Women with Animals



Monique sat at her favorite table at her favorite bistro, “Dog Friendly.” It was a pleasant Sunday mid-morning in April in New York City. Viktor, her impeccably groomed German Shepherd, sat beside her. His lead securely fastened to a solid post beside his mistress’s chair. His eyes were attentive to his owner’s face. Her large bag sat on an unused chair at her table. The attractive middle-aged lady’s eyes were fixed on the bistro’s patio entrance. She scratched Viktor behind the ears as she waited on her forum acquaintance, DogCurious, to arrive. The waitress would occasionally look her way to see if the anticipated friend had joined the regular customer.

Heidi walked down the sidewalk after getting off the subway. She could see the agreed upon public meeting place ahead. Her heart was racing and her stomach was doing flips, but she forced herself to continue. She promised herself to not ghost “GermanShepherdess.” It was the least she could do, even if it went no further than a shared meal and some friendly albeit salacious conversation. Heidi paused at the entrance to “Dog Friendly,” and took a deep breath, then entered. The inside dining area was closed, but there was a sign pointing the way to the open patio dining area.

Monique saw “DogCurious” before Heidi saw her. The young woman approaching the door to the patio matched the description she’d been given. Which was a young blonde woman in her mid-twenties, about five foot five inches, wearing a white sleeveless blouse tucked into a casual blue skirt that came down to the knees. Monique stood and waved to the young woman coming through the patio door.

“Hello. I think you’re looking for me. Right on time,” Monique said warmly.

Heidi looked at Monique and confirmed that the woman matched the description she’d been given. A middle-aged blonde woman, about five foot six inches probably in her mid-forties wearing a floral print dress with a German Shepherd. Heidi walked to Monique’s and Viktor’s table.

“You must be GermanShepherdess. I’m DogCurious. I love your hair,” the young blonde said in a low voice to prevent being overheard despite no one other than the waitress being on the patio.

“Thank you. I love your outfit. That’s my ID on the forum, but please call me Monique and this is Viktor,” the older blonde answered as she scratched her dog once more behind the ear.

“It’s a pleasure to meet the both of you in person. Please call me Heidi,” the young blonde responded while offering her hand to Viktor for his inspection.

As they sat down, the waitress came to take their brunch order. Monique suggested a mushroom omelette and assorted melon. Heidi agreed. Monique also ordered two medium cooked hamburger patties with three raw eggs for Viktor. Their order taken, the waitress left. Monique looked into the blue eyes of the young woman with a confidence born from experience.

“Monique, please tell me a little about yourself,” Heidi asked to break the ice and to learn just what sort of woman would have sex with a dog and to also delay confiding much about herself just a bit longer.

“My life is fairly normal, except for the one obvious thing. I’m second generation immigrant. My parents were French citizens. They immigrated from Algeria to the States during the turbulent sixties instead of returning to France. I grew up here in the City. Married a man I’d met at university. We’re now divorced. He and I have two wonderful children, a boy and a girl. My son is at CUNY. My daughter is graduating from high school this year, and is taking a gap year before returning to school. I work for a publisher translating books from English to French and French to English. Viktor is my current lover and life is good,” Monique said without interruption or embarrassment. “Now tell me something of yourself.”

“My story isn’t nearly as interesting as yours Monique. I grew up in a small city in the Mid-West. My childhood was fairly normal. I went to Columbia for journalism. While there I learned that I’m bisexual. I’m not currently in a relationship. There really isn’t much more to tell then that,” Heidi answered.

“Well Heidi, there is at least one more thing. You can see why I go by ‘GermanShepherdess,’ please tell me why you go by ‘DogCurious’ on the forum. Are you more curious about ‘why’ or ‘what it’s like’? Or maybe you’re curious about both, eh,” Monique asked.

Heidi took a look around to see if anyone could overhear.

“Both really. My curiosity started as ‘why’ but it grew to also include ‘what it’s like’,” Heidi responded.

It was then that both ladies saw the waitress approaching with their bunch. She sat their meals before then. She then set the stainless steel bowl containing Viktor’s meal in the concrete feeding station. He immediately began eating. Monique began speaking once the waitress had returned to the interior of the bistro. The ladies continued their conversation as they ate.

“What was it that caused you to be curious as to why a woman would have sex with an animal?,” the older blonde woman asked to receive an answer to her own more specific curiosity.

“About four months ago out of the blue, an old lover of mine from Columbia called. She said that she was going to be in the City and wanted to catch-up,” Heidi answered.

“Is she the one with whom you learned you are bisexual?,” Monique asked.

“Yes, she and I were a couple for about a year. So we caught up and towards the end of the meal she blurts out that she ‘fucks dogs.’ Her words. It turns out that her owner ordered her to admit it to one of her old lovers. I was the lucky one she picked out,” Heidi stated a matter-of-factly.

“That must have been quite the surprise,” Monique interjected.

“I spat my wine all over the table. Not only did my old girlfriend just tell me that she has sex with animals, but that she also had an owner. It’s no wonder that we broke up. I obviously wasn’t want she was looking for. After the shock wore off, I began to wonder why she or any woman would have sex with an animal. My training and experience as a journalist told me to go right to the source. I joined the bestiality forum and asked ‘why’ from people who do it. So tell me. Why do people have sex with animals? Monique, tell me why you have sex with Viktor?,” Heidi asked.

