Women with Animals

The Day Our Family’s Rottweiler Took Me


(c) 2017 by VampirTARA

This is my true story of my very first time, I was introduced sex with dogs or beastiality.

Well now a little bit about me. So it helps you understand the story. I’m Tara, a 41 year old funeral director/mortician that operates our family’s Mortuary and cemetery. I am in a polygamist marriage (not Mormon, we are Celtic Druids). Our family consists of our husband, myself, my two sister wives Toni 38 (that’s also my biological sister) and Kathy 23 and our 7 combined children, which three of them are mine. Now I’m 5 foot 7, approximately 114 pounds with long raven black hair and glasses with abnormally long incisors.

Now, you could call me naive and stupid, because the only thing, I had ever heard of was the occasional joke about dogs screwing women. I always thought they were just jokes and never believed that stuff really happened, only that dogs will hump anything in the house, teddy bears, pillows, furniture, someone’s leg and such, but not try to screw you.

And our Rottweiler was no different than any other dog, he did the same, over the past nine years we’ve had him. Now, why I don’t know, but I was the the only one he tried to hump in the house, along with always stealing my panties and Slobber all over them. It would piss me off, they were expensive, Victoria Secrets and Frederick’s of Hollywood panties,but I figured, it was something dogs did. See I never had a dog before, only cats and Jasper our Rottweiler was our first dog, so I chalked it up to that.

It was Friday May 6th 2016, So my day started off like any other day, with me standing in front of the mirror brushing my hair getting ready to go to work, next door in our family’s Mortuary. Well, I just got done brushing my long black hair and put it in a ponytail. I pulled out of the dresser drawer a pair of fluorescent pink satin string bikini panties and slipped them on. I adjusted my panties in the back, then turned and looked in the mirror admiring how nice and snug my new panties fit

Next I put on the matching bra I had bought also, I then reached in the closet and chose my white silk blouse to wear. I slipped my blouse on and buttoned it up. Next I slipped on my business dress black mini skirt, then zipping it up in the back, as I was slipping my feet into my black heels.

I then went down stairs and grabbed my blazer, as I passed our humongous Rottweiler, he started to jump on me and as I pushed him away I yelled, “Stop that you’re going to get hair on me, what’s gotten into you Jumping all over me constantly yesterday and early this morning, Silly dog!” as I exited the house.

Well, I went next door to work in the mortuary and it was about a little after 12 p.m. When, my sister Toni Had come upstairs after finishing doing the makeup on a body.

My sister Toni came to me and said, ” I finished up, doing the makeup on Mrs. —, I’m going to take the kids to Kennywood amusement park, so you’ll get a break and our hubby will be working late in the cemetery fixing the water lines. So, Tara take a break today, Teresa can handle everything. see ya will be back late,” then she walked out the door with the kids.

I decided to take my sister’s advice, so I told Teresa she was a charge for the day, if she had a problem call me next door and went back over to the house. Well, I walked in the house and into the living room. I draped my blazer on the back of the reclining chair, as I passed it on my way to go sit on the sofa. I slipped my heels off and clicked on the television, it was about an hour later, when I heard a crash in the kitchen. yeppers it was our Rottweiler knocking over the kitchen trash can.

I got up and went into the kitchen, trash all over the floor and the dog nosing through it, so I went over and picked up the trash can yelling at the dog. I got down on my hands and knees to pick up the trash and the stupid dog started jumping on me.

I yelled at the dog, ” Stop that you simpleton, I don’t want to play!”As I picked up the trash. The stupid dog kept jumping on me even though ,I pushed him away many times. Then I felt The dog Jump on me from behind and I yelled again, “Will you stop playing around Jasper!”

It all happened so fast, suddenly I felt the dog jump on me from behind and wrap his paws around my waist tightly, so I stopped what I was doing to get the dog off me. I tried to get up, but the dog had his weight on me and the dog towers over me. I yelled at the dog, “Get off me Jasper,dammit!” I started struggling to get loose.

Just as I almost got loose, the dog adjusted himself behind me and got a tighter grip with his paws around my waist. He started growling and I felt something hard poking up under my short black mini skirt at the back of my fluorescent pink satin string bikini panties. in my struggle to get loose, it didn’t dawn on me, what it was that was poking the back of my ass cheeks. As I continued to struggle to get loose, the dog pulled my ass tightly against him. He started humping my ass and I felt something hard poking the inside of my thighs and at the crotch of my panties. Suddenly, I realized what our Rottweiler was trying to do.

I panicked, I was in shock of What was happening, I couldn’t believe our innocent and lovable family Rottweiler was growling at me. I started struggling like crazy to get free and crying and yelling, “NO NO NO YOU DON’T WANT TO DO THIS JASPER!” but the dog was so much bigger than me.

