Women with Animals

When Owner’s Away Puppy Will Play


(c) 2007 by DoggyBred

I’m writing this story to relate something that really happened the other day. My neighbor down the road a ways asked if I would take care of his dogs for him while he and a friend went on a fishing trip that would keep him away for a few days. I’ve known him all my life it seems, and he knows I take good care of my animals, and I have time to look after his in his absence, so he thought I might not mind taking care of them for him. “Hell Yeah!” I almost screamed, but gathering my composure I answered him in a very calm manner, “Sure.” You see, he has this one huge Male dog who I have had fun with before. Whenever they go hunting and his hounds don’t come back to him at the end of their hunt, he just leaves them out to come home whenever they get hungry and tired, but they always seem to come home on their own just fine. Well a couple of times I saw him comming by our place in passing, so I got him loaded up into my truck to deliver him to his owner but I didn’t take him straight home. Instead I knew of a secluded place where we could have some fun together and I would see if he was interested in playing a little game with me called “Makin puppies”. As it turned out he was not only interested but also very eager to play after he figured out what it was I had in mind. He is a very well endowed male of the species and with some practice in the few times we had together he became a very good lover and always left me breathless. “Red”, I will call him here (not his real name) is so well hung that he is one of only a very few stud dogs that I have been intimate with that can tie me so tightly with his knot inside my pussy that we actually get stuck in a nice long doggie-fuck-tie together and manage to get turned ass to ass while still copulated together like nature intended. His erect penis is so huge that when completely engorged it almost touches the ground between his hind feet. It makes me weak kneed and all shakey inside to think of his equipment and what he can do to me with it.

Well the day for his departure arrived and they stopped by to tell me that they were leaving and I almost jumped in my truck and drove down to see Red right then, but I didn’t cause they might of forgotten something and I didn’t want them driving in the driveway and catching Red and me in the act of ‘Makin puppies’ together, so I waited until later in the afternoon when I went down to feed and clean their pens. When I fed them Red was up on his gate and barking like the rest, but his pink lipstick was sticking out of it’s sheath making me have butterflies in my stomache as I crouded him back with the gate and put food in his and his penmate’s food dish. “I’m glad to see you too.” I told him as I closed his gate. The rest of the dogs were greedily lapping up their food but as I closed the gate he lunged against it again and howled in the most forlorn manner. “Poor guy.” I thought, “He’s really horny.” but I had something special in mind. I wanted to tear off all my clothes, throw open his gate and crawl into his kennel with him mate me right then and there! This time I wanted it to be different and something we would both remember the rest of our lives. So I didn’t.

I finished watering the rest of them and went exploring for a place where Red and I could have a little privacy and not be disturbed while we let nature take her course. I discovered a neat little pen inside the old barn behind the kennels where we would have just that. There was some loose hay on the floor and it was really quiet there and dimly lit from the sunlight filtering in through the cracks between the weathered boards. It is a very romantic setting and I knew immediatly that this was the place. This is where I wanted my stud dog to posess me and take me as his bitch and screw me to his heart’s content.