Monique smiled at the direction and tone the conversation was taking. She wanted to dominate the first part of the conversation to gain Heidi’s trust through her own candor. She glanced at Viktor and saw he was lightly sleeping after finishing his meal.

“Heidi, there are probably as many reasons as there are people who do it. But, since you asked me, in my opinion there are four broad reasons why women have sex with animals. The first are people like your friend who are in a master or mistress and slave relationship, the BDSM scene in other words. For the slaves it is a matter of submitting to the owner’s will and pleasing the owner. It’s a total self-giving and show of devotion. For the slave, there is also the aspect of being freed from making your own sexual decisions and therefore freed from any guilt. In that sense there is sexual liberation in sexual slavery. The second broad group and the one to which most people belong are into it because it’s forbidden fruit. It’s a kink that is not only taboo, but it’s also illegal in most places. There is something intoxicating in breaking taboos and taking risks. There is a thrill in doing something most people won’t do, or at least won’t admit to doing. Many couples after being married for about ten years, get into some sort of kink to keep the passion in their marriage. For most it’s threesomes, swapping, or group sex; and for some it’s bestiality. The third are women who are free spirits and dogs are convenient partners. The fourth group is the smallest and it’s the one to which I belong, zoophiles. For people like me, our primary sexual attraction is to animals. It’s just part of who we are, like people who are straight, gay, or bisexual,” Monique explained.

Heidi wondered momentarily about her own parents. They had been happily married for nearly thirty years. She asked herself what kink were they into. They didn’t have a dog. We’re they into swapping, she asked herself. They were both still in good shape despite being in their mid-fifties. They did have one set of friends with whom they were particularly close and often took vacations together. She put those thoughts aside for the present.

“When did you first know that you are a zoophile,” Heidi asked.

“Looking back I probably knew not long after hitting puberty. Neither the boys nor the girls ever did much for me, but I’ve always had a special attraction to dogs. My first lover was our family dog Baxter. He took my virginity when I was a teen. I was also probably his first time too. He was my lover for several years. He died while I was away in school. After that happened, I decided that I wanted a family and a normal life. I met my ex-husband. We started dating. We married and had our two kids. After a few years when the children were old enough, my ex brought home a Chocolate Lab puppy. The kids named him Chocolate. I begged to have him neutered, but my ex refused. I tried to resist temptation, but in the end I couldn’t deny who I was. One day my ex came home in the middle of the day and caught Chocolate and me having sex. My ex started sleeping in the spare bedroom. A few months after that, he took a mistress. Being French that didn’t upset me too much. I had a lover and he had a lover. We were both happy. But it couldn’t last. After about a year his mistress became pregnant and he divorced me. I blame myself. I couldn’t love him the way he loved me. I either had to be true to myself or true to him. I chose myself. It was an amicable divorce though. I don’t have any regrets,” Monique answered.

“Do your children know?,” Heidi asked.

“Yes. I came out to them last year. My son was rather upset. Every boy believes his mother is sacred. I ruined that for him. Still he would have learned that it isn’t true at some point. He will learn to accept it in time. My daughter took it better. She might even be curious about it herself. I have caught her staring at Viktor’s equipment a few times,” the older blonde answered.

“So how common is bestiality?,” Heidi asked.

“It’s more common than you might think. I’m in a network of close to a hundred women just here in the City and outer boroughs who have dogs as lovers. That is only a small fraction of the entire number of woman who have sex with animals. Just yesterday, Viktor and I were running in Central Park. A woman I’d never met before was exercising her intact male Doberman. They were running on a path that merged into the one we were on. We moved over and they fell in beside us. We ran along for a ways until we reached some water fountains and a place for the dogs to get water. While the dogs drank their fill, she and I chit-chatted. She was a model at one time, but quit modeling when she married a man who works on Wall Street. They have a baby and now she’s a stay at home mom. I commented on how gorgeous her Doberman was. She thanked me and said his name was Adonis, or Donny for short. I told her Viktor’s name. It was then that Viktor began licking Donny’s sheath. He gave his excited little yip. She asked whether Viktor was gay. I answered no, that Viktor loved pussy too much to be gay. I told her that he most likely smelled and tasted some pussy on Donny’s sheath, which was why he was licking there. She became very flushed and embarrassed. I guessed that she and Adonis were lovers. Taking a chance, I told her that it was okay, and that Viktor and I had sex at least several times a week. She calmed down a bit. I gave her my contact information. Hopefully she’ll message me and that she’ll join my swapping circle. Adonis would be very popular at our parties. I’m also certain that one of my daughter’s friends has sex with a dog. Viktor signals every time she comes over. So you see there are more of us than you would imagine,” Monique replied enthusiastically.

“Wow! That was a hot story. From now on I won’t be able to see a woman with a male dog and not wonder if they’re having sex. Viktor has many talents it appears,” Heidi responded.

“I’ve been that way for years. Yes, Viktor is very talented when it comes to finding others like Viktor and me. He makes an adorable little yip when he makes a find. He has a real nose for it so to speak. But I’ve been doing all the talking, so tell me. How did your curiosity about why become curiosity about what it would be like?,” Monique asked.