Then our family Rottweiler while growling, he grabbed me by the back of the neck, I could feel his teeth poking into my skin. So I froze and stopped struggling, I knew he was sending me the message to Hold still and not move. Crying I thought, “Thank God, I have panties on, just hold still and don’t move, he’ll hump away and get off on my panties or leg, then it will be over with.”

I held perfectly still with tears running face, as our family rottweiler’s penis was poking wildly at the crotch of my fluorescent pink satin string bikini panties under my business dress short black mini skirt trying to get it in me.

Then Suddenly, my jaw dropped open and my eyes opened wide, I was in utter shock, as I felt the tip of the dog’s penis had gotten past the crotch of my panties on the side. The tip of his penis pushed the crotch of my panties to the side went between my pussy lips. With tears running down my face, I cried out, “OOH NOOO JASPERRR, PLEASE NO!” as his penis slid into the entrance my smoothly waxed pussy.

Our family rottweiler’s penis slid back and forth in my pussy quickly like a jackhammer, It started to slowly grow inside of me, I could feeling it getting longer and going deeper inside me. My little pussy started to stretch To accommodate the dog’s penis that was rapidly swelling, It felt so large and it was still growing. I have never had a penis in me that large before.

The dog released his teeth from the back of my neck, as he was Fucking me with no mercy. I held my head up looking straight ahead with tears running down my face and repeatedly crying out, “OH OH OH OH!” as our family’s rottweiler fucked me.

The house was filled with the sound of our rottweiler slapping against my pale white little ass and the sound of me repeatedly crying out “OH OH OH OH” as he jackhammered my little pussy. The dog’s d penis had grown enormously, it felt humongous, I could feel the tip of the dog’s penis slamming quickly like a jackhammer against my cervix.

Then I thought to myself, “Oh no this can’t be happening,” the dog’s penis rubbing against my G-spot. I felt it building like a runaway freight train, I tried to fight it, I threw my head back, my eyes rolled into the back of my head and dug my nails into the kitchen floor tiles. Like a tsunami, overwhelming me, my body started to shake and quiver, as I exploded like a meteorite hitting the earth and started to orgasm. I screamed out to the heavens, “OH YES JASPER, FUCK ME!” I have never had an orgasm like this ever before.

I started to feel Some pressure at the entrance of my pussy, the dog thrust and my pussy parted for what felt like a grapefruit entering me, as I started to orgasm again, they kept coming in waves one after another.

Then, the dog pulled my ass tightly against him and howled out loud, then he went motionless. He just laid on top of my back with his paws wrapped tightly around my waist with his penis inside of me. The dog completed our mating, as I felt him squirting very warm jets of semen deep inside my pussy, against my cervix. I cooed, “Oh Jasper yes fill me with your seed,” as our family’s rottweiler attempted to get me pregnant, because he kept squirting. jet after jet of his warm semen into my pussy. it was about a good 15-20 minutes later and he was still squirting his semen into me.

It took me a couple seconds to realize, when I tried to move, that me and our family’s Rottweiler were stuck together, I thought to myself, “I guess I’m not escaping and going anywhere, so this is how dogs get stuck together.”

It was about another 15 minutes later when, the dog climbed off of my back and with a loud popping sound, our family rottweiler’s penis slipped out of me. I leaned up and sat back on my knees, as the dog slowly walked away from me. With tears running down my face, my eyes opened up wide and my jaw dropped open, when I seen dog’s penis hanging down between his legs. It was oddly shaped compared to a man’s penis, it was very thick and at least 9 inches long with a purplish-red color to it. I thought to myself, “That humongous thing was inside of me,” and I don’t know why, but I had never noticed or paid attention before. That in the nine years we had him, that he had a large set of balls, I had never seen balls that large before.

Well I sat there a few seconds, crying in shock and nauseous to my stomach of what just happened, as the dog walked out of the kitchen into the dining room. I slowly got up off the floor, then walked into the dining room on my way to the living room and noticed our rottweiler laying in the corner of the dining room licking himself, as a river of his semen was running down my leg.

I sat on the living room sofa in total shock of what just happened, that I just mated with a dog. I was so grossed and weirded out , I could not tell anyone what had just happened, it was to embarrassing . I felt so weird and strange that I had intense and multiple orgasms duriing it. It was something I had never experienced before. I sat there on the sofa crying for couple of hours and I realized my family would be home soon, so I went to take a shower and calm down, I didn’t want anyone to see anything was wrong.

When my family got home later that night they kept asking me if I was ok, because I was quiet and my mind was distracted forgetting things, as they spoke to me. in my mind, not only did I feel weird and grossed out that I got off from a dog fucking me and what I yelled out during it. I wondered what I had did to cause the dog to want me, I wondered did I entice him, by bending over in my mini skirt and he could see panties. I figured maybe dogs are not only attracted to smell, but are like men attracted visually, but that is something no one will ever know for sure.

