English Stories



(c) 2012 by blackheart

“Do you love me?” I whispered in his ear, a light purr crossing itself over my tongue as the words slid out. “Do you want to make me happy?”

“Of course I do Mistress,” he nodded quickly, looking down at his feet. His obedience was promising and I felt that he was the best one yet. A keeper. I loved him more by the day.

“Look at me when you are answering me,” I demanded of him in a kind yet firm voice, letting him know that I was not playing around with him.

Cory brought his eyes up and locked them on with mine. I smiled at the amount of respect that I could see in his eyes. He looked at me with love, with respect, with a worshiping quality that made me soak my panties ever so slightly. I would not let him see what he did to me, but he brought a vast wetness to the sweet spot between my thighs.

“I love you Mistress,” he smiled lightly, showing me small amounts of his teeth.

“I know you do,” I sighed, moving up and walking over to him. I placed my hands on his face and kissed at his lips. His body shook slightly and I knew that he wanted to touch me, but he couldn’t, his hands were securely fastened behind his back.

“Yes Mistress,” he nodded, hanging his head back down.

I looked him over with lust and power. Such a precious gift one can give when they give themselves over to you completely. Cory had given me all that he was and I held onto it all with dear life. I would not know what to do without him at this point.

“Would you do something for me?” I asked him, already knowing that the answer was yes. He had yet to turn me down with my requests, even though some of them were a bit sketchy and I myself would have said no to them. That proved to me just how much he loved me and wanted to please me.

“Of course Mistress,” he answered, bringing his head up and looking me in the eyes, this sent a chill through my body. “I would do anything for you?”

“That is exactly what I like to hear,” I smiled, running my hand over his bare arm. “Follow me my love.”

Cory walked behind me, keeping his distance but not falling to far behind as I lead him towards my bedroom. I pushed the door slowly open to reveal my dimly lit room. He was generally not allowed in my room, all of our play was done in a room designed for just that, but tonight was going to be special. Tonight he was going to trust himself over to me completely and he deserved my bed to do it in.

Once Cory was fully in my room, I shut the door behind us and dimmed up the lights, making it bright enough to see but still dark enough to cause a little mystery to what might be going on.

“Sit down,” I ordered of him, pointing to the floor by the end of my bed.

“Yes Mistress,” he nodded, bringing himself down to his knees, sitting up straight the way he had always been told to do.

I got down on my knees in front of him, bringing myself down to his level, letting him know that I understood where he was and what he felt like. Long before I became a Mistress, I belonged to a man, and I gave him my all, just as Cory had given me his. I was almost scared to push my boundaries with him for fear that he would go away.

“I will not be offended if you tell me no Love,” I informed him, before I let him any further into what it was that I had planned for this evening.

“I will do as you ask Mistress,” he looked me in the eyes again and I could tell that he was telling me the truth. “There is nothing I would not do to make you happy. Nothing at all.”

I leaned forward and kissed his lips as I undid his restraints, letting his arms fall free from behind his back. He moved forward and we kissed passionately for a few minutes, our bodies wrapping around one another, but I quickly regained control. I had to keep focused on the task that was at hand.

Pulling back, I climbed back up to my feet and made my way over to the sliding glass door that connected between my room and the back yard. I slowly pulled it open and whistled softly. Not more than a minute later my dog Justice made his way into the room. A giant, beautiful husky who I’d had for about three years now.

“Hey baby,” I cooed, leaning forward and running my fingers through his fur. He licked at my face and I gladly accepted his kisses.

“Cory,” I spoke his name softly, giving him a smile. “I know this may sound a bit strange, but hear me out.”

I was nervous, more nervous than I had ever been. Was I really going to allow for him to go through with this? I was, I knew I was. I had been thinking about if for far to long and I needed it to happen.

“Yes Mistress?” He inquired, looking from me down to Justice and then back up to me once again.

“I need for you to do something very important for me.” I walked over to him, Justice by my side and then brought myself back to my knees. “I need for you to help Justice. He has been so lonely since Gwen passed on a year ago. Can you do that for me?”

“You mean?” He asked, gulping hard and looking over at Justice, who sat calmly by my side. I was not sure if Justice knew what I was asking for him, but I knew that he would appreciate it in the end.

“Please,” I finally begged, wanting this to happen so badly, for Justice and for myself who had been dreaming about it for days. “Please let him fuck you.”

“Yes Mistress,” he said quickly, not even taking a moment to think it over. “I meant it when I said that I would do anything for you … even this.”