“Until I joined the forum my exposure to bestiality was limited to the occasional lewd joke. After joining the forum that quickly changed. I subscribed to the posts and threads of the most active members. I saw the pictures and watched the videos they posted. I read the stories. It became a fantasy. I imagined myself having sex with dogs and horses. I even bought some toys. You can imagine which kind. Those fantasies gave me some of the strongest orgasms I’ve ever had. It stayed a fantasy for a couple of months but then I started thinking about the possibilities. I kept asking myself what it would be like,” the young blonde answered with some embarrassment.

It was then that their waitress approached their table with the check for their brunch. Monique quickly retrieved a credit card, and gave it to the waitress. The waitress took the card and left.

“Brunch is on me,” Monique generously stated.

“Thank you. That’s very kind of you. It’s not necessary though,” Heidi countered.

“No, I insist. This is a date and I’m old fashioned enough to believe that the male should pay and I’m responsible for Viktor’s expenses,” the older woman said emphatically.

“Okay,” Heidi answered cutely. Her blush deepening at the realization of what could soon happen. She felt her nipples harden which did not go un-noticed by Monique.

The waitress returned with the card and payment receipt, which Monique signed after adding a generous tip. The two women watched the waitress return to the interior of the bistro after bidding them a good day.

“So what’s it like?,” Heidi asked simply.

Monique thought for a moment before answering, “I’ve had several dog lovers and many more sexual experiences with other dogs. Each dog is as much an individual as a person with whom you’re having sex, but each time I’ve had sex with a dog, it was intense. Dogs don’t make love. They fuck. There is something pure about that. The feeling of being dominated and used by another creature is a powerful experience. Some people say it’s un-natural, but I can’t think of anything more natural. What could be un-natural about fucking like animals? Nothing is un-natural if you love it, if it’s consensual and no one is harmed.”

“What do you love the most about it?,” the young woman inquired.

“For me it’s being totally filled by his cock, knot, and cum. Dogs fuck better, last longer, and cum deeper. There is also his licking. You’ve never had your quim licked until a dog has licked it. As far as I’m concerned, men are for babies and dogs are for pleasure. But then I’m a zoo,” Monique answered. Heidi nodded in acknowledgment. “Why did you choose us, Viktor and me?,” the older woman asked.

“I was impressed with your profile and your posts. There were other forum members who praised you and vouched for you being who you say you are. I love your stories and the passion in them. As for Viktor, he’s handsome and so masculine. I’ve often wondered what his fur would feel like on my back and thighs. Lastly, it was your forum ID. I’m of German ancestry and want someone to shepherd me through my first experience,” Heidi answered with emphasis on shepherd and a quick giggle at her pun.

Monique politely smiled at Heidi’s pun and responded, “Viktor and I would be very pleased to guide you through your first time. After my children and Viktor, there is nothing I love more than introducing other women to the pleasure of dogs. I would suggest my place, but my daughter is at home. Would you prefer your place or a nearby hotel I know that allows pets? Or perhaps you are still hesitant,” Monique asked.

By this time it was nearing noon and additional customers were coming into the bistro and onto the patio.

“No, I’m ready. I would be more comfortable at my place thanks,” Heidi answered.

“I’ll get an Uber,” the older woman offered.

Monique asked for Heidi’s address and requested an Uber that allowed pets. As the two women waited the few minutes for the car, they casually chatted about mundane things so no other customer would be the wiser about their earlier conversation.

The Uber ride was uneventful. Monique sat in the front seat beside the driver. Heidi sat in the back seat with Viktor so that he could get more familiar with her scent and make friends with her. After getting out at Heidi’s building, the three walked around the block so that Viktor could take care of his personal business.

The three circled back around to the entrance and walked into the building after Heidi entered the door code. An older teen with an obviously intact male Black Lab on a leash entered behind them. All passed by the doorman and ended up at the elevators. Heidi had seen the teen and Lab often in the last few months. They were obviously residents of the building. She pressed the call button. The two women, the teen, and the two dogs entered the elevator once the door opened. Heidi pressed the button for floor seventy-five. and looked expectantly at the teen.

“Floor seventy-four please,” was her sole comment.

Monique carefully appraised the young woman and the Lab. She noticed that he was well groomed; that his dewclaws were missing; and his claws were trimmed short. Viktor and the Black Labrador cautiously sniffed each other. Viktor then sniffed towards the athletic teen. He gave an excited yip, which caused Monique to smile like the cat that ate the canary.

“What’s your boy’s name?,” Monique asked.

The brunette teen turned to look at Monique and responded, “Midnight. What’s your dog’s name?”

“His name is Viktor,” Monique answered. “The two of you are cute together.”

“Thanks…..I guess,” the teen replied not catching the innuendo.

Just then the elevator stopped at floor seventy-four. The door opened. The teen stepped out. Midnight followed with his nose inches from the junction of her yoga pants covered butt and thighs.

“Bye, have fun,” Monique shouted out.

“Bye,” the teen said without looking back as she turned to the right to go down the hall.

“What was that about?,” Heidi asked once the doors closed.

“I told you that Viktor had a nose for finding other dog and woman couples; and that it was more common than you think,” the older blonde answered.

