Women with Animals
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Lab And Goat Sex


(c) 2007 by HairBear58

It had been a short bike ride from my house to my aunts and uncles, as I dismounted at the bottom of the hill and started pushing my single speed bike up the gravel lane that lead to the house, I wondered if there was going to be anything to do once I got there, as I neared the top I again wished I had a ten speed so I could have tried pedaling up but I imagined I would have been as out of breath and sweaty doing that as I was getting by pushing this heavy clunker up the hill, as I crested the landing that was the driveway parking area for the main house the dogs, who’d been resting under the shade came rushing out to meet me and see who I was, as they neared their barks of warning turned to happy yaps of recognition, as they saw it was me.

Finally I was able to pause from my greetings long enough to get my bike leaned against the fence rail, and then while still petting on the dogs checked to see if anyone was home, not that I expected anyone as I’d deliberately arrived during the middle of this summer day knowing that they should be at work, after I was sure I was the only person there my greetings with the dogs took the form of the more “intimately friendly” pets, strokes and groping they expected I would give them if we were alone. As I pet and caressed them they milled about me in happy excitement each wanting their turn at receiving my attentions.

Zac, the lab was shoving his nose into my groin, sniffing deeply, and leaving slobber all over my pants, as he tried getting to my pecker which was rapidly growing and straining against the cloth in response to his probing, as Zac was happily making a mess of the front of my pants, his own swollen dick was filling his ample sheath and its red tip jutting proudly out contrasting against the black hairs and skin of his sheath. Sasquach, the old German Shepherd had about 4 inches of his unswollen red rocket poking out of its hairy den as he was shoving his snout firmly between my ass cheeks.

Even thru the cloth of my cutoffs I could feel the heat of both their breaths. And as they shifted about, their noses would press against my bare legs their damp noses leaving trails of dog snot, they then tried shoving their snouts under the pants legs and get to the source of the scent they knew well and had tasted many times before

Shags the large black giant schnauzer simply stood quietly by watching us, she let me greet and pet her, but we had come to an agreement long ago about anything other than simple friendly pets. Which was as far as she ever wanted to go, and believe me if she said no! She not only meant it, she was very capable of backing it up with teeth))))

After fussing over the fella’s for a few minutes, I finally gave into the insistent demands of Zac and Sasquach, and unbuttoned my cutoffs and let them fall to my ankles, as I tried to get my shorts to follow the dogs eagerly jostled me trying to get to my sex before I could bare it for them so it was a bit of a struggle to get my shorts off while they pressed in with their noses, getting in the way of my progress and making it hard to regain my balance and stand upright, finally I had them down and was standing as both dogs eagerly and happily sniffed and licked my now naked flesh.

Zac was all business as he pressed his nose against my scrotum and cock slurping with his broad wet tongue over the stiff flesh and nudging his broad muzzle in between my legs, Sasquach was as busy in the back, shoving his nose in between my ass cheeks and running his tongue from the back of my ballsack up thru the crack and passing wetly over the puckered ring of my butt till it swept up towards my waistline, every twist and turn of his snout parting my ass-cheeks even more so he could lick up any thing his nose told him too, as both dogs are focused on their attentions I gratefully pet and stroked their heads and backs as far as I could reach.

As they continue probing and slurping I fell to my knees, their tongues never missed a lick as the target of their attentions came closer to them, now I reach out with both hands and stroke and caress, myself; both of their sheaths, causing their dog dicks to begin swelling within their lairs.
As both dog’s cocks pulsed and throbbed to life, they poked out of their hairy dens and started squirted doggie pre-cum, and each of them began the automatic thrusting of their hips. At this point both Zac and Sasquach falter in their tonguing’s as their focus is now on their own pleasures and I aim both their cocks so the sprays of their pre-cum lands on my thighs and groin.

Sasquach being a older more experienced dog simply stood in place a happy glazed gleam in his eyes as his dicks pulses and sprays, his lightly bucking hips keeping the feeling of pleasure centered on his cock, as he stands there his long tongue hangs out of his panting open grinning muzzle and as I squeeze behind his swollen knot, he suddenly points his muzzle skyward and begins a gulping lip lick motion with his mouth and his hot jets of dog juice change form almost clear pre-cum to the slightly more grayish cum.