I leaned forward and kissed him again with excitement. I knew there was a reason that I had chosen this one to love and I hoped that he would be the last that I ever needed to love, so far that option seemed probable.

I watched as Cory quickly took to what was asked of him. He brought himself down onto all fours and then leaned himself between Justice’s legs. He began to lick lightly over Justice’s cock, causing it to slowly peak out from its hiding place. The more Cory licked, the more Justice revealed himself, but it was never all the way. I knew that was to come later.

As Cory licked at Justice’s growing cock, Justice whimpered lightly, not having felt something like this I am sure in a long time, if ever. I was not sure if dogs really licked other dogs over their sensitive spots, though I had seen him lick himself there many times.

I crawled myself behind Cory and brought my mouth between his legs, licking and sucking at his tight bud, getting it ready for what was to come. I probed at his ass with my tongue, letting the wetness of my mouth soak against it. I wiggled it around, pushing it a little further in, but I knew it was not enough, I needed to get him better prepared.

Cory moaned and moved his hips as he continued to suck on Justice’s cock and I knew that Justice was getting antsy, he was going to want to fuck Cory soon and I needed to make him ready.

I moved my mouth away from his ass and slowly worked one of my fingers inside of him, opening up his ass ever so slightly. He moaned and I knew that he enjoyed this. It was not the first time I had fingered his ass, so I knew that he would take it rather easy.

I began to work a few more fingers in him, stretching out his ass enough to try and avoid as much pain as possible. Once I knew he was ready I pulled my fingers out of him and slapped his ass once, leaving a red imprint of my hand. He whimpered out and forced me to do it again, leaving an imprint across the other ass cheek.

“Justice,” I called to my baby, patting the ground beside me, “Come here boy, Come to Momma.”

Justice got up from the ground and walked over to me, standing by my side he licked at my face and I rubbed at his back. I then grabbed his face and led it towards Cory’s ass. He quickly reached his tongue out and began to lick at Cory’s semi virgin hole. He had never had a dog in him before.

Justice continued to lick at Cory’s ass for a few minutes, getting it so wet that slobber was running down the insides of his legs. Once he was good and wet enough, Justice jumped up onto Cory, mounting him from beside. He quickly began to buck his hips forward, hitting his cock repeatedly against Cory’s ass but missing the target every time. I knew I was going to have to help.

I reached my hand forward and took Justice’s cock between my fingers and guided it into Cory’s ass, watching it stretch him apart. I could feel my pussy was getting so wet, my panties soaked all the way though.

Once Justice’s cock was inside of Cory, he began to fuck away. Unlike a person, Justice took no time to care whether or not Cory was okay or whether or not he was moving to quickly, he simply followed his instincts and fucked Cory’s tight little ass with his continuing to grow cock.

Cory screamed, first in pain but it quickly moved to pleasure. Justice continued to whimper, mixed with slight growls the harder he fucked at Cory’s ass. My pussy was so hot watching my boys fuck one another.

I thought about touching myself, but that was to easy. Instead I dropped out of my clothes, my eyes not leaving my boys for even a second. Once I was naked, I got down on the ground and crawled myself under Cory, wrapping my legs around his waist. It did not take long for his hard cock to find my soaking wet pussy and he thrust into me.

As I laid there I got to feel it all. Every time Justice thrusted himself into Cory, Cory’s cock would push into me. It was as if both of them were fucking my tight hole.

After a moment Cory cried out and I knew that he was at the hard part. I wrapped my arms around him and held him close to me, thrusting my hips up into him, making sure that I did not miss a single beat of what was happening.

Justice was locked into Cory and both of them were crying out. Both of my boys were on the verge of cumming and it was all happing on top of me, I could feel every moment of it.

Justice cried out, releasing his cum into Cory, who only seconds later cried out and released his cum into me, so much cumming filling the walls of my aching pussy.

Moments passed and they both collapsed on top of me. We were all breathing hard, trying to recover from what had just happened.

Justice waited until he was able to pull out of Cory and then went to lay on the other side of the room, licking and cleaning every inch of his cock. Cory continued to lay on me, letting the cum pour out of his ass and all over both of our bodies.

Looking down at me we kissed, holding each other tightly, my hips pushing up again and swallowing his semi erect cock. He moaned against my mouth and I kissed him hard.

“Thank you,” I said to him with a smile, running my fingers through his hair.

“No,” he said sternly, looking me hard on in the eyes. “Thank you.”

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