Women with Animals

Dog Tale in New York


This was written for a lovely woman called Kathryn89 on another website. The title was inspired by the song Fairytale of New York by the Pogues (and have no idea why). For those who follow my work, (especially Always Pull Your Curtains) there are a few ‘easter eggs’ in here.


Kathryn stood outside the dog shelter shivering slightly, not just from the cold but also from the fear and anticipation of what she was about to do. Checking the piece of paper with the name & address on it for the 100th time she looked at the sign which read ‘hundälskare förenas,’ this was the right place her muse had told her about. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves she walked through the door and was greeted by a white-haired old lady who said kindly in a strong Slavic accent, “How can I help you, my dear?”

The woman’s eyes twinkled with kindness as she waited patiently for Kathryn to find her voice who eventually blurted out, “I want to get a dog.”

“What you want dog for?” said the old woman studying Kathryn’s face, trying to assess if the signals she was picking up were correct.

Kathryn’s brain froze as suddenly the words wouldn’t come out. ‘What do you want the dog for’ was ringing in her head and what she wanted to scream was, ‘to fuck me until I can’t stand.’ It had seemed so much easier when she had rehearsed in her head earlier but faced with the reality it wasn’t quite so simple. ‘Come on girl, you are a saleswoman and a damn good one, so get your act together she admonished herself.

She smiled at the old lady, her indecision gone, “ I was thinking he would be company as I live alone and sometimes it gets lonely. I was thinking a lab would be a good companion.”

The old woman kept a straight face, but inside she was laughing, she knew why this girl wanted a dog, it was written all over her face, but she needed to make sure.

“How old are you girlie?”

“Twenty-eight Ma’am,” said Kathryn cursing herself that she added the Ma’am.

“MARVIN” the woman shouted, “get your lazy ass in here and take over.”

After a delay of a few minutes a spotty youth shuffled into view, a baseball cap on his head turned the wrong way and a set of Dr Dre headphones clamped to his ears as he laconically chewed gum.

“Ah the walking dead has arrived,” the woman chuckled, “Marvin look after the place for a bit while I show… sorry what did you say your name was?”

“Kathryn” and bit her tongue before she added the Ma’am

The woman smiled, “You can call me…” she paused for a moment almost like she was thinking, “…Jarna.” Seeing the look on Kathryn’s face, “it’s Swedish, but that’s a world away, let’s look for your new… companion.”

Kathryn followed the woman through the door and into a room where she was greeted by a cacophony of noise from dogs of various shapes and sizes who were barking and yelping as they greeted her in their own way. They were in cages that gave them enough room to move comfortably around in with doors on the front that with a slight duck a human being could enter in. The woman didn’t pause but led her through to the back where there was a tiny office that seemed more cramped than the dog’s cages.

“First we need to make sure you are suitable,” Jarna said as she sat down, “and of course what dog will be suitable for you.” Kathryn remained quiet, deciding to let the woman take the lead. “Let me see,” Jarna said as she spun the computer towards herself, “you said Labrador didn’t you?” Kathryn nodded.”I am guessing male dog, still intact,” Jarna said as she transfixed Kathryn with her blue eyes.

“Yes,” said Kathryn feeling herself blush.

“To fuck you?” Said Jarna, her eyes still on Kathryn.

“Yes,” said Kathryn in a small voice.

Jarna gave a dirty chuckle as she tapped the screen of the computer, “in here we have your perfect new lover but first tell me how you got interested.”

“Well,” began Kathryn, “it all started 8 years ago when I was in college.”


“Please Kathryn, pretty please” begged Kathryn’s roommate Nicole, “Luke will be no trouble I promise and I will be back Sunday night it’s just no dogs allowed and I can’t afford kennels for one night.”

Kathryn’s roommate Nicole was a bubbly individual with sparkling green eyes and about an inch shorter than Kathryn. Her pretty face was framed by curly brown hair and although she complained about her freckly complexion Kathryn felt it made her look cute. They shared a common love of soccer as confirmed by their slender athletic bodies, though when it came to boobs Nicole was slightly bigger with a C cup compared to Kathryn’s more modest B cup. The pair had many things in common though one of their fundamental differences was whereas Kathryn was bi, Nicole was very straight though it didn’t stop Kathryn from lusting after her in secret.

The Luke in question was a fully grown black & white husky who shared the apartment with Kathryn & Nicole and hardly ever left Nicole’s side.

After Nicole had left Luke reattached himself to Kathryn and followed her around nudging his nose against her legs until she stopped and gave him cuddles. After this affection, he was happy and would wander off for while before returning for more cuddles or curling up next to her with his big head on her lap as she watched TV.