I pulled him gently by his spewing cock till he’s standing beside me with his dick pointed right at mine and his seed splats hotly against my groin and runs in streaks down my legs, with a ridged arc to his back he waits while his orgasm runs its course, and moans softly with pleasure as I gently rub the head of his hot meat against my groin.

Zac being younger and full of himself about sex had responded to the same ministrations with my other hand in the manner of any younger dog, and was franticly dry humping the air while still on all 4s and looking for anything to jump and clasp his paws around, almost collapsing to the ground in a tangled heap, as my hand grasped his sheath; his cock had responded by rapidly swelling and his bucking hips had cleared it of its sheath past the knot, his red cock swelled and throbbed and then grew till it surpassed Sasquash’s 7 ins dick and kiwi sized knot, in both length and girth, with the knot being larger than a lemon and about 9 ins of hot dog dick.

As Zac’s cock started spitting out its fluids I pointed it towards my groin and pulled him towards me, so his dick was pressing against me too, letting his jets of dog juice mix with Sasquash’s. As I knelt there with both hot canine cocks throbbing and spewing their hot loads against me I felt my own orgasm approaching, when suddenly Zac took offence to Sasquach being there enjoying the same pleasures as he was. Sex forgotten Zac jerked away and challenged Sasquach for mating rights. As they scuffled both lost their hardons and I was left kneeling on the ground with my pants around my legs and my 6 in pecker throbbing, belatedly I realized the dogs were more interested in a pissing contest and wouldn’t be back till they settled it so I was left high and dry so to speak, so with dog cum soaking my groin I scrambled to my feet and pulled my cloths back on and as soon as I did that they settled down and returned to me, each bumping me with their noses so I would return to my former naked lickable state,

Having had enough of the dogs quarreling I passed on letting them restart and decided to walk up the hill to the upper landing, as if we did continue on later I wanted it to be in a more secluded area rather than right off the front deck of the house, not that I minded being naked but I also wanted more time in case someone came, and even as high up on the hill as I was here, I wasn’t sure if I was totally unseen from anyone passing by or looking up the hill.

So I trudged up the hill from the house to the upper landing, past the lane to the landing with the chicken coop, with Zac and Sasquach in tow, Zac right by my side and Sasquach trailing about 30 ft back, Shag’s had decided to stay down on the porch but Tish a small poodle (she’s another story) was close behind, and Alice (the Dane from another story) slowly followed, staying about 50 ft behind. After I cleared the top of the landing I walked around the storage shed, and having been alerted by the bleating, started looking for Nellie the nanny goat, not seeing her down in the clearing I started looking up the side of the hill and there in the tangle of brush and fallen logs at about my head height she stood about 20 ft away her tie out line helplessly tangled and caught on the limbs and downed tree trunks allowing her only about 3 ft of slack, so she could stand and move about but not walk away.

Of course I thought to help her get untangled but as I looked at her, she was facing away in a manner that let me see all the female charms she had to offer. And being the horny fella I was and still being the only one of us 3 males that hadn’t yet gotten my rocks off yet today I saw a golden opportunity to get a little. With a grin on my face I approached her and let her smell my outstretched hand so she would remember who I was, and then pet and stroked her face and head, working my way down her sides untill I finally reached under her barrel a rubbed her udder

Nellie stood still as I ran my hands all over her milk bag and gently squeezed her teats, I let my hands roam freely, stroking her inner thighs and along the creases where her bag joined her legs and then up between them towards her sex, as long as I kept one hand working her udder she stood for me as my other massaged the flesh around her pussy.

Thinking I would be able to have sex with her I paused my fondling of Nellie and stood up from the crouched position I’d been in just long enough to pull my cutoffs and shorts down and stepped out of them leaving me only in my tee shirt and tennis shoes, as I did this Zac who’d been close by stuck his nose in Nellie’s sex and slurped his hot wet tongue over her black skinned sex the rough texture of his tongue lifting the bottom of her pouting sex lips up and cause the lips to part and show her inner pink.

