Bellyriding Women with Animals
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Belly Riding – Sophie’s Friend


This is going to be a continuation from “Becoming a Member of the Pack

Sophie had recently taken the job offer at the fantasy clinic, however she hadn’t had any time to go out for a ride since starting work, she had been talking to a friend of hers who at first found the idea of women riding underneath horses repulsive, the more Sophie talked about the ecstasy she was in and how it felt the more her friend wanted to try it.

Sophie knew that her friend might be a bit nervous, so she sat her down one afternoon. “Common Susie, no-one is going to laugh at you, the place deals with fantasies like this every day, it’s just another day for them” After a bit of back and forth between Sophie and Susie, Susie eventually caved in and agreed that she would try it. Sophie was beside herself with glee, he jumped up and down causing her tits to sway wildly.

Sophie arranged for them both to go down to the facility a few days from now and told Susie to be in for the experience of her lifetime. The next few days surprisingly shot by for Susie as she went about her day to day life.

The morning of the appointment came and Susie was getting a little nervous as she sat in her friend’s car on the way to the facility “Don’t worry Susie you’ll be fine” consoled Sophie, this seemed to calm Susie down a bit, pretty soon they arrived at the facility and Sophie told the receptionist (who she knew by first name) they were there for their appointment, the lady nodded and took them both into an empty room.

The lady then got out a clipboard and asked a few simple questions, once answered she got up “Sophie has requested that no-one other than you two are in the room, so if you’ll follow Sophie she’ll take it from here”

With that Sophie led Susie to a room where 2 horses stood. The first was Palomino horse, the second was a Blue Roan horse (Sophie knew him as Dusk) “Now we have two horses you can choose from; the first is an entry level horse for people such as yourself, he is called Flash and the second one is actually the a horse that I rode, he’s wonderful and called Dusk”

Susie just stood there not sure what to do “Errm … I’m not sure do you think I could perhaps watch you for a bit with both horses” Sophie giggled “No need to be scared Susie but sure, let’s I haven’t tried Flash, come here boy …” Flash walked forwards, Sophie began to undress; leaving her clothes in a pile at the side of the room.

“Now Flash have some nice meat for you … nibble” Flash brought his head up to Sophie’s exposed tits, and placed his mouth over them, his lips felt soft and almost velvet like, they were warm to. As soon as Flashes lips made contact with her tits she let out a little moan of pleasure. She closed her eyes and just stood there and experience. That was before Susie’s voice broke the silence “wow! Doesn’t that hurt, doesn’t he bite?”

Sophie moaned feeding her tits to the Palomino Stallion “He nibbles and licks, but it’s SO good” even just watching Susie was getting surprisingly horny. Sophie stepped back, dazed shaking herself out of her stupor. “You ready to try?” without waiting for an answer Sophie offered her tit to Flash who hungrily started to nipple and lick them.

“Oh ok, Ii’ll give it a go, I’ll try Flash first” With that Susie also began to strip, Sophie could see out of the corner of her eye, Susie had a body most girls would give an arm for; Susie was now as naked as Sophie was. “Alright Dusk, come here boy …” Dusk walked forward as Sophie pulled herself away from Flash’s magic lips. Sophie then moved to stand in front of Dusk as Susie stood in front of Flash. Just as Sophie did, Susie offered her ripe milky tits to Flash “Alright boy, lick, don’t bite” her voice cracking a little as she spoke.

“That has got to be the biggest meal Flash will ever have” giggled Sophie (Sophie knew that Susie was at least a 36F but seeing her tits in person just made her even wetter than she already was) Flash raised his head, surprised at his new meal. “Ooooh” Susie moaned as Flash’s wet, warm, velvety lips made contact with her massive tits. “Wow, unnnnnn, this feels great you were right this is fantastic”

Flash slurped his wet drool all over Susie’s large, overripe milky tits. He soaked the creamy flesh with his slobber; he turned it pink and started to nibble and snort then nibble again on Susie’s swollen nipples, Susie’s knees were beginning to get weak; “He’s fantastic! Oh god he is biting my nipples it hurts but it’s so nice” She pressed her tits into his muzzle closing her eyes, and just let out a long slow moan.

“Oh god, wonder what it’s like to have both my tits nibbled on by Flash” moaned Susie. Sophie suddenly got an idea. “Well I can’t give Flash two heads, but I can do this” Sophie pulled her own tit free from Dusks mouth and whispered into his ear “Go and nibble on her other tit it’ll drive her crazy” Dusk walked up to Susie who still had her eyes closed and with letting out quiet moans. Dusk raised his head and began to suck and nipple on Susie’s free tit.

Susie’s eyes shot open “Oh god, that was unexpected Mhmmm, so good” she forced her tits against both the horse’s mouth demanding that they nibble more. Susie was now so wet that a puddle of her own juices had begun to collect on the floor. Sophie too was beginning to get very wet, she slid her finger in and out of her dripping pussy and she watched Susie’s tits getting devoured.

“You should see what it’s like when he’s eating your pussy, you game?” Susie was hot, both Dusk and Flash had turned her stomach to jelly, her legs were shaking, she could barely stand up, she managed a lustful moan with a nod of her head, forcing herself free of Dusk and Flash’s lips. Sophie looked at her and pointed to the middle of the room “Lay down on the bench over there whichever one, and I’ll bring the horses over.”

Susie’s stumbled over to one of the two benches in the middle of the room flopped down on it and spread her legs wide, her juices still dripping out of her pussy. There was a small pillow like item which allowed her head to be at a more comfortable angle. She was staring at Sophie’s naked body as she brought the horses over and placed Dusk somewhere out of sight, bringing Flash over to her. It was only then that she realised how big Flash he was, “Oh god, please don’t let him trample me”

Sophie brought Flash ever closer “Don’t worry, he won’t I can guarantee it, you can jerk him off afterwards if you like” Susie raised her head “Mhmm maybe …” Sophie now stood by Flash’s head “Alright boy got some nice meat for you today, enjoy this meal.”

The suspense was killing Susie, “Oh god just let him eat me …” She writhed on the bench, tits flopping, her hips jerking and humping frantically. Flash could smell Susie’s arousal he was stomping his foot. He lowered his head towards her dripping pussy, she could feel his warm breath on her pussy, this just made her hornier. She just sat there humping her hips slightly. Flash’s nostrils flared, his tailed swished, he pawed at the ground, eager to begin.

Snorting, he allowed Sophie to bring him ever closer to Susie’s pussy. Flash brought his greedy face and hungry wet lips to Susie’s pussy; he snorted and began to gently chomp. “OH god yes! Lick me please!”

At this point Sophie was just too horny to just sit and watch she got on the bench next to her and called Dusk over, Sophie had wanted to do this since the day she started working. She laid down the opposite direction to Susie so she could keep an eye on her. Dusk needed no vocal command, he knew exactly what was happening, as soon as he saw that Sophie was ready he bend his head down, raking in the scent of her dripping cunt.

He put his mouth to her pussy lips, which sent an electric shock through Sophie’s body and shook his head, causing Sophie to instantly start to cream, he lapped it up, as more and more cream flowed from her count into his mouth the more excited he got, his cock rapidly growing from its sheath. Sophie’s eyes began rolling into the back of her head as the first orgasm of the day shot through her, causing her body to shake and contort, her back arch, her toes curl and caused her to let open a long a lustful moan, she lustfully humped her hips upwards muttering under her breath “god yes! More!”

One the bench next to her however Susie seemed to be in a bit of a tizz, Sophie could see tears forming in her eyes as her body writhed and shook. Flash was continuing to chomp on her pussy, however he had no cream or anything, and so had picked up the pace of his chomping snorting and stomping his leg, and the smell of her pussy was enough for his cock to start to come out of his sheath. Susie look like she was about to breakdown, Sophie grabbed her by the hand “Hey what’s wrong?”

“Oh my god! Something’s happening” Susie had panic in her voice, It looked like Susie was trying to fight off whatever was causing her discomfort. “You okay?” Sophie tried to comfort her but keep losing concentration as Dusk’s lips and mouth work their magic on her pussy which was now spewing cream like a river. “Something is happening” Susie cried again moaning loudly, her body twitching and jerking wildly, it was becoming increasingly hard for Sophie to maintain her grip on Susie, with her jerking all over the place.

Susie’s back was arching, her toes curling, her breathes coming irregular and heavy. “Please! Help Me!” the panic in her voice was even more noticeable now. Susie’s nipples where pink and as hard as stone, her breasts where bouncing up and down and form side to side wildly. She was humping her hips upwards; she had no control over it. Her pussy being destroyed by Flash’s lips. “It’s ok Susie” Sophie crooned grasping Susie’s hand tighter, “It’s just probably the first time you’ve orgasmed like this. “No” gasped Susie continuing to grasp Sophie’s hand “I’ve … never …. Never”

“Never what?” asked Sophie, Sophie continued to grasp Susie’s hand her breathes becoming even more irregular and heavy. Something clicked inside of Sophie and now she realised was Susie was trying to say. “You’ve never had an orgasm?! Ever!” Susie was now writhing and twitching so much she could barely get a word out. “OH my god! Help Me! Please!”

“It’s OK” Sophie consoled her, “Just let it come, just relax and let it come” Susie’s eyes where wide open, tears almost streaming from her eyes “Please!” she moaned “Help Me!” With her spare hand Sophie pushed Dusk away, grabbed Susie’s head and made her look at her. “Susie, Look at me” Sophie didn’t realise until now how mesmerising Susie’s eyes where; they were sea blue and full of lust. Looking directly at each other Sophie then whispered in a motherly tone “Good … now just relax” as she kissed her on the neck, was something just to ground her. It worked wonders as Sophie could already feel Susie’s arm and hand going limp.