Later that night as I was laying in bed, I have realized one thing, our family Rottweiler has a been trying to get me for 9 years and I never realized it. The dog finally got what he has been wanting all this time, to mate with me. I fell asleep feeling grossed out and so weird.. over the next two months, nothing happened, the dog tried to get me a number of times by trying to knock me down, but I wasn’t in the position for him to get a hold of me.

It was Friday evening, July 22nd 2016, it had been a long day with us having two funerals at the mortuary and me visiting my grandfather at the nursing facility. Then at the nursing facility, me doing something I neverthought, I would ever do. Well it was about 10 p.m. after taking a shower, horny as hell from what happened today, I came down dressed to the living room in my short black satin robe, that only comes down to my hips and a skimpy pair of shiny like tin foil metallic silver bikini panties. As I walked into the living room my two sister wives, we’re sitting there in their short robes and panties also, like we alway do, with our husband along with the kids watching TV.

And like usual my son’s eyes was glued to my little round pale white ass, on my way to go sit on the sofa, I thought to myself, “There goes my chubby overweight son again staring at my ass, I guess he will be stealing these panties, I’m wearing to jerk off on, the pervert.” He’s been doing for years. He thinks I don’t know, but I just let it go, I figure boys will be boys.

While sitting there on the sofa , it kept running through my head over and over that I couldn’t believe that at my grandfather’s nursing facility. I had sex with a real old dark black man, I never had sex with a black man before, because did I don’t believe it and by doing that I cheated on my husbond. But I kept telling myself,” calm down Tara, that’s the in thing, most all of the white girls are doing it with black men and it was just this one time. No one knows, any ways now you can say you know what it’s like and you damn geek you did something cool.” To my surprise I caught myself smirking, as a tingling sensation went up my spine, thinking unintenchly this little geek finally did something cool.

After sitting awhile they’re thinking about what happened today. My pussy started twitching even more and getting moist, I was horny as hell and getting hornier by the minute, it was my sister Toni’s night with our husband. So I wasn’t getting any penis there and fooling around with my sister wife Kathy wasn’t the same, I needed penis.

Then our family rottweiler came racing in the living room, like a bull in a china shop. He laid on the floor at the bottom of my feet like he usually does, so after sitting there awhile, as we all sat there watching television. my attention was drawn and looked down, when the dog bumped the coffee table and noticed the tip of the dogs red penis poking out, it looked like a tube of red lipstick.

Well I began to think, as I stared down at the little red tip of his penis poking out, “God this is so gross and weird, but I need to get laid. Maybe I should let Jasper have a go at me, no one will know. I can’t, it’s so revolting, having sex with a dog, but he has a penis. Yes it’s oddly shaped, but it is more attractive looking than a man’s and I love the color of it. Why does it have to be attached to a dog, everyone’s talking about getting rid of him, because of he is back to humping furniture, stuffed animals and chewing stuff.

The kids love him and come to think of it, the last time he got a piece of ass off me, he was so well behaved around the house all week, in fact it was a couple of weeks. Maybe this will solve the problem, so the kids don’t have to get rid of him. God it is so gross, but I hate to admit, Jasper did get me off like no one ever had in my entire life and I need to get laid.

But even if I wanted to, I can’t take him in my room or take him out in the cemetery at this late hour it’ll draw suspicion. it is so gross, but what the hell, what’s the harm in it. that’s it I’m doing it, I’m giving Jasper some pussy. Anyways it’s not like I’m cheating with some man this time, it’s only a dog. they better do this before I change my mind, where do we do it. I know, I’ll take him in the game room, they’re used to me going in there and locking the door, so I’m not disturbed to do the books and paperwork for the mortuary.”

I knew the dog will come when he hears me closing the sliding doors, like he always does. So I got up off of the sofa and said,” I’ve seen this movie already, I’m going to go do some paperwork.” Then, as I was leaving the living room, I mumbled under my breath, “This is sooo taboo, I can’t believe this.”

Our husband said to me, “What you say honey?”

I replied back, “Huh, Oh nothing, I got some paperwork to do, sweetheart.”

Revolted and grossed out about what I was getting ready to do, I exited the living room and crossing the foyer to the game room. I made sure I acted like usual, I went to slowly close the wooden sliding doors and the dog came running, like I expected. I said,” Ok Jasper you can come in, but you better lay down and behave.”

I closed the sliding doors and locked them. They had the TV playing loud in the living room, so they won’t be able to hear much. I went over to the footstool by the sofa and picked up my open laptop that was on it. I was so nervous, when I want to lay it on the desk, I almost dropped it, juggling it, hitting the keys and everything. But I caught it and just set it on the desk.

Jasper had went over and laid on the sofa, I walked over to him and took a deep breath, then said out loud to myself, “Here goes.” I undid the the sash to my robe, then let my robe slowly slide off of my shoulders, down my back, over my round little pale white ass and drop to the floor.

