Bellyriding Women with Animals
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Belly Riding Training


(c) 2009 by DicknSusie

Susie has only done dogs (and many of those) but we have been fascinated with doing a horse. We find Belly Riding an interesting concept. I have written several stories for her on that theme. Hope some enjoy it.


Barbara slid onto the platform under the stallion. She quickly centered herself under the horses belly and over the harness that was lying on the platform.

“We need to hurry,” she said to Ann, “Rebel has been given his shot and my husband will be here any minute.”

Barbara’s maid, Ann, bent down and began buckling the straps onto mistress. Barbara shifted her weight to help get positioned just right in the rig. This was the first time that they had used the Modified Walker Saddle and she was excited to see how it worked. Barbara looked down between her thighs and saw the horses growing cock.

“Is he ready?” she asked Ann.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Ann answered.

“I am ready for him,” Barbara said, “Put a little more lubricate on me if you would.”

Ann squirted more from the tube and reached between her mistress’s thighs, rubbing the it on Barbara’s pussy, even running her fingers into her. Barbara smiled at the touch. Ann then grabbed the quickly growing horse cock and place the head at Barbara’s pussy lips. She rubbed the head up and down, lubricating the head and spreading Barbara’s pussy lips apart. Barbara pushed down against the cock as Ann held the cock.

Barbara could feel the head pushing into her pussy. She wiggled her hips in the harness in order to work the cock into her. Suddenly she could feel her pussy opening up as the head slipped her lips.

“OHHHH,” she moaned feeling the horse cock head slide into her. She could tell he was not too big yet and she was glad that they were able to start before it got any bigger. Ann jacked the horse cock several times into Barbara’s pussy. About three inches of the cock was in her. Ann stepped back.

“OK, raise up,” she said to her mistress. Barbara pulled her weight off the platform and as a result she slid down the horse cock about another inch. Ann pulled the platform out from underneath the stallion. Barbara swung free in the belly saddle. She could feel the horse cock growing bigger in her, stretching her pussy lips.

Ann grabbed the halter and slowly led the horse across the barn. As the horse walked, Barbara swung in the belly saddle, the horse cock sawing back and forth in her pussy. She pulled on the straps, forcing more of the cock into her, over six inches now. She could feel it still swelling, stretching her pussy wider. They went out of the barn to the riding ring. Ann stopped and opened the gate leading the horse into the ring. She stopped and looked down at her mistress.

“Are you OK?” she asked.

“Oh, yes,” Barbara answered. “Lead him around the ring, I am about to cum. And we need to get some practice in for the competition.”

Ann led Rebel around the ring. Barbara swinging in the belly saddle was working a little more of the cock into herself with each step. The swinging motion underneath the horse worked the horse cock in and out of her. She could feel the head swelling inside of her pussy, bouncing against her womb.

As they started on their second trip around the ring, Ann could hear Barbara moaning real loud.

“UHHHH, Oh yes, OHH baby,” Barbara moaned. “OHHH, I am cumming on his cock. OHHH, YES.”

Barbara’s body jerked in the saddle as the orgasm washed over her body, her pussy throbbing. She pushed down on the straps pushing couple more inches of horse cock up into her belly. Her legs jerked in the harness, pulling her further down on Rebel’s cock.

“AHHHH, I am impaled,” she cried.

Ann looked down to insure that her mistress was OK and could see the smile on her face as she came. She continued to lead the horse around the ring. She could see Barbara’s body relaxing in the saddle.

“Was it good,” she asked Barbara, a little bit of envy being in her voice.

“Oh Yes,” Barbara responded, almost in a whisper, “One of the best ever.”

Ann heard the ring gate opening and looked up to see Richard, Barbara’s husband, coming through the gate. He closed it and walked over to where Ann had stopped leading the horse.

“How is the new saddle,” he asked.

“I thing she likes it,” Ann said looking down at her mistress.

“Oh yes, it is going to be great,” Barbara answered looking up at her husband, “Thank you for getting it for me.”

“And me,” Richard said as he began looking the rig over. He checked the buckles and the way that his wife’s body was suspended in it. He looked under the horse at where the cock went into his wife’s pussy.

“It appears she has nine or ten inches of him in her,” he said straightening up.

“Really?” Barbara said, “I knew it felt good and filling. Is that OK with you?”

“Of course,” her husband answered, “in fact we are going to see how much more we can get you to take.”

Richard checked the that all the connections were secure.

“One thing I really like is the addition of the saddle so I can ride on top. Also how in the Walker Belly Saddle they pull your legs up.”

He pulled on the straps that held his wife’s legs up. Her thighs were strapped in so that they were along side of her body, almost horizontal. This made her calves stick straight up.

“I like this,” he said, “it makes you look most delicious down there. Is it comfortable?”

“Oh yes,” she responded.

“And it obviously makes your pussy more accessible to the horse cock,” he chuckled. “Let’s see how it rides.”

He took the reins from Ann and swung up into the English style saddle on the top of the horse. He placed his feet on the little stirrup so that was on the back of his wife’s thighs.

“I like the way I can play with your feet,” he said reaching down and tickling the bottom of his wife’s bare foot that was sticking up in front of the saddle.

“Stop that,” Barbara said wiggling her toes as she was unable to pull her foot away.

“Are you ready,” he asked.

“Yes,” she said.