“It feels so good” Susie moaned, “It feels too good” “Let it” Sophie whispered to Susie, “You’re gonna cum, let it come” Susie’s head then flew up “Ohhh please!” her eyes shot wide open as her body shivered and jerked wildly, Sophie had to pin her down by her shoulders by placing herself over her, to stop her falling off, Sophie’s dripping pussy was making a little pool of juices on Susie’s thighs, Sophie could feel Flash’s breath on her exposed pussy, it felt great.

“Oh god, it’s getting stronger oh god!” Susie was now writhing like she was in a great amount of pain, it took all of Sophie’s strength to keep her pinned to the bench. Susie had shut her eyes, her hips were humping wildly she was panting and tears now trickling down her face, her pussy was as wet as the amazon river. Flash was continuing to chomp on her pussy. Suddenly Susie’s eyes flew open again, her whole body shook and shivered, her back arched, she let out a long and loud moan of “OH YES!!!” her toes curled, her pussy spasmed wildly, cream poured out of her pussy completely covering Flash’s lips, she was panting hard her face contorted in sexual lust.

Flash hungrily lapped up all of the white, milky stuff oozing from her pussy, as her first orgasm ever shot through her like a bolt of lightning, the sensations didn’t stop. Her eyes floated into the back of her head, her body suddenly became very still. Her pussy still spasmed wildly, she was still humping her hips furiously. After a while of nothing but silence from Susie did she finally speak “Oh god” she panted. “I didn’t know it would be like that!” she said wiping her sweaty hair from her forehead.

Sophie had since, flopped back onto her bench arms trembling from pinning her down for so long. “It gets better trust me, he hasn’t even begun to properly eat you yet …” a mixture of shock and lust fell over Susie’s face. “Just sit back and enjoy what comes next” Sophie then called Dusk back over, who instantly resumed his chomping on her pussy, wasn’t long before Sophie was creaming and she was softly moaning “More!”

Flash was still hungrily chomping on Susie’s still spasming pussy; Susie had finally relaxed enough to fully enjoy what was happening. “Oh god, this is heaven! Yes! Eat me!” Flash’s lips were soft, warm and velvety. His tongue, thick and rubbery invaded the entrance of her pussy and pressed against her cherry. Susie wanted him to break it and penetrate her further. Flash however snorted banged his nose against her clit; which caused her to shiver and cream more as he brought his head up whinny and stomped his hoof.

He then brought his head down again banging her clit once again; “Aghhh!” for a brief moment she saw lights flash in her eyes. She jerked her clit swollen, throbbing, swollen with blood and untouched by Flash’s magic lips. Flash buried his nose in Susie’s pussy, raking in her smell and shook his head, he was reward with a river of cream flowing from her pussy; it covered his nose and tongue. Susie was moaning and screaming for more. “Oh god I’m creaming!” she wailed as she lifted her hips of the bench and rammed them into Flash’s face. “Eat me Flash, I’m cream for you again and again”

Her head thudded back onto the bench, she thrashed from side to side as Flash continued to chomp on her pussy, Flash brought his head up from Susie’s dripping wet pussy lips and quivering legs and banged his nose into her cunt, cream greeted him, flowing into his nose and mouth. Susie was still writhing and humping her hips. He lapped up the frothy mixture as quick as it was gushing from her. Sophie was creaming herself, but hearing the moans from Susie next to her just made her cream more, she grabbed Dusk’s head and pulled him closer ordering him to eat her more, to invade her pussy with his magic tongue. Both horse’s cocks where as stiff as boards, balls aching to release their hot sticky payload over their hosts.

Sophie without knowing she was doing suddenly reached out and started playing with Susie’s tits, “Wow such massive tits, feel them jiggle” Sophie commented groping her own as she did so. Susie went wild, with Sophie playing with her tits and Flash chomping her pussy, she practically lost it and began to cream so much that Flash almost withdrew his head in shock. But quickly lapped up the milky mixture. “I love it!” Susie yelled, “I love him!”

“He is our beginner level horse just wait till you sample the best eater we have” Susie’s eyes floated into the back of her head, her face frozen in a mask of sexual lust. She bucked and twisted violently. “More!” she shouted “More!” her face twisted into a lewd expression. “More, horsey. More!”

Flash’s cock throbbed violently his nuts ached swollen with a load of cum just waiting to be unloaded. His tongue, lugging gobs of juicy pussy-cum from her dripping pussy. It completely coated his muzzle turning it white as snow. “He’s wonderful; I don’t want him to stop” Susie’s eyes rolled in to the back of her head again as she let out a long moan. “Oh God!” suddenly her eyes were wide open and her body convulsed violently. “I’m creaming again, oh god! Flash lick it up! OH MY GOD!” she screamed.

Flash had found her clit, her young virgin body jerked and twisted as this previously untouched part of her body was being destroyed by Flash. Her back was arched again her pussy spasming as Orgasms more powerful than anything previously started to come one after another, causing a river of cream to gush from her pussy. The orgasms where shooting through her like lightning. Next to her Sophie was getting her own clit destroyed by Dusk whose muzzle was also as white as snow. Her own screams of pleasure almost drowned out Susie’s. Panic started to overwhelm Susie. “Help Me! Help! I can’t stop cumming!

“Flash is giving you all the help you need, chew her boy” Sophie said with a slightly demonic cackle, just then a powerful orgasm hit her as her back arched and she started to squirt all over Dusk’s face washing away some of the cream on his face. “Oh you naughty boy Dusk you made me squirt, keep going!” With Susie’s clit held firmly between Flash’s powerful lips Susie bucked and slammed her cunt into his nose, she couldn’t stop her body “Oh God! I’m Going To Die, MORE!” Sophie piped up again, “You’re not gonan die today” she ended with another slight demonic cackle.

Flash then began to gently pull on Susie’s clit, causing her to writhing and shake in pleasure as yet more cream burst from her pussy, covering Flash’s chin. Susie’s body jerked as her orgasm grew more and more intense, the inside of her pussy pulsed, forcing hot buttery cum to gush from her mixing with the pool of cream on the ground. Her juice stained ass crashed against the bench again and again. As Flash jabbed at her ass crack. “Aghhhh! OH GOD!” It felt like her clit was going to be ripped from her body, she soaked Flash with her hot milky cum. She humped hungrily.

Her clit was at long last free as Flash plunged his thick rubbery tongue in to her pussy. “Oh, no! NOOOOO!” she felt the pressure against her cherry, hating it, wanting it destroyed, she mind swirled. She jammed her against Flash’s tongue, wanting him to break it. Flash snorted, annoyed at not being rewarded with cream, pulled his tongue out and began to punish her clit again with his rubbery lips. Susie screamed as cream began to gush from her again, Flash licked the screaming virgin dry of all the cream that was just produced and once again plunged his tongue into her pussy. His nuts ached, his cock swollen throbbed. Slobbering he chomped hungrily on the virgin girl’s pussy while doing his best to penetrate her with his tongue.

At this point Sophie had finished with Dusk had thanked him, she stuck two fingers in her pussy and then placed them in front of Dusk to lick, he whinnied and stamped his hoof in appreciation

At long last Susie felt her cherry break; a mixture of blood and cream coated Flash’s face, she grabbed Flash’s head and pulled it closer yelling “Lick me deep, I want it deep.” One violent jolt ripped through her body and she collapsed into a heap of quivering flesh on the bench. “Oh god get him away now!” Only after Sophie had watched Flash lick Susie dry of cream did she do as Susie requested and moved her away from Flash while stopping Flash from walking forwards to continue his meal. “God! I thought I was going to die!” She fell off the bench and collapsed on the floor.

She looked up hungrily to see that Flash’s cock was still hard. “Hey Sophie do you think I could suck off both Dusk and Flash and have them cum on me” Sophie was taken aback, Susie came in a a virgin and now wanted to suck off two horses and have them cum over her. “Err sure, follow me we’ll tie them up so they can’t run away.

With both horses tied up, Susie knelt down underneath them, both of their cock were as hard as stone, she took one in each hand, they were so big that her hand barley encompassed half their size. Each horse shook a little as they felt something grab their cocks. The feeling of their cocks in her hands was strangely erotic and she soon began dripping juices again. She just stared at them of a while, with each second getting more and more turned on, the cock slowly throbbing in her hands.

She brought her mouth to the tip of Flash’s cock and began licking it, while slowly massaging Dusk cock with her spare hand. She was surprised that Flash’s cock didn’t really taste of anything. She licked it a bit more, Flash whinnied and stomped his hoof his apparition, she was obviously making his erection feel good. She then opened her mouth as far as she could and tried to suck in his head. It was far too big she thought, she thought she was going to break her jaw. Slowly though, the pain faded and she began to suck and lick the tip of his cock. All the while she was slowly moving her hand up and down Dusks stiff cock, after a little while she removed Flash’s cock from her mouth and began to suck Dusk’s cock, Dusk was much bigger than Flash was but she did the best she could managing to fit half of his head inside her mouth, she sucked and lick the tip of his cock, she could feel his cock growing in her hand, not wanting him to come yet she switched back to Flash.

Sticking her tongue down his pee hole to prevent him from cumming, she began to suck and lick faster and harder, Dusk and Flash were beginning to get fidgety. “No you can’t come yet boy, I’m not done” was Susie’s command to Flash, she went back to Dusk, giving him the same treatment as Flash got, licking up his pre-cum; it tasted sweet but salty at the same time. She stroked the length of his cock as she licked and sucked it, it began to stiffen. Switching back to Flash, every minute she was getting more and more turned on and wanted them to cum on her now. Picking up the pace of her strokes and licks to both cocks, the horses were suddenly stamping and snorting together, their cock throbbing they both began to slowly thrust forwards.