I looked at the dog and said,”Ok Jasper, I’m new at this, but I’ll make a deal with you. If you behave in the house, stop jumping on the kids unless they want to play, chewing and humping things. I’ll mate with you at least once a week ok. Now remember I’m new at this, I know you’re attracted by smell. So I figure you got to be the same as a human man and attracted visually also, like the day you raped me, probly me bent over in my mini skirt inticed you.” So I started seductively walking slowly back and forth in front of the dog, shaking my little ass in my skimpy shiny like tin foil silver bikini panties.

After a few minutes of that I noticed the tip of the dogs bright red penis was poking out more than before. when I seen that I stopped in front of the dog and said,”Ok Jasper I’m going to let you mate with me, I’m all yours, my pussy is yours for the taking, I’m your bitch. God I never thought I’d be saying this to a dog.”

I then slipped off my panties and tossed them on the pool table. Even though I was revolted and grossed out, I went and got down on my hands and knees doggy style, as I thought to myself,” I can’t believe I’m offering myself to our family Rottweiler.” Then I leaned back up on my knees and leaning over grabbing the footstool, that had a red plaid quilt on top of it. I slid it over and kneeling on the floor, I bent over it, resting the top half of me, on the quilt with my little round ass in the air and my little smoothly waxed pussy fully exposed for our family’s Rottweiler to take.

Jasper came over to where I was, I was nervous and shaking, he sniffed me a few times and then he gave my pussy a lick, it made my pussy twitch and sending shivers down my spine. Then Jasper mounted me wrapping his paws around my waist tightly, I held perfectly still for him to take me. I could feel the tip of Jasper penis poking around searching for my opening.

After a few seconds, Jasper found the opening to my pussy, the tip of his penis slid into me. I blurted out,” Oh Oh Oh my God yes !” it slipped out, thank god, they had the television up loud in the living room. Then his penis started sliding in and out of my pussy fast, like a jackhammer. His red purplish colored penis in my horny pussy, felt so good. I could feel his penis growing inside of me, as I offered myself to the dog with my head up looking straight ahead. My little pussy stretched to accommodate his penis the that felt so large inside of me and it was still growing.

As the dog fucked me, I repeatedly kept going,”OH OH OH,” out loud.Jasper, was fucking me furiously, jerking me forward with each thrust, that my glasses flew off onto the carpet a few feet away. A few minutes later my pussy exploded like nitroglycerin. I bit down on my lip as hard as I could, not to make a sound, I could feel the stream of blood running down my chin, but I couldn’t hold it any longer. I threw my head back and dug my nails into the quilt as I moaned out loudly, “OOOOOH MMMY!” Jasper was doing me good, then with a hissing sound I cried out,” OH YES JASPER, FUCK ME!”

Wave after wave of orgasms flowed through my shaking body, as Jasper continued fucking me like a jackhammer, he was showing me no mercy. After What seems like forever, but probably was about 10 minutes had passed, then that’s when I felt the dogs bulb at the end of his penis, push its way it’s into my pussy. Jasper a minute later, he went motionless and let out a howl. Ou family Rottweiler’s very warm seman started squirting into me. He rested on top of me, while he planted his seed into me trying his very best to get me pregnant. But the dumb dog doesn’t know it’s a futile effort, I would only be pregnant for 24 to 48 hours and when the cells do not split, because of the uneven number of chromosomes, they will die. So kneeling on the floor, bent over a footstool, for a good 40 minutes, I laid there, while our family’s Rottweiler ejaculated his semen into my pussy. With my eyes glossed over I felt so relaxed, from the intense multiple orgasms I just had. Jasper finally got off of me, with a wet popping sound as his dick slowly slid out of me.

After gathering my senses and dealing with being revolted and grossed out that I offered myself to our family’s Rottweiler. but he got me off better than any man ever had. Even though I found it gross and revolting having sex with a dog. The sex was great, I got up off of the floor and slipped back on my bikini panties, then I put my robe on and tied to sash. Jasper went and laid on the sofa licking himself, as I left the game and went back into the living room. Most everyone had gone off to bed except my sister wife kathy and my son.

Kathy said to me,” I hear Jasper was being an idiot again and howling, “

With a smirk on my face and a little giggle in my voice I said,” Yeah I don’t know why he did that,” as I walked out of the living room into the dining room going towards the kitchen. But I really knew it was because he was starting to empty his balls into my pussy. The next morning, I went in the game room to get my laptop and thank God, no one had gone into the game room, because when I had juggled my laptop, almost dropping it. I Musta hit the button to record video and it recorded everything last night. After that evening even though I still had trouble dealing with it, I felt weird and it grossed me out. I started secretly mating with Jasper, our family’s Rottweiler…

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