Bellyriding Women with Animals
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Becoming a Member of the Pack


Sophie was 20 years old living on her own, with her two pet dogs; Rex and Bob since dropping out of university she had been going from job to job trying to gain some experience. Although she could have gotten any bar job she wanted she didn’t much care for the bar scene. Sophie was 5ft 6” with long elbow length brunette hair. With a great pair of breasts (DD Cup)

Sophie was single, and she was happy with that, although over the past few days she had been abnormally horny, masturbating many times each day, however this wasn’t enough she needed a cock in her, unfortunately Sophie was a bit of a social outcast and therefore didn’t have many friends.

One day Sophie arrived back from the library after getting a book from her favourite author. She decided that she wanted to do something a little different than just read. So she went up to her room and stripped down naked laid face down on her bed propped herself up on her elbows and began reading, this was just what she needed to get herself out of the rut she got herself in, she felt naughty reading a book naked. It wasn’t long before her mind started wondering and started conjuring up images of some hot guy discovering her like this and just fucking her right then.

She let her mind wonder and relish in that image. She started getting horny and was about to turn over start masturbating when she was pulled back to reality as she felt something warm and wet touch her pussy. She looked around to see that Rex had come into the room smelt her excitement and began licking her pussy. Instinctively she tried to push Rex’s head away with a “No boy, down!” however with each lick she began to get more relaxed, to the point where she just flopped on the bed with a moan.

“Mhmm don’t stop” she practically whispered. Rex continued to lick her pussy. Out of no-where she had an orgasm, it shot through her body like lightning. She screamed which spooked Rex and caused him to run from the room. Sophie just lay there thinking about what just happened, did she really just orgasm from a dog licking her; it felt wrong but felt right at the same time.

She spent a large portion of the next day looking up women having sex with dogs, after reading stories about the subject, she realised that she was incredibly horny and wanted to try it. She went into the other rom where Rex was sitting and got him to follow her to the bedroom. She put socks on his front paws (as many of the sites on the internet said was advisable) stripped down naked and laid face up on the bed. Calling to Rex as she did “Common boy, just like before”

Rex got the message, and once again began licking Sophie’s pussy, this continued for a few minutes. Sophie looked down and saw Rex’s cock; it wasn’t at its full size but still it looked big, Sophie desperately wanted insider her, she rolled over stuck her ass in the air and slapped her ass a few times. Rex eventually got the picture, mounting her in one fluid movement. Reaching behind her, Sophie felt for Rex’s cock grabbed it and guided it towards her pussy, this worked wonders Rex found her opening quickly and thrust the tip of his cock in, then proceeded to thrust the rest of his cock in her with one swift motion.

“Wow, your big aren’t you boy” Sophie panted. As soon as Rex was in her his cock began to grow even more and he instantly started cuming, jets of cum burst from his ever expanding cock, all the while Rex was thrust in short, sharp bursts; he was just getting faster and faster. Sophie could feel a bulge in her pussy “That must be Rex’s knot” it rapidly grew in size, however Sophie had kind of prepared for this moment by fisting herself yesterday, even still the knot was still growing and it kept growing to about the size of a baseball. Still humping furiously and cuming at the same time Sophie was in heaven. “OH GOD YES!!” she screamed as a massive orgasm hit her.

Rex’s knot was at its full size, still cumming now tried to pull it out. This only turned her on more, suddenly with a loud squelching noise Rex’s pulled his not out of her, leaving a trail of his juices pouring out of her pussy onto the bed sheets. Sophie just collapsed on the bed exhausted from the experience. Rex; with his job done just sat beside the bed, still erect. Sophie was so exhausted that see fell asleep minutes later.

When Sophie awoke it was the early evening. She thought she had beset clean up, so she put the bedding in the washing machine, fitted some new one on her bed and had a nice long warm shower. While in the shower she couldn’t help but think of the events that had just transpired. An idea suddenly popped into her mind “That was really hot; I wonder what Bob is like, better yet, what would it be like to fuck them both together!”

Sophie decided not to wait for an answer. She quickly got out of the shower, dried off. In nothing but a towel went into the other room to fetch Bob and Rex. She took him to her bedroom where she placed the towel she was wearing on the floor, assumed the same position she had earlier, asked Rex to sit in front of her and stay there. “Alright Bob, let’s see how you are lick me boy, lick me good” Bob was a bit hesitant to understand what he needed to do, but after a few more cues from Sophie, he got the hint and began to lick Sophie’s pussy. “Oooh, he slobbers more than Rex but he moves his tongue better.”

“Oh god! I want you in me, fuck me now!” Bob didn’t need to be told multiple times this time he knew exactly what he needed to do. He mounted Sophie and began prodding trying to find her pussy, Sophie reach back and guided his cock to her entrance. Once he found it he thrust fast and sharp, forcing his cock in her at once, which made her cum. “Ohh your bigger than Rex is” Bobs cock began rapidly expanding and his knot started to form. While this was happening Sophie had taken Rex’s cock with her hands and was now sucking him off. Both dogs were cumming in her. She felt great, she could feel Bobs big thick cock cumming deep in her pussy. She could feel his knot beginning to grow. In her mouth she could also feel Rex cumming in long sharp bursts. However this time she didn’t feel the knot leave her, it seems that Bobs knot was too big to be removed, so he just sat there, quietly cumming into her. The orgasms were coming thick and fast now, her knees became weak, till the point where she passed out from the strength of the orgasms.

After waking up, she decided that two dogs wasn’t enough, she wanted more, so after clearing up she began some intensive research into women having sex with animals. Eventually she found a place which said catered to all bestiality fantasies. After exchanging a few emails, she had arranged to go down there in the next couple of days for a tour of the facility.

The day arrived and Sophie couldn’t wait. She packed the car and drove to the facility, after meeting with the facilities manager she began explaining that the point of this facility was to cater to each person individual needs. Sophie explained that she wanted to be fucked by multiple animals in all holes and try to get more than one cock in one of her holes at a time.

The manager explained that that was a good but a big fantasy and will require a bit of training in order for it to become real. She proposed a course to prepare her, she gave Sophie a leaflet which three different training options. The first two options use a combination of dildos and stretching machines. The last one however was just labelled as “Horse Training Course”, Sophie enquired about it the manager said that they use a number of horses they have here and a selection of methods to prepare their user’s body for their fantasy

As Sophie didn’t like the idea of the other two she put her name down for the last one. “Fantastic” said the manager “Now the training course itself is free, however you are required to pay an insurance fee as I’m sure you’ll understand.” Sophie agreed and wrote a cheque out for the agreed amount. The manager then told Sophie to report back here at 9am tomorrow morning and told her to wear something she didn’t mind getting dirty.