Sensing what was approaching, Susie pulled her mouth free of Dusks cock and began to stroke both their cocks as fat as she could, their thrusts becoming more violent, she braced herself, fascinated at how both horses bodies started to tense including their testicles. Suddenly the thrusting lead to climax, both horses stamped the ground hard, let out loud coughing sounds. While they were thrusting hard they began to squirt long hot jets of cu out of the tips of their cocks, Susie did the best she could to aim it, jet after jet of sticky cum hit her body, covering her tits, mouth and her dripping pussy. Finally the horses began to calm down as their cock started to retract, Susie plunged two fingers deep into her pussy rubbing her cum covered clit with her other hand till she came and added her own juices to the mix.

Sophie broke the silence, “That was fucking hot! So how was it?” Susie looked up at her friend covered in cum, “It was even better than you described, but I’m not done I want more, I wanna fuck a horse, anyway I can do that?” Sophie was awestruck; her innocent friend had turn into a horny little girl. “Errm yeah there is, tell you what go get yourself cleaned up and meet me at the stables we passed and I’ll see what I can do, you might want to get dressed as well.”

Susie went to the showers and rinsed all the cum off her body, inserting her fingers into her pussy as she did so, she was still extremely horny. After getting dressed she went to the stables where Sophie stood. “Ok so as you wanna fuck a horse I thought this would be a good time for you to try Belly Riding, I’ll save you the history lecture, but take it from me it feels fantastic”

Sophie showed Susie each of the 10 horses they had, Susie decided on the beautiful White Stallion called “Mystique” Sophie took the horse out of the stable and walked him over to a private field, all the way Susie couldn’t help but noticed the saddle underneath him. Sophie noticed and piped up “That’s how women belly ride, they sit in the saddle, and it’s easier on your body then.”

With Mystique now positioned in the field, Sophie gave a brief description of what was going to happen. “Ok so you’re gonna fuck Mystique for a little while then that’s it for the day” Susie was already really wet and was rubbing her pussy over her panties. “Oh god I can’t wait any longer I want his cock in my pussy now!”

“Well take your clothes off and get into the saddle as I tell you” Susie stripped frantically and followed Sophie’s instructions and after a few attempts including getting into the saddle the wrong way, she was seated correctly. Sophie then began securing Susie’s hands and feet to the horse, Susie began to panic and started tossing in panic. Sophie spoke in her best motherly voice. “Relax, this is for your safety, can’t have your legs or arms trampled can we?”

That seemed to make sense to Susie and she stopped fighting and just lay there the warm breeze turning her nipples hard instantly. Sophie knelt down and began to massage Mystique’s sheath, it wasn’t long before his cock began to emerge already the width of Sophie’s arm. Closer and closer it got to Susie’s wet pussy, increasing in width and length as it did so, as soon as the tip of his cock made contact with Susie’s pussy, Susie felt an electric like shock shoot through her body as she began to slowly grind her pussy against it.

Sophie then began to press Mystique’s cock against Susie’s pussy trying to get them mated, it was proving difficult for two reasons, one as Susie’s pussy was already very wet the cock kept slipping, and as a virgin her pussy was annoyingly tight and did not spread as wide as most girls pussy’s did. Sophie was about to give up and try something else, when Mystique pushed at the right moment and forced the very tip of his cock into Susie’s opening.

Susie’s eyes flew open immediately and started to water. “OH MY GOD! He’s huge he is going to split me in half” She was starting to thrash around a bit as she came to grips with the fleshly invader. Sophie once again consoled her “No you won’t dear, just relax and enjoy the experience, just hold on, can you do that for me?” Susie winced in pain “I don’t know I’ll try”, Susie fought to hold her tongue but her pussy felt like it was on fire, she had never had sex before and now to have her pussy spread wide enough to accommodate a erect horse cock was causing her almost unbearable pain. Slowly Sophie began to force Mystique’s cock deeper and deeper into Susie’s tight virgin pussy. Susie instinctively lifted her butt as she did this to give the horse more leverage. As inch after inch disappeared into Susie’s young virgin pussy, she tried to relax but the pain was almost unbearable however despite this Susie had a number of small orgasms which caused her body to shake and thrash slightly. Susie was totally unprepared for the girth of this animal, sucking the horse off was one thing; she hadn’t fully grasped the size of what she wanted to fuck.

Susie knew that her pussy would be tight, her labia was taught and she felt every fold of the soft skin that past her wet lips. Sophie was encouraging her every step of the way “You’re doing great just a few more inches”. Susie felt like her pussy was going to tear as inch after inch of stiff erect horse cock invaded her deepest of places. After a short period of time Susie felt a jab of pain, “Ouch ok, he just hit my cervix he can’t go in any further” Sophie stopped pushing Mystique’s cock “You’re such a trooper Susie, not many virgins have gone through with getting a horse cock in them, most of them stop half way through as the pain becomes too intense, you must really have wanted this, you horny girl” she then open a bag and got out a syringe, seeing the shock on Susie’s face she quickly added “Oh don’t worry it’s not for you, just makes his cock stay hard is all; now this shot will last an hour and a half, that is plenty of time” Sophie administered the shot causing Mystique to shake slightly, the vibrations alone caused Susie to let out a quiet moan of pleasure.

Susie instinctively started humping her hips upwards, causing Mystique’s cock to butt up against her cervix with each small thrust, it felt great but at the same time quite painful, up and down his massive cock did Susie’s tight pussy slide. Pretty soon she was unaware that she was even doing anything, she just laid there enjoying the sensation of having her pussy completely filled with horse cock. Susie was brought out of her stupor by Mystique’s cock suddenly starting to get even bigger within her. “OH MY GOD HE’S GETTING BIGGER! Yes, I like it!” Although Sophie could do nothing at this point, she couldn’t help but feel a bit panicked. Although she got an idea and before Mystique could do anything she placed a small plastic bowl under Susie’s ass. This was to catch any cum the overflowed from Susie’s pussy. Sophie had just enough time to get out of the way before, Susie’s back began to arch and Mystique began to thrust deep into Susie’s pussy.

With each thrust Susie could feel her tits swaying lewdly, she tried to time her swings right to increase the sensation of being fucked by a horse. Each time Mystique thrust he bottomed out against Susie’s cervix. Susie felt so dangerous as she let Mystique thrust hard and deep into her. She soon began to moan loudly, hips thrusting wildly. Mystique began to react to her wild movements, stamping his foot between thrusts.

Susie knew that he must be close and readied herself for and orgasm. She hungrily lifted her butt in the air as Mystique thrust hard. Her legs was tense and shaky, Susie spread her legs are far as the saddle would allow, she silently wished that Mystique would fuck her more, as if in answer to her prayer Mystique’s thrusts suddenly increased in force and speed, causing her to moan louder, almost screaming. She could feel every fold of his hard stiff cock as it rammed pasted her moist labia. The pain mixed with intense pleasure was becoming too much for Susie to handle, she realised that she had been holding in an orgasm since Mystique started thrusting.

“I’ve got to hold on until he cums” Susie thought, however with her hips thrusting up and down as fast as they were that was looking to be almost impossible. Thrust after thrust pounded her body violently. Susie was delighted as she once again lifted her butt in the air allowing the horse more leverage and room. Sophie just lay there awestruck wanting to fuck Mystique herself as each thrust hit Susie like a jackhammer. Thrust after thrust slammed into Susie’s soaking wet pussy until finally he began to climax, a hot rope of cum fired from deep within Mystiques body, travelled down his two foot long cock, past the opening of Susie’s wet labia and deep into her insides. Susie screamed loudly and bucked her hips as rope after rope of cum shot into her hungry pussy.

Her body reacted by having an orgasm of its own, Susie couldn’t control it. She clenched her hands and toes as Mystique erupted inside of her, long hot sticky ropes continued to shoot into her body, her cervix sucked hard at the spurting cock and her whole pussy convulsed in time with each other, she suddenly lost control of her pelvis as it began to thrust wildly up and down, effectively milking Mystique cock of its precious cum. She closed her eyes and panted as the bucking horse had its way with her, repeatedly slamming deep into her pussy as ropes of cum burst from the tip of his cock.

Her body had given itself completely to the cock inside her, her pussy was in full bloom as it pulsated and suckled the horse’s throbbing cock, Mystique continued to empty himself into Susie has her anus pulsated hard. “Oh My God, I needed that!” Mystiques cum began to ooze out of her and fall into the little plastic bowl which surprisingly was still where Sophie had placed it. Finally Mystique stopped orgasming and celebrated by shaking his mane.

“Looks like you both enjoyed that, you have a little over an hour left, I have to go and do something I’ll be back shortly” stated Sophie “You going to be ok, or do you need me to stay?”

Panting and huffing, face red from concentration Susie looked over at Sophie, “Na I’ll be fine, although I want that to happen again, wish he could penetrate me further though” Laughing Sophie waved goodbye and headed off thinking “Actually there may be a way for that to happen”

That left Susie alone with Mystique, “You were great, you want to fuck me again don’t you” Slowly Susie once again began to work her pussy up and down his slippery wet cock, making squelching noises as she did so, but that didn’t bother her. Minutes passed, as Susie continued to work her body up and down Mystiques still stiff cock, letting the full length of his cock slide back and forth between the lips of her wet labia. It wasn’t long before Mystique started to get fidgety, stamping his foot again as well as snorting. Then his cock began to expand again, even though Susie knew that was going to happen she was still surprised at how quickly the horse was ready.