Monique had no sooner gotten those words out, when the elevator doors opened again. Heidi stepped out of the elevator with Monique and Viktor following to her apartment door. The two women and the German Shepherd quickly walked into Heidi’s home. Monique was surprised at its size and the luxuriousness of the furnishings.

“I didn’t think journalists did this well. You have wonderful taste,” Monique complimented in genuine appreciation of the decor. She then removed Viktor’s leash. He quickly started checking out the apartment with his eyes and nose.

“Thank you. We don’t actually. My family is well off. It’s the only way I could afford this place and decorate it as it is. It’s a good investment though. Please make yourself comfortable……. I think I need some wine,” the young blonde said, suddenly nervous at what was about to happen. “Would you care for some?,” Heidi asked.

“That would be nice. I’ll have a glass of whatever you’re having. I’m sure it will be good,” Monique answered as she sat on the tufted leather Chesterfield sofa and placed her large bag on the floor beside her.

Heidi walked into her kitchen and quickly poured two glasses of a good red wine.

As Heidi walked back into the living room she asked, “Do you think that girl from the elevator is having sex with Midnight?” She then sat down on her sofa and handed Monique her wine.

“I’m almost certain. Someone is fucking the Lab. It’s probably the teen we rode up with in the elevator. I know from my daughter’s complaints about how difficult it is to meet someone for a relationship now. A girl still has needs even if she can’t find a man. I’m amazed at how many teens and young women have taken to dogs. It’s wonderful,” the older blonde answered as she slowly sipped her wine.

Viktor finished his inspection of Heidi’s apartment and returned to the living room. He sat down next to Monique. The tip of his prick peeked out of his sheath. He had found Heidi’s laundry, which contained several pairs of panties to be washed. Monique reached out and scratched her mate behind his ears, which caused him to whine in pleasure.

“Don’t you get jealous when Viktor has sex with other women?,” Heidi blurted as she nervously gulped the last of her liquid courage. She hoped Monique did not see the tremor in her hand or hear the tremor in her voice.

“No, not at all. I mentioned earlier that Viktor and I are in a swapping circle. The other ladies and I often get together and swap dog partners. Experiencing different breeds of dogs is fun. Viktor seems to enjoy it too. But more than that I truly love sharing Viktor with women such as you for their first times. It really is my passion,” Monique answered.

“God, I’m so nervous. I can’t believe I’m about to have sex with a dog,” Heidi exclaimed as she set her empty wine glass down.

“That’s normal. Weren’t you nervous the first time with a guy and girl? This is not that much different,” Monique said attempting to calm her.

“This is a lot different Monique.”

“You’re right. Afterwards, you don’t have to worry about Viktor showing up at your door unexpected one night; your phone ringing at 2 am for a late night booty call; a one night stand who won’t leave in the morning; and many other unpleasant things. This will be true no strings attached sex,” Monique countered.

Feeling better from the effects of the wine and Monique’s encouragements, Heidi found her courage and asked, “how do we get started?”

“Why don’t you go into your bedroom to undress and tie your hair up. I’ll get things ready out here. Please bring a wet-wipe or a warm damp washcloth when you come back,” Monique answered.

Heidi nodded and left the living room to do as instructed. When she returned a few minutes later, she found that the living room drapes had been closed; the lights had been turned on; a Polaroid instant camera sat on the sofa; a large square thick towel was laying on the rug; and Velcro fastened long thick socks were covering each of Viktor’s legs. Heidi handed Monique a damp washcloth. Which she took and lightly cleaned Viktor’s sheath, balls, and haunches.

Viktor approached Heidi until his nose was in her smoothly shaven sex. He sharply snorted in her scent. The young blonde jumped at his cold nose touching her clit.

“Any pictures I take will be yours. You can do what you want with them. Also, just a word of warning. I tend to get rather excited helping another woman have dog-sex, especially when it’s her first time, so I might say something lewd. Is that going to be a problem?,” Monique asked.

“No, not a problem at all. I enjoy dirty talk,” the doggy virgin replied.

“Why don’t you sit down on the blanket and lean back. Viktor knows what to do. Just relax and focus on the sensations,” the still dressed older woman suggested as she sat back down on the sofa and took another sip of wine.

Heidi stepped to the middle of the large square towel and sat down. She then leaned back onto her elbows. She raised her knees then parted them. Viktor quickly moved into position between her legs. He lowered his front half and left his rear half in a half crouch. Moments before Viktor began licking, Heidi bit her lower lip in anticipation. Monique, as she often did in these situations, once again lamented not being bisexual. She could undeniably see that Heidi was a gorgeous young woman, but alas she simply wasn’t so inclined.

Viktor quickly began tonguing the smooth nether lips and clit of the young journalist. The sensations of the powerful, wet, long, and paradoxically smooth yet rough tongue caused Heidi to gasp in pleasure as her head fell back and her eyes closed.

“Oh my fucking god! Good boy Viktor! Good boy! Keep licking me just like that,” she exclaimed passionately as she was swept up in a warm rush from the sensations of Viktor’s tongue.

Heidi’s nipples went instantly erect and she could feel goose-pimples rise across her skin. Her juices began pouring from her slit, which only spurred Viktor to increase his licking.

