Women with Animals

The Dog Day of Summer


(c) 2008 by Poppyseed

Two years ago I moved with my family to a new country neighborhood. It is a beautiful place with old growth trees, nice homes, cabins, and lodge looking homes. Most of the neighbors are nice but none really have done more than offer a smile and wave as we pass. When we moved into the neighborhood we were amazed at the dogs that roamed the neighborhood and how friendly they were. They would bring balls to throw and leave when told too.

These pets were regulars up and down the street and no one cared to have them better controlled. It was not until three months ago that the neighborhood started thinking otherwise.

With the seclusion of the country the local children have freedom to ride their bikes or skateboard up and down the lane. The older kids pull their basketball goals into the streets at any hour to break out a game horse or 21. And when it is hot enough the teens in the neighborhood will start water fights and run around from yard to yard chasing each other with water baloons. I have spent many summer days at home on my deck watching the budding teen girls run around giggling in unbuttoned cut off jeans and shrinking bikini tops.

Three of the girls are very athletic and really give the guys a run for their money, and often will shame the boys into calling it quits for the day. One day in particular the girls were being really cutting with their comments and if I had not thought the same of the boys’ manhood I would have been upset. One girl, Amber, a 15 year old blond with a six pack tummy from her tumbling classes said, “Jimmy, last night when you went home did your mommy have to warm your milk so your cookie would melt.” Holly, a taller 15 year old brunette with legs of steel followed up with “I’ll bet that all of you still let your mommy make your bath and clean behind your ears.”

All the yelling and laughing brought the dogs out to see what was going on. Wagging tails and slobbery balls joined the entertainment. At first the boys were ready to turn and leave, like normal, knowing that tomorrow, at least for a while the girls would want their company and it would all cycle through again. The girls noticing their jabs were having the usual effect turned up the heat noticing the dogs coming into the yard. “Hey Tim, look Blacky has his mouth on a wet ball too.” Tim looked over as if he really wasn’t sure what she was talking about and then looked at Amber in a way I had never witnessed. Tim looked with calculation at Amber and Holly and then back at Blacky and soon arriving Jumbo.

Blacky of course your normal black lab, friendly, smart and loving. Jumbo on the other hand got his name early in life, paws the size of frying pans and balls the size of musk mellons. I wasn’t sure where this was going but decided that the entertainment value was about to go up.

Tim walked over to Jimmy and pulled his shoulder so their conversation was hidden from the girls’ curious eyes. Tim and Jimmy gave each other a fist bump and turned back to the action. Now the girls were playing up to the dogs, and the dogs were doing everything they could to lean into the loving almost knocking both girls over. Chrissy who was quiet during the entire exchange had moved away and started to head home. She was usually in it until the other girls chased off the boys. She probably had an angel on her shoulder this night.

Without any warning, the boys started to rush towards the girls which startled them and as any young girl would do they took off away from the rush. Yelling and giggling at the unexpected attention from these usually feeble minded boys they ran to the end of the lane and into the sparse woods lining the property. As now part of the group the dogs ran ahead, around and through the group and with the urging of the boys followed them into the woods. Now both girls are strong looking for girls their age but the boys were still physically more capable of dictating any physical activity.

Amber was the first to stop, breathing deeply she brought her b cup breasts high and letting out her breath she crunched her fabulous abs. Holly slid into Amber and almost fell but caught herself before landing face first. As the run finished each boy positioned himself next to each winded girl and quickly grabbed each from behind in an attempted wrestling hold. As it was the girls struggles were only met with tighter clinches and closer holds. It still was not apparent to me what their next move was going to be I moved so I could see without being seen.

The girls were looking at each other but not saying anything and certainly not making any paniced noises. The dogs on the other hand were trying to knock the boys off them as if they were trying to protect them. As this struggle progressed the dogs settled down and looked on curiously as the boys held on as if thinking “Now what?” And as soon as it showed on their faces their look changed.

Jimmy was the first to do or say anything, “Holly, you think you are so tough and that I am such a momma’s boy, well, you are going to find out what tough is.” Tim holding Amber said “One wet ball deserves another” Not really a great followup but hey this kid has never felt the rush of adrenaline in his life. Wrestling the girls to the ground face first the boys simultaneously reached to pull the girls pants down and watching what each other was doing to work spun around while sitting on the girl and without even a whimper from the girls had them off.