Mystiques cock spread her already taught labia to its limits as it engorged with blood, Susie closed her eyes and just let the sensation take control, she lifted her hips hard. She desperately wanted him to penetrate further she wanted to take all of this magical beasts cock. Her whole body felt like it was on its tipping point when Mystique began to buck again. “Wow already, you a quick one aren’t you, take me then!”

Susie once again spread her legs as far as the saddle would allow. She arched her back as the horse began to thrust once again, she couldn’t hold in any longer, another orgasm shot through her body, causing her to spasm and shake, all of which just stimulated Mystique’s cock more. The horny horse thrust over and over again snorting so loudly that it almost deafened out Susie’s screams of pleasure. Susie could feel another orgasm approaching she could tell this one was going to be big. She humped her hips furiously screaming in pleasure, back arched trying to hold back an orgasm, however her body betrayed her, the orgasm hit her like a train causing her to squirt all over Mystique’s cock just as he himself began to climax fresh ropes of cum exploded out from his cock.

Her body continued to suck helplessly at Mystiques pulsating cock, attempting to lick up every last drop of horse cum. Fresh cum oozed out of her more quickly than before with each orgasmic thrust more cum shot into Susie’s pussy. Her hair was moist from the sweat on her brow; finally Mystique began to calm down from his 2nd orgasm. At this point the plastic bowl was over half full. Mystique once again shook his mane impressed by his actions.

Susie just lay there body still shaking and panting. It was at least an hour before Sophie finally returned, “Hope you had fun while I was away” Sophie said peering down at the bowl which was now overflowing with cum. “Oh yes I had a great time” Susie responded, what she didn’t tell Sophie that she managed to make Mystique cum two more times for a total of four, she herself had orgasmed at least a dozen times.

“Unfortunately your time is up for today, let’s get you down” Sophie told Susie; slightly crestfallen Susie agreed, she could have stayed under Mystique all day. Sophie went round and unstrapped her arms and legs, she slowly began to withdraw her sloppy, soaking wet pussy from Mystiques still hard cock. As it pulled free it made a loud sucking noise, after springing free the horses head flared and sprayed cum all over her pubic hair. She could feel his cum dripping down her legs.

“Oh before you leave” Sophie called “Take this small basket of food to help you recover from today’s events, it also has something in it which will surprise you” Susie happily took the small basket and started munching on its contents. What Sophie didn’t mention was that the food was laced with a hormone which tricks the body into thinking it’s pregnant, meaning that Susie’s cervix will start to dilate and as an added bonus her tits will start to grow bigger. After cleaning up Susie and Sophie bit each other good day promising to keep in contact.

When Susie got home it was only then she realised how tired she was and she didn’t even bother getting undressed she just flopped out on her bed and fell asleep instantly. During her sleep she had a dream of being fucked by a unknown horse, when she awoke she was hot and sweaty, she must have orgasmed during the night, she was still leaking cum from yesterday’s events.

During the next few days Susie prowled the internet looking for a horse to buy so she could do that kind of thing whenever she wanted, it was fortunate her parents were wealthy, they didn’t mind what Susie bought. Eventually Susie found a horse which she liked the look of; he was a tall, black Warmblood Stallion. She paid the entire sum upfront and began the waiting for her new stallion to arrive.

It was a week before Susie received a phone call saying that her horse was going to be delivered, by this time she discovered that her tits had actually grown a few cup sizes. She was now a 38DD however as her tits hadn’t stopped growing she didn’t have the time to get a new bra. She had noticed that she was constantly horny.

The day of the delivery came around and Susie waiting anxiously in her front room. Wasn’t long before there was a knock at the door, she answered and followed the man round to where a 4×4 and horse trailer were situated. She signed for the delivery the man unhitched the trailer and led the horse out. He looked big on the computer, but in real life he was even bigger.

The man gave Susie a folder of papers saying “Don’t lose them” along with a box turned round and drove off. Susie was so excited she looked in the box to find a belly riding saddle and some shots, she contacted Sophie and arranged to go a meet up tomorrow, luckily Susie had horse riding lessons when she was a kid and had basic horse maintained training so she tied the horse to the pole in a old barn out back and set about doing her day work.

The next day rolled around and Susie packed light, just a spare set of clothes, she also forgot how big her tits where as she tried to put on one of her bras, so she decided that she wasn’t going to wear one. She got the horse ready and began to ride to the facility where she went before, tits swaying and bouncing in the horse’s movement.

Since the horse had no real saddle either Susie’s pussy was in constant contact with the horse’s back, the pressure and constant motion felt great, she was getting quite aroused. However before two long she arrived at the facility where Sophie greeted her.

“Well this certainly is a surprise” Sophie said as Susie dismounted shaking slightly from a small orgasm she just had while riding there. “Yeah I know, I loved the other week so much that I wanted it on tap as it were, but as I don’t know much thought you could oversea and correct me if I do anything wrong, also the man I bought it from gave me this folder apparently I’m not supposed to lose it, I had a quick look but didn’t understand the context” Rambled Susie, she was as excited as a school girl.

“Err … sure let’s take … what’s his name” Sophie asked. Susie actually didn’t know his name. “Err he doesn’t have one, but I like Thunder”. “Ok then wait here I expected you’d be back and had something planned, I’ll be back shortly, taking the folder under her arms Sophie headed off into the distance. A few minutes went by in which Susie just stared at her new stallion raking in his awe and beauty, he stood tall and firm.

Before long Sophie can bounding back took Thunder by the reins and said “common, follow me, you’ll enjoy this” Susie followed Sophie into the very same room she was in the first time she was here, there stood two more horses, Thunder was by far the tallest horse there. “Well I thought seeing as how you enjoyed getting licked before I would let you choose who would be your first one.

“I want them all!” Susie exclaimed her eyes popping, she was eager to get started, “Although I want Thunder first I think it’s only fitting” without waiting for Sophie reply, Susie began to undress, in seconds she was butt naked, although it was warm in the room, her nipples hardened instantly. She placed her clothes in the corner. There she should a virgin not a week ago and now she willingly wanted horses to eat her pussy. “Alright well as Thunder will eat you first I think it’s only right the other two get something as well, let’s have both of them suck your tits” Mentioned Sophie as she brought the other two horses over, as they got closer Susie realised who they were; it was Dusk and Mystique.

Susie walked over to them, although them to breathing in her scent. She offered one tit to Dusk and the other the Mystique, both understood what was happening and in unison put their mouths over her massive ripe tits. Susie could feel both of them snorting on her body, it made her body shake slightly. Their lips were warm and rubbery. They soon began to work their magic, sucking and licking her erect nipples; Susie just closed her eyes and moaned softly, Dusk and Mystique work their magic, beginning to gently bite at her nipples, Susie’s legs were shaking and managed to pull herself away before stumbling and falling over.

“Wow that was intense, Thunder is going to have to do pretty well to beat that” Susie huffed as he scrambled to the bench in the middle of the room and place one leg on each side, exposing her wet pussy. Sophie brought Thunder over, he lowered his head to her pussy, breathing in her scent and stamped his foot. He snorted still waiting there. Sophie opened the folder and discovered that Thunder was very well trained and although capable of doing things on his own, he was trained to respond to voice commands.

Consulting the folder further she also discovered that Thunder was very good at giving oral and responded to the words ‘lick’ and ‘eat’. Susie just laid there looking up at Thunder and with lust in her voice spoke “What you waiting for, lick me” Thunder’s nostrils flared, he brought he greedy lips closer and closer to Susie’s already moist pussy. He snorted and then began to chomp hungrily on her pussy, the scent of Susie’s ripe pussy was casing Thunders cock to expand rapidly from its sheath. Thunder shook his head in between her thighs Susie’s body rewarded him by gushing cream. “Oh God! Yes! MORE! Lick Me!” Out came Thunder’s tongue lapping at all the fresh cream gushing from Susie’s wet pussy. Susie’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she experienced her first orgasm in days, it rang like a bell through her body causing her pussy to pulsate. Pussy cream flowed from her pussy into Thunder’s mouth, he licked it up hungrily touching Susie’s pussy lips with his tongue as he did so, causing Susie to swoon and back to arch. “Ooh Fuck!”

With Sophie watching Thunder happily chomped on his fresh meal, his lips; thick and wet glided over Susie’s delightful wet pussy. She creamed there was no way of stopping it. “Oh God YES!! Lick me! Chew Me Up!” Sophie once again was awestruck at how much Susie seemed to be enjoying this, as Thunder chomped his thick velvety lips over Susie’s delightful pussy. Gooey, sudsy white cream flowed from Susie’s pussy into Thunders mouth she was slowly turning the Jet Black face white as a sheet.

Thunder’s thick tongue happily snatched it up hungrily with sweeping strokes of his tongue as it swept over every bit of Susie’s wet pussy as it could and his gentle chews had Susie screaming like a little school girl in pleasure. Susie humped her ass up and down, driving her soaking wet and creaming pussy into Thunders nose, his nose was slowly turning whiter from the cream from Susie’s overflowing pussy, his nostrils were full of cream and her scent, he began to lick more eagerly, getting in between the folds of her pussy, sending Susie’s of the edge as she humped wildly as she began to cream yet again. “Oh fuck!” she screamed as white cream gushed out of her pussy although was licked up quickly by Thunder’s magic tongue.

Susie’s big tits jiggled and bounced all over her chest as she lustfully humped upwards. She twisted and writhed as Thunder’s thick rubber lips squeezed between the folds of her pussy, her eye was glazed with lust. “OH YES!!” she cried blissfully as she creamed once again, Thunder’s nose was now completely white. Sophie was looking with envy in her eyes, she had begun to slowly masturbate herself “Wow! Susie really is creaming, this is making me so fuck wet” she thought. With shaky hands Sophie opened the folder and discovered that this was Thunder just teasing, in order to properly start eating someone Thunder has to hear ‘Eat Me’.