Monique watched another woman succumb to her lover’s charms. The older blonde woman took a moment to snap one picture. While the ejected picture developed, she slipped off her sandals. The blonde translator stood and unfastened the rear snap of her dress. She then lifted the floral print dress up and off her body. The curvy older woman was nude except for an ankle bracelet bearing a paw-print charm. Watching the young woman indulge in her German Shepherd’s tongue, had aroused her own passion.

Monique indulged in self-pleasure to the mews and moans involuntarily pulled from Heidi by Viktor. She remembered her long lost Baxter and her first time as a teen. The mother of two thought of her sweet Chocolate; the one who brought her back to her dog loving ways. She reminisced on some of the pleasures which Viktor had given her and the times they shared with other women and dogs. Monique thought of all these memories as she pulled at her erect nipples and stroked her clit and smoothly waxed labia. She would occasionally push a finger into her wet cunt.

“Lay all the way back and pull your knees toward your boobs. I promise you’ll love it,” Monique offered.

Heidi, trusting her new friends, did as she was told. Seconds later, Viktor’s licking included her sensitive backdoor. A fresh flood of juices gushed from the young woman’s slit as she experienced getting rimmed for the first time.

“Oh wow! I’ve …. never …. been … licked … there … before,” Heidi groaned between quickened breaths.

Viktor, having licked up the woman’s juices that had collected around her sphincter, returned to Heidi’s engorged slightly agape pussy. He turned his head and pushed his long thick tongue into her sex. Heidi spread her thighs further apart, so that she could better enjoy a tongue longer and thicker than any cock she had previously enjoyed. A tongue whose length, thickness, and flexibility touched her in places that until that moment had been untouched.

“He’s tongue fucking me,” Heidi cried with her eyes tightly shut. The young woman could feel the approaching orgasm as the tension built in her sex, pelvis, ass, and thighs. Heidi reached down to rub her erect clit while Viktor continued tongue fucking her.

Monique watched the telltale signs of Heidi’s approaching orgasm, the flushed skin, curling toes, and the engorged dripping labia. She sped up the stroking of her own clit and began to finger fuck herself even harder. She added another finger to the two already inside her. The squishing of her juices became even more audible to her. White pussy cream clung to her fingers. She too was right on the edge and knew that she would cum when Heidi did.

“OH FUCK! I’M GOING TO CUMMM!,” Heidi shouted in warning.

The words had no sooner been shouted, when the young blonde’s back arched off the floor. The first wave of her first dog induced orgasm washed over her. Her tightly shut eyes saw fire-works. Her body shook. Unintelligible noises passed through her lips. There was no thought, only pure undeniable sensations of pleasure.

Meanwhile Monique enjoyed her smaller self-induced orgasm on the sofa. She fought to focus on the sight of the younger blonde woman and her German Shepherd, Viktor, still engaged on the floor five feet from her.

Viktor continued to lick and tongue fuck the young woman. His actions continued to push her through multiple orgasms. Finally, her sex became too sensitive. She pushed him away and closed her thighs. Her limbs continued to twitch and jerk as the last waves of her orgasm flowed through her.

After a few moments, Heidi found enough breath to utter, “Oh my god! That was amazing! I’ve never gotten oral that mind-blowing.”

Heidi opened her eyes and looked up to a flushed nude Monique sipping on her wine. The young journalist looked over to an eager Viktor. About four inches of his cock were sticking out of his sheath.

“If you enjoyed that, then you’re going to love it when he fucks you. Just let me know when you’re ready,” Monique responded.

Heidi took a few deep breaths and enthusiastically stated, “I’m ready.”

The young woman rolled over onto all fours with her knees spread shoulder-width apart and dropped down to her elbows. Monique, still nude, left the sofa and knelt down beside Viktor’s new bitch.

“Be a good girl and arch your back down. That will tilt your pussy up. We wouldn’t want Viktor to go into the wrong hole,” Monique instructed with a chuckle as she stroked Heidi’s head like a pet.

“No, definitely not,” Heidi answered with a tinge of alarm in her voice as she tilted her pelvis up by arching her back downwards.

“Look Viktor, I have a lovely new bitch for you to fuck. Come here lover. She wants you. Come and mount your bitch!,” Monique commanded as she smacked the nearest firm round ass check of the doggy virgin.

Viktor in a rush leaped onto the back of his new mate as soon as the command had been given. His sexual drive was so strong, he needed only permission, not encouragement.

The sting from Monique’s slap had not even started to fade when Heidi felt Viktor’s warm fuzzy belly flesh on her thighs and ass and his sock wrapped legs seeking purchase around her hips. It was only when she felt his strength, that she understood how Viktor was going to totally dominate her and use her until he was finished. There was no going back. She would never be the same person after today.

Viktor shuffled forward and pulled Heidi towards him. His pink dog prick had extended several inches from its sheath. Heidi could feel his pre-cum squirting onto her sex. The young dog virgin trembled in excitement. Monique pushed Viktor into better position, then grasped the base of his mostly sheathed cock. The pressure of her elegant manicured fingers caused Viktor to start thrusting. After a few fruitless humps, the doggy dick entered two inches into Heidi’s pussy. Its way eased by her earlier orgasm and his pre-cum. Viktor paused momentarily in the realization that the tip of his cock was in his bitch. He fucked forward, driving nearly the full length of his shaft into the former dog virgin. The young woman’s nether lips catching his sheath and exposing the length of the dog-cock.