I could feel myself becomming ‘bitchy’ as my pussy was moistening with anticipation. I returned and began cleaning their pens with the water hose and Red was still barking and howling for me in earnest now. “Can he smell my readiness?” I thought as I went to stand in front of his pen and admire his powerful frame. “Does baby want some pussy?” I asked as I began to slowly pull my top off over my head. He began a long mournful wail as I bent to slip my shorts down my thighs and let them fall around my ankles. Stepping out with one foot I kicked them to him with the other. He lowered his sensitive nose to sniff them. I knew he could smell my ‘sex’ emitting from the material of the shorts and started pawing at the wire gate trying to drag them to himself. I reached back and unhooked my bra, shrugging it from my shoulders I could feel the goose flesh rippling around my hardening nipples from the cool afternoon breeze and also from my arrousal as I tossed it on top of the kennel. “Is this what you want lover?” I asked. “Do you want to see me naked?” He began barking eagerly now as he started pawing at the wire enclosure. “I’ll take that as a ‘Yes’.” I said as I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my panties and slowly slid them from my hips and down my thighs. I spread my legs and the crotch covering came away from my overheated pussy and I quickly kicked them in his direction also. Now I stood before him completely naked except for my shoes, he watched me intently as I spread my feet and began carressing my swollen pussy and made a few quick swipes through my slick wet slit and circled my now erect clitoris. “Look how horny I am Red.” I said as I slowly began moving toward him. Swaying my hips as slowly and sexxily as I could, offering my wet fingers through the wire for his devouring tongue. I stood close to the gate and dipped my fingers back inside my overheated vagina as I teased him. “Do you wanna put your big hard dog dick in here?” I asked, offering him another taste of my girl juices. He turned sideways as he paced the fence and I could see almost 7 inches of sexxy dogcock swaying from his sheath and I knew he was more than just a little ready for me. A flush of heated desire spread through my body from my pussy up through my belly and over my breasts, on up my neck and I could feel my face flush bright red. I cradled my reddening titties and ran my fingers around and over my rigid nipples while slowly turning. Spreading my feet widely, I leaned foreward, pressing my hot pussy against the wire for his inspection. He lapped feverishly at my wet vagina through the wire but never had very good access to my wet sex. Turning around to undo the gate latch I whispered to my horny partner, “Do you wanna fuckk me? Come on.” I said while letting him through the opening while keeping his penmate inside and relatching the gate, “Let’s go screw.”

Turning quickly I streaked off around the old barn as fast as I could run. Red right on my heels all the way. It felt extremely sexxy and arrousing as I ran completely naked before this extremely horny male dog chasing after me as if I were his prey. I knew I couldn’t outrun him but he stayed right behind me anyway. He knew I couldn’t escape him now that that nasty old fence wasn’t between him and his bitch. I slowed and stopped behind the barn in the cool shade there and spread my ass while stooping for his inspection of my dripping sex. His cold wet nose went easily between my legs and he eagerly lapped at my sensitive vulva and up my wet slit. Turning slightly I grasped his sheath gently in my hand and could feel the length of his enormous organ from the sexxy tip clear back along the shaft to the obvious lump where his knot was hiding then on back to his very full ball sack. Sliding my hand back along the length of him I felt a tiny droplet of his juice on my finger so I brought it to my lips and sucked the tangy fluid from it with a smack. “MMmmm…. Tasty.” I moaning as I turned on my heels and sprinted away as fast as I could go. Looking over my shoulder as I ran I saw Red still standing there watching me streak away with his head cocked questioningly after me as I went around the corner out of view and into the bacn door. Still running as fast as I could I went down the alleyway to the back stall and entered into the cosey old wooden pen and slowed to a stop. The soft hay covered floor felt good so I quickly kicked off my shoes and strutted my nakedness into the center of the pen and called”Hey stud! Come get your bitch!” as I dropped to my hands and knees. I was so horny to feel this huge dog’s chest on my back and his strong legs grasping my hips while he impaled my willing pussy on his hard dogcock. “Come here lover. I’m all yours!” I again called while turning to face the entrance to our little lovenest. The soft lighting and even softer floor covering filling my senses while my body burned with desire. This is it. This is the place where I wanted Red to take me and make me his bitch. We could have sex here and cuddle and mate together and he can breed me as long and as much as he wants. I’m gonna be the hottest piece of ass he ever had.

