
Hanna quickly pulled her legs in, scooted over, and I jumped in next to her, closing the door behind me.

“Hanna, my bags are outside next to the limo.”
Hanna reached over, pressed a button, and told the driver to please put the luggage next to the limo in the trunk.

When he had completed the task, he got back in, and used the intercom to ask where she wanted to go. Hanna told him to please drive them to her hacienda. He said they should be there in 30 minutes.

The limo started to go, and we were finally together. We had a moment alone, there was a privacy partition between us and the driver, and Hanna was here with me.
Hanna looked in my eyes, and I smiled. That was all she needed from me. We were still both turned on, we were still both breathing faster than normal, so the next step was an easy one for both of us.

“That was a cute game you started back there Hanna.”
“Well I did tell you to be REALLY open minded to sexual situations in your future.”
“Rachel, I wondered what you would do if you saw a pair of woman’s legs sticking out of a limo.”

“Hanna, you said you were picking me up or were sending someone to pick me up, so I thought they might be for me, that helped. And, they were….beautiful legs I must say.”

“Rachel, that was very daring of you to hike your dress up, exposing yourself to me, caressing yourself for me to watch. Did you know I was touching myself, while I was watching you.”

“Yes, I saw you part your legs, and your legs were shaking a little, so I thought you might be touching yourself. That is when I changed legs and exposed my panties to you, and started to finger myself for you to see me touching myself. Did you see me masturbating for you?”

“Yes I did, I thought I was going to finger myself to an orgasm, I was getting so turned on at watching you. Rachel, were you turned on too?”

“Yes I was. I was masturbating to some unknown woman with beautiful legs sticking out of a limousine, who was masturbating, while she was watching me masturbate for her.”

“Beautiful legs hmmm, well, how about if I put those beautiful legs across your body now, and we finish what we started earlier.”

And with that Hanna sat across my lap, looking directly into my eyes. God Hanna is a beautiful woman. I gazed back into her eyes, wanting to kiss her, but unsure if I should. My breathing got faster. My heart beat faster.

Then Hanna lowered her lips to mine, touching mine with hers, ever so gently. A beautiful caress of her lips and mine. She brushed her lips slightly left and right against mine, just pressing gently. Teasing me a little bit. Then she kissed me with more desire breathing with me, and into me. She was becoming turned on, as was I. I wanted more of her. I needed more of her, and I hoped she felt the same way, right here, right now.

I didn’t have to wait long, Hanna’s hands moved to my breasts, caressing them, wanting access to them, and I wanted her to have then, to taste them. I slid the straps off my shoulders and pulled my dress down so Hanna could get to my bra. Hanna had my bra undone easily, then I was all hers. I was trembling with desire. Her mouth went to my left breast first, kissing all around, a few licks circling ever inward until she reached the nipple, which was hard as an eraser when she finally sucked it between her lips into her mouth. Yes, that feels so good. She has done this before, made love to a woman. She nursed on my nipples for gentle moments, sucking them into her mouth, drawing my entire areola deep into her mouth, massaging my nipples so wonderfully. What a wonderful tender feeling that is. I had never had anyone suck on my nipples in such a way before, it was amazing. Nina had caressed and nursed on my nipples also, but it was a little different, but different is also very good. I wanted her to do more to me, so much more.

One of her hands trailed down my body until it reached my panties. Her fingers gently caressed my panties, sliding up and down, stimulating me through my panties, gently, but nice, so very nice. She could only get two fingers touching my panties since she was sitting in my lap, so she moved off my lap, moved to the side, and said,

“Spread your legs for me Rachel.”

I did as she asked, and she moved her hand back to my panties cupping my mound with her hand, rubbing up and down. Now I was actively rubbing my mound against her hand to get more friction, more stimulation against her hand, I was really getting turned on. My breathing was getting more ragged, I began to moan,

“Oh Hannah, That feels so good.”

I wanted her to do more to me, but I wanted to make love to her to.

“Hanna, I want to make love to you too, please let me.”

“OK Rachel, get undressed, and lie down then, we can make love in a 69 position.”

I quickly took off my sundress and panties, while I watched her get undressed. She has a beautiful body, beautiful breasts, and a clean shaven pussy just like mine. I lay down across the seat waiting for her, I was already so wet with desire. Hanna pointed to a zippered pouch near my head, saying there was a sex toy and lube in the pouch if I wanted to use it on her. She said don’t worry about any mess, we have baby wipes and hand towels for clean-up afterwards when we arrive at the hacienda before we exit the limo.

As Hanna lowered herself over me, I got to see just how beautiful her pussy lips were up close, so pink, so inviting as they parted slightly, as she placed her legs on either side of my head. As she lowered her head to my pussy lips for her first lick of me, she also lowered her hips so that I could give her pussy lips their first caress with my tongue. I reached up wrapping my arms around her rear end pulling her down to me hard as I slid my tongue along the entire length of her open lips but not touching her clit just yet. My quick move caught her by surprise, but I think she liked it, because she was already moaning as she lowered her mouth to my pussy lips the stimulate me in return.

Hanna began to move her hips against my mouth as I worked to stimulate her further. Her pussy was gaping open slightly so I could see inside, I could see her desire contracting her vaginal muscles as I stimulated her, what a beautiful sight. She smelled good, and she tasted good. She felt so good in my arms. All my senses were in play.

Hanna had worked one finger inside me, and that felt good. Then she worked another finger inside me, and that felt even better. So she already had two fingers working inside of me, they felt so good, and I knew I was going to have an orgasm soon. I had been thinking about Hanna ever since she walked into my office, and I was about to have an orgasm on her fingers. Then she had three fingers inside me, pumping in and out, and I was about to orgasm hard.

“Oh Hanna, I’m going to cum.”

“Yes Rachel, cum for me, cum hard for me, cum now Rachel.”

Then Hanna slid her fourth finger inside me and that did it. I exploded on her four fingers, rotating my hips hard against her fingers. She was pumping her fingers into me as fast as she could, squishing wet noises were coming from my drenched pussy. I was moaning and trembling on her fingers, I think my shaking surprised her a little.

“Yes Rachel my love, cum hard for me, Yes, you are trembling so beautifully with my fingers inside you. You are so wet. Cum girl, cum hard for me.”

I had quit breathing. I was conscious of my trembling, shaking body, and of her fingers thrusting so fast and furious inside of me, feeling so very good, so very good. Then as my orgasm peaked Hanna pressed her fingers hard into me and held them deep as she could, my hips pushing back against her, trembling so hard and for so long as I orgasmed. I finally took a breath as my body stopped trembling as much. Hanna’s hand moved again, then she withdrew all but one finger. She was now massaging my pussy very gently both inside and out, one finger inside, and the rest outside, massaging gently, soothing it, petting it, talking to it.

“Such a beautiful pussy Rachel, such beautiful pussy lips to caress, you are such a beautiful woman.”

“Thank you Hanna, and thank you for that wonderful orgasm.”

I had been following Hannas’ lead, and had one finger inside her pussy which she seemed to like, but I was falling behind. I had been enjoying what she had been doing to me, more than thinking about what I was doing to her.

I was going to surprise her by seeing how many fingers I could stuff into her beautiful pussy as quickly as I could, before we got to the hacienda. I reached inside the pouch grabbing the lube. So I withdrew my finger from her pussy, and I put some lube on all of my fingers, intending to place all four fingers inside of Hanna giving her the ride of her life on my four fingers in the back of the limo just like she had done for me. I was going to move really fast now, hence the lube..

I inserted one lubed finger, pumping it in and out….fast!
I inserted a second lubed finger, pumping it in and out….fast!
I inserted a third lubed finger, pumping all three in and out…. fast!
I inserted the fourth lubed finger, pumping all four in and out….fast!
Hanna was moaning fairly loudly by now, even though she was trying to muffle her sounds.
Wow…That was easy….I wondered how four fingers had gone in so easily…hmm, I might have to ask her about that later. She was moving against my four fingers….really liking what I was doing….Hanna was moaning and moving against my hand.
“More Rachel….Please More, give me more.”

So I tucked in my thumb in, and pushed my hand toward her pussy lips. They spread wide, giving way to my pressure, giving way to my hand as it pushed into her pussy, passing through her moist lips, until my hand had disappeared inside her pussy with a great gasp and moan from Hanna. Her body shook as my entire hand passed inside of her, I was getting excited at this new revelation before me.

Her hips were grinding against my hand forcefully as I began to pump my hand back and forth inside her pussy, her moans getting louder and louder with each thrust of my hand. I could feel her slight contractions of her vaginal muscles as she was building toward her orgasm. Almost pulling my hand all the way out brought the loudest moans, so I would almost pull my hand out, then slide it back inside. I had made a fist of my hand inside of her so it was stuck inside her and wouldn’t come out easily, which also massaged her g-spot every time I pulled back out toward the entrance. Hanna seemed to liked that a lot!. I was now also rotating my fist inside her also.

I had been toying with her a little, flicking her clit with my tongue every once and a while which would make her twitch and shudder every time I did it. Now I was ready for her to orgasm hard. So I pulled her down hard against my mouth with my other hand so she couldn’t get away. I was still pumping my hand into her pussy, driving her to the edge of cumming, then I sucked her clit into my mouth! She screamed!

Bang! She exploded into a earth shattering orgasm!
Hanna’s body started trembling so hard she quit doing anything to me, she was moaning, and could hardly breathe. Her vaginal muscles were crushing my hand, I couldn’t move it anymore, but I still tried. Little movements with some rotation still. And I was still sucking on her clit, and while sucking rolling it left and right with my lips. She was helpless, and totally gone to this world, and it was beautiful. I loved what I was doing to her. She was totally at my mercy, A massive, crashing orgasm, and gone to this world.

Hanna was moaning syllables, but not coherent words, she was just too far gone for real words. I loved having her in such a position, and at my mercy. I shook my mouth left and right, still sucking on her clit, humming as I did to vibrate her clit, just to see if she would respond further. YES! She exploded again! God I was falling in love with this beautiful woman, impaled on my hand and wrist, with my mouth and lips pressed firmly against her clit, humming great pleasures to her. I was rotating my thumb against her g-spot as she came. She was shaking violently, gasping for air, I think she was pleading with me to stop, but they weren’t real words, just parts of words. Then as she caught a few breaths, she was able to ask me to please stop for a minute and let her catch her breath.

So I decided to give her a break, and let her breathe finally. I removed my mouth from her clit, and her body collapsed on top of mine, she was totally spent. I could hear her breathing, and her body was still shaking….nice. It put a smile on my face. I felt so happy to be here with Hanna. Feeling her body tremble against mine, feeling the warmth and weight of her body on mine, felt very nice indeed.

I relaxed my fist inside her, streamlining my hand once more, and slid it out as gently as I could. After a minute Hanna was finally able to move off of me, and finally speak.

I gently caressed her beautiful back and rear end with my hands, ever so slowly. I was loving the feel of skin to skin contact, feeling her pressing into me from above, still in the afterglow of my own orgasm, just loving being with her.

I looked up into her beautiful pink pussy, her lips were gaping open slightly, I might have to ask her about my hand sliding into her so easily. Then I heard Hanna finally speak.

“Damn…, Rachel…That was Amazing.”
“I’ve never had a woman give me that powerful an orgasm before.”

“Well, I have been thinking about you for a long time Hanna, and I think you have been thinking about me too. I think we both have been suffering from some pent up sexual excitement for each other.”

“Yes Rachel, I have wanted to be with you ever since I first met you as well, and I can easily say…It was worth the wait!”

“Hanna, may I ask you if my hand sliding into you so easily just now, has anything to do with what goes on at your resort hacienda?”

“Well Rachel, I told you I wanted to keep it a secret for a reason until you arrived there, so I think we will still do that. But, I know this will be the single most exciting sexual adventure you could possibly have ever imagined, and that your desire to finally be sexually fulfilled will come true. In fact, you can be sexually fulfilled to the point of exhaustion, every day you are there, for as long as you wish to stay. How does that sound?”

“That sounds amazing Hanna, sign me up, I’m ready.”

“Remember Rachel, you must have a VERY open minded sexually, NO sexual limitations whatsoever. Be willing to try anything I ask of you. And I do mean……anything.”

We were nearing the Hacienda so we quickly go dressed. We finished just in time.

Hanna glanced out the Limo’s window just in time to see the driver slow down and turn into the driveway, for the resort haciendas long driveway. My pulse quickened as my excitement grew. I had no idea what was in store for me, but I was becoming so excited I could hardly contain my joy of finally being here.

“Oh Hanna, I’m so excited to finally be here!”

“Rachel, I need you to close your eyes my love. You must not see your journey before you, before you commit to it. Lean forward so I can place a blindfold on you, don’t be afraid.”

“I’m not afraid Hanna, just very anxious. So please let’s hurry as much as we can.”

So I leaned forward and closed my eyes. Hanna placed the blindfold around my head and fastened it behind my head tightly. She held my face with both of her hands touching my cheeks, then gently kissed my lips.

“Good girl Rachel, this is going to be fun, Don’t be worried, I’m going to help you into my office inside to have you sign the agreement, then I will show you around, OK?”

“Yes Hanna, I am so ready.”

We drove up to the main house I’m guessing, I don’t really know because I was blindfolded at this point, but the limo stopped. Hanna got out, came over to my side of the limo, helped me out, and walked me into the house slowly, helping my up the steps and through the door. We walked down a hall, through another door, then she shut the door and led me into the room.

Hanna turned and stopped and seemed to sit slightly, maybe sitting on the corner of her desk maybe, then she pulled me to her body until I felt my body press up against her very slightly.

“Oh Rachel, there is something very special about you. I feel drawn to you sexually, you turn me on in ways I can’t explain.”

“Put your arms behind you my love, and cross your wrists.”

I was not a submissive type sexually, but I did want to do ANYTHING Hanna asked of me. I slowly moved my hands behind my body and crossed my wrists behind my back, resting just above my rear end. My breathing quickened just a little. Hanna moved here leg between my legs, slid her leg forward, inserting it between my two legs. Then she pulled me forward until my pussy was gently touching her inserted leg. It felt good to touch her leg, I thought to myself, please ask me to do more.

Hanna then reached behind me and grasped my crossed wrists and held them firmly against my ass with both hands. She pulled me gently against her inserted leg, rubbing my pussy against her leg, slowly humping her leg, pulling me back and forth, as she leaned forward to whisper in my ear.

“Your pussy belongs to me Rachel.”
“What did I just say to you?”

“My pussy belongs to you.”

“Rachel, I want you to caress my leg with your pussy lips and clit.”

As she continued to guide my hips in a gentle back and forth motion, gently sliding along her inserted leg, I was trembling with desire for more, and I was so wet now, breathing faster, wanting her to do more with me, to do much more to me.

“Yes Rachel, you like the way it feels to hump my leg don’t you? You want to hump my leg some more, don’t you?”

“Yes, I like the way it feels, please don’t stop me.”

My mouth had gone dry, it felt really good, and I did want to keep humping her leg. I wanted more humping, and I wanted so much more. My pussy lips and clit, rubbing against my panties, underneath my dress, everything was getting wet now. I’m sure I was getting my panties and dress wet. I was so horny and turned on, and getting more so every second. All I could think of was how good this felt, being with her, and rubbing against her. Hanna lifted my dress so that only my panties were between her leg and my pussy lips now.

“I want you to hump my leg on your own, show me how much you want it.”

I started rotating my hips forward and back, rubbing my pussy lips and clit harder against her leg, turning me on more and more. Sweat was forming on my face as I was becoming more turned on by the second. God I was so turned on now, but I wanted more. I was so wet, I was still fully clothed, and I was going to cum soon if I kept this up much longer. Hanna reached up with one hand and started to massage one of my breasts firmly against my chest, and it felt so amazingly good. I moaned when she massaged my breast, please don’t stop I thought.

And then the tone of Hanna’s voice changed into her Trinity character from when we first met in my office. I trembled at the thought of what was about to happen in her embrace, but I couldn’t stop myself from humping against her leg harder I was so turned on. I leaned my face into hers as I needed to hear what she was about to say in my ear.

“Rachel, do you know why you are humping my leg?”

I could barely speak as moaning and sexual need had became my voice since I had been humping her leg, but I said,
“Because you asked me to”

“And why else Rachel?”

“I don’t know Hanna”

“Because I own your pussy Rachel, and part of you wants someone to take control of your pussy and give you everything you desire”

Tears started to fill my eyes, but I didn’t know why really. Maybe she was right. I wanted to do anything she asked of me. But why tears. What was she doing to me. I was close to cumming in her arms, my senses where being overwhelmed. My body was trembling but I was kind of out of control. I was in her control.

“Rachel my love, will you try anything I ask of you, while you are here?”
My mouth was dry, and in a horse whisper of a voice I answered…

“Rachel my love, I have brought you here so that you can surrender your pussy to someone who can give you all the sexual fulfillment you are searching for.

Her face next to mine touching my cheek with hers, she whispered in my ear….
“Think about orgasms without ever touching yourself”
“Think about orgasms all day long”
“Think about orgasms so strong and so delicious they bring tears to your eyes.”

Thinking about such orgasms, I moaned into Hanna’s ear, my hips had a mind of their own, my pussy lips and clit were on fire. Tears of joy were running down my face, she new what I needed, and was about to give it to me. I was so close to cumming. Please make me cum.

“Rachel, think about orgasms without ever touching yourself, orgasms all day long, and orgasms so strong and so delicious they bring tears to your eyes.”

I moaned into her ear gasping for air now, so close to cumming. I was humping my hips with wild abandon, I needed to cum, I was so close to cumming, rubbing my drenched pussy against her leg, leaving wet trails along her leg from my soaked panties.

“Then cum for me now Rachel, cum hard for me.”

And cum I did. I exploded, cumming hard for Hanna. I came hard, blindfolded, fully clothed, humping wildly against her leg trembling wildly in her embrace, moaning and gasping for air.

“Yes Rachel my love, you came so nice for me, came trembling in my arms, came because I own your pussy, and because I told you to cum.”

Hanna was still massaging my breast, more gently now, more of a caress really, a loving caress. Then her hand moved to caress my neck, soft and gently, sending a shiver up my spine. Then a caress of my cheek and face. I could tell she felt love for me, as I did for her. Then she removed my blindfold and looked into my eyes. There were tears in her eyes, and soon there were in my eyes too. I knew we had a bond between us, and it was something special. A bond that I hoped would grow in the coming months ahead, but for now I knew this is exactly where I wanted to be, exactly where I needed to be.

There was a contract for me to sign that talked about donating $10,000 a month to a preserve for animals, for the upkeep and caring for animals. Then there was an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) for me to sign. This resort was by invitation only. I was to tell no one about it. Hanna had to invite you to come here as a guest to experience it first hand. The last step was for me, I had a check to write for $10,000 for the first month which I gladly wrote.

“Rachel, you asked me a question in the limo about the hacienda, and what goes on here. Now that you have signed the contract, I can answer your question. Would you like to ask me again?”

“Hanna, when we were in the limo and my hand slid into you so easily, did that have anything to do with what goes on at your resort hacienda here?”

“Yes Rachel it does, you won’t believe what is waiting for you here.”

“Orgasms without ever touching yourself.”
“Orgasms all day long.”
“Orgasms so strong and so delicious they bring tears to your eyes.”


Chapter 7 – Hanna Reveals My New Lover

“Rachel, now that you have signed your contract, and paid your fees, are you ready for the resort tour, and to find out about the wonderful sexual journey you are about to begin?”

Hanna walked up to me and pulled me into a close embrace, whispering in my ear…

“Remember, I own your pussy my love, at least for today. Be open about anything you are about to see. And If I ask you to trust me, and try something new, then I ask that you do so.”

“Yes Hanna, I will keep an open mind, I will try anything you ask of me. I would love to find out what you have kept a secret from me for so long.”

“Then it is time for us to take a walk outside and see what is in store for you Rachel.”

We walked outside where it was a bright sunny day. Hanna’s resort was settled in a beautiful countryside setting, with no neighbors as far as my eyes could see.

“Rachel, all of the other women here are also brought to this resort for their own sexual fulfillment, and they have all found it to be a wondrous experience.”

“Look over there Rachel, see that horse in the distance, that is one of our other women, out for a ride today.”

I looked at the horse in the distance, but couldn’t see a rider, I was confused for a moment. But as I looked closer, I did see something unusual, maybe something slung underneath the horses’ belly. Wow, really?. We were walking closer, and it was a naked woman underneath the horse. Oh my God! She was naked, she was a beautiful Asian woman, and the horses cock?……. was erect?…and inside her?, I think?………OH MY GOD!

HANNA?! What?…

“Rachel, That is Misumi, she is a bellyrider. All the women her are bellyriders. I want you to meet her.”

A few more seconds and we would be close enough to talk with her. What would I say to her? I had never seen anything like this before, never even thought about anything like this before.

“Hello Misumi my love, this is Rachel, she just arrived today.”

Misumi turned her head toward Hanna, listening to her as she spoke, then she looked at me.

“Hello Rachel, lovely to meet you. Will you be staying with us for a while?”

“Hello Misumi, Yes, I have signed up for my first month here, Hanna is just now showing me around, everything is so new to me.”

“Misumi, I sort of played a trick on Rachel, I wouldn’t tell her what to expect or what she would be doing here until she got here, then she saw you and found out just now.”

“Hanna, do you mean I will be bellyriding?”, I asked.

“Yes, Rachel my love, we are all bellyriders here. Our lovers are these magnificent stallions, and they are the best lovers we could ever ask for.”

Misumi had been gently moving on her horse lovers cock this whole time. Her actions were not lost on me, so I had to ask her.

“Misumi, please tell me what it is like to be a bellyrider?”

“Well Rachel, I will let you find out most of it for yourself, but I will tell you that bellyriding is better than you can possibly imagine. And bellyriding with a horse lovers cock inside you is better than any lover you have ever had.”

“Thank you Misumi, you two look amazing together. Misumi’s body was stunning in appearance. Not an ounce of fat, she had 6-pack abs, a perfect athletic body, with a brown/golden tanned skin tone, simply beautiful.”

Misumi suddenly went much faster, sliding along the massive cock of her horse lover, driving his cock so deep into her pussy on each stroke. I could see the shiny wetness on his cock revealing just how much cock he was thrusting inside herself on each stroke…it was unbelievable really. I wondered how such a tiny Asian beauty could possibly take so much massive horse cock into such a tiny body. Misumi couldn’t have weighed more than 100 pounds, she looked absolutely tiny underneath her stallion.

Hanna grasped my arm and led me back a few steps to give Misumi more room and more privacy. Hanna leaned into my ear and whispered.

“Watch this, they are both about to have an orgasm together, it is a beautiful thing to watch.”

Misumi’s eyes were closed, and was moaning loudly now, humping on her lovers cock, driving herself along his shaft, over and over again. Relentlessly pounding herself down, bottoming out on the horse’s cock again and again. Loud moans escaped her mouth every time his massive cock crashed into the end of her pussy.

Then her horse whinnied, and shuddered, and started jerking his hips into her body, driving his cock into her harder than she could reasonably take I thought. But take it she did, moaning with each thrust he gave her. Then her body went rigid as she came. Her horse thrust very hard into Misumi blasting rope after rope of his horse cum into her. Misumi started shaking violently as her orgasm was just too much for her to handle.

Misumi’s tiny body seemed to be lifted off the bellyriding saddle even higher by the power of his massive cock alone, practically suspended in the air by his cock, as she was shaking in her orgasmic bliss. As his cock continued thrusting forward, still blasting ropes of cum, now overflowing her pussy, her body sways back and forth suspended on his mighty cock. Horse cum was squirting out of her and falling down to the harness with each mighty thrust. It was such a beautiful and powerful sight to watch, I became aware that my hand had been rubbing my crotch and I hadn’t even realized it.

Finally the horses thrusts slowed, and his thrusts lowered enough to ease Misumi’s body back down to the bellyriding saddle. Misumi’s body was covered in sweat, a shine in the afternoon sun that was a lovely testament to the exertion she had just been through for her wondrous orgasm between her and her horse lover.

We backed away from Misumi, allowing her to recover in her orgasmic afterglow with her horse lover together in silence. That was an amazing site to behold, my first coupling of a woman and her stallion lover here at the resort. And now I knew what was to be my future here at the resort since I had signed the contract and paid my fees. I had made a promise to Hanna and to myself to give everything here an honest try before passing judgement one way or another. Hanna said to keep an open mind, and I promised that I would. Wow, she wasn’t kidding about keeping an open mind!

So Hanna and I headed back to the stables where I was to be introduced to someone special Hanna said. She wouldn’t tell me more than that, but she said that he was beautiful, and she didn’t want to spoil the surprise.

I was led out to the stable where I was introduced to Star, a stunningly beautiful black stallion. A trainer named Lisa was brushing him. Star’s coat was so beautiful Jet Black and shiny, he was a magnificent creature. I had always loved horses growing up, and always had a special place in my heart for them. I loved riding them the few times I had been able to growing up, either at camp, or on special occasions.

I was introduced to Lisa and told that Star was one of the horses that she was in charge of looking after.

“Hello Rachel, I’m Lisa, I will be your trainer. Come and meet Star. Offer him your hand to smell, then after he does that, you can caress his forehead if you would like to. Star is going to be your lover. Why don’t you and he get to know each other.”

I offered Star my hand to smell, and he did just that, then I reached up and gently stroked his forehead a few times as I moved in closer. It is a humbling experience to move in closer to such a big and powerful creature for the first time.

Star lowered his head as I was stroking him and as I moved in closer to him. Then as I stood closer to him, he stretched forward, his nostrils to take a smell of my body, my breasts to be more accurate. Bumping into my breasts and rubbing against them, I let Star move against me as he wanted. I moved my hand to the side of his head and held his head to my chest giving him a gentle hug as he breathed in my scent.

“High Star, you are a flirty boy aren’t you? I think we are going to get along great, I like you already.”

I had been told Lisa was to be my trainer, she was beautiful, and I immediately felt at ease with her. She told me she was 32, studying to be a Veterinarian, and was a bellyrider also, but only occasionally. Most of her time here, she worked as a staff member for the riders, taking care of our needs during the day, and the needs of the horses in the mornings and evenings.

Lisa said they had discovered state of the art technology involving nano-encapsulated nitric oxide that a research firm had been working on. Hanna had gained rights for a monthly supply by being an early investor by sending them $10,000 payments each month for the nano-encapsulated nitric oxide.

Lisa had explained to me, their nano-encapsulated nitric oxide gets time released over an 8 hour period to erectile tissues in the horses cock to maintain erections. Our research found that nitric oxide was acting as a neurotransmitter responsible for triggering and maintaining erections in humans. It just so happens that it also works in horses too.

We actually use a cocktail of six ingredients in our injections for the horses. 5 percent yerba dura extract from plants in the jungles of Brazil. We use it in both the injection for the horse and in our vaginal cream for the women. Then 20 percent Cialis-like time released vaso-dialator. 60 percent nano-encapsulated nitric oxide, released over an 8 hour period. We also have ingredients for greatly increased seminal fluid production, more than doubling the amount of semen a horse is normally able to produce during the 8 hour period.

My first time with a horse had finally arrived.
Losing my horse virginity if you will, was making me very nervous.
Never had I felt so anxious, or so alive at what was about to happen to me.

Lisa and I talked about how long I wanted my first experience to be.
2 Hours of bellyriding, probably 1-2 horse ejaculations.
4 Hours of bellyriding, probably 2-4 horse ejaculations.
8 Hours of bellyriding, probably 4-8 horse ejaculations.

Lisa told me the current record for horse ejaculations for new bellyriders stood at 8 for an 8 hour period.

We do recommend that new bellyriders go for a maximum of 4 hours their first time, and choose either the 2 or 4 hour bellyride their first time.

This will be a lot for your vagina to get accustomed too, so it is better to take it easy your first time, than to over do it and risk injury and have to heal for a few days or weeks.

I thought, yeah, as if taking a horse cock inside you will be easy in the first place, but I had a feeling 2 hours just wouldn’t be enough for me, even for my first time.

I opted for their wisdom and agreed to 4 hours of bellyriding for today.

I had no idea how amazing an experience this was going to be for me, or even what this single event was going to mean for my future.
If I had, I wonder if I would have acted any differently?

I was told to undress completely. It’s funny, even as a mature woman, and a sexually mature woman, when you are asked to undress, there is still a sense of embarrassment doing it in front of others for the first time.

Just as I finished undressing, my magnificent horse was brought before me. My breathing quickened, and I felt my body begin to shake with nervousness.

Lisa said “This is Star, isn’t he beautiful?, you met him earlier. We picked him especially for you Rachel.”

My heart skipped a beat as I heard those words, they had picked Star especially for me.
“He is magnificent. I already like him very much!”

As he stopped before me, my hand went up of its own will, to stroke his side. I felt his hair under my hand as I stroked down his body, warm and so huge was this fine creature before me. He was jet black, very shiny, and was a very large horse!

“He seems to be a very large horse.”

“He is a large horse Rachel, only Hanna’s horse King is larger, and only by a little bit. I think you will come to love having Star as your new lover.”

I was beginning to feel small, and wondered if I had made a big mistake. I was now thinking how could I handle such a large creature inside me, and I wasn’t thinking about my nakedness anymore.

The bellyriding harness was cinched high underneath Star, near his belly for now. I guessed they would lower it later when I was to climb inside the harness for my wild ride with Star’s Mighty Cock inside of me.

I touched the leather straps of the harness that hung around the side which attached to the solid leather cradle of the saddle underneath Star. I leaned forward, involuntarily almost, to smell the leather. I smelled the leather straps and harness, and I smelled Star. My head started to swirl a little with the realization of what was happening. This was becoming such a surreal experience already, and it had only just barely begun.

I wanted to see more.
I needed to see more.
So I let my hand wander down lower and I looked over at Lisa.
“May I touch him?”

Lisa said, “You may caress him gently anywhere you would like to. He is trained to allow touching, just talk to him as you do and get to know him.”

“Hey Star, It’s just me getting to know you. You are such a handsome boy.”

I looked back at my hand, then watched as it slowly slide lower and lower until it was stroking along his leg, then near his belly, then near his sheath.
His belly rippled from my touch, maybe he was a bit ticklish.
There was just enough room above the harness to get my arm in there to caress his belly until they lowered it.

I stroked his belly a few times, building up my courage to stroke his sheath where I knew he kept his sleeping cock. I continued talking to him as I continued my exploration of his body.

With a bit of a trembling hand, my hand slid over to his sheath, and slid along its full length. I cupped the underside of his sheath with my whole hand, and slid my hand back and forth ever so gently.

I was just enjoying the feeling of sliding his sheath through my hand. Back and forth my hand slid along his sheath, it felt nice in my hand. I felt nervous and naughty touching Stars’ sheath for the first time.

But now I wanted more. I wanted to see his cock emerge.

I gripped his sheath a little firmer, adding more friction to my caresses as I slid my hand back and forth. That did the trick.
I could feel blood flowing into his cock while it was still in his sheath, getting larger inside, getting firmer. My hand never stopped moving, I wanted more…

Then it started to appear.

Star’s cock made its first appearance for me to see up close and in person.
Truly a wonder to behold. Star’s cock was emerging, pink and black colors, growing in size, 6 inches, then 12, then probably 18-24 inches in length when fully exposed.

Star’s cock was bigger around than my arm, more like the size if my leg actually, but it was magnificent! Star’s cock was more beautiful than I had imagined it could be. Up close like this I was stunned at the actual size. It seemed very clean as well.

“Lisa it seems very clean for a horse’s penis?”

“Rachel, we clean their penises and sheaths every time someone rides them, so they get cleaned almost every day. We keep our horses very clean. And we have regular veterinary visits for all of them as well.”

I watched as Lisa cleaned Star’s penis, it took less than a minute.

Lisa said “It’s time Rachel. Time for you and Star to be ‘Mated’ for the first time.”

I wasn’t ready for the term “Mated”, but it was a fair description of what was about to be attempted I guess. I wasn’t sure Star would fit inside me after seeing his penis for the first time, but I was still willing to try. More than that, I knew I needed to try.

There was a bellyriding harness already fastened around Star, it had been cinched close to his belly, but was now lowered into the correct position for my climbing aboard. Star’s cock hung just below the harness, what a beautiful cock it was.

Fortunately the left back strap, (the rear strap on the side of the horse you usually mount a horse on), of the bellyriding harness had a quick release feature. The strap can be released, so it was easier to climb inside the harness, then have them lift up that back left leg strap once you are inside the harness and attach it back in place. Without that quick release feature, getting in and out of the harness underneath a horse would be much tougher.

So now I was in the harness waiting….anticipating, getting more nervous as they were attaching my hands and feet to the harness straps mounted higher on the horse. Just before they attached my right leg to Star, they swung his cock up and around the harness side and lay it on my belly, WOW, now that was something to think about. Star’s cock was so long, it reached to my navel on my belly, I might be in trouble here. Then they strapped my right leg to the harness above. With my legs attached higher on the horse, I was left spread-eagled in the harness, hanging just below Star’s belly. I was now fully bound to Star, helpless to free myself, fully along for the ride of my life, feeling quite vulnerable.

Lisa knelt down next to me, as I turned my head to look at her, she could see the nervousness in my face. Her hand reached out and caressed my face, “Breathe Rachel.”

She was right, I had been holding my breath. I was nervous, and I was shaking.

“It’s going to be OK Rachel, It’s OK to be nervous.”
“This is going to be an experience you will never forget.”
“And it’s going to be……….Wonderful!”

Lisa motioned to another trainer to come apply sun screen to me, she was applying it to all the riders. She started by spraying the bottoms of my feet which were pointed up at the sky, makes sense I guess. She worked quickly with the rest of my exposed areas and was done in a few minutes.

Lisa said “I’m going to lubricate your pussy lips and inside your vagina now to make insertion a bit easier.”
“OK, I’m ready, I think.”

With that, I watched as Lisa squirted a generous amount their custom lotion into her hand and proceeded to massage it on Star’s cock and into my pussy lips. Having Lisa massage my pussy lips felt really good. As my pussy lips spread open, she slipped her fingers inside. I could feel 1 finger sliding in and out, spreading lotion, being joined by another, then there were two fingers sliding in and out.

My breathing was increasing and she slid another finger inside me, three felt even better. Then she added a fourth finger and paused, making a little trough with her fingers, pouring more lotion on the four finger trough, letting it run inside of me. Then all four fingers started to slide in and out and all around, it felt so good my hips started to move against her hand.

I was breathing hard, but I wanted more….Please Lisa…
Please slide your hand inside of me. With that request, she folded her thumb over, and slid her entire hand inside of me as I ground my hips against her invading hand. She pumped my vagina a few times, spreading the lotion, as I humped her hand with my hips, nearing my orgasm.

Then Lisa suddenly withdrew her hand….
”Lisa…holy…what happened..what?”
“Please put your hand back inside me, I was so close.”
“Rachel, we can’t have you orgasm and get all tight inside, or Star won’t fit.”
“Besides, if you are super horny, then you will push past the pain of getting him inside you the first time.”

I figured she was right, but being so close to an orgasm and being denied was very frustrating.

“Ready Rachel?, Star is ready for you.”
“Yes, I am so horny right now, please put him inside me now.”

I raised my head slightly, my forehead touching Star’s belly, looking down my body over my abs towards Star’s cock resting on my belly, I could see my body shaking.

Lisa lifted Star’s cock off my belly and rubbed some lotion on the shaft again and around the head. Star’s cock looked massive and shiny from my vantage point. Larger than any dildo I had ever attempted to use on myself, and I wanted it so badly I was shaking. The head of Star’s penis was slightly flared, working it inside me might take some effort.

Lisa pushed on my harness, swinging me away from Star’s cock. Lisa grasped Star’s Cock and aimed it at my pussy lips. Lisa stroked Star’s Cock up and down my pussy lips, caressing them, teasing them, taunting them, opening them to his upcoming intrusion. Then Lisa rubbed Star’s cock around in circles. Massaging my pussy lips, massaging my clit, back down to my lips, then massaging my vaginal opening with a circular pressure.

Star’s cock was massive. I was so horny now, I was grinding my hips against Star’s cock as Lisa was pushing it against my vaginal opening. I was moaning with desire, labored breathing from exertion, lust in my heart, I wanted this so badly.

I could feel my pussy lips opening up more and more, trying to let Star inside me, he was so large though.

Lisa was calling out, “Fuck him hard Rachel, take his cock inside you, take it, you can do it”

I could feel an orgasm approaching fast, the mushroom head of Star’s cock grinding against my pussy for so long, I was about to explode. My eyes were shut tight, I was straining to take his huge cock, my hips grinding for all I was worth against his cock. My body started to shake as my orgasm hit me, my pussy spasmed closed then open, and Star’s cock barely slipped inside me!

Then I felt my vaginal opening give way to Star’s mighty cock driving deep inside me.
I was being rocked by a massive orgasm!

My body was trembling in a massive orgasm with my pussy filled with the largest cock I have ever had inside me. I could feel my vaginal muscles flexing against Star’s cock as my vaginal canal contracted in orgasm over and over again. I wasn’t breathing, just straining in orgasm, one long freaking orgasm.

The sudden shock of pain during my orgasm sent a rippling shock to my system. My eyes shot open, my body was trembling in orgasm, I screamed, but nothing came out because I had been holding my breath for too long already. My eyes shut tight again still trembling in orgasm.

I had been shaking for so long, unable to speak, just riding out my orgasm. When my orgasm eased enough for me to speak, maybe 30 seconds later, I took a few breaths and opened my eyes looking for Lisa.

I looked over at her “OWE, he’s in!”
“Holy Shit, He’s HUGE.”

Lisa kind of giggled at the first words out of my mouth after just having an orgasm.

“Yes, he is a big boy.”
“I think that is the quickest orgasm for a first time horse cock insertion that I have ever seen.”

“Well, you did prime me pretty good with your fist sliding in and pumping inside me if you remember, which felt amazing I must say.”

“Yes, I remember.”

“So, how do you like having Star’s cock inside you, nice isn’t it?”

“Well, I’m still in the IT’S FUCKING HUGE phase.”
“And I have 4 hours still to go, whew!, but I’m game, and YES, it is AMAZING!”

“OK then, I will give Star his shot to keep him hard for the next 4 hours.”

Lisa gave Star the shot. During the next 2-3 minutes I could feel Star’s cock grow inside me. Star’s cock increased in girth and in firmness, wow that was impressive to feel the direct increase based on the shot she had given him.

“OK, you two are lovers for the next 4 hours, have fun Rachel.”
“Use your arms and legs to move your body along his shaft, sliding along his cock, fucking him whenever you want to bring either of you to orgasm.
“Star should be able to ejaculate into you every hour or so, I think you will really love that part, I know I do.”

“You will learn the art of sliding along his shaft, and rotating your hips in circles to further stimulate Star to get him to ejaculate in you faster when you want him to.”

“Also, you will learn to use your vaginal muscles to milk his cock of every drop of semen as your greedy thirst for it rises during your own lusty orgasms demand later today.”

“Now try sliding along his shaft a few times to see how it feels.”

With her prompting, I started using my arms and legs to move my body along Star’s shaft. I was well lubricated and movement started to feel really good. God he was HUGE though. I must have had 10 inches in me when he was rubbing against my cervix. Another inch or 2 REALLY pressed my cervix into me HARD. I was used to that pressing feeling from my style of masturbation with my biggest toys, and I liked it actually, it is kind of an acquired taste for sure, but I really did like it very much. I guess that is a good thing, since there was going to be a LOT of cervix pounding going on if STAR had anything to say about it.

The harness seemed to be adjusted just right to let me move back and forth along Star’s cock the right depth. I asked Lisa to walk me out and stay with me for a while as she instructed me in controlling Star by pulling on the reins which were fastened up by my hands if I wanted to go somewhere or return to the barn later. As Lisa led me around I found the gentle gate of the horse, the forward and back, and the side-to-side rocking motions a very pleasant motion of Star’s cock within me. I could relax and feel his cock gently thrust inside me giving me pleasure endorphins coursing throughout my body….very nice! An afternoon of this feeling could be very euphoric indeed. A blissful almost euphoric sleep came over me for a moment. I could feel the warm gentle breeze, the gentle gate of the horse, Star’s massive cock gently thrusting inside me, my body feeling a pleasurable warmth inside my pussy. I had so much pent up excitement and adrenaline earlier, then I had that massive orgasm, I guess my body just needed a quick rest for a minute or two to recover. So that is what I did, my eyes were closed and I rested for a few minutes. I felt at peace, my body felt warm and full of pleasure giving endorphins….yes this was a great state of mind to be in. I was in a Zen like state of mind, so at peace with the world. I was aware of my surroundings, but I was resting and feeling such pleasures. I could feel the sun on my body on this warm day, and I could feel Star’s wonderful cock giving me pleasure. I could hear my breathing, with the gentlest of moans on every exhale.

After just a few minutes my eyes opened. We were still walking.

“Hi Lisa, how long was I out?”

Lisa stopped walking Star for a minute as she answered me.

“Just a few minutes, how does it feel with Star inside you?”

“It feels amazing. I was feeling so warm, and the gentle rocking with his massive cock inside me felt so great, I just closed my eyes to enjoy that feeling for a few minutes. I was just resting, it felt so pleasurable and nice just to take a few minutes to do that.”

“I totally understand, especially for your first ride, and since you already had one orgasm just getting him inside you, you were ready for a short rest. Are you ready to have your first orgasm moving on his penis?”

“I sure am Lisa, Let’s go for it!”

“OK, I will walk the two of you, you can thrust on his cock, and if you can get him excited enough, get him to thrust into you and then ejaculate into you when you orgasm, you will REALLY like that part.”

“OK, I’m ready.”

And with that, Lisa began walking Star again and I began moving back and forth on his massive cock. It took me some time to get my body moving rhythm to sync with his walking gate, but I eventually got pretty good at it. I was sure I was going to be sore in the next few days, I was really working muscles I wasn’t used to using this much.

One thing was for sure, I was getting more turned on the more I thrust along Star’s massive cock, damn he was huge. I did like the control I had. I could do shallow, more teasing thrusts, or I could do deep thrusts all the way to my cervix. I also like holding the deep thrust for a count or two and have his walking gate massage my cervix deep within me, a very nice feeling indeed.

I was feeling really horny and turned on, I was ready for my second orgasm of the day. I started thrusting faster on Star’s cock, the rhythm was a little erratic, and my breathing became more labored and raspy. I was starting to tremble as I do when my body is nearing an orgasm, it gets overly excited and starts to tremble with need for release. Well my body was trembling for the first time with Star’s massive horse cock inside me, now that was a new sensation as my hips began a jerking motion his cock was banging around inside my vagina bumping into places causing strange sensations…..I was about to orgasm…..and it was going to be a big one. I was moaning on every thrust on his cock, it felt amazing! I was sweating from lust and exertion as I drove toward my orgasm.

“Lisa….I’m about to have an orgasm…”

“I think Star is about to have one as well, keep thrusting hard on him, and milk his cock with your pussy muscles as long as you can.”

I did just as Lisa said. I started thrusting as hard as could, and I started squeezing his cock each time I withdrew from his shaft trying to milk his massive cock the best I could. I was moaning loudly by now. Star started walking funny and making exited horse noises, Lisa stopping walking him, then he started thrusting into me…….BAM!….I Exploded into my second orgasm of the day.

Star’s cock head flared deeply within me, just as I began to tremble more violently as my massive orgasm crashed over me. Star was haunching forward, thrusting his massive cock deep inside of me, driving deep, getting ready to blast me with volumes of his horse semen I could only dream of up to this point.

I was trembling more violently, as my massive orgasm crashed over me. I was moaning so loudly, I hoped I wouldn’t scare Star, but I was cumming so hard, I was cumming for all I was worth.

Star was thrusting into me over and over, deep hard thrusts, I felt his cock swell and flare deep inside me. As his cock flared, I felt him blast rope after rope of his cum deep inside me. I felt it blast against my cervix, it was very hot and amazing. I was still riding out my orgasm, trembling, moaning, loving that Star was cumming inside me at the same time as me. I loved the feeling of Star cumming inside me, the hot feeling, the wet squishy feeling, the intimate mating we were sharing. Star was thrusting very deep inside me, and holding the deep thrusts, pressing hard against my cervix for a few seconds until he would withdraw, getting ready to drive into me again. This went on for nearly 30 seconds, a long time to be pounded and thrust into so hard. Star was my new lover, and he felt amazing to have so very deep inside me. I loved that he stayed hard inside me, and that after my orgasm I could just ride along his shaft to pleasure myself and hopefully him, to draw out the afterglow of our orgasms, just prolonging the orgasmic pleasure as long as possible.

This was the first lover I had ever had who drove me to a massive orgasm, came inside me, and stayed hard and was ready for more. Then the emotion of the situation kind of hit me….I felt such a sense of joy. I was still feeling my orgasmic afterglow, but as tears filled my eyes, a sense of joy that I was exactly where I was meant to be. Hanna had said ‘Orgasms so strong and so delicious they bring tears to your eyes’ and that is just what had happened, without touching myself, and they could happen all day long, just like Hanna had said. I was ready for more, I looked over at Lisa.

As I turned my head to look at Lisa, the tears that had welled up in my eyes ran from the corners of my eyes down my face. I couldn’t wipe them, but that was OK. OK for Lisa to see, she would understand.

“Hi Rachel, are you OK?”

“Yes Lisa, I am just happy.”

“Yep, that first time we share a great orgasm with our horse lover and they ejaculate inside us at the same time can be a joyous wonderful, and emotional experience.”

“Wow Lisa, that WAS amazing! To feel Star blasting his cum deep inside me felt really great!. That was my favorite part!”

“I think that is everyone’s favorite part as well, when their horse lover blasts their hot semen deep inside them as well. Star should be ready to do that to you again in an hour or so.”

Already I was wishing he could do it sooner than that, it felt that amazing to me. I had never experienced such a powerful orgasm where I could feel blast after blast of cum blasting inside of me. I truly loved the feeling it gave me, and I wanted more of it. The animalistic feeling of our shared mating orgasms was amazing!

I had six more orgasms this first day, three more with Lisa leading me, then three more after she let me roam around freely for two hours. That was a total of eight orgasms today for me with Star, not a bad start for the two of us on our first day together. Star blasted me with his wonderful hot semen 4 times today!

My Kegel exercises served me well today, I tried my best to milk Star’s cock by squeezing and massaging his cock with my vaginal or PC muscles every time Star blasted me with his semen. I hope it enhanced his orgasms for him as well as giving me more pleasure and providing me with more hot squishy semen!

By the end of my first 4 hour ride on my first day, I was both ready to be done for the day, and wishing it could go on longer. Done for the day, because my body had been through a lot already, orgasms take a lot out of you, and I had had many, many orgasms today. Wishing I could go on longer, because you always want one more orgasm, especially when they are so good, and these are very good. But I knew my body had been through a lot today, especially my pussy which had been asked to handle Star’s wonderful massive cock for the last four hours!

Fortunately Lisa came to find me. I guess I was getting the VIP treatment today. I wasn’t complaining. Lisa was leading me back to the stables. I closed my eyes and once again enjoyed the pleasures of the horses’ gate stimulating my pussy. In a few minutes we had arrived at the stables. Star was led to a stall and I was readied to be let out of my bellyriding saddle. Lisa unhooked my wrists and ankles, then she came around and unhooked the lower left corner of the bellyriding saddle and eased me out of it. I kind of slid out of it and she helped me stand up, a little shaky at first, but I did OK. My body felt tired, it had expended a lot of energy today. Energy expended working back and forth on Star’s massive cock, and energy expended riding out my massive orgasms.

Lisa look at me, kind of tilted her head and asked me…

“Rachel how do you feel?”

“I feel a little tired, but what an amazing day I had with Star today. Thank you for all your help today Lisa.”

“It was my pleasure Rachel. I will be here to help you each day. Now for your first chance to help with Star. After each ride, every bellyrider helps brush their lover, it’s a rule here, it is also a time honored tradition here. It helps connect with the horse, and it is also a thank you for all the hard work they put in giving us pleasure and carrying us in the saddle throughout the day. They work very hard for our pleasure.”

Lisa told me about the Curry Comb, the Dandy Brush, and the Body Brush. She handed me a Body Brush and showed me how to brush Star. I followed next to her, brushing where she had just brushed him with the Dandy Brush, following her technique, but a little softer touch maybe. She explained that it feels good to him, and helps keep him healthy. She told me how some days the riders will help for a few minutes, other days they will help until the grooming is done, depending on how tired the rider is that day. The riders don’t think of it as a chore, they love their stallions, and love any chance to help take care of them. Lisa let me help for 10 minutes, teaching me different techniques and areas to brush, then was ready to send me on my way for today.

“Thank you for helping groom Star, Now go wash up, or shower if you want to. You have time for a nap if you want to take one, probably a good idea on your first day. The other riders will be out there another 4 hours, most of them are riding for 8 hours today. It is now 1:30, Dinner will be at 6:30 PM. Feel free to walk to the house as you are, or you can get dressed, or just use one of the folded robes we keep in the cabinet over there. You can also do a quick rinse off with the hose over there if you are leaking semen that you want to rinse off. Some of the women want to retain the horse semen inside them as long as they can, others don’t care and are ready to get cleaned up for dinner.”

“Lisa, how do most riders go to the house after their ride?”

“Most of them, and we kind of suggest it, go to the cabinet and grab a pair of flip-flops and a robe then head into the house. That way, if they sit at the kitchen table and get something to drink or chat for a while, most of what they will leak will be absorbed by the robe they will be sitting on. It’s a lot less mess for the staff to clean up. They are used to cleaning up after the women riders anyway, but we try to be considerate when we can, small spots of horse semen are much easier to clean than large pools of horse semen that has run down the kitchen chairs and fallen to the floor. After riding all day, you may leak semen for hours if it has been pushed inside your uterus. The powerful thrusting of the horses flared penis can act like a piston, driving semen into your uterus while he is ejaculating inside you. In fact, if you go out to dinner some evening, you may want to were a panty liner to absorb any leaking semen so your panties stay dry.”

“Thank you Lisa, I will grab some flip-flops and a robe and head to the house. I’m ready for a shower and a nap.”

I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a pair of flip-flops and a robe and put them on. I felt tired, but good. I headed to the house. I stopped and turned and looked out across the property. I could see a couple of the other riders in the distance. I thought about that being me tomorrow, going for a longer ride maybe….hopefully.

When I got to the house I needed something to drink so I went to the kitchen. I looked around and found a glass and looked in the fridge. I found some apple juice, that would do nicely, so I poured myself a glass. Yep, it really hit the spot. I headed upstairs to my room. A quick shower was what I needed. There was a extendable shower nozzle, and a extendable douche nozzle as well. I took a shower, and rinsed out my vagina with the douche nozzle.

I lay down for a nap and noticed the bed was extremely soft. Maybe it was a memory foam bed or something, I loved the feel of it and I loved that it was also cool feeling on this warm day. I would have to ask about it later. I closed my eyes, I could feel myself letting go, feeling relaxed, I could hear my breathing…..
I felt contented to be here, and glad that my first day of my new journey was going so well…breathing….yes…
And then I was out…

I heard my alarm go off some time later, I had set it so I could get a two hour nap. Wow, it seemed like I had only laid down 10 minutes ago. I was still a little tired, but I knew I better get up, otherwise I might have trouble going to sleep later tonight. Besides I wanted to be up when the other riders came back to the house.

I got out of bed, but I felt wet, so I wet to the bathroom to pee which I had to do anyway. I felt my vaginal lips, they were wet. I guess I was still leaking horse semen from my uterus from my ride earlier today…kind of a new occupational hazard I guess. After taking care of business, I got dressed in a sun dress, no bra, panties, and a panty liner which I found a box of on the bathroom counter. They already knew I might be having a leaking problem it seems.