“Oh god! He’s in me,” the young blonde gasped.

Viktor began mercilessly fucking the young woman. His power overwhelmed her senses and expectations. Her shaven snatch became the dog’s latest fuck-hole as he hammered into her. His sock covered paws tightly gripped her hips. The raw animal power of his thrusting into her caused a ripple to travel through her buttocks in sync to the salacious sounds of his pelvis impacting her thighs and ass. The jingling of his tags were as incessant as her delicious moans. She became aware of his cock lengthening and thickening. It’s tapered tip occasionally kissing her cervix on the deeper thrusts. Its warmth further arousing her in the knowledge that it was inhuman. She felt his chest fur on her back and his swollen balls smacking her clit on the in-stroke. After twenty or so strokes of his cock, she could feel what she knew to be his knot swelling as it passed in and out of her. She heard his panting in her right ear.

“Jesus, he’s getting big,” Heidi cried. “Please help him knot me,” the young woman begged to her guide.

Monique happily pushed Viktor’s rump forward and instructed her student, “you need to push back against him.”

Heidi grunted as the large knot entered. Its entry caused her labia to stretch almost painfully around its circumference as it popped into her.

“Oh fuck! It’s huge!,” the young woman groaned.

She sensed Viktor’s swelling cock and knot stretching her sex out in all directions. Its tapered tip was jammed against her cervix, where no cock had gone before. The slightly barreled shaped red shaft stretched her vaginal walls. His knot bulged her labia outward and pressed against her g-spot at the same time. Surrounding it all was the warmth. The heat of doggy dick, knot, and pre-cum soothed away any discomfort. It was then that she could feel his cock and knot twitch as Viktor began to cum inside her. His genetic essence sought out hers.

Monique proudly watched her mate expand the sexual horizons of the young initiate who knelt prostrate in supplication to the gods of debauchery. Heidi joyfully offered her holy of holies to those same gods. She slowly stroked her own sex as she watched.

“He should be cumming inside you now,” Monique offered as she saw Viktor’s balls gently rise and fall and his asshole flex in sync with what she knew to be the twitching of his cock and knot inside her new friend and Viktor’s latest sexual conquest.

“Oh YES! I can feel it,” the young blonde all but shouted.

“I deprived the poor boy for several days. He should be good for half an hour at least,” she forewarned the young woman. “You can lay your head down on the floor if you think it would be more comfortable. That way you can use your fingers if you like. He’s well trained. He won’t leave you,” Monique suggested.

Heidi did as Monique suggested. She laid her left check on her left forearm and looked to the same side on which her voyeur was located. She then reached beneath her with her right hand and began stroking her clit. The strokes of her fingertips eased by the slick fuck juices seeping from her slit. She could sense her quickly approaching orgasm.

“Good boy Viktor! Good boy! Turn her out. Make her your bitch,” Monique said softly as she stroke her partner’s side, which elicited a whine from Viktor

Seeing that Viktor was well positioned and firmly seated, Monique reached behind her on the sofa for the camera. “I’m going to take a couple pics if that’s okay,” she said softly.

Not hearing any objections Monique took a side shot showing Viktor covering Heidi. The shot included the young woman’s face with her eyes closed and her mouth open in ecstasy. After the picture was ejected, it was placed on the sofa to develop. She then stepped behind the pair for a close-up of their point of union. That picture joined the other on the sofa so it too could develop.

The attractive middle-aged woman returned to the sofa to pleasure herself as she watched. She looked at the wine glass which Heidi had emptied. Monique smiled wickedly at the naughty idea that crossed her mind at that moment. She wanted to be sure that Viktor gave his new bitch a large load, which meant she would need to do something she rarely did in the presence of another. She decided that it would make the experience extra special for everyone.

Twitch. Spurt. Twitch. Spurt. Twitch. Spurt. Heidi lost herself to the rhythm of Viktor’s cock and knot twitching inside her and the spurts of his hot cum into her depths. The young woman continued to stroke her clit. She could feel her orgasm approaching as the tightness of her sexual muscles neared the peak she had climbed so many times before, but never before this day with a dog.

“MMMMMMMMM, he’s fantastic! He’s going to make me cum,” the young woman moaned.

“That’s it! Cum on that dogcock. Milk my dog’s cock and knot with your bitch-cunt,” Monique said as she picked up the pace of her own fingering. The squishing of her finger-fucking joined the symphony of the woman and dog fucking.

“AAAARRRRRHHHHH!,” the young woman screamed as her orgasm hit her like a truck. Her body jolted and convulsed from the pleasure and power of its impact.

“Mmmmnnnnhhhhh,” Monique groaned, biting her lower lip as her own orgasm overtook her.

Monique’s self-induced orgasm quickly subsided, leaving her in that delicious if slightly exhausted state. She returned her attention to Heidi and Viktor. Viktor’s orgasm has begun to slow. Heidi’s orgasm had gone multiple. Monique could see the look of bliss on the young woman’s face. Heidi was somewhere else. She was unaware of the string of drool flowing from her open lips down her left forearm into the towel below. Viktor’s red-rocket had blasted her off the Earth into the stars behind her closed eyes. As the minutes ticked away, Monique saw that her lover was becoming impatient. The strength of his orgasm was waning despite Heidi’s pussy milking his shaft and knot. She decided that she would have to act then or not at all.