I knelt behind her and reached out to again use one hand to massage and fondle her udder I traced the tips of my left hands fingers over the same dark flesh Zac’s licking had slicked down and while kneading her udder with my right hand I pressed a finger of my left hand into the slit of her pussy parting the lips of her sex and aided by the spit Zac had left there slowly penetrated her till my finger was fully buried in her pussy.

At this point I’m kneeling one legged behind Nellie who’s standing slightly sideways in front of a log that won’t let her move forward as the rope keeps her in place, her ass is facing somewhat uphill, her hind legs are more under her so she’s actually almost standing level on the side of this steep hill, my knee on the uphill side puts me at her level the outside downhill legs foot is stretched out keeping my balance, my right hand is holding Nellie around her hips and also playing with her udder and teats while the outer left hand is the one buried in her sex, as my finger pokes in and out of Nellie’s pussy I’ve drawn us close so our genitals are close but not yet joined,

Zac is happily shoving his nose into Nellie’s sex and licking the joining of her pussy and my finger his tongue also covers the full length of her ass crack going from where her bag attaches to her groin all the way up past her pussy lips which are starting to pout from all the fingering and tonguing to sweep over her tight rosebud ass and over her dock. The underside of her tail were the skin is bare, after a few well place licks to Nellie Zac turns away and focus’s his attentions to my cock which has been throbbing and weeping pre-cum, which I’ve been catching on my fingertips as I,v added fingers till I’m using 3 of them; and using to make Nellie’s sex even slicker,
As I finger bang her.

But now Zac slurps it up, his hot wet tongue sweeps over the head of my dick catching it all in one lick then he dives down and licks my ballsack even shoving his tongue into the crease between my sack and legs and gets all the way under so he’s hitting my ass with his tongue before drawing it back over the underside of my balls then wraps his tongue around the base of my dick and he tilts his head sideways and moves up and down my shaft his tongue wrapping itself fully around me. Before Zac causes me to lose a load of cum to the air and his eager mouth I pull my fingers out of Nellie’s pussy ready to replace them with my rock hard cock.

As I part her pussy lips with my left hand and press my dick toward her sex I know I won’t last to long. So as soon as the head of my cock is pressed into her opened lips I start pushing inwards with my hips, as my blunt dick head parts her lips it actually starts dragging her pussy lips inward with its passage, Zac adds to the excitement by slurping his tongue all around where I’m shoving into Nellie and this cause’s her lips to wetten and fold back out so they surround my shaft, once my head is fully inserted and Nellie’s pussy lips are unfolded from Zac’s licking I slowly and steadily shove myself into her till my cock is buried to the hilt and my pubes are pressed tightly against her,

Nellie’s black skinned goat pussy lips surround my pink human cock, and the contrast as I look down at this, past her upheld tail at our connection; is erotic as can be, the sight alone adds to the lust of the moment. Her black lips pulse slightly as her passage squeezes my firm pole, I twist slightly so one side is open so Zac can stick his muzzle back in between us and allow him to lick wherever his tongue guides him, Weather its my ball sack or Nellie’s pussy lips or the part of my shaft I have exposed, both Nellie and I enjoy it, Zac’s tonguing cause’s the lips of Nellie’s goat pussy to fold out slightly so the pink of her pussy is seen.

Between Nellie’s hot pussy and Zac’s wonderful tonguing I know I don’t have much longer so I rudefully push Zac’s head out of my way and start humping Nellie, now I have both hands around her hips and while fondling her udder I drive myself in and out of her. Her pussy lips squish in, as I bury myself in her and her lips drag lewdly outwards as I pull out till only the blunt head of my human dick is still within her goat snatch, I’m trying to pace myself, I know I won’t last long, but I try to give Nellie the most pleasure I can; by lasting longer than a Billy goats 15 sec mount, poke, and dismount. So I stroke in and out for a few moments, and as I feel my orgasm approaching I start humping more wildly into her. Now my speed almost matches that of a rutting dog.