I headed downstairs to greet the others as they returned from their rides. I didn’t really know what to expect. I was the new kid in town, and kind of nervous. It turned out I didn’t need to worry about being nervous at all. They were all veteran bellyriders, they knew I was coming here for some time, and were looking forward to meeting me. I was anxious to see how tired they would be, and if they would be will to talk about how their day had gone to a rookie like me.

They trickled in one by one, wearing robes and wearing flip-flops. Misumi was bare foot, and the tiniest of all of them. They looked about as tired as I felt earlier today. I guess their muscles are more used to it, so they survived 8 hours OK. All of them also got something to drink before heading upstairs to shower and get ready for dinner.

The dinner was a nice way to end the day, a gathering of like minded spirits breaking bread together sharing stories of the days events. Mostly tonight it seemed to be questions for me. I told them of my special new boy Star, and my excitement about what tomorrow might bring. Lisa told them about me having an orgasm as she was inserting him for the first time, they all laughed, I did too. I did volunteer that I had 8 wonderful orgasms on his wonderful cock, and really loved it when he blasted his semen inside me. They said they loved that part the best too. The food was great. I thought what a nice way to build friendships after the middle of the day being a more solitary journey of feelings and sexuality. As we broke from our dinner meal saying goodnight, I got hugs from each of them, I liked that very much.

Hanna came up to me, kissed me on the lips, and gave me a tender embrace.

“Oh Rachel, I’m so glad you are finally here. So how was your first day with Star? I picked him especially for you.”

“I love him already Hanna, he and I are going to be best friends. I had 8 orgasms riding his wonderful cock today. He blasted me with his semen during my orgasms 4 times, I loved that part the best. I really loved my first day here. Thank you for inviting me. How did you know I would love it here?”

“For now let’s not worry about that, but let’s be glad that I found you. I knew you were special when I first started looking for you, and I was right.”

Hanna kissed me again, said goodnight, and sent me on my way telling me to get some rest. She stopped and turned…

“Have fun tomorrow Rachel.”, and then she was gone.

As I headed up to bed I was thinking that this new journey was looking like a great new adventure for me. I still had more to learn, more to share with the others, and a lot more to learn about Star and I together.

Today had been a real revelation in my new journey for sexual fulfillment. I knew Star and I had a lot more potential than I experienced today. Lasting 8 hours would be my first objective for sure. But I already knew I would want more than that. I had questions forming in my mind, and ideas about a few things maybe. I suspect over the next few days and weeks these thoughts would bear fruit for even more pleasure.

Well, time for resting, my body needs it. As I entered my room, I knew my day had come to an end. I was feeling tired, and my pussy felt used, but really not too bad. Tomorrow will be a long, hopefully joyous day with Star. I wonder how I will feel? I wonder how long I will want to ride?

As I lay down in bed for my first night here at the resort hacienda, I am filled with thoughts of what is to come, and how did I get here.

How was it even possible that I ended up here?
How did Hanna know to enter my life to bring me here?
This option for sexual fulfillment is so far ‘out there’, it is far beyond the realm of possibilities of most peoples thinking, it certainly was of mine.
Many questions to which I didn’t have any of the answers.
I wish I could tell Nina about this, I wonder what she would think of me?
Would she be open minded enough to see the joy it is bringing me and think it is OK?

I could feel the waves of tired hitting me, I knew I was not long for this world.
I was looking forward to whatever tomorrow would bring.

My thoughts drifted back to Star…and our first day together as lovers…
Star…Oh my special boy Star…All Black and shiny….so big and beautiful…
And your amazing massive cock….giving me such pleasure…..orgasm after orgasm…
I had my first orgasms sliding back and forth on Star’s massive cock today….
And when he blasted his semen deep inside me….I felt and loved every hot blast of it…
And then I was out….


Chapter 8 – Star And I Get Better Acquainted, Star Takes Me Again And Again!

As I opened my eyes, the sun was just streaming in through my bedroom windows, and a gentle breeze was blowing. It was a beautiful morning from what I could see from my bed.

I was sleeping very soundly here, and feeling very contented. I had already been here a week, and Star and I were already becoming best friends. I was looking forward to seeing him each morning, touching and loving his handsome face, then spending the day in the saddle with his yummy massive cock deep inside me.

I had some early morning toy play to do in preparation for the day. I got out my set of Pratt Uterine Sounds that I had used on myself last night. I needed to use them on myself once more this morning before my bellyride today. Well, more about this later, let’s just say this was going to be a VERY different day of bellyriding and experimentation for me today.

Breakfast had gone by quickly, I was anxious to get riding. I think Star was anxious too, we may have set a new record for fastest first mutual orgasms of the day. It only took us about ten minutes for both of us to be cumming together. Enjoying each others orgasms, and to feel Star blasting his hot semen inside me while I trembled and orgasmed on his massive cock, was amazing! God I love that feeling.

God, I really love it when Star ejaculates inside me during my orgasm! I am going to have to think of a way to make that happen more often.

I had been learning to be more efficient in my body movements this past week. Working my body on Star’s cock, milking his shaft with my vaginal muscles, strengthening the muscles used to slide back and forth along his shaft. Yes, they had been sore for the first week, but they were getting stronger now, and ready for what I was asking them to do. I was also slimming down a little bit from all the exercise, I was already in pretty good shape, just getting stronger and leaner. I did see more definition in my buns and abs, hell, I just liked what I was seeing everywhere when I looked in the mirror each day. My arms and legs were also looking stronger.

And when I was looking in the mirror at myself that’s not all that I saw, I also saw a smile on my face. I wanted less stress in my life, and I certainly found that here. Well anyway, back to our regularly scheduled program sliding on Star’s shaft.

Star had already ejaculated in me twice today. I had orgasmed four times. I was so full of Star’s cum already, my vagina was full, my uterus was full, it was dribbling out of me also. I was just filled to the max with Star’s cum. I think he was making extra for me last night, or just really excited to see me this morning maybe. I don’t know if he thinks about me when I’m not there like I think about him, but I do love him, and he is my special boy who loves me and takes care of my sexual needs all day long.

Sliding along his massive shaft felt so good today. Lubricated with all his cum squishing around inside me. I could feel a lot of Star’s cum had filled my uterus, because I had a cramping kind of feeling from it being stretched from so much cum entering it. My cervix opening had been enlarged by using the Pratt Uterine Sounds on myself last night, and again this morning. Semen was pushing into my uterus every time Star’s Cock thrust into me like a piston. My uterus being so full of semen and the cramping were new feelings. But that was part of me exploring new things with Star, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

Little did Star know I had used my set of Pratt Uterine Sounds on myself last night when I went to bed, then again after getting up this morning. I started off last night with smaller diameter sounds, using a flashlight and mirror sliding the sounds into my cervix opening, touching my clit with my fingers, loving the dual sensations. I lubed up my pussy opening and slid a speculum into my pussy to hold it open. I had a little gynecological work to do before Star and I got together tomorrow. I worked my way up through all the sounds until finally I was at the last big one. I lubed it up, using the flashlight and mirror found my cervix and eventually eased the last sound inside my uterus. I had dilated the cervix opening to my uterus to the maximum size sound I had, large enough to slide a man’s pinky finger into my uterus.

On Star’s next ejaculation, I wanted it ALL to blast into my uterus if I could do that. I wanted to feel it ALL blast into my womb and watch it swell my belly as he came. I wasn’t sure if I could do it, but I was SURE going to try. When Star’s cock head flares, his urethra tube sticks out just a little which I could stick into my enlarged cervix opening when he ejaculates into me.

So for the next 45 minutes I worked on Star, coaxing him, enticing him, teasing him, edging him close to cumming for me then easing off. I wanted his balls so full of cum, filled to the max, so very ready to blast me full of his cum with a huge load.

Then is was time. I was crazy horny from all my teasing of Star, which was also teasing me of course. I needed to cum in the worst way. I started to thrust faster with longer strokes on Star’s cock. Grinding my hips each time I hit bottom, grinding the head of his cock against my cervix. I felt his urethra tube enter my cervix. God that was driving me wild. I was about to cum, when Star began to thrust into me.

I timed my thrusts with his, keeping the head of his cock pressed against my cervix so when he blasted off it would blast directly into my womb. I looked at my normally flat firm belly, I could feel his cock head flare, and I could see it bulge my belly, Star neighed, and came HARD into me. Star blasted rope after rope directly into my womb since my cervix was pressed so hard against his flared cock head sealing my cervix against his cock head tight.

What a strange feeling, to feel strong blasts of cum blasting through my cervix into my womb directly. Blasting so strongly, so many times, rope after rope, again and again, as my belly began to rise as my uterus was filling up with Star’s cum, WOW! My belly had bulged and was filled with Star’s semen, my uterus was filled with his hot semen!

I stayed pressed against Star’s cock the whole time he was thrusting into me. My uterus was cramping from being so expanded with Star’s cum. Suddenly I came and my vaginal muscles clamped down on Star’s cock. My body was trembling hard, my uterus was cramping but involved in the orgasm as well, certainly a different feeling orgasm this time. I had been swinging back and forth on Star’s cock this whole time and got out of sync with him because I was now cumming on his cock. Star was still thrusting into me, I could feel cum blasting out of my uterus and being forced back in each time Star thrust into me. I watched my belly rise and fall each time Star thrust into me for the next dozen thrust or so, really kind of amazing.

Eventually, a little leaked out of my pussy with each thrust of Star’s cock. Star continued thrusting into me, slowed his thrusting and finished his orgasm. My belly bulge was going down, and Star’s flare was going down as well. What a wonderful ride that was though. What a unique experience it was to have cum blasted directly into my womb through my cervix. It was not easily done though. My cervix took a pounding. Star thrusts hard. I could only do it because I was used to pounding my cervix from masturbation in the past, and because my ovaries are tucked up high and out of the way, so deep thrusting does not bump into them like it does for many women, that’s why many women can’t take deep hard thrusting.

Star was calming down after cumming hard inside me, and I was calming down too. I was feeling very nice. You know that euphoric phase after a great orgasm. I could feel cum flowing out of me, running from my pussy, down my ass, probably down the harness, then falling to the ground.

I wonder what horse cum tastes like. It might be a shame to waste it like that if it tastes wonderful, and there is so much of it. I will have to find out these answers later. But for right now, I feel wonderful. Hanging in a sling, hanging underneath Star, I can feel his warmth just above me, and I feel amazing.

I work my arms and legs to slide along Star’s’ cock, feeling it slide in and out of me. Yes… I am going to really love this. Having Star as my new lover is going to be an amazing experience, a sexual journey between lovers. This is the first of many, many new experiences with Star I hope to have in the future. Sliding along his hard shaft like I am doing now, back and forth, in and out, feels so very good.

Working Star’s cock like this is prolonging my orgasmic feelings, techniques like this I will have to learn as we spend more time together. I wonder what is going through Star’s mind as I ride his cock like this, stimulating him gently, arousing him gently. I hope he likes it. I think we will be working on our sexual communication together in the future if it is at all possible, and if I have anything to say about it.

One thing is for sure, riding his cock with my arms and legs is a real workout, I will surely stay in great shape riding Star’s’ cock like this.

I think what I am looking for is ways to enhance my riding experiences each day. While my cervix play was interesting, and having Star blast his semen directly into my uterus was VERY different, it is not what I want to have happen every day. The slight belly bulge from him filling my uterus with his semen was fun, but the cramping was not fun. So all in all, it was a draw really.

My belly is flat enough, that I get a belly bulge already when Star’s cock head flares when he is about to ejaculate inside me several times each day. His cock head flare is HUGE. It feels good inside me, and looks both scary and interesting as it moves inside me. I can see it move up and down in my belly as he drives his mighty cock inside me. It’s wonderful to watch. It is even more pronounced now that I have slimmed down just a little bit since I have been here getting even more in shape, working out as I do on Star’s cock each day.

We are just walking along now, the gentle swinging back and forth with his cock inside me feeling so very good. This is a blissful, wonderful, continuous stimulation. This is just the right amount of stimulation to keep me feeling in a Zen-like state of arousal. I find myself moaning on each exhale, as we walk along. Contented in this place of wonderment and warmth at this amazing resort in the Brazilian countryside. It is a warm day, and I am very happy to be here.

The side-to-side massaging of my vaginal canal as we walk is like a slow burn toward an orgasm. Delicious in its slow yearning for more, making me hornier the longer it lasts. I can ease off his cock just a little and let it bang around inside me a little more, or slide down all the way, and let it gently massage my cervix back and forth as we walk. I can mix in some thrusting of my own up and down, nice and slow, enhancing my journey to an orgasm. Building up close to an orgasm, then denying myself and just walking on, then riding on as the orgasmic edge slowly eases away, teasing myself until I can’t stand it any longer. Then when I finally do cum, it is a much stronger orgasm after having denied myself for so long.

I had been riding this horny crest of a denied orgasm for more than 30 minutes. I had been gently moving my hips against Star’s cock, with a gentle milking action of my vaginal muscles, teasing him just a little bit. It was time to turn up the heat full bore and finally have my orgasm.

I love the feelings the nerves in my vagina get when I squeeze Star’s cock as I milk it, squeezing down the entire length as I pull away from him. I’m trying to suck any semen out of him, massaging his cock as hard as I can, hoping it feels good to him, because it feels good to me as well.

I started driving down on Star’s cock for all I was worth. I was horny, and needed an orgasm badly. I was already moaning and breathing hard.

“Come on my darling big boy…blast your hot semen deep inside me!”

I was sweating from my desire and exertion, I was grunting and moaning so loudly now, I was bottoming out on Star’s massive cock on each stroke…

Star began thrusting into me, I could see and feel his cock head flare inside me, then I felt him blast rope after rope of his hot semen deep inside me as I crashed into my orgasm….BAM!

I was trembling hard on Star’s cock….I moaned until I was out of breath. I held my breath as Star continued to thrust into me, over and over again. He thrust into me…holding it deep…then he withdrew, only to thrust in again…he holds his cock in deep…over and over again….driving into me over and over again. I loved the way he fucks me so hard and deep. Flooding me with his hot semen as he does…..Star fucks me so very good…..I’m amazed how long….and how deep me fucks me….Then he eases his thrusts…He stays hard inside me which I love. I see his flare go down in my belly, and I talk a breath for the first time. I’ve been holding my breath….enhancing my orgasm…..trembling trough my orgasm….riding it out on Star’s thrusting cock, enjoying every second of it.

It was a great ride. I slowly move on his cock to prolong the orgasmic bliss. How nice it is to still have a massive hard horse lovers cock to slide along in orgasmic bliss…mmmm. It does feel nice….and squishy. I can feel warm squishy semen running out of my as I move and feel it run down my ass.

It has been an interesting day, time to head back to the stables for the night.

I’m finding a lot of what I was searching for here.
I have found a well endowed lover…..THAT is for SURE!
More than I could have ever hoped for in that department.
I was also looking for a more relaxed stress free lifestyle….check.
I want Star to blast his hot semen inside me more often though….
that might sound selfish…..but Star’s hot semen blasting inside me is like a drug….I need to have more of it…it is just soooo very good!

But, I have been thinking about this problem….the problem of more semen.
I’m a problem solver…so let’s solve the problem girl!
You know your body, you have been getting to know Star.
You either want to stimulate him more so he comes more often,….or,
you want him to blast more semen into you more often on his own during the day.

Come on now…you were a Master problem solver in Silicon Valley California,
You Can Do This!…….Sleep on it tonight……
Think of your body….
Think of Star…..
Think of toys….
But, you can do this!

Apparently women had been bellyriding horses this way for many many decades. Who was I to try to change things. Was it even possible to improve on anything here. I don’t know. But I do know, that I really needed to try. With every part of my being, I really needed to try.

I had come here for so many reasons. Hanna had seen things in me that she knew meant I needed to be here. The resort is amazing, and had a lot to offer, I was having a good time with Star, but I think it could be better and that is what I was searching for. I think Hanna knew it too, and I think that is what she saw in the potential of bringing me here somehow. I think her inviting me here was two-fold in nature, but she hasn’t told me that.

Hanna has stayed away from me since I have been here more than I expected her to. She has not asked me how things are going as much as I thought she would. I think she wants me to find my own way, maybe more than any of the other women did when they got here. I find that a little curious. It does raise a few questions in my head about Hanna, and maybe her having a few other reason for bringing me here, besides just for my benefit. I think she wants me to take my vast experience of masturbation orgasms, and maybe think about ways to enhance our bellyriding experiences here at the resort somehow.

I think I will make a mental list of things I want to improve on…
1) Star blasting hot semen inside me more frequently, more orgasms for STAR!
2) Me having more orgasms with less effort every day, more orgasms for ME!
3) Masturbating myself on Star’s cock could feel better and be easier
4) I’ve decided maybe a toy of some sort is needed, I miss masturbating with my toys.

That sounds like a REALLY good list!

I thought this resort might be where my journey would lead me, my final destination if you will, but it seems like it is not the end of my journey just yet. I am still on my path, and there is more to learn, and more work to be done. I think Hanna knew this both about me, and about her resort. I think she wanted me to find my way in both cases. Her willingness to let me discover things about myself with Star and the resort, I think that took some bravery on her part. I wanted to ask her things at times, but I also wanted to discover things for myself. I’m glad we both had the willingness to let things progress as they did. It really revealed where things could get better for me, and maybe for the other riders as well if I can find ways to improve my own experiences here.

Don’t get me wrong, it is so amazing here, as I am getting to know the other riders and learning to love being with Star and the pleasures he gives me every day. But in my heart I KNOW it could be SO much more. On a scale of 1-10, I would give the resort an 8. I am going to help make this resort a 10, and I won’t rest until I do.

I feel driven to find a solution to getting more of Star’s hot horse semen blasting inside of me…..and having more orgasms……..I need to find a way……I will find a way.

I decided to sleep on it tonight. My mind can come up with some great ideas during the night. I solved many problems in Silicon Valley this way. My subconscious mind can do amazing things when faced with a problem to solve. I can’t wait to see what tonight and tomorrow might bring.

And as I lay my head down on my pillow for the night a smile came to my face. A kind of calm and peace overcame me, because I knew I was on the verge of something great. I had a real purpose ahead of me, and I was determined to see it through. I was so excited I wondered if I was going to be able to sleep tonight. I took a couple deep cleansing breaths to calm myself. Trust myself I thought, trust in the process, don’t force it, you will do fine, you always have…’ve got this. A couple more deep breaths, and I was good to go.

I was aware that I was naked under the covers, wearing only my panties and a panty liner. I wore only a robe and panties to dinner with a panty liner. All during dinner the panty liner was busy soaking up Star’s semen that was running out of me. I had even douched during my shower before dinner. Damn my boy sure had flooded me with his hot semen today, filling my womb and every place deep inside me. I did love the squishy feeling all day though. I changed the panty liner before going to bed, but I could feel still it running out of me now, and it put a smile on my face. I love my boy very much and his hot semen gift he gives me every day makes me happy.

My last thoughts were of what could I do to get Star to cum more often inside me….I wanted him excited and thrusting into me twice as often…..Blasting hot semen into me twice as often……maybe I could use a toy…..then I was out.


Chapter 9 – I Want More Of Star’s Semen Blasting Inside Me

My favorite thing is when Star cums inside me so strong, blasting me into my own orgasm, or blasting me into a second orgasm. Star and I had spent our first two weeks together, it was wonderful, and amazing.

I only wish Star could blast me with his cum more often than once per hour or so. The other thing was, working on my own orgasms was proving to be a enormous amount of physical work. I wanted more orgasms than my muscles were able to give me, and I was ALREADY in great shape.

I had a dream last night about helping Star cum more often, and helping me cum more often as well. After thinking about my dream, I think I have figured out a way to help make that happen.

I figured I could possibly double the number of times I could get Star to blast his cum inside of me if I could make last nights dream a reality. I have a special affinity for sex toys, I always have. They have played a major role in my masturbation games over the years. It is no wonder that my dream incorporated a sex toy in it.

My dream involved the use of a unique sex toy called a We-Vibe. I have played with We-Vibes before. It is a small horse-shoe or ‘U” shaped vibrator designed for use during intercourse for couples, to stimulate a females g-spot and clitoris at the same time. It also comes with a wireless remote, and has many vibration modes. It can be a lot of fun to play with. I was thinking I could wear it while Star was thrusting inside of me, instead of when a man was thrusting inside of me.

My dream involved a modified version of the We-Vibe that doesn’t exist……yet.
I figured I might have to be the one to modify the We-Vibe to get it to do the things I wanted it to do, but I was ready for that challenge.
So now would be a good time to put my engineering experience of working at a Silicon Valley high-tech start-up to good use. Modifying the We-Vibe to work just the way I wanted it to in my dream with Star would have many different challenges, but I needed to get started right away.

Many changes would have to be made to the We-Vibe to get it to perform the way I wanted it to, but I was certain it would be worth it in the long run. I had used a We-Vibe 3 before and loved it.

It was time to make a list of features I wanted in my secret Project We-Vibe.
1) Longer battery life > 90min run time of the current We-Vibe, all day run time needed
2) Enhanced Remote control, independent vibrator control needed
3) A way for We-Vibe to stay seated in vagina during more vigorous horse thrusting
4) Simple Hi-Low Vibration Modes easy to access by remote, as well as all other modes
5) LED lights on remote indicating what mode We-Vibe was in
6) Call Light on the remote for staff assistance

I had heard they were working on a new version of the We-Vibe 4 with integrated SmartPhone technology, find out more about that.

The funny thing is, I happen to know the CEO of Standard Innovation Corporation the makers of We-Vibe. I had met Bruce at a Tech conference in Silicon Valley a year ago, so I decided to give him a call. Bruce remembered me from my Silicon Valley days in the high-tech world, and we had hit it off right away.

We spoke for nearly an hour about his new We-Vibe 4 Sync model and its amazing new features. I was VERY impressed by its features and the work they had done. He was very proud of their new model with its SmartPhone app integration. Bruce described the new vibration modes Low, Medium, High, Ultra, Pulse, Wave, Echo, Tide, Crest, Surf.

I was liking the sound of this!
So many modes, so many orgasms to come!
Star had no idea what was coming his way!

I mentioned that I had ideas for a few modifications in mind for a custom application and asked if he would be open to the idea of doing a custom run of units for me if the price was right? He said he would be open to the idea, but suggested I get a new model 4 unit first to try it out first.

So I had Bruce send me their latest We-Vibe 4 Sync unit, I had him Fed Ex it to me overnight which he gladly agreed to.

I could hardly sleep thinking about the possibilities to come.

When the new We-Vibe 4 arrived I immediately charged it while I read the manual. Tonight was going to be a night for We-Vibe experimentation!

The interesting thing is, so many times during my bellyriding I was so close to an orgasm driving hard on Star’s cock, almost there, where a simple touch of my clit would have blasted me into an orgasm. That is what has been missing, clitoral stimulation has been missing. And if it has been missing for me, then maybe the others really miss it too. I understand traditional bellyriding is about worshiping ‘being on the shaft’ from what I had read, but I don’t think that is what we are about here. And I think that is why Hanna has wanted me to find more…more pleasure to get out of our bellyriding, and now I think I have found it. And if I can figure it out, it will mean more pleasure for everyone. So secret project We-Vibe….Full speed ahead.

I had to enlist Lisa, and swear her to total secrecy, since she would be helping me every day. She agreed and was even excited to be helping me in my little covert project We-Vibe. I did tell Hanna that I was working on something special that I needed to keep it secret for now. Just as she thought keeping this place a secret from me was important for a while, I wanted to keep it a secret from everyone for now, until I thought it would work. I told her I had Lisa helping me, and that I would work as fast as I could. She understood but said she was excited to hear what it was.

“Hanna, I think you will be pleased when I am done, it should take 3-4 months.”

She said OK, and that was it.

I headed to my room to test the new We-Vibe 4. I was so excited I could hardly stand it.
I stripped and was naked on the bed with the new We-Vibe 4, some lube, and my large Dick Rambone dildo. It is almost as large as Star’s cock and would be a good test for tonight. I held the We-Vibe in my hand and turned on the We-Vibe to check out the vibration modes. I went through all the different modes, very nice. Time to insert it and play.

I lubed up the We-Vibe and my clit, and slid it inside me. I was already wet from anticipation, so it slid inside me easily. Also, since I was riding Star’s cock earlier today, my pussy was gaping a tiny bit anyway. I turned the We-Vibe on and it felt great already. Having both g-spot and clitoral vibrations at the same time feels great, and was going to be a great addition to bellyriding stimulation. All the times I wished I had just a little bit of clitoral stimulation while bellyriding, this is exactly what I was looking for. Now for some testing.

I lubed up my Dick Rambone dildo and tried to slide it inside me. The first thing I noticed was it was stiffer than a horses penis, less comfortable, and sliding it inside me with the We-Vibe inserted was a tight fit. It was also pressing the We-Vibe hard against my g-spot, putting a LOT of pressure against my g-spot, making me feel like I really needed to pee. Also, moving the Rambone dildo in and out wanted to move the We-Vibe around a fair amount, sometimes wanting to pull it out. Usually my pubic bone kept the We-Vibe inside me since the We-Vibe sits farther inside just behind the pubic bone, but vigorous thrusting can move the We-Vibe around more than I might like. I will need to find a way to stabilize it a little bit during vigorous thrusting, or even just regular thrusting where the lubrication may have dried a little bit. I squirted some more lube on the top of the dildo and that helped for now.

I played with the We-Vibe vibration modes while thrusting the Rambone dildo into me, trying different things, simulating deep horse thrusting with the dildo, etc. I played and experimented finally bringing myself to a wonderful shattering orgasm combining both g-spot and clitoral stimulation….YES! This was the Answer!

This was going to be the answer to what I had been searching for if I could get everything to work while bellyriding. There were certainly some logistical things to be worked out. Being in a bellyriding saddle, having a horse cock inside me, the We-Vibe vibrating all day long, having the We-Vibe stay in place, all needed to be worked out. I cleared off the bed and at least thought I had a chance to figure things out, everything seemed to be working out so far.

I went to bed thinking of what needed to be done, and that I needed to make a list of tasks to be done…..and to be done as quickly as possible. I decided to sleep on it and make my list in the morning.

I went into town and bought some Velcro to attach the remote control near where my hand would be tied, up high on the horse. I also bought two garter belts, to help stabilize the We-Vibe while it was inside my pussy. I would wear the heavy duty garter belt around my waist, but the straps would be in front attached to the We-Vibe by Velcro pulling on it, holding it up against me all the time, basically stabilizing it.

I stopped in a sewing shop in Recife and had a seamstress modify 2 garter belts to be just the way I wanted them, adjustable in length with Velcro attached to the strap leading to where the We-Vibe was going to be.

When I got home I attempted to attach the adhesive backed Velcro strip to the We-Vibe, but nothing would stick to the We-Vibe. Medical Grade Silicone that the We-Vibe is made of is apparently very hard to get ANYTHING to stick to it. So I did some online research and found out that there was a product called Sil-Poxy Silicone Adhesive that would work. I immediately ordered some from Amazon for overnight delivery. Actually it would be here in 2 days, but that would be OK.

I would use the We-Vibe without the Velcro until the Sil-Poxy arrived.

I wanted to take a moment and make my list of takes to be completed.

My first list…

1) trying new We-Vibe 4 on myself last night
2) trying We-Vibe 4 with Star, how would he react?
3) design new We-Vibe 5 with new remote just for our resort
4) call about making custom We-Vibe 5 units
5) no more wasting horse semen – design collection bowls
6) get custom We-Vibe 5 units made…yeah!

I was also tired of seeing all the semen wasted and thought it should be saved. I designed a semen collection system that attaches to the end of the bellyriding saddle. The collection bowl swivels with the horses motions and catches the semen at the end of the saddle.

I discovered that horse semen has a slightly musky, slightly salty, earthy taste to it, a grassy taste even, not unlike a shot of wheat grass. I tasted it as it poured out of me after a day of bellyriding, rather yummy, I guess it kind of grows on you as a rider, until you yearn for it more each day. Horse semen can be considered a gift from your lover to you for many of the women. I had come to find out that many of the women were already tasting their lovers semen as it poured out of them at the end of the days ride.

I had built the first prototype and attached it to my saddle. It was working very well. Lisa was checking the bowl and collecting Star’s semen each day. I would later add a call light on my new We-Vibe remote system, so staff members would know to come collect the semen, further enhancing the semen collection process. We fitted all the other riders with the semen collection bowls soon after that.

When the staff come around to collect the semen throughout the day, sometimes the rider will ask to taste or have a drink of their lovers semen they have been blasted with earlier. Sometimes they will ask to be anointed with the semen. They will have some of the semen massaged into their body, by asking for it to be massaged it into their breasts, their face, belly, or even more of their body with their lovers precious semen. Sometimes massaged into their pussy lips or clit, or even just a touch to wet their dry lips. Sometimes just as a sensual gesture, and sometimes they are ravenous for it and want to be drenched in it, and they even drink of it as if it were a fountain of youth. A horny turned on woman can do surprising things at times. I know because I have done all of those things myself, and enjoyed every one of them immensely.

We were collecting so much semen at this point, we purchased a small-sample pasteurizer for sanitizing the semen. We gather up all the horse semen each day and run it through the small-sample pasteurizer so it could be stored for weeks in the refrigerator or frozen for months.

Hanna the entrepreneur that she is, hired a cosmetologist and produced two products so far. She then reached out to a select few friends of hers, offering something extremely rare… semen lotion and serum. She offers it to be used for masturbation for massaging into breasts, clits, and as a facial mask or anti-wrinkle serum. It is VERY expensive, and VERY limited in supply. Hanna has more demand than supply even at $1000 per small 8oz jar of lotion containing 4oz of horse semen. She also offers a 4oz jar of serum for $1000, almost pure horse semen. Marketed both as an aphrodisiac, as something very naughty, and as a rejuvenation serum. The women masturbate with it, and use it as an anti-wrinkle cream apparently. Some have asked for something edible made with horse semen, something like horse semen shots, like Jello shots, Hanna is thinking about that one. You could actually eat the serum, or rub it on your lips, I’m sure some of the women do. They are asked to refrigerate her products, but there is a preservative it both of them. They are strictly private label holistic remedies of course, and not to be mentioned to others.

I was now ready to test the We-Vibe unit with Star.

I was hoping that the We-Vibe would offer a tingling sensation to Star’s cock like bees buzzing on his penis. Maybe a tingling pleasurable sensation that he needed to itch by thrusting and rubbing against the We-Vibe as it buzzed. With its different vibe modes it would certainly keep Star guessing about what was going on with the buzzing sensations on his penis. I was hoping we would find some modes that he would simply love buzzing on his penis enough to want to thrust into me more often. Men have cock rings that vibrate on their penises, this was going to be a vibrator against Star’s penis, and I hoped he would like it.

I wanted to mask the buzzing the first time I turned it on a little bit. I figured if I was still and turned it on, he might suddenly jump. Maybe not the best idea.

So I started thrusting hard on him, moaning to make noise, and talking to him.
“Alright big boy, here we go….”

Then I pressed the We-Vibe remote to LOW. Star is so in tune with me he instantly knew the difference and jerked just a little as I felt his entire body shudder. My clit and g-spot were getting buzzed on LOW, and I liked what I was feeling. I continued to move on Star’s cock and was quickly moving toward an orgasm. Star must have liked what he was feeling because he started thrusting into me immediately. I was moaning into my orgasm just as Star let loose with his blast of cum inside me. He blasted me with rope after rope of his hot semen deep inside me, driving his cock deep into me, pressing his cock deep with each thrust. He would withdraw then drive back into me over and over again dozens of times making squishing noises as he continued to ejaculate inside me. He seemed to fuck me longer than usual, I wonder if it was because of the We-Vibe buzzing his penis. Maybe he liked the way it felt on his cock. I sure loved the way it felt on my g-spot and clit. This was the missing piece of the puzzle to faster orgasms with Star that I had been searching for. The vibrations on my clit were what has been missing, the g-spot vibrations are an added bonus.

Now I needed to see if it would help Star cum more often. If I could get Star to cum again in less than an hour, then it would be exactly the answer I was looking for. But so far, so good. I could still feel the buzzing, and it was holding me on a higher orgasmic plane. I knew I could cum again easier than before with the We-Vibe buzzing away inside me. I pushed through my clit being sensitive, and rode Star’s cock to another series of orgasms, one flowing into the other rapid fire. This new experience was proving to be amazing. In 15 minutes I had cum 3 more times, trembling through 3 orgasms while walking along enjoying swinging on Star’s cock. Holy shit this was working out better than I could have hoped for. I had been moaning and just enjoying the orgasmic bliss I found myself in, thrusting a few times to drive myself into each orgasm trembling and moaning until I lay there gasping. I was amazed how little effort it was taking to bring on each orgasm this time.

I was being held at a higher level of arousal which meant that getting to each orgasm was so much easier. OK, time to see if Star was ready for another orgasm. I switched the remote to HIGH. I immediately felt the difference. The vibrations were nice and strong, and I liked it very much. I started driving my pussy hard on Star’s cock, rotating my hips, using my vaginal muscles to milk his cock as hard as I could. I slammed down hard a dozen times, bottoming out against my cervix each time, rubbing against Star’s cock head each time, massaging it, stimulating it. Then I thought I would withdraw all the way except for 4 inches. I clamped down as hard as I could with my vaginal muscles, and let the We-Vibe buzz the hell out of his penis head. That did it. Star neighed….stepped sideways…then started thrusting deep inside me as he started ejaculating his hot semen deep inside me. Star drove his massive cock deep into me, pressing deep, and holding it there as I felt rope after rope of his hot semen blast inside me. Star would withdraw only to drive back into me again and again, blasting me each time. I could hear each driving thrust get squishier as he continued to squirt more of his hot semen into me, until it was running out of me. I couldn’t see it but It was probably pouring out of me and filling the collection bowl. Star was still thrusting into me and I was still trembling and moaning through my orgasm.

It was a marvelous orgasm we shared together. My special boy had fucked me and ejaculated into me for a second time in only 20 minutes, that was a new record! The We-Vibe had proven itself in bringing me more orgasms, and in bring Star more orgasms, more quickly. The We-Vibe was going to be a real game changer for everyone. Now all I had to do was work out a few design issues, get a custom We-Vibe made, and get them distributed to the other women bellyriders.

I spent the rest of the day trying the different vibration modes. Star really seemed to like the vibrations on his cock. I don’t know if it tickled his cock, or felt like bees buzzing his cock, of felt like a horny itch he needed to scratch, but he DEFINITELY spent more time thrusting into me all day long, AND I LOVED IT!!!!!

More time thrusting into me also meant more times ejaculating into me. Star was regularly fucking me and ejaculating into me every 30 minutes. That is twice as often as before. I couldn’t have been happier with the results. I was also having twice as many orgasms, and I was working less than half as much, maybe a third as much. Hell, I was working less than that, and having stronger orgasms!

I found myself cumming so hard at times I felt myself passing out from the intensity of the orgasm I was having. The We-Vibe was pushing the intensity levels of my orgasms to the limits of what my body could handle. I had opened my eyes after massive orgasms a couple times this week, which means I must have passed out, wow, I didn’t even remember passing out.

Almost every day this week I was returning to the stable more rung out than usual. I was having far too many massive trembling orgasms for my body to handle. Lisa had to help me out of the saddle each night, I was too exhausted to climb out on my own. Lisa would lay me down on a cot in the stable to let me rest for a few minutes. I was out as soon as my head hit the pillow. Lisa would wake me for the last couple minutes of brushing Star, then send me in to wash up before dinner.

I had been pushing myself to see what the limits were for myself and for Star with the We-Vibe. I needed to make sure it was safe for the others as far as extreme limits. I had cum so many times, and passed out so often, if I had a heart condition I surely would have died in the saddle, my orgasms had been that earth shattering and that intense so many times.

By the end of the week it was time to take an overall tally of how well the We-Vibe project had worked…On my most active We-Vibe day….

I had pushed Star to cum in me so many times, blasting me into countless more orgasms I was euphoric with constant pleasure all day long. Semen had been pouring out of me at such a rate that I had Lisa emptying my collection bowl every couple hours, I had even overflowed the collection bowl a couple times. I had pushed Star from blasting semen into me from 8 times in 8 hours, to 24 times in 8 hours, about every 20 minutes….3 times as often, a new record by far. I had probably had 60-80 orgasms that day as well, continuous orgasms blasting off, one after the other at one point. When we both finally made it to the stable that night we were both sexually satisfied and sexually exhausted like never before.

On this particular night Lisa had to practically pour me out of the bellyriding saddle, and catch me before I fell to the floor. I had cum so many times that I was a totally exhausted. I had a blissful, contented smile on my face to be sure, but I was in no shape to stand. I was barely coherent enough to steer Star back to the stables, good thing Star was smart enough to know where I wanted him to go.

At the end of the week of testing I had all the information I needed to make the custom We-Vibe units.

The updated Project We-Vibe list….
1) Trying new We-Vibe 4 on myself – Done
2) Trying We-Vibe 4 with Star – Done
3) No more wasting horse semen – design collection bowls – Done
4) Design new We-Vibe 5 with new remote just for our resort
5) Send first $25,000 check
6) Get first sample We-Vibe 5 units to test
7) Try New We-Vibe 5 on Star first
8) Get final We-Vibe 5 units
9) Send final $25,000 check
10) Pass out We-Vibe 5 to ALL Riders!

—–New We-Vibe 5 Design Specs—–
Velcro attached to We-Vibe
New Firmware
External battery connector
External Li-Ion battery pack that can last all day
—–New Remote Specs—–
call light and button for help from staff help
new buttons for modes, intensity
new vibe modes from remote

I could not have been any happier, or more pleased with the success.
It had been a hell of a week I must say, and an amazing, overwhelming week of pleasure for Star and I!

Star did also enjoy himself every hour of the day as much as I did. I made sure to keep a close eye on him, he loved every minute of our sexual play together. In fact he loved it so much, he kind of got hooked on it. So much so in fact, he was going to tell me so very soon.

Star is smarter than I realized, but I will find that out soon enough. He is going to ask me for a favor. You may ask, how the hell is he going to do that? Well, the smart-a-saurus that he is, figures out a way.


Chapter 10 – My Lover Star Asks Me For A Sexual Favor

What a beautiful day it has been, warm weather…the days are usually warm here, perfect for bellyriding, and just the slightest gentle breeze. My mind has been filled with daydreams for the past few minutes filled with lustful thoughts. It’s really hard not to daydream when you are impaled on such a wonderful massive horse cock as Star’s all day long. My sexual arousal level is held at a constantly higher level, always feeling randy, always feeling horny, always feeling needy for my next orgasm. What an amazing plateau of sexual stimulation to be kept at for such a long time. Brain chemistry flooded with pleasure hormones, sexual pleasure within reach constantly, it becomes a part of breathing, a part of your being.

We had been walking along, I was enjoying swinging in the bellyriding saddle, getting stimulated by Star’s walking gate back and forth, up and back. Listening to my breathing, eyes closed, this is my Zen mode if you will, one with nature, one with myself, and feeling Star’s cock inside me. Not meditating really, just pleasuring myself quietly and reverently, and so deliciously I must say. Just this side of an orgasm. Giving my muscles a chance to rest also, while still getting pleasure from Star, I probably had a smile on my face.

But I guess I had been daydreaming a bit too much for the past few minutes….maybe 15 or 20 minutes actually, and my lover had noticed….and decided he was going to let me know that he knew it.

I sensed he was trying to get my attention by turning his head toward me and raising and lowering his head at me while gently neighing at me. When I opened my eyes and look at him, he does a gentle thrust of his wonderful horse cock out of me then back into me 3 times. Now THAT was new!

Now was that intentional or just a shudder I’m wondering? So I ask…
“What is it Boy?”
So he repeats the message…

Raising his head with more enthusiasm as if ‘I did REALLY mean to say it!” then he AGAIN thrust his mighty cock out of me then back into me 3 times!

“What are you trying to tell me? What is it Boy?”
So he repeats the message…
Raising his head with more enthusiasm as if ‘I did REALLY meant to say it!” then he AGAIN thrusts his massive cock out of me then back into me 3 times!
Maybe he wants me to start moving on his massive cock.

So I start moving back and forth on his massive cock, which does feel very good, it always does, but this is the first time he has asked me for it, so I am happy to oblige. After only 2 strokes I get some neighing from him, so I stop. Interesting I’m thinking…this is definitely new, I either have a critic, or it’s not what he wanted.

So I look up at him…
Again I ask…
”What is it boy?”
So he repeats the message… Raising his head with more enthusiasm as if ‘I did REALLY mean to say it!’ then he AGAIN thrust his mighty cock out of me then back into me 3 times!

Well his message definitely has to do with his giant cock!….
And it has to do with my pussy!
And he does have a one track mind!……men!

Maybe not tell me….What are you trying to….Ask Me….

“You Like My……My Pussy on your Massive Cock…….”
“Ohhhh…..You Like My…..New We-Vibe Toy….Don’t You?”

“You want me to turn it on for you and give your cock a BUZZ don’t you?”
“You want me to MASTURBATE YOUR GIANT COCK for you don’t you?”
“You want me to make your giant cock all TINGLY for you and at a constant state of arousal?”
“I’ll bet you want it nice and slow……agonizingly slow…..”
“A constant state of horniness……but not enough to orgasm……like bees buzzing on your cock, a tingling, buzzing on your cock.”

“I know you…….you want to have more orgasms and cum in me more than all the other horses do in their riders…… want cum just pouring out of me constantly don’t you…..all day long….”

“Well, I would LOVE that TOO!!!”

“So let’s do it!”

“With this new toy of mine setup this way….you will be able to have an orgasm every 30 minutes instead of every hour!”

“By the end of each day we will both be so worn out…..both fucked out of our minds!”

“So your new signal to me to start masturbating you is raising your head and neighing then thrusting your cock into me 3 times so I will turn on the We-Vibe….
for you……for….both of us!“

“God I can hardly wait to start having your orgasms with you blasting cum into me every 30 minutes! We are going to lose our minds out on the trails together!…… My darling well hung stud, I love you so very much, I can hardly wait!”

“Why don’t we start right now in fact, Thank You for asking me to turn it on, you are so smart!”

“OK Star let’s teach you about slow and fast thrusting. You are so smart, I think you will be able to learn this, and if you can, you will be the first horse to ever drive both the bellyrider and her horse lover to even higher levels of prolonged pleasure than ever before.”

“Star?……watch me…….Star look down at me….so I began to thrust myself along his massive shaft slowly……nice and slow, long strokes…..”


I turned on the We-Vibe on LOW……and stopped thrusting……and told Star to thrust SLOWLY……but suddenly he started to thrust his massive cock faster and faster……

So I stopped the We-Vibe and YELLED “STAR!!!!!!!”

This kind of startled him, which is what I wanted to do. He had stopped thrusting at least, which is also what I wanted him to do, and he looked at me, like WHAT THE FUCK was wrong with me.
You told me to go….then you want me to stop….jees, make up your mind woman….

So I decided on a different tactic….
“Star?”….I called to him….so he look down at me…
Then I started to thrust myself very fast on his massive cock as fast as I could a couple times, then I stopped and said “NO! NOT FAST” shaking my head NO.

Then I thrust myself SLOWLY a few times…..and said
“YES STAR……SLOWLY” Shaking my head YES
Then I pulsed the We-Vibe on LOW every second still sliding along Star’s wonderfully hard horse cock back and forth so he would get the idea I hoped.

Now it was Star’s turn to see if he was understanding my teaching him.
I had stopped thrusting on his cock, and look up at him and said…
“Star, SLOWLY thrust into me please….SLOWLY”
then I turned on the We-Vibe on LOW…..
Star jumped a little, but then began thrusting, and I repeated…”STAR SLOWLY”
And Star thrust into me so nice and slow….pushing his entire length into me while the We-Vibe hummed on LOW.

Star’s massive cock bottoming out deep inside my pussy, pressing against my cervix, what a wonderfully different feeling this was. I didn’t want to cum yet, just hold it on the edge as long as I could, driving myself crazy with lust for an orgasm, but denying my orgasm which would only make it that much stronger in the end.

Just letting Star do most of the thrusting, long slow gentle thrusting, in and out, into my dripping pussy, this was so juicy and nice, something so very new to share between us. Star was thrusting into me nice and slow, but also pressing very deep, and I liked it very much. I found myself starting to thrust back against his thrusting as my body started to take over. As my passion was growing, my ability to remain passive was failing. I wanted to cum so very badly, my body was trembling from my need to have an orgasm. My entire body was covered in sweat, not from exertion, but from lustful desire…..I needed to cum…I REALLY needed to cum, and my entire body new it.

My trembling body was about to cum, I had held off as long as I could and I knew it was going to come in wave after wave this time. As I was sliding on his cock, back and forth, suspended by his cock, moans escaping my throat. My labored breathing, my body muscles all tensed, the orgasm crashed over me in wave after wave, as my body trembled beneath Star, suspended on his massive cock. He continued to thrust into me as I rode my orgasm, god what an amazing orgasm….

My orgasm never stopped, my g-spot was getting vibrated by the We-Vibe internally, and getting pressed on by Star’s huge cock inside me…
My clit was getting vibrated by the horse-shoe shaped We-Vibe outside my pussy….
Star was still thrusting into me wonderfully….and I was still riding his cock the best I could during my orgasmic tremors….

I was on such a high orgasmic plateau….it was just one orgasm after another….
My body just trembling constantly….wonderfully….orgasmically….
I wanted this to last forever…..

Orgasms were happening every few seconds…….Orgasmic trembling…
Orgasmic trembling…….Orgasmic trembling….so many Orgasms….

Then Star started to thrust harder…..I was barely aware at this point
Star was thrusting harder….because he was going to ejaculate into me finally

Oh God….Did I dare….Could I Die from too much pleasure?
My heart was pounding in my chest…..but I wanted to know, I needed to know
Was there one last higher level of orgasmic pleasure to experience

Star was thrusting harder than he ever had before, his slower thrusting had also edged him for his real need to orgasm also, he was thrusting with wilder abandon than ever before.

Then I pressed the We-Vibe remote to HIGH
I yelled to Star….”FASTER Star…FASTER!!!”
And I fucked his massive cock for all I as worth…
The effect was immediate…

My clit and G-spot both exploded into an gushing squirting orgasm!
I screamed when the massive orgasm hit me, I felt my ejaculation squirt out of me, I saw it squirt out of me and splash everywhere, and I heard it when it splashed out of me it was so forceful.
I cried out when it did. I looked through small slits to see that every time I withdrew to the end if Star’s cock where it was a little narrower I could see a small squirt of my female ejaculation blast out, then when I was again impaled on Star’s cock the flow of my ejaculation was cut off.
My eyes closed shut again because my body was trembling so violently, I wasn’t breathing, just trembling in orgasm, breathe, please breathe.

Then I felt Star’s horse cock swell even bigger…and the end of his cock flared larger…
I looked quickly, I could see his huge flare, bulging my belly out, WOW!…it was moving up and down in my belly with each thrust!
The flaring of his massive cock head causing a dull pain banging into my cervix, but it felt good so deep inside, a pleasure pain mix, funny how mild pain can be pleasurable when you are so wildly turned on.
Star was about to flood me with his cum…and I wanted it more than I ever had before.
“Yes Star, Please Blast me with your massive load of cum….Fill me full of your wonderful cum”

Then I felt his orgasm hit him as his massive cock pulsed inside of me, I could feel his determined thrusts as he buried his massive cock deep inside me as it blasted rope after rope of his huge hot cum load in my pussy, filling it until there was nowhere else to go, then it came blasting out of me. Still ejaculating inside me, blast after blast, a huge cum load, from him being over stimulated for so long it was a massive load, much bigger than normal.

When Star’s blast of cum hit me I was rocked with another Massive Orgasm….YES!!!
God I love it when he cums in me….and blasts me over and over…rope after rope
I felt his hot cum filling me up inside…
Massive Orgasms rocked my body over and over, orgasm, after orgasm…
Massive Orgasms were happening continually…….Orgasmic trembling…
Wonderful We-Vibe outside was still buzzing…….My Clitoris was Orgasming
Amazing We-Vibe inside was still buzzing…….My G-Spot was Orgasming
Star’s Massive Cock was crashing into and massaging my vagina and Cervix… uterus was Orgasming also..Oh God.

My mouth was open…gasping for air…low moaning sounds…not words….
Flashing white lights…..even though my eyes were shut tight now
Just orgasms….trembling….moaning…..very little breathing…
My body was trembling and shaking so violently, I thought I was in trouble, I had never experienced anything like this before, my brain was being overloaded with sensations….

I could feel coarse horse hair brush against my body as I trembled upward…
Coarse horse hair rubbing against my straining abdomen and erect nipples…
I could feel the support of leather as I trembled and crashed downward and hear the leather strain…

I couldn’t breathe…I was trembling and cumming so violently…..
Breathing wasn’t important, not really….only cumming….just cumming….
Please don’t ever let this end…..
and then blackness drifted in from the corners……until finally……everything went black.

I had been cumming for nearly five minutes with only a few shallow breaths until I had stopped breathing and passed out. As I came to, I was still trembling slightly, occasional jerking motions, and still feeling euphoric from my orgasms. There was a raspiness, a kind of moaning in my breathing, that was new. My entire body felt strained, but I don’t find that hard to believe. It had been through a LOT in the last 5 minutes. My body had basically been out of control with non-stop orgasms, and my brain had been overloaded with pleasure. What an amazing experience to have shared with Star. One that I hoped we would repeat many times in the future with the new We-Vibe together.

I would say that our latest We-Vibe experiment was a complete success! And Star is such a smart horse to have learned to thrust slowly into me. It feels so good to ride his cock gradually to a higher level of arousal together as he is thrusting slowly into me. Then we can both blast off into our orgasms together like we just did. What a great experience that was.

My body still had involuntary jerking motions from time to time. I reached up and turned off the We-Vibe. My body needed a rest. What an amazing experience. I thought about the We-Vibe, and how great it was going to be for all the women rider here.

Just a few more changes to the prototype We-Vibe, and it would be ready for production. Add another light on top to call a staff member, along with another button to activate that call light. The rest of the changes were already written down or incorporated already. I was ready to proceed to place the order for all 50 units. I called the CEO the next day and went over the changes with him and the engineering staff on a conference call. They were all excited and anxious to get started. I faxed over all the details and design sketches about what we talked about on the phone, so that there would be nothing for them to miss on the design, and so that they would have a check off list as they went through the changes. Having had my own High Tech company, I knew this was the best way to make sure everything got covered from the design phase, through production, all the way through to the quality control phase, until it shipped out the door.

I had sent them a $25,000 check to get started, which got me a couple of prototype units as we were designing them. I sent them another $25,000 check with these final changes for the production run of 50 units. I also sent the CEO of the company a card with a bonus check inside for $5,000 as a gift just for him, because I knew him, and just for being so cool and willing to do this for me. The card read…

‘Dear Bruce,’

‘I just wanted you to know that this has been a great experience’
‘working with your engineers. They are a talented team, and I couldn’t’
‘have asked for a better bunch of guys to work with!’

‘And, as for you Bruce, thanks for being so Cool!’
‘I loved working with you and your design team, you were the best!’

‘Please accept my little BONUS check just for you,’
‘as a Thank You, for being open to making a custom’
‘We-Vibe just for me, it meant a lot to me, and I wanted you to know that.’

‘PS. Treat yourself, or your family to something nice!’