Day 1

Sophie awoke bright and early the next day, got dressed and drove to the facility. The manger was the there to greet her; “You made good time getting here, let’s get started, if you’d like to follow me to our horse settlement, I’m Claire btw” Sophie and Claire walked for about 5 minutes before they arrived at a large stable. “Ok we’re here, we have a multitude of horses, however as you’re new we’ll start with this horse” Claire pointed to a stall to the left of Sophie; looking at the little info sheet on the wall, Sophie realised this horse was called Adam and the caption said; ‘Adam – A good horse for any new member to try’ “Why is he called ‘Adam’” Sophie enquired. “Oh we thought it was a nice reference to the biblical meaning of Adam, he was the first of a new species, and Adam is the first horse any member tries, seemed applicable; if you follow me we have a room setup ready for you” Once again Sophie followed Claire to a large room behind the stables. Inside was a just a bench covered with fabric. “Take a seat on the bench and disrobe, we will bring Adam to you then explain what is going to happen”

Claire left the room shutting the door behind her. Sophie didn’t have anything else to do other than what Claire had told her, she disrobed and sat on the bench, which was surprisingly warm and soft. A few minutes past before Sophie heard the clopping of hoofs, the door opened and in came Claire and following her was beautiful bay horse. Claire walk him over to the other side of too room.

“OK” she said “Time to let you know what we are planning on doing, in order to prepare you for your fantasy we have to get your pussy accustom to larger than human cocks. What today is about is to get your body accustom to something slightly wider than a human, then afterwards depending on what you feel like you can have relative free reign of what happens, you can move up or stick with Adam for a while it’s up to you; however for now take this towel place it on the bench then lay face up”

Sophie did as she was told, and before too long she was on the bench legs spread, lying face up. Claire brought Adam over and stood him right over her, it was only then that she realised that although Adam was a small horse, he was still big enough to kill her. Claire saw the scared look on Sophie’s face; “Don’t worry he’s not going to harm you, now time to get started” Claire began massaging Adam’s sheath and slowly his cock emerged, Sophie had never seen anything like it, it was fair bigger than any cock she’d had seen or fucked before, even Bob’s

Bigger it grew and Claire the tip of it closer to Sophie’s pussy entrance. Sophie was feeling nervous right up to the point where the tip of Adams cock touched her labia, an electric sensation shot through her. Her body shook and her head flopped down onto the bench. Claire began to rub Adams cock up and down her pussy, until she was dripping wet. “OK now comes the slightly tricky bit, it may hurt but hang in there and don’t give up” Claire proceeded to part Sophie’s pussy with one hand while pushing Adams cock up against it with the other. Ten minutes passed Sophie was beginning to get frustrated. “Didn’t know it would take this long to get him in me” However just as Sophie finished saying the last word did her eyes shoot open. The head of Adams cock was now inside her. “Oh wow, he’s huge I’m gonna split in two” she shouted. Claire spoke in a soft tone “No you won’t don’t worry, just hand in there, you’ll grow accustom to this don’t worry.” Claire began to push Adam’s cock deeper into Sophie’s pussy, with each push Sophie shook, and half way through had her first orgasm of the day. That didn’t stop Claire, more and more of Adams cock was entering her. Finally butting out against her cervix, Sophie winced in pain “Ok stop, he can’t go any further he’s against my cervix”

“You did well for a first timer, normally it takes people twice as long to get that far, normally I have to stop half way through the let them get used to the feeling; now you’ve got 8 inches of cock in your pussy, now the next thing to do is to just wait while your pussy adjusts to the size of his cock, by the way Adam’s cock is smaller than average for a horse, hence why we use him first” It didn’t take long for the pain to start disappearing, being replaced with pleasure, she started humping slightly.

“Ok looks like you’re ready, there is a bar over your head, feel free to hold onto it while the next stage commences. Sophie raised her hands and held onto the bar that wasn’t there earlier; Claire must have moved it there. “Alright boy, when you’re ready, stage 2” Adam didn’t wait around, he reared up placing his hoof on something which made a loud thud as he did so, then started withdrawing his cock from Sophie’s pussy, He kept withdrawing it till it come out with a popping noise; with his cock now at the entrance of her pussy again, he thrust force about two inches into Sophie; who gasped and had another orgasm. Adam did this a few more times, before doing something slightly different, he thrust in as before, then just waited for a moment, Sophie once again gasped and winced in pain.

The was the signal Adam seemed to be waiting for, he started slowly thrusting, forcing more and more of his cock into Sophie’s pussy withdraw it each time. When Adam finally reached Sophie’s cervix she had orgasm at least a half a dozen more times. “Adam stop, prepare for phase 3.” Claire got out a gag and placed over Sophie’s mouth whispering “Don’t worry, it’s all part of the procedure” Sophie tried to say “OK” but with the gag on all that came out was “mhmmmm” Claire ordered Adam to walk back, removing his cock from Sophie’s pussy as he did so. Then he moved forward again so the tip of his cock was touching Sophie’s pussy, she could feel it, and naturally started rubbing her pussy against it. “OK Adam, when you’re ready …”

Once again Adam didn’t wait very long, he thrust forward forcing about 3 inches of his cock into Sophie, again waiting for that gasp. However the gag muffled it so that it was not audible. Not hearing the gasp, Adam thrust forward forcing all 8 inches of his stiff erect cock into Sophie’s pussy is one go, Sophie winced in pain and her eyes began to water. She heard Claire’s voice in the background; “This is to prepare you for how brutal animals can be, however some people don’t like this treatment just yet, blink once to continue, twice to go to the final stage of this early treatment.”

Sophie’s eyes were still watering; she didn’t like the idea of that again. She blinked twice. “That’s fine, Adam skip to final stage” Adam snorted, withdrew his cock a few inches, reared up and placed his front hoofs on the box in front of him, and being thrusting is short quick jabs. This was a surprise of Sophie, who’s eyes had shot open, she raised her hips slightly to allow Adam more leverage. She was cumming almost every few seconds. “Soon, you’ll know what it’s like to have a horse cum in you most patients really like this” came Claire’s voice; Sophie did nothing but blink once. Orgasms still shooting through her body. Then Adams cock began to get even bigger, Sophie didn’t care though, she was too turned on, she wanted him to cum in her. She didn’t have long to wait, with once final thrust Adam’s cock erupted. Sending rope of cum deep into Sophie’s pussy, she screamed but it was muffled by the gag, she two was cumin hard, harder than she had done previously, she could feel her pussy filling up, she felt his cum burst from her pussy to collect in a little pool on the bench. As quickly as it started, it finished; Adams cock began shrinking immediately. There was a loud pop as Adam’s cock broke free from Sophie’s pussy, more cum started gushing out of her open pussy. Claire removed the gag from Sophie’s mouth; panting she spoke “My god that was amazing, I’m gonna be leaking for days, is that how all people fuck horses”

Claire began leading Adam to the other side of the room where some food and water was waiting, coming back she said “Not all, some people like it that way, some people like the ‘mating’ to be more fluid so they ride the horse in a different way, I’ll explain that later, you have 2 hours left of today, what do you want to do, we make customers wait at least 30 minutes before doing anything more, to give you time to rest, we normally let them wander round the stables during this time. Is that what you’d like to do?”

Sophie agreed. Claire gave her some clothes, she thought it would be a good idea; she didn’t want Sophie’s clothes getting messy. They exited the room and Claire asked Sophie to follow her, she took her to a different stable. “This stable is for regular customers who don’t require training, should you want to come her regularly these are the horses you will use, we have a range of horses all with different specialities; this fellow here as you can see is best suited to people who like random thrusts, it also lists their cock size as some people can’t handle bigger horses.