As the night drew to a close Kathryn settled Luke in his basket in Nicole’s bedroom playfully teasing him, “For a big tough dog you are just a sweetie at heart aren’t you?” Luke just looked at her with his big eyes until Kathryn gave him a good night cuddle and then stroked his fur until he curled up in his basket.

Deciding on a shower before bed Kathryn stripped in the bathroom before stepping into the large downpour shower and started to wash her body. As she did she couldn’t help her mind wandering to her roommate Nicole who she had seen naked in the communal showers after soccer or LAX. Closing her eyes for a moment she started to touch her own breasts, running her fingers over her nipples, imagining they were Nicole’s fingers making her nipples stand to attention. Leaning back against the tiled wall she let her fingers trace down her belly and opening her legs teased her clit with the tip of her finger moaning softly, “Oh Nicole your fingers feel so good.”

A bark & whimper from Luke broke her spell and leaping out of the shower wrapped a towel around herself and still dripping she ran to Nicole’s bedroom to see what the problem was. To her semi-amusement, Luke was fast asleep but his back leg was kicking as if he was dreaming of something that was causing him to make silly noises. Kathryn padded back to the bathroom and dried off, towelling her hair dry before throwing on just her sleep shirt and went into her own bedroom still tingling from her touching in the shower.

Kathryn logged onto her favourite story site and went to the lesbian section searching for stories about straight girls who succumb to another either bi or les girl. Finding a story she began to read, running her fingers along her clit and pussy lips as the names in the story changed to Kathryn & Nicole in her head. Kathryn was so engrossed in the story that she didn’t notice that as she hadn’t closed her bedroom door fully it began to slowly open and Luke’s head appeared around sniffing the air.

Kathryn was lying on the bed on her back with the tablet she was reading from held in front of her face like a book. The first she realised was when the bed moved slightly as Luke hopped up onto the bed and began to sniff around. Quickly latching onto the source of the smell Luke started to press his nose up against Kathryn’s inner thigh sniffing as he moved upwards. His fur and snorting tickled and made Kathryn laugh, that laugh died in her throat as Luke stuck his nose against her pussy lips and started to lap like crazy. Kathryn knew she should slam her legs shut and push Luke away but his tongue felt so good she opened her legs and started to angle her hips towards his tongue.

“Oh my God, that is amazing,” Kathryn panted as Luke’s tongue delved into places inside that Kathryn didn’t even know she had. Kathryn found herself caressing Luke’s head like a long-term lover as his tongue lapped at her juices driving her closer and closer to an orgasm. As she neared the brink a picture flashed into her mind of Luke doing the same for Nicole, but then blurred into her doing it to Nicole and then Nicole doing it to her. Like an explosion inside a huge orgasm ripped through her body and as she flooded Luke’s lapping increased in enthusiasm as he swallowed every drop he could.

Kathryn was like a shuddering lump of jelly as every nerve ending in her body was on fire and had to physically push Luke’s head away just so she could catch her breath. Panting the room stopped swimming and Kathryn expelled her breath while still holding Luke at bay, “That was wonderful Luuuuuuuuuuukeeee.” The last word was drawn out in a long moan as Luke broke free of her restraint and resumed his licking of Kathryn’s puffy and hypersensitive pussy with renewed vigour and enthusiasm.

Kathryn couldn’t believe the sensations that were coursing through her body as Luke lapped as if his very life depended on it causing orgasm after orgasm to shudder through her. There was no respite, and despite her pleas to stop, they fell on deaf ears as Luke drove her higher and higher until sending her over the top and then continuing to keep her on an orgasmic plateau. As she flooded Luke licked with renewed enthusiasm until eventually, Kathryn’s whole body felt like it was one continual orgasm machine.


“So a good licker is important?” Said Jarna dragging Kathryn back to reality from her reminiscing. The dogs just outside the door had started to bark, “they have smelt you,” Jarna said with a throaty chuckle. Kathryn blushed deeply as she squirmed on the chair, her panties soaked and her pussy felt tingly.

“Height?” Barked Jarna?

“Huh?” Said Kathryn, confused for a moment, “five feet, six inches.”


“125 pounds,” Kathryn responded, “but why?”

“Size and build of the dog,” Jarna replied, “When you are on all fours he should be at a natural height for him, if he is too tall with your lack of experience he is more likely to fuck your bum and that would give you big shock.” Jarna was chuckling at her joke as Kathryn sat in silence, panic starting to creep into her head, there were so many things she hadn’t considered. Suddenly Jarna tapped the screen excitedly, “we have your dog,” and spinning the screen around Kathryn found herself looking at a beautiful golden Labrador with big brown eyes. Spinning the screen back Jarna tapped a few keys muttering to herself in a foreign language then leant back with a look of satisfaction on her face.