‘Love Always,’

I knew that ‘Love Always’ might be pushing a business relationship a little bit, but, this was for a sex toy, so I figured it was allowed to be a little more familiar. Besides, I knew Bruce, and he was cool, so it would be OK.

Bruce told me it would take about 2 months for the final products to be made, tested, and boxed up ready for shipping. Then they would take another week to arrive at my door in Brazil by FedEx.

Bruce and his engineers had already started on the final design changes even before my last call. So adding the last few changes was trivial. They were able to get my custom We-Vibes finished in only 6 weeks.

Three boxes arrived first. Two boxes contained 50 LiPo batteries each for a total of 100 2000 mAh battery packs. The third box contained 10 single LiPo chargers, and 10 deluxe chargers, that can charge 4 LiPo batteries at the same time. There were also 10 flame-proof charging bags. I was still waiting for the box with the 50 We-Vibes to arrive. I was so excited, and anxious for all the women to experience the joys of the We-Vibe experience, I could hardly contain myself. I hadn’t told anyone about my We-Vibe project, except for Hanna.

I had Bruce FedEx the very first production unit to me overnight with its remote. I wanted to test it out well before all the other units arrived.

We were all enjoying the pleasures of our horse lovers, when Lisa came up to me and informed me that there was a medium sized box with my name on it that was just delivered by FedEx from the US. A huge smile came across my face, I immediately knew it was the first production We-Vibe sent to me by Bruce.

I told Lisa it was the first production We-Vibe unit, and that we needed to test it immediately! Please guide Star and I back to the stables and let’s get the box and hook the new We-Vibe up right now. As we walked back to the stables I told Lisa she would need to open the new box, wash off the We-Vibe with toy cleaner, then bring it and the new remote out to me. Lisa new all about the toy cleaner and batteries for the remote, when I reminded her. She was gone maybe 5 minutes. I have come to love her as a sister, and how much she cares for me, and for Star as well. She is a special young girl.

Lisa came back with the new We-Vibe 5 and remote so we were ready to swap them out. I swung up high as Lisa supported Star’s cock, catching it as it ‘Popped’ out of my pussy with a wet suction kind of noise. As I swung down, back into my natural position Lisa lay Star’s cock down on my belly. It almost reached up to my belly button….Damn! Star really does have a beautiful, impressive looking cock….even if I do say so myself.

I watched as Lisa made quick work of swapping out the old remote. She then undid the Velcro from my inserted We-Vibe and slid it out of me. Lisa lubed up the new We-Vibe 5, and slid it inside me, and reattached the Velcro from the garter belt. Lisa plugged in the battery pack wires and I was good to go.

Lisa lubed up my pussy lips as well as Star’s cock, getting us both ready for insertion into my pussy once again.

I swung up high, as Lisa positioned Star’s cock at my pussy entrance once more. Then I eased down against his cock head, feeling it against my pussy lips, and let it slide all the way inside me. I pressed myself down until I felt his massive cock bottom out against my cervix. I groaned just a little. It always seems a little bigger, entering me with that first deep thrust after not having been inside me even if just for a short while. I always love that full feeling he gives me, and it is a VERY full feeling.

Now is was time to test the final unit. The vibration of the final unit was changed a little. Since we are using an external battery pack, we didn’t have to compromise battery life and vibration power like the original We-Vibe did. So the vibration on LOW was a deeper vibration, caused by a larger counter weight on the vibration motor at the same speed. Medium was 10% stronger, and HIGH was 20% stronger. The vibration speeds could all be adjusted later with a firmware update which I liked. Our custom We-Vibe 5’s also had upgraded motors that could run all day if we wanted them to.

OK, time for testing and playing!

I asked Lisa to take Star and I outside. I asked Lisa to walk with star and I for a few minutes. I turned the We-Vibe to LOW…WOW, I could feel the difference, and I liked it! The vibration was a little slower, but the oscillation was deeper, traveling deeper within me…oooo, yes I liked it a lot. I switched it to MEDIUM……10% stronger…..Nice!…..Then HIGH…20% Stronger….Holy Shit!

I could have cum so quickly just then…..Outstanding!

Switching back to LOW.

There are going to be some quick, and massive orgasms on horse cocks all around the valley as soon as I release the We-Vibe to all the other women….Damn!

I haven’t decided yet, but I might spend the day walking around with the other women, coaching them when I release the We-Vibes. That way I can help them, and ease any worries they have about using it.

Who am I kidding, I just want to watch them have massive orgasms using my We-Vibes!!! Watching a woman’s body and face during an orgasm is a beautiful experience.

Since we can modify the vibration strength with a firmware update, we can even tailor a We-Vibe specifically to a riders desires, as far as how strong she wants the LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH vibration modes to vibrate.

The We-Vibe was vibrating on LOW as Lisa was walking Star and I. The gentle gate, shifting side to side, Star’s cock shifting inside me, the new LOW setting rumbling inside and outside me….Oh My God….

“Lisa, The new We-Vibe is amazing….Holy Shit it’s good even on LOW like is is now, just walking along, I love it! I’m sure you will love it too. I can’t wait till we get to let all of you try them out. I’m about to cum. Would you like to watch Star cum with me?”

“Yes I would Rachel.”

“OK Lisa, stop walking, and Star and I will show you how smart Star is, I have taught him to fuck me slowly. Sometime he can do it if he is not to excited. It feels really good, then he fucks me really hard afterwards. OK, here goes.”


I looked up at Star, and see that he looks down at me.

“Star, SLOWLY…”

And I started sliding on his cock slowly. Star started fucking me slowing, and it felt wonderful. I started to tremble as my orgasm hit me.”

“Lisa, I’m cumming.”

I barely got the words out. I was holding my breath, riding out my orgasm as I do. I was trembling violently, straining, moaning what little I could with what little air was in my lungs. Star was still thrusting into me slowly, god bless him for fucking me so good. I knew he wanted to go faster. I needed to breath badly. I took in a breath, then another.

“Star, faster, faster, Faster!”

I clicked the remote to HIGH. Maybe that wasn’t such a good idea, Damn it was strong! I exploded into another orgasm…..I tried to thrust on Star’s cock, but I was trembling hard, and all my muscles were straining through my second orgasm. I felt Star thrusting into me faster, thrusting deeper, driving full depth, and holding his cock deep inside me. God that felt good!

I took a breath. Star withdrew, then drove full depth crashing into my cervix and holding his cock deep and blasted me with his hot semen. I felt his first blast of his cum hit me and I exploded into my third orgasm….HOLY SHIT! That was fast….

Star continued driving into me, deep hard thrusts, holding his cock deep within me on each thrust, ejaculating each time. Blasting me with rope after rope of his hot semen so many times. Probably a full minute of Star driving his cock deep into me, and blasting semen into me, a very long time for a horse to ejaculate into a female. I had cum hard three times in a row. I was nearly incoherent by now. I was still conscious, I think, but barely. My abdominal muscles and hips were jerking on their own, and there was drool running out of the corner of my mouth as my head lay on its side. I had been fucked out, I had nothing left in me.

“Rachel, are you OK?”

I guess I looked pretty wiped out for Lisa to ask me that.

“God, that felt great.”

“Rachel, that was Amazing! You and Star with the We-Vibe, that was simply Amazing to watch.”

“Lisa, it is like that every day with the We-Vibe. I cum extra hard with the We-Vibe. It is going to be a real game changer for everyone around here. Now remember, you can’t say anything until we reveal them to the other riders.”

“OK Rachel, I remember, I won’t say anything.”

“Lisa, I can’t wait for the day when you get to try the We-Vibe, you will love it! I think the rest of them will be here in a few days, a week at the most.”

I was wiped out for today, so I had Lisa walk us back to the stables. What a complete success the new We-Vibe 5 was. Lisa and I brushed Star. I showered, and dinner was great. I wanted to tell everyone the good news about the We-Vibe, but it would be better if I waited until they were here. So I went to tend to my We-Vibe chores for the night. The batteries are charged for the night, just waiting for the We-Vibes to arrive any day now.

Just lying in bed, thinking about how far I have come since I started working on my secret project. I was really done with my secret project…..just waiting now.

I knew that everyone’s world was about to change. I had worked as hard and as fast as I could to make my special project We-Vibe a reality. To go from concept to finished production units in 4 months was unheard of. Everything has gone perfectly, and Bruce and his team were the perfect partners to work with on this project, my hat’s off to them, well done team!

Star and I have had so, so many orgasms together, and I have loved every one of them. Star my special boy has helped me have such strong orgasms I have even passed out. How amazing is that? And the We-Vibe…Giving me SOOO many more orgasms, and giving Star twice as many orgasms, which means I get twice as much of Star’s wonderful HOT semen blasting inside me….YES!!!

I have been in a constant state of orgasmic bliss these past weeks. The We-Vibe has held me on orgasmic plateaus of pleasure I had rarely achieved before with toys, that I can achieve every day now with Star.

Star has even learned to love having his beautiful cock buzzed and given pleasure by the We-Vibe. So much so in fact, that when I didn’t have it on for a while he asked me to turn it on for him, because he likes the way it feels on his cock. Now that is my smart special boy who knows what he likes.

As I felt myself fading, I realized that I was happy. So happy to be here. Happy I had found the missing piece to the pleasure puzzle by dreaming about the We-Vibe, and able to work out the solution of getting it to work with Star and I.

Soon everyone would share in my happiness, and the We-Vibe would be a reality for all the women here. I loved the We-Vibe, and Star did too. Soon, so would everyone else.

As I breathed in deeply a few times I knew there was a smile on my face.


Chapter 11 – Sharing The We-Vibe With The Other Bellyriders

It was now time to share my We-Vibe project with the other bellyriders here at the resort. I had tried to keep it a secret as much as I could, for as long as I could. I wanted to get all the testing done, problems resolved, fixes made, and any updates incorporated that I thought were needed before revealing it to the other bellyriders to try it. I knew there still might be minor changes in the future, hopefully just to the firmware, that was to be expected, but easy to update. But, when you are dealing with 1000 pound horses and their bellyriders, any serious glitches need to be ironed out as much as possible before releasing the We-Vibe.

I had been sharing my progress with Hanna, it was her resort of course. She was very interested in my idea, seeing that she was also a bellyrider, but she left all the tech stuff of my modified We-Vibe up to me. I had kept the LED light on the We-Vibe remote covered up with tape so no other bellyrider could see it while I was testing it. At least that was my hope so far, but maybe there had been a few rumors about me. The other riders had seen my garter belt and the We-Vibe unit attached to it, but if they asked I just told them I was working on a project for Hanna, and they seemed OK with that. What was I up to….was I doing something different….was I cumming more than they were… was I cumming so often? It was a good thing the new We-Vibes were almost here, so I could answer some of these questions soon, because they seemed to have noticed something about me and about Star behaving so differently from the others lately.

Occasionally we all have meetings together, not very often, but every once in a while Hanna will get us together for a chat. We were all enjoying the pleasures of our horse lovers one afternoon, when Lisa came up to me and informed me that there was a rather large box with my name on it that was just delivered by FedEx from the US. A huge smile came across my face, I immediately knew it was the new We-Vibes. I told Lisa to please tell Hanna we need to have one of those meetings with all the bellyriders as soon as she wants to talk about the We-Vibes.

I rode Star’s amazing cock hard and fast to a wonderful massive orgasm with the We-Vibe set to HIGH with Star blasting into me at the same time. It was a wonderful way to end a bellyriding day for both of us. I turned us toward the stables, and came in an hour early so I could open the box and prepare for the meeting and everything that would happen tomorrow.

As I washed Star’s cock at the end of the ride and brushed him down. I told him of the wonders that awaited all the other horse lovers of the other bellyriding women. I new he didn’t understand my words, but we talk to our lovers as we brush them down. They like to hear our voices, it soothes them, and it is part of our bonding with them, part of our sharing our lives with them. When I was done, I raced inside, washed up, and went straight to the box which had been placed on my bed.

Inside the box were 50 We-Vibes with their dual remote controls. There were also 200 modified black and red garter belts. They were a little heavier duty than regular garter belts. They still went around your waist, half had only had a single strap with a Velcro fastener on the end. The other half had a dual strap in a ‘V’ pattern with a Velcro fastener on the end. Just two different models of garter belts, so you could choose to wear which ever model you preferred. The Velcro fastener attached to the Velcro on the top of the modified We-Vibes I had designed. This modified garter belt would pull up on the We-Vibe holding it in place during the forceful thrusting that our horse lovers can give us. It worked well during my testing, so I knew it would work well for the other bellyriders as well. There was also a pouch on the waist of the garter to hold the battery if you wanted to wear it there. There was also an option to mount the battery on the side of the saddle up on the horse near our hand. I had them include both long and short battery wires for either battery location. From my testing, I hoped I’d thought of everything so far, I was excited to see what the others thought of my We-Vibe. Tomorrow was going to be a fun day of new experiences for everyone!

Hanna told me we would have the meeting in the morning after breakfast, so I could talk about the We-Vibe then. We had 5 bellyriders, six including Hanna. I set up a folding table, this would become our official charging station. I set up a power strip, and 3 deluxe chargers. I made sure the 3 deluxe chargers were set to LiPo charging, then I plugged in 12 LiPo batteries, and started them charging. I organized everything as neatly as I could, otherwise it could get messy with wires going everywhere, very easily. One battery should last all day running a We-Vibe, easily. I decided to number the LiPo batteries, and that they should be checked OUT by number, and checked IN by number each day. That way, we can keep track of their USE, and keep track of their CHARGING, etc. We won’t have to worry about balancing these LiPo batteries, since they are only ONE cell LiPos.

I placed each set of four LiPo batteries in a fireproof charging bag. This is the safe thing to do in case one of them catches fire while charging. The bag will contain the fire, it’s better than burning down your house. Lipo battery fires are amazingly fierce and dangerous, anyone charging LiPo batteries very often, especially larger mAh batteries should be using fireproof charging bags.

I stayed up until the batteries were done charging, checking on them a few times. I opened six of the We-Vibes and tested them, they were all perfect. I was so excited, I knew I wasn’t going to get to sleep easily, thinking about tomorrow and all of the fun we were all going to have. I climbed into bed wondering how my little We-Vibes would be received by the others. Would they be as interested as I hoped they would be? Would they be open to trying new experiences? Would they at least be willing to give them a try……even if they were a little bit scared at first? And Misumi was sooo tiny, could she even fit anything else in her tiny pussy besides her lovers cock?

The We-Vibe doesn’t take up much room, but it does take up some, and it does put a LOT more pressure on your g-spot. And when you turn it on, and it’s against your g-spot, and your clit, with your horse lovers massive cock blasting cum deep inside you…..BAM! Guaranteed orgasm!…… Massive orgasm!….. Blackout…kind of orgasms!…
The women won’t know what hit them kind of orgasm!

Geez, I wish I could be there the first time that happens to each of them. We-Vibe vibrating their g-spot…. We-Vibe vibrating their clit….their horse lovers massive cock explodes, blasting cum deep inside them as they explode into their own massive orgasm! It’s going to be glorious!

I closed my eyes with a smile on my face, tomorrow was going to be so much fun.

I woke up to the smell of breakfast and coffee. This was going to be a big day. I had presents for everyone, and I was going to get to play Santa today. I went downstairs for breakfast, and I was one of the last ones there. I think they knew something was up, because I got a few looks from the other women, as if they knew something about me, or had been told something maybe. They were either sitting down already, or dishing up their food, so I started to dish up my food too. We all try to eat breakfast and dinner together each day when we can, it’s a nice way to start and end each day. It also makes it easier on the staff, and it shows a respect for their hard work that they put in each day taking care of us and providing for our daily needs.

Hanna joined us at the head of the table, which was her usual position. We all ate our breakfast, enjoying each others company. As things finished up, it was time for Hanna to start the meeting.

“Ladies, we have something VERY special for all of you today. Rachel has been working on a secret project of hers for almost 4 months now. The more she has told me about it, the more excited I have become. And I know she is so excited, she is bursting at the seams wanting to tell all of you about it, so here, let me hand it over to her now.”

“Hi, as bellyriders, we are always wanting our lovers to orgasm in us more often because it feels so good when they do. That is what my secret project has mostly been about, and to help us have more orgasms as well.”

“Rachel, Have you been doing this secret project for the past four months, here?, What is it?”

“Yes I have been working on it here almost every day for the past four months. It’s called the We-Vibe. Let me go get one to show you, I will be right back.”

I went into the other room and grabbed one along with a battery and a remote, and brought it back to the table.

“This is the We-Vibe, it is a beautiful aqua color, it’s made of soft surgical quality silicone, half of it gets inserted in your vagina for g-spot stimulation inside you, and the other half stays outside for clitoral stimulation. I worked with the CEO of the company that makes these, as well as the engineers there on some special modifications, this is a VERY special We-Vibe and remote we have here. We will attach the remote up on the saddle next to our hand, and we will be able to control it while we are bellyriding. I myself have many, many more orgasms all day long. And, I am getting my lover Star to have twice as many orgasms, blasting his cum into me twice as often as he did before using the We-Vibe. Star loves me using it on him too.”

“There are different vibration patterns, as well as LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH vibration setting. There is also a assistance call light on top of the remote for help from a staff member. There is a light on the other side of the saddle that also shows the intensity setting, and it also has an assistance call light. I know you will love using the We-Vibe just as much as I do. It uses an external battery pack, so it can run all day. It uses a black and red garter belt to help it stay in place when it’s inserted inside you, even when your lover is thrusting pretty enthusiastically.”

“One other feature that is so cool, is there is a built in hinge inside our We-Vibe. After it is inserted into us, the staff member will squeeze the two halves together just a little, snuggly fitting it in place, allowing a perfect fit for each woman.”

“Here pass it around, and try the remote too. I have one for each of you to use today, that way, we can all be having more orgasms, and our lovers can be having more orgasms inside us as well. You will be amazed at what this little thing is going to do for you and your lover. You are going to have so many more orgasms, you are going to lose your minds. And your horses, they are going to cum twice as often inside you. Instead of every hour, Star cums inside me every half hour now. In fact, Star likes the We-Vibe so much, he has asked me to turn it on to give him a buzz because he wanted to cum again, he loves it.”

And my orgasms have gotten stronger, and longer when using it. I have even passed out when I have used it. Yep, passed out from too strong an orgasm. Now how cool is that!

“Now, who would like to try one today?”

I raised my hand…
They all looked up at me, and they all raised their hands…..NICE!

“GREAT!, I have enough for everyone.”

I went in the next room and got the bag of We-Vibes and remotes for my fellow bellyriders. I handed them out and watched as they took them out of the boxes. I set out a box of charged batteries, they each took one and plugged it in. When they were ready I explained the remote control.

“The Up and DOWN buttons change the vibration speed LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH. The LEFT and RIGHT buttons change the vibration pulsing pattern. The button on the top of the remote, is to call for assistance from a staff helper, food, water, a clean-up, etc. The call light also vibrates the remote so you can tell when it is on. There are actually two remotes, one for each side of the saddle, so the call light can be seen from either side of the horse, or if you are left or right handed. Go ahead and try the remotes, and get comfortable using them. The slimmer leg of the We-Vibe goes inside you against your g-spot.”

I took a few minutes and told them how I like to use the We-Vibe with Star. I had them practice using it as if they were in the saddle, so it wouldn’t be too foreign to them once they were riding.

I looked around, and I saw lots of smiles on faces, I liked that. I walked over to Hanna.

“So Hanna, ready to give it a try?”

“Yes I am Rachel, I have been anxious to give it a try since you told me about it many months ago.”

I needed a few minutes to tell the trainers and helpers in the stables about the We-Vibes so I wanted everyone to meet out there in 15 minutes.

“I will be walking around with each of you after everyone gets saddled up, while you are riding today, sharing some time with you, giving you some pointers about using the We-Vibe today. Raise your hands if that is OK with you. ”

Everyone raised their hands…Nice.
I did want to help them of course, but I really wanted to watch each of them have a massive orgasm with the help of mt We-Vibe!

“But please feel free to experiment with the We-Vibe on your own before I get to you. OK, everyone, go get ready, then meet in the stables in 15 minutes. That will give me a few minutes to get ready out there. Hanna, why don’t you and the staff meet me there in 5 minutes and we will get started with some instructions for the day, OK?”

“That sounds great, Rachel, meet you there in 5 minutes.”

I took those 5 minutes to visit the bathroom, do my business there, use the bidet as well. I gathered up all the We-Vibes, batteries, garter belts, remotes, lube, etc. that I would need for everyone. I headed for the stables and I watched Hanna and the staff converging there at the same time. I showed them all about attaching the remotes to both sides of the saddle, plugging in the batteries in the We-Vibe, inserting the batteries in the pouches, either on the saddle, or in the garter pouch, and how the garter belt attached to the We-Vibe. There were a few questions, then we were ready to go.

The women riders all arrived, got undressed, put their clothes in their lockers, and stood before us naked, ready for the day to begin. We gave each one a garter belt to start with, told to put it on, and hang the single short strap or the ‘V’ strap in front depending on the style they chose. Next, climb into the bellyriding saddle as usual. The remotes were attached to the saddle. Her hands and feet were attached to the saddle. She was shown how to locate the buttons with her fingers, but don’t press yet. The battery was inserted into the saddle pouch, the We-Vibe was lubed and gently slid inside and seated behind the pubic bone against the g-spot and squeezed together for a snug fit inside the vagina. The garter belt Velcro was attached to the We-Vibe and the battery was plugged in. OK, we were wired and ready for testing.

“OK, Linda, ready for your first We-Vibe test?, remember you have a horse here, don’t startle him by screaming.”

“I suggest turning it on LOW, then you can change the MODE for different vibrations if you want to. When you are out there with him inside you, maybe wait for a few minutes before turning it on. He should be able to cum inside you every half hour with the help of the We-Vibe. If you want to, you can always switch to MEDIUM or HIGH, but be careful, HIGH can really drive you crazy with him thrusting and cumming inside you too. OK, turn it ON.”

She turned it on…..and she jumped, made a squeak kind of noise, and I smiled. I tried not to laugh, and that was on LOW. I think she is going to have a LOT of fun today. There are three trainers on staff, they had watched, and began saddling up two other women. Everything was going smoothly, but then these were all experienced women riders, and I expected nothing less from any of them. I knew they would be up for a challenge, and they were answering the call, good for them. I really did hope they would all be thrilled at the results.


Just a quick note about the We-Vibe, I’ve had one for a couple years and loved it.

This U-shaped marvel is a wonderful sex toy for couples, or the adventurous in spirit….I think every adventurous couple looking for something new should try it. It wraps around from the g-spot inside a woman, to outside her pussy ending near her clitoris on the outside, giving her both g-spot and clitoris stimulation with dual vibrators built in, it can be worn during intercourse to benefit both the man and woman.

It has been known to help women be multi-orgasmic in my experience. On the downside, it can also make men cum faster, but it can also help make men get their second erection sooner. But in the end it is a lot of fun. It does move around a bit at times in different positions. And you can wear it out to dinner, and have someone else use the remote control, or the phone app…

Our modified We-Vibes are held in place with Velcro on top of the We-Vibe which connects to a sexy red and black garter belt worn around our waist, this provides a constant upward pressure holding the We-Vibe in place during the horses thrusting, also the We-Vibe gets held in place by the vaginal muscles and the pubic bone when a horse’s cock is inserted.

We also have special modified remotes, as well as external battery versions of the We-Vibe itself, custom engineered just for us.

I watched as Linda was lubed up, her horse was stimulated, his cock was lubed up as well, then positioned at the entrance to her pussy. The trainer moved the horses cock around in a small circular motion, wiggling it, stretching her opening, guiding it inside her, until her vaginal lips started opening, and spread wide enough to let his cock slide inside her with a groan and a sigh coming from her mouth. The trainer gives him the erection shot with their special mix of ingredients, including the nano-technology serum. The final thing to do, is to attach the cum collection bowl at the end of the bellyriding harness. We want to collect every drop, and not waste any of it. Then she is led outside, ready for her bellyriding day to begin.

I wanted to go help Hanna bellyride today. She didn’t bellyride everyday like we did, but today was special. Today was We-Vibe day. Hanna wasn’t even undressed yet. I think she was trying to decide if she really could or should bellyride today or not, she is always so busy it seems. I walked over to Hanna, to convince her that she needed to ride today.

“Hanna, STOP trying to think of a reason NOT to bellyride today, and just get undressed and join us. You know you WANT to. Besides, you PROMISED me you would.”

She hadn’t actually promised me, but I wanted to put a little persuasive pressure on her so she wouldn’t back out of it.

“Besides, I LOVE looking at your SEXY BODY.”

Then I walked up to her and kissed her on the lips.

“Now come on Hanna, this is We-Vibe Day!, this is going to be so much fun!”

That did it. She got undressed, and I handed her a garter belt which she put on. God she has an amazing body. Standing naked before me wearing only a garter belt, Platinum Blonde hair, such a stunningly beautiful woman, I would have loved to make love to her then and there….simply stunning!

I just couldn’t resist myself. Not since she stood before me playing the part of ‘Trinity’ in my office…I have so been smitten with her I think. I walked up to her and kneeled at her feet. I reached around behind her grabbing the cheeks of her trim ass in each hand. I pulled her to me as I opened my mouth wide. I pulled her pussy to my waiting wide open mouth. I covered here entire pussy with my mouth sucking on her clit, humming my pleasure, and darting my tongue out to lick her entire slit and pussy opening several times as I heard her gasp. I could feel her hips start to move against my mouth. That was what I wanted to feel from her, her desire against my mouth and tongue. Then I eased back from her pussy, kissed her clit, and stood up. I bowed my head to kiss her nipple, sucking it into my wet mouth, nursing on it for just a few seconds. Then I straightened up and kissed her again, a passionate kiss with my wet mouth and lips full of her juices.

“I want to make love with you Hanna. Take me to bed with you one of these nights…Soon.”

I backed away looking in her eyes, she was breathing hard, and had a lustful look in her eyes….good. I just wanted to put that thought in her head, I liked her reaction very much.

Lisa brings her horse over to her. King is a huge horse which she needs because she is a tall statuesque woman. She climbs into the bellyriding saddle, and she just barely fits underneath him. She is tied up to him, and now she is helpless, they make a nice pair. All of the We-Vibe things are attached and plugged in. Hanna tries the remote, it works great. Shes ready for her horse lovers cock. I watch as Lisa stimulates him, his cock is HUGE, Lisa works at it, as I watch it grow to its full size. Lisa lubes both her pussy and King’s massive horse cock, Lisa struggles to insert it into Hanna, but she finally does get it inside her. It goes a little deeper the more Hanna moves on it, moaning each time it slides in a little more. I don’t blame her, King is HUGE. Hanna keeps working King’s cock deeper inside her until it is finally seated all the way inside her. Lisa gives him the erection shot, good for 8 hours now.

I tell Hanna she will be my first rider to visit this afternoon if that is OK, and I would like to walk out with her. She says that’s fine. Hanna and I have made love before, she is comfortable being naked around me. I suggest leaving the We-Vibe off at first, until we get outside. Lisa led King outside and would walk with us leading King as we walked together.

Bellyriding is usually a solitary, almost soul searching, Zen like experience most of the time. Kind of a ‘One With Nature’ experience, between you and your horse lover if you will, free to be as wild with him as you desire without any embarrassment or limitations. Free to be as loud and uninhibited as you want to be. Hanna, gladly accepted my request for a little stroll together for her first time with the We-Vibe, she is not bashful by nature though with me, especially since she and I had been lovers already.

I looked over at Hanna, she is a stunningly beautiful woman. To see her naked, lovely breasts, trim figure, in her bellyriding saddle with her horse lovers massive huge cock inside her, what a stunning image to behold.

We had been walking for 5 minutes when I noticed the YELLOW light on Hanna’s remote go on. Hanna had been gently moving on King’s cock for a few minutes already. I could hear her moaning. There is something so sexy about a turned on woman when she is moaning, getting closer to her orgasm, I know it turns me on tremendously to watch a horny turned on woman.

She was working herself harder on King’s cock, longer strokes, crashing harder against the end of his cock, driving it deeper into her, as deep as it would go. Hanna started to shake as her orgasm crashed over her. She was moaning very loudly now, gasping for breath, driving hard and deep on King’s massive cock, then she just held it deep and went stiff as a board. She was rigid on his massive cock, straining, riding her orgasm out. She held her orgasm for a long time. Then as her orgasm eased just a bit…

“Hanna start thrusting as fast as you can on King’s cock, then press the remote UP button twice.”

Hanna started thrusting on King’s cock as fast as she could.

“Hanna, press the remote to HIGH, press the remote UP button twice to HIGH.”

She didn’t hear me the first time…..

“Hanna, press the remote to HIGH, press the remote UP button twice to HIGH.”

I watched as her finger hit the remote UP button, and the light changed to ORANGE. Then to RED…

Maybe I shouldn’t have said it, but I couldn’t help myself….besides I wanted Hanna to experience this…at least once…even if she never could bring herself to do it again out of fear, at least this once for me. You see, I knew Hanna’s orgasms, they are strong like mine, and I knew this was going to be a lot for her to handle……hehe

She was just cumming down from her first orgasm when she hit the button. She still hadn’t really finished her first orgasm, when she got rocked by her second one from both the g-spot and clitoral vibrations on HIGH.

“Oooohhhh, God.”

I smiled when she said that…I knew what was coming. BAM!…Hanna exploded again. Hanna’s body was tensed as her orgasm rocked her entire beautiful athletic body. I could see all her muscles straining, she was shaking as her second orgasm was rocking her world as she knew it….it was beautiful to watch….I was so glad to be there.

Then King stuttered, whinnied, and started to thrust into Hanna. King was thrusting into Hanna hard. Thrusting hard and deep, over and over again, feeling the buzz of the We-Vibe on his cock, stimulating him, buzzing him, giving him an itch he needed to scratch, he was thrusting into her to scratch that itch. He needed to cum badly, to cum into his female lover that he knew so well. This buzzing, itching feeling was new though, but he liked it. He liked it a lot! And to show her, he would blast into her extra hard, with as much cum as he could this time. An that’s just what he did, King came full force into Hanna. King blasted rope after rope of cum deep into her.

Hanna could feel Kings massive cock swell and get stiffer, and she felt the head flare much larger just before he came. She knew he was about to blast her with his cum, this was her favorite part, she tried to take a breath, barely able with her body still shaking, then it came. She felt the first hot blast of his forceful cum as it blasted deep inside her, so hot, and so much, BAM! Hanna exploded into her third orgasm!

“Oooohhhh, God, Help…Meee!”

Hanna’s body was trembling on King’s massive cock, she had lifted herself completely off the bellyriding saddle, every muscle in her body straining in orgasmic pleasure, her body shaking violently, her brain in sexual overload, she was mumbling sounds, but not complete words, and she wasn’t breathing….Her clit was vibrating on HIGH…Her g-spot was vibrating on HIGH…She was riding this massive orgasm along with Kings orgasm together for the longest time. Then her body went limp and fell to the saddle. She had passed out from her third massive orgasm.

King thrust twice more, then he was done. He was breathing hard, but he must have blasted a huge amount inside her. Her body was still occasionally jerking from orgasmic tremors that were still happening. I watched as her breasts jiggled from the tremors, and I could see she was breathing again.

“Lisa, see the RED light on the We-Vibe remote? The We-Vibe is still set to HIGH, why don’t you press the DOWN button 3 times on the remote to turn it OFF for her.”

Their orgasm together had been so very long, King had thrust into her a very long time. He had to have blasted her with massive amounts of cum based on how long he thrust into her, and how much poured out of her even now flowing into the collection bowl. I suspect the We-Vibe had something to do with it, the extra stimulation it provides, the tingling on his cock, made it feel extra good to him. I knew King liked the We-Vibe already.

Hanna was out for almost 20 seconds. Hanna wasn’t ready for what the We-Vibe had to offer. It offers deep, deep g-spot vibrations, as well as clitoral vibrations, something we never had before as bellyriders. I have been so close to orgasms sometimes, and wished just for a little clitoral stimulation, but my hands were tied to the upper saddle.

“Lisa, what did you think about Hanna’s first time with the We-Vibe?”

“It was an emotional experience for me. She is so beautiful to watch with King, he is so powerful, and she takes everything he has to give her. I expected one orgasm from her, but then she had another, and it was huge. I have also never seen her cum that soon either, usually it take a half hour or so. Then when you told her to press the remote to HIGH, then they both went wild. Hanna had her third orgasm, I don’t think she has EVER done that before. And King came in 10 minutes. That is very fast for him, not his usual 30-45 minutes. And he thrust into her forever! And Hanna came so hard, and so many times she passed out! DAMN!…..I would say your We-Vibe is an amazing success!”

“So…. Lisa,…..Are you going to try it?”

“I don’t get to ride as often as I might like to, I’m kept pretty busy here as staff, but YES, I will try it on my very next ride, and I look forward to it!”

As Hanna came around it took her a moment to get her bearings. Her body was still jerking occasionally from her orgasms, but her breathing was getting more regular.
“Hanna, how are you?”, Lisa asked.

“I’m OK, I could use a sip of water though.”

Lisa reached into her backpack and got a bottle of water and a straw, and gave Hanna a few sips.

“That was the most amazing sets of orgasms I have ever experienced in my life Rachel. I have never cum like that before. King has also never cum in me that soon before, or that forcefully. I don’t know what got into King, but I think he fucked me longer, and he blasted me with more semen than he usually does, damn it was amazing.”

“What happened at the end, Rachel?”

“Well Hanna, you passed out from your orgasms being so strong. It was beautiful to watch. You and King were amazing.”

“Well Hanna, Did you like the We-Vibe?”

“Hell Yes! Amazing Orgasms!”

“I’m so happy you liked it Hanna, you and King are so beautiful together, thank you for sharing this time with me. You tried the We-Vibe on LOW and HIGH. There is also a MEDIUM setting. Play with the We-Vibe and have fun with it today. If you need any help, remember there is a call button on the top of the remote for a staff member. I think there will be some interesting stories at dinner tonight. I am going to find another sister rider to help now. I love you Hanna. Have fun.”

I leaned in and gave Hanna a sensual kiss. I stroked her cheek with the back of my fingers.

“I love you too Rachel, see you later.”

I turned and walk away. God that was amazing to watch Hanna, She has had an effect on me ever since I met ‘Trinity’ in my office that day.

And as I walked across the resort wondering who I wanted to go see first…there was really only one choice…


My first visit had to be Misumi. There is something very special about her. She is the quiet one among us. There is a reverence about her, it certainly adds to her sensuality. She is the first one I must find.

I love watching tiny Misumi hang from her stallions mighty cock. Misumi’s Jet Black hair and small athletic body is truly beautiful. Her six pack abs are so beautiful to me, and stunning to watch in action up close. As she rotates her hips working on her lovers mighty cock, her ab muscles are flexing and showing her desire. They are usually covered with sweat, as is the rest of her tiny body. She is the hardest worker of all of us, a real sexual athlete whose entire body weight can seem to be lifted by the strength of her horse lovers cock alone, hanging suspended, as he ejaculates inside her.

“Hi Misumi, may I walk with you a while?”

“Yes, you may.”

Her English is pretty good, but I can hear her accent, she has a lovely, but quiet voice. I did a quick check, the We-Vibe is not on, and the collection bowl is empty, her horse has not ejaculated in her yet, good. I wanted to be here for the first time she used the We-Vibe with the horse. She named her horse Akira. He is shiny and black just like Misumi’s hair and her little landing strip of pussy hair.

Her nipples on her pert breasts are at least a half inch long, they are really amazing. Misumi was rubbing them along the belly of her horse, rubbing them against the coarse hairs of his belly on purpose, stimulating them, when I walk up to them. Misumi was moaning loudly and was about to cum.

“Misumi, press the UP button to turn the We-Vibe on LOW.”

Misumi heard me and pressed the remote to LOW. The effect was immediate….BAM!
Misumi exploded into her orgasm…..she screamed out as she came, then crying something out, I couldn’t tell if it was English of Japanese, probably Japanese. Misumi was trembling and straining through her orgasm, still trying to work her body on Akira’s mighty cock. Misumi rode her orgasm as I watched her tiny body tremble on Akira’s huge cock, God it was beautiful to watch. How she keeps thrusting on Akira’s cock during her orgasm is amazing, and beautiful. Her thrusting is more erratic, but that just shows her desire getting mixed in, which is also sexy, she is amazing.

As her orgasm was easing just a little bit, I wanted her to try medium on the remote.
“Misumi, press the same UP button on the remote to try the MEDIUM speed…please.”

Misumi reached up and pressed the remote to MEDIUM. The effect was a little different. Misumi jerked a little and let out a little chirp of a sound as she breathed in….the We-Vibe jumped to MEDIUM I could see the ORANGE light come on.

She started moving on Akira’s cock faster, I love watching her body move, taking such a huge cock inside her tiny, but amazing pussy. She started moaning louder. She was building to an orgasm very quickly. Within moments she was ready to cum again, then Akira started to thrust into her…..I guess Akira liked the We-Vibe also to be wanting to cum within minutes of starting the day.

Misumi exploded into her orgasm…..she SCREAMED out as she came for the second time. Misumi was trembling and straining through her even stronger orgasm, her tiny body getting lifted by Akira’s powerful thrusting cock each time he thrust into her. It was beautiful to watch them cumming together. Akira kept thrusting into Misumi over and over again, blasting her with his hot semen until it was pouring out of her and started filling up the collection bowl hanging from her bellyriding saddle. As Akira finally stopped thrusting into Misumi’s petite body, his powerful cock which was lifting her body, finally lowered her body enough to lay back down on the leather saddle. Misumi had been pretty much gone to this world for a few minutes. Her body was still jerking a little, as her orgasm was easing away, so sexy to watch it jerking on its own. You can’t control these little jerking motions, just orgasmic nerves firing off from the body being overwhelmed a few moments ago.

I reached up and clicked the We-Vibe remote DOWN button to go from MEDIUM, to LOW to OFF.

Misumi looked over at me, I think she was deciding what to say. I think she was pleased. But being the shy one, not sure what to say really, so I thought I would help her out a little.

“Hi Misumi, did you like the We-Vibe?”

“Oh Yes Rachel, I liked it very much. I came many times. And Akira came so soon. I liked the We-Vibe very much. Thank You.”

I reached in and kissed her cheek.

“I’m so happy you liked it Misumi, you and Akira are so beautiful together, thank you for sharing this time with me. You tried the We-Vibe on LOW and MEDIUM. There is also a HIGH setting, but it is strong so be ready for it. I will tell you that Star and I both love the LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH setting as well. Play with the We-Vibe and have fun with it today. We will talk more over dinner. If you need any help, remember there is a call button on the top of the remote for a staff member. I am going to find another sister rider to help now. I love you Misumi. Have fun.”

I leaned forward to kiss her cheek once more, and she turned her head at the last second and kissed me on the lips. It was a short kiss, a girlfriend kind of kiss, but a kiss on the lips was unexpected for sure.

“Have fun Misumi.”

“OK, we will.”

Then I turned and walked away. The truth is, I could have walked with Misumi and Akira all day, just watching her beautiful petite athletic body tremble and strain through orgasm after orgasm hanging on Akira’s cock, almost seeming suspended at times on his orgasming cock alone, is amazing to watch.

I hated to leave Misumi, but it was time to move on. I had others to help. I was curious how everyone else was feeling about the We-Vibe. I walked for a couple minutes to the next horse I saw, it was Anne.


Anne has long fiery red hair, which is spread behind her head on the bellyriding saddle. It’s her natural hair color too. I never would have guessed a woman could have such beautiful fiery red hair naturally, simply amazing on her. Her red hair acting like a bed of color to frame her lighter skin color in the saddle. She lies underneath her darker colored chestnut red horse as I approach. She can almost glow under there like that when the light is at the right angle. The visual makes me think of a naked redheaded sleeping beauty cradled under her horse waiting to be woken by a kiss from her prince. The horse’s hair is a reddish brown which is beautiful, but Anne’s red hair color is a fiery red, and it is stunning, especially against her pale skin. Her skin has tanned just a little from riding, but she wears sun screen every day like most of us do. We also wear sunscreen on the bottoms of our feet which I thought was funny on the first day I rode.

“Hi Anne, may I walk with you a while?”
“I would like that very much.”

I did a quick check, the We-Vibe is not on, and the collection bowl is empty, her horse has not ejaculated in her yet, good. I wanted to be here for the first time she used the We-Vibe with her horse. Her horse’s name is Chestnut for obvious reasons, he is a beautiful red chestnut horse.

All of the women here were in good shape from working the cocks of their horses every day. Anne had a beautiful body as well. Her breasts were probably 34C, just a size larger than mine, they rested nicely on her chest. She had a small little ‘V’ patch of red hair above her pussy, cut short, but it is striking as if it’s pointing to a promise of pleasure to be found in her pussy. All the women here are either clean shaven or very neatly trimmed around the pussy area. It comes from dressing up what little we can being naked every day I guess, It is a statement of pride in our appearance.

“Anne, how are you and Chestnut doing today?”

“We are OK, We have just been walking along mostly. I have worked myself on his cock some, but I really wanted to wait for you to try the We-Vibe for the first time, I was a little bit nervous. I hope that is OK?”

“Yep, that’s fine, I’m glad to help. I have been working to perfect it for four months. I am so excited to finally be able to share it with all of you. I think you are really going to love it. Shall we get started?”

“I’m ready.”

“OK, what I suggest is you start on working up and down on his cock, then when you feel you are starting to get turned on, turn it on LOW. I would suggest your first orgasm be on LOW, but you can turn it up to MEDIUM or HIGH any time you desire by using the UP and DOWN buttons. Be aware though, HIGH is VERY intense.”

“That sounds great to me Rachel.”

“OK then, start working on Chestnuts cock, and when you are ready, press the UP button to turn the We-Vibe on LOW, and have fun!”

There was a smile on my face when I said the because I knew what was coming. I watched as Anne started moving on Chestnut’s cock. Nice easy strokes seemed to be her preferred rhythm of choice. I could hear her breathing increase, just as her moaning started to get louder. She was an experienced bellyrider and knew how to move her body on her lovers cock. Her breasts jiggled against her chest in a slow sexy manor. I could tell this was a rhythm she was used to doing for an extended length of time, maybe 20 minutes to get herself and Chestnut to orgasm. I saw her reach up and press the UP button to turn the We-Vibe to LOW. Anne had only been thrusting on Chestnuts cock for 2 minutes, but she jumped, and let out a cry of excitement when her clit felt the buzz for the first time. The volume level of her moaning shot up, and her thrusting on Chestnuts cock went into overdrive. Her body started shaking.

“I’m going to cumm…”

I watched as Anne had her first orgasm with the We-Vibe. I know it was faster than she was used to. She was still trying to thrust on Chestnut’s cock, but was having trouble.

“I’m cumming again….Holy Shi…”

I watched her come again…..just a minute later…I was really liking the looks of this. I think Anne is a clitoral orgasm trigger kind of person, and she was loving this. And with Chestnut’s huge cock inside her adding to the pleasure, she was loving every minute of this. Anne’s breasts were jiggling on here chest, her body was shaking, her orgasmic face was beautiful to watch. Her orgasm carried on for half a minute.

Chestnut was loving the stimulation too, all the orgasmic contractions he was feeling on his cock, and all the buzzing on his cock, he couldn’t help himself any longer. Chestnut started thrusting into Anne. It was time for Chestnut to ejaculate into Anne.

“Quick Anne, Press the remote UP button to MEDIUM.”

She heard me and pressed the UP button just in time….the effect was immediate….BAM!

Chestnut was thrusting into ANNE, and she exploded into her third orgasm. Anne was going wild on Chestnuts cock. He started snorting and ejaculating into her and just kept on thrusting deep, holding each thrust, then withdrawing, only to drive into her once again. Chestnut was fucking her so good, Anne was having a massive third orgasm. She was shaking like crazy on his cock. I don’t know if it was multiple orgasms or one massive long orgasm. I was witnessing another outstanding We-Vibe orgasmic performance between rider and horse lover. Chestnut finally stopped thrusting into Anne, and her orgasm seemed to ease. Her eyes were closed, but her mouth was open. I looked at her breasts, they were moving, so she was breathing.

I had never watched Anne orgasm before so I didn’t have anything to compare this to, but I suspected this was a record setter, just like most We-Vibe orgasms tend to be. I reached up and pushed the DOWN button on the remote twice to turn the WE-Vibe OFF.

Anne seemed kind of wiped out so I reached over and stroked her forehead gently, just a little physical connection between the two of us to bring her back to the present.

“Hi Anne, did you like the We-Vibe?”

“Oh Wow, God Yes. I have NEVER cum three times like that, or cum the first time that fast. And Chestnut, has NEVER cum in me that soon! And it was so much easier to have orgasms. I LOVED IT!!!”

“Guess what Anne…that was only MEDIUM.”

“Oh Wow….No Way…..Holy Shit!”

Well, since you didn’t like it, I guess I’m going to have to take it back now. Only satisfied riders get to keep theirs.


“I’m only kidding, I’m so happy you love it, Star and I sure do, and so far everyone else has loved it too. If you need any help, remember there is a call button on the top of the remote for a staff member. I am going to find another sister rider to help now. I love you Anne. Have fun.”

I reached down and kissed Anne on the lips as she turned her head towards me. I walked away enjoying the fact the I had witnessed another riders first experience with the We-Vibe was a total success.


I started looking for Linda, flowing blonde hair hmm, I don’t see her.

Linda has long blonde hair that hangs from the bellyriding saddle. It blows gently in the breeze underneath the horse, it is a beautiful visual to see. She has a powerful Stallion, a stunning blonde woman, 36C breasts gently swaying on her chest as the horse walks, with her golden hair gently blowing in the wind. You couldn’t ask for a more beautiful site to behold.

I crested a small hill and over by a stream was a horse and rider. I saw her blonde hair blowing in the gentle breeze between the horse’s front legs. I knew I had found Linda, and her horse’s name is Jake. I was enjoying today a great deal. I guess there was a lot of voyeur in me, well I already knew that, I liked watching myself masturbate in a mirror a LOT! earlier in my life. I was really loving watching the other women have massive orgasms with the We-Vibe today. One because women are beautiful when they are having an orgasm. But more importantly, I was helping them have orgasms quicker, that were stronger, and were lasting longer.

As I walked up to Linda…

“Hi Linda, may I walk with you for a while?”

“I would love that Rachel.”

I had done as I did with the other riders, check the collection bowl, it was empty, and the We-Vibe was OFF.

“Have you had a chance to test the We-Vibe yet today?”

“I was enjoying the gently stimulation of walking today. I knew you would be by to help.”

“Linda that is exactly why I am here, why don’t we try it together. I have been suggesting to the others to start moving on their lovers cock, and when you are getting turned on then push the UP button to turn the We-Vibe on LOW. It has been working well for the other riders. How does that sound to you?”

“That sounds great, I’m ready to start.”

“Alright then, start working on Jake’s cock and turn the We-Vibe to LOW when you are ready.”

Linda started moving on Jake’s cock. Linda was clean shaven today, no landing strip at all, but I have seen her with one in the past and it was a light blonde color, making her a natural blonde. Today she was clean shaven like I said, and she was taking a lot of Jake’s cock on each stroke as she slid up and down on his cock. Jake had a huge cock, and it looked like she could handle it OK. In fact, all the horses here seem to have unusually large cocks. Maybe Hanna picked these horses for that very reason. Star and King’s cocks seem to be the two biggest though….they came in EXTRA LARGE….YEAH!

Linda worked on Jake’s cock for a minute or two as I watched her beautiful breasts swaying on her chest, they were lovely to watch. Linda’s moans got louder as I watched her reach up and turn the We-Vibe to LOW. Her body jerked just a little and she exhaled air from her lungs making a little grunting noise, but she immediately sped up. Linda was suddenly about to orgasm from the We-Vibe. Linda started thrusting faster…..much faster….Linda was moaning so loudly now….she was cumming. I think it surprised her.

“Oh…Oh God, I’m cumming!”

I think her orgasm came on faster and stronger than she expected. The look on her face was one of surprise. Linda was gasping for air as she tried to keep fucking on Jake’s cock but her body was spasming through her orgasm. Her orgasm spasms were quite different from the other women, her arms and legs seemed to want to go in different directions, her body was losing control. This was a stronger orgasm than she was used to. Linda’s breathing had been erratic as well, moaning loudly as she rode out her orgasm. Now as her orgasm eased, her breathing was returning to normal, and she quit trying to thrust on Jake’s cock. Her body was still jerking occasionally which I like to watch, the We-Vibe was still on LOW and maybe partly responsible for some of the twitching/jerking, but I wasn’t quite ready to tell her to turn it off just yet. Just a few more seconds maybe, not to be mean, but orgasmic, twitching bodies are so sexy. Maybe she wanted to be buzzed longer, how should I know? Linda pressed the We-Vibe to OFF.


“Does that mean you like the We-Vibe Linda?”

“Oh Hell Yes!”

“That is the fastest I have ever cum, and it was a stronger orgasm too.”

“Glad to hear it. Are you ready for round two?”

“Rachel, I’m not multi-orgasmic like that. It takes me a while to cum again.”

“Well Linda, then today is your lucky day. The We-Vibe will not only help make you multi-orgasmic today, but your next orgasm will be even stronger than the last one. Are you willing to give it a try?”

“I sure am Rachel, how do we do this?”

“I want you to start thrusting on Jake’s cock on LOW for a minute, the switch to MEDIUM. If you orgasm great, then just keep fucking Jake. If Jake still hasn’t started thrusting into you switch to HIGH. I want you to keep fucking Jake’s cock until he ejaculates into you with the We-Vibe on HIGH. I basically want you to keep fucking Jake’s cock until you get him to ejaculate into you with the We-Vibe set to HIGH. I know you will love it, and come so hard you will see stars. How does that sound?”

“That sounds amazing.”

“OK, no time like the present to get started, go for it. Remember your goal is to keep fucking Jake even if you have orgasms, until Jake ejaculates into you and the We-Vibe in on HIGH, don’t stop until until then…DEAL?”

“It’s a deal!”

“Ok, this is a challenge, don’t stop until the We-Vibe is on HIGH and Jake ejaculate in you…..GO!”

Linda started moving on Jake’s cock, I watched her 36C breasts jiggle as she moved, then she switched the We-Vibe to LOW. She was concentrating, but I could tell she was enjoying the pleasure she was getting. She started moaning after only thrusting on Jake’s cock a minute or two. Linda’s blonde hair was waving back and forth, and her breasts were jiggling on her chest as she was swinging in her saddle riding Jake’s cock. What a beautiful site to be able to watch up close. Linda’s moans were getting louder as her second orgasm was approaching…

“Linda, switch the remote to MEDIUM.”

I wanted to tell her before she got too far gone. She still had to get to HIGH. I watched her switch it to MEDIUM. The effect was immediate for her. She sped up even faster for three strokes….

“Oh God, I’m cumming again!”

A moment later….BAM!…She exploded into a massive orgasm crying out as she did. Her body shaking and becoming uncoordinated a little bit, with the We-Vibe buzzing her pussy so good on MEDIUM just driving her bat shit crazy. Her legs and arms kept trying to thrust, but her body was shaking too much, she was having one hell of an orgasm.

As her orgasm eased, she rested for a moment……

“Keep going Linda….Keep going.”

Linda started thrusting on Jake’s cock again, it was working a little better.

“Faster Linda….Faster….You can do it….Now Press HIGH on the remote.”

As Linda started thrusting faster on Jake’s cock, she pressed HIGH on the remote.

“Oh God…”

Linda stared moaning immediately, HIGH is devilishly powerful, both on the g-spot and on the clitoris…Linda was going to cum quickly.