Suddenly I feel Zac’s broad head as he pushes it between my legs from behind us, causing my ball sack to rest on top of his nose as his tongue darts out and slurps up the juice’s that have started to drip from the bottom of Nellie’s pussy, the feeling of my balls resting on Zac’s nose and his tongue dragging over the underside of my cock as it withdraws from Nellie’s snatch, is to much and suddenly my orgasm strikes,

I slam my cock deep within Nellie’s goat sex; as my cock erupts and spews its load of seed deep within her sex, I franticly hump out and then back in, so each pulse of my cock spitting it’s seed is while I’m fully buried as deep as I can go in her goat sex, our mixed juices start to appear and form around her lips, lewd smacking and slurping sounds coming from our connection as I drive in and out, adding to the Intensity of the moment. As I drive in and out of Nellie’s pussy, Zac’s tongue is wildly licking and slurping at us, catching up anything he can get of the juices as they drip from us.

As the last of my orgasm fades and I bask in the afterglow, I rest still firmly pressed into Nellie, and as my dick softens, her pulsing pussy slowly pushes me out of her sex, much to the delight of Zac, who’s tongue feverishly swipes over my deflating rod and Nellie’s pouting dripping lips catching any sperm or goat juice he can get, Zac’s tonguing causes my suddenly sensitive cock to jerk and I try to push him away so he pays more attention to Nellie’s dripping snatch, which he dose with relish , licking her clean till all trace of my seed and her juices are gone.

By this time I’ve separated myself from Nellie and I’m sitting on the tree trunk next to her watching as Zac probes her sex for any last traces of my cum to lick up, or Nellie’s own cunt juice, finally satisfied he has all he’s going to get he returns his attentions to me and shoves his muzzle back into my groin inhaling deeply the scent of me, and happily washes the last traces of my sperm, sweat and Nellie’s goat juice from my own crotch.

As I enjoy this pleasant bathing form Zac, he suddenly jumps up and tries wrapping his paws around me, I see he is rock hard and horny as hell, his swollen dick filling the confines of his sheath and the red tip jutting out about 3 ins. Well its impossible to do anything here and I’m game for some more play, so I get Zac to dismount where he had my trapped against the tree, and telling him to wait I quickly bent and got Nellie’s line untangled so she could once again move about, and she hopped down to the landing and went straight to the water and drank her fill.

I followed her down to the landing with Zac close on my heels, walking to the back of the outbuilding were there was I little shade and cover, I dropped to my knees and called Zac over, he happily pranced up and began licking and kissing my face, allowing him access he eagerly shoved his tongue into my open mouth and we swapped spit, as he probed my mouth with his tongue I could taste my own cum and Nellie’s pussy juice, while Zac was deep throating me I reached around and lovingly and gently stroked his cock sheath feeling his dick begin to swell again and pulse as his hips started bucking in involuntary thrusts.

Having primed and teased Zac just enough I pulled away from his kissing and fell forward so I was on my hands as well, and turning so my ass faced him I allowed Zac to approach me from the side and once again stick his wet nose into my ass-crack. Sniffing deeply he starting eagerly licking me from ball sack to the top of my crack passing over and pressing against my butt hole then diving down he would reach out with his long tongue and get part of my dick shaft and if I held it for him my cock head which was again leaking pre-cum. Turning myself till I was beside him nose to butt, I let Zac dive his muzzle under my gut and wash my cock or let him reach over and try washing my ass from the top down.

I reached under his belly and grasp his sheath and pulled it towards my open mouth and as his red wet cock poked out I drew his hot canine cock flesh into my mouth and suckled it, feeling his dick grow larger with each pulse and throbbing zac started bucking his hips into my face, his cock started spitting his pre-cum into my waiting mouth. Loving the taste of him, I knew I had to stop before Zac blew his load if I wanted him to hump me, so after getting enough of his juices I reluctantly let his dick fall out of my mouth and I again turned so my butt bumped against his chest, and pushing it into his chest I invited him to mount me.

Zac had whined disappointedly when I’d stopped with his blow job, but as soon as my ass was presented for his taking he again shoved his nose back into my ass-crack and wetted down my
Butt hole with long frantic licks of his hot tongue leaving trails of dog spit all over, finally satisfied with his handi-work he stood back slightly, then rested his head on my rump looking for my reaction, I wiggled my hips and shoved back into him, suddenly; permission given, Zac crowded into me and in a single move and crawled up on my back.