He slowly led the horse around Ann and continued around the ring at a slow walk. Barbara swung in the belly saddle beneath him. He made a complete circle of the ring at a slow walk.

As he came back pass Ann he said, “What do you think?”

“You two look awesome,” Ann answered.

“You OK down there?” he asked his wife swinging beneath the horse.

“OH, yes. This is good, very good,” she said.

Richard had the horse walk a little faster knowing that it would probably move the horse’s cock in and out of his wife more. He heard Barbara gasp a little. Again they went around the ring.

“Now I want to try out one of the features I hear so much about. Are you ready Dear?” he asked.

“Ye—ss,” she gasped.

Richard slowly pushed down on the back of his wife’s thighs. The action was transmitted through the harness in such a way, that it forced her body further toward the rear of the horse. This pushed her pussy down the horse’s cock.

“UHHH,” Barbara said.

“You OK?” Richard asked letting up slightly on the pressure.

“Yeeess,” she answered.

“Do you want some more?” he asked.

“Yes. I will tell you when I can’t take it,” his wife said.

Richard slowly pushed down again on her thighs,

“Yes,” Barbara said.

They rode about half way around the ring.

“More, Baby,” Barbara said.

Richard looked over at Ann who was watching and winked. Ann smiled real big. He pushed harder down on the stirrups pushing himself slightly out of the saddle.

“OH YES,” his wife cried.

Richard increased Rebel’s pace to a fast walk. He could feel his wife swinging in the harness below him. He rode in the saddle with a rocking motion pushing down on the stirrups. He knew that this was forcing the horse cock deep in and out of his wife. He put more weight down, knowing it forced the cock deeper into her pussy. He could hear his wife moaning beneath him.

“How does it look?” he asked Ann.

“Sir, there must be at least 12 or 13 inches buried in her. It is incredible looking, this is great,” she responded. “Are you OK Mistress?”

“Yes, Dooo……. don’t stop. Ahhhh yes.”

Suddenly Richard could feel the horse buck a little underneath him. He saw Rebel toss his head. The horse picked up the pace a little.

“Barbara,” Richard started to say.

“I know, I know. I can feeling him swelling in me. His head is growing so big. Ohhhh, it is getting so big, So Big,” she responded.

“Do you want to stop?” he asked. “Can you take it?”

“Don’t stop, I am so close to cumming again. I don’t know if I can take it, but don’t stop. OHHHH, the head is enormous.”

Richard without thinking rose in the saddle pushing hard down on the stirrups. The horse cock jammed up into his wife.

“AAAAHHHH, NOOOO tooo deep, AHHH. YESSSS, Do it again,” she screamed.

Richard looked over at Ann watching as he again pushed down on the stirrup. Her mouth was open in disbelief.

Barbara screamed again, “AHHH, I am cumming it is so deeeep. Ohhh baby, he his squirting in me. The head is about to split me. It is so hot. Must slow down. So deeep.”

Richard pulled the horse to a stop. It rared up slightly, making Barbara scream again. Richard had to see this. He swung out of the saddle. As he did, he put some weight on the thigh stirrup pushing the horse cock into his wife.

“AHHH,” she cried.

As Richard stepped away from the horse, he could literally see his wife’s belly jerking as the house shot his load into her. There was well over 10 inches of the horse cock buried in her. He saw his wife’s tense body as she also came, pulling herself down, trying to force more of the cock into herself. It had to be slammed against her cervix. Slowly Barbara relaxed but the horse cock was still jerking inside of her.

“That was incredible,” Ann said.

“Yes, it was,” he answered. “would you like to try sometime?”

“Yes,” Ann whispered.

Richard could see that the horse cock had stopped jerking and was starting to pull back into its sheath. As he watched, the cock shrank in size till just the head was still in Barbara. The head was obviously still swollen as it refused to come out of the used pussy. Barbara hung in the harness completely still with eyes closed. Suddenly the horse cock head popped out of the pussy with a loud plop sound.

Barbara moaned, as horse cum squirted out her pussy onto the dirt of the ring. It ran solid for a good fifteen seconds. Richard walked over to his wife’s side. He knelt down.

“You OK?”

“Oh, yes,” his wife answered smiling up at him. “This new saddle is going to work perfectly. And how it worked.”

“C’mon let’s go get you out of this rig.”

Richard led the horse back into the barn where Ann had pulled the platform over. They then pulled the platform underneath Barbara suspended beneath the stallion.

As they laid Barbara’s weight down on the platform, putting slack into the harness, she moaned slightly. Ann and Richard quickly unhitched and buckled Barbara from the saddle. Ann then led Rebel away to his stall. Richard walked around to look between his wife’s spread legs. Her pussy was red with the lips swollen and distended. The pussy was gapping open with horse cum still running out of it. Barbara had open her eyes and was watching her husband.

“Does it look bad?” she asked.

“Dear, you have one ruined pussy. It looks gorgeous,” he answered as he walked back up along side her. He bent over and kissed her lips.

“Thank you for the ride,” she said smiling up at him, “I loved the way you were able to force me down on his cock. I think you really did want to see how deep you could get it in me. I loved it. It felt so good. Thank you.”

“I am glad you liked it. Next time we will see if we can get it deeper. I might put all my weight on it, that will teach you,” her husband answered.

“Do you promise?” his wife said with a pleading look.

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