Just then Jake started thrusting into Linda. This was going to be perfect. Jake was thrusting hard deep thrusts….holding his thrust deep inside her…..withdrawing….then thrusting back in again.

“Oh God…Oh God…Oh God…”

After the third thrust the head of Jake’s cock flared and Jake exploded inside Linda with his load of hot horse semen, blasting rope after rope on each thrust of his massive cock inside her juicy pussy.

When Linda felt that first blast of Jake’s hot semen she exploded into her third and strongest orgasm of the day. She had never felt an orgasm like this before in her entire life. Her g-spot was buzzing, her clit was buzzing, and Jake was blasting her with hot semen deep inside her. She cried out in ecstasy when her orgasm hit, shaking so violently she quit breathing. She had screamed all the air out of her lungs, and desperately needed air, but every muscle in her body was straining through this massive orgasm still, she couldn’t breath yet. All she could think about was this orgasm and wanting it to last forever. She new as soon as she breathed the orgasm would be over. She felt Jake thrust his last time, damn he thrust forever….Thank You Jake. So much hot semen blasting inside her, I can see it running out of her filling the collection cup. She needs to breath…..I watch as she finally takes a breath……then another.

Then her body was doing that twitching thing orgasmic bodies do that I love to watch. Linda pressed the remote until it was OFF.

Her eyes are still closed, she is basking in the afterglow of a massive orgasm. I knew this would work for her, I had no doubt in my mind. How this will change her world from now on? The pleasure Linda and Jake share and give each other each day will be exponentially greater now thanks to the We-Vibe. Linda will have to work so much less each day for her orgasms, and be multi-orgasmic, something she was never able to be in to past….NICE!

“Hey Linda, how are you feeling girl?”

“I’m OK.”

“Linda, I think you like my We-Vibe invention just a little bit.”

“Well, I don’t really like your your We-Vibe…… I LOVE IT!!!.

In fact, Holy Shit….I’ve just cum three times! I have NEVER cum three times before. And I have never cum that hard before either. And Jake came so easily, I like that too.”
I think Jake and I are going to have some AMAZING days ahead of us filled with many orgasms for both of us.

“That’s what I like to hear. Well Star and I worked on the We-Vibe until we got it just right. I’m so glad you love it.”

“If you need any help, remember there is a call button on the top of the remote for a staff member. I am going to find another sister rider to help now. I love you Linda. Have fun.”

I reached down and kissed Linda on the lips as she turned her head towards me. I walked away enjoying the fact the I had witnessed another riders first experience with the We-Vibe as a total success.


I wandered the resort checking all the other riders throughout the day. I noticed collection bowls were filling rapidly, That meant horse lovers were blasting hot semen into their female bellyriders more often….YES! I was letting riders know that every 5 or 6 ejaculations they need to pressing the call light for staff to come and empty the collection bowl. I then pressed the call button for those that needed it to be emptied.

I didn’t usually hear many screams from the other women riders on any day, but today was filled with screams at the tops of their lungs, and cries of passion I had never heard before….Damn! Whether they were feeling overcome or just really letting go at the moment of orgasm, this was something new, and it was the result of the We-Vibe. I also suspect it was the result of the women trying the We-Vibe on HIGH for the first time, it is intense, and amazing, and…..perfect! An orgasm with the We-Vibe on HIGH is insanely powerful when combined with a massive horse cock blasting hot semen inside you.

I kept thinking back to Misumi though. My God, she can have the effect on a person like a drug… least she seems to have that effect on me. I feel drawn to her. I can’t seem to get her off my mind. I want to watch her perform for me again. Her performing with Akira is like an artistic work of art in my mind. Visually stunning, visual perfection in her tiny Asian tanned body. Not an ounce of body fat anywhere, cute pert breasts. She is a sexual athlete putting on a sexual performance that is so mesmerizing I feel drawn to have to watch it again and again.

I’m a little nervous, even scared about approaching Misumi again since she is shy. I don’t want to intrude more than she is willing to let me, but I just can’t help myself. I could play this two ways…more clinical, checking how the We-Vibe is working, or two…let her know somehow….that I have feelings for her.

Wow….I don’t think I realized that those feelings of being drawn TO her, also meant I have feeling FOR her…..Holy Shit. I certainly lust after her body, That’s fairly clear. I am intrigued by her shyness, and reverent spirit. But yes, I am having feeling FOR her.

How brave can I be today. If I want this resort to be everything it can possibly become for me, then bravery to share my feelings needs to be part of that.

As I walk up to Misumi her body shines a beautiful golden color. She is covered with sweat from lust, and orgasms, and exertion. She is even more beautiful now than earlier today glowing in the sun like this.

“Hi Misumi, may I talk with you for a few minutes?”

“Yes Rachel, you may.”

I knelt next to Misumi. Her face is so beautiful as I looked into her eyes. I felt choked up, I had decided to tell her how I felt about her. I had better get the words out quickly before I couldn’t speak.

There were long pauses between each phrase I spoke, I was just having trouble getting the words out.

“Misumi, you are so beautiful……….. You are very special to me………. You have touched a place in my heart.”

Misumi’s eyes started to fill with tears as I spoke, and by the time I was done those tears were running out of the corner of here eyes and running down her face.

“Oh Misumi, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

I reached up and wiped the tears from her face gently.
I wondered if she had feelings for me?
Why did she cry just now?

“You have touched a place in my heart Misumi, and I would like to get to know you better if you would like to get to know me as well.”

“I would like that as well Rachel, but I am shy, you will have to help me.”

“Well then, why don’t we make this a special moment.”

I stood up and unfastened Misumi’s right hand. I took off my blouse so I was naked from the waist up. I knelt down again next to Misumi.

I took Misumi’s right hand and placed it over my left naked breast holding it there with my left hand. Then I moved my right hand over and placed it on Misumi’s left naked breast.

“Hi Misumi, today we start our new friendship together. I’m so excited to be your friend. I would like you to massage my breast, would it be OK if I massaged your breast too?”


“Your breast feels nice in my hand Misumi.”

Her nipples are long, as my fingers lay flay across Misumi’s pert breast, I had her nipple between my second and third finger, squeezing it gently. As I was cupping her breast massaging it, it was poking up to the top of my fingers…it was that long….damn.”

I took my left hand away from her hand on my breast and moved it to her face. She kept her hand on my breast, that was a good sign.

“Your hand also feels nice massaging my breast.”

I moaned to let her know it felt good and to let her know I like her hand still on my breast.

“Thank you Misumi for starting our special friendship today. I just wanted to share a special little moment with you together, this was nice. Thank you for trusting me.”

I slowly moved my hand from her breast, and she moved hers as well.

As I stood, I took her free hand and fastened it back up to the saddle above. I put my blouse back on. I knelt back down kissed her on the lips with a tender loving kiss this time, caught her off guard a little, but she hung in there and kissed me back a few seconds in.

“Misumi, I see your collection bowl is getting full. I am going to press the call button on top of the remote for the staff to come help. It looks like you and Akira are liking the We-Vibe OK.”

“Yes Rachel, we love it!”

“Ok Misumi, I will see you tonight at dinner.”

I reached down and stoked her cheek, then I was gone.

What was I letting happen to me with Misumi….Could this be a mistake? I don’t know….This is certainly new territory for me, let’s see how this next week goes to find out. But I knew I had to do something, I couldn’t help myself…….I really couldn’t help myself.


As I walked along I felt blessed to have been able to share this day with so many different wonderful women having so many orgasms in front of me. My god the variety of chirps of excitement, the different moans and gasps, the cries or orgasmic rapture. To watch their different bodies tremble and shake in their own ways, beneath their strong stallion lovers. To watch all of them drive themselves on their lovers massive cocks, striving for orgasm after orgasm. And best of all, to see the We-Vibe turned ON and to witness these women going WILD driving themselves crazy with lust. And to witness them having so many massive orgasms, unlike anything they have EVER experienced before. That was truly amazing to watch.

I got to share something special with each of these women today, and it was only their first day, and most of them only got to MEDIUM while I was there….damn this is going to be an interesting week!

The women were so excited at dinner time, more than ever before. We all ate, and told stories about the days events. Most of the stories centered around experiences with the We-Vibe, and how it changed everything for all of them.

Anne told the others I was going to take hers away since she ‘only liked it a little bit’….they gasped….then she said I was playing a joke on her, and they all laughed.

Linda told about how I said ‘I think she liked my We-Vibe a little bit’, and she said ‘no she didn’t’, and I looked SAD for a moment……then she told them she said…..’Well, I don’t really LIKE your your We-Vibe…… I LOVE IT!’. They all laughed again.

Dinner was a wealth of stories the likes of which had never been heard before. The most important consensus was they all loved the We-Vibe….YEAH!!!

At the end, they all held up their glasses and toasted me and my efforts to a job well done with the We-Vibe!

By the end of the day, cum collection bowls had been filled to overflowing, THAT had never happened before. Now we would have to empty them more times during the day, not really a bad problem to have if you think about it since we love getting blasted with our lovers cum.

The batteries were charging, everyone was heading to bed or in bed, and it had been a busy day. I did not ride today, a rare day off for me and Star, but I was busy all day. We-Vibe day had gone off without a hitch thanks to a great new toy, some enthusiastic women, and a lot of preparation before hand. I was happy, and feeling good about today.

This place was definitely turning me into a more sexual person with others. I could feel my brain chemistry changing I think. Being so filled with sexual endorphins every day shifts ones thoughts and perspectives about sexual behavior and desires, at least it was happening that way to me. I was wanting sexual orgasms every day, all day long with Star. I had tasted Hanna earlier today and asked her to take me to bed….soon. I massaged Misumi’s breast with my hand as she massaged mine today. Her body mesmerizes me as I look at her with Akira, and she has touched something within me, I lust after her. This place is having a powerful effect on me. I am losing myself here, it is both welcome and scary to realize this is happening to me.

If I’m like this now, what will happen to me if I stay here longer?
I lust after Hanna………and I lust after Misumi………….and I lust after Star’s massive cock inside me blasting me with more hot cum.

I was the last one up. I was done charging the batteries, just winding down now I guess. I was standing at the sliding glass door, looking into the vast countryside out back. I didn’t hear her walk up behind me as her arms wrapped around me embracing me from behind.

“Hi Lover. I looked for you in your bedroom but you weren’t there. Come to bed with me.”

Hannah had found me. I moved her hands up to my breasts and squeezed her hands, so she would be squeezing my breasts as I lay my head back on her shoulder.”

“That’s nice.” I said.

Then I turned in her arms so I could look into her eyes…I noticed she had a robe on…
I kissed her and untied the robe, sliding my hands up her sides, caressing the sides of both breasts gently, teasing her breasts. I slid a leg between hers, reaching around her waist grabbing her trim ass in both hands I gently moved her hips forward and back, pressing her clit against my bent leg, moving her clit against my leg, teasing her clit. I started sliding her clit against my leg faster and faster. I started kissing her again. She started breathing harder, and she started rotating her hips, rubbing her clit against my leg on her own. I reached up and massaged her right breast against her chest gently. She was having trouble breathing and kissing, she was getting turned on big time.

I could tell she was driving towards an orgasm. She was moaning into my mouth as we kissed, but she needed to breathe, she moved her head to the side of mine she was moaning louder now. She was grinding her clit as fast as she could as she started trembling in my arms, she was about to cum. Her earlobe was right there, and I owed her one from her ‘Trinity’ torture….. so I lifted her earlobe into my mouth. I sucked on it a few times, then let it slide through my teeth slowly until it fell away. I started kissing and sucking on her neck……BAM!…..Hanna exploded into her orgasm!

Hanna was grinding on my leg for all she was worth, crying out through her orgasm, as I massaged her breast firmly against her chest, gently rolling her nipple between two fingers. I held her tight as she rode out her orgasm against my body, trembling against me, I loved the way she felt trembling against me, allowing me to share in her orgasm that way. As her orgasm eased, I had released her nipple and was caressing her breast with the lightest massage. Her body was still trembling just a little bit against mine, I liked the way she felt against me, those little body twitches after an orgasm.

Then I whispered in her ear…

“Yes Lover, I think you should definitely take me to bed with you.”


Chapter 12 – Dawning Of A New Day

“Yes Lover, I think you should definitely take me to bed with you.”

I liked the way that sounded as soon as I spoke those words…

Hanna took my hand in hers and led me through the house. We all sleep in the same house. It’s a HUGE house, more like a resort hotel in the countryside. Every room is a master suite complete with a beautiful master bathroom with bidet and jetted tub to soothe our aching muscles.

As Hanna led me through the house, I followed her, the side of her breast and nipple revealed as she walked, as her robe was still undone. She was not shy about walking through the house naked, and I was enjoying the naked glimpses of this assured woman who was leading me to a promise, this ‘sure thing’ of making love to her. You know, anticipation is an interesting thing, as we were walking through the house, I could feel myself getting wetter and excited about making love with Hanna. Actually I was already wet from having her tremble through her orgasm against my body, but my breathing was getting faster as we were getting closer to her bedroom. I felt like I could cry I was becoming so overwhelmed with joy. I had pushed her pussy to my waiting mouth and tasted her earlier today, then looked into her lust filled eyes. I had set a fire in her, and in me that led to this moment….and now she was soon to be mine.

When we got to Hanna’s bedroom, she unbuttoned my pajama top and removed it, then slid my pajama bottoms and panties to the floor. I was standing before her naked, I was trembling slightly. This is the second time I have been standing in front of Hanna, trembling. This time I was naked, and this time I was happy and sexually turned on to be here. Hanna let her robe fall from her shoulders and fall to the floor. Hanna took my hand and pulled me up on the bed with her. I was very horny, I hadn’t had an orgasm all day and I had watched countless women having massive orgasms right in front of me. Hanna wanted to take control for now which was fine with me.

Hanna lay me down on the bed then moved above me covering my body with hers in a missionary position giving me a full body hug for a moment. My legs were spread open, but the weight of her body on mine felt nice. She raised up on her elbows as she looked into my eyes.

“Oh Rachel, there is something very special about you. I feel drawn to you sexually, you turn me on in ways I can’t explain. We need to do this more often.”

“I would like that very much Hanna.”

She bent down to kiss me gently on the lips, brushing my lips left and right, caressing them, teasing them, just feeling our flesh touching tenderly, intimately. Her lips proceeded to make love to my neck, breasts, nipples, sucking on them both before moving lower. By the time she started kissing my inner thighs I was moaning and trying to get her to give attention to my needy pussy lips. She was taking her time, I wanted it fast, and she knew I was in agony for release.

Hanna wet a finger and slid it inside my already dripping pussy. I was on the edge of an orgasm, she knew not to touch my clit though. A second finger joined the first one, then she started a slow in-and out fucking motion, very nice. Hanna withdrew her fingers, I looked down…what? She was lubing up her hand….Wow….Yes! I would never make it till she got her whole had in me though…

Hanna slid three lubed fingers inside me, fucking me, I could hear the juicy noises….then there were four fingers…

“Oh God..I’m cumming…”

BAM! I exploded into my orgasm! Too much pent up need to last very long. I was trembling though my orgasm as Hanna continued to fuck me with four fingers. My vaginal muscles were clamping and releasing throughout my orgasm, so my body was moving up and down the bed quite a lot from her hand and fingers pushing me.

Hanna wasn’t about to stop, as my orgasm eased she kept on thrusting four fingers and folded her thumb over trying to push her hand inside me. Her hand was feeling really Good! My hips started moving against her hand, I wanted her hand inside me, I needed her hand inside me….please push your hand inside me! I was building to another orgasm. Just as her hand pushed inside me she leaned down and started sucking on my clit….

BAM!….I exploded into my second orgasm! She opened her hand inside me. Rotating, twisting her hand to stimulate me more, so the knuckles rubbed against the roof of my vagina rubbing my g-spot driving me wild. Her finger tips were rubbing my A-spot vaginal wall underneath my cervix as she continues to rotate her hand. She kept pulling her hand almost out of me which feels amazing, driving me crazy, making my orgasm last longer and longer. I have been moaning and trembling through this massive extended orgasm she has been pushing me through, massaging the insides of my vagina, extending my orgasm, knowing how crazy it makes my orgasms….she’s loving every minute of driving me crazy….I might just have to drive her a little crazy too….but she will love it just as much as I do.

I have been trembling so hard, I’m amazed she could stay attached to my clit with her mouth, but she did mostly. What an amazing orgasmic ride Hanna has given me. As Hanna slid her hand from inside me, it was a shiny paler color from me squeezing the hell out of it with my strong vaginal muscles, as I watched blood rush back into it.

“Oh Rachel, I love watching your body tremble so violently when you orgasm for me.”

“Thank You Hanna, for those wonderful orgasms. I’m going to get us some water, then I want to make love to you OK?”

“That sounds lovely Rachel, hurry back.”

I was worried that Hanna’s pussy might be a little sore after a long day of riding with King’s cock in her today, and trying the We-Vibe for the first time. So I planned something different for Hanna, and made a quick stop in my bedroom before returning with two bottles of water, two toys and a scarf all in a bag.

I handed Hanna a bottle of water and we took sips to stay hydrated, drinking half a bottle each. I lay Hanna down leaned down and kissed her gently.

“Hanna my love, I’m going to put a scarf over your eyes for the first few minutes if that’s OK, then I will take it off so I can look into your beautiful eyes.”

“OK Rachel.”

Hanna looked a little bit nervous maybe, but curious and excited at the same time. This was certainly new between us. She had always been the one in charge. That was what I was counting on. She is ALWAYS in charge in her life, every day. Let me give her a moment now, when she can let go of that, and just let me be in charge, especially in a sexual situation. Well here goes…

I took the scarf from the bag and folded it many times then tied it on the side of her head.

I bent down to kiss Hanna gently on the lips, brushing my lips left and right, caressing them, teasing them, just feeling the flesh touching tenderly, intimately. My lips proceeded to make love to her neck, breasts, nipples, sucking on them, nursing on them both before moving lower. By the time I started kissing her inner thighs she was moaning and trying to get me to give attention to her needy pussy.

I lubed up two fingers and slid them inside her already dripping pussy. She was on the edge of an orgasm, I knew not to touch her clit though, I had other plans than a quick orgasm. I massaged her pussy from 3 O’clock to 9 O’clock pressing downward. This feels like fucking to a woman, and her moans increased greatly. I wanted to give her pleasure, but I also wanted to stretch her pussy opening just a little more for what I had planned. I massaged her gently, I wanted to edge her close to an orgasm, giving her pleasure, but not give her the orgasm she wanted just yet. Hanna was moaning deep guttural moans with every breath, beautiful, just where I wanted her. I needed Hanna to cool down just a little, so I bent down and kissed her on the lips once more.

“Oh Hanna, You are so beautiful, and I Love You.”

My kiss startled her a little, she couldn’t see me coming closer, but she was turned on and returned my sensual kiss with her own passion. I reached into the bag and pulled out the two toys I brought, a We-Vibe with remote, and my REALLY HUGE Dick Rambone 17” dildo. I lubed them both up, slipped the We-Vibe inside Hanna and gently squeezed the two parts to snuggly fit it in place. I then slid the Dick Rambone dildo inside Hanna past the We-Vibe, as she moaned with the huge intrusion inside her. I moved her legs almost together with the dildo between them. I moved above her body in a missionary position resting my body weight on hers, a dominant position, with my legs outside of hers. I bent my right leg and moved the toes of my right foot to the bottom of the 17” Rambone dildo and held it against the suction cup end, so I could drive the dildo into Hanna just by pivoting my foot at the ankle. With the We-Vibe remote in my right hand I was ready to go.

I untied the scarf on the side of Hanna’s head. I was raised up on my elbows, as she looked into my blue eyes. I looked down into her lighter blue eyes and thought she looked so beautiful to me.

“Hi Lover, am I too heavy?”

“No, I like feeling your weight on me. You have been busy though. Should I be worried?”

“Maybe a little bit. In your daily life you are always in charge. Well for just a little while tonight I am in charge. Remember when I first arrived at the resort, in your office, you told me ‘Your pussy belongs to me Rachel’. Well right now ‘Your pussy belongs to me Hanna’.”

“One more thing, we will need a safe word, use PINEAPPLE, saying NO, and STOP won’t work. Take as much as you can before you use the safe word, OK. Now what is the safe word?”


“Who does your pussy belong too?”

“My pussy belongs to you Rachel.”

“OK Hanna My LOVE, here we go.”

The light on the We-Vibe remote was GREEN…..I pressed UP switching it to LOW. I could feel Hanna’s body jump underneath me, my clit was riding the We-Vibe on just the perfect spot for it to buzz my clit as well, this was going to be so good for both of us. I had slid the 17” Rambone dildo all the way inside Hanna with just a few inches to go, so I flexed my foot to drive the dildo the final few inches bottoming out deep inside Hanna’s vagina. Hanna moaned when the dildo hit the bottom of her vagina. I started flexing my foot, massaging her cervix, massaging the end of her vagina, driving the dildo deeper within her. Her moans were growing louder, she was going to orgasm soon. I think she liked what was happening to her, I think she liked what I was DOING TO HER. Her moans were growing so loud now, she was going to orgasm NOW. My clit had been getting buzzed on the We-Vibe as well, I was loving hearing her moans, driving me toward my own orgasm. I was moaning as I breathed, and I had started to tremble as well, I was ready to orgasm…..It was time….I whispered in Hanna’s ear…

“Cum for me My Love…”

Hanna moaned and shook beneath me as her orgasm washed over her. I held the dildo deep, just holding the pressure as she orgasmed. We both rode a beautiful orgasm together. I was trembling above her, and she was trembling below me. I could feel the We-Vibe buzzing my clit as I held her tight and pressed the dildo with my toes deep inside her. As my orgasm eased I could feel her body had relaxed as well. I pressed the remote DOWN button, the We-Vibe was silent for now. I wanted two more orgasms from Hanna, so I let her catch her breath for a quick moment. After a moment though, it was time for more, I was still in charge tonight.

“Yes My Love, you did well, ready for more?”

I didn’t wait for her response, I pressed UP on the remote to LOW.

I started flexing my right foot again, fucking Hanna with the dildo the 1-2 inches it would move, after it was being naturally pushed out by her vaginal muscles each time I thrust it back inside her. I mouthed the words I LOVE YOU to her as I looked into her eyes. This was a slow intimate fucking we were sharing. I was pressing deep inside her, she was moaning with each deep thrust, but she was loving the connection between the dildo, the We-Vibe, our bodies, and our eyes. We had been riding this orgasmic plateau, feeling endorphins flood or bodies full of wonderful feelings for many minutes now. I pressed UP on the remote to MEDIUM. The effect was immediate. She started having trouble breathing regularly, and her hips started thrusting on their own. I started flexing my foot faster and harder, driving the 17” dildo deeper and harder into Hanna’s pussy.

Hanna was moaning louder than before and shaking even with my body weight on top of her. She was grabbing at my body, as she was about to orgasm, holding me tightly to her body, damn she is a strong woman. I reached up with both hands and massaged both breast and nipples as I whispered in her ear…

“Cum HARD for me My Love.”

BAM!…Hanna exploded into a stronger orgasm than her first one. Shaking more violently underneath me. I was smiling as I watched her, her eyes closed so tightly, holding her breath, gasps for air at times. I was holding the dildo in her deeply with my foot. She was holding her breath and had clamped her legs together against the dildo. As her orgasm eased just a little I pressed the remote UP to HIGH.


Her body went stiff underneath me again. She was shaking violently, and each attempt at breathing sounded like a strain. I was keeping an eye on her. Her head was turned to the side. She looked like she was just gone, in a blissful state.

“Oh God..”

She barely got the words out….She came again…her mouth was open, she took a breath, her body was jerking, she was losing control of her body, then her body went limp. Hanna had passed out. She was breathing, but she was out cold. I pressed the DOWN button to OFF. I took my foot off the dildo to release the pressure. Oh my sweet Hanna, you have been such a wonderful lover tonight. Now all I want to do is fall asleep with you in my arms.

I moved off of Hanna, removed the toys, and lay beside her gently stroking her face. It was nearly a minute before Hanna came around.

“Hello My Love, you passed out.”

“Oh Wow, I came so hard, It’s all your fault you know.”

“Yes, but did you have fun?”

“Yes I did have fun, and there was that imagination of yours again. Damn girl, WOW!”

“I know…but you loved it. OK Hanna, quick bathroom break to get washed up and pee, then come back to bed. I want to hold you in my arms until we fall asleep.”

Hanna went to the bathroom and got washed up as did I, then we climbed into bed in each others arms. We kissed goodnight and cuddled up together, just idly talking. This turned out to be a perfect day where everything worked out better than expected. Hanna looked at me as if she needed to tell me something important. Hanna moved on top of me kind of a modified missionary position. She was back into her being in charge role.

Hanna was laying on me but supporting her upper body propping herself on her elbows. She looked into my eyes as I looked back into her blue eyes. Tonight hers were a light shade of blue, they change in shade sometimes, but usually a shade lighter than mine. I could tell she had something to say to me, she was thoughtful for just a moment.

“I knew this was a special place, but something was missing here, and that things could be better. I had taken it as far as I knew how. I even had done some research around the world, and nothing seemed better than what I was doing here. We are the only one using the nano-technology for the horses, so we are the very best with our erection shot formulation. Then I heard about this special woman in Silicon Valley who owned her own High Tech company, AND, she was very bright. There was a rumor that she might be leaving soon and ready for a new adventure in life. That is when I went looking for you Rachel. I looked into the kind of person you are, and knew that you were exactly what I was looking for to enhance my special resort here. Hopefully to help me find something special that is missing, to make it better, to make it into a VERY special place like no other. I also found out that you had been unhappy for a long time, and I thought we could help each other.”

“Oh Rachel, that is exactly what you have been able to do with the We-Vibe. You have succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. You have helped turn my bellyriding resort, into a bellyriding pleasure paradise! Orgasms for the bellyriding women are so easy now, and that is exactly what I have always wanted for them. The women came back after riding today totally exhausted from having TOO MANY orgasms, now that’s PERFECT!”

Hanna quit speaking, and I could tell she was getting choked up. Hanna’s eyes filled with tears, and the muscles around her mouth and chin told me she was trying not to cry. As her tears ran down her face and fell onto me, something she needed to say had touched her deeply.

“Oh Rachel…My Love…”

That was all she was able to get out. She was choked up and having trouble speaking. I was in no hurry, I thought she had more to say. She tried to clear her throat.

“You have made me so happy today. I loved making love with you tonight, you are an imaginative lover, so many wonderful orgasms. You used that same imagination to help make my resort more than I ever dreamed it could be with your We-Vibe project. Thank You Rachel!”

“Hanna, I loved making love with you as well. And as far as the We-Vibe. I felt the resort could be so much more, and I new I could help, so I figured out a way to make that happen. Thank You for trusting me.”

“Rachel, when I heard about you in Silicon Valley, and the kind of woman that you were, I knew I needed to find you. I thought we might be able to help each other. It looks like I was right. I’m very glad we found each other.”

“I’m glad too Hanna, I’m very happy here. What did you mean when you heard about me though? How did you hear about me?”

“That is an interesting question I guess, but I have another question for you Rachel. Since your We-Vibe was so amazingly successful today, would you be interested in sharing it with a VERY special mother and daughter from another country if I can arrange for them to come and visit us for a while? They are VERY special friends of mine.

“I hadn’t thought about it, but I would be willing on an extremely limited basis to share the We-Vibe with a select few. I kind of want to keep the We-Vibe exclusive to your resort, at least for now. So, YES, that would be OK.”

“Hanna, you know, once they try bellyriding with We-Vibe they won’t want to ride without it. I would love for them to come visit us though. It would be fun to watch a mother and daughter enjoy the We-Vibe together. You also know they will lose their minds with how good it is. I think it would be fun for you and I to walk with them, and watch them have multiple orgasms together. Can the mother handle King? If so, then the daughter can take Star. It will be so much fun!”

“Oh Rachel, I Love Your Sexy Mind!”

Hanna bent down and kissed me passionately, brushed her lips across mine several times, then kissed me again, breathing with me and into me as we kissed. Hanna is a great kisser. The feeling of her lips on mine, as her lips caressed mine, and played with mine, I loved every second of it.

Hanna rolled off me and lay against me resting her body against mine. I could tell she was tired and fading fast.

“I Love You Too Hanna.”

I gently caressed her body as she lay against me. She fell asleep in a matter of minutes. What a beautiful way to end an amazing day. There was a lot to look forward to tomorrow. I would be riding Star for one thing, I always look forward to that, and my special boy would have had a day to rest, that means lots more cum to blast me with….nice!

I wonder how long it will be until Hanna’s special friends, the mother and daughter from another country come to visit us will be. I’m sure it will be a fascinating visit for them getting a chance to use the We-Vibe for the first time. Hanna and I will get to be the voyeurs enjoying their orgasmic pleasures for the day, and King and Star will get the blast them with loads of semen all day long….Wonderful!

And as I lay in Hanna’s bed, with Hanna asleep in my arms, I could hear her quiet breathing. She has done something to me since that first moment I saw her, trembling before her, trembling before ‘Trinity’ as she took my earlobe in her mouth. I gaze at her beautiful face resting on my shoulder, and look down at her lovely breast resting on my chest. Her leg is draped across me as she is cuddled up against me.

Hanna stirs, and her arm which was resting on her leg reaches up and rests on my chest. I take her hand and move it to my left breast, holding her hand there with mine. I feel close to her, glad to be in her bed tonight, and glad that she is in my arms. I’m contented and so happy.

Today was an amazing day for everyone. I had made the right decision to walk around and visit with all the other bellyriders today while they tried out the We-Vibe for the first time. I loved seeing their reactions, but most of all, I loved watching each of the women having orgasms. Watching women in the throes of their orgasmic bliss is perhaps the most amazing and beautiful sight it’s possible to share between two people. I feel blessed to have had so many beautiful women share their spectacular orgasms with me today. And for their horse lovers….probably the most intense ‘vibrating their cocks’ kind of orgasms they have EVER had before, so much fun to watch too. I loved how animated and excited all the women were at dinner. They were beside themselves with how different and special the day was. What they don’t know is, every day is going to be like that from now on!

Oh Hanna, what am I going to do about you? You have surely effected my heart in ways I didn’t expect. Only one other person was ever able to do that, she had mesmerizing blue eyes, and she is special to me too. I felt lucky to have met two special women on my journey to find sexual fulfillment so far.

And as I closed my eyes, I could hear my breathing, and feel Hanna’s weight against me, as I held her hand to my breast. I was so happy, and yes a smile WAS on my face.


In the morning I woke up alone, I rolled over and I saw Hanna coming out of the bathroom.

“Good Morning sleepyhead.”


I could smell breakfast, God I love that smell in the morning. It is a good motivator to help win the battle of ‘Mind Over Mattress’ to help get my sleepy butt out of bed in the morning.

I was thinking about how yesterday had gone….At the dinner table last night there were great stories of their first experiences. They were very animated in their storytelling. Some of them talked of jumping when they turned the We-Vibe on for the first time. All of them talked of multiple orgasms, even if they had never had them before. They all said it had been the best day of bellyriding they had ever had. I loved hearing them, and we all had a great time telling them. There were a few questions as well. I told them again how I like to use my We-Vibe, and gave some more pointers that they can try to use on their next rides today. Overall their experiences were totally enthusiastic and a great success. I couldn’t have been any happier, or more proud of the success of my secret We-Vibe project.

I guess I was wondering if there were any things that needed to be talked about, or did I need to take care of any issues that came up. I couldn’t think of any right now at least.

Breakfast was filled with excitement of getting to ride another orgasm filled day. There were a few questions about Star and I using the HIGH setting, and YES we usually did get to the HIGH setting each time, it is our favorite setting. But I did tell them we like to smolder on LOW, edging ourselves closer to an orgasm, just hanging on the verge of an orgasm sometimes for as long as we can until we jump to HIGH to blast over into a more massive orgasm after edging for so long.

After breakfast I headed out to the stables for an early morning refresher with the staff. I had already ordered a case of toy cleaner that had come in months ago. I took it to the staff in the stables, and instructed them in the care and cleaning of the We-Vibes. The batteries were to be returned to the charging room and checked in on the battery sign-out sheet every night, and placed in the USED battery box. The reverse was to happen the next morning, the batteries were to be checked out on the battery sign out sheet each morning from the CHARGED box. I would inspect and charge the batteries each night, checking for swelling or damage in case one had been dropped. Eventually I would train someone else, but for now, I wanted to maintain a strict quality control and safety protocols on the battery care and charging. This is something necessary with LiPo batteries, just a little extra care when charging, just for safety reasons.

I want to start flirting with Misumi this week, just little things really. Simple touches, fingernails of a hand that gently graze her body from her shoulder blade down to her rear end as I kiss her hello on the cheek in the morning. Flirty little caresses leaving her wanting more maybe, or putting a thought in her head to think about me throughout the day. Whispers in her ear, about me thinking about her in a dream I had last night, while kissing her cheek, then walking away. I do have dreams about her, maybe that is what has started this whole thing with her. Being as shy as she is, she will need some time to think about these things.

I want to light a fire inside her, and let it smolder for a while. I want her to be thinking about me until she needs me to turn up the flames. Being as shy as she is, I had no idea how she would show me when she might be ready for more, but I hoped she would……..but when she does finally show me, I will be ready.

Today was forecast to be an extra hot day so we broke it into two riding sessions. We did a four hour morning ride from 8AM to 12:00 NOON. Then we took a noon siesta for the humans, and let the horses rest in the shade. Some of us ran errands after our siesta in the heat of the day. We all gathered back at the resort for a nice dinner at 6:00PM, then an nice evening ride at 7:00PM.

The evening ride has been a time full of orgasms and horse ejaculations blasting inside me driving my orgasms to new heights so far. I do so love it when I’m in the throws of an orgasm and my beautiful lover Star starts to thrust inside of me getting ready to have his own orgasm. This prolongs my orgasm which I really love, then Star begins blasting rope after rope of his powerful cum inside me, sending me into another powerful orgasm. Simply wonderful.

Tonight is a very warm night here, and all of the women are still bellyriding. Since it was so warm, no blankets were needed for any of the bellyriders, everyone was still naked and exposed under their horse lovers. I look across the field and I can see all the lights from the We-Vibe remotes glowing on the saddles of each horse, there has been a We-Vibe remote light attached to both sides of the saddle for easy location finding in the dark. I can see 5 riders out here tonight. There is one GREEN light, meaning her We-Vibe is on but not buzzing at the moment. There are 2 YELLOW lights, meaning their We-Vibes are buzzing on LOW intensity. Then there are two RED lights, meaning their We-Vibes are set on HIGH – full blast, guaranteed orgasm mode. The RED mode will usually help the rider to have both an internal g-spot and an external clit orgasm together. This can really be a great, and even an overwhelming experience if the rider has learned to have g-spot orgasms. My fellow riders have really come to love my We-Vibe idea being adapted to our bellyriding.

So as I look out across the field and see the lights on the saddle remotes, it puts a smile on my face. I can hear moans coming from the other riders as they are enjoying themselves on their lovers massive cocks. It definitely had gotten louder out here since the We-Vibe was introduced.

Well, the GREEN light just went to YELLOW. It sounds like she is starting to work her lovers cock back and forth, and wanted to get a buzz started for them both. The We-Vibe has allowed all of us to get our horse lovers to ejaculate into us every 20-30 minutes, instead of every hour. We get to have countless more orgasms, and we get blasted with nice hot horse cum twice as often. Our horse lovers get to have twice as many orgasms, a win-win situation for everyone involved!

The RED lights that I saw earlier, their riders are moaning so loudly now, even screaming their pleasure. I can tell one of them is the lovely Asian Misumi, and the other one is the blonde beauty Linda. I can hear them orgasming as well as their horses neighing and orgasming into them as they scream out their orgasms almost in unison. Their orgasms seem to go on for a extended period of time, moaning their pleasures. I can hear them both gasping for breath, mixed with ohhs and ahhs as they come down from their orgasms. I have a smile on my face, knowing that they have used my We-Vibe devices to another great orgasm success.

Both of their lights go to GREEN, as the vibrations from the We-Vibes on their clits must have been too much after their huge orgasms. They are quiet now, resting in their saddles I suspect, after a job well done. We have come to love our We-Vibes. They can keep us on the edge of orgasm for extended periods of time, or blast both the bellyrider and her horse lover to orgasms faster and more often than we ever could have imagined before we started using them. The We-Vibes I had custom built, use external Li-Ion batteries that can last all day. And we do use them all day long, believe me.

Every two hours we are visited by a trainer, to see if we need anything. Sometimes they bring a backpack, and other times they bring a wagon into the field with supplies. They will bring food and snacks, bottled water, handi-wipes, wash cloths, treats for the horses like carrots, apples.

Sometimes all we want is a mouthful of water. Sometimes just a handi-wipe to wash off our sweaty or dusty face. Sometimes we don’t need anything, we are in a zone, and are just fine the way we are.

The trainers will always empty the horse cum collection bowls during their visits. We don’t want to waste any of such a valuable essence. The trainer will always ask us if we want any for ourselves while she is there. Usually the ladies will just say no thanks. Other times they will want to taste her lovers essence that she has worked so hard to have him blast inside her. For some of the riders this is more of a ritual. They will ask for their hands to be unbound, but remain impaled on the shaft. Then they are handed the bowl of horse cum which they drink from, sometimes a sip, and sometimes several gulps, drinking a great quantity of it down. They will sometimes want to anoint their body by massaging the horse cum into their breasts. I have also watched them massage it into their face, using it as a facial cream, just wanting to be as one with her lovers essence. This doesn’t happen very often, but I have watch it when it does.

We try not to eat or drink too much while we are on the shaft since going to the bathroom is difficult, or not going to happen at all for a long time. And while mentioning that, the horses for the most part don’t usually urinate during the time they have an erection inside of us. The horse usually waits until he withdraws from inside us before he urinates again at the end of our ride or the end of the day. They have usually taken care of this in the early morning hours before we ride for the first time of the day.

That’s not to say it doesn’t happen, in fact it does every once in a while, that is just part of bellyriding and being a horse. The truth is, it feels really good when he does urinate inside me, especially if I am working myself up to have an orgasm. When Star cums inside me, he usually blasts me with about a half pint of horse cum. When he urinated inside me and I was about to have an orgasm, he hit me with nearly a quart of high pressure urine, blasting me into my orgasm. His warm flow lasted nearly 20 seconds, and I came and came, feeling the fierce warm blast from him. It was the first time he had done that, and I didn’t know what hit me. I was surprised, and amazed, and I came so hard. It had ruined the horse semen I had collected in the cum bowl at the end of the bellyriding saddle, but sometimes things just happen.

I wondered how I was going to explain what had just happened. It certainly was a new experience for me. Did this mean that my riding was over for the day? I knew I needed help, so I pressed the special button on the top of the We-Vibe remote that flashes a red light on the remote. This means that I am requesting help from a trainer. A short time later, a trainer arrived with her wagon in tow.

When the trainer came to see what help I needed. I told her Star had just urinated in me and I hoped she could help clean me up. She said this happens sometimes, and not to worry, she would take care of cleaning everything up. She explained everything as she worked. She helped push me off Star’s shaft, and rested his cock on my stomach. Then she rinsed out my pussy with a douche wand and nearly a gallon of water rinsing my pussy and the saddle very well, since we collect the semen. Then she rinsed Star’s shaft. She gave Star’s shaft a quick squirt of lube, and lubed up my pussy as well. She had me swing up above his cock, then position his beautiful cock at my pussy entrance. As I slowly slid down his massive cock shaft, I am reminded just how good it feels to have Star inside me again. God it always feels so good when it first goes inside of me! She emptied the cum collection bowl and rinsed it out well.
“All cleaned up, and ready to go” she said. It hadn’t even taken 5 minutes probably, she had been efficient and professional about the whole thing.

I was grateful that I could continue my ride for the day. Bellyriding is very habit forming. Once you become a bellyrider, there is nothing more important than being on the shaft and having orgasms. The pleasure it brings you is like a drug, you really never want to stop.

When Hanna had told me “Rachel, think about orgasms without ever touching yourself, orgasms all day long, and orgasms so strong and so delicious they bring tears to your eyes”. That is the drug I’m talking about. The drug of unparalleled pleasure. Pleasure unlike anything you have ever experienced before. Pleasure seemingly without limits, well almost no limits. My We-Vibe had expanded those limits a great deal, and I was very please with that.

Limits of your own physical exhaustion, and limits of the horses ability to cum only so often. But the We-Vibe had doubled the horses ability to cum more than twice as often, as well as help the bellyrider work half as hard to get the horse to orgasm in her. Bellyriders were orgasming three times as often, and getting blasted with horse cum twice as often, ending up being totally worn out by days end more than usual. Well, maybe not. Cumming three times as often, but working less hard, so maybe about the same amount of tired. No, more worn out, from THREE! times as many orgasms, yep!

I have passed out on several occasions from cumming so hard and so often. I have also fallen asleep from exhaustion at the end of the day, and had to be woken up, and helped out of the bellyriding harness. So tired in fact, I needed help walking to the house to fall into a dead sleep. But it was a good tired. An extremely contented tired. Pleasured to the point of complete exhaustion. Fucked into orgasmic bliss, over and over again, until I couldn’t take it any more, trembling so hard, can’t breathe, cumming so hard, and then just passed out with a contented smile on my face.

I had helped raise the bar to levels of pleasure our bellyriders were able to achieve, and I felt really good about this. Hanna had taken me aside after trying my We-Vibe for her first riding day trying it out. She said she had never cum so easily, and so many times in one day before. And her horse lover had also never blasted his cum in her so many times before either, which sent her into another orgasm for her each time. Hanna was exceedingly pleased with her first days ride. I was beaming ear to ear to hear how much she liked it, but I knew she would. I had tested it myself, and had put a lot of thought into the design and modification of the special We-Vibe I had built just for our resort.

It had only cost me $50,000 for the custom We-Vibe design and the first 50 units. I knew the President of the company, and it had been fun collaborating with his engineering team on this project. I wrote out what I wanted the unit to do, new remote with lights and buttons, new vibe modes, external battery pack, etc. The design team said some of it can’t be done. So I called the President and asked him what would it take if his design team said some of my ideas can’t be done, he said if I will cover the cost of a new logic board, then he will sign off on the project. We both decided $50,000 should cover everything including the first 50 units…..Sold!

I knew he was doing it as a favor to me as a friend for that price, and that the cost should have been higher than that. The cost probably should have been closer to $100,000, but I think the project idea excited him enough to go for it. The design team did a great job and everyone worked on the project with a lot of enthusiasm. It took 3 months to complete. Although the design team never knew what we were going to use these custom We-Vibe units for, that never seemed to bother them too much. I had told them they were for a special group of ladies that I knew, and that I was gifting these custom We-Vibe units to them.

Anyway, back to my riding. My We-Vibe unit light has been on YELLOW for some time now. I have been giving Star and myself a nice slow buzz, edging both of us closer and closer to an orgasm. Star has been walking slowly, sliding me forward and back gently, with a little side to side as well, very nice I must say. This kind of buzzing, edging closer to an orgasm, so very nice. My g-spot getting buzzed, my clit getting buzzed, Star sliding in and out of me as we walk together, edging closer to orgasm. I want to orgasm, I am so close, but I know the longer I can hold off, the stronger my orgasm will be, and this ride itself is sooo delicious.

I have decided I want Star to thrust into me slowly for a few minutes if he is willing to, let me ask him…

And Star turns his head and looks at me, it is so cute when he does that.
“Star my love, thrust into me SLOWLY….SLOWLY ” as I hump my hips slowly on his cock.
Star stops walking, and he starts thrusting into me slowly, full length, but slowly…YES!

Star is such a good boy, he got the message. He has learned to be such a good lover. Sometimes he can’t help himself and he just thrusts wildly into me, hard and fast, full force until he blasts me with his hot cum. But this time he has controlled himself, at least for now, and he is thrusting so deliciously slowly into me, yes….so slowly, and nicely, slow and deep, slow and deep.

Star is pressing against my cervix on each deep thrust, he can feel it, and I can feel it too. I know he likes the way it feels just as I do.

I have always liked deep thrusting, so Star’s’ deep thrusting, and his pressing against my cervix feels really good to me. Star is driving me closer and closer toward orgasm, but I am holding off on purpose, otherwise I would have cum long ago.

My vaginal wall surrounding my cervix called the A-spot has learned to love the deep thrusting Star gives me. His thrusting feels so delicious to me, he fucks me just the way I like him to. Like the g-spot men should learn to stroke the A-spot with a deep slow finger massage beside the cervix, against the vaginal wall. Most women will enjoy this A-spot massage either on the bottom or top of the vagina, above or below the cervix.

Star’s thrusting has gone on for several minutes, it’s almost too much to take. I love this. Star has learned to drive me wild with his slow deep thrusting. My body yearns more and more to cum…and to cum hard. Several minutes seems like so much longer. But when a horse sized cock is thrusting so very deeply into you, bottoming out on every stroke, making you grunt with lustful need, with every deep thrust, it can seem like an eternity not giving in to the desperate need to orgasm. Trying desperately to hang on to the pre-orgasmic edge, just as long as you can, knowing that the longer you put it off, the stronger your orgasm will be. I’m moaning deeply as I breathe, I can’t take much more of this.

Star’s’ thrusting is getting a little bit jerky, so I know he is having a hard time not going faster. He really wants to let me have it, and drive his cock into me full speed, so he can blast me full of his cum. And I want to mate with my horse lover and finally have Star blast me with what I wish was a gallon of warm horse cum, filling my vagina and uterus to overflowing, until it pours out of me filling my cum collection bowl to the brim. I think about that feeling, of Star blasting rope after rope of warm cum deep inside me. I can feel it blast against the end of my vagina, and I can feel it blast against my cervix. I can feel it when it blasts through the opening of my cervix, and blasts directly inside my uterus, which is also a unique feeling. I have held my cervix against Star’s blasting cock during his orgasm so all of his cum blasted directly through my cervix opening into my uterus. There was so much cum blasted into my uterus, that my belly bulged and my uterus began to cramp. I thought wow, that was amazing and unusual, and certainly a unique experience.

But usually, I just love it best when Star drives hard into me, and blasts me everywhere inside, coating everything with his essence until in pours out of me. And now I was so close to cumming, and I needed to cum, and so I decided it was time for both of us to cum.

And Star turned his head and looked at me again, bless his heart, even while he was still thrusting slowly, damn he was good, and a multi-tasker!
“Star my love, thrust into me FAST!, FAST!, FAST!” as I hump my hips fast on his cock a few times while turning the We-Vibe up to the RED mode setting, full on HIGH!
Boy did Star get the message, he started thrusting for all he was worth, driving hard and deep. I took a deep breath and held it….then…
I exploded immediately…BAM!…Cumming!
My body tensed, began trembling on his massive cock, the We-Vibe buzzing my g-spot and clit at the same time, cumming so very hard, I had stopped breathing at this point.
I was trembling violently, I had been edging toward orgasm for so long, this was a huge orgasm. Then I was able to take a breath, holy shit this is a strong orgasm…

Then Star’s cock grew bigger inside me, his cock head flared larger, I glanced down and could see the bulge in my belly from it, moving up and down my belly with each thrust, then he came inside me.

Star blasted me so violently with his cum, he must have made extra cum after edging closer to orgasm just as I did for so long. He blasted me with rope after rope of his hot cum, I could feel each mighty blast hit me inside. And I came for the second time…BAM!. Trembling like I do in the throes of a great orgasm. Trembling with such pleasure, that the outside world doesn’t matter. Not worries about breathing, just feeling my body tensing, my pussy clamping down on his hard shaft, his shaft still driving in and out of me. Driving my orgasm on and on. That’s all that matters. My orgasm that I never want to end. And Star’s cum still blasting into me. God I love that feeling. I wondered where it was all going to fit. I didn’t care, just keep blasting it into me, please…

I had cum so long and so hard, I could tell I was loosing consciousness. And when I forced my eyes open just a slit to take a peek during my orgasm, blackness was coming in from the corners of my vision. I was still trembling in orgasm, but it was either pass out or take a breath….take a breath I thought…..but holding my breath makes my orgasm stronger…and it helps my orgasm lasts longer…. don’t want my orgasm to end….not ever…I held my breath. I could feel my We-Vibe buzzing my g-spot and buzzing my clit, I was trembling, shivers running through my entire body and Star was driving his massive cock into me so very deep with each thrust.

I felt all if this, and I also felt tears running down from the corners of my eyes. I had found heaven on this earth, and I was there at this very moment. It doesn’t get any better than this, and I didn’t want this to ever end. I had lost all sense of time.

And as my eyes were closed, still trembling in orgasm, with tears running down my face, the last thing I remember was what Hanna had said…
“Orgasms so strong and so delicious they bring tears to your eyes.”


Chapter 13 – My Beautiful Asian Sister Misumi

It has been a week since everyone got their We-Vibes, and everyone has loved them. The We-Vibe has been like a drug to them this week. The combinations of their horse lovers cock blasting them with countless loads of semen along with them cumming harder, longer and easier than they ever have before has left them utterly wasted in the saddle every night. The women riders are cumming so much, they are completely exhausted at the end of the day. They are too tired to get out of the saddle on their own. Hopefully they will find a happy medium when the ‘newness’ of the We-Vibe wears off a little bit. I do also think at the end of the day, they just want to get that ‘one last big orgasm in’ before the days riding is done. So they may have just had a massive orgasm before returning to the stables.

I have been flirting with Misumi this past week, just little things really. Simple touches, fingernails of a hand that gently graze her body from her shoulder blade down to her rear end as I kiss her hello on the cheek in the morning. Flirty little caresses leaving her wanting more maybe, or putting a thought in her head to think about me throughout the day. Whispers in her ear, about me thinking about her in a beautiful dream I had last night, while kissing her cheek, then walking away. I have been having more dreams about Misumi since I have started flirting with her. I guess this has become a self fulfilling prophecy, where dreams about her started my flirting, and now the flirting is making me have more frequent dreams about her. I think soon I may have to do something about my dreams with Misumi.

I wanted to light a fire inside her, and let it smolder for a while. I wanted her to be thinking about me until she needed me to turn up the flames. And yet, it is having that effect on me too. Being as shy as she is though, I had no idea how she would show me when she might be ready for more, but I hoped she would……..but when she did finally show me, it was so beautiful it brought me to tears. I was so touched by her gesture I would have tears streaming down my face before she was done. I told you she was special didn’t I. Well, we are not to that part of the story just yet, so please be patient.

It is another beautiful golden morning here at the resort, the golden sun warming the early morning hours of the day. A golden glow surrounds everything as the sun rises in the east. Yesterday and today were going to be very hot days, so we did a night ride which was wonderful. We all were just waking from a little nap. We would finish by noon today, then take a siesta in the heat of the day.

I can see the usual trails of spider silk like threads….. the protein threads of dried horse cum trailing from the belly riders collection bowls reaching almost to the ground, blowing in the gentle breeze, glowing golden and beautiful in the early morning hours….really something amazing to behold really. It happens because of the calm hours before everyone has stirred, before the day begins, before the juices flow any faster, cutting the threads loose…..while everyone has fallen asleep for an hour…..just resting….golden threads, shining in the early morning golden sun from each of the bellyriders harnesses or overflowing collection bowls, beautiful really. They used to hang from the bellyriding saddles. Now they happen when the riders overflow the collection bowls! Seems like everyone overflowed their bowl this morning.

