Women with Animals
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Rose’s Randy Rottweiler 3.6 (11)

(c) 2018 by Donna The Dog Lover My sister-in-law Rose Mulligan was one of those women that liked to be in the driver’s seat when it came to almost anything imaginable even when it came to telling her male partners where to place their cocks, how deep to go, and even when to flood her […] read

Women with Animals
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Two Sexy Sisters For Diablo 4.9 (14)

(c) 2006 by Fanfiction Out on the street, a cold San Franciscan winter’s day lashed wind and rain down on The Panhandle, buffeting the living-room’s large bay windows, as the hidden sun set behind bleak, grey clouds. However, sitting on a cozy leather couch inside her grandparent’s spacious apartment, Cassie Otis was beginning to feel […] read

Women with Animals
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Whores for the Fatherland 3.1 (7)

(c) 2006 by shane36 Sister Klara Wiese,was no pushover and she stood her ground firmly. The Obersturmbannfuhrer was growing weary of the nun…..”Dear Sister,you seem incapable of understanding that you have no choice in the matter.There orders come from as high up as Reichsfuhrer Himmler himself.For the final time read the letter again and do […] read