I’ll let you wander round, meet me back here in 20 minutes. Sophie began exploring seeing many horses of different colours; she soon reached the end of the stables, where there were a number horses in separate stalls, all of which just said “Belly Riding” and the ‘Level’ ranging from beginner on the left all the way up to “Fucking of a life time” Sophie was intrigued and made a mental note to ask about it. Her 20 minutes were almost up and began making her way back to Claire.

“Welcome back, hope you enjoyed your little wonder, no I have a question for you; do you want to end early or continue?” It was only then did Sophie realise how tired she actually was, she decided that she would call it a day and come back tomorrow. “Ok then, before you leave we ask you to keep this in your until tomorrow; Claire handed Sophie a package and asked her to open it when she got back. She also said keep the clothes for tomorrow, we’ll keep yours here safe.

Sophie didn’t question Claire, she bid them both goodbye got in her car drove home, opened the package which turned out to be the biggest dildo she had ever seen, followed the written instructions about inserting it then got changed into her nightwear and fell asleep.


Day 2

The next day Sophie was at the facility nice and early. “Morning Sophie” was Claire greeting. “Today we are taking the next step, we have a new horse for you and we are going to tackle the anal part of your fantasy, now for this one; unfortunately the customer has no control over what happens, as this section is dangerous I’ll be taking care of proceedings personally. If you’d like to follow me”

Sophie began following Claire as they reached the same room they were in yesterday; however this time there was a tall Buckskin coloured horse there rather than Adam. “This will be your horse; we call him “Fortune” because of his gold coat. Now if you’d like to sit over there, were you using the package last night?” Sophie nodded, “Good, however for this exercise can you take it out please, don’t want to tax your body any more than it needs to.

Sophie did as she was told, got undressed pulled out the dildo and horse cum began to drip out of her. “Take a seat and we will begin, first things first we need to make sure that you are properly lubed up so, hang on while I do this”

Sophie once again did as she was told and laid back on the bench. Claire began rubbing lube around Sophie’s arsehole and then got out what looked like weird device. “Don’t worry this is what I’m going to use to lube you more.” Claire began to push the dildo slowly into Sophie’s ass, it was painful at first, but got easier with each passing second, once the dildo was fully inserted she pushed the button that was on the based, and slowly lube started spewing out of the end into Sophie’s arse. Wasn’t long before she was ready. “Ok wait here I’ll bring Fortune over” She brought over Fortune who was already spouting a fairly impressive erection, but he was fully erect.

Claire brought his cock up to Sophie’s arse, she began to push, to Sophie’s surprise he slid in with no problem, inch after inch slid into her tight hole until Claire stopped. “Ok, we’ll stop here any further and we can cause you harm, now I’ll just apply this shot, this will make him hard instantly and he’ll stay hard” Claire got out a shot and injected him just before his cock disappeared into Sophie’s arse. The effect was as instantaneous as Claire said it would be; Fortune’s cock suddenly became as hard as a rock.

“Ok he’s ready, now I’m going to have to manually stimulate him until he cums, so be ready” Sophie nodded, “Ok but don’t hold back please, I’m so horny right now I just want his cum” Claire didn’t say a word but just grinned. She took Fortune’s cock with both hands and began giving him a handjob; faster and faster she got until, she could go any faster. This was having an effect on Fortune as he was stamping his hoof in appreciation. It wasn’t long before Fortune’s cock began to increase in size, Sophie noticed this “Wow already … you work fast don’t you, alright I’m ready” Fortune began to thrust; he wasn’t as violent as Adam had been, but he thrust deeper than he did. His speed increase every time however he didn’t make Sophie feel uncomfortable

With a final thrust he began to cum, to burst from the tip of his cock, jet after jet of cum exploded out of his cock, Sophie arched her back “Oooh yes!” was the only thing she could say. Cum started spewing out of her ass and collected in a pool on the bench like before. However this time when he was finished his cock didn’t shrink, it stayed rigid and hard. “Ok that’s him done; this section doesn’t take that long as we only do it so the client can feel what it would be like, now the shot I gave him won’t last much longer, so just sit there, once he is finished your done for the day, I know it’s short but you will need all your strength for tomorrow as we trying something completely new.

Thirty minutes passed before Fortune began to shrink in size, his cock flopped out of her ass and cum began pouring out. Claire handed Sophie her clothes back and said if she wanted to wash herself before going home there was a shower she could use. Sophie gracefully accepted a shower and after finishing up got dressed and headed home. Again she didn’t realise how tired she would be, she promptly fell asleep, on her bed, still dripping cum from both her pussy and her arse.


Day 3

Once again Sophie awoke bright and early, and arrived at the facility with plenty of time to spare before their meet up time. “Ha, you’re getting here earlier everyday” was Claire response to Sophie’s greeting. “Sorry, I was just too excited, so what do you have lined up for me today?” Claire beamed “Well as this is your last day of training what you do today is completely up to you, although before you choose we have a few suggestions we like to offer, if you would like to follow me”

Claire began walking off into the distance, Sophie set off in pursuit, they soon arrived at an office building “Step into my office, take a seat I’ll be with you in a moment” Sophie took a seat on the sofa propped up against the wall. Wasn’t long before Claire returned with some papers in hand; “Sorry about the wait, now the suggestions I mentioned are written on this piece of paper, we have three for you to choose from, if you don’t like any of them, that’s ok, just tell us what you want and we’ll try and make it happen”

Claire handed Sophie the piece of paper, there were three headings accompanied by a small description underneath about it. The first heading read “Humiliation thy name is animal” underneath it was the following: “This situation will have you humiliated by animals, if you don’t do as you’re told the stakes will continually get raised.” Although this sounded exciting for Sophie she kept reading

The second heading read “You can’t rest” its description read “Spend the day doing everyday things, but at random times you’ll get called in to become and animals mate” Sophie’s mind played out a scenario in which she was doing house work to be called away every 30 minutes to get fucked by an animal. The last heading just read “Belly Riding” and all the description read was a testimonial: “This is by far the best and only way women should ride horses”

“Claire; what is ‘Belly Riding’?” Claire looked up from the papers she was signing, “It’ll be easier if I show you, come; let me show you” Following Claire, Sophie walked in toe until they arrived at the stables that Sophie saw the other day, Claire made an abrupt turn and when behind the stables where there was a paddock.

Walking into the paddock Sophie almost stopped bed in her tracks, as directly in front of her was a girl underneath a horse, with his cock buried in her. “This is Belly Riding; the girl sits in the saddle you see there and basically just lies there with a horse cock in her, many women really like it; so want to try it?” Sophie looked over at Claire was a mixture of sexual excitement and confusion on her face, but eventually she gulped and spoke “Well this is the suggestion I chose, so let’s get too it shall we” Claire beamed “Fantastic, now if you’ll follow me I already have a horse in mind for you.”

Claire shot off into the distance with Sophie in toe, wasn’t long before they arrived at a building similar to the ones that Sophie was in earlier that week. Inside was a bench and in the corner there was a beautiful tall Palomino horse. Claire seeing Sophie looking at the horse spoke; “Marvellous isn’t he we got him the other day on a loan from one of my Brazilian friends, he is called ‘Sunshine’ he’s a great horse for you to ride, ok this might prove tricky so don’t be frustrated ok?” She brought Sunshine over and stood him next to where Sophie sat.