Thunder chomped eagerly on Susie’s cream covered pussy, licking every bit of her pussy he could find. Susie’s was screaming in pleasure, she couldn’t control her body she was creaming so much, Thunder happily licked it all up, her cream stained ass kept pounding against the bench. She reached out and grabbed Thunders head and pulled him closer screaming “Yes!! Eat Me!” This was the signal Thunder was waiting for, he banged his nose against Susie’s clit as he brought his head up and snorted covering Susie’s pelvis in her own cream from Thunder’s cream filled nostrils, he brought he head back down, out came his tongue once again as it invaded her pussy entrance, flying around stimulating every inch of the inside of her pussy.

“Oh God YES! More further, penetrate me further” Thunder happily obliged, as he pushed his tongue further Susie’s back arched she grabbed Thunders head once again pulling him in closer. “God yes, eat me!” Thunder wiggled his tongue around stimulating every part of Susie’s pussy both inside and out, Susie’s eye floated to the back of her head as he lustfully humped upwards. “Oh God I’m creaming again!” As cream flowed out of Susie’s pussy covering most of Thunders face. Susie’s eyes suddenly flew open, Thunder had found her g-spot as was licking it with no intent of giving up, she could feel it ballooning out. “Oh God! Don’t Stop, I’m gonna squirt!” Thunder had no intention of stopping, if anything he actually picked up speed. His tongue repeatedly moved over Susie’s G-Spot, causing it to balloon out extremely quickly. Susie was writhing and tried to push Thunder’s head even closer to her wet pussy screaming for him to not stop.

She could feel an orgasm approaching, still Thunder attacked her g-spot; Susie was creaming more than ever a constant stream was running around Thunder’s nose. She could no longer hold it in anymore, an orgasm shot through her body like lighting, she screamed “Oh YES!!” she was squirting all over Thunder’s face washing away some of the cream on his face, as he withdrew his tongue from her the inside of her pussy and raised his head once again. Susie’s clit was throbbing as her eyes once again rolled into the back of her head. She lifted her butt in the air “Eat me Thunder, I’ll cream for you again and again!” Her head thudded back onto the bench and thrashed from side to side.

Thunder once again brought he head down and placed it between Susie’s shaking legs and banged his nose into her pussy. Cream greeted him, flowing from her pussy into his mouth and nose. He shook his head causing more cream to burst forth, he was horny from the quaking person on the bench in front of him. Susie smashed her ass onto the bench again and again. She squirmed; her body contorting out of control. “Oh My God! He’s Chewing Me Alive, Don’t Stop I Want MORE!” Susie didn’t know what she was saying, she was so horny, and Thunder’s snorting just made her cream more.

Horny Thunder’s cock fully erect he devoured Susie’s pussy. Cream flowed from her pussy like a torrent, he licked it as just as quickly as it was gushing from her. He lapped over her pink wet pussy and her exposed clit, the sensations where driving Susie wild, she was starting mutter something under her breath Sophie couldn’t work out what it was. Sophie could stand any more she collapsed on the ground and crossed her legs resisting the urge to masturbate. “My god, this is so hot, his cock is huge”

Sophie was fixated on Susie’s tits, they were bouncing around all over the place, her nipples were dark pink and fully erect, an idea just popped into her mind, with Susie busy humping and moaning, she brought Dusk and Mystique over. Sophie whispered in both their ears (bite and suck her nipples, it’ll drive her crazy) she positioned Dusk and Mystique so they each had one nipple to themselves. She then gave them go ahead, they both in unison lowered their head again began to suck and nipple on Susie’s erect nipples.

Susie went wild with Dusk and Mystique playing with her tits and Thunder destroying her pussy; it was all becoming too much. She humped her hips upwards into Thunder’s face, bucking wildly spewing cream all over the place. “Oh! Oh! Oh!” she cried as she bucked, “More! Horsey More! Eat Me!” Thunder’s cock throbbed violently; his balls ached wanting to release their payload. He used his tongue to lug globs of pussy cum from Susie’s steamy cunt, his muzzle completely white. Dusk and Mystique’s cocks were also both fully erect nuts aching to unleash their cum. “Oh My God! He’s wonderful, I can see why people wanted him, he’s great!” Susie moaned. “His tongue wow!” Susie stretch her legs wider allowing Thunder more room, she slapped them up and down, wiggling her ass, anything to get Thunder to eat her more. Susie’s eyes once again started floating into the back of her head.

Suddenly her face froze in a mask of shocked ecstasy. “Oh no!” suddenly her whole body began to contort and convulse; “I’m creaming again OH GOD!!” cream gushed out of her pussy, Thunder had found her clit and immediately attacked it with the same vigour as he did her pussy and g-spot. Orgasms shot through her body causing her to spray cream everywhere. She was humping frantically; Thunder’s nose was completely white. “Fuck! I have my own private stud!” Suddenly Susie’s eyes shot open and there was panic across her face. “Help! I can’t Stop cuming!!”

“Thunder is giving you all the help you will ever need, go on boy eat her” With her clit in between Thunder’s lips Susie bucked and slammed her pussy into his nose, screaming in pleasure as cream kept pouring from her pussy. “Oh god! I’m gonna die” Sophie giggled “Not today you’re not you’ve still yet to sample his cock.” Susie’s body twisted and jerked as her climaxes grew more and more intense. Her juice stained arse crashed and slammed into the bench.

It felt like her clit was going to be ripped from her body as Thunder licked, sucked and tugged at it. She soaked Thunder in a cascade of cream. She humped wildly, she then felt the pressure relieve from her clit. “At last” she thought “It’s over” she was just about to sit up when she felt Thunder’s tongue penetrate her again, her back arched, he pushed his nose as far forward as it would go and shook his head from side to side, although causing a massive orgasm which caused Susie’s entire body to shake, no cream was expelled. Disappointed with no cream, Thunder withdrew his tongue, snorted loudly, and went back to punishing her clit, his lips thick and rubbery lick and pulled at the girls swollen clit, now he was reward with cream lots of it, Thunder nuts ached his prick, blood engorged throbbing. Slobbering he chomped hungrily on the whimpering Susie.

Susie’s back arched and her legs stiffed. “Aghhh!!!” one bone shattering jolt shot through her pussy and she collapsed into a heap of quivering flesh. “Get him away NOW!” Susie was beside herself Thunder was still eating her pussy. “Lick her good boy” Sophie said allowing Thunder to get every last drop of cum he could. “Clean her up ready for what’s next. Finally Susie’s clit was free from Thunder marvellous mouth, she just lay there a quivering heap of flesh, she felt the pressure release from her tits also.

She let her body relax, but then she felt pressure on her clit again. “Ahh god no Thunder stop!” she opened her eyes and found that it wasn’t Thunder, it was Dusk, he wanted in on it and was destroying Susie’s clit except with his mouth and lips. “Oh God! YES!!” she started screaming once again and cream started to gush out of her again, Dusk wasn’t as skilled as Thunder was but he was doing a good job none the less. But Dusk’s moment was short lived as Mystique butted in, plunging his tongue into her pussy and shaking his head, causing cream to gush out, then he too decide to chomp on her clit. It seemed other two horses were as horny as each one butted in for a few seconds then was knocked out of the way by the other.

Susie was beside herself with pleasure she was having orgasm after orgasm, moaning and screaming in pain. Just as quickly as it started, the pressure stopped, it seemed that Sophie had realised things were getting out of hand and had stopped it from going further. Susie just lay there ass and pussy pulsating violently, she sat up looking hungry for cum. “I’m not finished yet I want them to cum!”

She practically got up and ran towards Thunder and immediately began sucking him off, she could only fit the very tip of his cock in her mouth, but she didn’t mind, she wanted him to cum badly. She frantically sucked and licked the tip of his cock while running her hands up and down his stiff shaft. Thunder soon began stomping his leg and snorting, then with a powerful thrust forwards began to cum in Susie’s mouth, she tried to swallow it but it was too much she started to gag she withdrew her head and just let the cum shoot onto her face.

She still wasn’t satisfied she went over to Dusk and Mystique and began stroking their erect cocks, and made them both cum in quick succession, she managed to aim it at her body so that when she was finished she was completely covered in horse cum. “OMG That was amazing! So hot!” Sophie said after a few moments. “God yes, I know, you should try Thunder at some point, but I still wanna ride him, I’ll go wash up and then can you show me what to do”

Sophie agreed and showed Susie to a shower, it was 30 minutes later before Susie arrived back. “Right I’m ready, show me what to do …” were her first words as she came back. Sophie guided her towards Thunder who was standing ready, she instructed Susie how to attach the saddle, and she was surprisingly well skilled at it. It wasn’t long before the saddle was ready; Susie quickly mounted the saddle, remembering how to do it.

Next part was tricky, Susie said she wanted to try and do things herself as much as she could, but it she soon realised that was trickier than she thought, although her legs were tied, her arms were not, she did discover however that Thunder had a spot on his leg which made his cock hard if rubbed. As it gradually grew bigger she tried to grab it, however this proved impossible and she had to ask for Sophie’s help. Sophie grabbed Thunder’s expanding cock and started it push it against Susie’s pussy lips, Sophie began to part Susie’s pussy with one hand as she pushed Thunder’s cock with the other, after a few minutes, Susie’s eyes flew open. “Wow he’s even bigger than Mystique was!” she instinctively raised her hips to try and get more cock in her. Inch after inch of horse cock disappeared into Susie’s hungry pussy, however thanks to the pregnancy hormone that laced Susie’s food the other week, Thunder’s cock managed to push past Susie’s cervix, Susie noticed this new feeling however, winced slightly in pain; “Shouldn’t he have bottomed out by now?” she questioned.