Draping his paws around my waist and gripping me tightly, zac laid his chest and neck along my back and started thrusting wildly with his hips as his rear legs walked around trying to give him the proper angle. His poking cock hit and spit against my ass-cheeks, as he searched for the hole he wanted to fill with his hot meat. Missing his target Zac whined in frustration as his dick skidded and bounced around poking between my ass-cheeks and under my ball sack and up over my back. I was as eager as Zac was; for him to get his dick in me, so I reached back and grasped his dick and guided him to my waiting ass.

Suddenly feeling his pointed dick at my ass, Zac bucked wildly and in a single stroke buried his hot cock in my waiting ass up to the hilt, gripping me tightly in a embrace that wouldn’t let me get away even if I tried, he began pounding me with the unbridled fury and lustful passion of a rutting animal, I braced myself as best I could as his thrusts almost knock me off balance. His cock drove in and out of my ass, and I can feel him swelling and growing in length and girth. As he pounds away at my ass I hear his panting, gasping, ragged breathing over my left ear and his drool falls from his open mouth to my neck and back, as his knot grows and begins passing in and out of my butt I feel a little more pain as each time its violently shoved in or pulled out, till with a final lurch, Zac firmly buries his swelling dick in my butt, his hind legs scramble as if he’s trying to crawl totally up into my ass as he seeks to firmly seat his growing dick deep in me.

The pain I’d felt to this point with his knot going in and out of me, was nothing compared to what I began to feel now, Zac was one hell of a large dog and had a big dick with a lemon or better sized knot, and this was our first time in a attempted tie, I knew what was happening and wanted it, but the pain was getting intense, I told myself all I had to do was hang on and it would soon be pure pleasure. As his cock keeps swelling Zac slows just slightly in his thrusts as he’s totally buried in me, and he bends his muzzle down to my side as I turn my head and face to him, here we share a sloppy open mouth kiss as Zac shoves his tongue into my throat, after a few seconds of this he leans back and licks around my neck almost at times having his jaws fully encircling it. Zac’s hot breath and warm tongue make my weak kneed in the passion I suddenly feel. Then his tongue washes over me as he moves over my back were his slobber has fallen or I’m glistening with sweat and he tongue’s me dry.

Its still only been a few seconds certainly less than a half a minute now, and the pain is worse, I try shoving myself back against Zac’s cock attempting to shove it deep as it feels like its to close to the anal ring and if I can get it deeper it wont feel as bad. At this point Zac is also attempting to shift and move, and somewhere one of us moved the wrong way. When suddenly with no warning, Zac’s swollen lemon sized knot, popped out of my ass. The pain was incredibly intense, and if I hadn’t already been on my knee’s I thought I surely would have collapsed. The only thing that helped slightly was his shaft was still in my ass and it kept my ass from slamming all the way shut and left something there to fill it.

As we both withered around trying to adjust to the pain and even get his knot back inside we fell apart and both simply pressed together as our passions faded. While we tried to recover Zac was still standing over me and I was crouched beneath him drawn up into a ball. As I waited out the pain in my ass, Zac bent down and licked again at my neck tenderly and as I turned we kissed and spent some time sucking each others tongues. Slowly as I got out form under him, Zac who was still pressing against me. Collapsed to the ground and started washing his cock and balls and as I looked down I saw where my own dick had actually shot a load of human cum on the ground under me which Zac licked up as soon as he saw it.

It took awhile for Zac and me to recover, and we both washed and licked one another’s sex each enjoying the pleasures, even if we had messed up during the main event. I finally paid some non- sexual attention the other dogs, petting and loving on them who’d been laying around just watching me and Zac as we’d gone from the goat to each other. Sasquach had stuck his nose in Nellie’s ass and given her pussy a good tonguing after Zac and I have left her but he never approached us (this time)

Alice had lain in the shade simply watching as Zac and I had enjoyed each other. Tish was the only exception to our sex games, as she had danced up to me after Zac and I were done and gave a few wonderful licks to my spent cock but I think she realized I didn’t have any thing left for her and she soon quit, later I put my clothes back, on and left the farm, but I knew there’d be other days like this one. I just hoped that someday I would once again have the same chance to take Zac but next time be able to handle his knot.

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