Women with Animals

New Member to the Pack


(c) 2008 by AussieBytch

Karen was a student at the local uni studying biology and eco-systems. She was majoring in large carnivores in the area and why they seemed to be getting closer to the small town she grew up in. She had been studying a pack of wolves which she had caught the alpha male and put a tracking collar on him. She had nicknamed him Sterling because of the silvery gray fur. His mate was Midnight Star because of the black fur and star marking on her forhead. She had been studying them for the last two years. Every weekend she was up in the mountains tracking her pack.

Sterlings collar she had monitored with satilites so she was able to see what ground they covered and with the gps that was in it she was able to find them with no problems at all. She had been around the wolves now for such a long time, when they spotted her they paid her no attention at all. But this weekend changed all of that.

Midnight and Sterling were acting a little different. She set the video camera up and started to catch their prancing around then they fought then Midnight laid down in submission and Sterling jumped up onto her back and started to mate with the alpha female.

This continued on for hours and it started to get darker and Karen packed up her things and started heading for the camp she set up in the morning before she went after the pack. She put down all of her things and tilted her head side to side before grabbing her towel and headed for the creek she was camped next to.

She undressed and stepped into the cool water which felt great against her body and sat down and started to wash the day away. She couldn’t help but smile as she heard the wolves call out and she called out as well to join in on their songs. She relaxed in the water for who knows how long til she jumped when she heard something walking across the creek.

Her eyes darted around and saw a shadow moving across other shadows and she moved around in the water trying to keep track of it. Then she heard a growl and saw Sterling stepping out of the shadows and started to sniff at her clothing. She gave a sigh of relief seeing it was him and sat still in the water to see what he was doing so far away from his pack.

The water started to get colder and she was shivering in the water. But she didn’t want to scare Sterling away. She gave a sigh and knew she couldn’t stay in the water all night so slowly stood up. Sterling looked at her and licked his lips. The look he gave her, sent shivers down her spine.

She slowly walked out of the water and over to her clothes and Sterling. The wolf gave a deep growl and she stopped where she stood. Her heart started to beat faster. The breeze that passed over the water made her shiver against her damp flesh.

Sterling looked over the human and slowly stepped towards her. He sniffed the ground in front of her feet before his wet nose moved across her foot then licked her foot. She looked down at the wolf and watched him moving his licks over her ankle then over her lower leg. He slowly walked around her body licking her legs.

Her fingertips brushed against the soft fur over his back. This had been the first time she had been within fingertip distance with her pack and now it was something more. He was lapping the water covering her legs. Her thoughts went blank when she jumped. He had placed his cold nose against her rear.

She jumped forward and spun around to face him. He let out a deep growl when she jumped. He wasn’t expecting it and jumped back when she moved quickly. She had learnt alot about wolf habits with studying them so she moved slowly onto the ground and laid down on her side facing him. She laid there in a submissive position hopeing that would stop the deep growls.

He lowered his head when she moved then lifted his head up again seeing her submissiveness towards him. He stepped towards her again and sniffed over her body. He licked at the water still caught on her body. He licked over her nipples making her eyes close. Then feeling the little nips she let out soft moans. He looked at her each time a moan escaped her lips.

The wolf licked up over her neck and she tilted her head back, opening her neck up for him and he opened his jaws wide and locked his teeth around her neck. She opened her eyes and held still. She knew if she made any sudden moves he would break her neck easily.

He held her like that for a few minutes before moving back and releasing her neck from his bite and licked her neck where his teeth and pressed against her. He finished by licking back down over her body. He pressed his snout against her thighs. She held her thighs tightly together til the deep growl warned her again who was incharge.

She hesitantly opened her thighs slightly and he moved his snout back between her legs and nipped her inner thigh which made her spread her thighs wide for him. He pressed his nose against her heat, she could feel his deep breaths taking in her scent. Then he licked her.

She couldn’t help but let another moan escape her lips. His tongue travelled over the rim of her arse then up over her quickly moistening heat. Her breathing started to quicken with each long lick he made against her. The roughness of his slick long tongue was causing emotions inside her body, she couldn’t help but react to.

He moved his body around as she became more moist. It was like he couldn’t get enough of her taste. His long licks became more wilder against her. His tongue dipped into the aroused pussy and flicked against areas she had never had a tongue touch before.

The passion inside her started to grow more. Her moans became more louder. Her hips started to buck as her legs moved as far apart as she could. She finally raised her leg up in the air and hooked her arm around it so she wouldn’t move. When had done that, he pressed his nose against the rim of her arse and started to lick her more deeply.

Then the licking stopped and he nipped the back of her thigh. She was on the brink of cumming and he stopped on her. She moved her fingers down to her pussy and darted them in and out, wanting his tongue against her again. But he nipped her thigh again and growled deeply at her.

She moved up onto her knees, she was about to get up then stopped when he moved behind her and started to lick again. She moaned again and moved down to her hands. Spreading her knees and rocked her hips as she felt herself building up again.

He stopped again on her and she whimpered. She needed to cum and started to tease her clit with her fingers. Just as she started to tease herself she felt weight on her back. Claws hooked into her thighs then realised he had mounted her. She felt a hot jab to her thigh then moved slightly. The second jab hit her thigh again. She moved her hand further down her body and opened her hand til she felt the jab and took his hardened wolf cock in her hand and moved it to its mark.

As soon as he felt the wetness and heat from her pussy, he thrusted hard which made her cry out with the roughness he made inside her body. His grip around her body tightened as he started to make deep hard thrusts inside her.

The heat of his cock started to add to the sensations she was feeling already and started to drive her nuts. Her fingers teased her clit wildly. Her inner beast started to awaken as the thrusts became more urgent for the wolf. Her pussy started to get tighter around the long thicking cock. She couldn’t hold back any longer and started to cum hard around him. He started to thrust harder, she felt his knot pressing against her pussy. Her mind was to far gone and wanted the pleasure of having it inside her.

As he pushed forward, she pushed back. Then she cried out feeling it entering her. Her lower lips gripped tightly onto his knot. The thrusts got shorter but felt like he was moving deeper inside her. She couldn’t help but start to cum again. Her inner walls pulsated tightly around his length.

Then a moment later he gave a canine grunt and she could feel the seed being released inside of her body. She moaned in pleasure feeling the heated wolf seed flooding into her body. He stopped the thrusts and laid motionless on her back. Her pussy pulsating around him. He licked the back of her neck

He waited for a few minutes then pulled back and pulled out of her. He licked her dripping cunt then licked himself clean. She laid patting and shivering from what had just taken place and couldn’t help but smile.

He walked over to her and licked her cheek before stepping back and cocking his leg to the side and sprayed her with a watery liquid. She jumped when he sprayed her and couldn’t believe his urinated on her after what they had just done. Then he ran off into the shadows of the forest and disappeared.

She shook her head as she crawlled over to her clothes and stood up. She walked over to the tent and crawelled inside it. She smiled moving her fingers thru the wolf sperm leaking from her cunt then brought it up and tasted it before closing her eyes and falling asleep.

She woke up the next morning hearing scamping and snarling outside her tent. She poked her head out of the tent door to see what was going on. She couldn’t help but smile seeing Sterling had brought his pack to her camp and she slowly crawlled out of it, staying on all fours as she came out.

The wolves stopped and looked at her crawlling on all fours and sitting down cross legged watching them. Sterling walked over to her and licked her cheek which gave the ok to the other wolves who came jumping over to her, sniffing and licking her body to welcome her into their pack.

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