“Oh I forgot to tell you I laced that food basket the other week with a hormone tricking your body into thinking it was pregnant so your cervix is dilated enough that you can take much more of Thunder’s cock, in fact you should be able to take about 5 inches more.” Susie said nothing, just nodded and laid her head back, her labia was still quite taught, she could feel every fold of skin of Thunder’s still expanding cock. Susie was beginning to wonder how much more she could take, just when she was about to tell Sophie to stop, she felt Thunder butt up against her womb. “Ouch ok, he in all the way, how much of his cock do I have in me!?” she half shouted.

“You now have about a foot and a half inside you” Sophie responded, Susie just raised her hips rotating them slightly feeling the entire length of Thunder’s still expanding cock. “Wow this feels great!” Susi moaned humping her hips upwards slowly feeling his big, stiff cock inside her. “Well now you can actually become a belly rider” Sophie announced. “What you on about? I thought I already was a belly rider, Mystique definitely came in me the other week” Susie said looking confused.

“Well yes, the eventual point of belly riding is to have your horse cum inside you, however the main objective is to ride your horse like this” Susie started to get the idea “You mean ride a horse as normal but instead of seated on top, I’m laid underneath?” Susie’s eyes sparkled with hope as she said it. “Well sort of, you won’t have control as you’re still a little new at this, so I will be controlling Thunder; I have given him a shot that will last two hours; that will be plenty of time, I also have more here should you want it” Susie, just swooned and arched her back, feeling Thunder’s stiff cock slide in and out. Her eyes glistened “Well, whenever you’re ready I am” Sophie beamed, put something In her bag, took Thunder by the reins and pulled him forwards, he responded instantly; beginning to walk forwards. Susie felt a little lost underneath the Stallion, everything was upside down as she swung beneath Thunder; however that being said the first step felt great as Thunder’s cock slid in, the second step felt even better, wasn’t long before her first orgasm of the ride hit her, it caused her toes to curl and back to arch, it was over just as quickly as it hit her.

Sophie’s head suddenly came into view “You OK? You got a bit vocal just then …” panting heavily Susie replied “Sorry didn’t mean to, yes I’m fine that was just unexpected, please continue” Sophie nodded and once again pulled Thunder forwards until he began to walk, each footfall send his cock thrusting rhythmically into Susie’s hungry pussy. Also vibrations shot through his cock deep into her pussy causing her to start pant slightly. Her pussy was pulsating rapidly; she began to rock her hips, trying to find the right rhythm. It didn’t take long for Susie to work out the rhythm; it seemed she was a natural.

This instantly kicked things up a notch; every thrust of Susie’s hips was timed perfectly with Thunder’s foot falls, leading her to have a small orgasm every other thrust. It seemed that Thunder’s cock was working its magic on her pussy as you let out a little moan as cream began to drip from her pussy. Susie had no control over her hips anymore they were humping of their own accord, she just laid back closed her eyes and just enjoyed the moment, gently massaging Thunder’s cock with her pussy. She was abruptly awakened by a rather large jolt; Thunder had stepped in sizeable hole in the ground, causing his cock to ram into her causing her to move slightly from the force. Brushing it off like it was nothing, she continued humping, that’s when Thunder began to act strangely; he began snorting and started to walk sideways. “Err Whats happening …?” Susie asked “Oh don’t worry” Sophie responded, “He’s just getting ready to you know ….”

Sophie broke off mid-sentence as Thunder let out a loud whiney, stamped his hoof and began to thrust into Susie’s pussy which reacted by having an orgasm of its own completely out of no-where, it shot through Susie causing her whole body to shake. Thunder’s pace quickly increased accompanied by loud snorts and stamps. His thrust’s where so powerful that Susie kept having to re-adjust herself after each thrust, however she didn’t mind, she was oozing cream and began to moan loudly. As each thrust hit home she began to scream loudly. “Oh god yes! Fuck me!” Susie couldn’t control herself she was humping her hips up wildly “Don’t stop ever!” Thunder was snorting more and more with each thrust. Susie could feel Thunder flare up as with one powerful thrust he began to climax, ropes and ropes of cum burst from the tip of his cock into the deepest part of Susie’s pussy.

Thick liquid splashed all over Susie’s insides, erupting in waves after waves of sensual torrents , Susie instinctively pushed downwards to try and get as much of Thunder glorious cock in her as possible as he continued to shoot his hot, sticky sperm deep into her womb completely filling her hungry pussy with cum. It started to flow around Thunder’s cock and start spewing out of her pussy and started to collect on the ground, which each new rope of cum came another thrust, Susie did what she could to accommodate the sheer girth of Thunder cock. Eventually with one final deep thrust, Thunder finished cuming; Susie just lay there panting cum drip out of her. Sophie just stood there trying her best not to touch herself.

“Wait right there, I’ve got an idea” came Sophie’s voice. Sophie ran off into the distance to do what Susie did not know, “Looks like it’s just us two boy, you ready? Stamp twice if you’re ready” Amazingly Thunder stomped twice, prompting Susie to start the slow rocking of her hips, feeling every fold of Thunder’s cock slide in and out of her pussy. She could tell that Thunder was getting aroused already from his snorts. She decided to squeeze her pussy as she rotated her hips, this sent Thunder over the edge, he rear up place his two front legs on a bale of hay that was a few meters from them and began to thrust violently into Susie, who was both taken aback and so turned on by it to not matter. “Oh god! YES!! Fuck me! MORE!” Thunder’s thrusts began to pick up in speed and brutality, causing Susie to cream beyond her dreams mixing with Thunder’s own cum and started to trickle out of her.

Thunder was now giving it his all as with one furious set of thrust his cock engorged with blood, he flared up inside Susie and once again began to shoot his load deep inside of Susie filling her already overfull pussy, cum started flowing out of her at a much faster rate this time. By the time that Thunder had finished his second time, Susie could hear Sophie coming back with another horse in toe (at least by the sound of it) “Hey I’m back, I got so horny watching you fuck Thunder that I wanted to join so I brought my favourite stud, your time is up however, do you want another shot or do you want to take a little break?” Susie pondered “Actually a break sounds great right about now …” Sophie untied Susie from Thunder, she pulled herself of his cock with a squelching plopping sound as he cock came free and sperm burst forth.

Susie got up and look at the horse that Sophie had brought along, he was huge; in fact Sophie had brought along Tempest (although Susie didn’t know that) Sophie interjected “I see you’ve spotted my horse, he’s big isn’t he; he’s called Tempest also brought along this to increase the experience” She presented a blindfold. Susie just got an idea “You know I don’t feel fair not doing any of the work, here let me help you.” Susie quickly undressed Sophie, Susie then took the blind fold put it over Sophie and whispered “Just trust me … lay on the ground.” Sophie did as Susie request and laid on the ground legs spread open ready for whatever Susie had in mind, with her pussy still dripping, Susie walked over to Thunder and then to Tempest, bringing them both to Sophie. Whispering something in both of their ears; she then brought them as close to Sophie as she dared, then gave Thunder the signal to continue, he lowered his head immediately opened his mouth and cupped his lips over Sophie’s pussy; which was already a little wet from the anticipation. Sophie arched her back immediately and let out a soft moan as Thunder gave her pussy a quick lick. Thunder began to gently chomp on Sophie’s pussy. Cream burst forth as Sophie began to jerk her hips upwards towards Thunders magic lips, moaning loudly “Oh yes! So good!” Cream continued to ooze from her pussy as Thunder happily licked it up. Susie sat on the floor legs crossed “Oh god, that’s so hot, I’m so turned on right now, must not give in” she thought. Of course Susie didn’t know the commands to make Thunder go further, however she didn’t need to as Sophie was already scream and pretty soon she shouted “Oh god yes! Eat me!” Thunder responded by shoving his mouth into Sophie’s pussy and shaking it from side to side, cream exploded from her pussy, she screamed, she had no control over her body, she was frantically humping her hips upwards.

Thunder withdrew his now white stained face from her pussy and attacked her entrance again, this time his tongue came out to play, he began to lick every part of Sophie’s pussy it could, lapping up the cream that burst forth as it did. Sophie couldn’t even speak as this point, she was having one constant orgasm causing her toes and finger to curl and her pussy to pulsate wildly, she was humping her hips frantically, so much that she was beginning to make a rather big dent in the ground. “Fuck Yes!!” Sophie Screamed “More!! Lick Me More!!” Once again Thunder stock his head yielding more cream to pour from Sophie’s pussy, he then inserted his tongue into Sophie’s hungry opening, she moaned loudly and just humped her hips up wildly while Thunder explored this new place. It didn’t take him long to find her g-spot, small but ballooned out he jerked his head up, causing his nose to bang against her clit, causing her to see stars for a brief moment. He then began to attack her g-spot with his tongue licking every bit of it he could reach, she began to writhe and shake on the ground. “Oh god! If you keep doing that I’m gonna squirt!” Thunder soldiered on, licking and licking, until with a loud shriek from Sophie he withdrew his face as Sophie squirted all over him washing away some of the cream that was on his face.

