Women with Animals
Tagged: 1 Comment on We need to talk about Harvey – Part 1 4.8 (62)

We need to talk about Harvey – Part 1 4.8 (62)

This story is a fantasy follow on to The Julie Journals – Harvey, and whilst the characters are true, this story is entirely fictional. **** “We need to talk about Harvey,” Kim said as she and her husband Simon sat watching the television. The Harvey in question was the 3-year-old Rottweiler draped across both pairs […] read

Men with Animals
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A lack of respect turns to Dogs and Donkeys 4.1 (38)

Being born with the so called, ‘Silver-spoon’, was an understatement about my life. My dad has olive skin, that tans quickly as soon as he is in the sun for a short time, mom was born with blue eyes and the Scandinavian blonde hair. Dad was a successful corporate lawyer, mom an emergency room physician, […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Dog Tale in New York 4.9 (39)

Dog Tale in New York 4.9 (39)

This was written for a lovely woman called Kathryn89 on another website. The title was inspired by the song Fairytale of New York by the Pogues (and have no idea why). For those who follow my work, (especially Always Pull Your Curtains) there are a few ‘easter eggs’ in here. **** Kathryn stood outside the […] read