Claire told Sophie how to get into the saddle, after a bit of fumbling and Sophie accidently getting into the saddle the wrong way, Sophie was seat the correctly and Claire began tying up her legs and hands; before Sophie said a word “Don’t worry, this is for your safety, can’t have you being trodden on can we” Claire said with a smile.

She knelt down by Sophie and began massaging Sunshine’s cock like she did with the other two horses; soon enough it started to appear from its sheath. Claire could see that Sophie was already quite wet, “Excited are we?” Sophie suddenly felt really embarrassed and turned scarlet red. “I … err …” “Don’t worry, I was only teasing” Claire brought the tip of Sunshine’s cock to Sophie’s pussy lips. As they made contact Sophie felt a shock of pleasure run through her.

Claire began the process of pushing, trying to get Sunshine’s cock into Sophie, it take as long as she thought it would, was mere minutes after she started when his cock entered her. Sophie’s eyes shot open. “WOW he huge … I like it” “Oh yes I forgot to mention that Belly Riding horses have bigger than average cocks; well most do anyway, we have yet to categorise this guy. If you want to do this more you’ll have a selection of our categorised horses for this.” Inch after inch of cock was forced into Sophie, causing her to have a small orgasm. Eventually Sunshine’s cock butted up against her cervix, she winced in pain “Ouch, ok he’s all the way in” Claire stood up smiling “Alright then let me just apply this shot to him, it’ll keep him hard for 2 hours, which should be plenty of time”

Claire applied the shot, Sunshine barely noticed, he just shook a bit, send vibrations through his cock, this caused Sophie to let out a small moan. Sophie was getting more and more turned on by the second, she naturally started rocking her hips back and forth. The more she did it the better she got, soon she was able to lift her entire body of the saddle hold it in position then then slowly lower them. “Wow this feels amazing, wish I’d done this sooner” Sophie gasped “You’re only just getting started go ahead and put more force into it” Claire told her. Sophie did as she was instructed, putting more force into her movements, this resulted in her having another orgasm, but it wasn’t the release she had been anticipating, she wanted a massive orgasm. Sunshine however was acting a little weird, his was snorting and stamping his hoof, he was starting to get fidgety.

“Oooh it looks like Sunshine is getting excited, he’s close; you’ll enjoy this” Wasn’t long before Sunshine’s cock began to expand, although Sophie knew this was going to happen, she was still shocked at both the size of Sunshine’s cock and how much her pussy could stretch to accommodate his massive cock. Soon Sunshine began thrusting, each thrust felt both painful as it rammed against her cervix yet pleasurable enough to not say anything. Sophie could feel another orgasm building inside her and she knew this would be the big one she was waiting for, she did he best to fight it, waiting for the right moment.

The thrusts were coming thick and fast now, Sophie could feel his cock throbbing inside of her, and inside her head she was begging him to cum in her right then. As if Sunshine could read her thoughts, with one final forceful thrust, he began to cum, hot jets of cum burst from the tip of his cock, slowly filling Sophie’s pussy. She couldn’t hold it in anymore the pleasure was too much, she let go and a massive orgasm shook through her body adding her own juices to the pool of cum already in her pussy. There were still jets of cum busting from Sunshine’s cock, it began spilling out of Sophie’s pussy dribbling down past her arsehole and collecting on the ground. “Oh my god yes, I’ve changed my mind this is my new fantasy, to do this all day with lots of horses.”

Claire just stood there giggling; “Well you’re halfway there” Sophie just looked at Claire surprised, “What do you mean? I’m sure he came in me” she said still slowly rocking her hips. Claire beamed, “Yes, a horse can ejaculate anywhere between 8 and 50 times as much in volume as a man.” Sophie scoffed, “No kidding, I’ll be leaking for days! Thought I’d be used to it by now from the ‘training’” Claire smiled again, “While that does qualify you for having been successfully mated, belly riding originated by women who had caught their husbands cheating. They rode their horses publicly to humiliate their husbands.” “Well I rode him, and made him cum” Sophie said. She was curious where Claire was going with this. Claire said, “What you haven’t done is the public part. It’s time to take you for a walk.”

Sophie look confused, confused and horny all in one, it took her a while before she could get a sentence out “What are you saying Claire, thought privacy was the facilities motto.” Claire nodded “Oh yes it is, but the public part is generalised and not meant in this situation, what I’m really getting at here is, in order to become a Belly Rider, the girls must go for walks while still copulated with their mate, don’t worry no-one is going to see us, this paddock is completely private, only I can get in.”

Sophie pondered hard, finally her horniness got the better of her “Alright let’s do it, I have to make him cum again, that felt SO good”

“Alright then, here we go” With that Claire took the reins and began to make Sunshine walk forward, the first footfall felt amazing and Sunshine’s cock was thrust into Sophie, second footfall was better than the first, third one was even better. Soon Sophie was had no idea where they were, she was lost in the moment, she started slowly rocking her hips, she tried to rock her hips is time with Sunshine’s footfalls, it took a bit of time, but she eventually got into the right rhythm. Sophie was in heaven right now, she had an orgasm, another one followed in quick succession, before long it was hard to tell when one orgasm ended and another began.

She began to get more erratic with her movements. “Oh, don’t bother … he isn’t ready yet, like humans, horses need time to recover before than can cum again, so just sit back and enjoy the ride” A little disappointed Sophie reluctantly went back to rocking her hips in time with Sunshine. Claire was surprised at how well Sophie was taking to Belly Riding, it would normally take a couple of horses for people to get the hang of it, she decided she earned a little reward; she coaxed Sunshine into a faster walk. Out the corner of her eye she also spotted a track leading up a hill.

She changed Sunshine’s direction so he was heading directly towards to hill. Then handed the reins to Sophie “I’m giving you control for a little while, don’t worry, he knows where he is going, he won’t change course unless you really yank him, I’ll see you at the top” she finished with a wink and headed off in the other direction. This left Sophie and Sunshine alone who by now had reached the foot of the hill. As soon as they began to climb Sophie noticed something, to maintain the speed Sunshine had to put more power into his foot falls, which resulted in Sophie swinging more from the saddle, add to that the added pressure she was getting due to gravity, Sophie was getting the fucking of a life time. She never wanted it to stop, the more the climbed the stronger the orgasms were getting, till the point where she managed to stay orgasmic constantly for 20 minutes, she didn’t even realise that she had got to the top of the hill.

She was brought back to reality with a clap from Claire. Sunshine had since stopped and was tied up to a fence. “Enjoying yourself were we?” Claire said. “Hmmm yes, sorry coming up that hill was just amazing.” “Well I’d say Sunshine is ready so, whenever you get the urge; feel free to go wild” Sophie didn’t need telling twice. Almost instantly she began to rock her hips upwards. She wasn’t holding back, she was going to give Sunshine the fucking of his lifetime, a couple of times she bucked up so hard she banged her clit on his belly. He was beginning to stamp his leg and snort loudly. Without warning he reared up (causing Sophie to slide a little down his cock) and place his front hoofs on the fence which he was tied to.

Then he began thrust wildly, not like before; he was going full force straight away. This caused Sophie to scream in pleasure, she was creaming, having one massive orgasm after another, and soon they were coming so fast, thy all blended into one. Sunshine it seemed wasn’t holding back, he was returning the favour. They just kept coming, until suddenly with one final thrust (which damn near knocked the wind out of Sophie) he started to cum, ropes of cum erupted from his cock, filling her already full pussy to its limits, cum burst from her, collecting in a little pool on the ground, and it just kept flowing out. It all became too much for Sophie and she passed out.