I could not believe the boys or at this time the girls, it was almost as if they were having an out of body experience. The dogs looking on seemed to pick the pair of choice and floated around the scene as if looking for a place to join in. With the girls struggling slightly the boys pushed and pulled them to a downed tree and oddly positioned themselves on the other side of the tree holding the girls over it by their arms.

The girls I think now where actually challenging the boys as if to say, see how far you think you can go. Watching the girls was amazing at first they were very confident that there was nothing the boys could do that would upset them or get to them, very defiant. But that started to lose its hold as the girls in their ass up position confused them especially with the frontal position the boys had on them.

With a word, I knew where this was going, Timmy said “Jumbo,…here boy, come on boy..” Echoing Jim said “Blacky good boy, come on help Amber” Amber looked back as far as she could turn and realized that Blacky was starting to find his way to her and the straight shot would put his nose right between her spread feet. Jumbo was not so quick to respond but when Holly turned to look at Blacky’s approach at Amber she did not realize Jumbo started to sniff the air and pay closer attention to the odd new smell filling the woods. Blacky was like a heat missile and rolled right into the now clinched cheeks of Amber’s ass sending her into violent attemts to keep her ass from his nose. Blacky did not give up and kept his efforts strong as he now also found the source of a curiously arousing odor.

Jumbo was slow, boy really slow. He stood just smelling the air as if he had just stepped onto a boat of horny women after years on a deserted island. Lots to do but were to start. Jumbo’s senses were keen as his penis started to pertrude from its pouch as if it knew it would be called on to act soon. Blacky finally found a good place to position himself to keep contact with Amber’s crack and got a little lucky when Amber slid in the softening ground and her legs spread allowing him to wedge his broad shoulders between her knees. Now unless she screamed for help he was at his target. Jim urged him to keep going, “Good Boy, keep going.” Amber looked up now right at Jim and when she has a chance the look will come back to kill him for what he was doing. But somehow nothing came out her mouth.

Jumbo now was ready to move towards the smell, cock out and proud, nose high in the air. This proud dog had discovered his purpose. Holly kicked back with her long legs to try to stave his approach off but he shedded her kicks as if they were nothing more than a child’s pats. Holly fought Timmy to try to get her arms free but while she was not putting up much a fight he had been able to secure himself so all of her efforts were fruitless.

Jumbo forced his head deep into Holly’s tightened thighs and let out a low growl that Holly heard. It startled her enough and maybe she was thinking she did not want to get bit, but what ever her mind thought her body reacted by staddling his head as if she was crossing an electric fence. With her ass as high as she could get it away from Jumbo’s head, her legs were spread leaving every pore of her young lightly haired pussy at his disposal.

Looking up Jumbo nudged his nose into the sweet smell and licked curiously for the taste of the moisture now leaking from the tiny lips. Holly started to tear up and shiver but as vulnerable as she looked now she did not squeal a sound…and Timmy did not offer to stop the aggression.

Amber on the other side was now biting her lip defiantly at Jim as Blacky burried his slobbering tongue deep into her virgin hole. He looked like a bear with a honey pot and did not know what to do, lick deep into her pussy or lick her steamy ass hole. Amber was the first girl to utter a sound and I thought for a second that it was a sound of pain and pleasure, and as I looked on I realized from my angle her body was now putting weight onto Blacky and giving him the angle that worked the best for where he wanted to lick.

Holly looked away from Jim and took a long look at her sidekick to see Blacky devouring her friend’s young dripping hairless pinky. Holly held her breath and almost as if she was going to sit in a cold water bath, sat back onto the wet nose of Jumbo’s muzzle. Jumbo moved back as if to disagree with the aggression but quickly regained his composure and licked her slowly, deliberately, from the tip of her swollen clit to the top of the crack of her shapely ass. Jumbo did not act as interested in licking her as Blacky did Amber, maybe Holly was not as tasty, I would be curious to find out myself. (another day) Holly looked down between her legs as she seemed disappointed and tried her best to stretch back to make contact with his tongue and speed up his licks. Her arms pulled tightly over the log, her back flat, her ass open to him, her legs spread as far as possible but Jumbo would not satisfy her advances.

