Women with Animals
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Seduced by a look-alike Cerberus Hound from Hell 4.9 (9)

The heavy rains were unexpected in this part of the country, but when it happens, the northern part of my ranch is all mountains- the rains uncover ancient prehistoric bones – we’ve been fortunate to discover new dinosaurs that were not known prior to these finds – so I was anxious to ride up through […] read

Women with Animals
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At the Farm – The Bitch of the Farm 4.7 (13)

© 2019 by xDirtyMindx It was dark, you saw that clearly through the rough blindfold. People shuffled around you, maybe there were still just the three of them, maybe there were more around you. You were not sure. One of them approached you, grabbed your tied hands hard and pulled you up and dragged you […] read

Women with Animals
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My Best Friend’s a Dog Fucker! 4.9 (40)

© 2024 by Poly_Politoed Ever heard that phrase “Guns don’t kill people: husbands who come home early do”? I’d always considered that to be a silly expression. After all, how often would someone get someplace early, only to find something crazy happening? It wasn’t something I put any stock into, let’s just say that. At […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Real Happiness is in Being a Bitch! – Part 1 3.7 (18)

Real Happiness is in Being a Bitch! – Part 1 3.7 (18)

Stephanie was an only daughter from a rich business family. She fell in love with a commoner and eloped with him, leaving her parents to be orphaned. With no one to inherit the business, her father fell ill and passed away, followed by her mother. Their esteemed company, food Oil, was succeeded by one of […] read