Women with Animals
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Careful what you wish for…you might just get it – Part 3 4.7 (19)

Back to 1st Part This story obviously has two other parts and to really understand what is happening in this one, I recommend reading parts 1 and 2 before reading Part 3. After our last adventure with Chris and Sam and their Rotweiller Bruno and their Pony Ramrod, Marney and I have stayed home. That […] read

Women with Animals
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Careful what you wish for…you might just get it – Part 2 4.5 (24)

Back to 1st Part This is a continuation of “Careful what you wish for, you might just get it” You might want to read it first to get more understanding of this story. I had said I would not write any more stories but after thinking about this felt it need additional situations I got […] read

Women with Animals
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Animal Sanctuary 4.4 (30)

(c) 2019 by Kaine105 The quiet clicking of computer keys could sometimes be nearly hypnotic. A steady tempo and soft sound, working in perfect symphony with the words in the mind and the reactions of the fingers. It was like living in a personal bubble, untouchable by the outside world. Honestly, it was Amanda’s second […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , 1 Comment on The Hobbler 3: The Kentucky Derby 4.4 (14)

The Hobbler 3: The Kentucky Derby 4.4 (14)

Sarah rides along a track designed with medium jumps and where the horse can get into a gallop too. She approaches the corner furthest from the buildings on The Ponderosa and sees a tall figure leaning against a jump smoking a cigarette. A black SUV is parked on the roadside a hundred feet away, and […] read

Women with Animals
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The Hobbler 2: The Ponderosa 4.2 (15)

Sarah Chambers likes to ride bareback. She’s a nubile teenage horse trainer working at The Ponderosa and she loves to feel her crotch slide around on a horse’s back. The Ponderosa was once owned by one of the stars of a well-known western TV show of the sixties that had a farm of the same […] read