“Excellent Charlie will be here on Monday next week, so you must come here that evening to test him,” Jarna said smiling.

“Test?” Kathryn stammered.

“Yes yes,” said Jarna, “like with car, you test drive though in this case, it is a test fuck.” Then cackled at her own joke before she went on, “no shower, and definitely no perfume, be natural for him and in meantime, you may have this as gift of my shop.”

Kathryn found herself looking at a box that contained a dildo but it didn’t look like any dildo she owned, then it dawned on her, the dildo had a knot at the base near the suction cup. “You should use this at least once, but better twice a day, try to take knot every time.” Said Jarna with a beaming smile, “now go and I see you Monday, don’t be late.”


Kathryn got home and carefully unwrapped the box, taking out the dildo and standing it on its suction cup so it stood there quivering. Studying the shape she noticed it was a blunter end than a man’s cock and the veins on the side seemed more pronounced. The thing that struck her was the angry red colour that almost seemed to glow and without thought started to caress the cold latex. As her hand moved down the shaft she shivered as she felt the knot bulge and opening her hand gripped it, wondering how it would feel inside.

“Only one way to find out,” she muttered to an empty room and moved the dog dildo to the hard kitchen chair where it stood to attention, almost like it was watching her. Grabbing her laptop she clicked quickly to her favourite story site and within a couple more clicks started reading. Kathryn could feel herself getting wet as she read the words and straddled the chair teasing her pussy on the dildo. As she read the line in a story, “the dog just took her in one thrust,” she took a deep breath and pushed down hard onto the dog dildo and began to ride it.

At that exact moment a chatbox started to flash and clicking on it Kathryn saw it was her muse who had given her the address for the dog shop and without thinking typed, “I have just sat down hard on a dog dildo.”

The person at the other end typed, “LOL and I was going to ask how you got on, but I think pretty well.”

Kathryn started to ride the dildo slowly as she typed back, “I am to meet my new lover on Monday so am practising with a dildo.”

“Bad girl,” the other person typed, “the fact that you can still type while using it means you are riding it slowly. When using a dog dildo it should be like it was a dog in you, hard and fast until your thighs ache and then keep going until you force the knot inside. Just remember with a real dog it pulses and throbs inside you.” With that, the chatbox closed.

Kathryn started to ride the dog dildo as hard as she could, feeling it touching places inside no man had ever reached. With each downward movement, she could feel the knot against her pussy lips and steeling her resolve forced it into herself screaming as the white light pierced her brain. Rubbing her clit like a woman possessed the phrase that kept running through her head was, “… it pulses and throbs inside you.” She could feel herself squirt but the knot stopped most of her juices from gushing out as orgasm after orgasm burst through her.

For the rest of the weekend, Kathryn fucked herself with the dog dildo, using the suction cup to attach it to walls as well as chairs to vary the angles and positions. Each time when she had finished she felt almost a little disappointed that she wasn’t full of dog seed. Her embarrassment had long gone to be replaced with a primaeval lust that at one point had her on all fours sucking and licking the latex cock like it was covered in dog pre-cum rather than just her own copious juices.


Monday evening Kathryn stood for a long while outside of the dog shelter debating whether to go in. Part of her wanted to run away and forget all about the act she was contemplating, the other half of her was sending clear signals as she could feel the wetness between her legs. Eventually taking a deep breath she went to press the doorbell but the door was opened before she could actually press it.

“So you have decided then?” Jarna chuckled as she held the door open, then seeing the confusion on Kathryn’s face waved her hand at a small discrete camera, “CCTV, I have been watching you decide for the last ten minutes.”

“Will that be on or off when I… err… am with the… you know?” Stammered Kathryn nervously.

“You mean when Charlie is fucking his new bitch?” Said Jarna staring at Kathryn, her bright blue eyes twinkling with amusement. At the words, Kathryn felt her legs wobble as she thought about what she was about to become, a dog’s bitch, and she could swear she could feel herself flood at the thought.

Jarna knew by the flushed look that came to Kathryn’s face that this one was ready, in fact by the way her eyes were glowing, she was more than ready, in fact eager. “Would you like a record of your first time?” Jarna asked quietly, knowing in her head what she thought the answer would be.

Kathryn’s voice was quiet and timid as she replied, “yes,” but then went on quickly, “but no one else will see it will they?”

Jarna laughed softly, “I will take many secrets to my grave, yours included.”

Jarna led the way through to the back where some of the dogs were pacing round and round and sniffing excitedly at the bars like they could sense what was about to happen, When they reached Charlie’s cage he was standing placidly, ignoring the excitement and activity going on around him. His cock was already hanging down, almost fully emerging and Kathryn stared at it, part in awe and part in fear.
“I got him a little ready,” Jarna said wiping the back of her hand across her mouth.
“What should I do?” Kathryn stammered feelings the butterflies in her tummy.

