Women with Animals
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Queen Evana Gallaga of Xanadur 4.3 (10)

The ceremony was performed on one of the palace balconies, under the light of the three suns of a yellow and purple sky with the floating mountains visible in the background. Evana Gallaga Queen of Xanadur was performing a traditional fertility ritual. She wore purple pink high-heeled boots with matching gloves that reached past her […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , 1 Comment on Heather and Courtney — The Wrong Alley 4.6 (26)

Heather and Courtney — The Wrong Alley 4.6 (26)

(c) 2019 by Lacy22 Puzzling at my uneven gait down the sidewalk, I looked down at my feet to ponder the problem. After much consideration, I giggled, noting the absence of a shoe on my right foot. “Shoe,” I thought, “now that’s a funny word.” Snorting in an aborted fit of laughter, I swayed unsteadily […] read