Women with Animals
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The Centaur Expedition 4.5 (11)

(c) 2011 by rodeotexas While handsome in every respect of physique and striking in appearance – they were not very bright, although in contradiction, they were skilled artisans in stone working and also in creating exceptionally detailed glazed story tiles and murals. Not having much intelligence beyond a nine-year old human child gave them signal […] read

Women with Animals
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The Bree Stories No 10: My Wife and my Ex-Fiance 5 (8)

(c) 2012 by rodeotexas This is the story of two ladies that have come to share my life, permanently, one my wife Kate, the other my ex fiance, Amber. In some areas of the story, time lines have been accelerated. PART 1 – INTRODUCTION My wife Kate is five feet nine inches, stunning dark cinnamon […] read