Amber was the first to shake from the dog’s attention and fell to her knees in sheer explicit pleasure. Blacky now backed off at the change of her position took him from his vantage point. Her head rolled back, eyes up to the sky, and then back down as if draped to her chest, she could not do anything as her 15 year old body had just crossed a threshold no exercise routine had ever taken her. Not knowing if she was really hurt Jim started to let go so he could better see her limp body. Amber slowly raised her head, looked at him squarely in the eye and said, “When I get loose from you I will kill you.” He quickly regained his grip and held on as tight as he could. She lowered her head looked to her side for the first time at Holly and when their eyes met Holly knew Amber was in control.

Holly reassured but still frustrated at Jumbo’s lazy tongue eyed Timmy and in a low, husky, threatening whisper hissed, “If Jumbo does anything to me I will cut your balls off let Jumbo use them as toys.” Timmy looked over her shoulder and said, “Jumbo, up boy, up, come on boy” Holly now realized that it could get a lot worse then she meant for it too when she was hoping for a good licking and nothing else for sure. Jumbo looking for attention stood up behind Holly and placed his toenails into her side but could not meet her spot with his strained cock because she was still standing on her feet. Now this prone position was actually protecting her.

Jim watching intently at Jumbo’s lazy moves to mount Holly decided Blacky had all ready done enough of the work and beckoned him toward Amber. Amber realizing that she was kneeling at the height of Blacky tried to roll to the side but could not stretch any more away from the log. Blacky hugging her hips with his front paws started humping aimlessly at her bottom. Amber feeling the nails in her side wiggled side to side trying to dethrone Blacky but in all the struggles she felt a warm nudging presence in a place that had never been touched between her legs. And sensing the pressure she stopped, swallowed her breath, and tried not to move. Freezing did not work and in an instant Amber was no longer a virgin. When the shock and pain hit for real she squinted hard and pulled so hard that she found her right arm free. Realizing that she was about to be free from all this madness, confusion, rush, heat, fire, unknown eroticism, she pulled hard at her left hand but could not free herself completely.

Blacky continued to rapidly fire into her adolescent vagina totally focused on satisfying his beastly needs. His cock solid, red, and swollen glowed with the heat of his bulging veins. The mixture of Amber’s blood, sexual moisture, and his sweat glistened on base of his cock as it pistoned in and out, hitting the ball and back, over and over again. Blacky struggled to get deeper into her young shallow vagina and seemed to sense Amber’s struggles to get away and pushed into her more frantically. Amber’s mind raced with the disgusting thought of being fucked by a dog, the wondering full feeling of being spread so far apart, the escape that was so close, the orgasm that was ever approaching, the revenge she would seek, her friend watching and doing nothing to help, winning this mental war with the boys, it was all too much for her. She finally realized that all she knew was that this awesome feeling deep inside of her was amazing and until it stopped she did not have to worry about anything else. With her free right hand she found a place on the log to help steady herself against the animalistic thrusts and closed her eyes.

Holly stilled avoided Jumbo and was determined to not let an animal take her virginity. She raised onto her tiptoes to gain a little more elevation when she felt Jumbo nose her pussy again. Not sure of her real level of willingness to fight to gave him a second chance and he seemed to be more interested and for a few seconds made her body quiver but not explode in the orgasm Amber had enjoyed at the mercy of Blacky’s tongue. With her frustration growing she lowered herself even more thinking that she just needed to keep her aching lips close to Jumbo’s face. He teased her raw clit with a snort and then without any effort hopped onto her back and knocked her down to her knees. All at once Holly realized the position she was now in and started to pull and struggle to get her arms free. The more she struggled she felt the rough bark of the tree grind into her arms causing much pain which slowed her efforts to a small degree. It was hard for her to fight both from the front by pulling without pushing back and down into the large dog’s hot member.

