English Stories

Smater Than the Average Bear


(c) 2009 by stargazer

The Rodgers were sleeping soundly, when Bailey, heard a noise outside she tried to wake her husband Nathan, it was no good he was always a sound sleeper, she took a flashlight for it was still dark just before dawn.

Bailey walked out by the trash, she seen the cans were turned over , still wearing her mid lenght gown she picked up the trash, she figured it was some dogs, as she bent over she felt the cool air on her bare ass for she was naked underneath. Just then she was pushed over by something and she felt something cold on her ass, she tried to crawl away, she felt her gown rip, she finally got away, she ran back to the house , she found a gun for she was a good shot living inthe woods for years .

Bailey ran back but found nothing, it was just day light, she cleaned up the mess , was inthe shower, Nathan came up be hind her inthe shower kissing her neck , he held her plump breast playing with her nipples , she reached behind her found his cock she began to stroke tit was getting hard he bent forward so he could put his cock in her waiting pussy , when nathan seen the marks on her lower back , he began to fuck her as she pressed back on his cock , she wiggled her ass.

Bailey always kept in shape, her pussy was always tight, she couldn`t have kids due to a medical conditon, Nathan was slowly fucing her the warm ran down her back , down her ass crack , Nathan pulled out of her pussy, then he, pushed his cock into her ass, Bailey loved to have her ass fucked , she was rubbing her clit , as she cme so hard, Nathan was very close to , Bailey was on her knees now sucking his cock .

Bailey had his balls in her hand she squeezed them as her came in her mouht , Nathan asked how she got the marks she told him se heard somthing earlier that morning she went out by the trash, it was a mess, then somthing pushed me down, put it`s nose on my ass, i tried to get away, that`s when i felt it`s claws. he kissed her bye he headed to work for the forest ranger job.

Bailey had just gotten dress, when she heard the noise again, she grabbed a gun she rran to the trash aera, it was a mess again she put the gun down, she bent over to pick up a piece of trash when she was pushed over again, she laid on her stomach she tried to reach for the gun , then she felt a paw onher lower back ,it pulled back and tore
the whole ass of he jeans off, Bailey never wore underwear, she once again felt the cold nose on her ass , it took her breath, then she felt a tongue began licking her ass cheecks. Bailey was scared but at the same time she was getting so turned on, when the tongue hit her pussy lipsit just sent her cumming, the tongue began to lick her juices, this made her cum even more, bailey had cummed twice just from the licking, she just laid there soon it all stopped , she got up and looked at the tracks it was a bear .

bailey ran to the house to call her husband telling him they have a bear in the aera, she just washed her ass, pussy, but she didn`t tell him what the bear had done to her. Days went on, Bailey was feeling strange, it was somthing about having a animal licking her pussy, it turned her on, but they couldn`t find the bear. Bailey was a few yards away from her house she wore a summer dress for it was kinda warm , she wore a thong but no bra Bailey heard a sound, she turned and saw the black bear, it didn`t look full grown but it was big enough to hurt her , she was backing up when she trip and fell , the bear came closer to her , she had her legs open the bear swapted at her dress it ripped exsoping her thong, Bailey, soon had the nose of the bear pressing against her pussy,it`s teeth ripped her thong, soon it`s tongue was licking her pussy, she could feel the rough texture going over her clit, Bailey spread her legs wider all she could see was the bear`s head, when she didn`t have it throwed back cause of her cumming, this went on for some time Bailey had never came so much,soon her pussy was raw she just couldn`t cum any more , she laid there and the bear walked away.

Bailey wanted to follow it but she couldn`t she soon recovered,changed clothes but she lost it inwoods, she didn`t have sex with Nathan for her pussy was still sore that bear licked her hard , But she was horny cause she didn`t she sucked him off but she needed to be fucked ,when they did fuck it just wasn`t the same , nathan was never a pussy eater and right now thats what she wanted.

Thrusday came around Bailey wondered if they found the bear, and what would they do with it once they find it,Bailey heard a noise once again around the trash area, but it wa sonly a racoon she threw a rock and it ran off, Bailey couldn`t believe it she wanted the bear around to lick her pussy ,she sat on a stump raised her dress she didn`t have any panties on, she began to play with her pussy,all she could think of was the big tongue going acroos her clit , it made her so wet her fingers were covered in her juices, just then she looked out seen the bear,she took off her dress she laid against the stump , she watched as the bear tongue came out,touched her pussy
it opened her lips pushed it`s way inside Bailey screamed as she came so hard , she arched up she then began to move her pussy the bear was now fucking her with her help. Bailey fell back down as she came , the bear licked her ,she turned over she then pulled her ass cheecks apart the bear began to lick her ass holethis sent Bailey over the edge once again as the bear licked her ass, Bailey soon heard a womans voice “Bruno Stop!” the bear stopped, Bailey seen a tall dark haired lady with a leash, Bailey was till naked , “am sorry ” the lady said he is a circus bear Bailey put her dress on , we are here for a vacation, he just keeps geting out, geuss he knows your pussy by now they do have a great sense of smell.

Bailey said his tongue isn`t too bad either she smiled, yes or she is the one to train him to lick pussy, Bailey asked her does he fuck you too, she blushed, “yes” he does would you like to try, he is fixed .

Bailey pussy was so wet again, she walked with the lady to a cabin, the lady stripped, very nice Bailey said dropping her dress, they kissed the lady`s finger touched Bailey`s tender pussy, two finger were inside her “Looks like your ready” she told bailey to bend over the mount she had spread your legs Bailey did , she soon felt the weight of the bear on her,he had pads on his front paws, Bailey soon felt his cock getting into postiton, the lady hadns stroking it till hard .

Bailey lost her mind when he bagan to fuck her ,”YES” she held the leash telling the bear to fuck Bailey,Bailey came again juices dripping onthe floor , bailey felt the bear cum it was so hot, it ran out of her pussy. the bear, began to lick her pussy, Bailey couldn`t take any more, she would never bethe same after today.

Yes she laid onthe floor, this bear was smater than the average bear she thougtshe fell asleep .


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