I look over to my right, and there was my beautiful sister Misumi, her name means ‘pure beauty’ in Japanese. While not being a real sister, I think of all of my bellyriding sisters as belonging to a sisterhood of bellyriders. She is kind of the quiet one of our sisters.

She is looking at me with such love in her eyes, and mouths ‘Thank You’ to me as she taps the We-Vibe remote with her fingers indicating what she is thanking me for. I know what she is saying, she is thanking me for giving her the gift of the We-Vibe. It has allowed her to have sooooo many more orgasms, and to also have her horse ejaculate more often inside of her! A Win-Win for both of them! And for all of us as well!

I was about to find out that today would be the day Misumi would start to come out of her shy little shell just a little bit just for me. She steers her horse next to mine so we can be close to one another.

Misumi then whispers to me…

“Please Watch Me, and Share This With Me.”

Wow, she has never asked anything of me before, so I will gladly do as she asks, I love watching her anyway. I sense this is something very special….Something very intimate she wants to offer me….to share with me.

As I look at her, I can see her cheeks are rosy red, she is very turned on! Her eyes are filled with desire for me to watch her, she has kept her eyes on me this entire time, as she has started moving along her horse lover Akira’s shaft with great desire, long deep strokes, grunting sounds are cumming from her throat that I can hear. Deep moaning grunts, she is turning me on, but I don’t want to move much to distract her gaze away from my eyes, so I just start rotating my hips ever so slightly against Star’s cock inside of me.

Her breathing is becoming labored, moaning sounds, groaning sounds, becoming lost in a world of desire, a world of lust, but always looking at me…the lust in her eyes is mesmerizing.

Her chest is flushing, sweat is covering her body from desire, from exertion, from need. Her lean body is working feverishly on her steeds massive cock, driving his massive cock like a piston in-and-out, in-and-out of her wet pussy. Her pert breasts barely jiggle under the horse, her erect nipples brushing against the horses belly on each stroke. She moans every time they brush against his course belly hair. Her nipples are erect and huge, they must be nearly a half inch long, painfully erect now, stunning on her pert little breasts. And to see them rubbing against her horse is impressive. She moans every time she bottoms out against the end of his massive cock as it crashes against her cervix and beyond, stretching her vagina, driving deep, deep inside her pussy is both painful and exhilarating to watch.

Suddenly her body begins to tremble, she is having and orgasm, a very big orgasm.
She keeps riding the shaft, riding her orgasm, cumming so hard, her body tensing, her body moaning, her breathing stops and starts several times, but she still drives on the shaft, always on the shaft. Her tiny body can almost be supported by just the erection of his powerful cock alone, as she slides back and forth along his massive shaft. Her petite, golden body is so beautiful, shiny with sweat.

I can see her chest is flushed from her massive orgasm, her cheeks are red, her eyes are glazed over, her breathing is labored, but the lust in her eyes is still there…..and she is not stopping!

She has slowed her motions on the shaft, but she is still rocking back and forth, working his massive horse cock in and out of her dripping pussy. The horses cock is glistening with her juices, they are dripping down her ass, she is so filled with lust and desire she wants another orgasm right now. She mouths the words ‘I Love You’ again, and I know what is coming, she is going to use the We-Vibe this time. Each time she slides off the shaft, near the end, you can see how much of the wet shaft was inside her. God she can take a lot of Akira’s huge shaft inside her very tiny body. It doesn’t seem possible. His shaft is nearly as big as her leg, and she moans loudly as she drives down to take it deep inside her pussy each time.

Her body begins moving faster on his massive shaft again, sweat is dripping from her body from exertion. Her lean body is working feverishly on her steeds massive cock, every muscle in her body is straining with desire for orgasm, driving his massive cock in-and-out, in-and-out. Her pert breasts trembling under the horse, her erect nipples brushing against the horses belly on each stroke again. She moans every time they brush against his course belly hair. She moans every time she bottoms out against the end of his massive cock as it drives deep inside her. God she loves the feeling of being pounded deep inside her pussy. She lives for the deep pounded feeling. Over and over she is being pounded, on the edge of a massive orgasm….the horse starts to stutter ready to cum…
now it is time, she presses the remote….

The We-Vibe activates on HIGH!!!
Suddenly Misumi’s entire body starts to tremble, she is having a whole body orgasm!
Her mouth is open, she is breathing hard, her eyes are glazed, every muscle is tensed, she is having a massive orgasm, she is still thrusting! But now the horse is thrusting too!

She is cumming so hard! Very Hard, Cumming Over and Over, One long Orgasm

Misumi is making so much noise, and the horse is making so much noise I can’t hear the vibrating of the We-Vibe, but I can see the effects of it being turned on!

The horse is thrusting constantly, he is about to cum, the We-Vibe tingles to him, a tantalizing feeling, causing him to want to thrust into this warm female vagina over and over without stopping until the tingling feeling goes away, but his need to orgasm has arrived, it has been building, and it is going to be a real gusher. The horse whinnies, and neighs, and lets loose of rope after rope of a massive cum load, splashing into the depths of Misumi’s pussy, deep against her cervix opening.

Misumi is moving her body in time with the thrusts of his cock, every time he thrust forward her body moved forward, letting her control the depth very precisely.

As she drives herself down hard onto the shaft sealing her cervix against his mighty gushing cock, holding a constant pressure against his thrusting cock, riding his cock up and down with him as he is thrusting. She can feel him filling her womb with blast after blast of his semen, filling her womb full, actually bulging her slender belly, won’t he ever stop she thinks, her womb is starting to cramp it is getting so full, what a strange feeling, blasted so very full of horse cum, so very full. My God, every time Akira thrusts into Misumi’s tiny body he lifts her up just by the power of his massively powerful cock as he is ejaculating into her! It is amazing to see it actually happening from the side view, Holy shit!

The We-Vibe is causing her horse to keep fucking her without stopping, scratching that itch on his cock caused by the We-Vibe, crashing her into orgasm after orgasm, she is becoming incoherent, drool running from her mouth now, eyes totally glazed over, her body shaking, her body trembling, having orgasm after orgasm, she looks like she has suffered a drug overdose, she in on an orgasmic plateau of ongoing orgasms, rarely achieved state of pure bliss, whole body violent trembling orgasms, then her eyes close, and her hand falls from the remote.
She has passed out…thankfully.
The horse finally has stopping thrusting his massive cock into my tiny Misumi’s pussy
I move closer, I reach up and turn her We-Vibe OFF.

Her body…Still trembling….a little less though as her body tries to relax.
Still an occasional orgasmic shudder as it tries to recover from such an orgasmic overload. Mild tremors from time to time, as her breathing slows, sweat glistening, she is so beautiful to behold. I have just witnessed a sexual athlete sharing a scene of lustful desire unlike anything I have ever witnessed before. I take a deep breath, not realizing that I had held my breath myself as I was feeling overwhelmed with what I was watching happen before my eyes.

Horse semen is leaking out only slightly from around their joining, her pussy lips are so tight around his beautiful massive shaft that she loves so very much.
Her belly is still distended, so full of his massive cum load, it had to be a cup or more.
She is so beautiful when she cums so hard, her straining muscles, her orgasmic face, the sweaty sheen on her skin, the lust in her eyes for more, and the love in her eyes for me, and for sharing such a special moment with me this morning.

I am in love with her amazing body. Is that wrong of me to feel that way? I’ve never seen anything like it before. I know I would like to make love with her, but I think I am also a little bit scared to at the same time if that makes any sense. Maybe because she is so shy. But I can take it slow with her and see how she responds. Well, we will see what the future holds for the two of us.

Misumi lies unconscious under her horse. I have never seen such an amazing performance. It took an amazing athlete, pushed farther than ever before with my We-Vibe contraption, to do what she had just done. The We-Vibe set up like this could even cause heart failure I suspect in a less healthy person. Or if they die, they at least will die with a smile on their face. There are much worse ways to die I guess, than from having too many orgasms!

Misumi stirs a little, she looks so beautiful, glistening with a sheen of sweat from her tremendous sexual performance, the likes of which I had never witnessed before. She now had a slight smile on her face, she seemed to be so at peace with the world at this moment. I hadn’t realized that tears were running down my face from the corners of my eyes. What I had just been a part of…what I had just been invited to share…was such a special moment in time…simply just so beautiful to behold it brought tears to my eyes….

How can I love looking at her beautiful body so much. All I want to do is gaze upon her golden beauty. Actually what I want to do…is pick up her lifeless body, carry her into the house holding her close to me, lay her body next to mine, feeling her warmth next to me as we fall asleep together. Then when she wakes, she will know how I feel about her and what my feelings are for her, and the next step I think we should take…..which is make love to one each other.

Her eyes gently opened, her head was already facing my direction. She saw me looking at her and saw the smile on my face. Just then I saw tears run from the corners of her eyes and run down her face just like mine were, and I thought she must have seen mine as well. I knew that her tears were of love for me, just as she knew that my tears were of love for her. No words needed to be spoken, but I wanted to anyway. I mouthed the words, “I LOVE YOU” to her, and she did the same to me.

I thought…Thank you Misumi…Thank you so very much for sharing your love for me this beautiful golden morning. I thought the words, because I wasn’t sure I could speak them. But the more I thought about it, the more I knew it was important for her to hear them if I wanted to help her overcome her shyness towards me.

“Thank you Misumi…Thank you so for sharing your love for me this beautiful golden morning. I love you very much.”

More tears ran down my face as I spoke those words, because I knew they were true. I did love Misumi. I didn’t just love looking at her body, I was falling in love with her.

I also knew that I wanted to take her to my bed and make love with her. After her gesture to me just now, maybe she would be open to me asking her if I did it just right. I wondered if Japanese women ever initiate sex? Would her shyness ever allow this? Wouldn’t that be something special, for her to ask me? I had not expected this special offering from Misumi this morning, maybe she will surprise me, we will have to wait and see.

Why wait….take this chance….this might be the perfect time….ask her…

“Misumi, would you like to come to my bed tonight so I could hold you in my arms?”

“Yes Rachel, I would like that.”

“Oh Misumi, I’m so happy right now.”

I was so excited for my date with Misumi I came in an hour early to get showered and primped up for my date. What I didn’t know was that Misumi saw me come in early and did the same thing. We brushed down our horse lovers, and went in the house to shower. I took a little nap, but my mind kept thinking about all the possibilities of tonight. At Dinner I kept glancing at Misumi, she kept averting her eyes. Her shyness was peeking through. She knew we were sort of on a date later and was feeling a bit nervous I suspect. I don’t think anyone else knew.

I was a little nervous, and Misumi was a lot nervous, but hid it well for the most part. She knew me, and knew that I loved her, and that helped a great deal. She was dressed in a light summer dress as was I. It’s warm here mostly, so that is about all we wear. We wear summer dresses and bikini’s, or being naked for bellyriding I guess, or robes.

I walked up to Misumi after dinner and took her small hand in mine. I only say that, since it’s the first time that I held her hand, it was nice, and it’s our first date!

“Hi Misumi, you are very special to me, I have wanted to be with you for a while now. Let’s get some bottled water from the kitchen, then go to my room, OK?”

“OK Rachel.”

We went to the kitchen to get some bottled water, then went to the stairs. I lead her up the stairs and took her into my room closing the door. I brought her over to my bed as I sat back against the bed lowering my level just a bit. I spread my legs and pulled Misumi into my crotch as I looked into her eyes. I kissed her cheek and then her lips.

“Oh Misumi, I’m so happy you are here. Do you need to use your bathroom quickly or get anything from your room before we get started?”

She asked if she could go pee real quick, that was fine, hurry back. I understand using a strange bathroom, especially on a first date. A short time later there was a soft knock on my door which I left ajar, it was Misumi. I held out my arms to see if she would walk into them and she did.

“Kiss Me.” I said.

She kissed me on the cheek and lips just as I had done with her.

“Are you happy you are here?”

“Yes Rachel, I am very happy.”

I moved my hands to her body, gently sliding them up and down the sides, pausing to caress the sides of her pert breasts then down to encase her toned rear end pulling her tight against me.

“Do you find my body attractive Misumi?”

“Yes I do.”

“Then show me with your hands like I am doing.”

As I continued to caress Misumi’s body she began to caress mine. Her hand trembled just a little as she reached up to touch mine for the first time. We still had our dresses on, but I figured it would be easier this way, touching for the first time. Misumi’s hand reached up and caressed my cheek then slid down my body to my bare leg, then back up to the side of my breast. Just as I reached up to massage one of her breasts she did the same to me, massaging my breast with her hand, she was doing fine. I used both my hands on her breasts, and she did the same. I slid one of my hands down her body until I was massaging her pussy mound. I had pushed her away a few inches giving my hand room. I watched her breathing increase, and waited to see if her hand would follow my example. I only got two fingers between her legs until she parted them slightly then four fingers cupped her pussy mound caressing it and she gasped…nice.

“Why don’t you caress my pussy mound the same way.”

I watched as her hand moved down my body until it started massaging my pussy mound though my dress just the same as I was doing to her.

“Mmm, that feels nice. But, I think our dresses are getting in the way, let’s get out of these. Raise your hands please.”

As Misumi raised her hands I pulled her dress up and over her head. All she had on was her panties. I bent down kissing her lips then her breast and nipple, and knelt in front of her, making sure not to kneel on my dress, I pulled her panties to the floor as she stepped out of them. I raised my arms so she could take my dress off. She took the hint and lifted my dress off of me. I stood up, she hesitated for a moment, I nodded, then she lowered my panties to the floor. I waited for just a moment, but she did lean forward to kiss my breast. As she moved to my nipple which I really hoped she would I grasped her head with both hands and held it there…

“Please suck on my nipple Misumi, then the other one, they love getting sucked, don’t be in a hurry.”

I held her head against my breast for a full minute before releasing it. Then she moved to my other breast and sucked on it just like the first. I do like having my nipples sucked, but it was also an exercise to get her to be more assertive on her own.

“Yes Misumi, I like that very much.”

As she finished with my second nipple I bent down and kissed her on the lips. It was a long tender sensual wet kiss. She had to breathe into my mouth and I into hers it was that long.

“Oh Misumi, I have waited for this moment for a long time, come up on the bed with me.”

I took her hand in mine for the second time and led her up on the bed. I directed her to lay beside me, we each had our own pillows, and we were about to be first time lovers. I reached out and started caressing her golden skin. I just wanted to touch her. Her body excites me tremendously, every square inch. I could spend days touching, kissing, licking, sucking, and making love to every inch of her exquisite body….My God….Body LUST! Yeah for sure!….But WAY more than that….I loved her, it happened so fast. And I would only come to love her more as we spent more time together. I was practically trembling with excitement now.

There is something about pert breasts that are so beautiful to me. Misumi’s breasts are an A-cup size but her nipples are amazing. They grow from more than a quarter inch to nearly a half inch or longer when erect. They are stunningly beautiful perched on her pert breasts. And when she in thrusting on Akira’s cock and grazing her long nipples on his belly’s course hairs, I can hear hers moans as she is doing that even now….WOW. I’m sure it turns her on brushing her nipples against his belly hairs like that, that’s why she does it, hell, it turns me on watching her do it!

I reached over to massage her breast with my hand. Her breast fits inside my hand with the nipple sticking up as high as the thickness of my fingers, WOW. Her firm breast feels good in my hand as I massage it against her chest gently. I’m wondering where to go from here. Maybe I will ask her and see what is on her mind.

“Hi Misumi, I love you, you are very special to me. I have wanted to make love with you for a long time. I am yours to play with tonight. Please be brave, and do anything you would like to do with me tonight. Tell me what you are thinking my love, or just show me.”

She had already rubbed my pussy mound and sucked on my nipples, I wondered if she would be brave enough to initiate something.

“I’m thinking…I Love You too, Rachel. I have been a little lonely here. It has been mostly Akira and I. Thank you for reaching out to me to be my new friend.”

Misumi reached out and started caressing my breasts which I was still doing to hers.

“I see the way you look at my body when I am riding Akira’s cock. There is lust in your eyes for my body, is there not?”

“Yes Misumi, I have great lust in my heart for your beautiful body, I always have. But I have so much more in my heart for you.”

Holy Shit! I felt so busted. This shy woman was very observant of her surrounding I guess. She sure caught me lusting after her.

“Does touching my body excite you too Misumi?”

“Yes it does Rachel.”

“Then I would like you to caress me everywhere with your fingers, and mouth, and tongue. I want us to give each other orgasms tonight. Take your time, play, have fun, anything you want to do is OK with me.”

Misumi moved over and started kissing me, then kissed my breast, then started sucking on my left nipple….YES! She was initiating sex play, good for her….and it felt good. She opened her mouth wide enough to suck and nurse on the entire areola sometimes circling the nipple with her tongue. She took her time, she was very good at this. If I could have given milk to her I gladly would have. She was making me wet, that was for sure. I was massaging her breast and nipple, and rear end and back with my two hands.

“Mmmm…yes Misumi, that feels wonderful, yes.”

She moved to my other nipple and did the same, taking her time. I kind of wanted to move into a 69 to give her more pleasure too, but I wanted her to learn to take the initiative, she was doing fine. While she was working on my second nipple she moved a hand down to my pussy mound. I felt her hand moving lower so I parted my legs. Her fingers moved up and down over my pussy mound and found my wet pussy lips below. She moved up and down a few times, then started a circular motion with her fingers around my vaginal opening…damn that felt REALLY GOOD.

I could immediately tell Misumi masturbates in her alone time, this circular motion is a female masturbation move for sure. I was so wet I could hear the juiciness as she rubbed my lips faster under her fingers. This was getting good really fast. Before I knew what had happened, she had curled two fingers and slid then inside me and was fucking me with them. I let out a gasp. Then a third finger joined in. Then a fourth…Damn. Between the breast sucking and the four fingers fucking me, I was in trouble. My breathing was faster, I was moaning, and I was going to cum soon. Wow….this was unexpected…and exciting! She DEFINATELY knew about masturbation and was very good at it. She quit sucking my breast and shifted lower on my body, down between my legs. I was dripping wet by now and I wanted more. I started trembling with need as my orgasm was almost here…so close… So when she folded her thumb over, and pushed her hand into me, it slid inside me on the first try…That’s all it took…
BAM! I exploded into my orgasm!

I screamed out when her hand popped inside me…

“I’m cumming!”

I was trembling with her arm sticking out of my vagina. I could feel her pumping her arm in and out of me. She must have made a fist with her thumb knuckle sticking up, I could feel it rubbing against my g-spot, damn it felt good. If she kept that up I was liable to cum again. She was driving in very deep, all the way to my cervix, twisting her hand at the same time, driving me wild. I opened my eyes just for a quick peek, damn her arm way driving into me almost up to her elbow! I was riding my orgasm, but I could cum again, she was doing this thing where she was almost coming all the way out and rotating her hand and massaging my g-spot over and over again which was feeling amazing and driving me to another orgasm. Then she bent forward and started sucking on my clit….That did it…

BAM! I exploded again…even harder this time!

That was an amazing combination to drive me to another orgasm. My body raised off the bed, but she stayed right with me sucking my clit and driving her fist inside me. Holy Hell it felt so amazing…I was trembling so violently when I came back down to the bed. I was moaning when I was breathing, but holding my breath mostly. She was shaking her head side to side as she sucked on my clit…damn it felt good, soon it would be too much though. I didn’t know what to expect from her fist. Sometimes short thrusts, sometimes deep, sometimes rotations, I loved what she was doing to me.
Finally it was too much…as I closed my legs a little and pushed on her head.

“Oh Misumi….enough…”

She pulled her arm and fist out from inside of me, and YES her arm was wet almost to the elbow….Damn!

I pulled her up on my body and kissed her, then just held her to me. Oh My God! Where had she been hiding all this time! My body was still having occasional body twitches from my orgasm as I held her against me.

“Oh Misumi, that was wonderful, Thank You. I would like to make love to you now. Is there anything special you would like me to do?”

“I’m glad you liked it Rachel, and nothing special for me. Whatever you want to do is OK.”

“Misumi, I do have some toys I would like to use if that is OK?”

“Yes Rachel, That sounds a little scary but also exciting.”

“Don’t be scared, it will be fun I promise.”

I had already cleaned all my toys from using them the other night with Hanna. Now I just had to decide what toys to use, and how to use them…and quickly.

I keep my ‘Pleasure Chest’ of toys in a drawer under the bed. I pulled out the lube, Dick Rambone 17” Dildo, We-Vibe with remote, and the 4 Stage Rocket Dildo, and the Hitachi Magic Wand. That should do it. Probably overkill, I don’t know, when I am turned on I tend to over do it just a little with toys.

I should clear something up. I think of it as the Hitachi Magic Wand. Hitachi makes it, but they took their name off the packaging since it’s mostly used as a sex toy, and they kind of feel funny about that. They let a company called Vibratex distribute the Magic Wand now calling it the ‘Magic Wand Original’. I still think of it as the ‘Hitachi Magic Wand’, but technically I shouldn’t use the name Hitachi when talking about it, it might confuse some people thinking about buying it, and I think they should because it is…AWESOME!!!. I will try to use the name ‘Magic Wand’ from now on.

I grabbed a towel from the bathroom to set the toys on, and then lay all the toys on the towel kind of like a little toy presentation for Misumi. I watched Misumi’s eyes as I lay the toys on the towel to see if she got worried. I think I saw more curiosity, and then a smile came to her face. That was a sign of trust and of the fun we were about to have in my opinion. She also saw the We-Vibe I suspect, something she is really getting to like more and more every day. So I thought I would peak her interest just a little bit, and maybe get an insight into what she might like to try.

“Misumi, I have tried all of these toys and I love them all. Do you see anything that excites you here?”

“This one. What is this?”

That is the 4 Stage Rocket Dildo, it has four widening ripples that increase in size from 2.5 inches to 3.6 inches in diameter, and is 12.5 inches in length. I try to see how many of the ripples I can get inside me when I masturbate before I have an orgasm. Sometimes I can get 3, sometimes 4.

“And this one?”

“That is my Dick Rambone 17” Dildo. I insert it and the We-Vibe at the same time to feel really full and have lots of orgasms.”

In my mind I would fist her, then use the 4 Stage Rocket Dildo, then the We-Vibe and Rambone Dildo, then use the same but with her on top of me until she was done having orgasms. I wanted to do so many things with Misumi, I wanted to have her for myself for a week at least! But I also didn’t want to scare her away.

“Does this 4 Stage Rocket Dildo excite you Misumi?”

“Yes, a little, but it also scares me a little bit.”

“And what about this other one, the Dick Rambone Dildo, does it excite you too?”

“Yes, but it also scares me a little bit, it is so big…like Akira.”

“I think we should start with my fingers and hand like you did with me, and then we can try both black dildos on you. I think we will have fun if we try them both on you after my hand, OK?”

“Yes Rachel, we can try that.”

“OK then, lie down please, I am really looking forward to this.”

Misumi didn’t look nervous as she lay down. I lay upon her and looked into her dark brown eyes.

“I Love You Misumi. I am so excited to be here with you right now.”

I kissed her passionately with a long lingering wet kiss. I kissed her lips again, her cheek, her neck, and worked my way to her breasts kissing them, then circled her nipples with my tongue. Her nipples were semi-erect before I got there, she sighed as I toyed with them. I nursed on each nipple sucking her entire areola into my mouth as I gently squeezed the entire other breast at the same time. She liked having her breasts and nipples played with. I new this from her rubbing her nipples on Akira’s belly when she rode his cock each time. I took my time, we were not in a hurry. I was getting tremendous pleasure from nursing on her lovely long nipples. I watched in amazement as they got stiffer and longer…I loved it.

I moved down her body flicking my tongue in her belly button, then her little patch of straight black pubic hair which I loved on her it was so cute, then her inner thighs. I lubed my fingers and massaged her clitoral shaft, her inner and outer pussy lips, and around her pussy opening, everywhere except her clit. She was loving everything, moaning, breathing more rapidly, with her hips moving and wanting more. I lubed up my hand and fingers some more, I was ready to feel what the inside of her vagina felt like. I have wanted to feel the inside of her vagina grasp my hand for some time now, and it was about to happen. She was wet, I could see wetness leaking out of her already, she was ready.

Fisting a woman is a very intimate connection between you and her. I wanted to experience that connection with Misumi as I looked into her eyes while fisting her. I also wanted desperately to feel the inside of her amazing vagina with my hand. I have watched her time after time taking Akira’s massive cock inside her vagina, I had to experience it for myself.

“Oh Misumi, you have a beautiful pussy, and it is very wet for me.”

Just then I slid two fingers inside her and she groaned louder, my fingers sliding in very easily, she was so wet and ready. I added a third finger and stared a fucking motion with my fingers. Then a fourth finger. Misumi was ready to cum, but I didn’t want her too, not yet. I started rotating my four fingers from 3 O’clock to 9 O’clock VERY slowly. This feels like fucking, and I knew it would make her cum, so I did it VERY slowly. Misumi’s hips were moving, trying to get my fingers to fuck her faster, to push her into her orgasm. I moved up to whisper in her ear…

“Misumi, I want you to hold off your first orgasm until my hand is deep inside you, and I tell you to cum. Don’t cum until I tell you to, OK?”

“OK Rachel, I will try, but I am already about to cum.”

“Try hard Misumi, don’t cum until I tell you to.”

I moved down to resume my efforts with my four fingers in her pussy. I was stretching her vaginal opening a little so when my hand went inside her she wouldn’t cum right on the spot. She definitely has a tight vagina, I can already tell that. It was time. I squirted some lube just inside her opened pussy and spread it with my four fingers. I folded my thumb over, and started to push my hand inside her. I watch her facial expressions. God she is a beautiful woman, she was looking at me with a worried look, sweat on her face, almost ready to cum, but trying not to cum. My hand fighting to get past the ring of tight muscles just inside her vagina, sliding in painfully slowly, easing it’s way inside, almost there, and then I was inside her. She breathed in quickly, she had been holding her breath it seems, but she didn’t cum. Her breathing was erratic, and her body was trembling slightly. Her abdominal muscles jerked every time I moved my hand inside her, she was just on the jagged edge of an orgasm.

I pressed deeper still, I wanted to drive as deep inside her as I dared without touching her cervix. I knew that touching her cervix or the sensitive tissues at the bottom of her vagina might instantly trigger an orgasm.

Her vagina is tighter than Hanna’s vagina, but Hanna is a much larger woman, and she has to fit King’s larger cock inside of her. Akira’s cock is almost as large as my horse Star’s cock and Misumi is so much smaller. It is still unbelievable that tiny Misumi can fit Akira’s massive cock inside her tighter pussy.

I started a slow fucking motion with my hand inside her, gently rocking her body each time I moved my hand. She was losing control, and I could tell that from her facial expressions. Her breathing was raspy, her body was trembling, and her abs and hips were jerking as if they were about to have a massive orgasm. She was fighting it like I asked her to, but she was losing the battle.

“Rachel…I Need To….”

“Not Yet Misumi…..Not Yet…..”

Misumi was sweating worse, her body was in trouble, she wasn’t going to make it much longer. I wasn’t fucking her faster, I was watching her carefully and edging her ever closer, painfully closer. She was going to cum so hard when she finally did. She was beside herself as her body was losing control, she couldn’t stop her orgasm from coming any longer. I lay down between her legs… was time.

“Rachel..I Need To…Help ME…CUM PLEASE!”

“Misumi, Cum HARD for me Now!”

I closed my mouth into kind of fish lips and started sucking on her clit…

BAM!…She exploded into a massive orgasm…screaming IKU! IKU! IKU!. I was pressing down on her abdomen just above her pubic bone as I sucked on her clit, thrusting my arm much faster now, deep full thrusts inside her spasming vagina. Misumi has strong vaginal muscles that were clamping my hand and arm each time her orgasm spasmed and released, slowing my thrusting down for a second. I was shaking my head side to side as I sucked on her clit, massaging it with my lips, moaning into her clit as I sucked on it. I stayed right with her trembling body the whole time.

I was holding her down hard, pressing her g-spot into my fist inside her from my outside hand on her abdomen as I rotated my fist against her g-spot on the inside of her vagina. It had the effect I was looking for, she was having orgasms one after the other, it was beautiful and I was right there. Misumi had been holding her breath for a long time now, so I needed to ease up, we had so much more still to do together. I stopped sucking on her clit, and quit thrusting inside her. I kissed her inner thighs as she came down from her orgasms and took many needed breaths. I slid my hand gently out from inside of her, watching closely as her pussy lips yielded to my hand coming out. I left a small gaping hole where my hand had been, so beautiful up close, felt like I wished I could crawl inside and just be surrounded by her wet warm loving pussy lips, so damn beautiful. I moved up above her as she opened her eyes…

“Oh Misumi, I have wanted to have my fist inside you for so long, to feel your orgasm pulse against my hand, to feel that connection between us, it was as magical as I hoped it would be, Thank You. Every time we get to share something new together it seems to bring my heart closer to you.”

I bent down and kissed her tenderly, a lovers kiss, long and lingering.

“You did very well not to cum before I wanted you to, Thank You. That was only for your first orgasm, now you can orgasm as much as you want to. Did you like having to wait to orgasm?, and are you ready to play some more My Love?”

“Oh Yes Rachel, It was very hard waiting, but I liked it very much, and I came so very hard for you like you asked me to. Yes I am ready to play some more.”

“OK, how about the 4 Stage Rocket Dildo, let’s see how many of the ripples we can get inside you.”

“OK, I will try it, but it looks scary.”

“I will be gentle, but it will be fun. OK, relax and we will get started.”

The 4 Stage Rocket Dildo is definitely scary, all 12.5 inches of it with the last ripple being 3.6 inch diameter…wow! I figured I could get 3 ripples in her tight pussy, maybe that would even be asking for a lot since each one is bigger than the last one. All I knew is that I was getting exited to try, and visually, this was going to be spectacular to see each ripple going into her beautiful pussy lips.

I got the Magic Wand ready by plugging in my Wand Massager Speed Controller. It gives me a variable speed instead of the usual two speeds as well as the convenience of remote speed control and a remote on/off switch. I thought I would use the Magic Wand to buzz her clit to orgasm when I got the Rocket Dildo in as far as it would go. I lubed up her pussy with my fingers, and lubed up the Rocket Dildo. Misumi watched every move I made. She was definitely nervous about this black scary beast that was about to try to assault her pussy. I placed a pillow under her hips raising them up a great deal until her pussy was almost pointing straight up. I had her fold her legs back and hold her ankles. I wanted her to be able to see this beast entering her pussy, to share in the visual beauty of her pussy lips yielding to the black dildo driving deep inside her. She is VERY limber I must say bent in half like this.

I positioned the Rocket Dildo at the entrance of her pussy and swirled it around a couple times which opened the lips up nicely. Her vagina glistened with the lube I had applied. I rested the Rocket Dildo at the entrance, it is heavy, but it didn’t go in on it’s own. I applied some pressure and watched as the almost vertical dildo sank down an inch into her pussy as her lips spread open. Now I could play a game of pressing down and watching her lips yield to the dildo invader, then easing my pressure and pulling up slightly and watching her pussy lips close up again. Misumi was moaning as I played my little game of teasing her vagina to take more and more of the first ripple, until finally I sent it more than half way in, and the ring of muscles inside her vagina swallowed the first ripple up….sucking it inside her vagina like it was devouring it whole. I watched as her pussy lips closed around the first ripple swallowing it up, it was deliciously beautiful, I wanted to watch it over and over again. So that is exactly what I did, I pulled out the first ripple just enough to watch it get sucked inside over and over again…God I loved watching that up close! Every time I pulled it out a little and let it slide back in, Misumi moaned louder, she liked it too.

Time for ripple number two. I pushed harder, this ripple was larger, she groaned as it started to enter her. I could feel the resistance. I rotated the Rocket Dildo as I was pumping it into her, like a piston working it deeper each stroke. Her body was moving with each stroke. I didn’t want her to orgasm yet, if she clamped down I might not get any more ripples inside her, and I was going for three. Her pussy lips were spread all the way for ripple number two, just a little bit more, pressing harder, she pushed back with her hips, and ripple number two slid inside her. Misumi let out a chirp kind of noise when that happened, I think she breathed in suddenly. A quick shot of lube at her pussy entrance and ripple number three was next. I needed to hurry, she wasn’t going to last much longer. Her breathing was getting raspy, and she was starting to tremble.

I was rotating the Rocket Dildo and pushing ripple number three against her vaginal opening. Ripple three is big, as soon as it popped inside her and pressed against her g-spot, she was certainly going to orgasm instantly. The first two ripples were already rubbing against her g-spot and everything nice inside her vagina, that is what is so nice about the Rocket Dildo, you really feel it massaging you inside. The Dildo was making a wet sucking sound as I pumped it into her, driving deeper, almost inside her, almost swallowed up, damn it’s big…..and then her pussy swallowed the third ripple…and she cried out!

“I’m Cumming!”

I began pumping The Rocket Dildo inside her up to the fourth ripple, trying not to pull it out. I knew I would never get the thirst ripple back in if I did. She was trembling violently. I watched her beautiful body tremble through her orgasm with this massive black dildo sticking vertically out of her pussy which I held down inside her so she couldn’t push it out of her.

I reached over with my right hand and picked up the Magic Wand vibrator and turned it on LOW. I placed the head of the vibrator on her pussy lips on the right side, also touching the Rocket Dildo. I wanted to extend her orgasm, maybe even give her another one. I moved the Magic Wands vibrations to HIGH. I moved the Magic Wand higher until it was touching the Dildo and her clit….

BAM! She exploded into another orgasm….


She was holding her breath and clamped down so hard on the huge dildo I couldn’t move it at all. The dildo was flailing in the air a bit, from her body shaking so badly. Good thing I was holding on to the end of the dildo. Her body shaking like that probably made the dildo inside her massage her vagina more extending it longer than usual, because she rode her orgasm for what seemed like twice as long as normal. The Magic Wand on her clit probably helped too. I moved it off her clit to the side of the dildo and pussy lips as before and switched it to LOW. I suspect her clit by now was WAY too sensitive for any more direct buzzing like that. She just rode her orgasmic afterglow for another minute.

I had one more dildo combination I wanted to try on her tonight. I know I’m terrible aren’t I, still wanting more. I can’t help myself, she is just so exciting to play with. I have wanted to be with her for so long. Heck, I must have had twelve yummy things I wanted to do TO her, and WITH her, and I pared it down to three! That’s not TOO bad in my book. Well, anyway back to our playtime for now.

After another minute I switched off the Magic Wand, and gently slid the Rocket Dildo out of Misumi’s pussy. I watched closely as each ripple forced open her pussy lips as wide as they would go before being pushed out. When the last ripple came out, her pussy was left with a small gaping opening, just big enough to slide a finger into. I watched it for a moment, it was lovely and inviting. I wanted to gaze upon it, and just enjoy its wonder and beauty, maybe just because it was a different look, a more inviting look for an already beautiful pussy. If I had a camera I would have taken a picture to preserve this moment of beauty. I thought how lucky I really am to be here. I moved above Misumi to look into her eyes and talk to her. I kissed her lovingly again.

“Hello My Love, you did very well just now. You were able to take three of the Rocket Dildo ripples inside you. How did they feel?”

“Rachel, they were very big. I was scared at first. But you were very gentle with me and as I took each one I got more excited each time. When the third one popped inside me I came so hard. I watched them all going inside me, I watched you helping me, I liked that part very much. I love what you are doing to me Rachel.”

“Can you handle just one more playtime tonight My Love?, it will be with the other black dildo and the We-Vibe, it will be fun. We will be doing this one together.”

“Yes Rachel, I would like to play one more time with you tonight.
I was worried that Misumi might be getting a little tired or sore, so I would try to make this playtime as quick as possible. I had thought about playing with Misumi and the Rambone Dildo and the We-Vibe for a while before involving me, but that may be too many orgasms for her before involving me. She might just get too tired. So I will move on to the second phase of the We-Vibe play and get her buzzing on low, then get her setup with me until we are done for the night. I’m hoping it will be amazing together.

I lay Misumi down on the left side of the bed and inserted the We-Vibe in her and squeezed it together for a snug fit. I put the garter belt and battery pack on her, she was ready to go. She looks sexy in her red and black garter belt. I lubed up her pussy and the Dick Rambone 17” Black Dildo. As I prepared to insert the HUGE Rambone Dildo into her, the visual was interesting. Seeing 17” of Huge Black Rambone Dildo about to be inserted into tiny Misumi, much like seeing Akira’s cock about to be inserted in her in the morning….awe inspiring! So I started working Rambone into her pussy as she moaned each time I thrust it in deeper. I had pushed nearly 9 or 10 inches into her by the time I had stopped….WOW! She was all ready to go. I set the We-Vibe remote by the pillow. I tied a 4 foot piece of rope around the suction cup end of the Rambone Dildo. Now it was my turn to get ready.

I lubed up my pussy just a little and lay in the middle of the bed. I inserted the Magic Wand Head into my pussy. I was so excited I could hardly get it inside me, the head of the Magic Wand is 2.5 inches in diameter, I had to tell myself to relax. I could have cum from the insertion alone, I was horny, and I was ready for what was about to happen. I had been thinking about this scenario all day of course, for days even. I turned to my side, with the Magic Wand sticking out of my pussy and I looked at Misumi.

“Oh Misumi, I get so turned on when I think about you and I making love together each time. I wanted to feel your body on mine this last time when you have your orgasms, so come over here and lie on me so we can get started.”

I was right next to Misumi, I just reached out to her, pulled her close to me, and rolled her light body upon mine as I rolled over onto my back. I reached to my side to grab the rope tied to the suction cup end of the Rambone Dildo inserted into Misumi. I wanted to be able to pull on the rope to drive the dildo deeper into her and fuck her that way or just hold it in deep as she orgasmed. I reached over and turned the Magic Wand on LOW with the variable speed control which was up by my waist.

“Hi My Love, ready for the We-Vibe?”

“Yes Rachel, I am ready.”

I picked up the remote and pressed the UP button to LOW. Misumi jumped just a little, it’s hard not to when your clit is suddenly buzzing. I might have jumped too, because my clit was exactly under the same spot, her We-Vibe was touching and buzzing my clit too!

I liked feeling her warmth and weight on me. The Magic Wand inside me was vibrating my g-spot and it was feeling really good. I could rotate my hips to vary the stimulation it was giving my g-spot and my whole vaginal area inside.

I started pulling on the rope tied to the suction cup end of the Rambone Dildo, to pull the Dildo into her, to start fucking her with the dildo, to get things going. Misumi looked at me and smiled, she has a cute smile, so I kept pulling on the rope. Just nudging it into her an inch or two each time, little fucking motions, just that last inch over and over again. She really seemed to like it, and was moaning already as her eyes closed and her mouth opened. Of course the We-Vibe was buzzing on her clit and g-spot this whole time doing its part. I could feel it buzzing my clit too.

I pull on the rope to hold the Rambone Dildo in deep, Misumi is just pressing back against it now, grinding on it really, so I held a tension on the rope for her to do just that. She is grinding hard for deep penetration. She started trembling suddenly, she was having an orgasm already….Yes!

I also reached around her with one leg pressing her ass tight against me which pressed the We-Vibe harder against both our clits. I used my other leg to hold pressure against the Rambone 17” dildo deep inside her.

With Misumi trembling on top of me like this, she feels like a human vibrator shaking my whole body. Something interesting, her hips were also driving into mine as her abs were contracting, causing the We-Vibe to push up on my clitoral shaft skin faster and faster, basically jacking off my clitoris. Her jacking off my clitoris was feeling amazing, and it was going to make me have an orgasm. I had never had anyone jack off my clitoris shaft before….especially with a buzzing We-Vibe….WOW!

I pressed the We-Vibe remote UP button to HIGH. I couldn’t help myself, I was about to have am orgasm from her jacking off my clit, the We-Vibe masturbating and vibrating my clit, and from how sensual it was to have her body trembling on top of mine was pushing me over the edge.

I had my eyes closed again, just pressing her tight athletic body into mine, holding her tightly against me….so very tight. She is shaking my body as she trembles violently through her orgasms….My God it is so sexy I am awe of her sexual capacity. I am just enjoying the sensations of her body trembling against mine. I can’t tell you how sensual and unusual that is. I have seen so many orgasms, and heard orgasms before, but to also feel them radiate through my entire body from her now…as she trembles through her orgasms…I began to weep… amazing this moment was…I am part of her body…part of her orgasms……I am literally sharing her orgasm……my god…it is beautiful.

Her orgasms are coming non-stop at this point. She is on an orgasmic plateau of one orgasm after another. She is moaning constantly and moaning sounds, but mostly not words really. I can hear Iku! And Cuming! in there…they mean the same thing…Iku is Japanese for ‘I’m Cuming’…..but mostly just moaning sounds…her body is losing control….then she screams one last time…

Iku! Iku! Iku! Iku!………and then she passes out.

Misumi lay silent on my trembling body. Her mouth was open….but she was out.

I closed my eyes and orgasmed just as she passed out. I was holding my breath, but I was still holding her still body the best I could. I was aware of my body trembling through my orgasm, of my arms around Misumi, and the tears running down the side of my face. When my trembling was finally easing I took a much needed breath. I looked at Misumi, her body was twitching on mine, even that was sexy as hell. She was breathing and a tiny bit of drool was falling from her mouth onto me. I pressed DOWN on the We-Vibe remote until it was OFF. I had relaxed my hold on her just a little when she passed out, probably squeezed her tighter during my trembling orgasm, but I still had my arms around her quiet little body now. I started tracing my fingertips up and down her back lovingly, to stimulate her just a little bit, just enjoying having her close to me.

I had learned my lesson before, and now used a remote speed control for the Magic Wand, so I switched the Magic Wand inside me to OFF, it went silent.

I have never seen another woman cum so many times before. Misumi’s capacity for orgasms is truly amazing.

As my breathing was returning to normal, my beautiful Misumi lay upon me. I could feel here weight upon me, and I squeezed her tight to me once again. I had to take just a quiet moment to hold her gently against me. This was very special to me, this moment in time. I was so happy, and tears filled my eyes again. This is the second time in the last few minutes I had tears in my eyes. Maybe I cry a lot at times, but this was very special and emotional for me, and besides, I had orgasmic endorphins racing through my body, and I felt so good at this very moment in time, a dream had come true. How often do dreams really come true? I had dreamed about my precious Misumi so many times. I had wanted to make love with Misumi, and it had been wonderful tonight. It turned out to be more thrilling than I could have hoped for. My little Misumi had turned out to be an amazing sexual athlete with a willingness to experiment and have so much fun, even surprising me! I did manage to wear her out, well, me and my We-Vibe.

Misumi stirred, lifting her head, and wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth. She raised her head up and looked into my eyes. I could tell she was tired, maybe wiped out would be a better description.

“Hi my love, you passed out. Are you OK?”

“I am fine Rachel.”

“I loved making love with you Misumi.”

“And I loved making love with you Rachel.”

I rolled her next to me, kissed her, then removed the Magic Wand from my pussy. I moved down to slide the toys out from inside her, and lay them on the towel. I cleared the bed of everything, we needed to get some sleep, she was fading fast. I lay down next to her so I could talk to her.

“Misumi, I would love for you to spend the night sleeping in my arms, if that would be OK with you. Would you like that?”

“Yes Rachel, I would like that very much.”

“OK Misumi, a quick bathroom break to get washed up and pee, then come back to bed. I want to hold you in my arms until we fall asleep.”

Misumi went to the bathroom and got washed up as did I, then we climbed into bed naked in each others arms. We lay next to each other for a few minutes, I wanted to gaze upon her body one last time, the most perfect body I had ever seen….so damn beautiful. We cuddled up together, spooning with her back against my front. I cupped her breast for just a moment as I pulled her to me, hugging her close. I had to move my hand from her breast, she exudes too much sexiness, her pert breast and nipple was turning me on again and she needed sleep. I moved my hand to hers, and and she grasped my hand with both of hers, and pulled them into her chest.

I pulled her in close to me, safe and warm for the night. We had fucked, we had made love, we had shared trembling orgasms together so strong that she eventually passed out laying on top of me. As I held her warm soft body close to mine in bed, I thought how special the day with Misumi had been. She had also shared a very personal part of herself and Akira with me this morning. It was so beautiful to see her come out of her shell and share that with me I shed tears of joy and love for her, as I gazed upon her beautiful offering to me. I had dreamed of making love with her for so long, when we finally did, it was amazingly glorious. She turned out to be this amazing sexual lover that was willing to try anything. What more could I have asked for?

Misumi smelled good in my arms. I remembered that she tasted good earlier too. Damn girl, get your mind off sex or you will end up waking this girl and ravishing her again…she needs her sleep! I couldn’t help it, I loved her, and I didn’t want this night to end. I hoped there would be others. Tonight was so perfect, I hoped I hadn’t scared her too much, and that she would want to be with me again. Maybe next time, something more tender and loving, to show her that I can do that too. Then if she asks me to pull out the big toys, I can do that for sure.

I can hear her breathing is quiet, she is sleeping in my arms, time for me to sleep as well. I am finding my way here at the resort. I seem to be happier each day. Hanna has lead me to a place where some of the answers to my life’s questions can be found. At least questions about new adventures, inner peace, sexual fulfillment in my life’s journey, these things I have found here. I have found some special friends along the way too. A special lover with mesmerizing blue eyes, Hanna, Misumi, and all the other women riders here I call my sisters. And let’s not forget my special boy Star, I love him too. And yet maybe there is still a little more to come.

Hanna has mentioned some special friends of hers, a mother and daughter from another country coming to visit to try the We-Vibe. Now I know that will be an interesting visit for them, and also for Hanna and I enjoying watching their orgasms with the We-Vibe.

I can feel my breathing against Misumi’s body, sharing the same pillow, feeling warm against her. My last thoughts were flashing between her body laying on mine earlier, and spooning against me now. I whispered….

“I love you Misumi.”…then I was out.


Chapter 14 – A Very Special Mother and Daughter Visit The Resort

My body was changing here at the resort in very interesting and unique ways. I was becoming a more sexual person in every aspect possible. Almost every night, I was having more vivid dreams. Probably the result of being flooded with such high levels of endorphins all day long, every day. Also having days where I was feeling such strong emotions toward certain people was causing me to have repeating dreams about them. I was having dreams about Misumi, Hanna, and lately, even someone special with mesmerizing blue eyes… Nina. Probably my brain coping with these flooding levels of endorphins each day, and thinking about special past experiences as well.

I think my brain chemistry was changing. I think even the wiring in my brain was changing. I was becoming a more sexual being, a different being. My body was yearning for sexual activity each day. My body was developing a hunger or thirst for sex, for orgasms. Almost like a drug, my body felt driven toward pleasure. I felt excited every day to get my next orgasm. I might have been worried before that bellyriding might get repetitious at some point, but that is clearly not the case here. My body has a real excitement about it. My breathing gets more rapid, and I tremble as I see Star’s cock in the morning knowing it will soon be inside me. My body is a very different sexual being than when I first arrived here, and my mind is changing right along with it. Even the simple pleasures of each day bring me joy. Waking up to the morning sunrise, a beautiful sunset, the smell of good food, the face of a loved one, so many more even simpler things than that.

I think it also has to do with less stress in my life. We get a glimpse of this on vacations, We should all take moments in each day to try and release some of the stress we carry that seems to beat us down on a daily basis. Stress is such a heavy burden to carry, find ways to lighten your load, whatever it takes, so you can see and appreciate the wonderful simple things around you. These things can help lift your spirits every day, take the time to see them, you won’t be sorry.

Riding with Star all day is only part of the answer. My dreams at night have me scheming to get Hanna and Misumi into my bed which I have accomplished. I want them in my bed again, so I hope that will happen soon…..I NEED for that to happen. I have had dreams about my Nina in my bed, even if I know that will probably not happen here in Brazil. My brain is just on a sexual high all day that gives me WILD dreams at night.

Hanna had told me about these special friends of hers from Hungary that were going to come visit us for a few days. The mother Lili, and the daughter Zoe are coming to visit the resort tomorrow. Hanna had mentioned to them that we had something VERY special here that allowed our bellyriders to orgasm more than three times as often, and allow our horse lovers to orgasm two to three times as often. Hanna didn’t go into specifics, but she wanted them to come visit us and try it out. She told them it was exclusive to our resort, so they had to come here.

Hanna told me they had royal blood in their bloodline, and were very well-to-do in Hungary. Bestiality is legal in Hungary and is practiced quietly among the rich, and quite often. Hanna told me about their special Lipizzan Stallions, all white from a royal bloodline. The royals usually preferred gray Lipizzan Stallions, but some owners wanted white, which seems to be more rare these days.

I was really looking forward to the mother and daughter visiting us at the resort. I was getting excited about introducing them to my We-Vibe for the first time. I knew how well it had worked for all the women bellyriders here. I was sure they would lose their minds when they started having so many massive orgasms with the help of my We-Vibe. What was even better, is that Hanna and I planned to walk with them and watch them enjoy themselves under our horses, King and Star. We would have a front row seat watching this royal mother and daughter blast through orgasm after orgasm all day long. It was going to be epic, and so much fun watching them have countless orgasms.

Hanna believed they each rode for about 4-8 hours, maybe 3 times per week. That means they probably were in pretty good shape. Hanna showed me pictures of both of them, they were both very beautiful women, the mother had brunette hair, and the daughter had blonde hair. Hanna told me the mother was 37 and the daughter was almost 19.

I went with Hanna to pick them up at the airport in a limo that Hanna had ordered for the occasion. Hanna was so excited to see them, and I was excited to get to watch them have massive orgasms from the We-Vibe like they have never had before. I also wanted to see their reaction when they got blasted with semen every 20-30 minutes, instead of every hour. I’m not sure why I like watching women orgasm as much as I do. I know I have voyeuristic tendencies in me, that seems OK to me though. But it fascinates me to watch women having orgasms, and besides, it REALLY turns me on!

When I introduced the We-Vibe to the women here, I walked around watching them having orgasms all day long. I had so much freaking fun, it was unbelievable! I was so horny at the end of the day, that was the night Hanna took my hand and led me to bed with her. I was so horny already, I had massive orgasms with her very quickly.

At the airport we waited for them at the baggage claim area. When they came into view, they were walking side by side, they were stunning in appearance. The pictures didn’t do them justice. These two women were stunningly beautiful! They had on summer dresses that flowed behind them as they walked. They both had sexy figures, trim and athletic. A thought popped in my head, Hanna is stunningly beautiful too! I think she is from the same country as the mother Lili and daughter Zoe. I guess they have beautiful women in Hungary…..who come from money….who like to bellyride!

Hanna and I also had our summer dresses on, I stood with a smile on my face, getting more excited, as Hanna rushed to meet them. She hugged the mother Lili first then kissed her on both cheeks, first the left cheek then the right. I was watching closely to learn as fast as I could. Then Hanna hugged and kissed the daughter Zoe on the left cheek then the right. I suddenly got nervous, I forget to ask Hanna what the protocol for greeting women from Hungary was for a stranger like me. As the three women got closer, they all stopped as Hanna introduced them to me. She introduced the mother as Lili, I reached out my hand to shake hers and she shook my hand graciously. Hanna then introduced the daughter as Zoe. As I started to reach out my hand again, Zoe came flying toward me, crashing into me, and flew her arms around me giving me a great big hug. I hugged her back, then she gave me a kiss on each cheek as I sort of kissed her back. Wow, she caught me by surprise! Zoe stepped back so she could talk to me.

“Rachel, Hanna has told us so much about you. I am very excited to see your special secret Hanna wants us to try. She said you invented it, I can hardly wait.”, Zoe said.

“Well Zoe, we wanted to keep it a secret and not tell you much about it until you try it for the first time. It just might be one of the most AMAZING experiences of your life.”