When she awoke she was still under the horse, but felt no cock inside her (the injection had obviously worn off) “WOW was beginning to think I might have to call for help, you alright there?” was the first thing Sophie heard. “Oh yes I’m fine, just passed out is all, such a strong orgasm; that was amazing, can I be let down now, I’m shattered.” Claire nodded “Of course, you’re finished for th day anyway, now to give you time to recover and for us to make some adjustments to your fantasy – assuming you still want this as your fantasy. We arranged your appointment 4 days from today, we advise you to get some rest.”

Sophie agreed, Claire untied her, it was only then did Sophie realised how weak kneed she was, somehow she managed to walk to her car and drive home, where after collapsing on her bed, fell instantly asleep.


Appointment Day

The day had finally arrived, Sophie’s fantasy was going to be made a reality, as she had done previously she arrived bright and early to the facility. She was greeted once again by Claire “Welcome back Sophie, hope you’re well rested.” “Yes I am thanks, it took two days for me to stop leaking horse cum and I’ve had to replace my bedding”

“That’s to be expected; now we’ve got your fantasy all planned out, however we thought it would be a good idea not to tell you everything, will add to the experience, all we can tell you is, that by the end of today, all your fantasies you’ve had over the past week should come true, and we expect you to be tired by the end of today, so we made a plan for you to stay the night, anyway if you’d like to follow me we can get started.”

Sophie and Claire walked together for about 5 minutes, before they arrived at the stables were they kept the belly riding horses, once again Claire headed for the room behind the stables where everything was set up ready. However this time instead of a Buckskin Horse there was a tall, majestic Blue Roan horse. “Here is your ride; we call him Dusk, you’ll like him he’s a great horse, now he is one of our own horses and he is categorised as ‘Feeling Brave are we?’ He is on the more advanced end of the scale, not too high but not too low.”

Sophie walked up to him and patted his neck “You’re a beauty, this is going to be fun” She undressed and began to get into the saddle. “Wait don’t get his saddle just yet, we are trying something slightly different, stand in front of him, don’t be scared” Sophie; slight puzzled, stood up and walked to stand in front of Dusk. “Good, now try not to jump” Claire brought Dusk even closer; they were but mere inches from each other. “Alright Dusk, we have a new meal for you, go on try it.” Dusk brought his head up until it was level with Sophie’s tits. In one swift movement he put his mouth around her nipple and began to suck. “What the f… oooh yeah that feels surprisingly good” Sophie initial shock quickly faded into pleasure. Dusk continued to suck and lick her nipple. “Wow this feels great” Sophie moaned. Claire smiled “If you think that’s great just wait until what’s coming next, lay down on the end of the bench face up” Without question or hesitation, Sophie flopped down onto the bench. Dusk walked over lowering his head; Sophie spread her legs without even thinking, Claire voice broke the silence “Ok Dusk, we’ve got some new meat for you, she’s a feisty one so be careful” Sophie could barely contain herself, “Let him eat me” Dusk brought his head towards Sophie pussy, he picked up her scent and snorted and pawed the ground. Dusk’s lips made contact with her pussy; they felt soft, warm and almost velvety.

He shook his head between her thighs, and the pussy cream gushed from it and into his mouth, he then began chomping. “Oh god!” was the only thing that Sophie could say, she was writhing on the bench. She lifted her butt in the air forcing Dusking face so close to her cunt that she could feel his breath on her clit. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as the first orgasm of the day presented itself, shot through her light a bolt of lightning, causing more of her juices to flow out from her pussy which Dusk graciously lapped up. His chomping lips and thick proved too much for her and she began to cream again, she couldn’t help herself. “OH GOD!” she gasped “Lick me, Chew Me, Make Me Your Slave!” Claire stood there dumbstruck at how much pleasure Sophie was getting, she hadn’t even got his cock in her yet, yet she was still creaming like nothing on earth. Each drop of cream from Sophie pussy was licked up by Dusk’s tongue; her juices completely covered his nose. She humped her ass up and down driving her dripping cunt into Dusk’s nose. Her big, horse slobber coated tits bounced all over her chest. She twisted and contorted her hips, whimpered as his rubbery lips squeezed between the folds of her pussy. Her eye glazed over with lust.

“YES!!” she cried to the heavens as she creamed once more. “Wow” Claire thought to herself “She is really creaming, it’s making me horny; he hasn’t even really begun to eat her yet” “Oh god this is heaven! It’s fucking heaven!” Sophie screamed “Eat me, yes! Eat me!” Dusk eagerly chomped on Sophie’s pussy. His tongue thick and rubbery, invaded the entrance of her pussy. He snorted his nose banging into Sophie’s clit as he brought his head up and whinnied. “OH GOD!!” She jerked; her clit was swollen with blood and throbbing. “I’m creaming, oh GOD!” she wailed writhing lifting her butt into the air “Eat me Dusk, I’ll cream for you again and again, don’t ever stop!” Her head thudded back onto the bench and thrashed from side to side. He brought he head to her swollen clit and banged his nose against it; cream greeted him, flowing from Sophie’s pussy over his nose and into his mouth. He jerked his head, agitated and horny from Sophie’s actions and overflowing cunt. She drummed her ass onto the bench, she squirmed. “He’s chewing me alive, Lick! Lick!” Sophie didn’t know what she was saying Dusk’s snorting made her cream more. He devoured her pussy, creaming flowing from her cunt. He lapped the mixture up as quickly as it was gushing from her.

It was only then did Claire notice Dusk’s raging boner he was fully erect; “Well at least that makes the next job easier” Claire thought. Claire knelt down mauling over Sophie’s massive tits. Sophie went wild, with Claire playing with her tits and Dusk chomping on her pussy it was more than she could handle, she lunged her hips recklessly into Dusks nose, cream poured out. “Oh GOD! Yes MORE!” her face contorted into a lewd expression. “More! Horsey more!!” HE used his big thick tongue, lugging gobs of juicy pussy-cum from Sophie’s hot, steamy cunt. It coated his nose, complexly covered his tongue and filled his flared nostrils. “He’s magnificent, his tongue WOW!” She spread her legs even further, slapping them up and down.

Sophie’s eyes floated back into her head, “Oh, no!” suddenly her body began to convulse and spasm. “I’m creaming again, OH MY GOD” she screamed. Dusk had found her clit, swollen and neglected. Her body was twisted and writhing; Dusk had found her clit and was destroying it. Orgasm more powerful than anything she had is the past few days hit her like a train. They hit her one after the other. Sophie’s eyes suddenly flew open she looked around for Claire; panic came over her “Help me! I can’t stop cumming!”

“Dusk is giving you all the help you will ever need, just relax; Chew her boy, chew her real good” Dusk had her clit clamped between his lips. She bucked her hips violently, there was no stopping her body and she had no control. “Oh god, I think I’m gonna die!” Claire giggled. “Not today you’re not, go one boy eat her real good, use that mouth” Dusk’s grip on Sophie’s clit suddenly became more intense, he now had her clit clamped with his teeth, applying just enough pressure to not be painful. Sophie’s body jerked as her orgasms grew more intense, the inside of her pussy convulsed, cream was gushing out from her pussy. Her juice and cream stained ass pounded the bench.

