Women with Animals
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Miranda’s Plan Gone Awry 4.2 (5)

© 2023 by winz123 Commander Shepard, Miranda, Jacob, and the rest of the crew are in the process of hunting down the Collectors to stop them from releasing the Reapers into the galaxy. Shepard and Miranda have made their feelings about each other known. Once they take care of the Collectors, they plan to settle […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on A cabin – A cursed necklace – Sex, Sex and more Sex 4.4 (29)

A cabin – A cursed necklace – Sex, Sex and more Sex 4.4 (29)

I love the way wives tales move from someone telling a tall tale, to a few people hearing the story enhancing it a bit here and there – add a few years, the ‘real story’, is told again and again and before long you have a tale that is too good to be true. I […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Summer Rain Storm – Chapter Five 4.7 (18)

Summer Rain Storm – Chapter Five 4.7 (18)

Back to 1st Part I know my online sister Summer, fucks dogs offline, well at least in my mind she does, and if she doesn’t yet then she certainly wants to. (I can hear her going ‘eeep’ as she reads this). In this chapter, Summer fucks dogs…a lot of dogs. For background Summer is a […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Summer Rain Storm – Chapter Four 4.6 (14)

Summer Rain Storm – Chapter Four 4.6 (14)

Back to 1st Part By way of personal background to this series Summer Leborski is a very real person and someone I consider a very dear friend. I have known her for years and consider her to be like an online sister. I take great delight in trying to embarrass her and making her go […] read

Women with Animals
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Learning My Place As a Dogsitter 4.6 (27)

© 2023 by OverAndOut The bell tinkled as Mina and I walked into the store. “Seriously, I think you should consider changing to chemistry at the very least,” said Mina. “Chemistry is blegh, I don’t wanna be a nurse like everyone else in my family,” I say. Dust drifts in the morning sunlight, crossing over […] read