Monique took the her empty wine glass and knelt once again beside the mated woman and dog. She knew that Viktor would soon withdraw unless she acted to reinvigorate his ardor. She sat the wine glass down and stroked his side.

“Good boy. Good boy. You’re my good boy,” she said to calm him.

Monique then knelt behind the pair and raised Viktor’s tail. She leaned forward and began to lick and probe the German Shepherd’s asshole with her delicate tongue. Almost instantly Viktor shuffled his hind-feet forward and issued a half growl half groan from his throat. The Shepherd’s balls were starting to hurt. His waning doghood began to wax again. Heidi could of course feel Viktor’s revitalized passion which revitalized her own. The older woman’s rim job on her lover brought his orgasm back. Heidi could once again feel the dog twitching and pulsing inside her sex.

“I don’t know what it is you’re doing but please don’t stop. He’s going to make me cum again,” Heidi begged.

Monique continued rimming Viktor for several minutes. Suddenly Heidi stiffened for a moment. She then shuttered as a small orgasm overtook her.

“MMMMMMM, Cumming!,” Heidi whispered through her exhaustion. Monique tirelessly continued to tongue Viktor’s asshole until Heidi said, “he’s shrinking again. I think he’s done. I’m definitely done.”

Monique rose and released Viktor’s tail. She moved to the side once again. She quickly grasped the empty wine glass and held it underneath the point of their union. Quite a bit of Heidi’s and Viktor’s combined fuck juices coated the young blonde’s sex, thighs, and the towel. Monique thought no use crying over spilt cum. She began catching as much as she could in the wine glass.

After a couple of minutes Viktor became anxious and tested the tie. A small gush of their juices flowed out into the glass when his knot popped out. The exit was accompanied by Heidi moaning at her labia being stretched. A veritable deluge of fuck juices flowed out into the wine glass when the rest of his still large cock slipped out. Viktor quickly moved a few feet away to lick his shrinking cock and thoroughly drained and sore balls. Heidi stared at the sight of his cock. It was the first time she’d seen a dog’s prick in person. Including the knot, it was about nine inches long. The tip was tapered. The shaft bulged slightly in the middle of its length. The shrinking knot was about two and a half inches in diameter. She wondered how big it was when fully swollen. Most of the cock and knot was a splotchy red color that was covered in purplish blood vessels. The rear half of the knot was nearly white. She wondered how it would taste and feel on her tongue. She thought it strange that her sex now felt vaguely empty.

Heidi rolled over onto her back and lay quietly in a moment of introspection. She felt no guilt or regrets about her experience with Viktor or with Monique watching. As far as she was concerned it was an entirely positive experience. The young woman was in fact becoming giddy. Heidi burst into giggles as she vocally expressed the joy of her new discovery until her uncontainable exuberance was fully spent.

“That was so much better than I expected. I could get used to a fuck like that. I loved everything about it. It was completely unlike anything I’ve ever experienced,” the young blonde said with heartfelt conviction.

The older woman reached around for her own wine glass which still contained several good swallows and handed it to Heidi.

“A toast then. To losing your dog cherry and your first dog fuck. May there be many more,” Monique offered as she held the wine glass of dog cum towards the other woman.

Heidi tinkled the other glass with her own. She gulped the remaining swallows of wine. When she finished Monique was still swallowing down Viktor’s and her combined fuck juices from the wine glass. Monique had long since learned to enjoy the salty metallic taste of Viktor’s essence. She finished by tipping the glass up and tapping the bottom.

“I have a question,” the young woman stated. “What did you do to Viktor to get him going again?”

“Simple, I tongued his ass,” Monique answered casually.

Heidi’s mouth dropped open in shock. “Oh my god. That’s so perverted…. I love it!,” she exclaimed with a squeal.

“Now, I have a question for you. Do you want play with Viktor again?,” Monique asked.

“Definitely! I’d love to,” the younger blonde answered enthusiastically.

“Good,” Monique answered. She then turned and reached into her bag to retrieve a card. “This is my card. Just send a message in the app when you want to have a date with Viktor. Do you want to be added to our group?,” the older woman asked.

“Absolutely! I’m looking forward to chatting with the other ladies, as well as meeting them and their pets,” Heidi responded as she took the card. The card only had three items; the name Monique, a QR code, and the name of the encrypted app, Threema. “But at the moment I need a shower,” Heidi hinted.

“I understand perfectly. I’m the same way after sex. Let me just gather my things and we can chat later either in the app or on the forum,” Monique volunteered.

Heidi gathered the Polaroids Monique had taken and took them and the two wine glasses into the kitchen. The pictures were placed in a drawer and the wine glasses were rinsed out. Meanwhile Monique folded the soiled towel and returned it to her bag. She called Viktor and removed his socks while Heidi watched.

“If you don’t mind I’m just going to get myself together and then Viktor and I will be ready to go,” Monique offered.