Jumbo now started to look for a place to satisfy his carnal desires and the thoughtless humping began. His wet tip ran the length of her inner lips and caught a little on her perfect young rosebud which caused her to gasp. The same thoughts of pleasurable despair Amber experienced was now filling the space left in her head that was not being filled with thoughts of escape. Another thrust that bounced into her sticky pubic mound and then glanced off her clit. Another thrust, in her numbing thoughts seemed as if in slow motion, time almost standing still. She could sense everything, the dogs breath, the boys fear and lust, her unsatisfied sexual urge, the smell of the musk coming from Jumbo, Amber’s satiation, her own heart beating out of her chest. The next thrust again raised her up as it split her lips threatened to penitrate her private area and out again…somewhere in her spirit she could hear a voice that sounded so much like her own…”please just get into me so I can see where this takes me.”

Holly sensed something was changing in her surroundings and looked down between her legs to see this huge cock dangling lose, it was larger than the cucumber she helped her mother cut up for dinner last night she thought, but did not have anything else to compare it to. She did not even consider that size would mean anything if he did get inside of her. Then she saw a hand she recognized grab the base of the cock and with the head pointing in the right direction the cock disappeared into her willing virgin pussy up to the familiar hand. Mesmerized at the sight, the thought that the hand was helping the dog fuck her, and the magnificent new sensation she could not look around to verify if the hand belonged to who she thought. She watched the stroke of the dog’s movements, the hand tightly holding the base and her stomach push out when the dog entered her deeper. She felt full, eager, dirty, luscious and in need. But the stroking of the dog was slow and did not hit her with the same urgency she thought she needed to really know what this meant.

The hand she thought was slowing it all down, the speed, the speed to get her pussy to cum. She looked over her shoulder to see Chrissy with one hand on the cock. Making eye contact with Chrissy she glared at her and said, “Don’t you dare help these guys win.” Chrissy looked back at her and then let the dog’s cock thrust to its full length. The hand as it wrapped around the cock was only allowing Holly to fill the cock length she could naturally take inside her inexperienced vagina. Now with another 3 inches Jumbo rammed her so full she welled up with tears and let out a moan so deep both boys thought she was torn apart. Chrissy moved to the log and sat between the girls watching the dogs mate with her classmates. She could not decide where to focus her gaze. Both dog’s were racing to bury their bulges deep inside the young virgins to lock them together to insure the breeding process was complete.

Almost simultaneously both girls looked towards each other, Amber still with a victorious glint in her eye, but Holly had not reached that point yet but could not hide the level of sexual arousal she was experiencing. Without a nod of agreement both girls at the same time pulled their chests towards the logs and then pushed back into the dog’s next thrust burying the bulge into their pussies. Each dog started to freeze into this mating position and filled their holes with gushes of dog cum that burned their raw linings like fire. With the thrusting stopped the girls relaxed the best they could with their chests stretched down as low as they could. The next move came when the dogs tried to pull away and dismounted. But now with the ball inbedded in each girl they could not get separated.

Tim and Jimmy, long just spectators, let the girls arms go and stepped around the downed log to see the erotic site they had caused. Looking at these beautiful young pubescent pussies stretched to the max and still so vulnerable made them wish maybe they had done the actual raping. Chrissy said, “Should you have let their arms go?” Jimmy responded, “where are they going to go with a dog hanging between the legs.”

Holly and Amber did the best they could to savor the moment but knew that they needed to relax in order to get away from the dogs. They looked at each other now with their head laying on an arm resting, and smiled a knowing that they won type of smile. Amber looked with her eyes back and shrugged a motion that meant, “follow my lead.” “Hey Tim, Jimmy, how could you have done that to us?”

I thought that it was time to make my presence known as it appeared the boys were going to get theirs. “Hey what are you kids doing out there?” I yelled. “You better be careful of the poison ivy, it is bad this year.” I thought that would add a little more excitement. A little bit of time passed and the dogs were the first to appear, and of course they had to stop to lick themselves clean. The kids all in a pack appeared together and seemed actually rather collected but filthy. I said as they passed, “did those dogs chase you down there, do we need to pin them up?” Amber said “No I wish we had more like them. You never know when they are going to come by.”

As they slid past the house I heard Amber say, “Do you realize that we were virgins?” Holly chimed in with a victorious tone, “And we were going to save it for you.”


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