Women with Animals

My new friend


(c) 2008 by tbrown

It was a warm summer night last week, up at the cabin. I had traveled up with some friends of mine for the weekend and they had left to go to a concert the next town over. Not being a fan of the band I declined the trip and stayed at our rented cabin for some rest and relaxation but I found myself bored and needing a calming walk to enjoy the summer night.

The cabin was pretty rural, only a few farm houses and other small cabins dotted the area along the quiet lake. I walked for a while before finding a nice incove near the water along the fence of one of the dark farms. The moon reflected off the water just enough to keep an eye out for anyone that may wander by but dark enough for me not to be seen under the dark grove of trees on the bench next to the farmers horse fence.

My girlfriends and I came to the lake 5 of them, a couple with their boyfriends and then friends of their guys. One friend in particular had my eye since he stepped out of my friends suv earlier today when they arrived. He was a tall man with short hair and an eyebrow and lip piercing. His body was in great shape and he had these lips that I just
wanted to bite.. God I could not stop thinking about him and my panties were feeling it too.

I felt comfortable in my seclusion and took a look around as I slipped my hand into my shorts, so wet, so swollen. I lightly rubbed my lips and reclined against the fence for a better angle, my juices soaking my fingers. I pressed just a little harder in my rubbing to spread them and circled my swollen clit as I thought of this guy joe between my legs under these trees licking my pussy as I grabbed his hair. I worked myself into a frenzy, grinding my pussy against my fingers and leaned my head against the fence and with my free hand pulled up my tank top so I could rub my errect nipples then something starteled me! A branch cracking under a foot! I pulled my shirt down and sat up within a milisecond of the noise and looked around for who was perhaps watching me pleasure myself. To my releif it was only a horse come up to the fence I leaned against probally curious of the sound of my breathing heavy or the smell of my pussy dripping.

The dark brown horse hung his head over the fence next to the bench I sat so I patted him head, my adrinaline was pumping from thinking a human was afoot but I was quickly calming down as me and my new friend were the only ones around. And thinking of that, sent my mind wandering in a whole new direction.

The horse was against the fence so I patted him along his back walking the length of him until I was to his back, I kneeled down next to the fence and looked under him, oh wow I thought… its definitly a him. The horse had a huge cock, big, black and vainy, hanging down at least 2 feet.. I sware the thought of touching a horse had never once crossed my mind, but I was so horney, and it was so big and looked like a real cock.

I slipped between the largly spaced horizontal slats of the fence and again kneeled at the side of the horse, He just stood there motionless as if he knew my plan andwas just waiting for me to do it already. I reached out and lightly took his cock in my hand. It was to thick my hand almost didn’t fit around it. The horse let out a light grunt, so I started slowly jacking this massive cock, slowly back and forth. I pulled my shorts off so I could sqwat and play with myself with one hand while jerking this amazing cock. I pictured it was joe’s cock, big and hard and oh god I couldn’t stop myslef I was possesed by arousal. I moved right under the horse and started licking its cock and rubbing my clit, licking and rubbing. I pulled off my shirt and let my tits free and stroked the horses throbbing member against my chest, licking it up and down as I titty fucked myslef with it from under him. Feeling it slide on top of me I thought of joe stratteling my cheast and pumping his cock back and forth between my DD’s, pumping it and moaning. I reached down again and rubbed my clit, I was on the brink but kept slowing down so I could savor the feeling of the biggest cock I had ever seen.

Then, without warning the horse let out a gunting whiny and started cumming all over my cheast and face, the force of his cum sent me on my ass and I looked up cock still in hand as it showered my face with hot cum, tons of it! I rubbed my pussy furiously as he came, until I too was cumming in that field, back arched and mouth open and gasping his cum filled my mouth and poured out the sides and I fucked myslef with my fingers. My orgasim felt like it lasted an hour and the cum soaked my hair, face and breasts. I rolled out from under the horse and it looked back at me as ifto thank me with his eyes. I picked up my clothes and slid through the slates again back to the bench. Good thing there was the lake a stones throw distance away. I washed off his cum in the cool night waters and slipped my clothes back on and got back to the house.

Back at the house, I ended up fucking myself until the wee hours when my friends returned, thinking of joe, thinking of that huge horse cock.. It was going to be a long weekend at the cabin, I just hoped I would have another chance to visit my new friend down the road.

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