“Aghhhhh!” It felt as if her clit was going to be ripped from her body, it was throbbing. Dusk shook his head once again, and as before was rewarded with a river of cream flowing from Sophie’s pussy. She soaked Dusk in an ocean of hot milky cum from her pussy, she humped tirelessly. Her slit was at long last free as Dusk plunged his tongue into her pussy. “OH God yes!” she felt the pressure inside her pussy, wanting Dusk to penetrate further. Dusk snorted withdrew his tongue annoyed that he was not reward with cream as before; he went back to punishing her clit. Clamping down on it hard with his teeth, Sophie was couldn’t stay still for any amount of time, she was writhing as orgasm after orgasm struck her like bolts of lightning. Her clit; swollen and throbbing was being destroyed by Dusks tongue. Sophie back arched and she shook violently “Aghhh!” one bone shattering jolt ripped through her pussy and she collapsed on the bench. “OH MY GOD, give it to me, I want his cock, NOW!” Dusk was still chomping away at her pussy. She couldn’t stand it. “Lick her good Dusk, you shall have your reward soon enough.” Dazed, everything Sophie suddenly grabbed Dusk’s head and pulled him in closer. “Give me his cock now!!”

“Alright Dusk you’ve earned your reward, cease” Dusk brought his now white nose up from Sophie’s pussy and moved forward so that the tips of his cock was touching Sophie’s pussy. Claire had to re-think what she was doing; suddenly she got the idea removing the saddle altogether so that she could fit it later under Sophie, who was still writhing “Give me his cock now” Claire managed to remove the saddle and placed it on the floor, before going any further, she administered two shots to Dusk, one of which was to keep him hard, the other was a mixture of a suppression chemical and a special drug to make him cum more than he normally would.

She then began to press his still hard and throbbing cock against Sophie’s pussy; the fact that Sophie was so wet made it hard for Claire to keep Dusk’s cock still enough. Eventually though the head of his cock finally penetrated her pussy. Sophie who noticed this instantly creamed. Claire then tied Sophie to the bench with some rope, then took Dusk by the reins and slowly walked him forward, each time more of his cock disappeared into Sophie’s pussy, after a few seconds she heard Sophie say “FUCK YES! So good, but he is in all the way.” Claire then untied Sophie from the bench and tied her to Dusk in the same manner, removed the bench, attached the belly riding saddle, untied Sophie form the rope, then fastened her into the locks for saddle. She then secretly proceeded to lock them with padlocks.

“Ok well that didn’t quite go according to plan, but we got there, you ready for your fantasy now?” “You’re telling me that what just happened wasn’t actually part of my fantasy” Sophie gasped. “Actually no, we were only going to use it to get you nice a wet, but you were enjoying it too much so I didn’t want to stop you.”

Sophie was still panting and still shaking, but she had Dusk’s cock in her now, she got what she wanted. “Well, whenever you are ready I am ready; I must have cum at least 30 times back then. I still have more in me. Sophie has already begun slowly bucking her hips; she could feel Dusk’s cock throbbing slowly inside of her. Her clit was still swollen and very sensitive and each time it brushed Dusk’s belly a small orgasm shot through her body. “Right then, time for me to give you lesson so you can go out on your own.” The next half an hour was spent teaching Sophie how to control the horse from underneath, during which time Sophie had several more orgasms and was beginning to cream again. “Wow you pick that up rather quickly, you’re set, I’ll lead you some of the way but from then you’re on your own”

Claire gently coaxed Dusk forward, as he took the first step, Sophie felt her insides moving and the big stiff erect cock moved, she hadn’t done this is a while, she completely forgot what it was like. The first step felt like magic inside her, the second step felt even better. Before long she couldn’t keep track of where she was, she began creaming excessively again. She felt more like she was flying with a cock inside her rather than walking. Suddenly her eyes shot open as her first orgasm of the ride hit her. “Wow wasn’t ready for that, it just appeared out of no-where, you naughty boy Dusk …” Just then Dusk stopped; Sophie however was still thrusting her hips up slowly, Claire emerged into view. “Right this is where is I leave you he’s all yours now. WOW you’ve turned part of his cock totally white, now we’ll be up that hill there, so we’ll see there.”

With that Claire headed off into the distance, leaving Sophie alone with Dusk, “We’ll then, now we are alone, time to take a stroll, onwards!” She coaxed him to walk forwards; once again she felt his cock move inside her. Without realising she had guided him towards the hill, he became to climb, she began to swing more with each footfall as Dusk had to put more effort into his steps, there was also added pressure on her g-spot. All of this felt great she became to cum again and again. “Oh god I’m creaming again” He reached the top of the hill, she could she an open gate in the distance and set off towards it, but just she started doing that, Dusk began to act funny, he began walking sideways then his cock increased in size, stretching her pussy even more, he then just stopped and began thrusting, faster and faster until he finally started to cum, ropes of cum burst from his cock, filling Sophie’s pussy to its limits, it burst from her pussy and started collecting on the ground. More and more cum kept pouring out. However something bizarre then happened, while still cumming Dusk began to walk forwards again, the added movement began too much for Sophie to handle, she began to cream again, adding her juices to Dusks. She eventually arrived in the field where Claire stood with another horse and strangely a dog.

“Welcome back, if you can guide Dusk over her we can change your ride, that’s right, you’re not just fucking one horse, you’re fucking multiple. You will be sufficiently wet so, no need to worry about that.” Dusk was still cumming, just not as much Sophie guided Dusk over to the bench which was laying there, Claire untied Sophie and she pulled herself off Dusks cock a torrent of cum burst from her pussy as Dusk’s cock exited her. Sophie tried to stand up, but her knees were to week and she flopped over the bench, cum still dripping out from her pussy. However just then she felt something prod her. “The new horse can’t be ready already surely.” Sophie questioned, “Oh no, that’s one of our dogs Carl, yeah your still gonna be fucking dogs, we are not letting you off that easily.

Sophie was about to reach back to help guide the dog in. However it seemed that the dog needed no aid, as he found her pussy and shoved his cock in in a matter of seconds, as soon as his cock was in her it started to grow and he started cumming. “Oh I forgot you lot start cumming immediately, it feels good, faster!” with each jet of hot cum that burst from the dogs cock more poured out of her full pussy collecting in a pool underneath her. She could feel the dogs cock thickening and his knot beginning to grow. Pretty soon his know was at its full size, he then stopped, waited a few seconds. Then trust forward with enough strength to almost knock Sophie off balance, his knot was all the way in, he was still cumming, the sudden thrust caused Sophie to have another orgasm, adding her own juices to the mix. When this happened to Sophie before she was tied with her dogs for 30 minutes, however because her pussy was still stretched from Dusk, the dog continued his relentless fucking, causing her to have a few more orgasms, there was a river of cum coming from her pussy

As quickly as it started, did it stop; the dog withdrew his cock from her pussy doing so caused a torrent of cum to come gushing out. “Looks like Hector finished just in time; your new ride is ready.” Came Claire’s voice, Sophie (who was shaking still) turned over and saw a tall white horse, he pawed the ground hungrily, smelling Sophie’s arousal. “He is called Snow, now if you would get into position we can continue.” Sophie did as she was told and got in the saddle as she had done previously, the torrent of cum had stopped, however she was still dripping cum.