Heidi showed Monique the bathroom. Monique washed her hands, gargled with some mouth-wash, washed her face, and her sex. She then retouched her makeup from her bag. She wondered if there was any of her lipstick on Viktor’s asshole. Not caring, she quickly dismissed the thought. The two women then returned to the living room where Monique slipped her dress over her head and fastened it. She then slid her feet into her sandals. Heidi saw Monique and the once again leashed Viktor to the door. The two women lightly embraced; exchanged brief thank yous and compliments; bid each other good night; and promised to get together soon. Monique headed towards the elevators and Heidi headed to a shower. Both women smiling broadly.


Allison was angry. Her mother insisted that she go to the movies or somewhere else. The young teen knew that her mother just wanted her to be out of the apartment for a couple of hours and she knew why. She had offered to take Midnight to the park for a couple of hours of exercise, but her mother had shut that down immediately. It was obvious that her mother planned on having sex with their Black Labrador. Allison had already known that about her mother and Midnight. The three of them had quite the love triangle going. Allison was upset but didn’t know why for certain. The young brunette had a nagging suspicion that she was jealous that her Midnight was fucking her mom. It was something she knew she would obsess about during the movie and the next few days at least. She chastised herself for being jealous over a dog.

The young woman dressed in tight jeans, a t-shirt, and sandals slammed the apartment door shut with only her keys, phone, and the money her mother had given her. She headed towards the elevator and pressed the call button. Almost immediately the doors opened. There was the woman from earlier and her German Shepherd in the elevator. Allison stepped into the elevator. Monique smiled cheerfully.

“Hello again. Weren’t you with a Black Lab earlier? What was his name? His name is Midnight isn’t it?,” Monique asked in her friendly way as she gave Viktor’s leash more slack.

“Yes, a couple of hours ago,” the teen answered. “Your dog’s name is ….Viktor right?,” she asked when Viktor nuzzled her excitedly and gave an excited yip. The young brunette held out her hand for the German Shepherd’s inspection. Viktor happily licked her hand while the teen scratched him behind his ears with the other.

Monique smiled with a twinkle in her eyes. She was now certain that the teenager was having sex with her Lab. She pulled on Viktor’s leash bringing her back to her side.

“It looks like you’ve made a friend. Viktor is a wonderful judge of character. Any friend of Viktor’s is a friend of mine. My name is Monique,” the blonde woman offered.

“I’m Allison,” the teen responded with a smile. “Do you live in the building?,” she asked.

“No, we were just visiting the woman we rode up with,” Monique answered.

“Okay,” the teen responded not knowing what else to say.

Monique looked around the elevator to confirm there wasn’t a camera.

“So where is your Midnight?,” Monique asked.

Allison thought momentarily about saying, fucking my mom, but instead simply said, “upstairs in the apartment. I’m going to catch a movie.”

Monique nodded in acknowledgment of Allison’s answer. She then took a chance and softly said, “you’re not alone you know. There are many women like us. Your secret is safe with me.”

Puzzled, Allison could only ask, “What secret? What are you talking about lady?”

Monique said in the same soft voice, “that you have sex with Midnight.”

Allison froze in fear. She wondered how this woman could know. No one knew, except maybe her mother.

Monique saw the fear in her eyes and took pity on her. She remembered when she was a teenager and had the fear of someone learning about her and Baxter.

“You’re wondering how I could know…. I know because Viktor told me. He’s never wrong. He can smell Midnight’s sexual scent on you and in you,” Monique answered the un-verbalized question. “I know you’re afraid. When I was your age, I had the same fear. But like I said, you’re not alone and your secret is safe with me,” the experienced woman said encouragingly.

Monique saw that the elevator was about to reach the ground floor. She reached into her bag and pulled out a card and held it out to Allison. The teen took it hesitantly and slipped into her pocket without looking at it.

“The card has my contact info. Please contact me. Women like us need to stick together,” Monique said sincerely.

Allison only nodded. The two women and the German Shepherd walked off the elevator when the doors opened on the ground floor. They walked out the building’s front door past the front doorman.

“Well Viktor and I are heading towards the park. Please contact me. I want to be your friend and to help you,” Monique said sincerely.

“I’m going this way,” Allison said indicating she was going the other way. “I’ll think about it,” the young woman said in the certainty that she would definitely think about nothing else other than their conversation while at the movie theater.

“It was nice meeting you Allison. Enjoy the movie,” Monique said as she backed towards the park a few steps to physically disengage and end the conversation.

“It was nice meeting you Monique. You’ll probably hear from me soon,” Allison said and then turned heading towards the theater.

By the time Allison looked back for Monique and Viktor the two were barely visible. They were almost concealed by the foot traffic on the sidewalk. She began feeling better about the strange encounter and felt that she probably would contact Monique.

Monique and Viktor enjoying the late afternoon strolled towards the park. The other pedestrians made way for the large dog and the small blonde woman.

Monique felt wonderful. It had been an amazing weekend. She and Viktor had made a new friend in Heidi and met two potential friends. First, on Saturday she and Viktor had met the former model and her Doberman Pinscher Adonis, when running in the park. Then today, only a few short hours ago, she had met DogCurious in person and later she and Viktor, mostly Viktor, had introduced her to the pleasure of dogs. And now, not less than twenty minutes ago, she and Viktor met Allison. She looked down at Viktor walking beside her. She knew with certainty, that they loved one another and that most of the joy of life was sharing it with others, even if that other was a dog. Love, like pleasure, is where you find it.

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