I watched Zoe’s eyes as I told her that. I don’t think she was quite ready for what I had just told her, but she clearly got very excited. I too was very excited but for a very different reason.

I could hardly wait to see these two beauties naked! Then naked with massive horse cocks in them! Then naked having massive orgasms! Then naked having massive orgasms while semen was getting blasted inside them!….Yeah…something like that. This was DEFINITELY going to be so much fun!

I told you my body was changing and I was becoming a more sexual person. Damn, I can’t be held responsible for my sexual drives at this point, I’m feeling so sexual these days….and I love it!

We collected their luggage and headed to the limo, a great choice by Hanna. We could sit Hanna and I on one side, and Lili and Zoe on the other side and just relax and talk all the way back to the resort. The other three did most of the talking. I sat across from Zoe, I felt an attraction to her immediately, but she was sooo young at 19 years old, and with her mother Lili here, I wasn’t sure anything would happen between us. I suspect Hanna and Lili were either best friends or long time friends. I should ask Hanna how to proceed here if I decide I was interested in flirting or even being intimate with Zoe during her visit. Zoe was turning out to be such a bright spark of life on our ride back to the resort, and she seemed very smart. She tried a couple times to get me to tell her a little more about my bellyriding surprise, she was so cute about it. I wanted them to only have the same 10 minute introduction the other women at the resort received before trying it for the first time. No time to get scared or over think the situation, just let it happen.

Hanna decided to ask Lili and Zoe the big question…

“Ladies….Lili and Zoe, would you like to ride today, or wait until tomorrow?”

I already knew Zoe’s answer, she was so anxious about finding out our special surprise she needed to find out the answer as soon as possible. Lili I wasn’t so sure. Did they get much sleep on the plane? Maybe they could do a 4 hour ride today.

“You could get a 4 hour ride in today if you would like to try out our special surprise today rather than waiting until tomorrow.”

“Oh Mother, Please let’s ride today!”

Zoe was getting so excited about the possibility of riding today, if she would have been a little puppy, she probably would have wet herself like puppies can do when they get overly excited. It really was very cute to see.

Well, her mother could see how excited she was, and said sure they could do a ride before dinner. Apparently they had caught a non-stop flight from Miami to Recife, Brazil. It was a red-eye flight, much shorter than the usual 19 hour flights, and they had slept on the plane.

As we pulled in to the resort, Zoe was beside herself with excitement. Zoe would probably be riding Star today. I wondered if he would fuck Zoe SLOWLY if I asked him to. That would be another new experience for her. Our collection bowls would be another one also. All kinds of new experiences for this cute young girl. Damn I was getting excited too.

We had two rooms set up, so Lili and Zoe could each have their own room while they stayed here. I liked the sound of that. All kinds of possibilities there. We had a quick bite of lunch. Well Hanna, shall we show them our special secret surprise we have for them to try today for bellyriding?

“Sure, I think we can show them now.”

I went in and got 3 We-Vibes with batteries and remotes, as well as three garter belts, and put them all in a shoe box and brought it out. I watched Zoe’s eyes, they were staring at the shoe box the whole time I was carrying it into the room. When I set it down, I made a little joke…

“Well, it’s smaller than a shoe box…..”

Zoe looked up at me, wasn’t sure quit what to make of that I guess, I smiled at her, then she realized I was just making a joke and she cracked up. I opened the box and brought out a single We-Vibe. It’s funny ‘U’ shape is different and interesting at the same time, the first time you see it. You don’t really know what to make of it really.

“This little beauty will change your world Lili and Zoe. Bellyriding will never be the same again for you. I developed this We-Vibe to be VERY special, ALL of the women rider here use it every day. Half gets inserted inside your pussy and the other half sits against your clit. There are two vibrators, one inside you against your g-spot, and the other outside against your clit. There is a custom remote control that varies the vibrations and the intensity. We wear a garter belt to help secure the We-Vibe in place while we are riding. I have one for each of you to look at.”

I gave each of them a We-Vibe and a remote. I showed them how the remote worked and let them practice with the remote before they got on a horse. I showed them how the We-Vibe clamped on four of my fingers of one hand so they would see how it would fit snuggly inside them. They were fascinated with the We-Vibe, especially Zoe. Kids these days seem to love gadgets easier than adults. I wasn’t worried, as soon as Lili felt this thing in action, any uncertainty she might be feeling would vanish. Zoe was ready to go.

Hanna was ready to gather up the troops, but first bathroom breaks before riding as usual…

“We are about to go meet the horses, but first, everybody take a moment for a bathroom break, and use the bidet. We collect the semen from the horses, so we want everyone to be as washed and clean as possible.”

Then it was time to meet the horses. Hanna took the four of us to the stables and started showing King and Star to Lili and Zoe.

“King is a magnificent black beauty, he is my horse. He is the largest of our horses, and he also has the largest cock. And….over here we have Star. He is also a magnificent black beauty, he is Rachel’s horse. He has the second largest cock, just about as big as King’s. I was thinking Lili, you should take King, and Zoe, you should take Star. Rachel and I will be walking with you both today, helping you with our special surprise for your first time while you ride. How does that sound to you Lili?”

“Hanna, that sounds perfect. What do you think Zoe?”

“Mother, I think that sounds great! I’m so ready, let’s gooo!”

Her cute youthful enthusiasm in certainly infectious…you gotta love it. Hanna had called Lisa who showed up to get the horses ready for Lili and Zoe. I would help with Star, and Hanna would help with King. Lisa brought out Star and attached the reins to a ring on the wall. Star’s bellyriding saddle was already attached to him. Lisa had prepared both horses already. King was brought out as well. Hanna showed Lili and Zoe the lockers and said they should put their cloths in there, it was time to get naked and ride.

I watched as Lili and Zoe strip and place their clothes in the lockers. Sundresses, bras, panties, shoes….Yep….Stunning figures too, both of them. Zoe mostly from youth, Lili from bellyriding, and working out I suspect, but in tremendous shape…WOW. She certainly took great pride in her appearance, and I’m sure she worked hard at it too. It also says she ate well, since that is part of it.

Lili and Zoe showed no signs of being shy about being naked in front of strangers, good for them. I guess they are used to that from bellyriding, as well as being a little more sexually liberated in Hungary maybe. Still though, being that open at 19 year old, pretty impressive. I was 32 in the USA, and I still had to work pretty hard sometimes at not being shy about being naked in front of others. Not as shy since coming here, now being naked is becoming second nature.

I suspect our bellyriding harnesses are different too with our special quick disconnect feature, making it much easier to get into and out of the bellyriding saddle. Lisa helped Lili get in the saddle, then Hanna attached her hands and feet to the saddle above. Lisa came over and helped Zoe into her saddle, and I attached her hands and feet to the saddle above.

Zoe has a beautiful body. Her breasts are my size 34B, she looks 5’7” tall. Her pussy is shaved clean. And of course I will be gazing at her beautiful orgasming body strictly in a ‘clinical’ fashion… just to continue my We-Vibe research…..for the next four hours….yeah right. It will be my great pleasure to walk with her and get to share her orgasms as she has them. She has no idea what is is store for her….That is the best part…she really has no idea how awesome this is going to be for her. She has MANY surprises coming….and CUMMING…her way! God this is going to be epic!

At dinner tonight I think they will have some interesting stories to tell.

I think Hanna and I both want them to have a vacation visit here they will NEVER forget. Damn….what if we do TOO good a job. Well, I already know the answer to that one. Once you ride with the We-Vibe, you NEVER want to ride without it again. DAMN! I wanted the We-Vibe to be exclusive to Hanna’s resort…..Well Hell. This was her idea to invite them here. They are her VERY special friends, so I really didn’t have too much to say in the matter. Well, maybe Hanna and I can figure something out. Keep the We-Vibe exclusive except on a VERY rare occasion, and even then make it VERY expensive both to recoup some of my development cost, and to let them know they are getting something very special and unique. I better be prepared mentally, if Hanna brings up the idea of selling the We-Vibe to them.

“Zoe Star’s cock is really large, I was wondering how large is the cock of your horse back home. Are you going to be OK with a big cock today?”

“Rachel, my usual horse is an all white Lipizzan Stallion, he is a big horse, and he has a big penis. I think I will be OK with Star’s penis today. If it is bigger than I am used to, then we will just have to work it into me slowly. But I am ready to try.”

Zoe has a pretty pussy, it’s shaved clean, and soon it was going to be a nice warm home for Star’s massive cock all day today. A nice warm place to receive all his nice hot semen he has to offer. And she will take it all gladly, only wishing she could keep it all to herself. But alas, most of it will come pouring out, only to get caught up in our collection bowls. But at least it will be used now, and not fall to the ground to be wasted anymore.

Lisa had been lubricating Lili’s pussy with our special lube. She was masturbating King’s cock to full size, and was now trying to fit his cock into Lili… wasn’t going in. King’s cock was larger than Lili was used to having inside her. Lisa added more lube to Lili’s pussy, worked King’s cock head around the opening, pressed hard….and finally…it popped in!

“It’s In….Damn that’s big!”, Lili said.

Only the head and an inch or two was in, but it was a start. Lisa press more and another 3 inches slid inside. This was going to be fine. Lisa gave King a 4 hour shot.

“OK Lili, push down to get the rest inside you, I need to go help Zoe.”

Lisa came over to help Zoe. Lisa lubed up Zoe’s pussy and Star’s cock. Lisa masturbated Star’s cock and moved to insert it into Zoe… didn’t fit either. I kind of smiled to myself, I was proud of my big boys massive cock. Lisa put extra lube and worked Star’s cock a little harder and finally it popped into Zoe.

“It’s in me…Oh My God, It’s Huge!”

Now I did smile. She was going to love Star’s massive cock so many times today, she was going to lose her mind. She was going to have so many massive orgasms, and Star was going to blast her with so much hot semen, Damn! I wonder if I can get her to pass out with the We-Vibe on HIGH today? Hehe. Well we will just see how the day goes, it would make for a good story at the dinner table tonight. I’m getting ahead of myself, I don’t even know what her orgasms are like yet. But, I will sure find out shortly. Lisa gave Star his 4 hour shot, we were basically ready to go. We attached the collection bowls to both riders and we were off.

“Mother, my horse Star has a HUGE penis, and it just got bigger when they gave him the shot. I can’t wait to try the We-Vibe! I am so ready.”

“Well Daughter, my horse King, his penis is so HUGE, they couldn’t get it inside me for a few minutes. I’m ready to try the We-Vibe as well.”

I thought to myself, they had no Idea what they were about to experience, how could they? But I did know, THEY WERE GOING TO LOVE IT! I could tell them twenty times, but they still wouldn’t have an understanding of just how great it is, you just have to experience it for yourself. So here we go.

Hanna and I led them out of the stables into the countryside. It was a beautiful warm day at the resort, we couldn’t have hoped for better weather. Hanna was leading Lili out, and I was leading Zoe. I watched Zoe’s shaved pussy taking Star’s cock as she swung forward and back, side to side as Star walked along. Just a couple inches sliding in and out each time, her breasts swaying gently, a smile of pleasure on her face.

“Zoe, how are you feeling under Star, do you like his cock?”

“Oh yes Rachel, I like Star’s cock very much. It is the largest cock I have ever had inside me. I was worried at first, but it feels very nice now.”

“Zoe, then why don’t you thrust on it a few times to see how it feels with you thrusting on it a little deeper.”

I watched as Zoe started thrusting her beautiful body harder against Star’s massive cock. Zoe started moaning and breathing faster. I wanted to surprise her a little at just how good the We-Vibe feels.

I reached up and pressed the UP button turning the We-Vibe to LOW.

“Oh My God!”

Zoe, started trusting faster and faster, and was moaning so loud…it didn’t take long at all…..she was about to cum already….I knew she was surprised it was happening so fast.

“I going to cum.”

Her body was shaking as her orgasm hit her. Her breasts were jiggling, her head was turned toward me.


Zoe rode out her orgasm like a champ. It was a lovely orgasm, her body straining, used to having orgasms, but this one seemed stronger and quicker to her.

“Zoe, keep going, keep thrusting on Star’s cock.”

Zoe kept thrusting on Star’s cock like I asked her to……good. I reached up and pressed the remote to MEDIUM. Zoe jumped a little and made a little noise when I did it. She started thrusting her body faster on Star’s massive cock, I wanted her to cum a second time, and I could hear the signs of her breathing and moaning….she was going to cum a second time. I stopped walking Star. I decided to have Star fuck Zoe slowly to trigger her second orgasm.


Zoe was sweating now, she was on the edge of crashing into her second orgasm, her body was trembling, she was moaning loudly, her breathing was labored with her efforts and moaning…..she was about to cum…Star started thrusting into her SLOWLY…


BAM!……Zoe exploded into her second massive orgasm, stronger than the first one. Her body was trembling harder, she was having a tremendous orgasm, longer and stronger than the first one. Star was still thrusting into her SLOWLY….what a good boy, her body was rigid, riding out her orgasm. Her abs were tight, she was holding her breath, her eyes were closed tight, as her body trembled hard. She needed to breath badly….very badly. She finally breathed in…

“Oh God….”

Star was still thrusting into Zoe’s pussy SLOWLY….edging her closer to an orgasm…
I let Star thrust into her for another minute….

“Zoe, you love Star’s massive cock thrusting into you, don’t you? SAY IT!”

“I love Star’s cock……thrusting….into me.”

“Ask Star to please blast his hot semen into you NOW.”

“Star, Please!……blast your hot semen………into me…..NOW!”


And with that, Star started thrusting FAST FAST FAST into Zoe.
I pressed UP on the WE-Vibe remote to HIGH. Zoe started losing her mind.
Her body didn’t know if it was coming or going. Her brain was starting to be overwhelmed with sensations. She was sort of trying to get away, but she was strapped down to Star, and would have to ride this experience out. She was clearly having an orgasm, but not the big one yet. Her body was trembling through an orgasm, she was moaning and her eyes were closed, she was having multiple smaller orgasms, one after the other. I don’t know if she had ever been multi-orgasmic before, and these were rapid fire.


I heard Star Neighing and knew he was about to blast his hot semen into Zoe. I watched her belly, and sure enough I could see his flaring cock head showing moving up and down in her skinny belly, an amazing sight.

“Zoe Star is cumming inside you, blasting his hot cum inside you, cum hard for me NOW.”

Right then I saw Star start his hard thrusts, blasting his hot semen inside Zoe, holding deep inside her, blasting her with semen, withdrawing, then thrusting deep inside blasting her again. Doing this over and over again. Star was thrusting into her so many times having edged himself and her with his SLOW thrusting before cumming. He was cumming so good into her.


BAM! Zoe exploded into her strongest orgasm of the morning. She was shaking so violently her body was banging against Star’s belly. Star was used to this from me doing it before, so he would be OK with it happening.

“Oh God…..Oh God…..Oh God…..”

Zoe was losing it in a major way. I was watching it happen, I just had to decide how far to let it go. I was going to push her as far as I could today. She was young, she could take it. I wanted her to have the most amazing, insanely great day today as possible.

Star was just finishing thrusting into Zoe, her mouth was wide open. Zoe was mostly gone, breathing returning to normal, not quite passed out. Her body was twitching, which I love to watch, and the We-Vibe was still on HIGH. I reached up waited for one more twitch, and turned the remote to OFF.

I knelt on the ground. I placed my right hand on her chest and rubbed up and down a couple times to bring her back. Her breasts are beautiful, and I really wanted to feel them, so I moved my hand to caress her breast gently. Zoe’s breast felt good in my hand, so soft as I massaged it gently against her chest.

“Come back to me Zoe….Come back to me.”

I gently stroked her cheek at the same time as I continued to caress her breast. Zoe stirred, But I kept up my touching caresses.

“Hi Sweet Girl, How do you feel. I hope you don’t mind me touching you to wake you up, you feel very nice in my hands, you are a beautiful woman.”

“I don’t mind you touching me Rachel it feels nice.”

“So Zoe, how did you like having all those orgasms?”

“It felt amazing Rachel, that was unbelievable, Holy Shit.”

“And Zoe, How did you like Star’s cock?”

“Star’s cock was FUCKING AMAZING! You taught Star to fuck you SLOW and FAST?….DAMN!”

“And ZOE, how did you like the We-Vibe?”

“Hated It!…..Are You Kidding Me….That is THE MOST AWESOME INVENTION ON THE PLANET! I came so fast, and so hard, and so many times, and Star came so fast inside me…..I freaking LOVE IT!”

“Zoe, do you want to go see how your mother is doing?”

“Oh Yes Rachel, please let’s go see her, I wonder if she has tried the We-Vibe yet?”

We had only been out for 12 minutes I would say. Zoe had already orgasmed a dozen times, lost her mind, and had Star blast a load of hot semen inside her already. I walked us over to see how her mother Lili was doing just over a small hill. They had not even turned on the We-Vibe yet. As we got closer I could see Hanna and Lili were talking.

“Oh Mother, the most amazing thing just happened, I tried the We-Vibe for the first time. It was so amazing…..Oh My God! I have had multiple orgasms, and Star has already cum inside me, can you believe that? This new invention of theirs is awesome! You have to try it RIGHT NOW!”

“OK, OK, Zoe. Hanna, what is the best way to get started with the We-Vibe?”

“Just start thrusting on King’s cock, and in a minute press the We-Vibe UP button to LOW. There is a LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH setting for the We-Vibe. Then keep thrusting on his cock until you orgasm. Then keep thrusting on his cock on MEDIUM, then on HIGH, don’t ever stop thrusting on King’s cock. It won’t be easy though, but that is the challenge I’m setting for you, to keep on thrusting on his cock. Think you can do that even on HIGH?”

“I will try Hanna, I will try.”

“OK Lili, remember, don’t stop thrusting on King’s cock until I tell you to stop….I will be turning up the We-Vibe for you to help you…….now….GO!”

Lili started thrusting on King’s cock, with Hanna, Zoe and I all watching her. Lili has a beautiful body, a 37 year old version of Zoe’s nearly 19 year old body. Lili’s 36C breasts were swaying gently as she thrust on King’s truly massive cock. Her pussy was tightly sealed around their joining as she drove up and down his lubricated shaft. Her pussy lips were clinging to his cock, kind of kissing his pink and black skin just caressing it on every thrusting motion. I love watching a woman thrusting on her horse lovers cock, getting herself turned on, seeing her need for an orgasm rise within her. Lili was starting to moan as I watched Hanna’s hand press the remote UP button to LOW. Lili gave a loud moan exhaling when she felt the buzzing start, and started thrusting faster. Lili’s g-spot and clit were getting buzzed. She had never had this stimulation while bellyriding before, and she was already about to cum. She was moaning louder, and gasping for breath. Lili tried to keep thrusting, but her body was tensing up…she was going to orgasm already.

“I’m…going to cum…”

BAM!…Lili exploded into her first orgasm with the We-Vibe on LOW. Lili’s body was shaking through her orgasm. Her head was turned 90 degrees to the side facing us, her face was clenched tight as she orgasmed. She took short little breaths, moaning deep guttural sounds each time she exhaled. Each woman has her own orgasmic response, and they are all a pleasure to watch, Lili was no exception. As Lili’s orgasm eased Hanna had to keep her going.

“Lili keep thrusting, remember to always keep thrusting on King’s cock.”

Lili started to thrust on King’s cock again, as Hanna pressed the remote to MEDIUM. Lili was thrusting faster and faster now, and she was sweating with desire and the need to orgasm again.

“Go Mother Go!”

“Oh God…I’m going to cum again…”

BAM!…Lili exploded into her second orgasm with the We-Vibe on MEDIUM. Lili’s body was shaking harder than before, this was a stronger orgasm. I so love watching women’s bodies tremble and shake during their orgasms, I really do. Lili was moaning and breathing hard, Hanna reached out and massaged her breast, stimulating her, and sharing a moment with her orgasm. It was a touching scene between the two of them.

“Lili, Keep thrusting, keep thrusting.”

Lili was still riding out the last of her orgasm and started to thrust on King’s cock as Hanna pressed the UP button to HIGH. The effect was immediate as Lili screamed and tried to keep thrusting, but it was erratic at best. King neighed and started thrusting into Lili fast and deep. Kings thrusting caught Lili by surprise.

“Oh God, This…Feels…So….Good…”

I watched Lili’s belly for King’s flare….yep there it is, nice! Lili was almost screaming with each thrust, King was almost knocking the breath out of her with each thrust, Then King exploded inside her….

“OH GOD…He’s Cumming!”

BAM!….Lili Exploded Again! She was shaking more violently this time.



I don’t think she had ever cum like this before….not ever. Her g-spot was buzzing, her clit was buzzing, King’s massive cock was blasting hot semen inside her, and she was having her third massive orgasm in five minutes. Her brain was being overwhelmed with endorphins, and she was trembling so violently I’m sure she thought she was in trouble of losing control if not consciousness. It was a wonderful site to witness, I loved it. We were all watching quietly as Lili rode out her massive orgasm, followed by the jerking tremors that follow a full body orgasm that I love watching. As we watched her orgasm ease, seeing it was over, Hanna reached up and pressed the remote to OFF.

Hanna knelt beside Lili and massaged her breast once more, just loving her until she opened her eyes and smiled at Hanna.”

“Oh Lili, that was beautiful. How do you feel?”

“I feel wonderful Hanna. That was amazing like my daughter said it would be. I had no idea that your little invention could do so much for bellyriding. I have never cum so many times, or cum so hard before, ever. And King came so quickly without me working for 45 minutes, I really liked that.”

“Lili, we at the resort can have dozens of orgasms every half hour now, and we can get our horse lovers to blast us with semen every 20-30 minutes. We love it, every woman is now multi-orgasmic. We owe it all to Rachel who spent four months perfecting the We-Vibe exclusively for our resort. Now you see why I wanted you to come visit us, we have something truly special and amazing here. So now you HAVE to come visit me more often.”

“Oh Mother wasn’t it truly amazing?”

“Yes my daughter, it was truly amazing. My God….I have never had such a bellyriding experience like the one I just had.”

I needed to know something, so I whispered in Hanna’s ear…

“Would I be out of line if I flirted with Zoe and she ended up in my bed tonight?”

“I think that would be totally fine.”, Hanna told me.

After Hanna and I led King and Star separate ways, it was time to flirt with Zoe a little bit.

“Such a beautiful warm day, I think I will work on my tan a little bit.”

I took off my clothes and stood with my feet wide apart giving Zoe a nice view of my open pussy as I lay my clothes on the top saddle, which took a very long time for some reason. I was naked now so Zoe could look at me naked and think of me in a different way hopefully.

I helped Zoe have orgasms for the next two hours until I couldn’t stand it any longer. There had been an immediate connection between the two of us, as least I felt it. It had been smoldering all afternoon. Watching her have all these orgasms right in front of me only served to throw gasoline on that smoldering fire inside of me. I had started to inadvertently touch myself as I was watching her.

As Zoe was riding out her orgasm I was gently rubbing my clit with my wet fingers, fingers I had dipped in the semen collection bowl, and was now masturbating my clit with. I slid my semen slick fingers inside me, Oh God…..they slid in so easy, and they felt so good, I was dripping wet already from watching Zoe.

That was it, I needed to touch her somehow, I couldn’t possibly wait until tonight after dinner, I was so damn horny now. What the hell could I possibly do about it though. Just touching her breasts wasn’t going to be enough.

“Zoe, you have had an effect on me that started as an ember and has gotten hotter inside me all afternoon. I want to get to know you better, but I don’t think I can wait until tonight after dinner, I need to touch you now. Will you come with me now?”

“Yes Rachel, I will go with you now.”

I walked Star over to one of my favorite places at the resort, it’s under a tree by a stream. I helped swing Zoe up high sliding Star’s cock out from inside her, then setting his cock on her stomach. I unclipped the battery connection and removed the We-Vibe. I unfastened Zoe’s arms and legs and helped her from the bellyriding saddle. I held her to me for a minute until she got her balance. In the shade of the tree I lay down and held up my arms to Zoe, she knelt down, and the lay down beside me.

I looked into her hazel green eyes, so pretty, and kissed her lips gently. Then I teased her lips with my tongue.

‘I wanted to take you to bed with me tonight if you would like to, but I just couldn’t wait that long, I just had to taste you now.”

“That’s OK, I don’t mind. It sounds like a wonderful idea, both now and later.”

I moved above her, then I kissed her lips again then her neck, chest and her breasts and nipples which were sensitive and love being caressed and sucked on. I licked down her belly to her inner thigh licking her pussy lips, and licked up some of Star’s leaking semen which was running out of her. Well, we can’t waste that yummy stuff now can we. I was licking up Star’s semen as I licked her pussy lips. I wet my fingers with his semen as started stroking her clitoral shaft, Zoe started moaning when I started doing that. Zoe was ready for an orgasm, so I wet three fingers and slid them inside her and started a fucking motion rubbing her g-spot. I started sucking on her clit as I pressed down on her abdomen from above. Zoe grabbed my head as her hips started grinding against my mouth…she was about to cum.

Zoe came with my mouth on her clit, sucking her clit, while stroking her g-spot. She was moaning and gasping for breath. I was tasting her juices, and riding her hips as they bucked against me as her body shook. The shaking of her orgasm, settled into trembling, then eased into occasional jerking, as I was now just kissing her inner thighs. Star’s semen was still leaking out of her.

“Zoe, would you like to taste what Star’s semen tastes like?”

“Oh Yes Rachel, I would.”

I scooped up a tongue full of semen from her pussy and brought it up to her mouth. As I hovered over her mouth, as I opened my mouth, she opened hers, I let a long string of Star’s semen fall down into her mouth. She accepted the whole slimy string, good for her, until it fell from my mouth. She swallowed it down like a champ.

“That was good Rachel, is there more?”

“Why don’t I get the collection bowl, it should be nearly full, this is going to be fun.”

Sure enough, Star had cum seven times into Zoe already, the collection bowl was almost full….nice, lots for us to play with.

I came back with the collection bowl full of semen. I took a good sip and again let it fall into Zoe’s mouth. She swallowed it all.


“Yes, Please.”

Wow…I took a huge mouthful. She was going to have to swallow several times. This could get messy. I started letting the semen flow VERY slowly into her mouth, in one long slimy string. I could see it filling her mouth. When she swallowed she had to partially close her mouth. Semen fell on her lips then back in her mouth as she opened up again. She kept swallowing, but by the end, her lips, chin,and part of her face were coated with semen, what a beautiful mess.

“You are so beautiful, even with Star’s semen all over your lips and everywhere else. She smiled, and that only made her look even funnier. Here let me help you get cleaned up a little.”

“Suck the semen off my tongue each time.”

I took a long lick of her lips with my tongue and let her suck the semen off my tongue. I took my time doing this. It was funny, and it was sensual, and it was flirty, and it was perfect. I took many licks to clean her lips, chin and face this way. After we got her all clean I spread some semen on my nipples to see if she would lick it off, yes she did. She put some on her nipples which I hoped she would, because that was an invitation to me to play with her some more. I gladly sucked the semen off her nipples.

“Zoe, It’s not long until we have to head in to dinner. I would love for you to spend the night in bed with me if you would be interested. I also have some interesting sex toys to play with if that would interest you. I find you very sexually exciting, I want to spend more time close to you.”

“Yes Rachel, I would love to spend the night having sex with you and your toys.”

“Zoe, do you want one more ride with Star before dinner time?”

“Oh Yes Rachel, would you ask Star to do that SLOW fucking again please?”

“Yes Zoe, I will ask him. Sometimes he just goes FAST FAST FAST, but I will ask him to go SLOWLY.”

I helped Zoe back into the bellyriding saddle and attached her hands and feet to the upper saddle. I reinserted the We-Vibe and the battery connection. There is a pocket containing more lube on the upper saddle, so I applied some to both Zoe’s pussy and Star’s Cock. I had Zoe swing up higher, then I aimed the head of Star’s cock at Zoe’s pussy entrance and had her slide down gently. There was a brief pause to first gain entry, a gasp from Zoe, then the long slide to seat his cock all the way inside her. I always love watching that part, the initial entry. Hell, I love watching all of it. There was a loud pussy fart from Zoe, an occupational occurrence that happens all the time. Pussy farts happen especially when we are reinserting a lovers cock after our pussies are already enlarged from riding moments ago. Star’s cock now acting like a piston, pushes into Zoe’s vagina, all that trapped air inside has to escape past his invading cock and flutters out past her pussy lips sounding like a fart.

“Zoe, I’m so pleased you like my We-Vibe invention. It was already a sex toy, but I designed and worked with the CEO of the company to make a very special version just for us. It took many months, but I wanted it perfect.”

“What did you and your mother think when Hanna asked you to come visit to try a special surprise for bellyriding?”

“My mother and Hanna are close friends and my mother has wanted to come visit for a long time. Hanna wouldn’t tell us about this very special bellyriding surprise, so we were both very curious, but Hanna promised it would be amazing. It is definitely amazing….REALLY FREAKING AMAZING!. OK, I’m ready to fire the We-Vibe up again, and have Star do that SLOW fucking please, that was so yummy!”

“Ok Zoe, why don’t you start thrusting on Star’s cock to get this started, then I will turn the We-Vibe on LOW. Then in a few minutes I will have Star start his slow thrusting into you.”

“OK Rachel, I like having you here to watch me and Star together, and Thank You for sharing Star with me today.”

“You are welcome sweet girl, now get your butt moving!”

As I swatted her naked ass to get her going. Zoe looked at me and opened her mouth in surprise when I swatted her ass. She started thrusting on Star’s cock, she had a nice rhythm going as I switched the We-Vibe remote to LOW. She was already getting turned on, and having her g-spot and clit buzzing now was helping her a great deal. Zoe was moaning with every breath.


Star looked at me, and started thrusting slowly into Zoe, what a smart boy he is. I watched her trim young tummy, Star’s cock head began to flare, and I watched as it moved up and down inside her belly, I do love watching the horse cock flare move inside women, I really do. Zoe’s breathing was timed to Star’s thrusting, she moaned every time Star thrust into her, as if he was pushing the air out of her lungs. I know she was looking forward to this slow fucking with Star. They were in sync with each other, it was a Zen kind of rhythm, it was beautiful to watch. I’m sure this is exactly what Zoe had hoped for when she asked for slow fucking from Star. Her moans were very guttural in nature, very animalistic. I found this animalistic moaning from Zoe surprising, especially for anyone so young and inexperienced sexually as Zoe. This was something very special happening here between Star and Zoe, this slow….animalistic fucking and guttural sounds……..and it was VERY BEAUTIFUL to watch.

Star started to get a little bit jerky in his fucking motions….he couldn’t last much longer….he needed to go faster and cum…I have seen the signs many times before. I switched to We-Vibe remote to MEDIUM. That was too much for Zoe to handle…..Zoe started trembling……then she came!

BAM!….Zoe exploded into her orgasm……crying out…

“I’m cumming!!!”

Zoe was gasping for air as her moans cried out. Her body trembled through her orgasm.


Star started thrusting into Zoe faster and faster, thrusting deep inside her and finally blasting her with his hot semen which had been building in volume for some time now.

I switched the We-Vibe remote to HIGH.

“Oh God….I feel him Cumming inside me….I’m Cumming again….”

Zoe was trembling violently now, cumming very hard, with Star blasting volumes of semen inside her, I watched as it ran out of her. Zoe was moaning as her orgasm rocked her body hard.

Star kept driving deep into Zoe and blasting semen into her over and over again, only to withdraw and drive deep into her again. He had earned the right to inseminate her well after thrusting inside her SLOWLY so nicely for so long, building up such a huge supply of semen for her. Star came so much inside Zoe, it was pouring out of her, running down the edge of the saddle into the collection bowl. When Star was finally done, semen was still running out of Zoe, and the collection bowl was nearly overflowing.

Zoe rested silently in the saddle as I led them both back to the stables. It had been a tremendous last orgasmic session for the two of them. It was simply amazing. I helped Zoe out of the bellyriding saddle and lay her down in a cot for her to rest for a few minutes before she helped me brush Star.

At dinner, all the women were excited to hear how Lili and Zoe liked their first day with the We-Vibe. They asked questions, but also tried to be respectful of our new guests visiting from Hungary, so they kept the questions to a minimum. I sat next to Zoe at dinner and flirted with her just a little, she is so cute, damn. I wasn’t that cute when I was 19, well almost 19, her birthday is next week.

After dinner Zoe and I kissed everyone goodnight, and we excused ourselves, and I led Zoe by the hand up to my room, it was time for her and I to be alone.

We had showered before dinner and Zoe stood before me now in my room, I was so excited. We had dressed for dinner since we had guests from another country. I knelt in front of Zoe and ran my fingertips up her legs, gasping her panties, then sliding them and her panty liner to the floor. I stood and lifted her sundress over her head. She was standing before me naked, so beautiful….oh my. I took off my sundress, and asked Zoe to lie back on the bed, I was directing our encounter so far.

I had already set the Magic Wand and a We-Vibe, remote, etc. inside a folded over towel on the bottom half of the bed earlier tonight. I didn’t want Zoe to see them yet, I wanted my first encounter with her to be a surprise of sorts.

I turned off the main light in the room. Now I only had a bedside lamp on, and I placed a scarf over the lamp to color the light red in the room.

I moved above Zoe and whispered in her ear…

“Zoe, let me take control for our first encounter tonight, I won’t hurt you, so please trust me. I want to give you multiple orgasms, so ride them out please, I will be right here with you, OK?”

“OK Rachel.”

I had learned that Zoe was very orgasmic today. I wanted to explore that a little more tonight. I lay a folded over scarf over her eyes for now. I applied lube to her pussy lips and inside her pussy with three fingers. When she was well lubricated I reached for my Magic Wand. I turned to Magic and on LOW and started massaging around her pussy lips. Zoe gasped as soon as I touched her lips, the vibrations of the Magic Wand are strong even on LOW.

I started sliding the Magic Wand inside her pussy, I watched as her pussy lips opened and then swallowed the Wands head as it disappeared inside her. When it had slipped all the way inside her she jerked as it passed the ring of muscles inside the pussy entrance. Now seated inside her, against her g-spot she began moaning louder.

I took a We-Vibe and slid it into my wet pussy, clamping it snuggly inside me, connecting a battery, and sliding it into the pouch on the garter belt I placed around my waist. I moved the variable speed controller for the Magic Wand up by the pillows so I could reach it easily, as well as the remote for the We-Vibe. I removed the scarf I had placed over her eyes. I looked into Zoe’s eyes as I lay upon her body, we were ready for some serious orgasms now. I had an idea about holding her tight, and pushing her through several orgasms, even if her clit got too sensitive, just a little light domination, maybe worth a try.

I turned the We-Vibe remote to LOW as I lowered my pussy to hers making contact. My We-Vibe was pressing on her clit, both of our clits were getting buzzed by the We-Vibe. My g-spot was getting buzzed by the We-Vibe, and her g-spot was getting vibrated by the Magic Wand. I pressed her legs together with my legs outside of hers, I was holding her body snug within my grasp, and would hold it tighter as she struggled to get away during her orgasmic frenzy.

Zoe was already moaning and breathing faster, and sweat was forming on her forehead, her body was responding to the stimulation. I kissed her passionately, long enough she had to breathe with me, her passion was rising quickly. Her breathing and kissing grew more desperate, I could tell she was getting close to an orgasm. Her arms flew around my body grabbing me desperately as she neared her first orgasm already. My hands reached in and grasped both breasts firmly and as I rolled both nipples between my thumb and finger……Zoe came immediately…

BAM!….She Came Hard…trembling underneath me…..I moved my head to the side kissing her neck. She was moaning and gasping for air, riding out a tremendous orgasm below me. I reached over and turned up the Magic Wand to MEDIUM. Zoe’s hips started moving in a fucking motion, she was still in the middle of her orgasm, but her body was jerking differently now. Her g-spot was having its own orgasm I suspect. She was making guttural sounds, she definitely came a second time, I felt her whole body convulsing now. I reached over and turned the We-Vibe remote to MEDIUM. Damn, I felt this one myself. I started rotating my hips, grinding the We-Vibe into Zoe, jacking off her clit just as Misumi had done to me which had felt so good.

I was going to cum, and I wanted Zoe to have one last massive orgasm underneath me before we were done here. She was losing it, shaking hard, her breathing was erratic.

“I can’t…take…any..”

I reached over and turned the Magic Wand to HIGH, and the We-Vibe to HIGH. Zoe’s body started to try to get away, so I held her tight in my arms, also holding her legs tightly together. The Magic Wand vibrating on HIGH inside Zoe’s vagina…..Zoe was shaking so violently below me…..Zoe came first…

BAM!….She exploded into a MASSIVE orgasm, My God, I held on tight just as I exploded into my orgasm…

BAM!…..I exploded above her…I was trembling on top of her, holding her tight. I tried not to tremble too much or squeeze her too tightly, don’t know if I succeeded at either. I was aware of me holding my breath, of my trembling, and her trembling below me. I could hear her guttural moaning sounds, but no words, she was cumming so hard, over and over, continual orgasms for her. I could feel her body violently shake and tremble, and then five seconds later do the same thing again. This went on for a full minute, having mini-orgasms every 5 seconds. This might have continued for even longer, she had reached an orgasmic plateau of non-stop orgasms. Her brain was flooded with pleasure endorphins. I opened my eyes and she had tears running down from both eyes, down the sides of her face. Her mouth was open, and she was just making the grunting sounds every time she came….WOW, it was beautiful. I reached over and slowly turned down the We-Vibe until it was OFF, then did the same to the Magic Wand inside her vagina.

Zoe hadn’t passed out, but she was gone to the world. Orgasmic bliss can do that to you for sure. I kissed her gently, she has very kissable lips.

“Zoe my love, come back to me.”

Zoe’s hazel green eyes opened and looked at me, they were watery and kind of glazed over. She smiled and I waited for her to say something to me. Then I thought I would help out.

“How are you?”

“I’m OK, that was VERY intense. I couldn’t stop cumming.

“Did you like me pushing you to have more orgasms?, or was it too much.”

“At first I got scared, but then it was unbelievable, then I was having non-stop orgasms and I wept with joy. I loved that part, I felt euphoric, Thank You.”

“I’m glad you liked it. We can have those kinds of orgasms bellyriding with the We-Vibe too. After you rest for a minute, we can get a sip of water. Do you think you are up for trying more toys, or do you feel done for the night?”

“Definitely trying more toys.”

“Great, I was hoping you would say that.”

I sat up and removed our current toys, placing them on a towel next to us on the bed. I handed Zoe a bottle of water we had brought up from the kitchen earlier. We each took a few sips of water. OK, deciding which toys to use. I slid open the drawer under my bed….my treasure chest of toys and looked inside. Zoe popped her head over the edge of the bed to gaze down into my treasures below. Sometimes I have a game plan, and sometimes I just kind of wing it. I thought I would see if something caught Zoe’s eye.

“Zoe, do you see something that excites you?”

“Wow, so many interesting things. What is in the red box?”

I picked up the red box and opened it, remembering the great times I have had with these, they will do nicely tonight.

“These are my Kegel Chime Balls. See they chime when I shake it. I think they will be fun to use tonight. What else would you like to try?”

“Wow, what is that rippled black one?”

“That is my 4 Stage Rocket Dildo it’s pretty big, but fun to use. That should be enough.”

I also set the Dick Rambone 17” Dildo on the bed just in case I wanted to use it. I also grabbed my little pocket rocket vibrator, great for clitoris stimulation in case the Magic Wand is busy somewhere else.

I climbed on the bed with Zoe and sat between her legs as she lay back once again. She seemed ready for me to take control again. I picked up a red box and opened it. Her eyes were watching every move I made. I dumped both balls into my left hand, and shook them, making them chime as I looked for her reaction.

“I think we should see how many of these we can get inside you, what do you think?”

“Yes, Lets do it!”

Zoe, is young, and playful, and sexual, and it was turning me on. I opened the other box and dumped them out on the towel. I reached for a pillow, doubled it over, and had her raise her hips up so her butt was high in the air. I placed the pillow under her rear end so her pussy was the highest part of her. I wanted her to watch each ball going into her pussy as I pressed them inside of her. I reached for the lube, I was ready to go. I lubed up her pussy lips and the first ball, and set it on her open pussy lips which I spread open before setting the ball there. Zoe was staring at the silver ball wondering what I was going to do next. I pressed down just enough to make it go in half way then let it push back up. Anticipation is a wonderful thing when teasing a sexual partner. I placed two fingers on the slippery ball and pumped it into her a half dozen times before pressing it all the way inside of her with one long push,making her moan and shiver, and then it was gone.

I reached for ball #2, lubed it up and placed it on her pussy again. This time I reached for the Magic Wand. I turned the Wand on LOW and touched her lips around the ball getting closer and closer to the ball. Zoe was moaning louder now, she was liking this a lot, as I finally touched the ball it started chiming. As I moved to press the ball into her with the Wand her pussy was spasming, like it was trying to open and accept the ball or swallow it, I pressed until her pussy did swallow the second ball, and it was gone as well.

I reached for ball #3, lubed it and placed it on her pussy and teased her and drove it into her pussy with the Magic Wand the same way. Zoe was moaning and breathing like she was about to cum so I eased off for a moment.

I reached for ball#4, lubed it and placed it on her pussy. Her eyes looked desperate for an orgasm, her body was trembling slightly, a kind of desperation, searching for something to help her cum.

“Zoe, don’t cum yet, you are not allowed to cum until I tell you to.”

“But I’m so close…I can’t stop…”

“Not until I tell you to.”

I pressed the Magic Wand to Ball #4 and pressed down, it started chiming, and vibrating her vagina opening. Zoe started losing it, so I stopped. She whimpered, her hips pushed up to me to try to get more vibrations from the Wand just above the ball, she needed to cum badly. I was denying her release. Only a couple more times, and then her orgasm would be that much stronger. I pressed against the Chime Ball again, Zoe started humping against the Wand.

“Zoe don’t cum.”

“Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeese………..I need to cum so badly.”

The Chime Ball was making noise, her body was trembling so violently without an orgasm, she was losing it. I backed off the Chime Ball. OK, this next time I would let her cum. I don’t know if the Chime Ball will fit inside her, but I will try, and then I will hold the Wand to her clit. I pressed the Wand to the Chime Ball again with more pressure it started chiming, and it started pushing inside her. As Ball#4 popped inside her the Wands head followed right behind it pushing in too.


I heard muffled chimes for a second as the Wand was chiming all the balls inside her….
Zoe screamed I’m cumming…

BAM!…Zoe exploded into a massive orgasm as I moved to Wand up to her clit. Zoe raised her hips off the bed and fired ball #4 out of her pussy hitting me in the left breast, and falling into my lap on the mattress. Her body was straining, arching off the bed as I held the Wand to her clit, she was holding her breath, straining this time, until her body fell to the mattress when she took a breath, gasping for air. Her body was jerking as she was easing out of her orgasm, little tremors of her body with her eyes closed. I love the different ways women orgasm. I turned the Wand OFF.

Her pussy looked so inviting, I decided to help myself on the guise of fishing out the Chime Balls. I really just love feeling soft pussy lips and the insides of vaginas, very special, very intimate. I lubed up my hand and started caressing Zoe’s outer lips. I was caressing her pussy opening when I slid in three fingers just a little and I felt the first ball inside her. I gently eased it out of her and placed it on the towel. I went back in for ball number two, which I found just a little deeper inside her. After removing it and placing it on the towel, I went back in for the last ball. I could feel it all the way in the back with my finger tips. I gently eased my hand inside Zoe, she was tight, but she felt good around my hand. I went in deep enough to get behind the ball and pull it to the front of her pussy. As I pulled my hand out I brought the Chime Ball out with my trailing fingers.

Even though my work was done retrieving the Chime Balls, I needed to be inside her again, to feel her around my hand once more. I held my fingers together again and slid my hand inside Zoe once more. Feeling her warmth around my hand, to be inside her like this, I wanted this to happed between us. Zoe moaned when my hand slid inside her again. I started moving my hand inside her gently, just slow gently stokes, intimate loving strokes. Zoe was moaning with each stroke, kind of like Star’s SLOW thrusting, savoring each stroke, building to something nice. This was a beautiful intimate quiet moment for lovers to share. Zoe’s hips started thrusting against my hand as I pulled back each time, so I made more of a solid fist and started twisting it at her pussy entrance on each stroke. Seems like our intimate stroking was over, Zoe was ready to be driven to an orgasm.

I picked up the Magic Wand and turned it on LOW. I started rubbing it along her clitoral shaft on top of her pussy mound, up and back. I was fucking her a little faster with my fist now, twisting my hand inside her, she was getting ready to orgasm. She was moaning louder, god I love hearing women moaning about to have an orgasm, the closer they get the more needy it sounds, it is so beautiful to me. Her body was trembling, she was about to orgasm….I moved the Wand to her clit….

BAM!…Zoe exploded into a wonderful orgasm with my fist inside her vagina….she was squeezing the hell out of my hand. I could feel her vagina squeeze and relax as each orgasmic spasm thrashed her trembling body. It was a marvelous shaking ride she took us both on as I sat between her legs with my hand inside her, feeling her ride out her massive orgasm. I kept thrusting inside her as I could, rubbing her g-spot, twisting my hand inside her, almost pulling out, holding the Wand against her clit, doing things to prolong her orgasm. As her orgasm eased, I slowed my thrusting, and removed the Wand from her clit. I gently eased my unfolded hand from inside her, and gently lay upon her once again, not putting much weight on her though. I was mostly supported by my knees and elbow, but my body was touching hers. I wanted that physical contact, I wanted to feel her warmth. I kissed her lips several times, then pulled back waiting for her to open her eyes. Finally she did.

“Hi Zoe my love. I loved having my hand inside you, feeling your warmth around me, feeling so close to you, feeling your orgasm squeeze me tight, Thank You.”

“I have never been fisted before, it felt wonderful, Thank You for doing that with me.”

“Did you like the Chime Balls too?”

“Oh Yes! I have never seen Chime Balls before. I liked watching them as you pushed them inside me. I had to cum so bad and when you told me not to cum I started shaking, it only made me need to cum worse. Then when I finally came, I came so hard.”

“You came so hard you arched off the bed, your vagina squeezed so hard you blasted one of the Chime Balls out hitting me in the left breast, it was very funny.”

“Wow, I was cumming so hard, I didn’t even know one came out of me. I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

“Zoe I’m fine, it was funny. Two things, I would love for you to fall asleep in my arms tonight if you would like to? And two, do you think your body is done for the night, or would you like to play more?”

“Rachel, I would love to fall asleep in your arms tonight, and yes, I would like to play some more, this is very pleasurable…..and fun! What did you have in mind?”

“Well actually since I have decided most of our choices so far, I thought you might have wanted to try something, so is there something you would like us to try?”

“Well, since you fisted me, would you teach me how to fist you, I would like to learn. Then maybe try the Rippled Dildo on me, then we can go to bed. How does that sound?”

“I think that sounds great!”

I showed Zoe with my two hands when you’re ready to push your whole hand inside to start like a ducks bill, then curl your fingers around until you make a soft fist inside. If the person wants you to, you can make a more square, firmer, larger fist inside as well. I showed her about the thumb and different knuckles rubbing against the g-spot, and how good it feels to have a fist almost pulled all the way out and rotated and pushed back in. She was ready to try, I could always give her more instructions once she was inside me. I was getting excited about what she was about to do to me, I could feel my pussy getting wetter.

I lay down with such anticipation, my heart was racing, waiting for this young girl who has never fisted anyone before, to let me be her first. I watched as she lubed up her hand, she was shaking with nervousness just a little, I didn’t want to say anything about her being nervous. She looked at me maybe unsure how to start. Then I felt a tentative finger searching, and then sliding inside my pussy, in and out. Then there were two fingers.

“Mmmm That feels nice.”

Zoe soon had three fingers inside me, then it was four fingers.

“Yes Zoe, rotate your hand, fuck my pussy in and out, teasing me, in and out, making me want more……yes. Zoe, If you are ever fisting someone that doesn’t bellyride, or is extra tight, make a trough with your four fingers and squirt some extra lube inside her pussy before pushing your hand inside, but I won’t need any.”

“Mmmm, what you are doing feels so good. Now fold your thumb in and push your hand inside me all the way.”

Zoe folded her thumb in and pushed her hand inside me….god it felt great, especially since I knew it was Zoe’s hand inside me.

“Oh God Zoe, your hand feels so good inside me. Now make a solid fist, and gently fuck me with your fist.”

I started moaning every time Zoe fucked me with her fist. Almost a Zen like moaning and breathing, fist fucking and moaning, I was moving toward an orgasm with my Zoe’s fist inside me.

“I’m getting ready to cum, shallower thrusts, almost pull it out, if it pops out, punch it back in hard. Rotate your fist, if your arm gets tired grab it with your other arm to help out.”

“During my orgasm I’m going to squeeze your hand, don’t panic, keep thrusting as you can.”

My body was trembling, I was about to cum, I was breathing rapidly, oh god….my hips were jerking, her hand was inside me thrusting inside me….

BAM!…I exploded with Zoe’s fist inside me….thrusting inside me….Oh God….

“Cumming…..Oh God…..”

I was holding my breath….trembling…cumming hard…
I was squeezing the hell out of her hand inside me, poor thing, strong orgasm….damn..
Breathe, then another breath. I needed to not orgasm too long, to give her hand a break this time, her first time. As my orgasm eased my body was doing those little after orgasm tremors.

“Oh Zoe, that was wonderful. You did an amazing job. Sorry for squeezing your hand so hard. My pussy muscles are extra strong. Gently slide your hand out and open your fist inside me as you do.”

Zoe did just as I instructed with her hand as she slid it out of me….perfectly.

“Zoe, How was it for your first time?”

“I was nervous when I started, but you explained everything so well, once I got started it went great. And you were right, you did squeeze the hell out of my hand, damn you have strong pussy muscles. But in the middle, when I was fisting you, I loved that part very much. You were so warm inside, being inside you like that, I felt very close to you. I loved fisting you very much.”

We had one more challenge for tonight, the 4 Stage Rocket Dildo.

“Zoe darling, I’m worried about your poor pussy being sore for tomorrow, your pussy lips were a little pink and puffy, they might be getting a little sore. We have a full day of bellyriding tomorrow, the Rocket Dildo might be too much what do you think?”

“Maybe you are right, we could save the rocket dildo for tomorrow night.”

I liked the sound of that already. Another night with Zoe, Hell Yes!!!

“I have a new toothbrush in my bathroom you can use, unless you want to get a few things from your room. Let’s get washed up, I will clear the bed, then I get to hold you close to me as we fall asleep.”

“Rachel, that sounds great.”

I showed Zoe where the new toothbrush was, and I went to clear the bed. She used the bathroom and washed up and brushed her teeth, then I did the same. We finally ended up in bed together, cuddling, touching, finally sharing the same pillow with her back against my breasts. As Zoe settled in against me, she wiggled her cute rear end back into my groin, settling in against me close, safe, and warm. We fit well together. Zoe had my hand in hers pulled in tight to her chest. I turned my hand to cup her soft breast, her breast felt so good in my hand, I felt such a need to give her breast one final squeeze for the night, as I did Zoe pressed my hand harder into her breast and moaned. God I love this girl and her sexual energy that is never ending just like mine, but for now we must rest. She fell asleep before I did, she had a longer day than me, and I was very glad that she had come to visit Hanna’s resort with her mother. I suspected that Hanna and Lili had made love also and were sleeping together like Zoe and I were. What a lovely way for the four of us to end a special day together, finding someone to love at night and then have fall asleep in your arms.