Just then I could hearpanting as he strolled down the alleyway and turned through the gate and swaggered over to me. It was like he knew he had me and I couldn’t escape him now. He stopped and licked my cheek and neck sending a tingle down my body as I flushed in sexual surrender my nipples hardening while my dangling boobies reddened in readiness and my tummy involuntarily dropped, spreading open the flowering bud of my womanhood for my lover. He strode down my body examining my full tits and lapped at my tummy as if to see if I were ready for his breeding. He lapped under my belly at my tender clit then circled behind and lapped greedily at my willing pussy. “Oh shit!” I growled through clenched teeth as I opened myself onto his tongue. A mental picture flashed through my lust dazed mind of what I must look like to him. I’m totally naked and ready before him. Back arched, legs spread, my pussy throbbing in need as he checks checks me for breeding. I’m completely exposed and vulnerable. I must look like some horny little bitch to him. That’s it! I am a horny little bitch! His horny bitch! And he’s gonna treat me like one. He’s gonna mount me and we’re gonna screw like dogs! I looked over my shoulder to him and patted my ass cheek in invitation, “Come on Red. I need dogfuckin.”

Then suddenly as if he understood my last lewd statement he easily mounted onto my back and stepped to either side of my calves and gripped me roughly around my titties while I felt his hot wet pecker feeling around my posterior like a little finger as he searched for my vaginal opening. Then I felt my pussy lips part around his searching penis and he easily inserted it into my moist tunnel of love. I could feel him swelling into full arrousal as he readied himself for the sexual assalt that had been building inside him since he first saw me. I gasped as he rearranged his grip on me. Releasing my boobies to grasp my hips firmly against his powerful
haunches. He then pushed forcefully into my wet hole and paused only momentarily on the threshhold only momentarily while my body readied itself for the brutal invasion of his horny dick. Sensing that he had acomplished entry into my vagina he went wild in a frenzied blurr of flying fur and flesh. He knocked the wind from my lungs in his savage attack into my willing body and I grunted and groaned in surprise from his sudden and forceful entry into my body until he was clear in me to his huge balls. They were slapping noisily against my wet cunt as he savagely pounded his stiff member straight up into my vagina and into my belly I swear clear to my naval! I was squealing and panting as he thrust into me again and again driving me wild with feelings and emotions. There are no words to describe what I was feeling except ‘dogfuckd’. “Oh YEAH!” I screamed as my orgasm was fast approaching, “Fuckk that pussy! Screw me like a bitch Red!” I could feel his organ rapidly expanding inside me as his knot swelled just inside the entrance into my pussy as he banged us both back and forth and he continued to swell. “I’m gonna cum all over your dog dick Red.” I growled as my orgasm seized me body and soul. My pussy kegeled around his hard dick as he started whimpering and whining and I knew he was getting a nut inside me. I could feel the explosions inside my womb as his huge naked weapon sprayed his baby gravy into me. He had me trapped on his potent puppy-maker and there was no right or wrong. Nature was screaming at him to breed me with his pupps. Nature was also telling my body to accept him inside my womb as my pussy muscles contracted and relaxed around his huge baby-maker and coaxed him to fertilize me with his potent seed. The need in him to impregnate me strong as his testicles gave up their precious cargo. I was now reduced to a whimpering mess as I dropped onto my chest held up only by the huge knot he had firmly planted in my pussy. He had with me really well. We were stuck together by our genitals.

He suddenly stepped completely off and over my back with his hind foot and swung quickly turning around on his own cockk so we were now as to ass with each other. I helped hold his knot inside me with my hand so it wouldn’t tear me or something if it were pulled out. I felt so alone now with him from over me as we stood facing away from each other. I missed his chest on my back and his firm grip around my middle. So alone but still together. It seems a cruel joke nature plays on the bitch. It seems he gets to show his bitch off to the whole world while he knocks her up. I feel so naked now and exposed while I’m stuck on my stud’s big hard dick while he continues to fill my belly with his cum. I reach up between my legs and feel up my slit and fondle his balls fingerfuck my hole to carress his huge knot then begin stroking my wet slit where his semen is running from inside me and down my hand and arm. I massage my clitty and start building rapidly toward another orgasm while stuck to my lover.

We stayed in that old barn all day together. We would relax and cuddle then after some rest we would go at it again until way after dark. What a day!

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