Women with Animals
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The Kings Daughter 3.4 (10)

(c) 2003  by Horselord Chapter 1 – Tale of two Daughters The precession made it’s way through the palace an into king Dalanius’s throne room, The lean richly dressed man in the lead came to a stop just before the king’s gilded throne. “Speak Menlor, I am told you bring word of our lost prince!” […] read

Women with Animals
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Centaur(by Tracy/Minx) 3.4 (5)

(c) by Tracy/Minx He strode forward with assurance, his haunches broad and gleaming in the moonlight, his tail a long, majestic swag that twitched gracefully as his body moved. It was nearing midnight, the appointed hour, and this lovely creature, muscles rippling, thought only to the moment when he would meet with his beloved. Bow, […] read