Women with Animals

Women with Animals

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Men with Animals

Men with Animals

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English Books

English Books

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83 posts
Women with Animals
Leave a Comment on Being a Host at the Famous ‘Sex Museum of Amsterdam’ is not what I expected 3.5 (8)

Being a Host at the Famous ‘Sex Museum of Amsterdam’ is not what I expected 3.5 (8)

Graduating from a reputable university, I thought getting position at where I could continue my education, would be easy .. but a few months told me, that was not the case. I speak several languages fluently … but that didn’t seem to matter, the offers that came in made it impossible to continue to pursue […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , Leave a Comment on The Bitch Princess 4.7 (9)

The Bitch Princess 4.7 (9)

© 2023 by CarnationWriting Kyrene stared at her reflection in the ornate golden mirror, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the way the lacey white fabric hung on her thin frame. Granted, white looked wonderful against her deep mahogany skin tones and her long, wavy black hair, but the dress was loose and heavy. A […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , 2 Comments on The Julie Journals – Beast extracts 4.9 (36)

The Julie Journals – Beast extracts 4.9 (36)

Over the years I have written a number of chapters in the Julie Journals which form my autobiography, well the sexy bits anyway. As the genre in many of them are not beast related, I have not reproduced them here but stuck entirely to the beast encounters I have had over the years. Most of […] read