As my eyes closed, I wondered what tomorrow would bring. I had made a new young friend today from another country. We had shared an immediate attraction for one another. It had been an amazing day for the two of us from the moment we met, to the bellyriding, to our little tryst under the tree by the stream, to our lovemaking in my bed tonight. Yes, truly an amazing day. Now I held her in my arms, soft and warm against me, I am again so happy. I can feel her breathing, and I feel my breathing. I am thinking about my getting to ride tomorrow with Star and feeling him blast me with his hot semen inside me….I breathed a tired sigh as I exhaled….and then I was out.


Chapter 15 – Mother Lili And Daughter Zoe – Day 2

I smelled breakfast being prepared and opened my eyes. I was still holding Zoe close to me, soft and warm in my arms. What a wonderful night of sex and lovemaking we had shared together. God I really love my life here at the resort. The current problem I had was, I needed to pee. I gently got my arm out from underneath her neck and went to use the bathroom. As I came out Zoe was waking up.

“Good morning lover, I had to pee, I just woke up myself.”

“Good morning Rachel, Mmmm I smell breakfast, I’m hungry.”

“Yep, me too, use the bathroom if you need to, then let’s hurry downstairs to eat.”

Zoe ran into the bathroom and took care of business. When she came out I surprised her, wrapped my arms around her and kissed her on the lips.

“Oh my special girl, thank you for last night Zoe, we had so much fun. Now let’s go eat.”

I swatted her luscious rear end, she cried ouch in a mock complaint, loving it I’m sure as she moved to get into her robe. We were both naked, but each put on just a robe before heading downstairs to breakfast. There is something about sitting around a breakfast table in robes that is sensuous in nature. You know the person in the robe is probably naked underneath which is sexy, but just hidden enough from view to keep your mind thinking sexy thoughts. Seeing Zoe in a robe is also a reminder of how she and I spent last night making love together.

I feel as if I could strip off her robe and ravish her right now on the bed, and forget about breakfast for a while. This place has done something to me both mentally and physically. My body has changed, it is leaner and stronger due to all the straining orgasms and working back and forth on Star’s massive cock that I love so dearly. I am always in a heightened sense of sexual desire and wanting fulfillment everywhere. I think my brain craves pleasure endorphins all the time. I also feel so much love for everyone around me. This place has addicted me to my own pleasure endorphins.

We better hurry downstairs before I loosen the belt on Zoe’s robe, lay her back on the bed, and give her her first orgasm of the day with my mouth. God that sounds so yummy to me though. Go, go now.

As Zoe and I arrived downstairs in our robes, I see Hanna and Lili standing downstairs wearing robes as well. It seems Hanna and Lili were making love at the same time Zoe and I were making love last night. Hanna told me so this morning as she inquired about Zoe and I last night. I told Hanna Zoe and I spent an amazing night together in bed. I watched as Hanna’s eyebrow raised, I think she liked the sound of that in a voyeuristic way.

There was a short delay for breakfast this morning, it was going to be another 10-12 minutes before it was ready. Breakfast was delayed, so I decided I wanted Zoe upstairs in bed with me to taste her and give her a quick orgasm, I couldn’t help myself. As I started walking toward Zoe to lead her by the hand back upstairs to taste her, and give her her first orgasm of the day, Zoe moved closer to her mother.

I stopped only a few feet away and watched as Zoe walked up to her mother Lili. Zoe seemed so excited to tell her mother about the night she spent making love with me. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing her tell her mother in such detail. I hadn’t expected that, and it scared me a little bit, but I guess her mother and her were much closer than I realized.

Zoe had grown up fairly protected and was taught by private tutors from what I understood. Zoe confided in her mother about everything, and it seemed…EVERYTHING! That’s not really a bad thing I guess. I mean they are a VERY sexually open household already about nakedness and bellyriding as soon as you are 18. Zoe has been bellyriding for almost a year, a little longer than me.

Lili and Zoe had decided to go for a quick 10 minute walk before breakfast. I could hear Zoe telling her excited comments about her sexual adventures she and I had last night as they exited the house….I thought OH MY GOD!….did I go too far this time….holy shit I’m in trouble now…..will her mother be pissed?…….or will her mother be understanding? Hopefully her mother will see how excited and happy Zoe is, and see that it was two lovers who cared for each other sharing some very special moments together. Zoe and I shared some really amazing sex, and so many amazing orgasms together. I hope Zoe didn’t feel too overwhelmed in the calm light of day this morning, I think she had a great time, I really do….in fact, I know she did. Well, I will hear otherwise I suspect if I went too far. I think I will ask her later…..or…tonight hopefully if I get to spend another night with her in my bed again.

When they got back from their little walk I looked at Lili to see if her eyes were ready to shoot daggers in my body for the things I had done to her precious Zoe. I didn’t see any such indications, so I figured the coast was clear. I took a glance over at Zoe to see if her eyes were going to spill the beans or look nervous for my sake, but she looked calm and beautiful, so the coast was definitely clear. Zoe walked over and sat beside me for breakfast and kissed me on the cheek…..yes!

Breakfast was great as usual, the staff really does take such good care of us. Calling them staff is almost a disservice, we care about them, they care about us, and they are our friends as well. Zoe carried on about how excited she was about getting to ride today using the We-Vibe again for the second day of riding. The other women had some questions about her first day of riding, she answered them, and they shared some stories as well. What a great sisterhood of bellyriders for Zoe to get to be around for a few days.

After breakfast I kind of separated myself for a couple minutes, to gather my thoughts, there was something I needed to do. I saw Lili was across the room, I took a deep breath, I was as ready as I would ever be. I needed to talk with Lili, Zoe’s mother, about last night.

I walked over to Lili, I was nervous…
I looked into Lili’s beautiful hazel copper colored eyes…

“Lili, I hope I didn’t overstep any bounds with Zoe last night, she is a special young lady. I wanted you to know that I have special feelings for Zoe that had been building all day yesterday, and I wanted to spend some time alone with Zoe last night.”

“No Rachel, everything is OK. Hanna told me you were a very special woman, and that you had already asked Hanna about Zoe spending the night with you. In fact, Zoe and I want you and Hanna to be our guests and fly back with us to Hungary when we return home. You have made quite an impression with Zoe and I already. Zoe was so excited and happy about the time you two spent together yesterday and last night, she was telling me about it this morning. You have made this visit very special for her already, both with your love for her, and your We-Vibe making bellyriding so much more pleasurable. So, Thank You, for the love you have shown Zoe.

“You’re welcome Lili, this is a very special place Hanna has built here. May I ask, did you like my We-Vibe as much as I hoped you would?”

“Oh My God, Yes, Rachel. In fact Hanna and I had a long discussion about your amazing We-Vibe enhancement last night. When I was riding King yesterday using the We-Vibe while bellyriding, I had so many orgasms, and King came so many times inside me, it was unlike any bellyriding I have ever done before, it was truly amazing. And it all happened so easily using the We-Vibe.”

“Yes, that is exactly what the We-Vibe is great for. I watched Zoe having dozens of very strong orgasms, and Star blasting her with 8 loads of semen yesterday during her 4 hour ride. Zoe also loved the We-Vibe very much. Everyone here loves the We-Vibe too.”

“I do hope you will accept our invitation to fly back with Zoe and I to Hungary. I’m sure Zoe would love to show you her special white Lipizzan Stallions. I’m also sure she would love to spend some more time with you. We will also be celebrating Zoe’s 19th birthday next week, I’m sure she would love to have you there for her party.”

“Lili, I will talk with Hanna and see if I should come with her to Hungary or stay here to help run the Resort. Hanna is your special friend Lili, but I have come to have feelings for Zoe, and your offer to see her Lipizzan Stallions sounds wonderful. So Yes, I would love to come back with you if it can be arranged. I will have to train someone to take care of the We-Vibes here before I go, but that should be easy.”

“Wonderful Rachel, Zoe will be so excited!”

Lili’s eyes lit up, so I think she was excited too.

“I promised Zoe I would ride with her this morning, shall we get started?”

“Yes Rachel, I am looking forward to another amazing day of bellyriding with the We-Vibe!”

I wanted to watch Zoe get into her bellyriding saddle and get impaled by her horse’s cock for the first time of the day. I wanted to see her face, and hear her moans and gasps of that first morning penetration. God I guess I am really a voyeur of women getting pleasure and having orgasms….damn!

I found Zoe and walked hand in hand with her to the stables. We both removed our robes, this was foreplay for me, I was getting turned on already. I never get tired looking at her beautiful body. I helped Lisa get Zoe into her bellyriding saddle and watched as Lisa prepared the horse named Chestnut for her. Lisa lubricated Zoe’s pussy and Chestnut’s cock, aligning it at the entrance of Zoe’s pussy.

I was feeling so very horny watching Zoe get lubed up, I didn’t realize I was starting to masturbate standing there. I was alternating between rubbing my clit with two fingers then sliding then inside my pussy….then three fingers….God I was so wet already. It took a minute for Zoe to get impaled this morning, watching Zoe was turning me on tremendously, and by then I was sweating and nearing my orgasm…Zoe was getting masturbated by Chestnut’s cock head rubbing against her pussy entrance.

Lisa was working Chestnut’s cock in a tiny circles around the entrance of Zoe’s pussy, then up and down, trying to get her pussy to open up, to accept his cock, trying to gain entrance. Zoe was panting with desire, moaning, wanting to be penetrated so badly…..there was already sweat on her forehead from desire….and then…BAM……Chestnut’s cock slid inside and Zoe’s body flinched and she screamed!

“Oh God…Yes!”

By now I took a fourth finger and slid it inside my pussy. I came just as my four fingers slid deep inside me, pushing them as deep as they would go, squeezing my mound and clit hard as I came on my four fingers…..I stood trembling….riding my orgasm….oh God…..

It took me a minute for my orgasm to ease. Holy Shit!….WOW……… have got to be kidding me…….I mean….holy hell what is this girl doing to me….I knew I was feeling horny… but damn.

That first horse cock penetration of the day can be so startling and so sudden sometimes, but always the welcome start of something really satisfying. Definitely the start of a satisfying new day.

I didn’t know it but Lili had been watching Zoe and I and was touching herself as well, and after I orgasmed she told me how sexy it had looked, me having an orgasm watching Zoe getting impaled by her horse lover.

Lili walked over to Lisa who had just been helping Zoe and whispered something in her ear and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then looked into my eyes and as she was walking away…and softly said to me…

“Thank you for letting me watch your orgasm this morning, you are so beautiful when you cum.”

Wow, I do like people watching me I have come to realize….that soft voice, I could tell Lili was turned on, there was a look of lust in her eyes as well. I also wondered what was that whispering to Lisa all about? Kind of a different start to a great morning hopefully.

I quickly got Lisa to help me as well, getting me into my bellyriding saddle. Soon Zoe and I were off for our bellyriding this beautiful sunny morning.

With Zoe and I mounted in our bellyriding saddles, we walked our horses out together talking as we walked. I love the gentle oscillation of Star’s cock inside me side-to-side, forward and back, such a yummy feeling. I could have orgasms all day like this with the We-Vibe on LOW. Just ride off into the sunset…or waking under the warmth of the sun like today, having orgasms forever, gives me shivers just thinking about it. Well, eventually I would have to change batteries, but you get the idea. And poor Star, have to give him a rest too, he works so hard for me, an 8 hour erection….damn HARD work, pun intended of course! Star is loved and cared for dearly. Star is fed well, groomed every day, kept clean and washed, exercised, and loved like no other. Star loves his life, and he gets to fuck me and cum inside me many times almost every day, all day long! Anyway, back to Zoe and I.

When we got to a nice clearing I thought it would be fun if Zoe and I had a little bit of fun this morning. I challenged Zoe to see which one of us could cum the fastest, and who could get their horse lover to ejaculate in them the fastest. Zoe was game for the challenge, so the contest was on.

I made love to Zoe last night, so I new she was VERY orgasmic and could cum easily, so I would have to work quickly. I knew my boy Star very well, and I do my Kegel exercises every day, so I was pretty sure I could get him to ejaculate inside me before Zoe could get Chestnut to ejaculate inside her. This was going to be a close contest.

“OK Zoe, On Your Mark…….Get Set…….GO!”

I pressed the We-Vibe remote to LOW and started thrusting on Star’s cock, Zoe did the same thing, LOW setting and thrusting on Chestnut’s cock as I saw her remote light was also on YELLOW. I could already hear Zoe breathing faster from working on Chestnut’s massive cock. Star’s cock was feeling good inside me, so I pressed my remote to MEDIUM. I started thrusting faster on Star’s massive cock, damn he feels so good deep inside me. I glanced over at Zoe just as her remote light changed to ORANGE, she had just pressed hers to MEDIUM as well. I could hear her moaning increase, damn she was good at this….too good, I think she was ahead of me.

Zoe and I were both thrusting hard and fast. I was thinking about switching to HIGH just as I opened my eyes to glance over to Zoe and see her remote change to RED. I switched mine to HIGH just as I heard Zoe cry out as her orgasm crash over her.

“I’m Cumming…”

Zoe was thrusting feverishly on Chestnut’s massive cock. As her orgasm strained every muscle in her body she quit thrusting and just rode out her orgasm arched against Chestnut’s belly, not breathing, her body trembling and rigid as can be, every muscle straining…simply beautiful.

I was thrusting as fast as I could and I came hard on Star’s massive cock crying out…

“I’m Cumming…Oh God…”

I was cumming hard. It kind of caught me by surprise. Seeing Zoe’s arched body cumming had turned me on. I wasn’t breathing, but I was still trusting as best I could, but my body was trembling violently as it does when I orgasm so hard. My brain was getting overloaded, God this felt great…must keep thrusting….fuck I love orgasms…cumming so hard…squeezing my vaginal muscles hard with every orgasmic contraction….my body jerking with every contraction…

Suddenly Star starts thrusting into me…I am out of breath from holding my breath during my long orgasm. I take a much needed breath and scream in a raspy voice….


BAM! I explode into my second orgasm as Star begins to thrust into me with wild abandon. My pussy is already dripping wet from my first orgasm and I can hear his juicy thrusting sliding so very deep inside me crashing against my cervix. I’m trembling so violently I’m having trouble breathing, I’m moaning with every breath I take, Star is fucking the hell out of me as he ejaculates rope after rope of his hot semen inside me.

“I’m cumming..again…….Star… cumming…..inside me…..”

I can feel Star’s cock head flared deep inside me, I can see the flare bulge in my belly, Star has a HUGE flare, I’m mostly just trembling hard now. Pressing down against each thrust of Star’s cock. Holding the pressure of his cock deep inside me. Star is blasting me with so much of his hot semen. I can feel it blasting inside me with each ejaculation as it hits my cervix. Star keeps cumming inside me, over and over, pumping more cum inside me, so much cum, like a dream sometimes, cum and more cum, and he is still ejaculating deep inside me….God I love him for the pleasure he brings me.

Star cums a LOT, he always has, probably double what most horses ejaculate, great genetics for semen output. He literally floods me with semen which I truly love. Star thrusts inside me for a LONG time, just cumming inside me, over and over again, until it’s just pouring out of me, running down like a stream into the collection bowl. He has learned to thrust inside me for a longer time than most other horses, and I think he knows that I like him to do that also. It’s funny, the staff have told me, they have passed the word to watch me and empty my semen collection bowl nearly twice as often as all the other riders. It makes me feel proud of my special boy Star, and just how lucky I am to get blasted with so much of his hot semen!

Star has been thrusting into me and blasting me with semen for what seems like and eternity…….damn! Star stops thrusting but I can still see his flare deep in my belly. I take a much needed breath. My body still has small tremors and my abdominal muscles jerk on their own.

Wow…my orgasm is easing… I feel and watch Star’s cock head flare go down slightly in my belly. What a great orgasm! I press the remote and turn my We-Vibe OFF.

I look over at Zoe just as she starts shaking……Chestnut starts thrusting into Zoe…

“He’s cumming in me!”

BAM! Zoe crashes into her second orgasm. Zoe starts shaking on Chestnut’s cock while he is thrusting deep inside her. Zoe is screaming and moaning her cries of pleasure as best she can, but Chestnut’s thrusting is pushing the air out of her lungs, she keeps having to hold her breath, and gasps for air. Zoe’s eyes are closed, but she is clearly riding his cock for all she is worth and having a massive orgasm with the We-Vibe on HIGH vibrating both her g-spot and her clit.

I watch Zoe enjoy her entire orgasm, she is so beautiful. I have always loved watching women having orgasms. Zoe and Chestnut riding out their orgasms together. Her body is just twitching now as her orgasm is fading, I love this part too. Her twitches slowed, her breathing slows, her eyes finally open and she looks over at me with dreamy orgasmic eyes.

I watched Zoe press the remote and turn her We-Vibe OFF. Zoe came first, but Star ejaculated inside me first, so we each won a point, so we tied in our little competition….. so we both won.

“Hey Girl….Looks like we tied….so we both won. You got your orgasm first, but Star blasted his semen inside me first……so we both win. That was fun wasn’t it?”

“Yes Rachel, that WAS fun! Doing everything these past days with you has all been great fun.”

We spent the next couple hours walking along together, talking, having orgasms side by side, and having our horse lovers blast volumes of hot semen inside us until it was pouring out of us over and over again. What a great way to spend a lovely morning together. We decided to go for a little faster walk with Star and Chestnut, where the gate of our horses walking gives a nice deep and side to side thrusting motion. We headed off in separate directions so Zoe could explore the resort, I could check on other riders, and we would meet up at dinner later tonight.

I walked out for 10 minutes with many nice orgasms for myself with Star ejaculating in me at the end….It always feels so amazing when Star blasts his hot semen deep inside me. I’m orgasming and Star is blasting hot semen deep inside me at the same time, simply overwhelming sensations. I wish I could describe how good it feels. It makes my whole body tremble and shudder with orgasmic sensations…..endorphins I’m sure….orgasmic drugs….euphoric drugs….whole body trembling shaking….trusting so deep inside me….blasting hot semen….orgasmic trembling bliss….pure heaven on earth!

I wanted one more big orgasm…..a really massive one, maybe something different, and I had an idea. There was a gentle slope up a hill. I could work right to the point of orgasm for Star and I at the bottom of the hill, then have Star walk up the gentle slope which will slide my body further down his massive cock, driving his cock so deep into me during my entire orgasm.

I had walked Star over to the bottom of the hill, I was excited, horny, and ready. I was also nervous. Would this hill drive his massive cock too deep inside me? Maybe, but I love deep thrusting, and a little pain can also be pleasurable if you are REALLY turned on.

I started moving on Star’s cock, his semen had lubricated my pussy well from ejaculating inside me 20 minutes earlier. I switched the We-Vibe to LOW. Wow, I love how good it feels to have my clit and g-spot vibrated by the We-Vibe at the same time. It wasn’t going to take long for me to orgasm again. I think I will edge myself a couple times though, building up to a more massive orgasm. I thrust 6 more times on Star’s cock, damn… felt so damn good, then I turned the We-Vibe OFF….held still….whew….I could cum already…..but not yet.

A few deep breaths, relax my pelvis muscles, muscle tension in the pelvis region is what brings you close to orgasms in both men and women, a few deep breaths and relaxing my pelvis muscles backs me off of my close orgasm. If men would learn this technique of pausing their thrusting for even 3 seconds, kiss their lovers breasts, secretly relaxing the tension in their pelvis muscles, give them a shake or wiggle if you need to (to release the muscle tension leading to orgasm) then they could fuck twice as long just like porn stars do. Now I’m ready to start thrusting again. I start thrusting on Star’s cock again. I absolutely love the way his cock feels sliding deep inside me. Thrusting faster I click the We-Vibe remote to MEDIUM. I’m moaning, my breathing is raspy….I’m about to cum….not yet….I need to cum so badly….please….but not yet….

I quickly turn the We-Vibe OFF, stop thrusting and take some deep breaths…..damn that was close…..whew…..relax my pelvis…..that felt WAY too good…..OK here we go…for real this time…

I started thrusting on Star’s cock as I turned the We-Vibe on LOW. I was moaning and sweating already. I wanted to get to HIGH on the We-Vibe, I don’t think I was going to make it before I had an orgasm.

I turned Star up the hill as I felt my body slide further down his massive cock….OH MY GOD! I felt stuffed, Star was pressing against my cervix hard!

This just felt too damn good. I had always loved deep thrusting…..always. Star was hitting every pressure point inside my vagina, every nerve ending that was sending me to the moon, I was loosing control of my body, my brain, and the connection between them.

I pressed the remote to MEDIUM and knew that it might be my last conscious thought before my orgasm overwhelmed my body as I knew my orgasm was going to be extremely massive when it hit me.

I felt my body flush as soon as I said that to myself, my orgasm was here and I couldn’t stop it. I started trembling and moaning as if I was possessed.

As I trembled on Star’s cock I could feel his cock head rubbing hard against my cervix, massaging it, pressing it inward further into my body, massaging, masturbating my cervix to orgasm with my g-spot and clit….God help me….I’m cumming….my orgasm was building from deep inside me and starting to radiate outward, this was a whole body orgasm and it was going to be violent. I was trembling and straining for breath, this was not a usual orgasm, it was beautiful and deep, I cried out….

“Oh God…..”

That was all the breath I had in me as tears ran from the corner of my closed eyes down my face. I trembled and shook, every muscle straining as tight as can be….Oh God…..Yes….

What came out was incoherent sounds of an orgasmic being lost to this world, trembling….shaking…with a massive horse cock drive so deeply inside her. All I knew was my body driven down on Star’s massive horse cock….nothing else existed.

I trembled and shook, suspended in mid air, straining against Star’s coarse belly hairs. I was squeezing the hell out of Star’s cock with my strong vaginal muscles with each orgasmic contraction, and God his massive cock felt extra HUGE inside me….and I love it!

I must have orgasmed, trembling and straining against Star’s belly, my erect nipples and taught abs brushing against his belly hairs for several glorious minutes, my God it was amazing….

Just as blackness was closing in, I took a breath finally. I felt my body ease, my body lowered into the bellyriding saddle, and my orgasm was ending. I switched the We-Vibe OFF. I slowly exhaled and I could feel my trembling slow until only occasional twitches from my abdominal muscles and hips remained…

I lie in the leather bellyriding saddle for a few minutes as my mind came back to reality of where I was. I had been overwhelmed for a moment on Star’s cock. Sometimes extremely MASSIVE orgasms can overwhelm the brain with too much pleasure to handle, and this had been one of those times.

I was deciding what I wanted to do next. I still wanted to feel Star ejaculate inside me, I always do, but I had just had a seriously massive orgasm and wondered if my body was up to another big orgasm so soon. But to be honest, it was one of the best bellyriding orgasms I have ever had, and my brain was saying more, it wanted more.

I had just cum so hard on MEDIUM, I had been trembling and holding my breath, I was having a massive orgasm with gravity driving my body down on Star’s cock, with it being driven so very deep inside me. It was becoming like a drug, I was feeling high, I felt orgasmic, I felt so good, so damn good.

Star’s cock had been pushing so deep inside me it had been hard to breathe, I was lost to the world, I loved it, and I wanted more. I wanted to feel like that again…..And I wanted to feel like that on the HIGH setting! Yes, I just had to know what HIGH would feel like, I had to feel Star blasting inside me like this, impaled to the very max like never before. Pressing so deep, on HIGH, I had to know…..but I was also afraid. A tiny part of my brain was afraid, but that part of my brain would not win the fight…, it was far to tiny. The endorphin fueled orgasmic side was FAR too strong to ever be defeated.

My brain was on orgasmic drugs….and was telling my body it wanted more…..I still needed more…It had to have more…just one more orgasm with Star driving his massive cock so very deep inside me….but I am afraid……..please….God help me…

It was time. I started thrusting on Star’s cock, oh Star my special boy, you feel so good sliding deep inside me. I could hear the leather of the saddle creaking as I worked back and forth, and I could hear the squishing as Star’s cock drove in and out of my semen lubricated vagina, and hear Star’s fresh semen squirt out of me. I could feel Star’s cock head rubbing inside my vagina, stimulating my vaginal nerves inside me as well as pressing against my cervix every time I drove down deep, and ground against my cervix to massage it with his cock head before pulling back up again.

What a yummy delicious feeling sliding down each time, the anticipation, the realization knowing just how good each and every slide down actually feels. How could it feel this good, my vaginal nerves were on fire with need, with desire, and I was massaging all of them with Star’s amazing cock, giving them just what they desired. I was masturbating the inside walls of my vagina so damn deliciously I was moaning with each and every thrust now. I was driving down with a sexual abandon, lost to the world and nothing was going to stop me. This surely was a drug, orgasms were my new drug, I wanted them, I needed them, I knew now I would never tire of them.

Oh God yes, driving down on Star’s massive cock over and over again, I had enjoyed the feeling of riding his cock as long as I could…..I was going to cum. My body was twitching and trembling, I was having trouble thrusting with any coordination any more, and my moaning was more like guttural sounds, my brain was simply becoming overloaded as nerves everywhere started firing….I came so hard….Oh my God….I came so hard….

I held my breath as I rode my orgasm trembling against Star’s belly, feeling his warmth and coarse hair rubbing against my abdomen. I rode my orgasm for nearly 30 seconds but wanted it to continue, so I held my breath as long as I could to make it last……then, just as it was easing….

I wanted to feel Star ejaculating inside me…….so I pressed the We-Vibe remote to HIGH. My body still feeling orgasmic, I jerked as my clit felt it jump to HIGH, it was still so sensitive from the orgasm I had just had. In a raspy voice I called out to Star….


Star neighed and stopped walking as he started trusting into me on the gentle slope up hill. Holy Hell! Star was thrusting into me so insanely deep as Star was pointed up the hill with Star’s massive cock buried so very deep inside me….deeper than ever before!
BAM!….I exploded into my third massive orgasm and I kept cumming over and over.
Star’s deep thrusting hurt and felt amazing at the same time. Each thrust hurt and felt amazing. I had been thrust so deeply for so long, the pain/pleasure threshold was like a jagged knife edge and I was on that knife edge with all I could take, I was being overwhelmed.

I could feel Star’s cock flare inside me, I glanced down and could see his flare bulge show in my belly. As star was thrusting deep inside me, his flare was moving forward and back in my belly, an amazing visual to actually see, Star has a HUGE flare on his cock head deeper than ever before, nearly up to my belly button!. Just then Star started to ejaculate deep inside me with his hot semen blasting me with rope after rope of his hot sticky semen. Star’s flare was putting extra pressure on my g-spot every time it bumped into the We-Vibe inside me buzzing my g-spot. I was so super turned on, this made me feel like I was going to pee…

I think Star’s cock had swollen larger, and his flare was even bigger than normal today, he felt extra HUGE!

I could feel Star’s cock acting like a piston, massaging my g-spot as he withdrew, then driving deep inside me as I watched his flare move deep inside me move deeper along my belly. God it was amazing to watch as I felt it inside me at the same time.

Something new as well, I could feel cramping deep inside me this time as his flare was creating enough of a seal to force a piston like pressure to force his hot semen into my uterus past my cervix. My belly was rising with each thrust, Star is pumping my uterus full of his hot semen with each thrust. The cramping hurts, my eyes close again, I can’t take any more pain, but it also feels so damn good, God it feels good, I want more.

I’m losing control of my body, I can’t stop….Star was thrusting so wildly inside me, so deep, so very deep. I was cumming over and over, non-stop orgasms, I couldn’t stop, and I started to pee on Star’s cock, little squirts between each thrust. I had lost control. I glanced down, it was a clear fluid squirting out of me, it wasn’t pee…..I was ejaculating on Star’s cock with each of his thrusts…I was cumming so hard….Holy Hell…I was ejaculating at the same time Star was ejaculating inside of me. I was ejaculating each time Star withdrew before drive back into me….Holy Hell, I was cumming so hard I was ejaculating!

I was trembling and losing control of my thoughts as continuous orgasms flooded my brain. My body was trembling so violently I could hardly breath from the tense muscles and the deep thrusting. I was losing consciousness and felt my body start to go limp just as I switched the remote OFF.

Blackness crept in from the corners of my vision as I felt my convulsing orgasmic body fall to the leather saddle.

I don’t think I was out for long, my body was still twitching from my orgasm when I opened my eyes, so maybe only 30 seconds, maybe a few minutes. Edging myself to build up to a stronger orgasms, and then Star my special boy had fucked me into unconsciousness with such a deep driving orgasms….WOW.

I looked down and noticed my normally flat belly still had a bulge in it….my uterus was still filled with semen, and I still had a cramping feeling, which was now uncomfortable, not so pleasurable. As sexy as a uterus full of horse semen might sound, I needed to do something about it to ease the cramping I was feeling. I pushed hard on my bellyriding harness swinging as far off Star’s cock as I could, then I flexed my abs muscles, unhooked my right hand then pressed down on my belly bulge in a downward fashion hoping to squeeze out the semen from inside my uterus. My plan worked great, I was able to put enough pressure on my uterus, which was a little uncomfortable while I did it, but afterwards, the cramping was gone!

I did manage to push the massive load of semen out of my uterus into my vagina, and when I was done my belly was down to it’s normal flat profile.

So, going for my super massive We-Vibe orgasm….edging closer to orgasm, denying myself, building up to a much larger orgasm…..then driving down hard on Star’s massive cock on the hill….what did I learn?

Maybe not something I would want to do every day, but certainly a unique new experience here at he resort. I needed a short rest, my body had been through a lot this morning. I knew a nice place to take a nap, so I headed Star in that direction.

As I approached a clearing not far from the house I decided to rest both Star and myself and take a short nap of sorts. With my brain filled with orgasm released endorphins, impaled on Star’s massive cock, I took a few thrusts just to feel him sliding inside me. I took a few deep breaths, God I felt so good, so at peace, so very happy on this warm morning I drifted off into a peaceful nap. I was out almost immediately, and slept peacefully. I opened my eyes some time later wondering how long I had napped, I guessed about 15-20 minutes, but not really sure.

It must be about noon I’m guessing, which means we have been riding for about three hours. Star has ejaculated inside me 6 times, blasting me with rivers of his hot semen each time until it flowed out of me filling my collection bowl. I have already had many many orgasms. Orgasms now are so much easier, since we have started using the We-Vibe, our orgasms are more lustful and amazing without us bellyriders getting as tired as we used to. I really love how much better the We-Vibe has made bellyriding for all of us incorporating our g-spots and clits in our orgasms giving us whole body, trembling orgasms.

As I was waking up, I happened to look over and saw someone walking toward me, I could tell it was a woman….I think she is naked…


Chapter 16 – Mother Lili And Daughter Zoe – Day 2 – Part 2

As I was waking up, still lying in the leather bellyriding saddle, I happened to look over and saw someone walking toward me. I think she is naked, but my eyes were still working on focusing better….yes….she is naked. As she got closer I could tell it was Lili walking up to me. I wondered for a second how she found me, but then I remembered there are GPS units on each horse to track where each rider is so the staff can find any rider at any time if needed or to come empty our semen collection bowls. Lili must have asked Lisa in the stables which direction to walk to find me. I was only a 5-10 minute walk away from the stables.

As Lili came into view I could see yes, she is naked. She has a beautiful body, a slightly older version of Zoe’s body but still trim and beautiful. As I watched her getting closer, I could see glints of shininess on the insides of her thighs, semen has been running out of her and running down her thighs as she was walking out to meet me. She must have just finished bellyriding and walked directly out to meet me from the stables, so semen is still running out of her pussy and running down her inner thighs all the way to her ankles!….God that’s sexy. When she finally got to me she knelt down beside me. I looked into her beautiful hazel eyes. Zoe’s hazel eyes have a green tint, and Lili’s hazel eyes have a copper tint, both her and her daughter have beautiful eyes. The sun was just at the right angle to make Lili’s eyes iridescent, having a metallic kind of reflective glow. Her eyes were amazingly beautiful as she looked into my eyes. I guess I have a thing about beautiful women’s eyes, especially when they are gazing back into mine.

“Rachel, I have been thinking about you ever since we arrived here. As I look at your naked body now, it excites me very much. I find you a very desirable woman, and I would like for you to come back to the house with me, and make love with me.”

Wow…she didn’t ask, she sort of commanded me. But yes, I actually wanted this to happen as well, ever since they had arrived here.

“I would like that very much Lili. Why don’t you lead me back to the stables and we can go to my room and make love.”

My heart skipped a beat, and I started breathing faster. I had secretly been hoping for a chance to make love with Lili, but I didn’t know when that chance would happen, if ever. As Lili walked me back to the stables I wondered if Zoe’s tales of her lovemaking with me had sparked a fire inside Lili that had been burning inside her since this morning, maybe enough for her to ask me to make love with her. My heart was beating faster, and I had to tell her how I felt about her.

“Lili I have wanted to make love with you as well, I didn’t know if that chance would happen while you were visiting though.”

“Rachel, you have an air of sexuality that attracted me to you immediately. Then when Zoe told me how special you were with her, I knew I wanted to make love with you even more. I just needed to find a way to make it happen.”

I knew what was about to happen with Lili, I was going to make love with her, but I also wanted her to watch me with Star, and I wanted one more orgasm with Star and to feel him blasting me with his hot semen once again in front of Lili.

I reached up and switched the We-Vibe remote to LOW…and as the light turned to YELLOW I began thrusting on Star’s massive cock.

“Lili let me cum on Star’s cock for you please….I need to do this.”

Lili stopped walking Star and turned to watch, a smile came to her face. She knew exactly what I was talking about. My desire for gratification, and my desire to perform in front of others combining to drive my need for my orgasm in front of her. I started moaning and breathing faster as I switched the remote to MEDIUM. I kept my eyes on Lili as she was looking into mine. She looked up and saw the light had changed to ORANGE, and also watched my breasts swaying with my efforts, but always coming back to my eyes. I started trembling as I switched it to HIGH…..just as my orgasm hit me.

“I’m cumming…”

I kept thrusting as best I could…..trembling….holding my breath, some breathing. I was cumming in front of Lili and I loved it. She was watching me, as she was rubbing her pussy and a breast and nipple, and I was watching her.


Star started thrusting inside me FAST….I knew I was going to cum again, hard and fast, Star’s fast thrusting drives me to orgasms so easily, God it feels so good…

“OH GOD….I’m Cumming Again!….”

BAM!…I came hard on Star’s thrusting cock. My body arched up against Star’s belly, and I quit breathing as Star pounded into me so deeply. I felt every deep curved thrust of his massive cock driving deep as he blasted me with rope after rope of his semen. I could feel Star’s belly hair rubbing on my belly as he was thrusting into me. I felt his flared penis thrusting inside my vagina with each thrust. Maybe it was the arched angle of my body, but Star’s flare REALLY pushed out my belly on each thrust, it was freakishly amazing to see each time he drove deep into me as I sneaked a peek through my closed eyes. His flare was pushing into me as far as my bellybutton…DAMN!

I was straining in this arched position…almost hanging from Star’s massive thrusting cock so deep inside me. I rode this orgasm for what seemed like many minutes, hard to tell sometimes, so lost in trembling, straining orgasmic bliss. God I love my massive orgasms with Star, damn good thing I have a really strong heart and great lung capacity. I just held my breath for over a minute prolonging my orgasm to the point of passing out. All I was aware of was Star’s mighty thrusting and my trembling orgasmic body shaking against his warm hairy belly, then feeling every blast of his hot semen with each thrust of his massive cock driving inside me, filling me over and over again, as it poured out of me running down to fill my collection bowl full of Star’s semen. What an amazing feeling to ride out during my entire orgasm. I feel so blessed to have such a capable horse lover as Star. He loves my We-Vibe, and has learned to make love to me in several different ways that drive me to delicious orgasms all day long.

As my orgasm finally eased, my arched body eased back down into the bellyriding saddle. Damn that was a hell of a massive orgasm I just had in front of Lili. Having her watch me made it stronger I’m sure.

“Rachel, God that was beautiful, thank you. I got so horny watching you, I started touching myself and came on my fingers, you are just so damn sexy.”


We had arrived at the stables a short time later and Lisa was there to help get me out of the bellyriding saddle just as she had done for Lili. As soon as I dismounted, we held a collection bowl under my pussy lips to catch most of the semen pouring of from inside of me as usual, since we are in the business of collecting this precious commodity. Then Lili and I helped brush Star for the next 5 minutes. I could feel the remainder of Star’s semen running down my thighs just as it had been doing to Lili’s thighs. When we were finished brushing Star, we headed into the house naked, a first for me. As we walked into the house with semen running down our thighs, both thinking of what was about to happen between us, I knew I had a smile on my face, I glanced over and Lili did too. I had hoped this would happed between Lili and I, and my heart was already beating faster, damn I was excited.

Lili and I grabbed a couple bottles of water each from the kitchen, then went to my room and decided to take a shower together. We took our time with two bottles of body wash, feeling the suds in our hands caressing the curves of each other. Breasts and bubbles, abs and bubbles, curves of asses and bubbles, such a sensual playing in the shower. We were in no hurry, this was foreplay at its finest. Rubbing and caressing very slowly, God this was fun and sooo sexy, and Lily was very good at this.

We were experienced sexual beings, and we knew how to play this game well. There were quiet moans to be heard, sighs of pleasure, nothing outrageous like porn movies, but real intimate sensual prolonged foreplay moans and sounds….nice. Our bodies were rubbing against each others, my breasts rubbing against her breasts all soapy and slippery, I was so turned on, we stood together kissing in our embrace as we rinsed off. She is a very sensual kisser, I hardly noticed the water as it rinsed off the soapy suds. I was pressing my mound against hers gently, grasping her ass and pulling her into me tighter, I needed more of her, so much more. We dried off and head to the bed.


I spread a towel in the center of the bed, and another towel on the side of the bed to set all my toys on for this afternoons festivities. I went to my pleasure chest of toys hidden under the bed to look for play things for us to experience today. I placed both boxes of Chime Balls on the towel. These are large Chime Balls, larger than most. I also placed my Pocket Rocket vibrator on the towel.

Lili and I climbed on the bed. It was time for our exploration of each other. I picked up two of my Chime Balls wondering if Lili had ever seen anything like these before. These are my Kegel Chime Balls. I shook two of the balls making them chime for Lili. Her eyes squinted a little, and a smile came to her face. I think the Chime Balls were new to her, and she was game for trying new things….Good for her….this was going to be a lot of fun!

I opened the other box and dumped them out on the towel. I reached for a pillow, doubled it over, and had her raise her hips up so her pussy was high in the air. I placed the pillow under her rear end so her pussy was the highest part of her. I wanted her to watch each ball going into her pussy as I pressed them inside of her just like I had done for Zoe.

Lili has a beautiful pussy. She also has a nice large clit which I like very much, but more about her clit later. I had her fold her legs back. I leaned forward to tease Lili just a little bit, and as I looked directly into her eyes, as I gently licked up each pussy lips every so gently, first the left side, then the right, then right up the middle. Lili was moaning immediately, as I watched her pussy lips engorge and open up for me until I could see inside…. so inviting… asking for more.

I reached for the lube, I was ready to go. I lubed up her pussy lips and the first ball, and set it on her open pussy lips, perched atop her pussy lips all shiny and silver on display. Lili was staring at the silver ball wondering what I was going to do next. I pressed down just enough to make it go in half way then let it push back up. Anticipation is a wonderful thing when teasing a sexual partner. I placed two fingers on the slippery ball and pumped it into her a half dozen times before pressing it all the way inside of her with one long push,making her moan and shiver, and then it was gone.

I reached for ball #2, lubed it up and placed it on her pussy again. This time I reached for the Magic Wand. I turned the Wand on LOW and touched her lips around the ball getting closer and closer to the ball. Lili was moaning louder now, she was liking this a lot. Her pussy started spasming a little bit which had the effect of opening and closing around the Chime Ball trying to decide whether to swallow it up or reject the invader. I was watching this with great pleasure as her body was responding to this stimulation. I wanted to know what her sexual appetite would decide. I decided for her, as I finally touched the ball with the Wand and it started chiming. As I moved to press the ball into her with the Wand her pussy was still spasming, undecided whether to accepted this second silver invader. I looked up and her mouth was open, an involuntary sign that she did want it inside her, so I pressed until her pussy did swallow the second ball, I heard a loud moan from Lili, and as the chiming sound became muffled as it slid inside her…… it was gone as well.

I spread her pussy lips with my fingers and I could see Chime Ball #2 inside her pussy, it was beautiful inside her.

I reached for ball #3, lubed it and placed it on her pussy and teased her and drove it into her pussy with the Magic Wand the same way. Lili was moaning and breathing like she was about to cum so I eased off for a moment.

I spread her pussy lips with my fingers once again, and I could see Chime Ball #3 inside her pussy, it was beautiful inside her all silver and shiny. It was moving slightly up and down from her pussy spasms. I wasn’t done yet…

I reached for ball#4, lubed it and placed it on her pussy. I looked up at her, her eyes looked desperate for an orgasm, her body was trembling slightly, a kind of desperation, searching for something, or someone to help her cum.

“Lili, don’t cum yet, you are not allowed to cum until I tell you to.”

“But I’m so close…I can’t stop…”

“Not until I tell you to.”

I squirted lube on her clitoral shaft and clit getting ready for my final assault on her to help her crash into her massive orgasm.

I pressed the Magic Wand to Ball #4 and pressed down, it started chiming, and vibrating her vagina opening. Lili started losing it, so I stopped. She whimpered, her hips pushed up to me to try to get more vibrations from the Wand just above the ball, she needed to cum badly. I was denying her release. Only a couple more times, and then her orgasm would be that much stronger. I pressed against the Chime Ball again, Lili started humping against the Wand with her hips. The silver Chime Ball sitting in her pussy lips looked so beautiful, God it was so sexy. Her pussy lips were trying to swallow it up, I swear they were….damn.

“Lili don’t cum.”

“Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeese………..I need to cum so badly.”

I did this three more times until Lili couldn’t take it anymore. Lili was losing control of her body. Her body started trembling, desperate for an orgasm.

The Chime Ball was making noise from her trembling and the Wand pressing against her pussy lips next to it, her body was trembling so violently without an orgasm, she was losing it. I backed off the Chime Ball. OK, this next time I would let her cum. I don’t know if Chime Ball #4 will fit inside her with her vagina muscles contracting, but I will try, and then I will hold the Wand to her clit. I pressed the Wand to the Chime Ball again with more pressure as it started chiming, and it started pushing inside her. As Ball#4 popped inside her, and the Wand’s vibrating head followed right behind it pushing in too. Lili screamed as that happened, she was too full now. Lili screamed!

“Not Yet, Not Yet Lili.”

I could faintly hear the Chime Balls inside Lili making a metallic clanking noise, banging into each other as well as chiming. I picked up the Pocket Rocket vibrator and turned it on LOW. I started massaging her clitoral shaft up and down with the little Rocket vibe.

Lili’s pussy was FULL of Chime Balls, chiming away, her g-spot was getting vibrated by the Magic Wand head trapped inside her pussy, and the Rocket vibe was buzzing her clitoral shaft nicely, she was about to have an orgasm, a HUGE orgasm.

Lili was moaning louder and her hips were grinding into the Wand, wanting more. I switched the Wand to HIGH, and the Pocket Rocket to HIGH., then went back to her shaft with the vibe.

Lili started breathing raspy gasps, her body was shaking, she was losing it. Her hips were jerking, her abs were flexing, she needed to cum. I was watching this beautiful woman losing it, and I had a front row seat.

“Oh God….I…Need…..Pleeeease….”

“Almost Lili……Almost…..”

“OK Lili CUM NOW!”

Lili screamed I’m cumming…

BAM!…Lili exploded into a massive orgasm as I moved the Pocket Rocket down to her clit. Lili trembled violently through her orgasm as I held the Pocket Rocket to her clit the best I could. I held the Wand firmly inside her as her orgasm was trying to push it out, the handle waving up and down as her body trembled up and down, putting additional pressure on her g-spot. I couldn’t hear the Chime Balls inside her she was moaning so loudly.

“Oh God….Oh God…Oh God…”

I watched her ride out her massive orgasm for a long, long time. She was holding her breath, gasping for air, her body violently shaking, straining tense muscles, sweat covered her beautiful body.

Her body was jerking as she was finally easing out of her orgasm, little tremors of her body with her eyes closed. I love the different ways women orgasm. I moved the Pocket Rocket vibe from her clit, and reached over and turned the Wand OFF.

I let Lili lay there for a minute before doing anything as her breathing returned to normal.
I decided to do just as I had done with Zoe, and retrieve the Chime balls from inside Lili. I eased the Wand out of Lili’s pussy, setting it on the towel.

I lubed up my hand and started caressing Lili’s outer lips. I was caressing her pussy opening when I slid in three fingers just a little and I felt the first ball inside her. I gently eased it out of her and placed it on the towel. I went back in for ball number two, which I found just a little deeper inside her. After removing it and placing it on the towel, then ball number three, then I went back in for the last ball. I could feel it all the way in the back against her cervix with my finger tips. I gently eased my hand inside Lili, my hand slid in all the way, but she felt good around my hand. I went in deep enough to get behind the ball and pull it to the front of her pussy. As I pulled my hand out I brought the Chime Ball out with my trailing fingers.

I knew I NEEDED to be inside her again, to feel her around my hand once more. I held my fingers together again and slid my hand inside Lili once more very, very slowly. Feeling her warmth around my hand, to be inside her like this, I wanted this to happen between us. Lili moaned when my hand slid inside her again, a deep guttural moan, all the air exhaling from her lungs. I started moving my hand inside her gently, just slow, slow gently stokes, intimate loving strokes. Lili was moaning with each stroke, savoring each slow stroke, just like our foreplay earlier, building to something special. I did this for several minutes, almost pulling out, then in very deep, and ever so slowly. Just breathing and guttural moaning from her, so nice. In a very raspy, soft moaning voice, Lili pleaded with me…

“Oh…. God……Yes….Please….Fuck Me…..”

This was a beautiful intimate quiet moment for lovers to share. Lili’s hips started thrusting against my hand as I pulled back each time, so I curled my fingers, and made more of a solid fist and started twisting it at her pussy entrance on each stroke. Seems like our intimate stroking was almost over, Lili was ready to be driven to an orgasm. I wondered if she had ever been fisted before, and I guessed probably so.

I picked up the Magic Wand and turned it on LOW. I started rubbing it along her clitoral shaft on top of her pussy mound, up and back. I was fucking her a little faster with my fist now, twisting my hand inside her, she was getting ready to orgasm. She seemed to like me rotating my fist around her g-spot, and almost pulling out each time, so I continued to do that. She was moaning louder, God I love hearing women moaning about to have an orgasm, the closer they get the more needy it sounds, it is so beautiful to me. Her body was trembling, she was about to orgasm….I moved the Wand to her clit….

BAM!…Lili exploded into a wonderful orgasm with my fist inside her vagina….she was squeezing the hell out of my hand. I could feel her vagina squeeze and relax as each orgasmic spasm thrashed her trembling body. It was a marvelous shaking ride she took us both on as I sat between her legs with my hand inside her, feeling her ride out her massive orgasm. I kept thrusting inside her as I could, rubbing her g-spot, twisting my hand inside her, almost pulling out, holding the Wand against her clit, doing things to prolong her orgasms. I was pumping her pussy with my fist fairly vigorously, she seemed to like it that way. She was screaming for more! She rode my pumping fist like a crazed woman in heat….damn. She was having continuous orgasms, just one after the other. This went on for several minutes!

Finally, she couldn’t take it any more and needed me to stop, she pushed the Wand away from her clit covering her clit with her hand.

“Oh God…Please…I can’t take any more.”

I slowed my thrusting inside her. I watched as her last orgasm eased. I left my hand inside her until her breathing quieted down, loving my last moments of still being inside her warm vagina. I gently eased my unfolded fist from inside her, and her vagina stayed open slightly for me to gaze inside where my hand had just been. There was a trickle of fluid running out from inside. What a stunningly beautiful vagina to be looking into… Swollen pussy lips, splayed open and inviting, and her vaginal opening, gaped open slightly with her orgasmic fluids running out after her orgasm from my invading hand.

I smiled as I look up into her eyes.

“I was just looking at what a beautiful pussy you have, simply beautiful.”

As I kept my gaze into her beautiful copper hazel eyes, I gently lay upon her once again, not putting much weight on her though. I was mostly supporting my weight by my knees and elbows, but my body was touching hers. I wanted some physical contact, I wanted to feel her warmth against me. I kissed her lips several times, then pulled back waiting for her to open her eyes. Finally she did, they had a dreamy look to them.

“Hi Lili my love. I loved having my hand inside you, feeling your warmth around me. I wanted to start by fisting you slowly and sensually, feeling every inch inside your wet vagina as I slid back and forth inside you. Then you wanted me to fist you vigorously and the combination of the two was exciting and new to me, Thank You.”

“You fisted me to so many amazing orgasms, Thank You.”

“Lili, did you like the Chime Balls?”

“Oh Yes! I have never seen Chime Balls before. I liked watching them as you pushed them inside me. I had to cum so badly and when you were telling me not to cum I started shaking, you denying me only made me need to cum that much more. Then when I finally came, I came so hard. When you pushed the Wand’s head inside me, I could feel the vibrations all the way up inside me, I came so damn hard. Then when you vibrated my clitoral shaft, edging me closer, then moved to my clit, I exploded so hard, it was really amazing.”

“Thank you Rachel for all those amazing orgasms you gave me, I just love your fun sexual playful way about you.”

As I was lying in Lili’s arms now, I wondered if she had ever experienced anything like this before in her sexual life, between two women I mean. She was having new bellyriding orgasmic experiences here for sure with the We-Vibe. I was just wondering what her sex life was like in Hungary a little bit. I was certainly having new experiences here all the time and loving every one of them. I had certainly come to love both Zoe and Lili and the time I got to spend with each of them.

“Oh Rachel, Hanna had told me you were a special woman, I had no idea. You are so much more than that Rachel, My God, so much more than that. Zoe shared with me how exciting her lovemaking was with you, and she was right, you are imaginative and fun to make love with.”

I felt touched that she had enjoyed my ministrations on her, but now it was my turn to be on the receiving end. Now it was my turn to be made love to by Lili. I was both very excited and very nervous about what might be waiting for me. I worried that Lili would make me pay for my delaying her orgasm from her. It all depended on how well she knew to play these sex games on another person, and how experienced she was at giving pleasure to another person, or denying them their orgasm. Maybe if I had known she was a master at sex play before hand, I probably never would have brought up the subject of denying orgasms in the first place, because now it was her turn to make me pay for my little games I played on her.

I think I should be afraid of what was about to happen to me. Being from Hungary where they are more sexually open, and probably more experienced…..damn, if I had thought about that before I had denied her orgasms just a few minutes ago, maybe that wasn’t such a good game to start playing with her, because it was payback time now…..damn.

I started trembling slightly, I was becoming so excited and nervous at the same time, had I unleashed a tiger as I lay back in the bed watching her move between my legs? I looked in her eyes for a sign, I was starting to feel so vulnerable. God, I was so wet from anticipation though, I was dripping wet….God help me…..


Chapter 17 – Mother Lili And Daughter Zoe – Day 2 – Part 3
I dare not let her see me trembling….
I lay down on the bed, I was already wet from anticipation, I felt how wet my pussy lips were, and I could feel it running down my left leg, I was soaking wet. I wanted this, I really wanted this, I was so horny I was rubbing my left nipple with one hand and clit with my right hand. I couldn’t help myself, I didn’t even know I was doing it until I caught myself doing it…damn I was so turned on.

“Oh Rachel, I see you touching yourself….are you in need of some attention?”

“Oh God yes Lili, Please fuck the hell out of me. I need to cum so badly.”

That was my first mistake right there. Telling her I was in such need. My mouth was dry, I was shaking just a little, I wondered if Lili could tell.

