Women with Animals
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Mary gets automated in the Horse Barn 4.4 (57)

(c) 2018 by chargerp Mary only cared about profit and how little help she could do it with. She had inherited the large horse stud farm from her parents after they were killed in an auto accident. Mary was in her mid 30s about 5’7″ with nice build on her. She had never dated much […] read

Women with Animals
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The Show (by JimH) 4.8 (50)

(c) 2017 by JimH My husband John and I, are a very open couple that have been active in our swinging community for several years. So when our group started planning a weeklong vacation to Mexico last summer, we were very excited about the idea. The thought of playing on the beach in the summer […] read

Women with Animals
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Donkey Show by Accident, what a Great Day 4.6 (47)

(c) 2020 by amber Early in 2012 my husband Will came home with a holiday brochure from his office, it was an opportunity to go on a North and South American cruise with a special company discount of a 50%. Now spontaneity and Will didn’t generally go hand in hand, but on this occasion he’d […] read