“Strip and go and say hello, then do what comes naturally.” Jarna said quietly, “Remember he is the boss and don’t rush him or admonish him.”

Kathryn stripped quickly and ducked into the cage and knelt next to Charlie who wagged his tail in excitement, he could smell that this bitch was in heat but knew from training he had to take it at the pace she wanted.

Kathryn leaned close to the dog and started to stroke his fur murmuring soft words and shuddered as he licked her hand as the memories of Luke came flooding back. “Will he…?”

“…lick you?” Jarna finished Kathryn’s words, “Try asking him to lick.”

Kathryn moved to all fours and wiggling her bum said, “Lick me boy.”

Those were the words that Charlie wanted to hear and shoving his cold wet nose into Kathryn’s anal star began to lap under along her clit and pussy lips. A moan of pure pleasure escaped Kathryn’s mouth as the dog started to lap at her pussy, its long tongue slipping inside making her groan. Charlie moved his head and starting making longer licks, his tongue flicking over her sensitive rosebud sending her wild.

Kathryn knew she was ready and groaned, “Fuck me.” but Charlie continued to lick sending her wild with desire. “Please god fuck me, screw me,“ moaned Kathryn her frustration rising but at the same time, the pleasure emanating from her pussy was intense. “Help me Jarna I beg you.”

“Charlie mount,” snapped Jarna firmly and hearing the correct command he stopped his licking and rose up majestically, his dripping cock jabbing seeking its mark.

Kathryn wanted to sob with frustration as she felt the slimy tip leave trails of wetness across her ass cheeks when finally Charlie found what he was seeking and slammed home.

Kathryn’s scream of pure pleasure echoed around the room as Charlie buried half of the hot cock deep into Kathryn’s willing wetness. Before she had time to adjust to the size and feeling Charlie drove home with his second thrust and started to fuck her at breakneck speed.

There were no words in Kathryn’s brain that she could use to describe the feeling of Charlie hammering at her, it was the purest form of fucking she had ever experienced and one that she knew she was hooked on for life. She could feel something banging against her pussy lips and knew from what she had seen and read that this was the knot. Breathing deeply she relaxed like it was the doggy dildo knowing that she needed to open to accept it but there all similarities ended. As the knot slipped inside and her pussy lips clamped around the root of the cock sealing it tight Kathryn started to cum hard, moaning and thrashing. Things didn’t stop there as the knot swelled even further and then started to pulse against her g-spot sending her crazy. Then deep inside she felt an explosion of hot warmth flooding her womb as jet after jet of hot dog seed spurted coating her inner walls.

She could feel the dog drool dripping onto her neck as she pressed her forehead against the cool tiles, whimpering in orgasm as each pulse from Charlie’s knot sent another spurt of seed inside her. To her surprise and shock, Charlie lifted his leg over her ass and she felt the cock and knot twist inside her body sending waves of pain & pleasure through her body system.

“Stay still he is turning,” Jarna said from outside the cage, words that only just permeated through Kathryn’s brain as yet more semen spurted inside. Lifting her head she found herself looking into the twinkling blue eyes of Jarna.

Jarna looked at the woman, her hair matted to her face with sweat as she panted like a bitch in heat, her eyes rolling in her head as the dog pumped her full of cum, ‘hooked I am sure’ Jarna chuckled to herself.

Kathryn almost passed out from the pure pleasure and knelt there, a gibbering wreck as Charlie pumped her full and then started to tug to release himself. Luckily he had shrivelled enough to slip free with the minimum of pain, leaving Kathryn trembling as the dog seed had an initial gush followed by a slow stream oozing out of her and onto the cage floor.

“Tell him.” Jarna’s voice broke the silence.

“Lick me,” Kathryn panted and then orgasmed again as Charlie’s rough-textured tongue licked from her clit up and along her lips to her rosebud. Kathryn was whimpering with pleasure as Charlie’s tongue relentlessly forced more and more orgasms out of her exhausted body. “Enough,” moaned Kathryn and to her shock, the licking stopped as Charlie moved away and sat on his haunches waiting patiently,

“That was out of this world,” said Kathryn trying to stand and struggling to get her legs to support her.

“There is a shower in the corner of my office and I will get the paperwork ready for you to take ownership,” said Jarna.

As Kathryn walked away unsteady on her feet Jarna couldn’t resist dropping to her knees and grasping Charlie’s cock took a long slurp tasting both the dog and Kathryn’s juices. “Good boy Charlie, she will look after you.”

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