“Do you trust me Rachel?”

“Yes, I trust you”

”May I do anything I want to to you?”


Now I was nervous, but I wasn’t going to let Lili know that. My voice was so raspy sounding, I barely got that ‘Yes’ out. Lili moved off the bed and went to the night stand by the bed, opened the drawer and closed it. She slid something under the pillow without me seeing it. Now I was even more nervous. She had something planned in advance hidden in the night stand drawer for me….damn.

Lili climbed on the bed, she was kneeling and sat back on her feet, looking into my eyes. I knew she had something in mind, but I didn’t know what to expect.

“Ready to begin Rachel?”


Lili climbed on top of me, straddling my chest with her knees on either side of my head. She gently lowered her pussy to my mouth.

“Rachel, I want your sweet mouth to give me pleasure, I’m going to hold your hands so you can only use your mouth.”

Lili’s clit was a little larger than most, I was sucking on it as good as I knew how to, as well as humming into her, hopefully adding a little vibration as well.

Lili started moaning as she was rubbing her pussy against my mouth as I was sucking on her clit. Lili was holding my hands high above my head, doing something up there. She had slipped a silk rope around each of my hands and around the headboard. I would later find out that it was a Japanese Silk Love Rope Wrist Cuffs that she had brought with her. By the time I kind of felt something, it was too late. I was trapped.

Lili was moaning loudly as she had this gentle rhythm going in her hips of rubbing her pussy against my mouth. I was sucking on her clit and open pussy lips as she was moving her hips against my mouth. Each time her open pussy lips would move over my mouth I would fuck her with my tongue as deeply as I could, then flutter my tongue all around. If the sounds of her loud moaning were any indication, she was liking what I was doing very much. Lili has a juicy pussy, and tasted so yummy! Her juices were coating my mouth and chin until they were soaking wet.

As Lili’s orgasm started, she began to grind her pussy against my mouth harder and harder. To feel her sexual desire so close was very exciting!

“I’m Cumming!”

Lili ground her pussy against my mouth with impressive force as wave after wave of her orgasm drove her like a possessed woman humping my mouth and lips for all she was worth. I could tell it felt good to her, after her first orgasm, she just kept grinding against my mouth and tongue.

Just as she was about to cum for the second time, I covered my teeth with my lips, sucked in really hard drawing an inch of her clit and pussy flesh into my mouth, then clamped down fairly hard trapping her flesh and clit in my mouth. She was grinding hard as she came hard, but her clit was trapped…

Lili Exploded into a massive second orgasm….Lili screamed!

“Oh GOD…I’m Cumming!”

Lili was cumming harder this time. Lili reached down and grabbed my head pulling it harder against her as she came trembling hard against my mouth. I started rubbing my tongue left and right against her trapped clit head inside mouth. Lili started trembling harder, that is exactly what I was hoping for. It only took a moment of this….

“Oh GOD…I’m Cumming Again!”

I tried to breathe through my nose, but it was mostly blocked. She was cumming SO hard, I was loving it for sure, but I wondered how long I could hold on. My head was jerking each time her hips jerked with each orgasmic contraction. This was definitely a new experience. I moved my lower jaw left and right just a little, to roll her clit just a little, that made her jump and moan.

I shook my head just a little left and right as quickly as I could, stretching the shaft of her trapped clit as I continued sucking hard with my clamped lips and flicking tongue. I had triggered something in Lili, now she was having continuous orgasms. Lili was only moaning and grunting for a second or two between each orgasm. After a couple minutes, she couldn’t take it any more….


But I still held on! …. At least a little longer…..She hasn’t said ‘Pineapple’ yet!


I finally released the hold on Lili’s clit and pussy flesh, letting them slide from within my mouth. Her pelvis was still jerking from her last orgasm…. but it finally slowed. Lili took a breath…

“Oh Dear God.”

Lili’s hips were jerking occasionally as her breathing was returning to normal. She was still holding my head against her pussy tightly, and finally released it as I felt her body relax and the orgasmic tremors finally ease away. God she cums so beautifully, and to have her pussy riding my mouth with her abdominal muscles right above contracting with each orgasmic tremor, I rode out her wondrous orgasms with me being front and center, sucking her pussy and clit, it was amazing!

Lili moved off of my mouth, my mouth and chin were wet with her juices, but she had tasted yummy. Lili’s breathing slowed to normal, so I had been doing a good job to get her to cum on my mouth.

I looked at Lili’s clit, it was red and swollen…and sticking out more than normal! I had sucked so hard and stretched it larger than normal…DAMN! It was HUGE!

“Damn Lili, look at your HUGE clit!, I sucked the hell out of it and it got bigger. You came like a maniac with your clit trapped in my mouth like that.”

“That was unbelievable Rachel, yes I did come like a maniac….I couldn’t stop cumming, I loved the way my clit felt in your mouth, thank you. So,…I guess you can tell I have bound your hands to the headboard.”

“With my hands tied up like this….Am I going to need a SAFE word Lili?”

“Maybe, Rachel.”

“Do you want a safe word?”

“If you think I will need one?”

I didn’t know if I needed to be worried, but if she thought I needed a SAFE word, then maybe I should be worried.

“Maybe you should have a SAFE word, what word would you like to use as your SAFE word tonight?

Yep, time to be worried, Lili had something in mind……and she was WAY to good at this.

“How about Pineapple Lili?”

“Pineapple sounds perfect Rachel.”

All I ask is that you take as much as you can, even MORE than you think you can, and only say the SAFE word when you are absolutely sure you can’t take any more, because if you say the word….. we will have to stop playing, OK?

“OK, Lili”

I was feeling so many conflicting emotions, I did trust Lili, but she brought her own binding cuffs from Hungary…are you kidding me….holy shit!

I might be in real trouble here….was I in way over my head? Well I was the one who started this, so I was going to ride this pony for as long as I could. No way was I going to cry uncle….no matter how desperate things got, I promised that to myself. I might regret promising myself that later, but it was too late now. I was all in.

I wanted as much sexual pleasure as Lili could give me, and either die, well not die….maybe pass out or scream with delight from her sexual assault on me as my body could handle. The word assault had popped in my head, because I knew Lili was going to bring an army of sensations and pleasures that were likely to overwhelm me, and I better be ready for it. There was no way I was going to use the SAFE word, no way in hell. Well that’s what I thought now, easy to say before you are on the jagged edge of screaming out the SAFE word like I would be only a short time later….yes, hanging on the jagged edge to please make her finally stop.

Lili ran to the bathroom and grabbed two towels, had me raise up, spreading them out under my hips and legs. What the hell did she have in store for me that I needed towels for?

Lili had me lying on the bed with my hands tied to the headboard, I was totally at her mercy. I watched as she moved between my legs and reached for the lube. I started to get nervous. Not knowing what was going to happen to me was making my heart beat faster…..I was definitely getting really nervous now.

I watched as Lili spread lube on her hand slowly. Anticipation is a great turn on and part of sexual foreplay. It looked like Lily was going to fist me, but she was taking her time getting ready, looking me in the eyes, sexual tension was definitely building between us. God she was way too good at this….yep time to be nervous, but I was still looking forward to this very much.

I felt the cool slippery lube as it touched my pussy lips as she stroked my vaginal entrance with one finger ever so gently with a simple bottom to top stroke. Lili was teasing me, and as my pussy lips lubed up, her finger slipped inside in the middle of each stoke just for a half second, it made me jump and moan as it caught me by surprise. Damn, I was on a hair trigger already, holly shit!

I was mentally at her mercy, I wanted this so much, and so badly, but I couldn’t let her know that, that just gives her all the power.

Lili added a second finger and started circling around my vaginal opening, damn this felt so amazing. I was moaning and breathing faster in rhythm with each circle, my eyes were closed as I could see her fingers circling my opening in my mind, and just when she slid her two finger inside me a deep guttural moan escaped me at the same time. We were so in sync, her giving and my receiving pleasure seemed effortless.

Lili started stroking the top of my vagina where my g-spot is with her two finger in a come-hither kind of stroke….yes, that’s just what I wanted to feel. She reached up with her other hand and started to masturbated my clit with her other lubed finger tips by stoking the skin surrounding her clit. Alternating rolling just behind her clit, and exposing her clit by pulling back on the protecting skin on the clit, kind of jacking it off. The combination on my clit was driving me crazy! And always the stroking on my g-spot which was getting more intense as my moaning was getting louder.

I was going to have an orgasm soon, my hips were moving on their own and Lili was staying right with me. Lili firmly stroking my g-spot and stimulating my clit perfectly…God I was so damn close to cumming….

“Oh God…I’m….Going….To Cummm”

My body started trembling, my abs, my legs, my hips, I was going to cum and I couldn’t stop it….

BAM! My orgasm hit me hard, as Lili started rubbing my clit directly! Holy shit she timed it perfectly! My body arched off the bed as it trembled through my orgasm with Lili sitting between my legs stroking my g-spot and clit as best she could as every muscle in my body tensed in my high arched position. I was holding my breath and trembling, grunting a kind of vibrating straining noise coming from deep within me.

As my orgasm eased I took a much needed breath as my body lowered back down to the bed. Lili withdrew her fingers from inside me, and massaged my pussy with the entire palm of her hand gently, that felt good, but my clit was sensitive and my hips jerked each time she touched my clit, it had been a big combination clit and g-spot orgasm she gave me.

Lili slid three fingers inside me, it seemed she wasn’t going to let me rest, she had plans for me. Lili slid them in and out a few times, damn they felt good. I could feel her rubbing the roof of my vagina where my g-spot is, oh yes…that’s it….mmmm.

Then Lili turned her fingers over, flattened them and started massaging my vagina from 3:00 to 6:00 to 9:00, damn that felt really great, felt like she was fucking me sort of, I liked it. I started moaning, and my hips started moving against her hand. Lili was opening my vagina wider, getting me ready for more fingers….and then her hand!

I could hear a slight sucking sound which meant my vagina was gaping open as Lili was stretching me wider, preparing me for what was to come. I felt it when she added finger…..number four, and slid her hand inside me up to the web of her thumb. Lili rotated her hand so her thumb could massage the side of my clit as she slid her four fingers and most of her hand inside me.

I was moaning and breathing with each thrust, following her rhythm, keeping pace with her thrusting into me. This was not a race, this was intimate fucking, a special kind of fucking.

The problem was my mind understood this, but my body wanted more, it always wants more, and my body was tied up…and kind of helpless.

Finally Lili folded her thumb over and slid her entire hand inside me, struggling to get past the ring of muscles just inside my vaginal entrance, then pushing through them bringing a deep guttural moan of pleasure from me as her hand finally settled deep inside my vagina….God her hand felt so good inside me!

My body jerked and trembled as her hand pushed its way inside me, it felt so amazingly good. Oh My God! That first feeling of penetration of something large penetrating you, your lovers hand, your horses cock, is just the best fucking feeling in the world! I look forward to it every morning…It never gets old!

I could feel every inch as Lili continued to slowly fist my lubricated and juicy vagina which was leaking my own juices by now I’m sure. I continued to moan great long groans with each gliding thrust of her hand and arm as they slid deep within me. Lili knew just how to thrust and rotate her hand and arm to stimulate each area inside my vagina for maximum pleasure….yes, she has done this before, and she was watching me very intently for my reactions to her ministrations inside my vagina.

I had been building toward an orgasm for some time now, and I was close to cumming, and I needed to cum. I was moaning louder, and my body was trembling against her hand, God we were making a beautiful symphony of prolonged pleasure just on the edge of an orgasm….it was a delicious feeling, but now I needed to cum badly! My body was covered with sweat from need, and I was in need of my orgasm.

There is something different about the way a sexually experienced woman makes love. She knows to take her time. She knows to savor each caress, and to prolong lovemaking and orgasms. It’s more of a ritual when two more experienced lovers are in sync with each other. Lili and I were certainly in sync this afternoon, and damn she was very good at prolonging our pleasure…..My God she was very good.

Lili held me on the jagged edge of my orgasm, denying me my orgasm that I SO desperately needed. She kept teasing me, bringing me to the edge of my orgasm, over and over again. Five minutes, ten minutes, I lost track of time, I was becoming more desperate for my orgasm each time. I would have done anything for my orgasm, I needed it, I had to have it, I was becoming a real mess, a desperate mess. I had never been in such a desperate situation before. Like a junkie needing a fix, I was sweating, and trembling with need….holy hell, I was in trouble here. I knew I had better not say anything, I dare not, I was tied up, I don’t dare give into her power over my need. But I couldn’t take it any more.

My body was trembling badly, I could hardly speak, my mouth was dry. But I finally had to say something.

“Oh God….I Need To Cum….Let…Me…Cum…”

Nothing….So I pleaded some more.


I didn’t DARE say it. In the middle of my pleading I heard Lili’s voice answer me…

“You….what?…You….Bitch?…..It’s OK….you can say it.”

“Yes…You Bitch….Please let me cum now.”

Damn….She was WAY to good at playing this game with me. My body was twitching and trembling, my hips were jerking, I couldn’t help it, I was on the jagged edge of an orgasm for so long, and she held the keys to unlock it. Touch my clit….or fist fuck me faster….anything to push me over the edge…..but pleeeease give me my orgasm. Lili withdrew her hand from inside me….Oh God Nooo!

“So I’m a bitch… I a nice bitch?”

“You are a very sexy bitch that wants to punch fist my pussy very hard and fast to give me an orgasm.”

Lili slid two fingers inside me, curled them up, and started stroking my g-spot very lightly. She was teasing me again. I was whimpering….

“Oh Please…..”

God I don’t whimper, I don’t whimper, what’s wrong with me? But she had me whimpering, I was a mess, jerking, trembling, raspy breathing, moaning with need….I loved it and I hated it at the same time. Lili had been edging me so long my orgasm was going to be freaking massive….but I needed it NOW damn it.

“Please you very very nice bitch….please give me my orgasm now. Oh God……Help me….I didn’t mean to call you a bitch…….please help me Lili… me cum.”

Lili ever so SLOWLY slid her hand inside me once again, so slowly as to NOT give me my orgasm. I was trembling and I still wasn’t having an orgasm, my body was just out of control….amazing feeling, sensations firing everywhere. My hips were jerking up toward her hand to try to get more stimulation from her hand, to try to drive it in deeper, my body had never done this before trembling and jerking on its own, out of control, holy hell what had Lili done to me. Then Lili eased her hand out of me as I sighed in frustration once again…..damn. I was trembling with desire and need, she could see it in my eyes as she looked at me. Lili started sliding her hand half way inside me again, almost inside but not all the way. She started talking to me.

“So you want your orgasm… is my hand sliding inside you….feels nice doesn’t it….oops, but only half way…..then it’s out again…we can’t have you cumming now can we.”

She was teasing me, and taunting me physically and verbally…over and over she did this, then a little deeper….almost inside me….then she reached for the Magic Wand. Lili turned the Wand on LOW. Just hearing the Wand buzzing was driving me crazy with lust. Lili started buzzing my clitoral shaft as far away from my clit as she could. Two lousy inches from my clit, then my leg, anywhere but my clit which would give me my orgasm which I so desperately needed.

My face was sweating with desire, my whole body was sweating with desire, my body temperature had risen because of my sexual need. I needed to fuck something…or be fucked by something or someone…I needed a fucking orgasm…NOW!

Lili finally slid her hand all the way inside me in one long push, I grunted as I exhaled quickly, she then started rotating it at the entrance, damn that felt good….I was going to cum finally and I wasn’t going to tell her. My breathing, trembling jerking fucking body gave me away though…..shit, so she slowed down one last time. Damn her for catching on to me. I loved her, but she really was far too good at this, I desperately needed to cum, so maybe I also hated her for not giving me my orgasm, my mind wasn’t thinking straight. I was a trembling mess of need, my brain was on sensory overload, and my body was out of control.

I didn’t know it, but she was going to finally let me have my orgasm. I had no idea what she had planned for me. If I had, I think I might have chickened out. Lili had brought me to the edge of my orgasm so many times, it was going to be massive when it finally got here.

Some sexual partners can let you ease into an orgasm, then let you ease out of it. The other option is to drive you hard into it and not let up. Well, I guess you know what Lili might have been thinking for me. I certainly didn’t see it coming until it was too late. I would find out later that this was not her first rodeo driving someone crazy with desire, then driving them hard through their orgasm, and I was going to be her bucking bronco tonight.

Lili rotated her fist inside me so her thumb knuckle was facing up. She had bent her thumb 90 degrees so the knuckle was pointing straight up, rubbing against my g-spot. She started raking her knuckle across my g-spot as she slid her hand in and out inside me 2-3 inches right at the front of my vagina, also rotating her hand and thumb across my g-spot driving me wild. I was loving this stimulation and was about to cum so hard.

The Wand had been buzzing this whole time, the anticipation of the Wand on my clit was driving me crazy with desire for my orgasm….PLEASE!…just touch my clit I thought to myself over and over. I heard it first as she finally turned the Wand to HIGH.

Lili had been relentless in her teasing and edging assault on me….You know what they say….payback is a bitch! I’m sure she wasn’t doing it out of meanness, but she was surely going to drive me as hard and as far as she thought I could be driven with my hands tied up above me as they were. Sex play between loving and trusting partners can be an adventure in pushing boundaries to find wonderful sexual pleasures to share and give each other as long as things don’t get out of hand.

Lili started fisting me with full deep strokes from my g-spot to my cervix, triggering my massive orgasm……BAM!!! I exploded into a massive orgasm raising my hips off the bed as I screamed out at the top of my lungs.


Then Lili moved the Wand to my clit and I exploded again and saw white lights everywhere. I was holding my breath. Straining every muscle in my body, arched high off the bed, trebling violently. All I saw was white light behind my closed eyes, and I was thinking ‘Oh God Help Me!’

Overwhelming pleasure, white lights, not breathing, straining muscles, trembling body…that was my world of senses. I could feel her hand trying to move inside my pussy, but I was clamping down hard on it as my orgasm kept stopping her hand every second. I needed to breathe desperately. I could feel her fist moving inside me between contractions raking across my g-spot then driving deep inside and pressing against my cervix, God I love deep thrusting. With each orgasmic contraction I would squeeze the hell out of her hand freezing it wherever it was inside me, until that contraction was over. With the Wand on High, on my clit, I think I hand several orgasms as she fisted me hard for several minutes. I managed to get a breath or two, but not much. All I thought of was orgasms, fisting, and white lights…It was amazing!

I felt Lili’s thumb raking across my g-spot over and over, God I was going to pee or squirt on her I felt a release coming…and then it came!

I started Squirting a jet of female ejaculation all over her with each orgasmic contraction, just a short burst each time a contraction hit me, hitting her right between her breasts. She bent down and took one right in the mouth, holy shit I didn’t expect that. I watched through squinted eyes as Lili took a dozen shots right in the face and mouth…..Holy Hell!…..What has she done to me!

Finally my body eased back down to the bed, but Lili still had the Wand on my clit and her hand was still thrusting inside me, both extending my orgasm into another one.

I was helpless to stop her. My clit was becoming too sensitive for the Wands vibrations. Tears were streaming from my eyes, but I was helpless to stop her because both of my hands were bound above me to the headboard with the Japanese Silk Rope Cuffs. Lili removed the Wand from my clit and I sighed in relief for my clit getting a much needed rest from too much stimulation.

Lili reached down and used the towel on the bed to wipe her dripping face. She licked her lips, then wiped her face one last time. She wiped her breasts and chest…damn I really ejaculated all over her……wow!

She looked at me and winked, hmm…was that good or bad? Or did she like the kinky side of me ejaculating on her? Or was she getting ready to really give it to me now for me squirting on her?

I watched as Lili spread lube on her other hand. I guess her arm was getting tired….or she was going to take turns with which hand was going to fist me……..then it occurred to me….two hands???….OH MY GOD!!!!……NO FUCKING WAY!!!!

I didn’t dare say anything. If it wasn’t what she had in mind, I didn’t dare put THAT thought in her head. And if it was what she had in mind, then I couldn’t let on that it scared me. I had to appear brave at all costs.

Lili is stunningly beautiful woman. Her hands and arms are not delicate and frail, they are toned and athletic, strong and beautiful like the rest of her body. Her hands and arms could certainly fist me into oblivion until I screamed for her to stop.

“Oh Rachel, I see your lovely pussy is open and pulsing, asking for more. I will give it just a little more I think. Would you like me to give you just a little bit more Rachel?”

God, what the hell do I say to that….when I know damn well what is probably coming. Is that some kind of trick question? My answer probably won’t change what amazing/possibly scary thing she has planned for me either way……just be brave.

“Yes Lili, I would like a little more please. I want your hand inside me once more, I love the way it feels sliding inside me. So yes, please slide your hand inside me once more.”

I kind of hoped my friendly demeanor would win me some good points, and bring out her ‘Good Witch of the North’ kind of behavior toward me since I was still tied up.

Lili had me raise my hips up so she could put a folded over pillow under them, she wanted my pussy to be high enough for me to watch. I could just barely see my clit and pussy lips, so I would be able to see everything.

Both of Lili’s arms were lubed almost up to her elbows, she made a point of putting on a show for me to watch her doing it so I would worry. Well it worked, I was worried as I watched both her hands and arms get all shiny from the lube.

Lili handed me the Wand and told me to use it on my clit when she told me to and not move it away until she said to…..or else.

Lili formed a point with the fingers and thumb of her right hand and placed it at the entrance of my vagina, it felt cool and wet. She started rotating and pressing inward, and her hand slid in moving past the first ring of muscles just inside and slipped deep inside me just as I gave out a moan of pleasure….God that first penetration always feels so delicious! I don’t know how else to describe it, it just feel so fucking pleasurable and perfect.

As Lili pressed in deeper her arm disappeared almost to her elbow pressing against my cervix, then pushing it deeper inside me….damn if she didn’t mean business this time. Lili must have formed a fist inside me, and then pushed almost a foot of her arm onside me. I felt extremely full as she pressed so very deep inside me. I was holding my breath and tensing up, this was very intense. I felt her other hand gently start to stroke my clitoral shaft to try to get me to relax, it helped a little.

Just as I let out my breath, she moved her left hand that had been stoking my clitoral shaft to the entrance of my vagina. I saw her pull her right arm almost all the way out to the wrist as four fingers of her left hand started sliding inside me. I’m sure my eyes widened as it became apparent…Lili was going to double fist me!, or at least try to. I watched as Lili worked her four shiny fingers deeper and deeper, until half of her hand was sliding inside me, with her thumb remaining outside. This was feeling REALLY good! I was moaning and I did want more. She was good at this, an I could tell she had done this before. Every time she pushed her fingers deeper I watched and moaned with each thrust. My hips were moving down as she was pressing into them, my vaginal opening was stretching wider with each thrust of her hand, soon it would be time for her whole hand to take the plunge inside.

Remember what I said about anticipation before, it is a wonderful thing. Sweat was building on my forehead again, and on my entire body from desire and sexual need. I was moaning and starting to tremble as I was getting close to my next orgasm. I was also trembling from the anticipation of not knowing if this push of her hand was going to be the one to drive it deep inside me finally. My mind was changing from worrying about her putting her second hand inside me, to NEEDING her second hand inside me.

Just then Lili folded her thumb against her other fingers….she was ready to start pushing her second hand inside me….now it could be any time. My moaning started to sound more like whimpering….just the additional need…please push harder…..please slide your hand into me….please!

My hips were moving up and down as she pushed. I watched as my pussy lips clung to her hands as she withdrew them each time before pushing them back inside me just a few millimeters deeper each time sucking my pussy lips inside with them. I was amazing to watch….and God I needed her second hand inside me so fucking badly….

In a raspy, breathless voice…

“Please Lili…Push your second hand into me…I need to cum so badly…”

I looked into her eyes with a pleading gaze, so full of need…
Lili winked at me. What did that mean?

“Yes Rachel my love, if you will take the Wand and hold it to your clit and not remove it until I tell you to, then I will slide my second hand inside you so you can have your orgasms. Start at the top of your clitoral shaft, and VERY slowly move down to your clit, when you get there, I will slide my second hand inside you.”

“OK Lili, I won’t remove it from my clit until you tell me to.”

I reached over and picked up the Hitachi Wand, turned it to LOW, and pressed it to the top of my clitoral shaft. It felt great, I knew I was going to cum as soon as I touched my clit with the Wand and her second hand slid inside me. I was trembling so much already, and I wasn’t even having my orgasm yet, I was that excited and turned on….God help me when I finally came.

As I slid the Wand down my clitoral shaft, my clit really started to tingle, I knew I was going to orgasm, and my vagina started to spasm. My hips started to jerk just as Lili’s second hand slipped inside my vagina all the way past the ring of muscles. I touched my clit with the Wand! OH MY GOD!


BAM! I exploded into my orgasm so damn hard…I was trembling as Lili kind of held me down with both her fists inside me. My hips jerking up driving them deeper into me, felt fucking amazing each time my orgasm contraction would release for a second, only to clamp down a moment later trapping her hands once again. I was so full having both her hands and wrists inside me. I was cumming so good on her double fists….my God it felt great.

I was sill cumming when Lili started moving her hands inside me in alternating directions so one would drive deep, and the other one would almost pull out. The feeling of almost pulling out while being fisted is a delicious feeling, one of my favorite feelings.

I have been having orgasms this entire time. The knuckles of Lili’s fists inside me massaging all the erogenous zones inside my vagina, the g-spot, the a-spot, the o-spot, my cervix, the ring of muscles just inside, I felt them all and loved each different sensation. If men could learn about these places, they would certainly be getting more sex from their lovers. Not all women like all these places massaged, but some do. And those that do, usually really do.

I was going to cum hard again. The feeling of almost pulling out each time was driving me toward a bigger orgasm this time. My clit was getting too sensitive.

“Rachel, Switch that Wand to HIGH.”

I switched the Wand to HIGH, and just as I did, Lili withdrew her hands, cupped them together and started punch fisting me, driving both clasped fists into me at the same time!!!

BAM! I Exploded into a MASSIVE orgasm as Lili punch fisted me with both fists!


The feeling of penetration and withdrawal was amazing!
Lili was relentless. With both her arms together, she could fist the shit out of me…..God Damn Her!

I was cumming so hard it felt like I didn’t know if I was coming or going, and I was losing control, my mind was being overwhelmed. Lili was pumping into me so hard, my hips were moving up and down as she knelt between my legs, I trembled violently as I orgasmed helplessly out of control….I had no control of my body.

“Cumming….Oh God….”

I heard guttural groaning, deep, breathless groaning. It must have been me, but I couldn’t be sure I was so out of it.

I was holding my breath, trembling, orgasming constantly. I was losing consciousness, well I think so at least since my eyes were closed, but I was in such a state of bliss, I didn’t want it to end either. My body was so flooded with pleasure endorphins, I felt absolutely euphoric. From my perspective I was straining so hard during a VERY long contraction while holding my breath I just fell into a blissful sleep.

I guess what really happened is I passed out during my last massive orgasm.


I don’t know how much time had passed..
But I could feel someone stroking my face…


“Wha….What happened?”

“You passed out Rachel.”

“Hi Lili, Mmm, That was Amazing. Thank You for fisting me, and giving me so many amazing orgasms.”

“You’re welcome Rachel.”

Lili had turned off the Wand and set it aside. She had also withdrawn both of her hands from inside me, wiped her hands and arms off, and was now lying beside me, stroking my face, comforting me.

“I loved watching you have your orgasms Rachel, it kept driving me to give you more.”

“I know, I love watching women have orgasms too.”

Bellyriding kind of toughens up a riders vagina, strengthening the tissues, muscles, and ligaments, helping make it able to take on more abuse if you will. At least that’s my experience. Good thing for me at least. Lili had invaded my vagina in an almost brutal way, and God I really loved it.

I just realized that my hands were free for the first time…..YES!

I took a deep breath, thinking about what I wanted to do next. I rolled over on top of Lili, rolling her on her back, and pressed my weight upon her at the same time. I looked into her eyes, those hazel copper colored beautiful eyes.

I had a decision to make…..would I rather fuck the hell out of Lili…..or…


Chapter 18 – Mother Lili And Daughter Zoe – Day 2 – Part 4

I had a decision to make….. would I rather fuck the hell out of Lili….. or would I rather have a more sensual lovemaking session with her. I thought for a moment, and while fisting can be very intimate, I had done a more forceful fist FUCKING to Lili earlier rather than a sensual fisting. So now I wanted a more sensual lovemaking experience with Lili. I hoped she would like it too.

I pulled my pleasure chest of toys from under the bed and pulled out a We-Vibe and a 10” double dildo from Good Vibrations in San Francisco like Nina and I had used together. I also grabbed a garter belt, We-Vibe and its remote and battery, toy lube, now I was ready.

I was getting more excited by the minute, AND more nervous. I hoped Lili would find a more sensual lovemaking to her liking, especially after her domination of me a few minutes ago, and after my more physical fucking of her earlier. I also knew she liked being pounded by her horse lover while bellyriding just as I do, so yes, I was nervous as well as excited.

I needed to change the tone between us just a little bit, from her being a ‘bitch, to us being sensual lovers.

“Lili please lie back for me.”

I watched Lili lie down, God she has a beautiful lean body. She was looking into my eyes as I leaned forward and eased my body down upon hers, supporting most of my weight but allowing all of our skin to touch. My gaze never left her eyes until I closed them to kiss her passionately on her lips, long, soft and sensually. So long a kiss in fact, we were both gasping for air. I think it caught her off guard a little, but it had the desired effect I was looking for, it had changed the mood entirely.

“I love you Lili.”

What had I just said?……. My heart had spoken the words…… Tears filled her eyes as she was looking into mine….. then mine filled with tears too because of hers. I had touched a nerve in her that had revealed that she was feeling the same way about me too. Wow, I hadn’t expected this from either of us. I knew of my deep lust for her, but this?

Well this was surely unplanned, and unexpected….. sonofabitch.

I took a deep breath and lowered my lips once again to hers, kissing her with even more passion this time as I slipped my tongue inside her mouth and was met by her tongue searching for more passion like I was feeling. I sank my full body weight on her wanting to mold my body into hers, to feel more of her, to be more with her at this moment. I held her close to me as I moved my head to the side of hers, then whispering in her ear…..

“Lili, I want to make more sensual love with you…. would you like that?”

“Yes, I would like that very much Rachel.”

I thought about which of my toys I would like to use for a nice, close missionary fuck I had in mind as I held her in my arms…..

My Revolver Strapless G-Spot Double Dildo, this black 10” beauty will do a great job of stimulating my g-spot while I am thrusting deep into Lili. The We-Vibe will stimulate her g-spot, and it will stimulate her clit, and mine as well every time I thrust all the way inside her. So when I am bottomed out inside her, thrusting as deep as the dildo will go, and my clit is mashed against the We-Vibe, it will be getting a great buzz as well….. nice! I see us having many orgasms together this way!

I took a moment making sure I had everything from my pleasure chest of toys under the bed and lay them out on the towel on top of the bed for me to use with Lili, and I quickly ran downstairs and grabbed another We-Vibe complete with garter belt, battery, and remote. I had decided to wear one too.
First I inserted the We-Vibe into my already wet pussy and clamped it in place. I put on the garter belt, attached it to the We-Vibe, secured the battery pack, plugged it in, and I was ready to go.

I reached over to the blanket with all of our toys displayed in a row. I picked out the black 10” Revolver Strapless G-Spot Double Dildo made of silicone. This one is custom made. I had two of them made for me. I called the company and requested a 10” insertable version with a much bigger cock, where the normal version has a 6” insertable dildo end. The insertable end inside me was also longer. I payed for and own the mold and can have more made anytime I request more.

I looked over at Lili, she was watching me as I lubed up the g-spot end of the dildo. I put on a little show for Lili as I started sliding it into my pussy a little more each time, until finally, it slid all the way inside, it felt really good going in. I moaned as it slid all the way in, her mouth was open as I was watching her, subconsciously helping my pussy open up for the g-spot dildo to fit inside me. Now I had the other end of the long 10” black dildo, sticking out, pointing at Lili. She knew that I intended to fuck her with it……. I think she and I were both nervous and excited!

My g-spot was being pressed on hard, since both the We-Vibe and the g-spot dildo were both putting pressure on it, felt like I had to pee, and when the buzzing started from the We-Vibe…. I wasn’t sure what to expect.

I moved between Lili’s legs, so I was ready to go, as I reached for the lube. I lubed up her pussy lips and entrance with two of my fingers sliding inside her. My fingers felt good sliding in and out of her warmth a few times, her pussy lips felt so soft and warm….. I was ready.

I had Lily raise up her hips to place a pillow under them, which rotated her pelvis allowing deeper thrusting and g-spot stimulation as I would thrust into her.

I massaged her pussy lips a bit more first with my slippery fingers. Massaging her outer lips, then her inner lips, watching as they became excited, then engorged, opening up for me, all shiny and beautiful, ready for penetration.
She was panting, wanting more… she was ready. I could see past her wet pussy lips into her vagina, slightly open…. gaping open for me…. waiting for more, so sexy, so damn beautiful! There is something about a slightly gaping pussy that just seems so damn sexy to me.

I started on my knees with slow shallow thrusts. Just the head of the dildo going inside then pulling out each time. Watching as her pussy would open as the head would penetrate them, her pussy lips closing slightly but staying partially open as I withdrew for me to gaze inside when I withdrew each time, God what a beautiful sight. The desire, the yearning, all in in the simple visual of penetration… simply beautiful. As Lili’s moaning increased so did the depth of my penetrations each time. I withdrew and and watched as Lili’s pussy gaped a little more than before… such a pretty pussy for me to play with and pleasure. I applied more lube, I wanted this to be very slow and deliberate lovemaking without Lili getting sore, I wanted to make love to her for a long time today, and with toys lube is important. Each time I withdrew it made a little smacking sound. The lube was making a tight suction fit, causing this smacking sound.

I wish I had a REAL penis right now, so that I could feel every touch, and every ridge inside her wet, warm vagina as I thrust so deliciously slowly inside her each time. And as she clamped down on my large 10” dildo thrusting deep within her I wished it was my own hard flesh penis so I could feel her clamping down on me as she was having her coming orgasm contractions. Instead I made sure to drive deep while grinding my clit hard against the We-Vibe, and mashing her We-Vibe against her clit each time rubbing it up and down and side to side each time I bottomed out. Alternating which one she would feel from me with the We-Vibes between us each time both our clits would get a great intense vibration.

I could either choose to drive us to orgasm or edge us then back off to prolong the agony and ecstasy leading to a much stronger orgasm. I was using the We-Vibe remote as well to control the intensity of her We-Vibe vibrations. I’m sure she was hating and loving the agony and ecstasy of her agonizing situation. Sharing each others pleasure and passion, I know there was no other place I would rather have been than in her arms.

“Lili, I want you on the jagged edge of orgasm for me. I want you to have many little orgasms. I want your desire to keep building. I want you to feel me driving so very deep inside you. I want you to cum over and over again. Little orgasms, just over the edge each time I press so very deep inside you and rub against your clit and cervix at the same time… Can you keep cumming for me over and over?”

“Yes Rachel I will keep cumming for you.”

Much of the time I lay fully upon Lili thrusting deeply inside her looking into her beautiful hazel copper colored eyes, just loving her. I would rotate my hips driving the last half inch inside her pushing harder against her cervix which I was already pushed up against, just sort of massaging her cervix over and over. Then kind of grinding against her clit then withdrawing the half inch to let her breathe for a second, then driving back inside again watching her hold her breath from the intense depth of penetration, moaning a deep guttural exhale.

Lili was having continuous orgasms at one point, trembling and holding me so tightly for several minutes, squeezing me hard, very hard each time. I eased off to a more teasing depth again which only fueled the flames, as I watched her body start to twitch with the need to orgasm desperately each time. So fascinating to watch and be a part of, especially this close and intimate. She needed a huge orgasm to satiate her bodies desires for a massive release.

Lili was on this orgasmic plateau trembling, wanting the release of a massive orgasm, grasping at my body, pleading with me to give it to her, but also loving me for what I was giving her and asking me to never let it end. This was slow sensual lovemaking, the kind of lovemaking you do for 30 minutes, an hour or longer. There is no rush for a massive orgasm, this a different kind of lovemaking. Lili had had many, many smaller to medium continuous orgasms already, only building her bodies need for a truly massive full body orgasm.

I made love to Lili for an hour like this, driving both her and I to many orgasms thanks to the We-Vibes we both wore and the constantly thrusting dildo.

I wanted to take it up just another level if Lili was up to it. I reached down and grasped both of Lili’s legs bringing them up to my shoulders, for even deeper maximum penetration, folding her in half as I brought my weight once again down upon her. As I pressed the dildo in deeply once again, this time pressing harder against her cervix. I looked into Lili’s eyes as I pressed in a gentle fucking motion massaging her cervix she nodded her head in approval, she was liking cervix massaging just as I do, so I was good to go. Most bellyriders seem to like deep thrusting, and cervix massaging… they better, because their horse lovers are going to be thrusting into their cervix a lot! So I pressed in just a little deeper than before into Lili, grinding with my full weight now, rotating my hips into it. I could see tears start to form in her eyes, she was just at that pain pleasure threshold, as she grabbed my body as tightly as she could, she started to tremble violently….. she was going to orgasm hard, I found another trigger point of hers…. damn right I did!


God I loved her for it! Lili trembled in my arms through this massive beautiful orgasm, not able to get all the words out, folded in half, legs on my shoulders, my hips grinding into her pussy deeply, her pussy grinding right back into me driving deeply as well. Tears running out of her eyes…. she was moaning when she wasn’t holding her breath…. trembling violently, straining……. amazingly beautiful, God I LOVE watching women have orgasms!

Her legs were pushing hard against me as she was orgasming hard, as her body was trying to straiten out becoming more rigid. I had all my weight on her now as well as pulling myself against her with all my arm strength, grinding very hard into her, and as deeply as I could. She continued to tremble violently, as she strained in orgasm below me, making the most beautiful noises. I love her noises!

I made love to Lili for more than an hour like this, driving both her and I to many orgasms. Tears were running down our faces from the tenderness and pleasure we were sharing, this was a level of intimacy only experienced lovers share. When orgasms are that good, and are so frequent, and your lover is that close and so in tune emotionally, tears just flow, it’s a beautiful sharing of raw emotions.

So many clitoral and g-spot orgasms…. hard orgasms, oh my God…. Lili and I had been trembling and straining, and having orgasms for an hour or more like this. We had been on this orgasmic plateau together, a beautiful shared experience between two experienced lovers not inhibited in any way of orgasming as much as possible together.

One final hard orgasm for both of us. I thrust a little faster, as deep as possible each time… I switched both We-Vibes to HIGH!
Lili cried out…


I came at the same time, trembling hard above Lili as she trembled below me the We-Vibes feeling so damn good, driving us into hard orgasms. Lili’s legs were strong, trying to straighten out as she came so hard. I pressed all my weight on her as I held her tightly against me keeping her folded in half. We trembled together until the vibrations on our clits was just too much.

We had been orgasming so hard for so long, it finally took its toll on us, we had run out of energy, and had to stop from exhaustion. After a final hard orgasm together, as our trembling eased, I turned the We-Vibe remotes OFF, and slowed my thrusting to a stop, then lay upon her sweaty body with my equally sweaty body gasping for breath as I could hear her doing the same.

Lili felt good in my arms, my body felt blissfully relaxed, as I listened to her breathing. My body was sweaty and overheated, and her body felt the same way underneath me. I let her legs finally fall from my shoulders, her feet touching the bed. We both had insanely toned bodies from our daily bellyriding, and we had just used them to exhaustion. A feeling of total contentment overwhelmed me as I lay upon Lili, holding her close to me. I could have fallen into a blissful sleep holding her close like this.

I thought of what had just happened between us, and I knew we had just shared something very special. This had been an amazing sensual journey of pleasure.

I had worked the We-Vibes from LOW, to MEDIUM, then to HIGH many times within the hours we spent making love together. I pushed Lili and myself to so many massive, deep orgasms, we were exhausted when we finally turned the We-Vibes OFF. We had held each other on this amazing orgasmic plateau of continuous orgasms, massive deep full body orgasms. It’s rare when lovers can achieve this orgasmic plateau such as this and sustain it, it usually requires toys, great intimacy and trust, but when you do, it is a thrilling place to share with a lover. Lili and I had been on this orgasmic plateau for what must have been two hours…. that just doesn’t happen. We had cum so hard and so often, we were very tired.

I was tired, but I needed to feel her…. to feel her against me more, I don’t know how else to explain it. I started to gently thrust just the last inch into Lili, pressing it deep each time, just to feel pressure on my clit, and to feel her skin rub against mine. I think this physical action was to accentuate the thoughts and emotions running through my head. Tears ran down my face and fell onto her cheeks. I had fallen in love with Lili and I needed to tell her so…. So in soft voice…

“I love you Lili.”

“I love you too Rachel.”

I held her close as I stopped thrusting. We lay in each others arms for a few minutes feeling each other warmth and holding each other close. As I raised up and pulled back I watched as the 10” dildo withdrew from Lili’s pussy, damn it was long and big, and then it was free. I saw juices run out from gaped pussy which was pink and a bit redder than when we started. I removed the double dildo from inside my pussy and cuddled up next to Lili with her turned toward me, her head on my shoulder, and her leg draped across my body. We began to drift off to sleep to rest just for a few minutes.

I dreamed of getting to make love to mother and daughter in the same day…. how lucky am I?… damn lucky! I thought, If this is just a dream, don’t let me wake up yet, not until I have made love with both Lili AND Zoe again during their visit. Then I can wake up with a smile on my face a mile wide.

We had both exerted a tremendous amount of energy, and were both needing a short rest, maybe even a quick nap. It felt luscious and perfect to just lie here holding Lili’s warm body in my arms after our lovemaking. I could feel my energy fading as I closed my eyes.

My last thoughts were of me holding Lili’s warm body gently against me, and feeling so contented and sexually at peace, and truly loved. I took several deep breaths as my breathing slowed, several nice deep cleansing breaths, and then I was out.

After a short rest, my eyes opened just a little. I could feel someone lying against my body. Mmm, it was Lili…. Nice! Yes, we had fucked hard, a harder kind of dominating sex, and then made more tender love this afternoon. It doesn’t get much better than that. I took a deeper breath, stretching my arms out a little bit. God I love my life! Lili stirred in my arms. Lili slowly raised up and looked at me with sleepy eyes.

“Hi lover.”, I said

“Hi Rachel.”

I had a thought to myself… why don’t we go see how Zoe is doing, maybe we can watch her have an orgasm, I think that would be fun. I really love watching other women have orgasms using my We-Vibe!
I decided to ask Lili.

“Lili, why don’t we go see how Zoe is doing, maybe we can watch her having an orgasm with her horse, I think that would be fun. I love watching other women have orgasms using my We-Vibe!”

“Rachel, that sounds like fun!”

Lili and I got cleaned up, got dressed, straightened up the room and we were off to find Zoe.

We walked out of the house holding hands to look for Zoe and headed for the stable. In the stable there is a computer showing the location of each rider from the GPS locater on every saddle in case they need to be helped or found. As we crested a small hill we saw slung underneath a Chestnut colored stallion, this beautiful naked girl, it was Zoe. Her skin had a sheen to it, she was covered in sweat, she had been working hard on Chestnut’s cock!

We had the perfect angle to see she was impaled on Chestnut’s massive cock, with his semen running out of her… I guess she HAD been a very busy girl. She was thrusting on his shaft and moaning a lovely song of pleasure as we got closer. We got as close as we dared but we didn’t want to disturb her concentration toward her pending orgasm. Her eyes were closed tightly, and the We-Vibe light on the saddle was set to ORANGE which was the MEDIUM setting. I saw her finger touch the remote and the light change to RED as the We-Vibe switched to HIGH. Suddenly her thrusting went into high gear and her cries of pleasure were as loud as I have ever heard from her, she was having a massive orgasm in front of us. Zoe’s beautiful body was trembling through her orgasm….. she was gasping for breath…… her whole body was straining every muscle….. still wanting to thrust when she could…. such a beautiful long orgasm she was having. God I love watching women having orgasms.

Just then Chestnut started thrusting into her hard. Her eyes flew open and saw us watching her….

“Oh God…. Mother…. Rachel… I’m going to cum again…. Please watch me!”

Chestnut snorted, thrust deep into Zoe, and started ejaculating into her…
BAM!… Zoe exploded into her second massive orgasm in front of us. She wasn’t breathing at all…. no thrusting at all, just violently trembling, and straining every muscle as tightly as her body could handle, arched against the belly of the horse, with the horse still thrusting deep inside her pussy sending rope after rope of his hot semen deep inside her. Semen was running out of her and filling up the collection bowl. The collection bowl was nearly full. Zoe had been a very busy girl this afternoon. It takes a lot of horse ejaculations to fill the bowl, seems like they have had a LOT of fun together today. I guess Zoe and her chestnut lover have had many, many nice orgasms together, something I might have to ask her about later in bed tonight. Chestnut was still thrusting deep into Zoe, over and over. Thrusting so hard into such a fit young girl, I wondered how she could handle so much horse cock thrusting so deeply into her overflowing pussy.

God what a beautiful vantage point I had. I was directly in line, looking at her lovely pussy lips as they opened and closed with each thrust of Chestnut’s massive cock thrusting into her. Zoe was moaning and trembling with each thrust, riding on his cock like a seasoned bellyrider, trying to rock back and forth as best she could even though she was trembling through her own massive orgasm. It was beautiful to watch, and I loved watching it as I always do…. God I am such a voyeur of beautiful women having orgasms with their horse lovers!

We watched as Zoe’s orgasm had her trembling body arched above the saddle, grunting and moaning with no air in her lungs. I will never get tired of watching women orgasm! Zoe finally took a breath as her body eased down into the saddle, jerking and trembling still, God I love this part too. I can’t help it, so freaking sexy. Beautiful orgasmic bodies out of control, they just have a mind of their own, and you have no control over them.

Zoe’s breathing was coming back to normal, Chestnut had stopped thrusting into her, and the semen had stopped flowing out of her, and we were all breathing normal again.

Lili walked over to Zoe, bent down and gave her a kiss. She was saying something to Zoe which I couldn’t quite hear.

It was about dinner time so we started walking back to the stables with Zoe. I wasn’t thinking much about dinner, but about what would happen after dinner. I was looking forward to spending the night in bed with Zoe, she is a stunningly beautiful young lady, and an exciting lover. She seems to have boundless sexual energy, and I love her for that. I’m not sure if I should bring up having sex with her mother this afternoon, but I will play it by ear and see how things go later tonight.

As we were walking to the house for dinner from the stables, Zoe started talking to me.

“My mother tells me you and her spent the afternoon in bed together….. having amazing sex.”

There was a long pause, I think I quit breathing for a moment. I thought…. Oh shit…. I hope I didn’t ruin it for Zoe and I spending the night together by having sex with her mother earlier today. How do I answer that comment from her, I was trying to think of a good response when Zoe answered back.

“I’m so happy you did….. I was hoping you would get a chance to make love with my mother, Rachel. You have been an exciting and imaginative lover with me, and I wanted her to experience your lovemaking while we were visiting here…….. because…….. we have BOTH fallen in love with you a little bit.

“Wow Zoe, well….. I have fallen in love with both you and your mother as well.”
“Are you OK, being in my bed tonight if I was having sex your mother earlier today Zoe?”

“Oh yes Rachel, we are a very open family. My mother told me about wanting you and her to make love this afternoon. She just said she had a really amazing time making love with you today, and she gave me her blessing for me being with you later tonight. I have been looking forward to being with you tonight all day long.”

“I have been looking forward to spending the night with you as well Zoe.”

I remembered her semen collection bowl being full…

“Zoe, I noticed your semen collection bowl is almost full. It looks like the We-Vibe had your horse lover cumming inside you a lot today?”

“Oh God Yes Rachel, I Fucking LOVE the We-Vibe! I have NEVER cum so much, or cum so hard, or cum so many times while bellyriding. And to also have my horse lover cum 2-3 times as often inside me, with me doing so much less work to get him to orgasm….. Hell YES I love it, I love it, I love it!”

“And did you like it Zoe when your mother and I were watching you have your orgasms with the We-Vibe on HIGH earlier today?”

“Yes I did Rachel, those We-Vibe orgasms are so powerful, vibrating my g-spot and my clit at the same time when my horse is thrusting and ejaculating inside me, my brain gets overloaded with pleasure. There is a part of me that wants people to watch me orgasm over and over while bellyriding. I never want my orgasms to end, they feel so good. Having you and my mother watch me got me extra excited.”

“Zoe you were so beautiful to watch having your orgasms with your horse lover, I really liked watching you, you two were so amazing together. Watching your horse lover thrusting into you as you orgasm is so amazing to hear and watch up close.”

Zoe cums differently than Lili does. Zoe can cum much quicker, and her clitoris can’t take quite as much vibration after an orgasm, so keeping her on that orgasmic plateau is a little trickier. With the help of deep thrusting I think I can keep her there though. It sure will be fun to try tonight, I know that much.

We were nearing the house, a thought crossed my mind for tomorrow, maybe a surprise for Zoe. My mind can work in devilish ways sometimes when it comes to sex, but I have never heard anyone complain from my adventurous ideas so this should to be interesting….. yep, I think I will do it.

What is it you might ask? Well, let’s just say, you can NEVER have too much horse semen around when you need it!

When we got back to the barn Lili bent down and kissed Zoe on the cheek telling her she loved her and would see her inside for dinner. I Kissed Lili goodbye and told her I loved her as she did the same to me, then Lili turned and walked toward the house.

I saw Lisa walking our way to help Zoe out of her bellyriding saddle. I held up my hand to stop her, I wanted to talk to her away from Zoe.

I said a few words to Lisa in the barn about my adventurous idea with Zoe, her eyes gazed into mine intently as I was describing my instructions to her. Then a smile came to her lips as she understood my possible intentions for tomorrow, I think she had figured out my plan, but I asked her not to say anything to anyone. When she started to look a little concerned, I told her I would make a huge monetary donation to Hanna for the use of this valuable resource I was going to be using tomorrow. We make a VERY good profit from the use of the collected horse semen that was going to be part of my plan tomorrow.

In my head I decided to make a $6000 donation, $2000 x 3, it will become easier to understand a bit later how I came up with that figure. You might think that is a lot of money, and it is, but I could EASILY afford it, and the end result might be worth ANY amount of money….. kind of once in a lifetime kind of things…. And making a generous donation to the resort is nice also.

Let me put it this way… If you could afford it VERY easily, and you could pick a stunningly beautiful young woman to have messy, slightly/really nasty sex with, that no one has ever had before in the world and probably never will again for half a day until you are both exhausted over and over, would you do it?

Would you pay $6000 for all the supplies or whatever was needed?
Damn right you would!

So my secret plan was in motion and it would happen tomorrow with Zoe.
But for now all I could think about was being with Zoe later tonight!

Webmasters Note: One of the common issues with amateur erotica writers is often they run out of steam, and they don’t complete their stories. We can’t do anything about this, sorry, as authors offer their content for free we take what we’re given. Other erotica writers are welcome to take up this series where the author has stopped.

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3 thoughts on “Rachel’s Unfulfilled Desires

  1. only about half way through this story and already have the need to comment. To me this is one of the most exciting pieces of erotica I have ever read.

  2. Finally finished reading it, and omg I’ve never been so turned on and hard whilst reading. I can’t wait for volume 2.

  3. A long story but so worth it. What a life story Rachel has had and what a sex filled and fun life she has. She is clearly addicted to sex, the thrill of having her pussy filled with horse cock and cum and playing with other women and watching them cum

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