Sophie just sat there whimpering; “Please no more …” Susie raised her head and spoke in a mocking voice, “You hear that Thunder she thinks she’s had enough, but you’re not finished yet are you?” Thunder shook his head and stamped his food showing he agreed with Susie’s statement. “Well then Thunder you know what you have to do, go on … eat her!” Sophie began to protest, but was too weak to do anything significant to stop what was going to happen next. Thunder immediately went straight for Sophie’s swollen, throbbing clit. He grasped it in between his powerful lips and began to tug on it; Sophie immediately began to scream in pleasure as cream burst forth from her pussy covering the ground, it dripped down into the little dip that had been made from Sophie’s repeated humps of her hips, it acted like a bowl for her cream. Out came Thunder tongue as he began to lick and suck on Sophie’s clit, causing Sophie to shriek in pleasure as yet more cream burst from her pussy. She was humping her wildly, splashing cream everywhere. Finally she felt the pressure on her clit vanish; “Oh thank god it’s over” Sophie panted, Susie sniggered “Oh where are just getting started, Thunder go on, like before” Thunder shoved his nose into Sophie’s pussy once again and shook his head from side to side. A river of cream cascaded out from her pussy collecting in the little pool by her ass. After a little while Thunder withdrew his head and started to back away slowly.

“Alright” came Susie’s voice, “Now let’s see what Tempest can do, go on boy” What a strange turn of events Susie the student had now become the master and was making her old master the play thing of two horses. Tempest walked closer towering over everything in sight; he lowered his head to the entrance of Sophie’s dripping cream stained pussy and shoved his nose into Sophie’s pussy and shook his head, causing cream to flow out covering his nose. Sophie just arched her back, her head thrashing from side to side, her hips humping up and down out of control. “Oh God! Help Me!” Sophie screamed, “He’s giving all the help you could need, eat her boy!” Tempest withdrew his head and went straight for her clit, clamping it in between his strong lips began to lick and tug at it. This sent Sophie over the edge she was screaming for more but also for it to stop at the same time. Thunder came over and began lapping at the pool of cream, breathing in the scent of Sophie’s hot wet pussy, eager for more he rose he his and quite unexpectedly nudged Tempest’s head out of the way as he attacked Sophie’s clit himself, Tempest then did the same back, this continued for a few second in which Sophie had lost all sense of how to speak, replaced with just screams and shrieks of pleasure. That’s when Susie intervened before Sophie got hurt and managed to pull both horses away.

Not surprising to see that both of them had raging boners, Susie thought of one last thing, she would make each horse cum on Sophie before he let her rest. She knelt down beside each of the tried to take a cock in each hand, realising that Tempest’s cock was far too big for one hand, abandoning her original plan, she used to hand to quickly massage Tempest’s massive erection, he got excited very quickly, stomping his leg in appreciation, soon his cock began to expand and he began to thrust, still Susie keep on moving her hands back and forth, massaging his cock, till he began to climax, ropes of cum burst from the tip of his cock and splashed on Sophie’s quivering body, Susie released Tempest’s cock and did the same technique on Thunder’s cock, pretty soon they were both cuming on Sophie who was still shaking and writhing. After they both finished climaxing, Susie removed the blindfold. “Well did you enjoy my little surprise” Susie asked her with a grimace, Sophie got up and pushed her in a playful way “That was the best experience I’ve had so far and you deserve a reward, my initial plan was to go on a ride with you with Tempest, but I think you should have your pic of horses, let’s get cleaned up first then tell me who you want”

A quick rinse up later and both girls were back the horses had since gone off grazing not too far from where Susie and Sophie stood. Susie turned to face Sophie and spoke “Ok I’ve decided, I couldn’t help but notice how big Tempest was so I want to ride him, but you can have Thunder, trust me you won’t be disappointed” Sophie looked at Susie, “Nor will you with Tempest, he’s a great ride” Susie was about to get into the saddle of Tempest and then something hit her, “Errrm how are we both gonna ride it takes two people to per horse” Sophie didn’t even flinch “Oh don’t worry I can actually do it myself, I prepared myself for this very occasion, but first let’s get you coupled with Tempest”

Sophie helped Susie get situated under Tempest, soon her arms and legs were soon tied up and was ready for what was coming next, her pussy was already getting wet from the thought. Sophie knelt down and began to massage Tempest’s sheath, pretty soon Tempest’s cock began to emerge Sophie forgot how big it was; it wasn’t even fully erect and it was already as thick as her arm, as it grew longer it started to drop slightly, it started to thicken by the time it touched Susie’s wet pussy lips. This sent a shiver through Susie who instinctively raised her hips to allow the horse more leverage. Sophie didn’t remember it being such a struggle when she was riding Tempest, started to get frustrated she parted Susie’s pussy lips and pushed hard against her pussy with Tempest’s cock, Susie tried to help by raising and lowering her hips. Eventually Tempest pushed at the right moment as his head slid into Susie’s pussy. Susie’s eyes immediately flew open “Fuck! He massive, please take him out, he’s too big!”

“Don’t worry, just relax, I’m not pushing him in yet, just get used to his size” Susie just lay there slowly rotating her hips getting used to Tempest’s sheer size. After a little while she could feel the pain beginning to fade, as it faded she noticed she was getting more turned on by the second, Sophie could see that she was getting comfortable and slowly began to push Tempest’s cock inside her, and inch after each disappeared into Susie’s pussy Sophie herself was getting wet just from doing it.

Eventually she decided that she could take it anymore and announced, “Ok he is about half way in, but I’m too horny to continue on so I’ve got an idea”. Sophie took out a syringe and gave Tempest the shot that would keep him hard, but also another shot which would eventually make Tempest be able to keep cumming even after his orgasm finished; thankfully Sophie had been giving Tempest supplements which increase sperm growth. With that Sophie stood up and slapped Tempest on his backside, causing him to rear and thrust forcefully, forcing the rest of his cock all of the way into Susie, who let out a scream as Tempest did so. “Ouch that was unexpected, painful but felt great at the same time.” Sophie was already mounting Thunder herself, within minutes she had Thunder’s cock inside her and was rocking her hips to get him in further, pretty soon both girls had their horses fully inside them and were just sat there slowly rocking their hips. Sophie was the first to break the silence “Wow, Thunder feels amazing, love him already” Susie looked over and spoke “I know what you mean didn’t know Tempest was so big, I’m loving him right now”

Pretty soon both girls were getting too horny to notice their own movements as both of them began to increase the speed of their hips, Susie closed her eyes as she felt Tempest’s massive cock glide in and out of her pussy feeling every fold of skin that passed between her pussy lips. Sophie too had her eyes closed, not realising that the obscene squeaky noises made by the saddle rang like a church bell in the silence. Susie began to tense her stomach and legs at the end of every upward thrust, Sophie had notice this and let out an audible cough, bringing Susie back to reality. “Enjoying yourself were we?” Sophie mocked. “Errm … sorry yes, it’s just wow it’s so big” Susie stammered. “No need to apologise it’s not like I wasn’t doing the same thing” Sophie reassured her.

“God, I need to do that a few more times, this feels amazing, much different to Thunder, I can feel him all the time, no idea I’d cum that quickly” Sophie looked over is lust and began to slowly rock her hips again, she as of yet had not orgasmed and was aching for it to happen, she began to thrust up harder and faster, and at long last she got what she wanted an orgasm which shot through her body causing her to shiver and caused her back to arch. Panting, she looked over at Susie who obviously hadn’t noticed Sophie’s orgasm and had begun to hump more quickly than before, hungry for more, Sophie began to try and match Susie’s speed. Sophie was by no means a novice at fucking horses and so soon caught on to Susie’s rhythm, a random urge hit her and she began to thrust upwards hard is short sharp bursts. The result was immediate not only did it feel amazing but she began to cream, it oozed out of her dripped down past her ass and began to collect on the floor. The creeks of Sophie’s saddle was being drowned out by Susie’s moans, who it seemed had found the perfect rhythm as when Sophie looked over she could also see cream the ground underneath Tempest.

That’s when Susie let out a scream “Oh god he’s getting bigger! Didn’t think that was possible” She began to move her body trying to get comfortable Sophie half shouted back, “Lucky you, you’re about to get a surprise, Thunder hasn’t flared up yet” However the more Susie moved her body the more she stimulated Tempest’s every expanding cock and soon he began to thrust his rigid cock into her, it was violent but calm at the same time, Tempest rammed his cock deep into Susie’s pussy over and over again, causing her to cream with each thrust, and cream poured out of her she let out a long lustful moan as Tempest began to thrust even harder. Sophie just looked on hungry for the same thing; she began to hump upwards hard, banging her clit against Thunder’s warm body with each thrust, which yielded more cream oozing from her pussy. Thunder began to stomp his leg and snort.

Within seconds Thunder’s cock began to expand and expand it did, it had expanded to three times its original size so that Sophie’s pussy was taught. “Finally, Thunder’s getting bigger to!” Thunder also began to thrust into Sophie’s hungry pussy, each thrust caused her to cream more, both girls were moaning loudly. Susie’s shouted “Oh my god this is amazing, we should try to time it!” Susie was cuming hard and she humped her hips upwards whenever she could, taking each thrust with lust in her eyes. Then was a final few deep powerful thrusts Tempest began to climax, ropes of cum exploded out of the end of his cock, immediately causing Susie to cum herself added her own juices to the mix. “Oh FUCK! He cumming in me!” Sophie tried to watch as Susie was pumped full of horse cum, but she had her own issues as Thunder himself was on the verge of his own orgasm. “Oh god! Thunder too, he’s cuming!” ropes of cum burst from Thunder’s cock coating Sophie’s pussy. Both girls were getting the inside pumped full of horse cum, Susie’s stomach area actually began to bulge slightly as Tempest continued to empty himself in her, cum burst from her pussy opening making a small pool on the ground as Tempest continued to thrust into her pussy. Sophie’s pussy too was full and cum began to flow out of her. Both girls continued to orgasm for several more long seconds, their pussies pulsating in unison. Both of the horses had now finished and just stood there while the girls relaxed and congratulated each other and the horses.