Soon Sophie was fastened in and had Snow’s cock in her. “Oh my god, he’s huge, even bigger than Dusk was” “Yes, Snow is almost 3 inches bigger than Dusk, before we set off, have one more adjustment to make, I’m going to insert one end of this tube in your pussy and fasten the other end above your mouth, so you can drink his cum.”

“But not going to do it just yet, got to get him all the way in your first” Claire smiled as she pushed, inch after inch slid into Sophie’s pussy, it was easier than before, thanks to the liberal amount of cum already inside of her. As Claire was working Snow’s cock inside of her she had a small orgasm, her body shook. Claire didn’t notice, after a little while Sophie felt that familiar feeling up against her cervix “Ouch, ok he’s all the way in” Claire got the tube out of her bag. “Well then, time for the final piece, this is will snug” Claire managed to squeeze the tube into Sophie’s pussy, making sure that it was securely in place before attaching it to the saddle just above Sophie’s face, she then applied the shot to Snow’s cock. “Right we are ready, now Snow knows where to go, so you don’t have to control him, all I have to do is this …” With that Claire slapped Snow on the arse, he jumped a little and began walking forward.

Within seconds of the walking beginning was Sophie thrusting her hips in time with his footfalls, “WOW you’re so much bigger than Dusk!, oh god I’m creaming already” Sophie could only imagine what she looked like, a girl strapped underneath a horse, with its cock buried deep inside of her, with cum dripping out of her pussy, with her thrust her hips up in time.

This thought turned her on more, and she quickened the speed at which she was thrusting, Snow was beginning to act differently, his pace was speeding up, he was snorting every so often. Suddenly his cock began to enlarge and he started walking funny. “WOW already! Alright boy, have your way with me.” With that Sophie spread her legs as much as she could without it being painful, ready for the assault that was sure to follow. She was still creaming as Snow started thrusting forward, the first thrust was powerful, causing Sophie to briefly see stars. It seemed that Snow wasn’t as fast as Dusk, but he was more powerful, each thrust hit home perfectly, causing Sophie to have an orgasm after each one.

Sophie could feel Snow’s cock starting to throb deep inside her, she knew that meant he must be near, she just laid her the sense of feeling helpless turned her on more, before she knew what was happening her eye shot open, she could feel Snow cumming inside her, ropes of hot sticky cum brust from Snow’s cock, the tube coming from Sophie’s pussy began to quickly fill, however Sophie had completely forgotten about it, so when Snow’s cum got to the end and spurted out it shot all over her face. Sophie instinctively closed her eyes and looked away, soon however she realised what was happening, opened her mouth and began to happily and hungrily drink Snow’s cum, it tasted sweet and bitter at the same time, but it was a nice bitter.

As Snow reached the end of his orgasm, he began to paw the ground, then without warning reared up and came crashing down to the ground with enough force to send vibrations through Sophie. This just added to the experience. “WOW!; that was great boy, when you’re ready continue on please fuck me more, I’ll cream for you again” As if Snow could understand her, he turned around and began walking, his cock still throbbing slightly, specks of cum still dripping from the tube over Sophie’s face.

Sophie just laid there and closed her eyes, mouth slightly opening catching the drips of cum from the tube. She had no idea how much time had passed, but the next thing she knew she heard Claire’s voice “Aaah there you are, I can see he’s already cum once, that’s good, let’s try and get him to cum again, your last horse is almost ready, do you want to go straight from Snow to him, or you want a rest?” Took a little while for Sophie come back to reality; “Sorry, was miles away, oh god I don’t want this feeling to stop, straight to him now if possible.”

“This is your fantasy … hold on I just have to make a few adjustments first” Claire disappeared for a few minutes; all Sophie could hear was the rustling of a bag and the sound of metal on metal. Eventually Claire returned; Sophie only just realised that all through this she had remained stationary, despite her level of arousal.

“Right, everything is ready, let’s get you on your new stallion” Sophie looked up at Claire “Oh god hurry, what about Snow though, he’s got to be horny by now, can’t just let him now get release”

Claire looked at Sophie, “Don’t worry about that, we can fix that easily, you just worry about your new Stallion, it will require you to take a little walk however” Sophie reluctantly nodded her head to show that she agreed. Within a few a minutes she was out of the saddle, as before, when Snow cock came free from her pussy, a torrent of cum burst from her pussy. “God I’m leaking so much, it’s going to be days before I stop” was Sophie’s response.

Claire walked Snow to a fence and tied him to it, whispered something in his ear, gave him something to munch on, winked then proceeded to lead Sophie down a walkway. It was about 5 minutes before they approached a clearing. “Here we are, this is an enclosed space, as we normally use this place for show jumping, but today it’s yours and Tempest’s playground”

“I assume Tempest is the horse’s name?” was Sophie response, Claire nodded “Yes it is, and he’s special in a number of ways, he is the tallest horse is the world; he’s 21 hands, don’t let the height scare you, he’s friendly.” Claire approached a barn, opened the door, Sophie stepped into the barn, stark naked and still dripping cum, and there stood the biggest horse she had ever seen. He was tall just like Claire described, he also had a jet black coat, a long, flowing mane, from what Sophie could see a very muscular body.

Tempest, raised is head from the bag of hay he was eating; smelling Sophie’s arousal walked over and began sniffing around her pussy. “Easy boy” said Sophie, pushing his head away. Claire grabbed the reins and lead him outside, Sophie followed in toe, it was only when Tempest was fully outside, did it finally dawn on her how tall he was, she barley came up to the top of his legs when she stood up. “Impressive isn’t he …. Well then, this is your final horse, let’s make this experience the best one yet, please get yourself ready” Claire pointed at the saddle, Sophie knew exactly what to do, however due to Tempest’s size, her hands barley made contact with his legs. “Crap he’s too tall, I can’t reach his legs.” “Don’t worry, I thought that this would happen I’ve made some adjustments to the saddle, look” Claire pointed at one of Tempest’s legs, it still had a cuff like all the other hand, but it was like it was on an extension lead.

With these adjustments, Sophie was soon locked in; she also noticed that the extra length in the cuffs actually gave her some arm support. “Right you’re ready, now it’s time for Tempest to get ready.” Claire began massaging his sheath and pretty soon his cock began to emerge, even though he wasn’t fully erect yet, he was still much bigger than Snow was. Bigger and bigger his cock grew as it inched further toward Sophie’s pussy entrance, which was still leaking cum.