“My god that was amazing, more!” Susie said half panting. “Well you’re in for a treat, I didn’t just bring Tempest here for you two to get off stationary, oh no, we’re gonna go for a ride” Susie beamed at Sophie who beamed back “That sounds fantastic, where are we going?” Susie question, don’t worry about that Tempest will follow me, I’ll guide Thunder. Without waiting for an answer from Susie, Sophie set off in no particular direction. Tempest automatically followed in Thunder’s footsteps, due to his size, each step thrust his cock forcefully into Susie, the first step was uncomfortable, but the more steps he trod the more pleasurable it became, by the twelfth step Susie was starting to cream. The first orgasm of the walk surprised her and caused her to jerk her hips up wildly, yielding more cream. Cream oozed out of her pussy and dripped down her arse. Susie began to rock her hips in time with Tempest’s footfalls, each time his cock withdrew from her pussy it got steadily whiter, until it was completely covered in Susie’s cream, she was beginning to moan loudly as she continued to slowly rock her hips.

Out in front, Sophie was also enjoying herself, although not obviously as big as Tempest, Thunder was fiery and walking with more energy, sending vibrations through his cock deep into Sophie’s pussy, causing Sophie to also start cream, with each step Thunder’s cock rub against her swollen g-spot as the first orgasm hit her, she shook and shivered as her toes curled. She began to rotate her hips as Thunder plodded along, covering his cock with her white gooey cream. Wasn’t long before both girls were having rolling orgasms and both the horses’ cocks were almost completely white. Sophie decided that a change of pace and scenery was in order, so she guided Thunder to head towards a field where she knew there were hills and great places to trot. However once he got to the entrance she stopped. “I thought it would be great if we had a change of scenery, this field is great for riding, but first I think they’ve earned a reward don’t you” Sophie said indicating towards the horses. Susie agreed and instantly began to swing her hips up and down in long slow strokes, taking in as much of Tempest’s cock as she could, she began to add in a few shorter faster thrusts, which excited Tempest as he began to stomp his foot and snort loudly.

Sophie on the other hand, wanted to see what Thunder was fully capable off, so she immediately began to hump her hips rapidly, banging her clit against Thunder’s belly. The speed and force of her humps was definitely having the desired effect and Thunder began to snort and stamp his own leg, also he thrust occasionally. This combined with Sophie’s own thrust was too much for her to take, she couldn’t hold it in any longer she began to have a massive orgasm, she was suddenly squirting, hard! Sophie led out a loud scream as Thunder reared up and began to brutally thrust his cock deep into Sophie’s pussy causing a cream to fly everywhere. Sophie was having a constant orgasm, the best orgasm she had of the day, and she squirted again. Screaming for Thunder to not stop and for more.

Beside her Susie looked on in lust and hunger and decided that she wanted the same and so began to do the same thing that Sophie did, frantically humping her hips trying to stimulate her g spot as much as she could, to her delight she began to feel a big orgasm approaching, she was almost at the tipping point when Tempest also reared up and began to fuck her deep and fast, the first thrust sent her over the edge, be climaxed hard and (much to her relief) began to squirt, only a small amount at first, however with each thrust that Tempest made, her squirts got more energetic, to the point where both girls where not only creaming, but almost constantly squirting. A mixture of cream, horse cum and love juices from both girls began to drip and collect on the ground.

Both horses started fucking as hard and fast they could, causing both girls to scream in pleasure, both girls were in ecstasy cream and squirting beyond belief, and as if they had planned it both horses began to climax at the exact same time, hot ropes of seamen burst from the tips of both of their cock, filling their respective partners. Sophie was the first one to experience the overflow of seamen in her pussy, as it poured out of her, more kept coming in each rope met with powerful thrust from Thunder who snorted loudly with each thrust. Susie was next with her pussy completely filled cum begun to pour out of her, and was topped up just as quickly. Tempest however didn’t thrust with each rope of cum; instead his whole cock throbbed deep inside her. Susie moaned loudly and a lewd thought crossed her mind about being fuck by both Tempest and Thunder. During this both girls were still climaxing hard, neither girl could speak.

Eventually both horses began to calm down, although to Sophie’s surprise, Thunder immediately began to thrust quickly again, apparently not finished with her, she screamed in surprise as she squirted again. Thunder didn’t thrust for long however, finishing pretty quickly. Once he had calmed down, both girls were panting. Struggle to string a sentence. Susie broke the silence first. “I can see why you like him, he’s amazing, want him to cum in me again.” Sophie looked over at her friend “Likewise, Thunder is great , however I’ve organised a little surprise for you, not going to tell you what it is, just that you’ll love it” Sophie smirked, shook the hair out her eyes. “I thought we could go for a trot in this field, you okay with that?” Susie looked a bit scared. “Won’t he hurt me though I mean, he’s a big fella” She pointed at her bag, “Its ok I’ve got something to prevent that, untie my hands and I’ll show you”

After a few minutes, Sophie had attached to both horses had a device which stop them from thrusting too far, Sophie also gave Susie a crash course on how to control Tempest from underneath, happy with her work she tied herself back up and pointed Thunder in the direction of the straight track in the field and told Susie to follow beside her. After guiding Tempest to be next too Sophie (in which Susie had a tiny orgasm) Sophie gave the signal to set off, both Susie and Sophie set off at a trot, Sophie knew what to except and therefore was braced for the intense wave of pleasure that hit her. Susie however wasn’t, as soon as they got underway she let out a scram and instantly had an orgasm, the mixture of cream and cum began to spurt of Susie’s pussy as Tempest continued to trot along forcing his cock deep into her pussy. Sophie was also having intense orgasms; she began to hump her hips up wildly, slamming his clit against Thunder’s belly.

Susie was speechless, the onslaught happening in her pussy was too much to bear; she began to squirt uncontrollably “OH fuck! Yes! Tempest, don’t stop!” That when Susie felt something strange happening, she could feel Tempest cuming inside her, yet he still carried on trotting. The force of it caused another orgasm to shoot through her body, she writhed and twisted only stimulating his cock more, leading to more and more ropes of cum bursting from the tip of his cock. “Oh god, he’s cuming as we trot, feels so good!”

After 5 minutes for constant cuming from both Tempest and Susie, Sophie snapped her back into reality by stopping. They had arrived back at the facility, “Unfortunately that’s it for today, however you’re welcome to come back at any time you like, you have your own horse now, just either let me know or tell the receptionist that you have my permission” Susie look deeply disheartened, she never wanted this to end, ever. Reluctantly she agreed to dismount, Sophie dismounted first, and a loud squelching sound was audible as she removed Thunder’s still erect and throbbing cock from her. She untied Susie from Tempest, the same squelching sound was heard met with a river of cum flowing from her pussy. Susie tried to stand up, but her knees where to weak and she collapsed on the floor. However it seemed that the horses weren’t finished Thunder knocked Sophie to the ground with a shove of his nose, both horses then lowered their heads and began to chomp on the cum and cream covered girls. “What you doi … oh FUCK!” was Sophie’s reaction. Susie who had her eyes closed trying to regain her breath, had since had her eyes open wide. “FUCK! YES!!” she screamed as she grabbed Tempest’s head and practically forced his face into her pussy.

“OH god, eat Tempest!!” Tempest continued to chomp on Susie’s cream and cum covered pussy, Susie’s pussy pulsating wildly. Sophie was also frozen by pleasure, her pussy lips being destroyed by Thunder magic lips; she was shaking from the orgasms that were slowly beginning to roll together. Susie was moaning loudly, pleading for more, Tempest was happy to oblige out came his tongue as he began to lick her pussy lips, she grabbed his head once more and pulled him closer, forceful enough to get him to take a couple of steps forward, he got the idea, he withdrew his tongue found her pussy entrance which was still leaking and shoved his tongue into it, spreading her lips more than Susie expected. “OH GOD! Don’t stop keep going, fuck me with your tongue” Tempest began to explore her pussy with his tongue brushing over her g-spot which caused Susie to buck her hips slightly. He brushed over a few more times, working out what that spot was he began to assault it with vigour and lust. Causing Susie to scream as she squirted all over his face.

Surprised slightly Tempest recoiled slightly, withdrawing his tongue from her pussy. “Why did you stop!! MORE!” Susie screamed as she closed her eyes as her pussy spasmed out of control. Tempest lowered his head again towards her pussy, seeing her clit swollen and throbbing, he decided that he wanted to make this girl scream until she lost her voice. He clamped down on her clit, which caused Susie’s eyes to shoot open as Tempest began to lick and suck on it relentlessly, not stopping. Susie was orgasming uncontrollably. Sophie was getting a much gentler oral session with Thunder however, and she was slightly disappointed, she decided he needed a bit of guidance. “Common Thunder, lick me, destroy my clit” Thunder; who was still chomping her pussy, obeyed Sophie’s command, and began to lick Sophie’s clit before long he clamped down on it and began to tug on it. Both girls were in ecstasy creaming uncontrollably, both girls were having their clits destroyed; being licked and tugged. Susie’s ass was covered in mud and her own cream as Tempest sucked, licked and tugged at her clit. “Oh fuck!” Susie’s voice ripped through the air. Many minutes passed in which both girls had the best oral session they ever had, however they had to scramble away from their horses, who although their cock were throbbing got the message and didn’t follow. Susie and Sophie just looked at each other, each one not knowing what to say to another, although both girls thinking the same thing of wanting more.

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