As soon as it made contact with her pussy, Sophie shook, the feeling was great. Now came the part that both Claire and Sophie knew would be tricky, Claire parted Sophie’s pussy lips with one hand while, forcing Tempest’s still growing cock against her pussy with the other, several minutes passed, until finally Sophie’s eyes flew open. “Oh my god, he’s fucking huge, I’m gonna split in two” Claire held Sophie’s hand “No you’re not don’t worry, Tempest is twice the size of Dusk, we reckon that his cock is the maximum any girl can take, now going to wait a bit to let your body adjust to the size”

Sophie was experiencing a lot of pain, but she soldiered on. While waiting, Sophie could help but start rotating her hips, which caused more of Tempest’s cock to slide into her, causing her to gasp and wince in pain. Claire was too busy applying Tempests shot to notice (unknown to Sophie, Claire has secretly been giving Tempest’s injections since she arrived for her ‘training’ these shots were designed to increases the amount horses can cum, up to double the amount according to some tests. “Right that should be enough time for your body to start adjusting” Claire announced, indeed it was Sophie was starting to experience less pain. “However to make sure, just going to give you this shot, it’s a localised muscle relaxant, should loosen up your muscles enough to make penetration further easier” Claire gave Sophie the injection, “Ow! You could have warned me before stabbing me with the needle” What Sophie didn’t tell Claire was that, see kinda enjoyed the pain. Slowly inch after inch, Claire forced Tempest’s cock into Sophie’s pussy; it slid in effortlessly, no doubt aided by the copious amount of cum inside her.

Sophie was already starting to cream; she remained silent however, letting Tempest invade her pussy inch by inch. After a few minutes, she felt his cock press against her cervix, Claire saw her wince in pain and before Sophie could say anything pulled Tempest’s cock out slightly so that it was just shy of her cervix. Claire then attached a device to his cock where his cock entered her pussy. “Just to make sure he doesn’t hurt you, cos he’s a big fella, the biggest guy we have.”

Claire stood up and admired her handy work, “Well all things considered I think that went well, now I’m going to give you the reins, you don’t have to control him, he knows what to do, but should you need to stop him you know what to do, and if you want him to walk again, just squeeze or kick your legs.” With that Claire turned around and left, “She must have gone back to Snow” Sophie thought, “Well body when you’re ready, I’m not stopping you” With that Tempest began to walk forward, due to his size he took massive strides compared to the others. Although a smoother ride than the others, it was by no means boring, with each stride his cock withdrew double the amount of the other horses, then plunged in with more force, the first step caused Sophie to cream again and have a big orgasm. Second was even better, she creamed more, which each footfall she creamed more.

Pretty soon she was thrusting her hips up wildly, not caring for how she looked and whether she was in time; that was until something bizarre happened, Tempest suddenly picked up speed, she was now trotting and Sophie’s pussy was being assaulted by Tempest cock which was now thrusting in her faster because of his gait. Sophie stopped everything see was doing, a wave of panic shot threw her “Oh god no, what if this horse kills me” was Sophie’s first thought, however the fear and panic soon changed into lust and pleasure as she grew accustom to the sudden change in speed.

“I must have asking him to go faster by accident” She thought, for a while, she just laid there enjoying the moment as Tempest trotted round the paddock in a large circle. “Mhhmmm, yes good” Out of nowhere her body convulsed and shook, an orgasm shot through her body, her pussy lips spasmed and began clamping down on Tempest’s cock. “Oh god, you really know how to please a girl don’t you boy, don’t stop now, I want more, faster” Sophie kicked Tempest, nothing happened. “Common you big boy I want more, faster” Once again she kicked, nothing. Then she realised that when Tempest suddenly trotted she must have been squeezing.

With that idea in mind, she realised that if she wanted Tempest to go even faster (as he was still trotting and Sophie was still orgasmic) she would need to squeeze, which given the current situation may prove tricky, with that she devised a plan. “Alright boy I want you to not hold back, give me all you have” With that she thrust up and squeezed her legs as she did so. What followed surprised her, Tempest suddenly stopped. He reared up, causing Sophie to slide a little down his cock, he started pawing the air with his front hoofs, let out a loud whinny, came crashing back to earth, then get off galloping in the paddock.

“FUCK YES!!” Sophie instantly began screaming and had an orgasm which rivalled anything she had that day. “Oh god I’m creaming!” The speed at which Tempest was going meant that he was fucking her with far more brutality and Sophie was loving it, she couldn’t thrust her hips fast enough to match Tempest’s speed, so instead she decided to make every thrust as strong as she could, with each thrust butting out against her cervix, however Sophie didn’t feel any pain, each thrust was long and strong. Aided by Tempest’s galloping, after a particular energetic thrust by Sophie, she accidently yanked on the left rein, causing Tempest to change direction. Unknown to Sophie but fast approaching was a show jumping obstacle. This didn’t deter Tempest’s heading, closer and closer it drew. Then with a majestic bound Tempest jumped, causing his cock to ram itself into Sophie’s pussy who gasped. Once he cleared the obstacle he came crashing down to earth, the vibrations shot through his whole body and therefore straight through his cock into Sophie’s pussy. “Oh god, I’m creaming”

It was then that Tempest began to move weirdly, he had now slowed down to walking speed and was now almost skipping sideways. “Oh why you slow down boy!” The words were barely out of Sophie’s mouth before she realised what was happening. “Ahh it’s about time, thought Claire had you snipped” Tempest’s cock began to engorge with blood swelling to a size Sophie didn’t think was possible. Sophie’s pussy was already stretched to what she thought was her limit, but no her pussy continued to stretch as Tempest’s cock expanded.

Tempest reared and placed his front hoofs on the fence in front of him, which broke under his weight, however behind it was a big block, Sophie only caught a glimpse of it, but she had seen enough wildlife programmes to know that it was a device used for collecting horse sperm. Tempest once again reared up and placed his front hooves onto the device and began to slowly but deeply thrusting his cock into Sophie’s sperm lined pussy.

Sophie didn’t expect Tempest to be so gentle, she was almost angry with him. “Common boy where’s that fire, let me have it” Sophie had asked for it. With a snort Tempest shook his head and suddenly picked up the pace, no longer was he being gentle, this human wanted it and she was going to get it. His thrust where now coming thick and fast and Sophie just lay there creaming and having orgasm after orgasm. “God yes, I am your slave! I’ve been a bad girl”

Tempest was now thrusting as fast as he could; snorting so loud that anybody within 100 meters must surely wonder what the hell was going on. With one last powerful thrust with and earth shattering snort from Tempest he began to cum. Ropes of hot cum, burst from his cock the force of which made Sophie cum herself, the mixture of fluids began to fill her pussy up forcing the cum that was already in her to burst out of her stretched pussy, collecting in a pool on the ground. With each new rope of cum, came a small thrust from Tempest, the little pool of cum on the ground was fast becoming a river. “Wow you sure c-cum a lot don’t you boy.” Stammered Sophie in between her orgasms, still Tempest keep cumming.

After what seemed liked and eternity Tempest finally came back to earth and walked of his own accord back to the entrance of the paddock, where Claire stood beaming, something glistening on her face and body. “Well by the looks of you two, looks like you both had fun, unfortunately that your day done, however I’ll let you ride him back to your car, I’ll give you our contact details so we may keep in contact.

Sophie looked crest fallen “Err ok, but can we take the scenic route, want to milk this guy for as much as I can.” Claire agreed and they began to walk together, by the time they got back to Sophie’s car, she had cum at least 15 times, Tempest came once more.

They bid each other goodbye and Sophie drive off, over the next few days they kept in regular contact, Sophie found out that Claire had fucked Snow while she was fucking Tempest; Claire also said that if she ever wanted a job, she knew some people who owed her a few favors. Sophie signed on almost immediately but specified if she could only work with the horses. Claire said she didn’t think that would be a problem.

The End

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